Our Pride chapter 1

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#8 of My pack

Well here it is, the start of book two. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know if the quality of my work dropped any. Not sure if this chapter is as good as the book that came before it. Well, without further delays here it is.

I looked around the cozy house. Sure it was small, but this was our first home. Gods I'm such a sap. Getting ahead of myself like I always do. We still had a while before we finished school. Iain was still a new member of the household after all. I stared out the living room window. Spring was just starting to settle in. But naturally you want to know about what happened before this part. So allow me to fill you in.

I woke up, sandwiched between Torban and something soft and fluffy. My mind knew he was behind me, being very familiar with him. But the soft fluffy in front of me was new. I opened my eyes slowly, staring at the back of a canine's head. Husky, he smelled nice, a combination of his natural musk and my scent clung to his furry form. I smiled remembering who it was that was pressed against my chest and belly.

It was early, very early since I couldn't see any light coming under the curtain of the hotel room. I slowly sat up on my side, looking at my mates and boyfriend. They were all still asleep. Torban's arm limply resting on my hip. I was hungry, but couldn't do anything about that right now. So I just leaned down and gave my boyfriend a lick on the cheek. He tightened his hold on Eric in response and I smiled at him.

I had always been attracted to Iain. Gorgeous eyes and nice ass aside, he was very sweet and the best friend I ever had. Now here he was, property of our pride. I slowly laid back down and snuggled into his soft fur. He murred softly and pressed back into me. I kissed the back of his head. 'It's okay pup,' I thought to myself. I wasn't going anywhere. Knowing how it felt when one of my males wasn't close to me like this.

Having experienced that hours ago when Torban got up to turn off the light. But soon we would have to go on our way, with Iain going on his. It would be hard on him, but we would be back for him. That's what you do when you're in a pride, you don't leave someone behind. I looked back at Torban, he was our Alpha. I sighed, not wanting to assign pack ranks to the four of us. Torban may be the most dominant one out of the four of us, but we were all equal.

I yawned, the two warm bodies pressed against me making me drowsy. Not enough to go back to sleep though, so I just laid there, awake. Thinking about how things were different, yet strangely, still the same. Eric started to stretch, the movement jerking me from my thoughts. The husky held Eric firmly in place, refusing to let him go. "I have to take a piss, I'll be right back." Eric said looking back at him. I chuckled and nuzzled Iain's cheek.

He whimpered softly and let go of Eric. Letting him slip from the bed and walk around to the bathroom. I held him tightly against me. Iain murred softly, relaxing in my embrace. Eric closed the door behind him and I pressed my cheek to the husky's. "You sure know how to make a guy feel loved." I smiled, "Well I did have a crush on you. Was too nervous to tell you though." I felt his tail brushing against my leg. "Glad that things turned out the way they did. You guys showed up right when I needed you most."

My ear perked, hearing the toilet flushing before Eric stepped back into the room. He climbed back into the bed, facing Iain and me. "You just needed to be told that social pressures aren't something you should let get to you." Eric said wrapping his arms around the husky. Iain held him tightly, wanting Eric to be as close as he could be. "Not just that, I mean I was pressured to find a direction. To have my life all planned out and on track."

"But that's not the only thing that was bothering me. You came out like a superstar. While I was trapped here in this conservative ass state. It wasn't easy for me, all the other guys dating girls and talking about their latest conquest. I lied, told them I was after chicks from the Catholic school. That those girls were freaky in bed because they weren't getting enough. My first year here I thought things would be a little better."

"They were, it was easier to hide. For me to just lie about getting tail on weekends or whatever. I tried to like girls, I really did. Watching porn, girls with big tits, girls with girls. Figured I was just bi, and that my body was in a 'I want guys' phase. Or something like that. I didn't know and until I met Lyon it seemed no one was accepting of it. Great guy, I just cant see myself telling him I like guys. What if I did and he was too rough, he is horny all the time. Or I didn't like it, but he kept using me as his bitch. Blackmailing into obeying or something like that."

