My Pack chapter seven

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#7 of My pack

So, total words spanning from chapter 1 to this chapter 50,078. Which means my unofficial NaNoWriMo story is a success and I have indeed completed the challenge. Check the dates on these things and then cry for me. I'm in pain as I type this. My right arm is killing me. Oh, and this is just the end of book one. Book two will be out, eventually. I need time to recover people. You're going to kill me if you demand more now. Seriously, I'm begging for time off to relax. Yet I cant seem to stop typing, I think I have a serious problem there. Enough ramble, now to conclude book one.

Note here, totally forgot, but credit and all. Lyon belongs to I didn't do the character justice and it was more of a cameo. Will try and work him into a side story. Just not easy using someone elses vision like this.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. We were laying in our bed, snuggled into each other. Eric on his side pressed against Torban's side, with me against his back. It was still too early for us to fall asleep, didn't stop us from laying in bed though. "You haven't mentioned your old crush," Torban said breaking the silence. I flicked my ear and looked passed Eric at the lion. "Hm?" I asked him confused at first.

"You mean Iain? We were friends, not like I yiffed him or anything. Never really mention him because the only guys who truly matter to me are in this bed with me. But I guess talking about much of my past hasn't really been something I have ever really done. With that whole mess taking up so much of my focus that whole first year. Last year I just wanted to have a clean slate. To start fresh and just be with my guys."

Eric slid his tail around my waist and curled it down my back. I smiled and pressed into him firmly. "He was part of your life though, that's what big kitty is getting at. You have talked about everything, us, the pain you went through. Everything except your best friend." I shrugged, Eric had a point. But did that really matter in the here and now?

I sat up and looked for my shorts. My eyes scanning the room. "What's up pup?" Torban asked me before I jumped from the bed and pulled my cell from my shorts. "I lost touch with him after I met you guys. I mean, we texted from time to time after he moved. But then when everything happened with us I just stopped talking to him."

I swiped my finger across the screen to unlock my phone. Searching through my contacts, "He isn't in my new phone." I said softly, cursing myself for losing touch with the only friend I ever had. Eric rolled over to look at me. "So? What are you? A product of the dark ages? Use modern technology to find him." My ears perked and I smiled at him. "Smart kitty," I said pulling his laptop out of his backpack.

I sat back down on the bed next to Eric. Torban sat up a little to watch me do my thing. "I know his parents by first name, and where they moved. So internet yellow book should tell me their phone number, which I can use to get his new number." I opened up the laptop and turned it on. Waiting for it to boot up before opening Firefox. Eric smiled at me, "Smart puppy."

"Smarter than me, I wouldn't have thought of that." Torban said leaning back against the headboard. I typed in 'John Mosner, Boise, Idaho' into yellow book and got a few results. I grinned and clicked on 'John and Glenda Mosner'. I smiled at my mates, "Found it. Got an address as well. It was eight, but also a Saturday and I used to go to his house all the time. I swiped my phone again and entered their phone number into it. "Hold onto your butts," I said before hitting the call button.

I opened up notepad to type the phone number when they gave it to me. The phone rang, and rang. I sighed about to give up when I heard a male voice say, "Hello?" My ear perked, "Hi Mister Mosner? It's Kimber Keller, Iain's friend from Prosser." I smiled at myself, happy about finding someone from my past. "Hi Kimber, been a while since I have heard from you. Iain isn't here though, I take it that's why you called."

"Yeah, I feel bad for losing touch with him. Can you get me his number? I would really appreciate it." I asked him getting ready to type it out on the laptop. "Yeah sure, got a pen and paper handy?" I chuckled, "Laptop with notepad. I'm ready when you are." He gave the number to me. "Thank you very much sir, sorry about calling so late and I hope to see you and the Missis in the near future."

"You're welcome, goodnight son." He said to me. "Goodnight sir," I said pulling the phone back so I could hit the end call button. "Not that important yet you jump out of bed, and search the internet for him," Torban said looking at me. "Well yeah, I mean. I'm a jerk for saying my best friend for all those years didn't matter. You guys have your friends, and I just let mine drift away like he was nothing."

"That's not true, you just lost touch is all. You had your life to worry about. Made new friends and things weren't easy for you there for a while." Eric told me taking my hand in his. "Should I call him now?" I asked unsure of whether or not to wait on more day or not. "He is a twenty year old male, doubt he is in bed this early."

I got back into the number dialer on my phone and entered his number into it. Taking a breath before I hit the call button. To say I was nervous was an understatement. The only thing that got me through it was knowing my mates were there with me. The two guys who went through hell with me. The phone rang three times before, "Hey this is Iain's phone. Leave your good stuff after the beep." There was a brief pause before the beep.

"Hey Iain, it's Kimber Keller. Sorry I lost touch with you. I was wondering if you wanted to catch up or hang out again sometime. Give me a call back, my number is." I told him the number and said, "Talk to you later." Hitting the call end button again. I yawned and closed the laptop. Placing it on the nightstand before snuggling into Eric again. "You alright?" Torban asked.

"Yeah, just I should have made time for my best friend is all. Now I bet we are more like acquaintances who shared a childhood together. It feels like Victor is more my friend than he is, same goes with James and Rem. I have talked to Zach more in the last two years than I have with Iain." I said frustrated with myself.

"Calm down puppy, these things happen. Plus everyone you named is a good friend of yours. Even Zach, for as much of a douche he is." Eric said carefully weaving his tail around mine. I kissed his cheek and flicked my fluffy tail, taking his long, slender tail along for the ride. Torban kissed my forehead. "Don't be so hard on yourself." They were both right, all I could do was accept that things happened and that I was doing my part to reconnect with Iain.

Not in the way I once wanted. Though I did owe it to my past self to come out to him. I beat myself up for a whole Summer for not having done that. The least I could do was do that for myself. At least now if he reacts badly it wont hurt me as bad. Back then it would have destroyed me to have him reject me. I leaned back away from Eric, reaching towards the lamp on the nightstand. Switching it off before wrapping my arm across my tiger and over my lion.

