A Bump in the Road. Chapter Four.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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A Bump in the Road Chapter Four By Roofles

The heavy iron knob lifted in my hand, the cool steel nearly burning my palm as I lifted and pulled the heavy wooden door open. And with it I could feel fresh air billowing inside the dank hallway I found myself in.

The torches lining the walls were extinguished with that wind and darkness flooded around me. My only salvation was the light poking through the door I had opened. It took several blinking seconds for my eyes to adjust to the new light, a far more natural light than the torches behind me.

The first step was only to get a better view. The second was to make sure what I was seeing was a trick of the light and the Third? I couldn't resist.

The ground beneath my feet were cobbestone slabs hand carved and formed, fitting together in an intricate design. Each just another piece of the puzzle, the tapestry that stretched as far as the eye could see. Along the side of this cobalt blue road were English styled black street lamps that sprouted from the very ground as if the road had been carved around them. Fire flies seemed to dance in their luminescent bulbs. I could watch them flutter around for hours on end never the same shape or size twice as they circled around like golden snowflakes trapped in their globes.

Strings were threaded neatly around each lamp to one another like ribbons of red and gold between each one. Lamps and decorations hung from each one, more of Asian that English design however. Paper lamps in the shape of koi fish swam on these almost invisble threads, seemingly through the air itself as if it were but a pond.

Chinese dragons swung from the building rooftops with tigers prowling in the alley ways all bright and lit up made of this same paper material as the koi fish above. Jewelry and beads hung from the windows of every store. Draped behind the window and across the doors, hanging above the porches and draping down like curtains.

Lining both sides of the cobblestone walkway were stores. Countless stores of different design. Though the lights above were Asian, the lamp posts were clearly English, the beads were far more Middle Eastern and the face masks hanging in one nearby window were of African design. It was as if someone had taken the major cultural influences of the world and meshed them, weaving them together in this tapestry of unity.

And then... There were the denizens of this place.

A combination of all the above and far more. Lion, Tigers and Bear. Oh my...

To be honest I was a loss for words at first, how does one going about explaining such a phenominom? At first. I thought it was a festival a very lively an odd one at that. Everyone was in suits, costumes and the like for the festivities! However my brain had jumped onto that hope too quickly.

You see? Animitrons had come far in our day and time. But not this far. When you see ears stand and move, twisting back and forth, focusing on spots before turning back towards the main source? This is not normal. It's far to real to be that way. For a tail to whip and curl, to bunch up or poof out when the owner of which is succumb to a powerful emotion.

How a mouth opens and a tongue lolls out, speaking and curling with words as that throat moved and chest roase all in such subtle flows that it could only be natural. Real. Even if you didn't want to believe it. Whiskers that twitched and drooped like bristled wires on one muzzle to the other.

I couldn't count there were so many coming and going in this strange back alley I had found myself in. And yet above I could see the stars. The clouds were gone and it was night.

Instantly my mind began picking things out. Talon hands and lion paws, a beak and wings. A gryphon? The massive beast that lumbered by nearly Nine feet tall, easily weighing at least four hundred, five hundred pounds was a minotaur. A shrill cry made me wince as a harpy came out of a nearby store with her two friends laughing together like sisters.

Then there were badgers, raccoons, weasels, foxes, mice and other critters all different sizes from each other that walked around in nothing but the fur on their backs. They only came up to waist high give or take a couple of inches. They moved about on two legs walking and talking as if pretending to be human.

Amongst all these varied creatures were in fact humans. But not like myself. It was...hard to put into words. You know when you see someone and you just get that uneasiness from them? They hadn't said or done anything and yet you could feel your breath tighten in your throat as if some animal instinct was warning you about something. It was like that.

Scruffy, masculine and strong bodied these people walked around not even seeming to be nerved by all this, any of this. Hell if I saw close enough most the others actually kept their distance from them. And before my eyes I could see why.

By this point the door had shut behind me and I had hid within the shadows of an alleyway watching everything in a sort of shocked enthrallment. Like a car crash. A morbid fascination that I couldn't, and didn't want to look away from.

What I could only assume to be some sort of centaur (a body of a horse and an upper torso of a..manhorse?) happened to bump into one of these human. In a flash the whole creature was slammed against the brick wall and where there should've been a hand was now a grisly bear sized paw with nails as black as coal and several inches long. This human had changed so suddenly I missed it in a blink of an eye.

Skin peeling away and fur springing forth from under it, ripping off the mask like face he wore. Shoulders bent and twisted, stomach sunk in and rib cage cracked and broke filling up and outwards as his arms sagged with their now great length. And where a man had stood was now a snarling beast.

It's black lips parted and a snarl escaped it's lips. I could make out it's breath even from where I stood. It's fangs were huge and dripping a thick saliva onto the stone ground beneath them. And soon, as silence seemed to have fallen on the street, I could hear a laugh.

