The Witch in the Woods

Story by benjamin33 on SoFurry

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A lumberjack doesn't listen to the tall tale his friend spins him, and he pays for it with his nuts.

The lovely Emma belongs to boinggoat from FA who co-wrote this story with me :)

Forge had been at the logging camp for about two weeks now. It was a tiny place, little more than a single one-room cabin with a steadily-growing woodpile beside it, and it was at least week away from civilization. Normally six guys would all shoved into that little cabin, but last week one of the men had gone missing, the bear had assumed he couldn't take it and left, but the strange thing was none of the men had mentioned him since. And lately they'd been getting antsy, it took a while, but one of them finally let him into the reason why while they were off clearing brush.

Forge unscrewed the cap on his flask, before taking a sip of his whisky. "So you're telling me there's a sexy woman living alone in the woods all by herself that fucks the men that come her way?" The bear said with a snort, before tightening back up the cap on his flask. "I call bullshit, no normal women would be able to survive alone like that."

"Well, she ain't normal," Lionel the big, round-bellied pachyderm explained. "We don't know how she does it, but she gets by alright. Nobody's ever been able to lay a finger on her if she didn't want it, or even find her for that matter! I hear one guy tried to just grab her...she got a few xmas ornaments outta 'em," the grey guy nods sagely. "But if you want a chance at her, you have to do what she says. And she has high standards! If you put up but don't measure up..." he draws a line cross his lap with a thick grey finger. "That's it..."

Forge gulped as he saw the big elephant pull his finger across his crotch. "So I'm guessing that's what happened to the 6th man on our crew? Do any of them ever come back?"

"Oh, yeah," Lionel nods, "They usually come back, after a while. Not always with everything they left with," he says ominously. "A few don't come back, they lost their stuff, obviously. But I hear that even then, they just don't wanna leave. They just stay...nutless guys caring for the woman who cut their balls off." The elephant shudders a bit, but the front of his pants start to tent as his arousal surges.

"Heh, going by that bulge in your pants I guess it's more of a fantasy than a reality? I'm guessing you would wanna be one of those nutless men wouldn't you? Your face buried in that woman's pussy all day?" The grizzly bear teased.

"Well, I...hey!" The lumbering pachyderm said in protest as he stumbled through the dense bush after the grizzly.

"But I still have a hard time believing it, that sounds like an old yarn parents tell to scare their children." Forge say as he keeps walking through the woods with the old elephant. Sliding his flask back into its resting place. The grizzly leans up his nose, and sniffed the air. "Do you smell that?" He asks as his stomach starts to growl. "It smells like fresh pie." He grinned a bit, "I'll meet you there!" He shouted before he took off into the woods, racing towards the scent.

"She's real! If you, meet her, don't..." The elephant said before his words trailed off as Forge jogged deeper into the woods, the brush almost seeming to part as he got closer to that wonderful doughy meaty scent. The daylight starts to fade as a strange light mist because to roll in, Forge fails to notice it, he just knows that scent has to be somewhere close.

The bear nearly stumbles as his body is thrust into a clearing he hadn't seen. He can see a large fire with a metal grate laid across it, as meat pies cooked on top of it. To the left of the fire there was a picnic table, and upon it was one of the most heavenly woman he'd ever seen. The light from the fire combined with the angry red of the sky to perfectly outline her plump, curvy body. She wore a loose flannel shirt that carried her large breasts as if they were in a sling, and a pair of bluejeans that clung to her plump body. The tapir rubbed the short brown fur on her arms as she bathed in the heat of the fire, her flexible nose stretching and inhaling the sweet scent of the cooking meat pies.

Forge licked his lips as the smell of those wonderful meat pies mixed with the sight of that beautiful women. Something in the back of my mind is told something is off, but his stomach overrides it, and the need in his pants pushed it even farther back in his mind than the hunger had. He dusted the sawdust off his shirt, and he took off his hardhat, tucking it under my arm as he strolled over to the lovely women. "Well hello there ma'am, I'm Forge." He said as he looked over to those meat pies, then to her. "You seem to have something pretty good looking that I might be interested in." He said, his eyes that lingered on her chest left no doubt to the true meaning of his words.

