Spreading a Little Cheer

Story by Psi Nei on SoFurry

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Voila, a finished first commission! It's quite extensive, all things considered, and I'm glad it wound up being everything that Kai winded up wanting. This here is a little tale between friends, with Ken and Miles going the extra mile to help raise Psi's spirits. Oh, and like always, be sure to glance at the tags first if you're a bit afraid!

Story written for Kai ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kittykatbob )

Ken (c) Kai ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kittykatbob )

Psi (c) Myself ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bhawkes )

Miles (c) Shizu222 ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shizu222 )

All in all, it started off as a typically quiet afternoon. The relative silence within the apartment was soon interrupted by three solid raps along the front door. Stirring slowly from his unexpected slumber, Miles placed his book on the table. His mind was still trying to sort out the football fantasy from his dream as he stumbled to the front of the apartment.

"Hey there," the kangaroo introduced himself as the entryway flew open. The chiseled marsupial wasted no time in smothering Miles in an embrace, nearly lifting his dazzled self off of the floor. "Oooh! I knew you wanted me to come over, but I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome down there!"

Miles gave off a little bit of a blush. Apparently his preceding dream was a little racier than the source material he was enjoying right before his nap.

"It's not all just you, Ken!" Miles gave the muscular kangaroo a playful pat on the cheek before ushering him inwards. Ken sauntered his auburn-furred self into the modest living room, dropping his backpack and a bag of groceries onto the couch with a bit of theatrical flourish.

"I'm glad that any part of it was me, hon!" Ken took a restful position on the loveseat in the room, making himself quite at home. With a stretch he procured a can of soda from his bag, leaned back in the chair, and propped his gigantic feet along the modern coffee table. "So how's the ferret doing? He's usually out here gaming when you call me over."

Miles laughed and reached down to tickle the roo's feet off of the table. His webbed paws made it all the easier to protect the furniture below, which happened to be one of his mate's little peeves. Their setup wasn't too expensive, but they liked the modern style and wanted it to last as long as possible. "Yeah," Miles began, his rudder shaking back and forth behind him as he looked towards Psi's room. "He's been a bit of a funk for the past few days. I was hoping that we could make things better."

"Really? Do you know why he's so down?"

An audible sigh left the mustelid as he parked himself on the couch. "He wouldn't tell me. He stays mostly locked up in there save for when we sleep at night," Miles mused. "He just keeps it all bottled in, not wanting to bother me with any of the details." As the azure-colored otter started to sigh once more, Ken caressed his friend's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. We'll get him out of it, come hell or high water!" The roo was pretty much true to his word, graciously handing over a can of Miles's favorite soda. He came loaded that day with an assortment of games, snacks, and drinks meant to help in any situation. It was just his nature, trying to help out however possible whenever he was able. The facts that Psi and Miles were not only close friends but also of the same mindset got him on the next bus over the second he heard that he was needed.

The two sat in the living room for a bit, having silently agreed to finish a few beverages first before checking in on the ferret in particular. Just to pass the time, Ken pulled out a newly released game out of his bag. The duo lost themselves in the shooter for a few stages thanks to some engaging co-op, mixing their typical gaming banter with a few side-whispers about Psi.

By about an hour in, the lack of the gray- and cream-colored ferret's presence in the room was more than enough. He should have barged in by now, even if he happened to be in a foul mood. Drastic action was necessary.

"HEY THERE, FLUFFYBUTT!" Psi's shut door was obviously no match against the onslaught of an otter and kangaroo's full-on shoulder-led assault. Despite the spectacular entrance that would take a good hour worth of repairs on the door, the ferret sat across the room, sitting at his computer with his back facing his friends. With arms folded along his keyboard, he lounged there with his chin resting on his arms, barely looking at the monitor in front of him. Two swishes of his long tail, visible from the back of his chair, was his only welcoming signal.