That hand let go and the arm dangled at his side, it's hands almost matching it's knees. It was disposition and it only clicked when he moved. Falling to all fours to prowl around the very startled horse. "Watch it." One of the females laughed finding the whole thing far too amusing. I swore she was getting off on this.

"Pathetic." Another spat, literally at the fallen beast.

"Next time." The first spoke shifted from beast to man and standing back up. "It won't be a warning." And the trio walked on down the path laughing crudely at what had happened.

I could make out a crest. A silver wolf howling at the night sky on their cloths. "Great," I muttered aloud. A gang. Even in this odd place there were such groups. Wearing black leather vest and fingers less gloves, collars and silver chains. Bikers I wanted to say but from the look of 'em they didn't need any bikes.

Watching what I had seen I already figured who had committed to crimes half the city was trying to investigate. But at the same time couldn't believe it. Let alone how in the nine hells was I going to report something like THAT to the mayor? Or the police? Or even my business partner...

Then the three stopped. Sniffing at the air itself making my body tense as the female looked in my general direction. I wasn't sure if they could see in the dark but I didn't want to push my luck.

My eyes darted towards the door I had come into. Several paces away. But the thing was. I couldn't find it in the smooth stone foundation as if someone had peeled it off as if it had been nothing more than a sticker.

It was as my heart thundered and pounded in my chest, which I was sure was giving away my location, that a hand touches my shoulder. I froze instantly. And at the same time tried to jump out of my skin. I nearly pulled my back in the action.

Even before I could groan a smooth hand wrapped around my lips pulling back and a shushed voice whispered in my ear to "Be quiet." Fur tickled my nose and the hands were warm, feeling like leather against my face. I could make out black fur fingers and tucked claws like a cat. It was a cat. A black cat. How...lucky?

I was pulled back some more, shushed and then looking over my shoulder I could see the very oddly dressed feline motioning towards the back. I followed just as the female rounded the corner, vanishing into a door that might've well have been part of the rock wall itself.

And sure enough the second my foot slipped inside the rocks began to churn and move on their own as if they had sprouted legs, crumbling like crumbs back into the whole slice of bread.

"Impressive." I had to admit watching the sight. Blinking several times before looking at the cat. "The fuck is going on?"

"Hah, I knew it." The feline practically purred and sure enough there was a smug grin on his feline face. Somewhat startling seeing all those fangs smiling at you. "Your just like those construction workers a while back." He wagged a finger at me before moving deeper inside.

The room was dark, dank and musty like an old library that hadn't been disturbed in ages. I coughed as dust rose from the shelves in the cat's wake.

This cat looked...comical? It was hard to say being a cat and all. In an over sized crooked witch's hat and a dusty gray robe, he looked as if at the last minute he had grabbed at whatever he could for Halloween. The thing was until he spoke I couldn't be sure if it was a he or not.

Lifting up the over sized hat that kept drooping down over his face, he asked if I was coming or not. Those golden sphere's seemed to have a light of their own while I was struggling just making it through the maze of shelves that were stocked with jars and books, ceramic pulls full of foul smelling powder and various things only my other senses could tell as I was blind as a bat.

I did the classic raise your arms blindly and bump into everything that one wouldn't think could block your path. It was out of courtesy, a good minute later, that a hand(?) grabbed mine and pulled me through. My knee banged into a box though making me bite my tongue and I still bumped into practically everything. At least I made it out in this lifetime.

And coming out from the back room and into the main? More shelves. Lots more. Thankfully there was at least some light this time around. Claws, feathers, powders, moss, roots, plants and countless other things rested on these shelves. Scales sparkled in the dim lights hanging above, a mixture of smells assaulted my senses and I could hear faint bells blowing in the wind.

The black cat said moving through the shelves like a leaf in the wind, with a practice step that would put professional dancers to shame. He spun around on his heels clapping his paws together. "Welcome, welcome to my humble shop." He grinned toothily and instantly I got a bad feeling that my money was in danger. "Take a look around, take a look around!" He encouraged with that sells man grin. "Please, please." Nodding at me several times with dollar signs in his eyes, rubbing his paws together greedily.

"Uh...sure?" I could only offer weakly after he had saved me from being spotted. I was taking this in stride. It was all I could do really. Trapepd as I was. So adjusting my collar, smoothing the edges and hems of my over coat I moved through the maze of shelves looking at the various nick nacks and things you would find in a...witchs(?) shop. I wasn't really sure what to make of half of the things here.

Of course I froze when I came by the front window staring face to face with that female gang member. She stared back. And I reach for my gun. Then she looked away and headed with the other just shrugging it off.

"I like to keep my costumers animosity a secret." The cat said covering his mouth with his sleeve and grinning with those golden eyes.

