Section 2

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#2 of Project Zero

Here's the Second installment of the Re-Vamped version of Project Zero. You're feedback will ultimately determine whether or not this story will continue here to Sofurry.

Please Enjoy Reading.

Any and all comments are Appreciated.

Around five the next morning I woke up, crawled out of bed and took a shower. Then I got dressed, a lite breakfast then drove myself to work and parked close by. From there I slowly made my way inside the building and finally to my work station. While the morning dragged on we caught up on the work we didn't finish yesterday. Everyone pretty much left me alone during most of the morning which was fine.

During everybody's lunch break we went over more of my project specifications. Seeing as they had more questions from yesterday but, I sorta knew they would. In all honesty when Bruce walked into the room, I didn't think he was even here today. Usually the higher ups like him, take Friday's off unless there's an important meeting scheduled. So when he came in that alone told me that something was certainly going on.

"Listen up everyone could you all gather over here at the table, Please." He said. As we all gathered at the table Scott was the first to ask the question we were thinking. "Well, unfortunately I can only send three of you to, Montana including, Devin. What I'm going to do is let everyone discuss it amongst yourselves. Then later on today I'll come by to get what all of you've decided on." He replied.

With that Bruce calmly left the room, giving us all the privacy we needed. Naturally I advised everyone to think this through carefully and not to act on their first impulse. About an hour later Rebecca and Jade approached my desk each with a smile. "Devin, Jade and I will be the only ones joining you on this road trip. Oddly enough we both have family out there and it's less stressful also." Rebecca began.

"The plus side to that is we know our way around the area so won't get lost." Rebecca informed. I pointed out that the facility we were going to was in a secluded area in Montana. "Relax, Devin when the time comes we can get the directions off the mainframe's database." She stated. To be honest even back in college I could never pull a fast on her. <If you hadn't married Randy I'd ask you out on a date, Rebecca.> I thought.

Now don't get me wrong Jade is a beautiful woman also but, I don't know her that well. After they left I had to make my way up to Bruce's office to let him know what's been decided. When I told him, he said not to worry about filling in the open personnel slot. He'd have one of the local branches send someone qualified to join our team. My only question was, how much freedom we would be allowed after the big move.

It's been about three weeks since our move to the new building and we're still adjusting. We've got the place almost to the way we'd prefer everything to a comfy stand point. As the next six days passed we finally got the last minute thing hooked up and running. "Hey, Jade how are things looking on your end?" I asked walking over. She told me that things were just about done and ready start something else.

"Why don't we take a break from all this and go outside to get some fresh air?" I suggested. Luckily I found out that we could work as we saw fit including private projects. There was still a few things left undone which was to arrange the use of test subjects. Now I'm against the use of anything living, so I'd have track down hospitals. Hoping that they'd be willing to let me have semi-destroyed limbs and rejected organs.

Those will do for now before I even decide on even using an actually live subject. Then again I might be the test subject instead of someone or something else. Granted it won't be the first time I've done something stupid to prove a point to somebody. Oddly enough Rebecca has been there each time I've done stuff like that. Jade is going to be in for quite the steep learning curve but, luckily she's very level headed.

"Hey, Devin I've been meaning to ask you about something for a while now. Have you put any thought into what you're going to do about getting some test subjects?" She wondered. "I've been working out several deals with a few hospitals in the state. I wanted to see if they would send us severed limbs and rejected organs to work with. I'm not fond of the idea of using live test subjects. It bothers me way too much having control over another's life." I pointed out.

"I understand but, you do realize that we'll need a live subject once the fine tuning is complete." She stated. "I'm aware of that, Jade and when that day comes I'll make my decision." I replied. Naturally Jade wasn't too keen on what I said but, respected my decision in the end. Though it didn't take her long to figure out I'd end up being the guinea pig. When she went to voice her disapproval Rebecca spoke up in response.

"Don't go there Jade the last person to tell him that, he actually did it right in front of them. So please don't encourage him if he wants to do it than let him. After all this is his project and naturally he makes all the rules that concern it." Rebecca informed. "Well, I still don't approve of the idea, Rebecca." Jade said sourly. "I agree with you but, all we can do is share our opinions with him." Rebecca replied.

"Well, I guess we'll have to go along with him on this, though I'm still not crazy about it. By the way how come you know him so well, since you're married to, Randy?" Jade wondered. "We attended the same college he's the one who introduced me to, Randy. He's always been a close friend to me and my husband, we owe him a lot. The sad thing is he doesn't much family, we're probably the only people he's got left." Rebecca replied.

"Whoa, I didn't know that, I kinda feel bad for him." Jade said glancing at me. "Trust me it doesn't bother him any he's stronger than he actually lets on. I wouldn't worry about him too much he's perfectly happy with his life." Rebecca smiled. They continued talking about me but, moved onto my love life which didn't surprise me. Sadly when it got too much for me to bare I asked them to stop.

They both looked at me but, they kindly respected my request and let the matter drop. It took us another three weeks to get the place fully up and running. Towards the end of the second month we set up the bio tanks and started producing the bio fluid. Strangely enough something seemed to be missing from the project. Sadly I didn't have any idea what the missing piece was until Jade walked over to my desk.

