Kiara and Timon

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Timon finds Kiara out one night and things get hot....

BRAND NEW - I rewrote the whole story!! Let me know what ya think!


This Story takes place in the TLK2 timeline when Kiara was a slightly younger then adolescent cub.


Timon and Kiara

It was a cool evening in the Pride Lands. Timon poked his head out of a bolt hole just off the path way leading up to Pride Rock. Spying a few beetles and licking his chops he followed a bug into a nearby bush and started to munch on it. He sat down under the bush and finished his meal. A calm pat to his full belly was interupted when a rustling in the grass caught his attention. Being dark out he remained still in case it was something that would eat him, but then he saw who it was.

Kiara padded into view. The Princess was sniffing the ground some and glancing about. Clearly up to something. Timon watched her and stayed still, wondering what the heck she was up to. As she moved closer to the bush Timon was sitting under she looked up for a second and then turned around so her backside was to the bush. Timon watched her tail swishing about. He thought "What's up with this kid, she must be hunting or something". He hadn't a clue.

The next thing he noticed was her tail raising and sticking straight up and out. He tilted his head and watched.

The veiw he got was one he never really seen up close till now, her nice backside. He looked a little

lower from her tail and gazed upon her light pink and clean anus, and the small black slit of her vulva.

Timon just sat and stared as his cock slowly poked from it's warm sheath. He smiles and imagined what it would be like to be a male lion and be able to mate all the sexy lionesses. Reaching a paw down and starting to stroke his now hard penis. Letting out a soft breath while still looking at Kiara he thought, "if only I was a lion".

Kiara moved her hind legs a little and startled Timon back to reality. He looked back up at her just in time to see her hunch slightly and let out a warm stream of urine flow out and on to the bush soaking it and Timon's fur at the same time. He froze and let the scented pee soak into his fur. It smelled like Kiara, only stronger and sweeter. He tried standing and caught his foot on a twig and tumbled out from the bush and bumped up against Kiara's leg. Startled she jumped a little cutting her stream off and getting some on her thighs and rear paws.

Kiara Turned around and eyed the small kat. "Timon what are you doing out here, can't I even pass

water with out you being around and spying on me" she said shaking her head. He sighed and tossed his arms up. "Sorry Princess I was just munching a few bugs and didn't want to bother you." He smiled a little. Kiara looked over the wet meerkat, giggling seeing his wet fur and the small pink erection.

The cub smiled, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to get ya all wet, but I was practicing marking my territory like daddy does. I'm real sorry." She felt bad and figured she could clean him up some. As Timon was about to leave a strond paw reached around him and laid him down face first into the grass. "Heeey what gives kiddo?" Kiara laid down and gave a swipe of her raspy tongue to the kat's back. "Timon at least let me clean you up" Before timon could answer she pined him down and started licking his fur just like her mother taught her too. Timon sighed and laid there. This didn't help his boner at all being bathed by the princess was amazing. She licked the back of his head, down his back and over his tail. She made a swipe under his tail that made him shiver. Kiara gently flipped him over and gently licked his face then moved lower to his chest and belly. She looked at his still hard cock and smiled. "Do you have that

because of me?" She asked already having the talk with her parents she knew all about mating and sex.

Timon answered, "Yeah, I was right behind you when you marked me princess. Your scent was so strong and you are so pretty. I guess I just wished for a second that I was a lion too."

Kiara looked at his hard pink cock and lowered her head giving his member a gentle lick, tasting the little pre coming from its tip. "Its kinda like my

Dads scent but not really" Timon blinked and tilted his head. "You mean you licked his too?" Kiara blushed a little and nodded. "Don't tell anyone, but he was sleeping when I did it." Sitting up and letting Timon stand the young lioness said no other word as she turned around and laid flat on her belly. Her tail raising and moving to the side a little. "It's ok, you can pretend to be a lion if you want. I don't mind" she murred softly. Timon blinked a couple times. He said nothing and moved to her rump. He stood right behind her. Her tail hole at the same height of his face now. He placed a paw on either side of her tail and looked up at her head. Kiara smiles and nodded. "Go's ok" Timon nodded and leaned in pressing his nose up against her clean pink tail star. He sniffed her deeply enjoying her scent.

Kiara just smiled and let Timon do what he wanted. She thought to

herself "Poor Timon, no mate around here, I will let him enjoy himself for a while...and me


Timon petted the fur on both sides of the cub's tail star before letting his tongue start to lick all over the tight pink bud. Feeling this Kiara closed her eyes and started purring. What a wonderful feeling to get rimmed by the smooth small tongue of the meerkat.

Timon smiled and put a paw to her lips petting them lightly. Her soft black lips wet with her juices. Never stopping his licking to her tail hole He placed his little member at her entrance and pressed in. Kiara smiled and squeezed her vagina as tight as

she could to give him some tightness. Timon gripped her rump fur and started to thrust wildly into


Kiara merowled with delight , liking the feeling the little meerkat was giving her. Just then Timon pulled out and pushed down on her

rump to get her to lower it. As she lowered down she felt the little hot and slick member push into her


Kiara and Timon gasped and he grabbed her tail and started to thrust wildly again panting

heavy with each thrust. "Ohhh Princess...." Timon moaned. He grabbed her tail tight and bucked hard into

her tight little ass. Kiara purred with delight and squeezed her anus tight around Timon's cock. The little kat just could not take anymore he pressed in tight holding himself in her, his cock shooting spurt after spurt of his cum into her bowels.

Panting hard Timon pulled out and with her tail still raised high, dove his muzzle back in against her now sloppy ass. Licking in long hard strokes, cleaning their mess away. His paw reaching down to rub at the cubs little clit. Kiara moaned and did not take long at all for her body to reach its peak. Her orgasam rushed through her body. Timon sat back in the grass panting and smiling. "Ppp Princess...I mean that was awesome." Kiara stood and turned around giving Timon a loving lick. "It's ok but we better get back before my dad comes looking for us ok" With that the two padded back to Pride Rock. A happy pair.

The End