"Ken's here to spend the night, love! I hope you don't mind!" Miles quickly sprinted across the room, twirling Psi's chair around so he could take a forceful seat on his boyfriend's lap. The lack of any clutter around the room was a good sign. If books were spilling off of the shelves, or if the ferret was nothing more than a staggering lump underneath his covers that would have been worrisome.

Psi said nothing in response. Instead, he stuffed his muzzle along the blue otter's arm and mumbled something. While Psi could have been mumbling Latin for all Miles knew, at least the vibrations were charming enough. With a slight waggle of his finger, Miles signaled Ken to sneak on over. Psi defenses were dropping, even if just a little bit.

It was time to go on the offensive.

"I certainly hope that was a murmur of approval, Psi!" Ken stood over his friends. He enjoyed the difference in height, even if all three of them were practically six feet tall when standing. Then again, if Psi was standing right now the marsupial wouldn't be able to tussle the ferret's hair, which he enjoyed with gusto.

"Argh!" The ferret freed his maw from his lover's side. "Damn it, you two can't let me ever sulk, can you?!" There was definite ire in his voice, but that was fine. Psi's room was clean, he was fully decked out in a fresh t-shirt and jeans, and his ear flitted about as if they were hopped up on sugar. Whatever funk he was in certainly wasn't as strong as he theorized.

"As your friend, and I say this without any question in my mind," Ken laughed loudly as he stared into Psi's eyes, "not even for a damn minute."

The ferret was taken a bit aback, both by the forcefulness of his compatriot's response as well as the paws that started roaming around his body. As he felt three separate hands explore, he tried to fend off the advances with an unimpressive growl. The faint vestige of anger died off quickly, though; Miles was only too happy to let his digits slide down the front of Psi's black v-neck, letting that shirt opening give him tender access to his mate's chest.

"No, no, no," the otter scolded as Ken just shook his head in disapproval. "You're going to be happy as we both take care of you."

A little bit stunned by the implications, Psi started to disapprove. Fortunately enough for Miles, it made for the perfect opportunity to lock his lips along his mate's maw, wrapping his tongue around Psi's own tender muscle until any complaints melted away.

Ken, in the interim, sank to his knees as they graced the eggshell-colored carpet. As Miles tended to the torso, he felt that his efforts would be best utilized down below. Miles shifted over a bit, leaning over his gray-furred love as he hovered over his lap, administering deeper and deeper kisses with utter precision. As the ferret grew more and more preoccupied, Ken took his time unbuttoning those jeans, taking great joy in sinking his fingers into his friend's ample cheeks as he hoisted his rump slightly off of the chair. That denim prison was soon dropped down to Psi's ankles, leaving only a black pair of silk boxers the last remaining piece to protect his modesty.

Then again, the impressive bulge tenting those onyx undergarments threw modesty right out the window.

Exerting his full boyfriend rights, Miles slowly crept down Psi's body. He made the first major impression upon that bulge, making certain that the inner part of his thigh stroked all along the sheath underneath until it started to stir.

By the time the otter was kneeling on the floor next to Ken, the mound beneath the boxers gained a few inches in height and girth. Psi gulped a few more times, trying to throttle the pleasurable moan that was aching to free itself from his throat.

"You jerks," the ferret trailed off. His rust-colored hands nearly cut through the fabric on his chair as he gripped with white-knuckled fervor.

"Oh, a command! I guess we can make that happen." Ken barely finished his sentence before slipping his burgundy hand along the ferret's leg, reaching underneath the silk. He gripped his mark tightly, squeezing along the sheath therein. Miles soon joined him with a powerful churr, slinking his fingers around until the multitude of digits fondled that protective cover. Psi's low moan slid into the room as he finally let it slink out, coinciding with several inches of his shaft snaking its way towards his waistband. Before he knew it, the entirety of his length felt the cool air of the room. Ken wasted no time in threading that pulsing length out through the slit in the underwear, whereupon Miles took the opportunity to blow softly along that crimson-laden flesh.