"I just wanted someone I could trust. That way if it was curiosity or something, I would know they would treat me right. That no matter what, I could sort things out on my own." He pressed into Eric, burying his face into the tiger's neck fur. I looked at Eric, he just leaned his head against the husky's. I licked the back of Iain's neck and held him. He had to get everything out. Years of pent up frustration were welled up inside of our husky. It wasn't easy for me either, but now was not the time to talk about that.

He needed someone to listen, and so Eric and I listened to him. Letting him open up in a way he had never felt safe doing before. He was safe, Eric made sure our husky knew that. In the same way that I was. By holding him, protecting him from the outside world. "When you called, it actually made me happy. Like I had a chance to see how you were and if I could really live with another guy. To see if I was bi or what. Maybe even open up a little, if we were away from other people."

"I was just tired of not knowing and the constant worry. I wanted to call you so many times, when I was alone, just to tell someone what was going on with me. I just couldn't though, like if I did then my world would flip upside down and I would really be on the outside. My parents wouldn't accept it, God fearing Republicans. I wouldn't have anyone if that happened." He squeezed Eric tightly and I could see a tear running down his cheek.

"God I'm pathetic, the big jock is just some whiny bitch. Too afraid to tell his friend since we were pups, who was openly gay, that he might like guys too. Only thing keeping me going is school, the one thing I can do without screwing up." Eric licked Iain's tears. "It's okay, we're here now pup." I smiled at Eric, always knowing how to make someone feel cared for. Iain looked into his eyes, just looking into them in silence for a moment.

"I'm glad he called me, and that despite being scared that I said yes to meeting up. Talking again in person was nice and I felt attracted to each of you. Strong bodies, I could smell your musk and knowing you were all gay made it all the more pleasant. Like I could enjoy it and not feel bad for it. I was jealous of you, sitting so close to that strong lion. Having him to hold you like that. Then when Kimber touched my leg it was like I could have that too if I just gave in."

"It made me feel like I was wanted, that I wouldn't be left all alone. Then when the topic of sex came up, I almost got hard right there. I was too nervous though, surprised I asked if I could watch. I'm sure Lyon suspected when I talked to him before we left." I chuckled and nuzzled his cheek. "Probably jealous your best friend got to use your tight ass." He murred softly and nuzzled Eric. "I don't care anymore, if I get to be with you guys then I don't care who knows."

Torban groaned and pulled Iain and me firmly back into him. "Too early for talking," he grumbled. "What time is it?" I asked him. He leaned back, "Almost five." Iain smiled and nuzzled into Eric. Obviously giddy about his first time with another guy. Eric was the first he ever mounted and the first he tied with. "Any place open around here? I'm kind of starving," I said.

Torban sat up, interested in the conversation now. Iain snuggled back into Eric. "There is a Shari's nearby, they are always open. I don't mind paying either, you guys have really helped me out." Torban climbed out of the bed, searching for his clothes in the dark room. "Want to shower pup?" Eric asked looking into Iain's eyes. He shook his head, "I want to wear your scent all the time. I cant get enough of it." Eric chuckled and nuzzled the husky. "Doggies, always falling in love with their dicks."

"We cant help it, it's the tie that binds. It is a very deep and meaningful experience for us. Going back to our ancestors, only tying with their life mates." I told him and not for the first time. The first time Eric took my knot I experienced that feeling as well. Like Eric was more than just my mate, something so much more. That feeling came back again a few days ago when Torban took my knot. Last night, when I tied with Iain, it was a very deep connection that I shared with my friend.

He could feel it too in the way he kept pressed against me while trying to be as close to Eric as he could. I slid back from the husky, getting a soft whimper from him. "It's okay pup, I'm not going far." Eric held him tightly, letting the husky relax into him. I walked over to where I stripped out of my clothes, almost bumping into Torban, still busy searching for his. I found my shorts and slipped them on. Checking that my sheath was safely inside before zipping them up. My shirt was easy enough to locate as well. One sock however, proved to be a challenge.

Eric slowly sat up and started to coax Iain from the bed. Torban switched on the light, having trouble finding the rest of his clothes as well. Once I slipped my other sock on I walked over to Eric, taking Iain from him so he could get dressed. "Come on sweetie, let's get you dressed." He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I smiled and gave his ass a pat, "I love you too. But we all need food so let's get a move on."

