Our Pride chapter 4

Story by Nao Shadowpaws on SoFurry

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#11 of My pack

Chapter four is here, it is a bit rushed in places. Not a lot going on, but at the same time there was a lot going on. Little things that build up later on. Hope you enjoy it.

It was weird that the house seemed emptier than normal. It was odd, yes Aiden and Victor had been out fairly often. Now it was like we never saw them. School had started back up again and we all had our classes. Iain was looking for work on top of that, wanting to help contribute. He was settled in pretty well and his classes were all pretty standard.

Mine tended to be boring ones, having to do with the ins and outs of various fields of Law. Supplemented with math, and other required classes. I was walking from the Business building back to the house. It was the warmest day of the season, upper fifties. But the wind was making it hard to enjoy this warmth. I was halfway across campus when I saw a familiar face. Chris was looking around at the various buildings, looking lost.

I jogged over to him, waving as I got close. "Hey," I said smiling at him. "Cool, I found someone. Literary arts?" he asked. I pointed at the smaller brick building next to the one I just came from. "No hello?" I raised a brow looking at him. "I'm kind of late," he said walking off. I walked next to him. "I'm done for the day, so we can talk on the way. If you're going to stop being rude."

"Sorry, just new to this place. First semester and we only just got here. Transferred when we found out the majority of you lot ended up here." I nodded at him keeping up with the horse as he hurried on his way. "Most of us talked about going here together. Some of the straight members as well. So are you?" I asked looking at him curiously.

"With Jake still, we both had to go our separate ways just a minute ago to get to our classes. You still with those two?" I grinned at him, "Yeah. We have a husky now." He looked at me and raised a brow. "You're just collecting them aren't you?" I shrugged, "Not really. I'm happy with what I have. What about you?" I pulled open the door for him and followed him into the building.

"I'm happy with him, we work well together believe it or not. Well, we're staying in that new residence hall." he said nearing his destination. I just smiled and pulled open the classroom door, following him inside. The instructor was already in the middle of a lecture. I motioned towards seats in the back and followed him to them. We sat down and he looked at me. I shrugged, pulling a notebook from my bag.

I wrote down our address and my phone number on it before sliding it to him. Giving a small wave before standing back up and quietly slipping out of the room. I smiled to myself and walked out of the building and resumed my journey home. I wasn't a disruption, so the instructor didn't care. Plus a friend now had a way to contact us.

Once home I dropped my backpack off next to the couch and went to look for something to eat. Eric was home, but I hadn't seen him since I got back. I looked in the refrigerator and pulled out stuff to make a sandwich. Almost finished making my late lunch when I heard steps coming down the stairs. I turned to look at him as he walked into the kitchen. He didn't look thrilled to see me, very plain and neutral.

"Something wrong?" I asked him. He leaned against the counter, "My mom has cancer." No sooner had the words left his mouth he started to cry. I wrapped my arms around the tall tiger. Rubbing a hand up and down his back slowly. I could feel tears building in my eyes but fought them off. I had to be strong for my mate. He had held back for who knows how long before breaking down. I had to be here for him, strong and in control.

It was hard, he was my life mate and he was so upset. I did the only thing I could and tried to comfort him. Doing what he would have done for me if the roles were reversed. He was pretty close with his parents, so this was a pretty big blow to him. He sniffed, "They are going to run some more tests and work out a treatment for it." I gave Eric a firm squeeze and he rested his head against mine.

He had stopped crying but he was still very upset. I would pull him through this though, no matter what happened. We just stood in the kitchen holding each other. A while later I heard the front door close. But even then we didn't move. I watched Torban walk into the kitchen and at once he knew something was wrong with Eric. He wrapped his strong arms around our feline lover in an instant.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asked. Eric squeezed me tightly and my eyes met with Torban's. He felt as helpless as I did when it came to helping our mate. "My mom has cancer," Eric said again and I could feel his tears falling in my head fur. I felt Torban give our kitty a squeeze. "Let's go lay down babe," he told Eric. I let go of him and Torban picked him up. Carrying the tiger up to our bedroom. I closed the door behind us and Torban gently placed him on the bed.