All Psi could do was squirm in place as the duo started to take turns, drawing ever closer to his prick. Miles and Ken took turns alternatingly, either blowing the coolest of air right along the crown or huffed with all their might. The resulting jolts of vastly different temperatures started his precum flowing, only heightening the sensations.

Taking advantage of the situation, Ken sank his fingers deep along the ferret's hip. With a final snort of breath from his nose, he rolled out his tongue along Psi's lap. Inch after inch of tongue lay out in the open, salivating and matting the gray fur underneath. With a quick flick the kangaroo's elongated muscle slithered around the ferret's vulnerable sack. Once it significantly wrapped around the two orbs, it tugged and tightened its grip, ceasing the flow up above.

Miles barely let the object of his affection whine for long. While Ken helped cease the flow of the ferret's nectar temporarily, the otter was all too happy to rub his palm along the top of his boyfriend's corona. With each swirl more of that slick juice was quickly massaged back into that tender flesh, right before stroking the remainder right underneath his crown.

Psi may have grown silent over all of the affection, but his spheres were certainly reacting positively to all of the attention. Over the course of a few minutes they grew from to the size of fairly solid softballs,. Ken, not being a stranger to such intimate play, made sure to let the precious cargo in the care of his tongue constantly rub up along the ferret's own thighs, already soaked in the roo's own saliva.

When it finally reached a fevered pitch, with Psi's entire staff just a few shades away from a powerful violet hue, both Miles and Ken pushed forward. Tilting their maws and opening wide, they both engaged in the deepest kiss that they could muster, with the otter's fully available tongue caressing any and all of Ken's as it held like a vice along the sizable slate-colored treasure below. With that rich head locked between two pairs of lips, Psi was prisoner to nothing but constant huffs, sideswipes of tongues, and slight tugging along his shaft.

Ken, sensing that the pulsing within the kiss reached an appropriately feverish pitch, relaxed his tongue at last. Within a blink of an eye Psi's muscles clenched tightly, crying out into the room as his orgasm burst into both maws as they barely budged in the slightest against the rush. His body crumpled forward, tenderly caressing the crooks of the duo's necks as their maws were awash in constant eruptions of ambrosia.

A few minutes passed as the trio took a bit of time to recover. Satisfied that the spurts had finally ceased, Miles pulled his lips back and relaxed. As Ken started to do the same, trailing a bit of cream from the Psi's tip along his lips, the otter started to rise up. Renewed with his usual playful vigor, the aqua-furred mustelid yanked on the ferret's collar, pulling him forward into his awaiting arms as they both tumbled down onto the floor.

"W-what was that for?" Psi would have raised his voice, but his muzzle was firmly placed right into the carpet. The initial rush of an afterglow certainly dulled any potential temper as well.

Taking advantage of the ferret's prone body, Miles sidled up behind him just to pull Psi's hips well into the air. "You had your turn, sweetie. Now," he rumbled, taking control of the situation as he slid his index finger right between his boyfriend's cheeks until he pressed right upon the tight ring within, "you get to fulfill my own demand."

Ken looked on in interest for a moment before crawling in closer. His lips locked with Psi's, and the kangaroo's tongue was all too eager to paint over his friend's taste buds with his own unique flavor from just a few thick shots earlier. As they both started to revel in the newfound flavor, the marsupial eagerly threaded his tail out of his charcoal-colored jeans, eagerly displaying his nectar-tipped erection. "Only if you don't mind hoisting him up a bit more, Miles," he purred as he tossed his green shirt across the room, "I need my own turn, you know."

Without skipping a beat, the otter gripped his webbed paws around his mate's sides, hoisting up the ferret just a bit more while still in his stupor. Ken took the opportunity to glide along the carpet, situating himself right underneath Psi in a position fully suited for doggy-style. Once in place, Miles let go, and laughed uproariously as the other mustelid's chest landed softly upon Ken's shoulder blades.