Iain smiled at me, pressing his lips to mine. We both murred, savoring our kiss. Our first kiss, I pulled back from it slowly but he just pressed forward. Not wanting the moment to end. After a few seconds though he relented and pulled back from me. "Yours?" he asked me, a blush visible through his fur. "Sure are, my bitch and I plan to take good care of you. But we need to eat, so let's get you dressed."

He laid his ears back, nodding in agreement. "Yes sir," he said moving away to start getting dressed. Iain wasn't like his old self, he was being submissive and I wasn't used to that. Once we were all dressed Torban pulled open the door and motioned for us to get out into the hall. Eric wrapped an arm around Iain and led him out into the corridor. Torban wrapping his arm around my shoulders when I walked out.

I watched Eric and Iain walking together. My instincts telling me that my mate was being taken away. I just smiled and pushed that to the side. My husky was perfectly fine, safe with the tiger who will always belong to me. Torban kissed my cheek while we waited for the elevator. Eric having hit the call button before we caught up. Iain kissed Eric and I took the opportunity to give my lion some love.

Kissing him softly while we waited on the elevator car to arrive. The doors slid open and we followed our lovers inside. Moving to the right side while Eric pressed the button for the first floor. Iain was making the most of his time with the tiger. Kissing and licking him the whole ride down. It was so cute, I just smiled at Torban. I could tell he wanted some time with the husky too. "We'll trade partners at the restaurant." I told him. Iain looked over at me and then to the lion.

"It will be alright pup, he will take good care of you. Regardless of whether there was any knotting between you two last night. The door slid open again and we exited the car. Eric walked up to the front desk with Iain in tow. A female rat was standing behind it, typing away until Eric was at the desk. "Just on minute," she said to him not looking up from her screen. After a minute she looked at him. "Checking out," he said handing her the key card. "Alright Mister Johnson, I just need your signature and you can be on your way."

She pulled out a form for him to sign. He quickly signed it and slid it back to her. "Alright, your card will be billed shortly. Thank you for staying with us and have a great day." Iain hadn't moved from his side the whole time. But the lady at the desk didn't seem to mind. She was just like her clothes, all business. We walked out into the parking lot. It was cold outside, none of us were really dressed for it. A layer of frost covered the grass and the sun was rising. Casting light across everything. It was dim light, but enough so that we could see.

Eric pulled open the back door and motioned for Iain to climb inside. Following behind the husky once he was situated. I pulled open the passenger's side door and got in. Buckling my seat belt, waiting on Torban to get settled in so we could go get food. I watched the pair in the back seat making out in the mirror. Poor husky, we couldn't stay and he couldn't come with us just yet. We all knew that, but let him carry on. We would cross that bridge later.

Everything kind of happened so fast, we weren't expecting this. But if there is anything I have learned over the years, it's that we will find a way to make it work. I used my phone to navigate us around to Shari's. Since Iain was too busy with his new kitty to do so. When Torban parked the car I turned back to look at them. "You have to come up for air sometime." Eric broke the kiss and looked at me. "He just wont stop," Eric said.

Iain blushed and pulled back his ears. "Well we're here, so Eric is mine now Iain. Big kitty wants to have some quality time with you." We all got out of the car and Torban pulled the husky against his side. I smiled at them, Iain would be fine. Subby guys couldn't resist a big strong male like Torban. Eric and I led the way into the restaurant. Waiting near the register for someone to come and seat us. A brown bear made her way over to us, "Table for four?"

"Yes please," I said smiling at her. She didn't look happy to see us. Not sure if that was because of the two guys hugging behind me, or the hour of day. She grabbed four menus and led us to a table not far away. Eric and I sat on one side, while Torban pulled Iain into the booth with him. "Anything to drink?" she asked sounding annoyed. The place was empty, she had nowhere else to be. Had to be her hating the display of gay love.