The lion pulled our mate against him and I joined them on the bed. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, just a little cancer, caught early. His parents were responsible, so I was sure that would be the case. Didn't make me feel any better. Iain pushed open the bedroom door and I looked at him. "What's wrong?" he asked moving to the bed.

"Eric is having a rough day, his mom has cancer. But they are going to run some more tests and come up with a treatment that will make her all better." I said just as much to Eric as I did our husky. He laid his ears flat and looked at Eric. Our mate was hurting and none of us could do anything to help other than be there for him. He tried to curl into a ball but Torban and I were in the way. He curled his tail around himself. I slid back from Eric and patted the bed between me and him.

Iain climbed over me and snuggled into our mate. I kissed the husky between the ears. "Good boy, keep him safe while I make us some dinner." I kissed Eric and Torban on the cheek and slipped out of the room. He needed me, but we all needed food, Eric included. I looked through what we had for an idea what to make for dinner. Settling on tuna noodle casserole.

Once I had it in the oven I checked my phone. I had one new text from a number I didn't recognize. "Hey, thnx 4 earlier." I would have smiled, but I couldn't manage that with Eric upset. "No problem, enjoying being here?" I grabbed my forgotten sandwich and started to eat it. Feeling like a goon just for being away from my knotted mate. He needed food, I was doing what was needed. Iain and Torban were with him. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to check the text.

"Its nice, Jake likes it beter thn central." I thought about going to Central, but this place was bigger. Everyone seemed to follow along as well so it made the transition easier. "I want to catch up with you two, haven't seen you since that graduation party. Up for meeting this weekend?" I slipped my phone back into my pocket and checked on dinner. It still had a while to go so I took a seat at the table. "Sounds good, c u then."

I was curious about what the coon did to get him to mount him, and then to stay all this time. Was he really gay, just beating me out of misplaced aggression about not being able to be himself. Or was his curiosity just strong enough for that one time and he got hooked. The weekend was days away still so I would have to wait patiently to find out. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Hurting for my mate who was upstairs, sad about his mom.

Eric was pretty upset the next few days. We did our best to get him through the ordeal. Friday he got a call from his parents and that cheered him up a bit. "Early enough, so they can treat it without having to do anything too extreme." Eric said finally able to smile again. Torban pulled him into a tight hug. "Told you everything would be alright." The tiger smiled at him, and gave him a loving kiss. Iain walked in to the kitchen and saw the display of love.

I walked over to the husky and pulled him tightly against me. "I love you pup," I whispered into his ear. He flicked it and smiled at me. "Love you too Alpha." I kissed him softly, both of us murring softly as we closed our eyes. After we all shared a kiss Iain took Eric by the hand and led him out of the room. Eric cast us a confused look but followed the husky.

I leaned against Torban and he wrapped an arm around me. "Cute couple," Torban said smiling down at me. "I agree, we're lucky to have such good looking bed mates." He chuckled and nuzzled my cheek. The atmosphere in the house had changed for the better after all these days. It was a welcome feeling, one that I missed greatly. I took my lion by the hand and we both went to see what our guys were up to.

When we entered the living room Iain was sitting in the office chair we got for him. Showing Eric something on the computer. I raised a brow and looked at the monitor. "What's that?" I asked looking at the mostly empty website. Iain smiled at me, "Well it's for us. We have a place to share our stories. They have to be true events, but we can share anything we want about ourselves. Figured it would be neat, and since you like to tell stories about yourself."

"Great so the whole world will know about what is going on with me." Eric looked at Iain skeptically and Torban was pretty indifferent at the moment. "Not the whole world, only registered users. Who are themselves, gay. Access to the site is locked, so only those we allow on it can get in and read anything." I still didn't know if I was alright with that. Some of the things that went on with us over the last few years was pretty personal.

"I think he prefers to keep that stuff to just us." Eric told him. Iain nodded his head slowly, "Alright. Just thought it would be neat, to share our stories with other people like us is all." I sighed and decided that I didn't have to share anything I didn't want to. "I'll do it, there are some things that should be out there for people to read."