The big tapir chuckled softly, making her generous chest bounce gently. " Well Forge, I'm Emma, and yeah, you look pretty interested," she said, openly glancing down at the grizzly's pants "The question is, do you have something worth trading for it?" She asks in a soft, breathy voice, and reached down, casually getting a firm grip of the bear's pants.

The big bear just grinned, before he rubbed his bulge right against the tapir's hand. "Ohhhh I have plenty to trade for it. I've been told its something well worth any price. Normally, I offer it for free, but in this case, a trade will work just fine." The bear said before he licked his lips, his paws reaching out to trace along the women's shirt, his paws cupping her breasts and giving them a nice hard squeeze.

The smiling tapir chuckled again, her breasts bouncing in the grizzly's paws. "Mmm. I like your confidence, but that's for me to decide." And then she squeezes back, her hand gripping the bear's stuffed potatoes with surprising force.

The bear's eyes spring open and he doubled over in pain, "Ahh! Alright, sorry. I just figured I'd return the favor. The balls in your court ma'am." He said as his eyes started to tear up. "Think you could let go of my spuds?" He groaned, "I ain't gonna run away if you do. I like a woman who's got some bite to her." He said with a grin and a wink, fighting through the pain.

The big woman grinned, and eased off, merely holding Forge's sac now. "Do you now. I might have more bite than you're used to," she said, rubbing the bear's loins firmly. "I'll make you a deal. Make me feel good, and you'll feel amazing. But if you let me down...I'm keeping these."

"Why does she want my pants?" The bear thought to himself, before he let out a yelp as the curvy impatient woman squeeze down on his spuds as she waited for an answer. He bent over in pain again, his face coming to level with her tits. He bit his lower lip, before nodding, "Alright lady! You can have them if I don't, just let go of my spuds. They won't be any good to you if their damaged."

He waited for Emma to release him before he stepped back, a big grin covering his face as he reached for his belt. He began to strip, taking off his pants and neatly folding them up; the woman did want them after all, he figured she just got off in seeing him have to walk back to his buddies in nothing but his jock strap. He slipped off his shirt, before turning around and flicking his tail stub at her, before sliding the jock off his body, bending over so Emma could get a good look. He turned back around, his already hard shaft pulsing against the underside of his large belly. "Like what you see?" He asked before licking his lips.

Emma had enjoyed the show, she loved the way the sun had set just as his jock came off and left his large naked body to be bathed in nothing but fire light. She smiled softly as she reached forward to stroke across the soft fur on the grizzly's belly. "Not bad," she mused, "but let's see what your competition has to offer." She gestured behind towards a spot behind the grizzly and as he turned to see it, Lionel was standing there, his eyes wide with surprise and apprehension. Forge could almost feel the worried stone in the big elephant's gut. "Come," the lady ordered, and he solemnly stepped up beside the bear. "Strip." She commanded, and without a moment of hesitation he began to pull off his clothes.

The big elephant started to shake, he tried with all his might to stop himself but some unknown force pulled at his strings, keeping his muzzle closed as his body worked for him. He shed off his shirt, pants, underwear, and even the wedding band he wore on his finger. "Ohhh I get it now, you wanted to keep little miss sweet thing here all to yourself, that's why you tried to scare me off with that tall tale." Forge said with a soft growl.

The elephant wanted to rebuttal, but instead he grinned and his body shrugged for him. He could feel his stiff grey prick pulsing between his legs, his large balls still aching from the months he'd been away from his wife in these blasted woods. His elephant prick stood tall and proud, twice as thick as the bear's and at least a 3rd longer. "But it's not going to work bud, I'm here to stay. It's not the size that matters, its how you use it!" The bear boasts, too thick skulled to realize what was really going on. The whole time the elephant watched, his prick pulsing as he replayed all those stories in his head, wondering if he's about to become a pleasure slave to this beautiful women.

The big woman laughed as the fat elephant gave the bear a fearful, warning look, until his embarrassingly hard erection jets out from under his belly, two melon-sized stones below it. "Well, well. What am I to do. Two men have offered me themselves this week. I guess I'll just choose the one that serves me best to pleasure me as a man." She chuckled darkly, and sat on the picnic table, perched like a queen on her throne. "Both of you, undress me." At Emma's command big Lionel stepped forward and started unbuttoning her shirt, soon her heavy, generous breasts are swaying freely.