"Milk," I said quickly. I was pretty thirsty and nothing beat a tall glass of milk. Torban ordered coffee, as did Iain. Eric went with orange juice. "Thanks," I said to our waitress as she walked away. Torban shrugged and nuzzled Iain. The husky relaxing into him and enjoying the attention. Knot love was something most canines felt, few lacked the instinct. Iain was slowly starting to push the instinct to the side.

The bear came back placing a pot of coffee on the table and two mugs. Followed by my milk and Eric's juice. "Know what you want?" I quickly glanced at the menu and ordered pancakes, just to keep her from walking away for who knows how long. Eric ordered an omelet, and Iain did the same. Torban got the omelet with a side of hash browns and the pancakes that I ordered. She scowled at us but walked back to put in our order.

"Seattle is definitely the place for us," I said. Torban shrugged, "Might be afraid we wont tip." I raised a brow, "In that case I shall wave a stack of singles at her. At least then I wont feel like she will spit in our food or something." Eric chuckled and Iain looked over at me. "Don't worry pup, you're safe with us." Torban said giving him a nuzzle. He murred softly and relaxed again.

This whole thing reminded me of that speech I made at graduation. The hate people refused to get over, the hate that put fear in people like Iain. We didn't hurt anyone, yet they act like we are the scum of the earth. I was starting to get annoyed. Eric nudged me, "Chill babe. Change is slow, but it is coming." I smiled at him, he was right. We just had to hang in there a little longer. Podunk states like this one still had a ways to go though.

I took a breath and relaxed. It wasn't worth getting worked up over. I could yell at her for hours and she wouldn't change her mind on gays. I grinned, "There's at least one in every family." Eric chuckled knowing what I was talking about. "She is in for a shock if they ever come out." Eric said amused. Iain looked over at us, "What do you mean?"

"Well statistically gays are between twelve to fifteen percent of the general populace. Earlier numbers said it was more in the eight range, but that was proven wrong years ago. The number is growing because we are feeling safer about coming out. So by those numbers, someone in her family is gay." Iain flicked his ears, "So there are lots of us?" Torban chuckled and nuzzled him. "Sure are pup, you would be surprised."

"Yeah, our gay straight alliance group had a handful of gays in our grade. It was a small group when we first organized it. I'm sure now it is pretty big." Eric told him. It took a while for our food to come, but we were all happy to see it arrive. Our waitress still wasn't any happier to see us. But we thanked her for the food and eagerly dove into it. While we ate we didn't say much. We were all too hungry to do anything but at eat that point.

I devoured my pancakes and finished off my milk. Waiting for my guys to finish their food. Once we had all eaten our fill the bear returned and dropped off the bill. Eric reached for it, beating Iain to it. The husky pulled back his ears. "You don't have to cover me," he said. Eric shrugged, "You can cover the tip." Iain's ears slowly started to rise back up. Eric took the bill up to the register. Using his bank card to pay for our meal. Iain left a ten on the table for the tip.

He wanted to contribute more. "It's okay pup," Torban told him. We walked out of the restaurant. "Well pup, we should get you home so you can get ready for school." Iain looked at Torban like he just killed his dreams. The lion pulled him tightly against his broad chest. "We will come back to visit every month. At least once. You can transfer up our way at the end of the semester."

It would be a full house, with all of us plus Iain. Eric gave our husky a nuzzle. But we all cared about him, so we would find a way to make it work. I climbed into the back seat with Eric. Iain rode back to his place pressed firmly against our lion. He didn't want us to go, but we had to. This was going to be hard on him, but he would get through it. He had a goal now, something to push for.

Torban parked in the same garage as yesterday. We walked with Iain back to his house. We each gave him a hug and a kiss. "Hang in there pup, you have our numbers. If you need to talk to us, just call." Eric told him. I gave him one last nuzzle and walked out the door. I could tell he was feeling more than just knot love as we walked away. We were the first guys he has been with, and here we were walking away from him.

We all piled into the front seat and settled in for the long drive home. We all needed a shower and change of clothes. None of us complained about it though. I could still smell Iain on me. I had a feeling he wouldn't want to shower. But at some point he would resign and do so anyway. He would hold onto his clothes though. I knew he would. So he could smell his guys any time he felt lonely.