Iain pointed at the first post on the site. It was the only post, but it was there. Iain had posted something simply titled, 'First love'. The husky smiled at me and I knew that it was about me. "Well, let's read it." I told him. He clicked on it and the screen loaded. I started to read what was on the screen.

We had just finished our Junior year of high school. Laying lazily under a tree in his backyard. I looked over at the canine who had my affection from what felt like birth. He was the most gorgeous German Shepard there was. Sweet and funny, but he wasn't very confident. People would often mess with him. That gave me a sense of purpose, to protect the guy I shared all my secrets with.

I scoffed at myself, all my secrets but one. Why couldn't I just tell him? He seemed happy around me, to enjoy my company. Just because I liked him in that way wasn't any reason for him to hate me. But I thought about what everyone else seemed to say about that sort of love. That it was gross, and against nature. Not to mention God.

I wanted to reach out to him, to hold him in my arms and have him love me. My ears lowered and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. He looked over at me and noticed I was upset. "What's wrong?" he asked sitting up next to me. I could tell that my friend was concerned. But I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I could lose everything I had if it went wrong.

"Just hating myself for the way I am," I told him not wanting to fully say anything. He raised a bow and cocked his head slightly. "What's wrong with the way you are?" I smiled at him, he seemed to always know how to make me smile. God this wasn't going to be easy, why couldn't this just be easy? "I cant seem to find a girl who I like."

My best friend smiled at me, "Don't worry Iain. You will find someone special. You're an amazing guy. What's not to love about you?" He was saying all the right things. But I couldn't say what I wanted to say. To tell him that I wasn't attracted to girls. That I felt nothing for them, nothing close to what I was feeling for him. Whenever I had a rough day he was always there to listen and help me through it.

I wanted to take his hand in mine, to press my lips to his. To tell him that my heart beat for him, not some stupid girl. He had himself talked about girls though, and I lowered my ears. There was no way he could love me like I loved him. He was my best friend, and never would be anything more. Kimber did something unexpected, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Don't let it get to you Iain, you're wonderful. Whoever you end up with will be very lucky."

I relaxed into him and our closeness grew until we were fully pressed into each other. He smelled so nice, and felt so good against me. I couldn't help myself, the tears came and I couldn't stop them. He didn't notice though, so I did my best to regain some sense of control before he did. I sniffed and wiped my eyes behind his back carefully while I held him against me.

He just held me like that, comforting me in the only way he could. One friend to another, and I felt the sting again. I would always just be his friend. Dreams of moving in together, having our own place and being happy were just that, dreams. So I pushed them from my mind and resigned to control myself. To get passed this so I could have a normal life. I wasn't gay, I just loved him because he was my best friend.

I pulled back from him and he looked at me. "Feeling better?" he asked me cheerfully. I forced a smile. "Yeah, thank you Kimber." I still wanted to kiss him, I trusted him so much and wanted him to be my first kiss. Would have been nice if he had been. No that happened later, after we moved away. I didn't feel anything for her, the kiss made me realize that. Tina was nothing to me, which is why I felt pretty indifferent when she cheated. I knew I should have been angry, but I couldn't manage that. I couldn't care any less, but I put on a show to people around campus.

Cursing about her sleeping around, saying all bitches were the same. How I would just sleep around and not worry about getting tied down. That just made me feel more empty inside. I sounded like all the other guys in the locker room, but I was a hollow shell. I didn't understand it, not sure what the deal was with me. Was I really gay, or just curious about my best friend. We had lost touch, I should have expected it. Dating that bitch took the free time I had and he stopped texting me.

I was at work, mopping the floor when I heard my cell ringing in my pocket. I couldn't answer it so I pulled it out and sent the call to voicemail before resuming my job. That night when I got home and heard the message I couldn't believe my ears. I played it countless times. News of his sexuality had reached me and I figured if anyone could help me sort through this mess, my best friend was the one. It was really late, so I sighed and resigned to call him in the morning. Sleeping more peacefully than I had in a long time.