My cell laying on the blanket behind me, forgotten for the time being. Torban switched off the lamp on his side, plunging the room into darkness. I licked the back of Eric's neck, getting a soft purr from him. "Night my sexy mates," I said softly. "Goodnight lovers," Torban said with a yawn. "Goodnight my sexy males."

I woke up to something warm and moist around my cock. I moaned softly, opening my eyes slowly. Torban was smiling at me, "Good morning. Have a nice helping of male meat for you." Under the blanket Eric sucked and bobbed along my rigid shaft. Taking my soft knot into his maw. "Gods, well bring it closer. Kitty has me trapped." Eric pulled from me completely and slid up my body until his head appeared from under the blanket.

"Free now," he purred smiling at me. "Alright big kitty, my butt is yours." I said to him as I kicked off the blankets. "What? No foreplay?" he asked looking at me. I yawned again, "Just woke up, cant a guy enjoy his morning before diving into foreplay?" Eric tapped my nose with a finger, "Lazy doggy. Get your mouth down there and worship his thick lion dick."

I raised an eye brow, "You're borderline dominant this morning." Eric sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. "You're bitch today, so get your submissive ass over there and do as you're told." Torban just grinned at me, pointing at his drooling cock. I sighed, "Fine but you two make it hard for a guy to get into this when you barely give him time to wake up."

So I moved down until I was level with that thick piece of lion meat. Licking his tasty pre from his tip. He moaned softly and rolled onto his back, spreading his legs. "Lick those balls clean pup." He told me, Eric just laid there, not saying anything more. I licked his left ball, his sack fur matting with my saliva. He moaned again and I closed my eyes. Lapping at the heavy orbs. Cleaning them of sweat and musk.

My cock throbbed between my legs, wanting attention and drooling pre. Eric moved down the bed and grabbed my hips. Sliding me around so he could comfortably resume sucking my cock. He wrapped his lips around my tip and took my oozing shaft slowly. I moaned and nuzzled into Torban's balls. "Mmm...good boy now take care of that dick." I licked up his shaft slowly. Collecting pre with my tongue before taking his tip.

He moaned and leaned over to start giving Eric's cock some attention. I heard the tiger moan, feeling it vibrating in my cock. I started to bob my head. Relaxing my throat to take him from base to tip. Making the most of Torban's blow job. Eric squeezed my knot with his hand, feeling it growing while he pleasured me with his maw.

I wasn't going to last long, Eric having given me attention before I was even awake. I could feel pressure building inside my shaft. Doubling my efforts on Torban's cock. Bobbing my head faster, giving his wet balls a firm squeeze. I slid my tongue over his barbs, panting through my nose while I sucked him. Eric picking up the pace as well, wanting my cum more than ever. I tensed up and moaned into Torban as I shot my load into our tiger. He sucked and greedily swallowed every drop I had. Licking my shaft clean before pulling from me.

It took a few more minutes to get Torban near the edge. He panted and gasped before moaning loudly. His hot jizz squirting into me. I deep throated him, letting his cum squirt directly into my belly. He bucked his hips gently, helping to work the last spurts from his cock. I pulled from him, using my tongue to clean up any excess cum I could find. I laid back, murring softly. Eric didn't last much longer. I was just getting comfortable when he moaned loudly. Giving Torban his own load of cum for his efforts.

I stretched and looked over at them. "What brought this on?" I asked. We hadn't daisy chained to completion in a while. Settling more for quick fun and then humping. Torban shrugged, "Something different than the usual. Besides, I'm still sore from the humping I got yesterday. Would rather just relax a bit." Eric and I chuckled, "Eric loves the knot. Makes him feel nice and full. Doesn't it kitty?"

"Yeah it does, though the first time it hurt a bit the second day. Worth it though, you doggies hit all the right spots." I smiled at him and looked back at Torban. "Well excuse me for not being the bitch. Just be happy I took the damn thing." I scooted closer to him, "I am. It is a closeness we haven't shared before." He rubbed a hand over my cheek. "We couldn't get any closer than we already are babe."

My ear perked, phone vibrating and then doing so again. I sat up and looked at the nightstand. "My phone, must find." I said and Eric lifted his arm, pulling my phone from under him. He handed it to me and I quickly answered it. "Hello," I said hoping I wasn't too late. "Hey there, you called?" I sat up and folded my legs under me. "Yeah I did, sorry I lost touch with you." He chuckled, "Don't sweat it. I stopped talking to you as well so not all on you."

"Okay, so what all has been going on with you?" I asked him. "Not a whole lot really. Just school and work shit, what about you?" Eric snuggled into Torban, both watching me talk on my cell, an unusual sight if ever there was one. "Just school, and hanging with my mates. You want to meet up later today? I would rather talk in person, even if that is a bit of a drive."

"Yeah sure, that's cool with me. How long will it be for you to drive to Boise?" he asked me and I had to think for a bit. "Well we're up in Spokane, so be closer to three or four before we get there. It cool if I bring them along?" He chuckled, "Yeah that's fine. Will be nice to see who you're spending time with these days. I'll text you the address and see you when you get here."

"Alright, sounds good and it was nice talking to you again. Bye." I said feeling better. "Nice talking to you too buddy, see you in a bit." With that the call was ended. "You guys okay with this?" I asked them. Torban shrugged and nuzzled Eric's cheek. "We're fine with it babe, but we better hustle if we're going to get there before too late. Wont be able to come right back either."Eric said.

"Worst comes to worst we crash in a hotel room," Torban said. I nodded, "Alright. Can we swing this trip?" Eric sat up, "Don't worry about it pup we will be fine. Aiden's rent will make up the difference." I got up off the bed and dug through the closet for something to wear. Eric and Torban got up and got dressed. Eric and myself went for tight fitting, while Torban wore a more loose pair of cargo shorts to go along with his sleeveless muscle shirt.

It was a long way to go, but if Iain didn't like it then fuck him. This is who we were and I wasn't going to make my guys dress like Mormons just because of someone else. Torban pulled open the bedroom door and motioned for us to take our leave. I quickly tied my shoes, grabbing my wallet and cell before stepping into the hallway. Eric following behind me. "Is it okay to leave them alone?" Torban asked pointing back at the two other bedrooms with his thumb.