"Don't worry, love," Miles reassured his prize as he starts to slide his own ebony spire right along the ferret's curvaceous ass, "you'll slide right in when you're good and ready." On the other hand, the water-dweller wasn't going to take that long to get started.

After a few massive thrusts along his taint, Miles thoroughly lubricated Psi from his ample softballs all the way to the base of his tail. He lingered with his pucker for a little bit, twisting his pre-laden head a bit to the left, a little more to the right, pressing with just enough force to taunt the opening into submission.

With a final swirl along the rim, Miles reached forward and gripped along Psi; one arm cradled right under his ribs, rubbing all along his black shirt, while the other started pumping along his stiff self. A few tender squeezes and the ferret easily returned to nine solid inches of girth, and increasing his jerking motions let that swollen pair of testes fly all about. With all that motion he pre started flowing once again, albeit this time it was more like a faucet. Apparently all of Ken's teasing from earlier left a bit more of a blessing behind than originally expected.

As Miles prepped Psi with as rich as a hand job as he could muster, Ken simply hiked up his backdoor and swung his buff tail right out of the way. His chiseled body and muscles made it easy for him to hold any necessary position, and it was coming in handy at the moment. Soon enough, Ken was wriggling about in delight as he finally felt that sweltering warmth emanating from the ferret's head as Miles directed the fine prick ever closer. The torrid sensation was only heightened as Ken's tailhole was suddenly graced with several shots of precum out of the blue.

Once Miles felt that the Psi's throbbing excitement was as tenderly close as the otter's own prick was towards his own goal, he unceremoniously doubled his embrace along Psi's body. The subsequent thrust shot a solid five inches of otterhood deep within Psi's folds, quickly soaking them with his own juices. The force of the thrust was strong enough to burst Psi's body forward as well, sinking his head fully into Ken's awaiting rump.

The first few minutes were exciting enough. Miles had taken complete charge of the situation, tightening his hold on his boytoy to help and gripping the dark cloth covering his torso to get better traction. Each massive thrust forward, introducing another inch of otter into the ferret's tight crevice, only sent Psi coating Ken's inner folds with his juices, still gushing forward until his head started slamming into the roo's prostate.

Whipped into a frenzy, Miles was clearly the conductor of the lewd symphony before him, adjusting the tempo with his baton whenever he felt it necessary. He took huge pleasure in adjusting the give-and-take, making sure to pull all the way out to the very rim of his dick until it threatened to pop right out of Psi until his mate mimicked the very same motion within Ken. With each torturous pause, every passing delay of the gratification they all desired, Miles built up his own store of cream down below. The countless bouts of edging were quickly followed with rapid thrusting right to the hilt, until the cerulean otter humped to the point where all three had moved across the room.

Inch-by-inch, as the minutes passed they pushed further along on their legs until Ken's arms were slung over the bed in front of him, helping gain further leverage to raise his ass just a bit higher. A few more massive thrusts later, with two different heads buried deeply, Ken reached his limit first.

The additional clamping of the ruddy brown kangaroo's asshole was just too much for Psi to bear. As Ken emptied himself of two dozen thick strands of ambrosia along the carpet, Psi shot his exultation deep into the roo until he could feel every fold along his dick simply enrobed in his own cream.

Just like a set of collapsing dominos, Miles succumbed to his love's own squeals and clamping. With a touch of finality the otter burst forward one last time, slipping his webbed paws tightly along Psi's shoulders before leaning down with a tight nibble along his neck, perfectly coinciding with a torrent of cum. Even with his short muzzle Miles refused to budge a bit, not until his balls, constantly slapping against Psi's own massive sack, were fully satiated.

Once the muscles throughout the otter's swimmer's build of a body started to be kissed by the afterglow, he yanked backwards with all of the force left in him. Psi followed quickly thereafter, completely locked up in the embrace, leaving Ken's pucker with a slick pop, only to land right onto Miles's lap as he sat upright, still deeply embedded within the gray ferret's ass.