Eric held Iain tightly and I wiped the tears from my eyes. His feelings had been an exact mirror of my own. Until I met my kitties, Eric and Torban made me happier than I ever was. All that pain and confusion was gone in an instant when they took me as their boyfriend. Torban wrapped his strong arms around me and for the first time in a while I felt weak again.

I snuggled into his strong chest and laid back my ears. I should have noticed his pain, should have seen that he was feeling what I had felt. I shoved those thoughts from my mind. No, everything worked out right. He was where he belonged, with three guys who loved him very much. The time away from me was hard on him but what happened because of it made it worth it. Iain never complained, and he always felt loved here. I knew that, the submissive canine always showed how loved he felt.

Whether he was snuggled into Eric, kissing Torban, or tied to me, he always made his love for us known. Torban wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed me softly. I relaxed into the strong lion and returned his kiss. His love was mine, just as mine was his. It was like that for all four of us. I broke the kiss and smiled at my lion. Not needing to tell him I loved him, he already knew that. I looked back over at Eric and Iain. They were sharing another tender moment amongst themselves.

Later that evening we were all snuggled up in bed when my cell buzzed across the nightstand. I leaned away from Eric and grabbed it. Checking my text, "GSA meeting?" It was from James, I texted him about hanging out tomorrow with everyone. "Yeah, round up everyone and meet us at the usual place." Torban and Iain were sleeping peacefully. Eric and I were still awake, I was waiting on the text.

I looked at my tiger and kissed between his ears. "Cant sleep?" He looked at me, the room was dim since Torban had switched off his lamp. Leaving mine as the only source of light in our room. "Just thinking about things, I will sleep soon though. Getting tired." I yawned and smiled at him. "Alright babe, I love you." I placed my phone back on the nightstand and switched off the light. Closing my eyes and snuggling back into my mate. "Love you too."

The next day we all met up at Papa Dog's Pizza. It was a small pizza place not too far away from campus. Only a ten minute walk, though most college goers were lazy and drove the short distance. James and Rem were already inside waiting for us. The fennec was wearing a pink and black striped shirt and a pair of tight fitting pants. James wore his usual, cargo pants and a muscle shirt. His hoodie laying across the back of the booth on top of Rem's.

The fennec jumped from the booth when he saw us, giving each of us a firm hug. His tail wagging happily. "Missed you all so much!" he said before getting to Iain. Looking the husky up and down. "Oh, who is this?" he asked pointing up and down the husky's body. Iain looked at Torban nervously unsure of the closeness of the smaller canine. "His name is Iain, and he belongs to us." Eric told him.

Rem's ears perked and he looked around Iain to get a look at his ass. "Such a shame, bet he bucks like a bunny." Rem said leaning back against a wooden pillar. James chuckled and pulled the little fox into his lap. "Behave," he told Rem giving him a stern look. The fox lowered his ears and pouted, "Fine." Iain blushed lightly, not used to this kind of attention from someone he didn't know.

He walked over to the counter and I followed behind him. The coyote behind the counter was playing a game on his phone. This place didn't get too busy during the day. He looked up at us when we got close to the counter. "Hey guys, how are you doing?" He went back to his game after initially making contact with us. "We are doing good, you?"

The yote's expression changed from neutral to meh. "Bored, stuck on day shift. Your usual is two large supreme pizzas. Though here lately that has changed to three. House parties?" I wrapped an arm around Iain and he fidgeted a little. "New mate joined the household. Would be up to four pizzas but Aiden and Victor have been out pretty much all the time." He put his phone down and looked at the husky. "He's cute, stop taking all the cute ones." Iain blushed deeply and snuggled into my side. Trying to hide his face.

"There are plenty of good ones out there." I told Tyler. The coyote was gay, and wasn't having much luck netting himself a man. His family has owned the pizza joint since his grandpa came over for a better life when he was our age. "David, those queers are kissing in here!" Tyler turned to look at the old shepard who was looking out the back door into the restaurant.