"There is food in the fridge and only one has a social life. The house will be safe and I'm sure they will survive a day without us." I said. Eric chuckled, "Think he was meaning are you worried about them fooling around." I rolled my eyes, "Fuck if I care. They can fuck in the living room if they wanted. I just don't want to walk in on it."

I pulled open the front door and led the way out into the cool autumn air. Eric followed behind me and Torban pulled the door closed behind him. It was almost eight thirty, but the neighborhood was still quiet. We piled into Torban's sedan and were off on our adventure in less than a minute. "Road trip, road trip, road trip." Eric and I said together getting a look from Torban.

"Come on big kitty, this is our first road trip together. Relax, enjoy yourself." I said to him. "Don't make me turn this car around," he told me. We weren't even on the interstate state yet and he was already sounding like a parent. Eric searched through our collection of mixed CDs for something good to listen to. My stomach growled and I looked at Torban, "We forgot to eat."

"We will stop down the road a bit and get something. I wont survive another hour without food." He stuck with that, stopping in Cheney so we could get something to eat from Subway. We each got two foot long subs. Sticking with lean meat, plenty of vegetables and whole grain bread. The raven behind the counter looked at us weird for ordering so much. But being athletes we needed to eat more food to keep our bodies working. Torban would eat four or five meals a day just to keep himself buff.

Torban elected me to drive, wanting to eat his subs. Eric unwrapped mine so I could eat half of it while driving. I felt a lot better having appeased the belly. I wouldn't be able to eat my second sub right away like Torban. Instead it would serve as a snack for later and a small lunch. We didn't talk much during the drive. Eric snuggled into Torban, and I held his hand until they got too sweaty.

It was almost four by the time we got outside Boise. I handed Eric my phone, "Navigate me." He entered the address Iain texted me into his phone. Letting his turn by turn navigation do the rest of the work. I pulled up to Boise State University, parking in one of the visitors parking garages. "Buck fifty an hour," I said raising a brow. Eric just shrugged, "Big cities are like that."

"Buck fifty an hour, that's what? Two Somali whores, and at least they put out." I said as we walked down the path towards the building we wanted. "That's it there," Torban said pointing at a townhouse just ahead of us. "Huh, so it is." I replied looking at the number on the side. We walked up the front steps and I knocked on the front door. Getting a little nervous about seeing Iain after so long.

The door swung open and the husky that stood before me wasn't Iain. Instead I was met with a very different husky. His coloration mostly matched his species. Grey and white, his entire right arm was covered in black fur. He had piercings in both ears, industrials that only extended about three fourths of an inch before sticking back through his ears again. He leaned against the door frame, sizing us up. "Definitely not Mormons, too gay for that. Looking for someone?" he asked.

"Yes actually, Iain Mosner. I'm Kimber, friend from back west." I told him looking into his eyes. He had heterocromia, his left eye was blue and his right was green. By his tight fitting clothes he was either gay, or liked to show off. "Iain is inside, come on in." he said moving out of the way so we could step inside. Once inside I spoke again, "This is Eric and Torban." I said motioning at them when I said their names. "I'm Lyon, there's the couch. I'll go get Iain for you."

With that he walked out of the small living room and I heard him knocking on a door. I looked over at Eric and raised a brow. He shrugged and kept quiet. "Dude's like Aiden, if he was little less shy and wore clothes that actually worked for him." Torban said plainly. I chuckled, he was right. That husky was pretty to the point and too into his own world to bother with ours.

A few seconds later Iain walked into the room. He looked good, his grey fur typical of his breed with rust colored fur accenting it. Iain has always been athletic, a contrast to my mostly sedentary childhood. Back then I wasn't toned like I am now, was less confident as well. Both of which I could see he took note of. "You look good," I said to him. Torban flicked his tail against mine at the comment.

"So do you, last I saw of you there was less muscle. You filled in pretty well. Hitting the gym regularly, it shows. Eye contact is also a new thing for you. You have changed a lot in two years. Well, three actually, but close enough. Tell me everything." He said taking a seat in the easy chair next to the couch. I followed him over and sat on the end of the couch next to him. Eric sat next to me, with Torban on the other end.

"How about I tell you most. I really missed you, I have to say that. But I found these two and things worked out pretty well after that." I said. Iain looked at the two felines, Eric was snuggled into Torban's side. "So you're friends with the gay lovers?" he asked. I chuckled, "More than friends. We're together, all of us. I wanted to tell you about me, I really did."

He shrugged, "Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have cared, don't know, wouldn't have then. Lyon is bi, not mine. I like the ladies myself. So as nice as your assets are, not what I'm looking for." He smiled at me, "Go on. There is more, I know it." I shook my head, "Not really. I mean we finished high school and went on to WSU. I am on track to take the Bar in a couple years. Eric will be getting into Med School. Torban will be doing something fitness related, probably personal training."

"That's cool, I don't know what I'm going to do. Just doing general stuff right now. Single, and not really looking. Broke up with someone here recently and not in the mood to put up with BS right now. Thinking about just finishing the year and leaving this place." I smiled at him, "Could come to Spokane and live near us."

"May take you up on that. To be honest I always thought of myself living in Seattle." I nodded in agreement. "It is really nice over there, and I have thought about it as well. Despite the hippies, the area is huge and we could all easily find work." Iain sat back, "Yeah. Word on the street is you got pretty popular after I left."

I raised a brow, "I guess you could say that. How did you know?" He snorted, "Grapevine. Same way anyone from there hears anything. There are no secrets in that town. My cousin told me about it all. Including a speech at graduation. He said it was pretty good too, speaking as someone who wasn't a fan of your type." I smiled at him, he knew the whole time.

"What's with the clothes? You used to dress so conservatively. This what being the popular gay in school does to you?" I chuckled, "More of a last year kind of a thing. Well some of Senior year as well. If you look good, show off what you have." He smiled and shook his head. "Confidence, still hard to get over that. Glad you're doing so well."