"You mean identity." I pointed out looking over my shoulder at him.

For a second I think he frowned, it was kind of hard to tell. In the next there was a shrug in his shoulders with black ears folding back. "Of course," he played it off rather well actually. "Speaking of identity," he said the word as if to remind himself of it more so than anything else. "I am Varric," the black cat bowed the large, crooked tip hat nearly falling off. He raised his head once more and those black ears perked up from holes within it.

"John Thomas," I answered offering a hand. Using the Alias I had since I started my job. Although my second name was the same I found it added to a realism of it and with it could fool even the most suspicious of people. The best lie is based off the truth after all.

"Right." Varric frowned once more before smiling and shrugging. "Did you see anything you liked?"

"Why did you help me?" I redirected the flow of the conversation he seemed to be trying to avoid.

"Business!" He exclaimed throwing his arms up. The open sleeves of his robe fell all the way down to bunch up at his shoulders. He had a far more muscular frame I had to admit from what I first suspected. That short black fur really outlined every curve. "Saving you just mean there is always another potential costumer."

"Right." I replied this time in disbelief. "And who were those..." I swallowed the word I was going to use trying to still remain unbiased here. "Gentleman back there?"

"The Wolf Pack?" We both shared a frown at the name. "Bunch of idiots," he muttered. "Always getting in the way of business!" He tossed his arms up again stomping around, his tail flickering back and forth like an...angry cat ironically. "Always scarying away potential costumers!" There was actually a hiss in his voice as he glared out the small window in the door at the backs of the three heading down the street.

The door flew open, smacking the cat against the wall. And that's why you don't stand in front of a door that opens inwards kids. The door moved back swinging back to close as a rather dazed cat stumbled from behind. Before flying open once more and smashing the poor bugger against the wall.

The first thing I saw was the fuzzy little cotton ball tail poke inside before a rabbit the size of a man walked backwards in carrying several boxes. The hare had large antlers jutting from his head and his view was obscured by the several half dozen boxes stacked in his thick arms. "Varric!" He shouted swinging around and nearly dropping the top three boxes in the motion. "Where do you want these?" The rabbit inquired in a husky tone before poking his head around the boxes. "Varric?"

His long bunny ears were folded back on his head, clipped together with a single brass ring like a pony tail. Fluffy white cheeks with thin needle whiskers, a dusty brown nose and fur the color of a deserts sand. His hands were like his bare feet of snowy white, his chest a creamy brown and those eyes...those eyes were now looking right at me.

"Sup." Was the first thing that came to mind as I waved at him. The only thing...that came to mind.

To be honest I'm glad I was taking things so well. Cause this hare didn't. He jumped and the boxes flew everywhere and their contents spilled out all over the place. He slammed hard against the wall pointing at me as if I were a fricking leper or something. "Human!" He shouted pointing, I mean damn! It was like I was wearing a fuckin' sign or something. And the look on his face, although a bit comical, was still insulting. It was as if I was the 6'2 giant talking rabbit or something.

"Where?" I said turning around quickly and looking as if trying to spot this strange creature known as hugh-man. "Hide me! Protect me! Oh gawd it's going to eat my brains." Ok so I went over the top a little bit with the zombie bit that followed.

The hare wasn't amused. "How the hell did you get in here." He asked before shaking his head. "No, I know how." This was soon followed by a loud slam as he shut the door and picked up the very dazed looking cat by the scruff of his neck. Literally picking him up like a mother would a kitten.

"I don't know nothin'!" The cat mrowed loudly attempting to claw at the hare's face. The hare in question just moved him further away. A very pitiful display.

"Then how did a human get past the barrier." The jackolope (it just clicked in my head) pointed at me with his other arm.

The black cat just shrugged with a grin on his muzzle. "Maybe he knows the password?" This was followed by a snickering laugh that soon turned into another loud mrow as the jackalope shook him and tossed him to the side.

"Oi," he turned towards my still pointing with his other hand this time. "How'd ya' get past the barrier?"

"I walked in." I said eying him. "If I could've I would've just walked out by now."

"It's easier to get in then out." He stated flatly before pulling his ears down, even further than they already were. "This is a pain!" He groaned loudly.

I was about to ask what was wrong with a human but soon was told why.

"If The Pack finds out about this we're going to be in so much trouble." The jackalope just groaned loudly again covering his face.

"Are they that big around here?" Gangs can be just small time annoyances or they can be along the lines of an actual mafia. It depends how big, the grip they have on the city and the underground they control. Various factors are involved in all situations. The thing they have in common? If your not a part of the gang your against them.

"Well duh. They'd tear down our store if they find out." He groaned again, shoulders slouching. "Just to make a point!"

"What do they have against humans?" Might as well get as much info as I could while I could.