The bear growled softly as the elephant slipped in before he had the chance, he wondered if the big grey brute even knows how to treat a woman right. He licked his lips, before sliding in next to her. She did have other places to undress after all... Lionel on the other hand seemed to be on autopilot, he didn't have control, but somehow he still knew what to do. He found himself kissing along Emma's collar bone, suckling on it as his trunk drew little circles between her shoulder blades, before sliding down and taking one of her breasts into his muzzle, and gently suckling on it as he cupped the other and squeezed. Meanwhile the bear, was busy sliding off the women's boots, his paws rubbing at the souls of her feet, trying to work out any knots he could find. He always found his foot rubs were the quickest way into a girls pants.

The tapir let herself relax as the two big, lusty men undressed her, letting out a heavy sigh as Lionel suckled and kneaded her heavy chest, and the grizzly rubbed the soles of her feet...not a turn-on per se, but something no man had done for her without being asked. She relaxed, letting those four strong arms handle her body, her bare breasts shifting for Lionel, her legs parting for the bear...she puts her hands on her men, rubbing the elephant's smooth round belly, and running her fingers through Forge's headfur.

The bear growled happily as he watched those thighs part and he felt those fingers slide through the fur on his head. He reached up and undid the women's pants, slowly sliding them down and off her legs, leaving her in just her panties. He shoved his face up against them, nuzzling at her soft lips through that silky fabric, letting Emma feel it slide across her most sensitive parts, before he started to slowly work them down and off.

Forge growled playfully, "Lay her back... I have an idea." He growled, and the elephant laid Emma gently across the top of the picnic table. "Remember the "tongue twister" I joked about?" The elephant managed a grin and a nod as he remembers just what the bear was talking about. The bear returned the nod and the elephant slide the women's legs on his shoulders and shifted down onto his knees. Meanwhile, the bear got up onto the bench and leaned over Emma. The elephant's hot breath rolled across her rear, before his tongue found it's way against the women's rosebud and thrusts its way inside as the big bear slide his muzzle between the women's legs, his own tongue tracing along those smooth outer lips, before working his way inside the tapir's smooth tunnel.

The tapir gave both men a bemused look as they have her lie down...but that changes when Lionel starts tonguing her tush! She moaned and writhed, and then moans louder when the bear's tongue tastes her flesh! Her chubby thighs writhe, and her plump groin pressed into the bear's face as she rolled her hips. Her hands caressed the man's furred belly, and explore his heavy body...

Those two males pulled out every trick with their tongues they could muster, trying to make Emma squirm around them. Forge''s tongue slide up to her clit, and he grinned as he flicked his tongue across it, making her writhe and squirm as his buddy's tongue presses against the pleasure spots deep inside of her. The two of them keep it up for a while, Forge''s beard tickling at her soft lips, before he stood up and said. "Alright... Time for the tango." He proclaimed with another knowing look at his buddy, who stood up, helping Emma to her feet, before Lionel grabbed the back of your knees and as the big bear slid behind the tapir, and before she knew what was happening she was sandwiched between their big bellies, her legs wrapped around Lionel's waist. Where she could feel Lionel's slick grey head poking at her soft lips as Rufus's pink length pokes at her slick puckered hole. They grin at each other, before squeezing Emma tight, and thrusted in.

The tapir moaned loudly as Lionel pushed his long, thick cock into the plump tapir's pussy, and then she howled when Forge's pole slid up into her ass. She grabbed the elephant's belly and held tight while two big pairs of male hips hump and hammer her hot, plump hips...

Those two males almost seemed to have practice at this, their hips were perfectly timed so that as one shaft filled Emma the other slid out, and so on. Either way, one hole or another always had something hot and pulsing in it. Lionel had taken to nuzzling, suckling, and nibbling at Emma's tits as Forge's paws slid to her front and play with her clit as his balls slap against her fuzzy brown ass. Those two males balls slap against her taint, their sacs always coming so close to each other but some how never managing to touch. The bear softly nibbled on her neck. "Ohhh Emma, you are one fine women. We could do this all night..." He said with a growl. "Mmm but we're only mortal." The two men lock eyes with each other and nod, before Lionel gripped the tapir tight, his powerful shaft slamming into her one more time, before his seed started to fill her plump pussy. Lionel growled next, his own shaft ramming into the women, those two cocks throbbing inside of her as each unloaded their seed into the tapir.

