Walls - Flexible (XXX)

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#14 of Walls

Some time alone ^^

This lewd mini-chapter is part of the Walls series but can be read by anyone without needing to know any backstory.

There's no plot-relevant information within so those that don't like it can just skip ahead to the next chapter.


Chapter 8.5 - Flexible (XXX)

510 A.R. August 28, Volkov Household, Evening

I locked the bathroom door, readied the towels, got the water running, and then unbuttoned my dress shirt before throwing it in the bin. My hands reached back, found the clasp by the back of the shorts, and released it.

I slipped the shorts down and crouched a little as a rich scent hit my nose. It made me pause for a moment as I pondered the scent, it was strong with my identity but there was also something new.

The scent wafted from my groin and the pungent edge to it was starting to seem piquant as it screamed of need and male aroma. It was pleasant and I felt something stir in my sheath even as I tried to restrain myself.

I pushed the shorts aside and glanced down, the sheath looked plump and it hung from my abdomen in a way that made the webbing look taut.

My body was growing for each day that passed, my scent was changing, I was maturing and soon my days as a 'pup' would be over. It made me feel good and I exhaled as I felt the presence of my other self nudging me along.

I trailed my hands along my chest and dug through the fur, the physical build of my body was changing, defined pecs, the sensation of washboard abs. The end of the sheath swelled and began to open as it revealed the tapered end of a canine shaft.

My focus fell on my arms for a moment as I flexed and watched the biceps shift the black fur.

The scent grew strong and musky but it lacked that appealing if somewhat acrid marker that I caught on Kato and father, the sign of an alpha.

I reached down and placed a finger by the sensitive opening of the sheath, it was smooth and the surface of it was pure black and grew to a mottled pink inside the sheath.

My fingers trailed down along the sheath until I felt a slight bump that marked the knot, so far though I had never seen it grow and it made me wonder if something was wrong.

There was something I did like though and it made me smile as I moved beyond the sheath and felt my scrotum. I cupped the sack and grinned with approval as the once small nuts had grown to the size of eggs.

It radiated warmth and the fur felt like a fine felt as I shifted the sack and made a delighted murr.

Precum pooled by the opening and began to trail down the sheath as I lowered myself onto the floor.

I wonder...

I bent over, extended my muzzle and watched as the red shaft throbbed and continued leak its natural lubricant. My spine resisted and I compromised by extending my tongue, it touched the tip and I felt a shiver run through me as I caught the taste of musk, salt and a tinge of metal.

It was a strange taste but my instincts twisted it into an appealing treat as I began to lap.

The shaft pushed and engorged as I pulled at the sheath and revealed the sleek red surface that was webbed with blood vessels. Any human semblance was long gone and the glans now consisted of a flat if rather knobbly surface with a tapered end.

The shaft itself felt rigid in a way that mere flesh couldn't accomplish.

My tongue wrapped around the shaft as I began to bob in an attempt to engulf it with my muzzle.

It worked as I felt my rasping breath brush against the shaft while I worked my tongue. A sudden pressure inside my groin rushed upward and sent a spurt of precum into my throat.

My instincts flared as I slurped and worked the lower shaft with my hand at a steady pace.

The world was drowned out as I was swallowed into an intense murmur of sensation that beat in tune with my heart and the pleasant daze that made my mind tingle.

Drool and precum began to drip and dribble onto the floor as I felt a strange tension build inside the shaft. It grew and warmth began to bloom at the base of my shaft.


The knot was swelling and began to grow like a pair of lemons attached to the base of the shaft.

My fingers touched the surface of it and I could feel the intense pressure and throbbing warmth as it engorged. It triggered an immediate spurt that made me tremble and moan as liquid trickled onto my hand.

I struggled not to choke as I caught the knot behind the base and gave it a light squeeze.

Primal instinct flared and my hips shifted as I tried to hump the air. The pleasure arched and accelerated as I felt myself pushed beyond the event horizon.

My scrotum tightened, my insides clenched, a rumble in my chest made me shiver and groan as the shaft flared. Arcs of cum escaped the tip and coated the insides of my muzzle.

The taste shifted and the scent grew rich with the raw essence of male wolf.

I let go and eased my muzzle off the shaft as I gulped and gasped for breath while the scent dominated my world and filled the bathroom like a fog.

My shaft continued to pulsate and dribble as I leaned back and enjoyed the afterglow.