A tear ran down my cheek and I just stared at the side view mirror. A part of me was left behind in Idaho and I was starting to feel the hurt. I just got Iain back and now I had to leave him behind. Eric nuzzled my cheek, "It will be okay babe." I smiled at him, "I know it will. Just, not so easy for him is all. We weren't even back on the interstate when my phone buzzed. "Miss you," the text read. "I miss you too babe. Just hang in there, we will be back before you know it."

"Boyfriends?" his next text read. I shook my head, "Mates." It was a bold statement so soon, but I knew deep down inside that this husky would make the cut. Eric and Torban both enjoyed their time with him. They didn't experience the deeper connection Iain and I felt. But they did feel a connection during our visit. 'Canines always falling in love with their dicks,' I thought to myself. It was true though. I wished the felines I loved so much could know this feeling.

I would find out later that despite not having knots, they did indeed feel a deep connection between us. I rested my head against Eric's and we remained silent the rest of the trip home. The house was exactly as we left it. But to me, it felt empty. Then I realized why, Aiden's room lacked something. Aiden wasn't in there and Victor's door was closed. "Probably fucked the whole time," I said to myself stepping into our bedroom. Torban ordered pizza for dinner, we were starving and none of us felt like cooking.

We just wanted to relax and get a normal night's sleep. Iain texted us as often as he could during his day. Between classes and work he stayed pretty busy. That was good for him, it kept his mind off of us. Our monthly visits always seemed to perk him up. Lyon didn't change any, just as quiet and reserved. Not so much shy as not interested in anything outside of his world. I shook my head, giving up on trying to understand the husky. Maybe some day he would open up to someone.

Until then he just watched Iain leave with us on our special weekends together. The Holiday Inn became our usual love nest during out visits. Torban left one of his shirts with Iain during our third visit. It had all of our scents on it so he had something fresh to enjoy until our next visit. Winter was mild, but I didn't like it anymore. I hated the cold, snow or no snow. Don't get me wrong, I hated snow too.

I was sitting on the couch with Torban when I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out, "I talked 2 my parents." My ears perked and I sat up a little. Torban looked at me, "What's up?" I looked back at him, "Iain says he talked to his parents. Asking if he means he told them." I sent the text, waiting patiently for the response. I read it, "Yeah he told them. They are flipping out." I looked at Torban, "So much for him being able to go back home for the holidays.

"You could go visit him and then come back here before we go home." Torban said. My ears perked, he had a point. "Our husky does need one of us, at the very least one of us, to be there." I texted Iain to say I was going to head down to see him. "I want you two to come, but if I talk to his parents about it they may not be so open to all of us being there." Torban kissed my cheek, "I know. Which is why you're going. I will let Eric know when he gets back. Need any gas money?"

"No, I'm good on gas. Just a little nervous about what I'm getting into is all." He hugged me tightly. "You're a vicious one, now go pack. Our husky needs you now. I will text him until you get there." I hugged back as tight. "Thanks, you're the best. Tell Eric I said I love him, and that he is the best when he gets back." I ran upstairs to pack a bag. Our three week break just started for Christmas break. So I had a week max I could stay in Idaho before having to come back to do Christmas in Prosser.

I packed my bag quickly and checked my phone. Iain said he left the house and wasn't planning on going back. "I'm leaving now, let me know where to pick you up at in seven hours." I put my phone back into my pocket and dashed downstairs. The sedan was parked and waiting for me. I climbed in, wearing a light jacket to help keep me warm. I took a breath and started the car.

The drive seemed to take longer this trip. Though they often do when someone you care deeply for needs help like this. I got off the interstate and pulled into a gas station so I could check my phone. He was at our Shari's, the one we always seemed to end up at. "I'm almost there babe, see you soon." I easily navigated the rest of the way there. Knowing my way around from the four trips here we made before.

When I walked into the Shari's I spotted my husky right away. His head was hung and he had been crying. I made my way over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Iain looked up at me and then wrapped his arms around my waist. Pulling me into a hug. He was still sitting down, and under different circumstances his position would have had me hard in an instant. But sex wasn't on my mind right now. My mate was in pain, he needed me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and just held him.