The hefty lady bit her lip and groaned, clutching Lionel's big belly as he erupted in her pussy, her flesh squeezing both spurting shafts! Finally when Forge is spent, she takes a moment to catch her breath, then put a hand on both of their heads. "Mm. Good job,, kneel." Somehow Forge is compelled to obey, and he and Lionel pulled out carefully, then kneeled on the ground next to each other, facing her. She sat on the table, her legs apart, her presence commanding. "It's time to choose which of you will serve me with your balls...and which will serve me without," she said with a smirk.

The bear squirmed on his knees, his spent cock dripping his seed upon the ground, before he recoils in horror at her suggestion, but all he can do is watch. Finally it clicked, the stories were true, she didn't want his pants, she wanted his balls! Lionel on the other hand was a bit calmer, his shaft was even starting to twitch as images of his ball-less body rubbing over that beautiful woman's danced through his head.

The chubby tapir beckoned them both, and guided their muzzles between her thighs. Lionel stole a glance at the bear as they both competed for space and began to lick the tapir's plump pussy, the big woman mmmming in enjoyment as two men competed for their balls! Finally she scooted back out of reach. "Lionel," she commanded and beckoned, "Come to me..." Mesmerized, the fat elephant began to crawl forward, climbing up the table and bending over it...until he was stopped short. With a grunt he winced and looked back...his big grey bag was caught between two of the planks that made up the picnic table. He gave you a sudden, fear-filled look, just as Emma put her hand on his shoulder, and stopped his struggles..."Forge. Castrate your friend," she commanded. Lionel's eyes bulged, and his big body trembles.

The bear's eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped. He tried to control himself, he tried to stop himself, but he couldn't. He found himself walking over to his pants and pulling out his knife. He grabbed his flask of whisky, unscrewed the top, and poured some over the blade. He kneeled behind the big brute, his fingers trembling as he looked at that big grey sac. He reached up, cupping those big balls gently, wincing as he thought about how gay this must look, and then he felt his body begin to do something that horrified him. He was leaning forward, his tongue sticking out as he licked across that elephant's musky cum and pussy juice covered sac. He felt his stomach twist in knots as he gave those balls a good lashing before he kissed them and his shaky hands went to work.

He worked those orbs down and sliced along the bottom of that big grey sac, those pink nuggets pressing against the opening, before he rammed his finger inside, and pulled out that first massive nut, letting it bob in the air, before repeating the process and letting the second join it. He grabbed one big ball and pulled it tight, the blade of his knife grinding up and down the cord to fray the tissue, before it eventually popped off into his hand. He set it on the table, and then repeated the technique, demaleing his friend.

Lionel had tears running down his face at that point, knowing what he'd just lost, knowing he was no longer a male. Rufus tried to get up, but instead he found himself pouring more whisky over the blade. A silent "no!" Escaped his lips as he grabbed his own balls in one paw and stretched them down, watching as his own paws took the blade of his knife, and in one quick flick of his wrist, he joined his friend in the nutless club. He grabbed both sets of balls, tears rolling down his face, before he kneeled in front of Emma, presenting those two sets of balls to the woodland witch they now belonged too.

Night at the Busted Nut

Rory felt a tightness in his chest as he looked through the two-way mirror that let the people backstage look out onto The Busted Nut's main floor. The club was packed, it was so much different from the first time he'd seen it weeks ago, back when he...

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Rory felt his spent shaft twitch as he took Parker's hand. He gulped, putting his right foot forward and stepping out of the back of the limo. The artificial lights of the building he was now in stung his eyes. He wasn't really sure where he was, but...

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Rory felt his heart sink in his chest as he looked at the contract in front of him. "Dad, you're joking, right? This is just all some prank to fuck with me on my birthday." The young bull asked hopefully. The older bull avoided eye contact by...

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