"Grandpa, they're customers." The older dog growled and shook his fist. "Boy, I don't care if they are pixies. Get them out of here, last thing we want is our image tarnished by their kind." Tyler's dad stepped into view from the kitchen and leaned around him to look at his father in-law. "Be quiet old man, these are good boys. Go watch your shows and leave them in peace." This wasn't the first time the two canines had butted heads on this issue.

David was a good father, loving his son for who he was. His grandpa on the other hand didn't approve at all. With his daughter having passed some time ago, the older canine had no other family. Tyler hadn't gotten the chance to tell her he was gay. He was too young when it happened. A point his grandpa was grateful for, she wouldn't have had to hear such things. I just stood there holding Iain until the situation fizzled out.

"My daughter is rolling in her grave," the older male said. David growled lowly, "Shut up. You don't know the first thing about her old man. She would have loved our son and told you herself how foolish you are." I could see the tears welling in his eyes and Tyler hugged his dad. "Bah! You're going to give me another heart attack." David looked up slowly from his son, glaring at the old man. "Good, you're an angry, hateful, son of a whore. Who doesn't deserve the family you have."

The older canine ground his teeth and spat on the tile floor. "I curse the day my girl married the likes of you. And I curse you and your queer son, neither of you are worthy of being any family of mine." He slammed the door shut behind him. Leaving the restaurant in silence. "Good riddance," David muttered and returned his attention to his son who was pressed tightly against him. "Don't let him get to you, old coot will get what's coming to him. We're leaving this place, tired of his shit."

Tyler looked up at his dad, "Place wont last without us." He nodded and wiped the tears from his son's eyes. "No it wont, but I don't want him in your life any longer. Look at all the guys in here. You cant find love with him being the way he is. Scaring off anyone who may be interested in you." Tyler hugged his dad tightly. I let the two have their moment together. Behind me I saw that everyone else had shown up. Jake and Chris were standing near the door looking at me.

Brian was sitting in the corner, looking smug. Zach and Mark were standing near Eric. Mike and Issac were both there with their girlfriends. No one said anything, we just stood there taking in what had just happened. I half expected Brian to make one of his usual comments. Something like, "There's only two kinds of straight people. The ones that hate you to your face, and the ones who hate you behind your back." He didn't say anything though.

David looked at me and I turned back to face him. "Last pizzas are on the house. I'll take care of them. Tyler, go sit with your friends." They slowly broke the hug and Tyler walked around the counter. Getting a hug from Iain, Tyler hugged him tightly. The husky didn't let go of him. I smiled weakly and looked at David. "You're a good dad, and I'm sorry he cant see that." I motioned at the closed door. He shook his head and raised his middle finger at the door. "He is an ass and I don't feel bad for doing this to him."

"Ran his mouth about my son for too long." I leaned across the counter and gave him a hug. The coyote returned it, giving me a firm squeeze. My ears perked at the sound of someone clapping. I turned my head, still hugging David to see that it was Brian. "Fuck the old bastard," he said leaning back in his chair. Leave it to the self entitled, self centered, jackass to say the right thing. Maybe he had a few surprises in him after all.

Iain led Tyler over to where we had congregated. He was still upset, but not as much as he was when it first happened. Mark pulled out a chair for the coyote, letting him sit next to him. David walked around the counter and turned off the neon open light. Then he flipped the sign on the door to closed. He walked back into the kitchen and everyone settled in. "Doing alright?" Mark asked the coyote sitting next to him. His only reply was a nod. "Give him some time," Eric said.

The door swung open and Lyon walked in. Followed by Victor and Aiden. "Private party?" the husky asked motioning at the door sign. "Long story," I told him. "Sit wherever you want. Place is pretty much shut down for the day." He raised a brow and the three new comers sat down at a table across from Mark, Zach and Tyler. "Would someone care to explain?" Victor asked leaning back in his chair.

"Papa Dog's is closed, because Papa Dog doesn't give a fuck about me." Tyler said angrily. Iain gave his shoulder a firm squeeze. "He's a person?" Victor asked getting a nod from the coyote. I pointed at the closed door. "Douche bag is back there. Got into it pretty bad with Tyler's dad so he is shutting the place down. Cant be around someone that is so hateful towards his son. No manager, no pizza joint."

