Burdens - Chapter 93: Action

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#93 of Burdens

And that's that until after the weekend.

Chapter 93: Action

The wolf had merely moved into a position where he could facilitate his motions. The lights were off, but Roger could still make out a rough outline of his friend.

He saw that the wolf had not started, but was getting ready to. Roger cleared his throat and said, "Do... do you mind if we, uh, turn on the lights a little?"

He saw the wolf turn his head to him and tilt it as he usually did when a question came up that he did not quite understand. He nodded slowly and reached for a lamp that resided toward the bottom of the bed, sitting on a dresser so that he would not kick it in his sleep.

It turned on and cast off a fluorescent shine which illuminated the dark room in a way that Roger and Hunter shielded their eyes initially, but as the rhodopsin photobleached, their eyes grew accustomed to what was really a dim light.

There was a spot in the fox's vision that slowly faded where he could not see, but he retained enough visual ability to see the wolf fully, the sheets across his legs, but only just. His eyes trailed down the figure, admiring the muscles and toned features, the soft fur he had grown accustomed to, the smiling face that seemed to be downcast in the moment from embarrassment. The fox put a paw on the wolf's chest and laid down next to him, slipping out of the sheets in turn, though more of it was on him than on the wolf.

Hunter had a paw on his own thigh, having stopped in its approach toward the designated destination. When the fox had laid back down, albeit not fully as he was propped on his elbow, the wolf put his arm around him and licked the side of his muzzle.

Roger blushed and laid back down fully, putting his nose against the wolf's neck, nuzzling him. He said, "It's embarrassing, isn't it?"

He felt the wolf nod above him, and no further movements were made until the fox said, "Maybe I can... help?"

He heard the wolf ask, "How would you do that?"

He moved his paw around the wolf's abdomen, rubbing it softly, and said, "Well, maybe at least try to make you feel a bit more comfortable about it? This are, uh, the steps we need to take; the ones I talked about earlier."

The wolf nodded and laid there, his tail in but a slow motion against the bed, making a soft sound of fur against fabric. Eventually, he reached down with his paw to his sensitive area, and applied pressure where pressure need be applied.

Roger peered down and saw the thick sheath moved down and the already partially-grown wolf's member slip out of it. With it came a drop of a liquid which immediately filled the air with a scent he had only smelled but once before from the wolf, though many times from himself.

From his position it was as if it were pointing at him, though the wolf freed his second arm and reached down to grab it. Roger heard a soft grunt mixed with a moan from the wolf when he did so, and it caused the fox to react almost in like.

He could feel himself swell up just from watching the wolf, seeing the paw move slowly up and down the shaft of his object desire, the low sounds that filled his ears that spread warmth through is body like a symphony. He bit his lip and looked up at the wolf after having moved his head back slightly, and noticed that the wolf had closed his eyes and was not paying any attention to him. All the better, the fox thought.

He thought for a moment, hesitated, and then spoke up softly in a soft voice. "Hunter?" he said, attempting to draw the wolf's attention.

It was a successful attempt, as the wolf looked over at him, stopping what he was doing, and asked, "Yeah? Something wrong?"

Roger shook his head. "N-no, nothing's wrong, I just...."

He looked back down at the wolf's member and could see the wolf's heartbeat in the throbs in his paw. He gulped and looked back at the wolf and said, "C-can I, uh... can I touch it?"

The wolf's ears folded and he smiled. "You want to touch it?" he asked, as if in disbelief.

"Y-yeah, I... I mean, I've been... well, okay. Yes." Roger looked away for a moment and for some reason he expected the wolf to decline, though in his head he knew that he would not.

There was a moment of silence, and then the wolf said in a low voice, "If... if you want to."

Roger looked at him in the face once more, and saw a soft smile that greeted him warmly. He smiled back and moved the paw that had been resting on the wolf's abdomen prior, slightly down, but pausing before it was close enough to touch the wolf's sensitive area.

"Are you sure?" the fox asked, and Hunter nodded in response.

He drew his paw over it, which was now vacant of the wolf's paws. It throbbed idly with every beat of the wolf's heart, and a trail of clear liquid ran down the tip of it and onto the wolf's stomach. Roger lightly touched it with his paw, and it twitched, bringing it up so that he gripped it.

It was warm in his paw, and it felt hard, as if he had been close to completion. Indeed, when he looked a bit lower, the knot had formed almost fully, and he now attributed the hesitance not so much to the embarrassing act but that he had stopped so close to the finish line.

It felt big being held in his paw, and it looked almost awkwardly disproportional. Still, the feel of it, the situation and circumstances that had led him to this moment all excited him, that he, himself, had swelled up and out.

It had all come down to this act that ended up being their first step toward intimacy that he had merely dreamed of. Now that it was literally in his paw, he wanted to savor the feeling, but he knew to do so would be to have the wolf suffer.

He decided to act.