"Thanks, sorry that you're in a rut right now. If you ever need anything, just let me know. We have been friends for a long time." He sat up, "Thanks man. Just been hard here lately. I only have a few friends, including the roommate. I got attached to that bitch and she cheated on me. Just knocked the wind out of me, you know?" I placed a hand on his knee and squeezed firmly. Our eyes met, he was gorgeous.

I felt a tail thump against mine. I looked back at my mates, "Being supportive. Chill." Iain chuckled and looked at Eric and Torban. "Straight guy, I don't want him. Though, if the night was a lonely enough one I may be tempted to give the gay thing a shot." I snorted, "You would love it. They do, though Torban is a horn dog and will love anything touching his dick." Iain looked at the pair, "Guessing the lion is Torban." My ears perked, "Damn sorry. Yeah that's Torban and Eric is our tiger."

"Nice to meet you guys, sorry I fail at introductions. Just caught up seeing him again after so long. No worries about the horn dog thing, my roommate is the worst. Always beating off and looking for tail. I like him and all, just not wanting to deal with that all the time." I nodded in agreement, "Yeah that would be a bit much." Iain sighed, "It is. Been a while since I have just sat and talked about shit like this. Kind of nice to be honest."

"You used to always tell me about things bothering you. At home and at school." I reminded him. "Yeah, I did didn't I? In all honesty, I'm not sure what I want out of life anymore. There is too much pressure to know what you want and to get out there and do it. I don't know what I want. What should I do?" I looked at him, "I cant point you in any one direction. But I can say that you should find something you enjoy doing and do that."

"That's right, don't let pressure get to you. Move at your own pace, figure out what you want in your own time." Eric said. Iain's ears perked and he looked back at us. "Thanks guys, anything you want to do?" I shrugged, "They are fine with whatever. Though big kitty probably wants to have sex." Iain laid back his ears and looked into my eyes again. "Can I watch?" I looked back at my mates, "What do we do?" Torban shrugged, "Fuck I guess. Unless Eric is too much of a wuss to do it in front of someone."

"Alright, let me go check on Lyon before we do anything. Last thing I want is him trying to get in my pants." Iain stood up and walked down the hall on the other side of the kitchen. "You guys sure about this?" I asked quietly. Eric sighed, "I'm not big on doing things in front of people but I have to make an exception this time. He is questioning his sexuality, not just his life in general. Though the rough period he is going through could be what's leading him to want to explore these things."

"Okay kitty, so we're doing it?" I asked him. He gave me a nod while Torban grinned. "Well, me and him will be doing it. Your friend is comfortable with you so just sit with him while he watches and make him feel comfortable doing what he is doing." Iain walked back in, "He is going out in a couple hours. I told him we were heading out in a bit and was curious what his plans were."

"Well he will be able to smell it if we do it here." Eric said bringing up a good point. I could smell it when Victor and my brother fooled around. If we did anything here he would have to clean his entire room before Lyon got back to get rid of the smell. "Hotel then?" Torban asked eagerly, obviously wanting to sex it up. "Yeah, is there one nearby?" Eric asked Iain.

"Yeah there is a Holiday Inn a short drive away." he said. I looked at him, "Within reasonable walking distance?" Iain nodded, "Yeah less than a mile you can see it on the other side of campus." I stood up and stretched a little. "Good, buck fifty an hour, not so much for over night. Just saying." Torban snorted, "You're telling me. Lucky for us they will get at most three from us." Eric shook his head, "You two it's just a few bucks." Iain chuckled and went to his room to grab his things. Coming back as he slipped a wallet and keys into his pocket.

"I'm ready, let's go before I change my mind or something." he said. Eric looked at me like he doubted the husky would do that. Torban wrapped an arm around Eric and lead the way outside. I walked beside Iain, following my mates back to the car. "Just try and relax," I said to him looking around to make sure we were alone. "It's okay to be curious." He smiled at me and as soon as we were out of sight of the house he moved a little closer to me.

"Just nervous, you know? Never done this before. I watched gay porn once or twice. Haven't since Lyon and I started rooming together. Nothing against the guy, I just don't want to be his bitch. Bad enough I'm unsure about myself, don't need him adding to that. I'm really glad you called me. At least I can do this with someone I know well and trust." Eric pulled open the passenger's side door. "Want him to ride in back with you?" he asked Iain.

"I'll be fine, thanks." Iain said climbing into the back seat. I followed Eric into the front seat. We drove up and paid the three dollars we owed for just over an hour's worth of parking. I shook my fist at that and Torban followed Iain's directions to the hotel. "Wait here, I'll go get us a room for the night." Eric said leaving us to stand around the car. Torban leaned back against it. Iain looked at him, "You okay with this?"

Torban shrugged, "Our relationship is unique I will say that. You're not an outsider trying to steal what's mine. Think of it more as you're visiting another country. If you do something wrong we will tell you, instead of throwing you into a crappy prison." I chuckled and smiled at Iain. "Relax doggy, his permission is all you need." He kept his ears back and gave me a nod. I motioned at him with my head to Torban.

He leaned forward and pulled the husky against his chest. Iain tensed at first but slowly started to relax into him. "May as well get the most out of this experience," I said. Torban chuckled and smiled down at the canine against him. "We're only doing this because you're friends with him. Normally we don't just let other guys into our sexings." Iain pulled back a little, "It's okay we don't have to do this. I don't need to."

Torban held him firmly in place. "You're beyond backing out completely at this point. You want to don't you?" Iain looked up at him again. "Well yeah, but I'm just curious. Doesn't mean I want to get in on gay sex or anything." Torban ran a hand up and down the canine's back. "Puppy is right, you need to relax. Besides, fucking in front of an audience is turning me on." Iain blushed lightly, something I have never seen him do in all the years I have known him.

I imagine it had to do with the hard lion cock that was pressed against him. Eric walked back out into the empty parking lot waving a room key. "Let's go guys, we can finish this in the room." He led the way back inside. Torban kept Iain pulled against his side. So I wrapped my arm around Eric's waist, walking with him to the elevator. He pushed the call button and I looked back at the registration desk. Totally abandoned, but with only our car in the parking lot I couldn't really blame them.