David came back a short while later with a hand written sign. 'Closed due to management.' He taped the sign on the glass door before locking them. "Pizza will be coming out soon guys." He walked back into the kitchen. Rem, Eric and myself following behind him. "Go sit guys, relax." Rem shook his head, "We don't mind and it will go faster. Besides, never done this before."

The older coyote smiled at us. Demonstrating how to toss pizza dough. It took me and Rem a few tries to get the hang of it. His tall ears kept getting in the way and were covered in flour by the time we started to sauce the dough. That didn't stop the fox from enjoying himself. Eagerly making pizza for our group. David loaded the first four into the oven while we started getting three more crusts ready.

He smiled at us, the first time since the older dog got into the fight with him. Once the next four were ready they were stuck in the next pizza oven and David checked on the first ones while we got the last four ready for baking. Rem's were pepperoni, Eric made supreme pizzas, while David made Hawaiian ones and I did meat lovers. There were twelve pizzas in all, with a decent variety among them. David pulled out the first batch and placed them out on the counter.

"Thanks guys, I can handle it from here." He said while placing the first dish out. Eric grabbed spatulas and Rem set out plates on the counter. "Come and get it," the fennec said shaking his rump at everyone in the dining area. James whistled at his boyfriend and joined the growing crowd around the first batch of pizzas. Mark grabbed two plates, waiting patiently in the line that formed before he got there.

Eric and I sliced the pizzas into eight evenly sized slices. I thumped his butt with my tail and grinned at him. The first pizzas didn't last long, there were twenty people including Tyler and David and between the four pizzas only sixteen slices. The snow leopard only managed to get a couple slices. He carried them over to Tyler and slid the plate in front of him. I smiled and motioned with my head towards them. Eric looked at them and smiled. "They are cute together."

I walked into the kitchen, David was leaning against the metal prep counter. "Come look," I said to him waving him to come out. He stood up straight and followed me to the counter. I didn't have to point it out. He saw without needing help. Tyler was smiling at the spotted feline who was cuddled up next to him. David smiled at me, "You're a good kid."

"I'm almost old enough to drink." He chuckled, "Alright. You're a good man. What about your friend?" I shrugged, "He is a good guy. Never had a boyfriend before, out guys are hard to find. Plus the single ones aren't his type." Zach turned him down before, while Brian wasn't the type who was looking for a boyfriend. "He may have found what he was looking for," David said giving me a pat on the back.

The rest of the day passed just like that. A steady stream of pizza, good company and great conversation. By the end Tyler and Mark were getting pretty close. It reminded me about what it was like those first few times out with my guys. I pulled Iain's chair closer to mine and kissed his cheek. The husky smiled at me. Aiden was talking, actually talking, to Rem. Another testament to how far we have come as a group.

Starting out with a handful of gays deep in the conservative part of Washington. We had grown to a pretty decent sized group. Each of us changing in one way or another through it. Tyler was part of us now, more so than he had been before. I sighed and looked around the restaurant. "Looks like we will have to find a new place," I said. Issac turned to look at me, "I know. Closest pizza to campus."

I nodded in agreement. The bunny returned his attention to the female rabbit he was with. It was just pizza, but then again this place was more than just about that. Despite the old bigot locked away in the back, this was one place where we could be ourselves. We didn't have to worry here because David supported us. Eric wrapped his arm across my shoulders. "We will find a new place, what we have together as a group means more than four walls."

There are a few things in there to think about. Aiden has really changed as an individual and more of that will be showing up as the book goes on. Another thing was now Kimber has a place online where he can publicly or privately share his stories. That will be leading into more back story for various characters as the novel goes on. Leave it to me to keep it real by throwing in cancer, it is no joke so keep an eye on your body. Or hands, both hands, and talk to your doctor about something before it is too late. Hope you enjoyed that, next chapter will be up sometime tomorrow hopefully. Please vote, watch if you want to see more from me, comment below if you have a friendly word or comment to give. And as always thanks for reading ^_^