I didn't care who was watching our display. I only cared about Iain right now. "They blamed me moving out for making me this way. Bad influences at school or some shit." I rubbed a hand between his shoulder blades. "They just don't understand what is going on is all pup. They still love you, and want what's best for you. Not this homo stuff, but they will come around and see that this is who you are. You're not selling drugs, or stealing from liquor stores. You're just different."

He hugged me tighter, my poor husky was hurting. I didn't notice the group of guys halfway across the restaurant. Why would I? They didn't matter like my mate did. "Hey fags, take it somewhere else!" my ear perked and I looked up. Typical jocks, toned and ignorant. I cast them a look and one of them stood up. Not the biggest in the group, but he was imposing nonetheless. The wolverine started walked over to us.

I recognized the letter jacket as belonging to Iain's school. I pushed Iain away from me and he looked up confused. I held a hand up to signal him to stay put while the other male closed the distance slowly. "You wanting to fight faggot? Hugging on each other and shit, we cant eat with that shit going on. Why don't you get the fuck out of here homo boy."

I glared at him, he was shorter than I was. But that didn't make him less of a threat. Iain tensed, I could see it in the corner of my eye. "Go back to your table," I told him. He clenched his hand into a fist. "Fuck you faggot, telling me what to do like you're somebody. Get your nasty tail out of here." He was agitated, the likelihood of an attack was growing. I kept my muscles relaxed. Not taking my eyes off of him.

"Look friend, I wasn't hassling you for kissing on a chick. Same deal as this, go sit back down before you start something you cant finish." He was angry, I knew my comment would set him off but I wasn't about to back down. If I did that sent a message that he could do this to the next gay person he came across. "Kimber, let's..." I flicked my tail at my husky to cut him off. "Better listen to your woman before I whoop your ass."

"He is not a woman, he is a man. One that I love very much. We have just as much right-" He swung with his right arm before I could finish. I redirected the blow down passed my leg. My fist connected with his stomach. I heard him groan and he went to cover his exposed side. He was too slow and I reconnected, this time hitting a little higher and getting his solar plexus.

He doubled over and I brought my knee up into his nose. Forcing him back and away from me. Blood was running down his nose and his friends started to get up. "Sit down gentlemen," a familiar voice said. They looked at the bear who waited on us almost every time we were here. "Sit down, or get out." The wolverine turned back and looked at her. "He fucking attacked me."

"You threw the first punch, now get out of here before I let the police deal with you." The wolverine snarled and hit my shoulder hard with his on the way passed me towards the door. I let it slide this time, not wanting to get more blood on me. His friends walked out right behind him. Each one staring me down. "How?" Iain asked me. "I'm not the same as I used to be husky. Let's give them a bit to leave and then we can get out of here."

"No need to rush out, you just got here. He hurt you any?" Carol asked me. I shook my head, "No ma'am, didn't hit me once. Though he got some blood on the knee of my pants." My jeans would be stained for good. Hopefully the memory of what happened would forever be in that guy's memory. "Sit down and relax. Can I get you anything?" I smiled at the bear. It didn't take much to get her to come around. Regular tips and gratitude won the woman over the course of our visits.

"A glass of milk for me, plus whatever he wants." Iain just shook his head, "I'm fine thanks." With that she walked off to get my milk for me. I sat down across from my husky. "You don't have to be strong, just fast. Also, always get in the last hit and make sure it is one they will remember." He smiled a little, "You used to be so timid and quiet. Now you're telling me, the guy who took care of you, how to win fights."

"It's more than winning fights. It's about self defense, but in the moment and in the future. Think he will be so quick to mess with a fag in the future?" I asked with a grin. Iain shook his head, "I expect not. Though he could just for revenge for what you did to him." My ear perked, "Good point. But we will never know for sure. All we can do is tell those who are like us that self defense is a must. We can only count on ourselves, that's it. My friend James taught me that. Black belt in Kung Fu."

I took Iain's hand in mine. "I cant protect you if I cant fight. I will always protect you, and if I need help I know you will protect me." Carol handed me my milk and I pulled a ten from my wallet. "Thanks," I said to her handing over the money. For a glass of milk, it was a good tip. Once I finished it we took our leave. Having something more important to do at that moment. Something that this whole build up was leading to. Taking the battle to his parents.