"Hey, Devin I've been working on a little side project mind taking a look when you can? Jade asked. Needing a break from what I was currently doing I got up then made my way over. She presented me with a large tube filled with what looked like liquid metallic flakes. "Okay, so what am I looking at besides this silvery liquid?" I asked. "Those are cellular machines I created but, haven't found a purpose for." She replied.

"Hmm? I wonder could these little machines be adapted for medical use?" I wondered. "Actually if my calculations are correct along with their programming they adapt to their surroundings." She stated. "Why don't we test them with the fluid and see what happens? Considering the deals with the local hospitals worked out so well. Though it's your call after all Jade you designed and built them." I replied.

"You know something I think they would work much better together than apart." She pointed out. "Do you think those cellular bots are what we've been looking for?" I said. "I think if they do what they are programmed for I see a good outcome from it." She replied. "Let's wait for our first shipment of used body parts." I stated. "You two seem to be getting along after that little argument last week." Rebecca said.

As she walked into the room I gave her a sarcastic laugh after she sat behind her desk. "Well, just to let you know we may have found that possible missing piece to the bio fluid." I informed. "Oh, would you care to elaborate on what the missing piece was?" She asked curiously. "You know those micro robotic cells I've been working on? We've decided that it would be better to combine both our projects." Jade said.

"Ah, well now that you mention it that does sound like a rather logical move. Though you've yet to finish with all the fine tuning and early testing phase." Rebecca pointed out. When she said that I certainly got my attention on the subject right away. "How long do you think that'll take you to complete, Jade?" I wondered. "Umm, give me four days that should be enough time to do everything I need to." She replied.

"I'll give you a hand if you don't mind the extra set of hands." Rebecca smiled. Jade was more than happy to have her help with her project so the two walked away. They wasted no time getting to work on the final touches and trial run on the robocells. While I kept myself busy with other things in another part of the room. The next two days were spent putting the final touches on all our projects.

When everyone came in the following morning the girls seemed to be rather grumpy. They both shot me an evil look which told me more than enough to back off. "Alright, ladies I understand why don't you two take the day off you need it. Besides I'm in no rush to finish anything so please take all the time you need." I said. Sadly Jade had something to say on the matter and made sure to share it with me.

"I know we've don't have a deadline but, we still need to have something to show. Seeing as we've been busting our butts for the last two months straight." Jade stated. "Oh, I agree with you all the way Jade but, they understand this isn't easy work. Considering what we're doing has never been attempted before so delays are normal. Like I've told you go home and get some rest I can manage until tomorrow." I replied.

"Since you're so sure Devin we'll head on home seeing as I could use the break. Don't go killing yourself while we're gone or there'll be hell to pay understand me." Rebecca remarked poking me in the chest. "Oh, that goes double for me besides I really need to fix things from last night. So we'll talk to you later Devin." Jade replied. "Take it easy girls I'll see you both tomorrow." I smiled as they walked out.

After they left I got to work on another side project that'll coincide with our current projects. When 6pm rolled around I packed up, shut the place down for the night and drove home. It was kind of cool that my last known blood relative had a house thirty minutes up the road. Once I proved my blood relation to the home's last known owner. The estate's attorney was more than happy to hand over the deed and keys.

When I first arrived the place was a mess and it took me a few days to clean up. Once the place finally felt like home I got all the utilities turned on as of last week. All I really wanted was water and electricity since the house had a fireplace and wood stove. Seeing as the house was built rather well I probably won't need the fireplace for a good while. Maybe I should invite, Jade and Rebecca along with their spouses over for a party.

It would be a nice gesture seeing as they've been busting their butts a lot lately. The following morning I went into work early so I could get the place all cleaned up. Since it was starting to look like a twister had touched down twice in three seconds. By the time I finished both women calmly walked into the room looking well rested. "Morning, you two did you enjoy your well deserved day off?" I asked.

"Yeah, and thank you for that so what's planned for today's agenda, Devin?" Jade replied. "Umm, excuse me Devin but, did you clean up around here?" Rebecca wondered looking around. "Yes, I did the place was a little disorganized and was in need of some straightening out. Before I forget you and your families are invited to a cookout at my place. So please don't go making plans for this coming weekend, okay." I stated.

They were excited about the idea so I needed to go do a big market before Saturday. Luckily I still had three days to get a list made and to go purchase everything at the store. After the workday I went home then poked around my home and made my shopping list. The following day when I got out of work I'd drive down to the closest supermarket. As the weekend came and went I looked forward to going into work on Monday.

To be continued.

Section 3

As I arrived at work Monday morning Rebecca and Jade greeted me with smiles. "Thanks again, Devin for the fun filled we passed out the second we got home." Rebecca smiled. "Same here I can't remember the last time my kids passed out so quickly." Jade...

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Project Zero

Chapter 1 I've often wondered if your life had this higher purpose that would bring a great change. This one singular drive to do something that nobody to date has ever tried in history. My name is Devin Sentry and my life story will soon follow these...

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Chapter 4

It was the same female snow leopard I saw a few days ago, so what did she want? I kept the chain lock connected as I opened the door and looked at her. "It's about fuckin' time buddy, now let me in. I want answers and you're gonna give them." She...

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