The doors slid open and we stepped inside. Eric selected the third floor. "Top floor huh?" I asked him. Torban pulled our bed mate for the night into the elevator with him before the doors started to close. "Just the way it worked out. With how empty this place is, any room is fine." Eric said. He had a point, no kids to run around or other potentially loud guests in here so where we were didn't matter. I looked over at Torban, who had Iain pulled against him again.

I could tell he was still nervous but getting used to being handled by another male. The elevator doors slid open again after the car came to a stop. Eric and I led the way out into the hallway, walking down to room 320 which was located near the middle of the hotel. He inserted the key and pulled open the door when the card reader flashed green and the lock clicked open. I looked at the king sized bed. "Just like home," I said.

Torban led Iain into the room. Walking behind him up to Eric and I. I moved to the side and sat in one of the chairs. "Nervous?" Eric asked him. Iain took a breath, "Yeah this is a little different than the one time I was with a girl. That was spur of the moment, raging hormones. This is slow and deliberate." Torban kept the husky against him. "It will be alright, just relax and when you're ready they can start." I told him.

It took a few minutes, and some chest rubbing from Torban to get him to relax enough. "Alright, let's do this?" he said. Torban slowly pulled his arms from him and I moved the small table out of the way so I could pull the other chair next to mine. Patting the cushion for my friend to sit down. He slowly sat down while Eric and Torban stripped out of their shirts. Torban pulled Eric against him and kissed him deeply.

Grinding his bulge into the tiger's. I was hard in an instant just from watching them. Iain laid his eyes back and took long slow breaths. Still nervous, but visibly excited by the display in front of us. Torban pulled the lube packets from his pocket and tossed them onto the bed before undoing his pants. Eric went slowly, unbuttoning then easing his fly open. Torban waited as patiently as he could before just kicking off his pants.

The boxer briefs he wore failing to contain the large and fully erect feline cock between his legs. "Gods," Iain said looking at the lion's size. I leaned over and wrapped an arm across his shoulders. He didn't divert his attention though. Too intent on watching the display in front of us. Torban removed his underwear. Kicking them right in front of Iain's feet. I could smell his musk so I knew Iain could as well.

He fidgeted in his chair and Eric finally stripped naked. Giving the husky a good look at his firm rump before crawling onto the bed. He gathered up all the packets and placed them on the nightstand while Torban followed him onto the bed. Eric wrapped his hand around Torban's cock and started stroking him slowly. The lion moaned and laid on his back. Eric moved between his legs and licked his tip. His hand moving from base to tip between licks.

Iain rubbed his crotch through his pants. I chuckled, watching him enjoying the show in front of him. Such a straight guy, practically jerking off while two guys go at it. Eric started licking up and down that drooling lion dick. Causing Torban to moan steadily. Eric moved so his hard cock and furry balls were in view of the husky next to me. If not for Iain I would have went for Eric's cock. But I was more interested in the not so hetero. Wondering how much more of this display he could take before wiping out his cock to jerk off.

Eric slowly took Torban's cock into his maw. Purring into it as he did. My cock twitched, I knew all too well how it felt when he did that. It wouldn't take much more before I just left my friend to seek release from my mates instead. I heard the familiar sound of a zipper next to me. Looking just in time to see Iain's cock popping out into view. He wasn't as big as me, around five inches from base to tip. Not small by any means, still average sized for a male. Iain started to stroke himself slowly. I shook my head and leaned over to him.

"Get on the bed and put that dick to good use," I whispered into his ear. He turned to look at me, clearly still nervous. I stood up and slipped my hands under his arms. Pulling him up to his feet. He didn't resist, just standing there while I pulled off his shirt. "Lay down next to Torban, he will take care of you." I told him.

He slowly pulled off his pants and briefs before cautiously climbing onto the bed with the other two males. I looked at his firm husky rump. Fluffy fur and curved tail, just inviting me to slide into his tight ass. Torban pulled him close to the action. Leaving me as the only non active player in the room. Iain laid his ears back again and tensed up. Eric pulled from the lion's cock and looked up at the inexperienced male. Moving forward to give his cock a long, slow lick.

Iain moaned at the lick and I could see pre leaking from him. Eric wrapped his lips around Iain's tip and started to suck his cock. I looked at Torban and started to kick my clothes off. The look he gave me was "Suck my dick." So I stripped naked, kicking my shoes and pants off. Tossing my socks and shirt to the side before walking around the bed to finish what Eric started. Wrapping my lips around Torban's shaft. Slowly taking it into my maw.

Eric started to bob up and down Iain's length. I watched Torban lean over to kiss the husky before I closed my eyes. Concentrating on pleasuring my mate. My rigid dick drool onto the bed while I sucked and bobbed. Torban wouldn't last too much longer. With all the excitement his cock was already starting to pulse. I deep throated him and his moan was muffled. I felt his hot cum flowing down my throat into my belly.

I sucked him dry before pulling from him. I could see Iain tensing up before he moaned into Torban's maw. Eric eagerly swallowed everything my friend had to give him. Eric rubbed and squeezed his knot, knowing just how canine's liked it. Torban broke the kiss and I could see that Iain was enjoying himself. Eric licked him clean before looking at me. "Doggy had a lot to offer," he said and I looked at Iain's balls. What he lacked in inches he made up for in his sack. It was like a furry orange under his sheath.

Iain blushed lightly at the comment and I moved around Eric to lay next to my friend. His soft fur feeling nice against me. Eric laid on top of our lion and I firmly pressed the husky into Torban's side. My cock drooling pre on the back of his leg. "Sorry about poking you," I told him not able to do anything about it. "It's okay, give me a few minutes and you can try to mount me." My ears perked and I sat up looking down at him.

"You sure?" I asked not expecting the guy whose lead I followed growing up. "Yeah, I trust you. Just go easy, alright?" I smiled down at him. His eyes were gorgeous, the lightest shade of blue. Not like mine or Eric's, ours were darker. "I was a virgin once too you know. Torban was my first, big but very gentle. I will be just as gentle and I wont tie with you unless you tell me to." Torban flicked his tail at me, "Better not tie him. I want some too."