I drove Iain back over there and together we walked up to the door. His hand in mine, where it belonged. Iain pulled open the front door and we entered together. His parents were sitting in the living room of their single floor house. It was laid out a lot like Torban's was. Mister Mosner looked at us. I could see anger welling in him. But I didn't let go of Iain's hand. "Nice seeing you again, I came to talk peacefully so please extend me that courtesy in return."

His mom was more calm looking, though she had been crying a bit. Her eyes were puffy and her cheek fur was wet. He just waved his hand, yielding to me for the moment. "I know you weren't expecting this. It always seems sudden, out of nowhere. But take a step back and look at it from his point of view. He hid this because he was afraid you would react this way. He lied about who he was to avoid your bad reaction to it. Look at him, he is your son. The same one you brought home from the hospital. The same one who you taught to ride a bicycle."

"Think back, you have to know somewhere inside that he was like this. He didn't date girls in high school. Did he ever talk about girls? This is who he has always been. He was born this way, and it ate him alive trying to hide it from the world. He couldn't even tell me, his best friend since first grade." His mom sniffed and looked up at me. "Second grade, he was so excited about making a new friend. He talked about you all the time." I smiled at them both. "A long time to know someone, yet he didn't tell me. For the same reason I never told him. Fear of rejection, of being hated, or being hurt."

"This isn't easy for us, people out there make it a nightmare some days. Why would we choose that? Easier to just go with the flow. But nature made us who we are. I hope that you realize that in time and see Iain for what he is. Your son, your youngest child. He loves you both very much. He was sitting alone when I found him, crying. I drove a long way to be here for him. Please, take something I said to heart. Because he really needs you to love and support him."

His dad looked agitated, but let me say everything I wanted to. "What about our friends? The neighbors? What will they think when they learn that our son is that way?" he asked. Iain held my hand tightly. "If they say anything bad about it you tell them this. That he is your son, and that he means more to you than they do. So they can either check their attitude or ignore you. Because those people out there don't matter. Not in the way he matters to you. He is your child, not your friend, not your neighbor."

"Besides, they are in for a surprise when someone in their family comes out. Statistically there is one in every family. If that happens, who do you think they will come crawling back to? You, to help them come to terms with it themselves. That's how we get through this, by coming together. Not by putting up walls and blocking out everyone who is different. By building bridges we can make the future a better place for people like your son."

His mom started to cry again and I sighed. "Good speech son, what you said is true. Jesus taught love and compassion for other people. No matter who they were. Love the person, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did Iain. Just, I didn't see this coming. Expecting you to find a girl, to one day marry and have pups of your own with." Mister Mosner's words caught me off guard. Then he got up and hugged Iain tightly. "I used to criticize the pope for his new stance on gay rights. It took a brave young man walking into my house to remind me just what God stands for."

He then hugged me tightly, I returned the hug. This was not exactly how I imagined things turning out. I figured it would take weeks for them to come fully around. "Sit my boy, relax." he said motioning to one of the easy chairs. "Thank you sir," I said taking a seat. Iain grabbed one of the chairs from the kitchen so he could sit next to me. Taking my hand in his again. Iain's mom brought out the photo album, and like some mothers tended to do at one point or another, proceeded to embarrass my mate.

I chuckled and relaxed in my chair. Today had been a crazy day. But one that turned into an enjoyable evening. Even if I did have a blood stain on my pants that was forgotten until just now. I would stay here with Iain until he felt better. A week was a long time to away from our kitties. I sighed, I guess I could stay away from them just this once. They get to see me every day. Here I was with my best friend and his family. Not something that has happened in a long time. Things were definitely going to get interesting, I could feel it.

Hope you enjoyed that, I just finished book one, so if quality dropped due to burnout let me know so I can get this thing fixed and up to par. If it's good, let me know that I'm just being crazy and can work on the next chapter. Please vote, watch if you want to see more from me, comment below if you have a friendly word or comment to give. And as always thanks for reading ^_^