"Nothing. They love 'em!" He said covering his face as if that was the problem. A look must've crossed my face as he went on. "Look." He laid things out for me. "They WANT humans around? Why? Cause then they can turn them and you'll be like the rest of him." He scoffed loudly waving out the window at where they had been.

"Turn me? Like bribe me or something?" I defiantly didn't like the sounds of that.

"No, stupid." Once more his tone was very blunt as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. "They'll do some kind of...ritual or something, I don't know. Then bite you. And bam! Come the full moon you'd be one of them."

"There's a reason why humans don't come here often." The cat said getting back up and dusting himself off. "They don't stay human for long." He frowned. "Therians are only one group that can turn you from man to beast. Let alone ones that...feed off of humans." The black cat, Varric, adjusted his hat. Once it was fixed it fell back down over his eyes.

"So you see the dilemma we're in." The hare said resting against the wall all fear seemingly gone now.

"We?" I said picking out the word that interested me most.

"Yeah. Not like we," he motioned between the two of them. "Can just let you go out there and get turned."

"I'm still curious," like a cat go figure "as to how you got inside."

The hare seemed to snap back to this, only now remembering, and smacked his friend several times in the arm. "Hey, hey, hey!" He hit each hey. "He's right." Referring to his friend in like a third person now, lovely. "How did you get in?"

"Look." I said wanting get back to the issue of not turning into a fuzzy dick like those pricks outside. "I followed some people inside. The ground itself opened up for me when I said hocus pocus or whatever it was and then I tailed the two."

"Two?" The cat scratched his chin. "Odd. No one else came from the side."

"It was a one way passage. I'm positive they came this way."

Those golden eyes seem to grow far more stern, serious before blinking and his face relaxed and the cat shrugged. "Nope." Varric said childishly. "No one but you."

"Besides the door doesn't use a password." The hare pointed out. "It reacts to those who are permitted to enter."

"The humans from before got in." The cat pointed out beginning a private conversation with the hare as if I wasn't even here.

"Right. Right. No wait!" The jackalope stamped his hands together. "The council fixed that!"

"True. So maybe someone broke it again?" The black cat just shrugged. He began grooming himself, licking the top of one hand and rubbing it over the side of his face.

"Look." I tried to steer the questioning back to the reality at hand. "Can you help me get out of here or not?" It'd be easier to at least ask about that. While I figured while I found the exit I could look into this matter more. To many questions were bombarding my brain to think straight, the loudest was being how the hell was I going to get out of here.

"Barney," the cat said. It took me a second to realize he was talking to the hare. "Be his guide and take him out the back entrance."

"Uh, hell no?" The jackalope snapped back with a cold glare. "Be seen walking around with him and I'll be lunch meat."

Varric rolled his golden eyes and moved around behind the counter. Fetching something from underneath it I and the hare just stood there waiting for the cat who was beginning to take his sweet time.

"So...come here often?" I quipped looking at the jackalope.

"Don't." Barney warned eying me. "I'm not your friend. Your only going to 'cause us problems."

Sheesh, what a pleasant fellow.

"Found it!" The cat jumped back up, smacking the top of his head under the desk. Rubbing the back of his skull he looked up with an apologetic grin. "Here." He offered with a black fur gloved hand.

Clasp in his hand was a golden medallion. A tacky looking trinket you'd buy as a souvenir somewhere for your kid. The chain was brass and most likely made out of the same stuff a penny was. The golden medal was chipping at the edge revealing a cheap plastic substance.

I took it more out of courtesy than anything else. "This?" I ask just holding the object. I'll admit it was far heavier than it looked.

"I'm not paying for that." Barney pointed out looking at it as if it were a serpent waiting to strike. I just followed his gaze back down to it holding the object at arms length away.

"How is this suppose to help me."

"Put it on and see." The cat just offered leaning against the counter with a smarmy grin you'd see on a second hand salesman.

Being stared at by the two I felt obligated to at least try the tacky thing. And so I slipped the necklace over my head and let it rest down on my shoulders. Once more it felt far heavier than that and there was an odd warmth to it. But nothing else.

"Well?" I asked turning from one to the other. The jackalope raised an eyebrow and whistled staring at me.

"I'll be damned." He just muttered.

"What?" I asked turning towards the cat frowning, not enjoying this game at all.

The black cat vanished once more returning far quicker this time with an ugly hand mirror. "See for yourself." He flipped it around and bending closer to get a good look, my jaw dropped.

At first I just assumed it was a trick mirror. But I could feel that thick mane against my cheek, the wetness of my nose and with every blink watch those soft teal eyes close and open. The jaw was open like my own and incisors the size of my pinky were visible, panting from within the large muzzle jutting from the face. The whiskers twitched and it swallowed loudly, as I in turn did.

"Neat." Was the only word that came to mind as I spoke to the lion in front of me. "It's not...permanent is it?"