I leaned over Iain to kiss Torban. Holding our lips together a few seconds before pulling back. "If he stays the night you can have him too lover. Then Eric can enjoy that full feeling he loves so much when I tie him." Iain pulled his ears back again and I nuzzled his cheek. "You're acting like me my first time. All subby and cute, these two couldn't get enough of me. I can see why now." Iain looked up at me, "I never really saw myself as the dominant in the bedroom. Even had dreams where guys would pin me down and make me their bitch."

Eric rubbed the husky's chest, "You're not the first guy we have met that has hidden who they are from those around them out of reasons other than just fear of being hated. You're not straight, what are you?" Iain murred softly at the stroking to his chest. "Like you, I was curious about girls but they aren't my thing. Sex with Tina was proof of that. Just being here, with you guys has shown me what I want."

Torban looked at him, "You want us?" Iain perked his ears and shook his head slightly. "No well, I mean this is nice. It really is, but wouldn't it be a bit much?" I looked at Torban, the lion thinking things over. "What do you think Eric?" he asked him finally. "We have to be reasonable with this. Our relationship is based on love, love the three of us share for each other. Realistically we only have so much energy. If Iain wants to, and is fine with it being a trial deal then I will allow it."

Iain flicked his ears, "I don't want to be a burden though. Just because I'm in a strange place in my life is no reason to push into your relationship." Gods he sounded like I did all that time ago. I kissed him on the cheek, "He has my vote for a trial basis. I got one, and I think it fair he gets one as well. The three of us have dealt with a lot. We can pull through anything together." Torban nodded his head slowly, "Alright pup. Looks like you're part of the pack on probation until we feel it will work enough to take you fully as ours."

Iain looked from me to Torban and then to Eric. "So boyfriends then?" he asked us. Torban kissed his cheek, "Yeap and if things work out then mates. Only because Kimber knows you so well though. We really weren't planning on adding a fourth. But I guess since my best friend entered this relationship, then only fair Kimber's should be allowed to test the water." Iain snuggled into Torban's side. "Thank you for this." He nuzzled his head between Eric and Torban's chests.

I rested my head on his shoulder. This day was different to say the least. I was a little worried about meeting Iain again after all this time. That he would flip out when he found out I was gay, let alone with two guys. Now here he was, in bed with us. Snuggled into my mates, with me against his back. "Strength where there is weakness, weakness where there is strength." I said quietly. Eric and Torban looked at me.

"One cant exist without the other. Look at me, without you both to cancel out my negative aspects I'm nothing special. Just a procrastinating ball of raw emotion. I need to know you're there, in my life. Not like needy me was after the thing. But in general, I need to feel love. Without me to bring fun to Eric's life, he would just be boring, borderline on being a nerd. Uptight and in need of a good laugh from time to time."

"What about me then?" Torban asked raising a brow. I nuzzled into his mane before returning to Iain's shoulder. "Without one of us to tether you down, your anger would get the better of you. You know that more than once one of us has had to tell you to chill and help you handle something. You would have finished off that guy in the locker room had Eric not shot you that look. He was about to get up and stop you and you know it. He told me all about that. We all need some balancing out. Even Iain."

He pulled his muzzle from between Eric and Torban and looked back at me. "It will be okay doggy, we will pull you through this rough spot you're in." I told him. Eric kissed Torban softly before looking over at me. "What now? Still kind of early." I gave the husky a pat on the rump, "His choice since I already know what big kitty wants." I looked at Eric and kissed the air. He moved in and kissed me softly. I murred, holding my lips to his. Sharing a tender moment with my mate while Iain came up with a suggestion.

Iain never did say what he wanted. Instead when I broke my kiss with Eric I saw his lips against Torban's. I looked into Eric's eyes, "Not jealous?" He shook his head, "Hard to be when his cum is in my stomach. Plus he is cute, a lot like you when we first got together." I flicked my ear and raised a brow. "I'm not cute anymore?" Eric chuckled and shook his head. "You're a handsome doggy and I couldn't be happier to have you in my life."

"You're just too sweet for words kitty, sorry you wont get any knot tonight." He raised a brow, "What makes you think I wont get any? Iain is packing you know." Torban broke the kiss with him and looked at us. "Train?" he asked with a grin. Eric nodded his head, "Yeap. I'm up front with Iain." Iain looked at us and I ground my sheath into him. My cock having softened a while ago. "Our new dog is going to get a nice bone buried in him" I said murring softly.

Eric sat up and reached over for the lube packets. I leaned to the side and grabbed a couple for him. "Here babe," I said handing them to him. "Thanks lover, come on husky. Let's get you ready for your first real time with another guy." Eric rubbed the husky's sheath, giving it a firm squeeze to coax his cock to slide out. I was getting hard again just watching. My pink tip poking Iain's ass cheeks. It didn't take much to get him hard after that. He knew what I was going to do to his tight ass while he humped the sexy tiger in front of him.

Eric tore open the square packet and squeezed the lube down onto Iain's throbbing cock. Spreading it evenly with his hand, causing Iain to moan softly. Eric moved up to the headboard and put his hands on it for support. Lifting his tail for our new canine lover. I looked at Torban, who looked at me before we both watched Iain moving behind our mate. Torban snatched the other lube packet off the bed where Eric dropped it. He was rock hard and drooling, and so was I.

I reached for the nightstand and got a packet for myself. Tearing it open and squirting the gel onto my throbbing dick. Iain slowly pushed into Eric, taking a while to line himself up properly. They both moaned and I spread an even layer of lube from my base to tip. Making sure to get my knot. The empty packet falling to the bed, forgotten after I was done using it.

Torban followed behind me and I lifted Iain's tail to the side. He pushed into Eric fully and I nibbled his white furred ear. "Stay right there for me," I said slowly pushing my tip into him. He tensed and gripped Eric tightly. "It's okay doggy, relax for me. I wont hurt you, I will take good care of you. You trust me, now just take a breath and relax for me." He gave me a nod and took a breath. He relaxed a little but I gave him a moment before I pushed into him again. Torban lifted my tail and I looked back at him.

"Go easy until I'm fully in," I said to him. He pushed his tip into me slowly and I moaned softly. "I will babe, I took yours so I know what to do. Also took Eric's," he purred pushing into me slowly until his hips were against my ass. I was a little more than half into Iain at that point. I licked his cheek, easing into him carefully. He started tensing again so I stopped and gave him another lick. "You're doing good, almost there puppy."

Eric looked back at us, pulling from Iain before moving his hips right back. Iain moaned and I pushed into him fully, "Good boy. Now just stay right there and let Eric take over for now." He gave me a nod and Eric moved his hips steadily back and forth. They both moaned and Iain relaxed enough for me to feel comfortable with pulling back to my tip. Torban following suit, ready to do things the way we always did. We moved together, bucking and pulling back.

"Gods," Iain said enjoying the feeling of being fucked while another male slides up and down his cock. I moaned into his ear, driving him on. My soft knot bumping against his virgin hole. Soon it would be full and hard though. With Torban behind me and my cock deep inside my best friend I wouldn't last as long as I usually did.

Eric started slamming back into the husky and I gave a hard thrust into him. He moaned almost as loudly as Eric does during one of our power fuck sessions. My knot started to swell, our balls bumping against each other with every thrust. Torban's hitting mine and mine smacking into Iain's, while his connected with Eric's. We were a steady chain of motion. Eric slammed back hard, and by Iain's moan I knew he tied with the tiger.

The scent of hot man sex hung in the air. Spurring me on to thrust harder into the husky. My swollen knot smacking into him. I pushed in hard and he cried out while my knot stretched his virgin hole wider than it ever has. I moaned loudly once I tied with him and he tensed and moaned. Eric kept bucking back into him though, working himself towards his own orgasm. Both Eric and I moaned out at nearly the same time.

I bucked into Iain, my cock spurting hot cum into him. I kept thrusting, working every last drop into his tight ass, my ass. I panted heavily on his neck and Torban slammed into me hard. Almost roaring in pleasure as he unloaded into me. Giving my ass a few more hard thrusts before he slumped against my back spent. We were a hot, sweaty, panting mess and it couldn't have felt better. Iain nuzzled Eric's cheek, getting a purr from the lion.

I smiled back at Torban, "I love you big guy," He nuzzled my cheek, "Love you too puppy." I murred softly and nuzzled back. "Even after you're soft, stay back there." Torban smiled at me, "No problem sexy, though it would be better if we somehow managed to lay down. More comfortable that way and all." I kissed Iain's cheek, "Able to move?" He murred softly and looked back at me. "Maybe, just go slow." Very carefully we all rotated along the bed until Torban was on the left side and Eric was on the right.

"Dude you jizzed on the pillow," I said flipping it over before we all started to lay down on our sides. Eric chuckled, "Had to shoot something. I'm not balls deep in someone like you are." Once we were all situated Eric pressed back into Iain. Torban pressed into me and I snuggled into the soft husky in front of me. "How was your first time?" I asked him. Torban sat up a little and looked at us all. "It hurt a little, especially when you pushed in your knot. But I have never had an orgasm like that before. It was intense, made the pain just go away." I smiled at him and Torban leaned over me to lick his cheek.

"Glad you liked it cutie." Iain murred softly and he held Eric tightly against him. We were going to miss our classes tomorrow. But that didn't matter, we could make that up easy enough. What was important was right now, this moment right here. I knew that this was what was going to make our future just that much brighter. Iain had been there for me, and now it was my turn to be there for him. To give him a place where he was meant to be. A place for him to belong. The two felines sharing the bed with us did that for me.

Iain closed his eyes and I smiled down at him. Feeling protective of the guy who used to protect me. That wasn't who I was anymore, I had changed over the years. I wasn't weak, I was strong. I wasn't a victim, or a survivor, I was me. I looked over at Eric, I couldn't tell if he was asleep but I just watched him. Knowing deep down this is how Torban feels about us. I turned to look back at him and he smiled at me. Knowing what I was thinking and feeling. I kissed his cheek and a single tear ran down my cheek.

He brushed it away and kissed my forehead. We didn't need words, our love was deeper than words could express. Just being there, seeing and feeling each other, we knew what the other was thinking and wanted to say. So we didn't say anything, because this moment was too perfect for words. So we left them behind on the material plane and reserved ourselves to higher forms of expression. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply.

His softened cock slipped from me but he didn't move away. He just pressed closer to me and ran his tongue over my lips before breaking the kiss slowly. I nuzzled his cheek and looked back into his golden eyes. Wondering how I could have ever felt anything but the highest and most deep levels of connection with him. I laid my head down on the pillow and he kissed the back of my neck.

I whimpered softly when he got up, but he was only away to switch off the light. Crawling back into bed behind me where he belonged. Giving me a nuzzle to show he loves me and will always come back to me. To lay right were he belonged and help me protect what was ours. I drifted to sleep, even though it had to have been early in the evening still. But right now, time had no meaning for us. It was just another material thing that we had transcended beyond.

I stretched, sitting back in the office chair. Looking at everything I had just typed into the word document. My back was stiff, but I was determined to get every last detail about us down. Iain walked up behind me, "How's it coming along?" I smiled back at him, turning my chair to face him. "It is getting there. Still have some things to add to it before it's complete." I patted my lap and the husky sat down without having to be told.

"Torban is at practice and Eric is out on his errands. With Aiden and Victor both out, we have the house to ourselves." I kissed him on the cheek. "You can wait pup, when the kitties get back we can play. You're almost as bad as big kitty." He chuckled and bumped his nose against my cheek. "I'm not that bad, and I'm kind of pent up. You've been working on that story of yours for days now. Torban doesn't stretch me out the way you do." I chuckled at him, "You sound like Eric when he doesn't get knot for a few days."

"That's why you cant resist me, because I'm just like our mates. Now kiss me." I raised a brow but gave him his kiss without saying anything more. It was nice having him here with us. Last semester was rough, only getting to see him once or twice a month. By the end Lyon was starting to suspect something was up. I held my husky against me, "He cant have you." He laughed and licked my cheek.

"Who do you mean?" he asked me knowing full well who I was talking about. Iain snuggled into me, "Good guy and all, but not my type." I rested my head against his. "Oh? What is your type?" He batted my nose with his tail, "You three." I chuckled and my ear perked when the front door closed. I spun the chair to see who had just walked in. "Hey, that's my husky." Eric said walking over to us.

Eric hugged me, sandwiching Iain between us. "Sure am sexy butt. How was your day?" Eric shrugged, "Same old. Finances are in order for the month. Invested a little more of our liquid funds. Once we sell this place, the cash is going into our portfolio." I smiled at Eric, he had been talking more freely about money here lately. Something I appreciated greatly. Iain had a part time job to help out with expenses. Eric told him not to worry about it, but the husky was adamant about contributing to the household.

I planned to repay my financial debt to Eric once I passed the Bar. Between our four incomes we would be able to live comfortably wherever we wanted to. Eric kissed Iain on the cheek and looked at the computer screen. "Still working on your story?" Save for a few details, my story was all caught up with the present. "Almost done with it actually. Not sure what I will do with it, but I couldn't help but type it all out."

"Your knack for words has a way of making anything you say come out perfectly. Wish I could do that." I snorted, "You can draw. I would rather be able to do that. Anyone can learn to write. Drawing is something you have to have natural talent for in order to do well." Iain nuzzled my cheek, "It's okay doggy. I think you're fine the way you are." I smiled at him, "Still not quite used to you acting so submissive. Though I guess the ones you suspect the least turn out to love it the most."

I looked up at Eric, "Isn't that right babe?" Eric raised a brow and jutted out his hip slightly. "Honey, I'm all I ever wanted to be." I laughed and Iain just shook his head. "That was awesome, I love you kitty." He kissed me on the forehead and gave one to our husky as well. "Love you two too, and I'm never doing that again. I'm too male to be a drag queen." I snapped my finger in a Z. "Sister please, it takes more balls to wear a dress for five minutes than it does to wear a suit for a lifetime."

Iain chuckled and Eric raised a brow. "Where do you come up with all that?" I shrugged, "Beats me babe. Just roll with it though, I always have the right thing to say at the right moment." Iain nuzzled my cheek, "That's one of the reasons I love you." Eric leaned down to nuzzle the husky. "Why do you love me?" he asked. Iain looked at him, "Because you are the most sensitive out of us all. While he is a jerk who never takes what I say seriously."

"Hey now, I do so listen to you." He shook his head, "What about when I said that I was bi and you told me bi guys were just too closeted to come out fully." Eric nodded in agreement, "You have said that before. That because of how society views gays they figure being bi would be more acceptable because they chase pussy." I looked from Eric to Iain. "You're ganging up on me. This isn't fair."

We spent the rest of the afternoon nuzzling and picking on me. Torban came home as I was making dinner. "Hello my lovelies," he said walking into the kitchen. Eric kissing him, before Iain moved in to get his. I stopped mashing potatoes and walked over to kiss our lion. He smiled at us, "This is nice." I looked at him, "Yeah since they exhausted themselves picking apart every mean thing I have ever said in my life and throwing it back at me."

Torban chuckled, "Well you're not very understanding about some things." Eric wrapped his arms around Iain. "He is, just not bi guys. But we already lectured him on how that is wrong." Torban sandwiched Iain between him and our tiger. "The only bi guy in the house is Aiden though. What does it matter?" I asked. Eric shot me a look, "He's your brother."

"He knows I love him, wherever the hell he is." I said not sure what my brother was doing at the moment. "Since Victor is missing, I would assume that they are out being romantic with each other. Since a relationship based on sex isn't a good one." Eric said. I went back to finishing the potatoes. "As long as they don't kiss in front of me, weirds me out for some reason." Iain chuckled, "Because your brother is kissing a dude."

"Not so much that, as it is the fact that someone is kissing my brother. With how shy he is, figured he wouldn't find love you know. But guys do like the shy ones. Especially if they can make them blush. If he wasn't my brother, he might be cute to me. Just known him forever so his shyness is just one of those things I'm used to and tend to overlook." I opened the oven and checked on the fish filets.

"I guess yeah, I'm the same way with my sister sometimes. She has her quirks and interests and I tend to just not pay attention to them." Iain said proving my point. I closed the oven, the fish almost fully white and needing a few more minutes. "Hence me shrugging off his shyness as just part of who he is. I don't try and change it, let him do his own thing. If Victor manages to get him to open up, cool, good for him."

After dinner the four of us laid in our bed. Feeding four athletic guys was a challenge but both Eric and I adapted our cooking habits to make it work well enough to provide food for us and the other two guys living with us. I was on my end of the bed, with Torban on the other. Our two subbies were in the middle. Eric was snuggled up against me while Iain was pressed against our lion. The two changed sleeping partners every night. An arrangement that Iain suggested so they would each get equal time with us.

The real winner there was Eric was always got to be around Iain. Or was it Iain for always getting to be next to Eric. I smiled at them, knowing in my heart that we were all the winners. Just like that night all those months ago, I felt a special bond with these three males. Each one having helped me through rough spots in my life. Even Iain who we helped find his way when he was lost. Torban and I exchanged knowing glances. Smiling at each other just like we had every night since our first with Iain.

Our husky, just like Eric was a treasure. One the two of us guarded dearly. We would always be there to protect them. Just like they would always be there for us. I pressed Eric firmly into Iain and rested my head against my pillow. I didn't care about the outside world, all those small minded people with their narrow views. What mattered to me most was right here. Not just in my arms, but next to that guy. Not just him either, the strong guy on the far end. All of them together made my heart whole.

They completed me and I couldn't think of a future where I was happy that didn't include all of them. So I closed my eyes, not caring about it being just after seven. Time didn't matter in this place. Only the ball of fur that the four of us together made. Eric purred happily and I held him tightly. He knew without words how I felt because of the special plane we existed on. That special place where only our love could take us. Where no outsider could ever intrude.

There you have it. The end of book one. Please vote, watch if you want to see more from me, comment below if you have a friendly word or comment give. And as always thanks for reading ^_^