As Psi started to drift back into the moment, a sudden twist from down below sent shockwaves throughout his body. His form slowly twisted around, accompanied with additional thrusts from below. Miles teased the ferret's face closer and closer, as if he was nothing more than a talented puppeteer. Miles certainly took his time, coaxing and tempting until all of the ferret's senses were focused solely upon his lover.

Across the room, Ken was tending to his own needs. With only his back in clear view to his friends, he swayed his hefty tail across the floor every so often. After a few minutes, Ken had to bite his lower lip just to maintain his façade. The tail movement hopefully wouldn't arouse suspicion, as least while his hands and fingers slipped out-of-sight.

With increasing speed, Ken used his own cream to hide his movements just to keep that element of surprise. His index fingers delved deep within the slit of his cock until he could spread them around. Each swirl, each pass off his fingers within his rich onyx cock made him bulge out even longer. The marsupial soon became nothing more than a sculptor, molding his spear into a monstrous work of art.

It wasn't until Ken gave out an exasperated gasp, pregnant with lust and a need for release, before Psi started to turn his head back from the comfortable perch of Miles's chest. As his cheek started to turn in the coffee-colored roo's direction, Miles slid his face right back around until it was buried within his fuzzy white chest.

"Mmmfm!!" Apparently a mouthful of otter chest was a challenge to talk through. "What are you two up to now?" Psi, his vision already stuck in darkness, squirmed about until he finally felt that outrageously thick otter dick pop out of him with a sudden, slick pop.

Even if the mustelid could have done anything about it, though, it was too late. Ken had already turned around to face his pals, only now sporting a schlong that was nearly as wide as his body, and a staggering two feet long. He could easily put a fence post to shame, and wasted no time as he sprung to his feet with renewed vigor.

Leaning forward, angling that pulsing beast to the floor, Ken angled his shaft down just right. His slit, now wide enough through his own intense secretive fingering session, could easily engulf a watermelon, much less the dual ferret paws in front of him. A quick thrust across the plush carpet ensured the ferret's easy entrance inside.

Ken's urethra gripped along the ferret's calves as if it had a mind of its own. Responding to his friend's pleas wasn't necessary at this point, anyway. Every other pulse pulled the ferret in further, from his knees up to his thighs, as his throbs sent shockwaves throughout the ferret's lower extremities.

For his part, Psi gave back just as much as he got. As Ken thought it would be cute to prolong his shaft's ingestion of the ferret by pausing right on his hips, trapping the ferret's erection as it spurted its white treasure all over, Psi fought back all the while by flailing his bushy tail within that snug tube. It finally helped hurry the ferret along in his descent, but not before a surge of precum burst upwards, absolutely coating both of his friends a great portion of the floor.

Kneeling to the floor helped the motion right along until all that remained of the ferret outside of his new home within Ken was his hands. In the meantime Miles watched on in amusement, right before he moved out of sight to coax the ferret down that massive black python between Ken's legs.

At the very last second, right before Psi's wrists were lost to the void, Miles gripped right along those available palms. As the marsupial's nectar dripped along his arms, the otter was quickly consumed, head slipping into the roo's engorged slit, helping it to easily gush a wealth of juices onto the carpet.

Miles descended quickly down Ken's urethra, already slathered several times over from his boyfriend's earlier arrival. Just as the last bit of his rudder was ready to disappear into that massive pole, Ken clasped onto the very tip, trapping him in place.

Such a simple slide through just wouldn't do in the slightest! There's something to be said for thrashing, for curling and coiling around, doing everything possible to enhance all that motion. With that grasp, Miles spread his arms out like wings, widening Ken's urethra, massaging his soaking prison. Each surge of kangaroo excitement threatened to fire the otter right back out like a cannon across the room, until Ken gripped with both hands and sent his friend careening down into his sack.

With both of his friends now buried deep, Ken took a few steps backward and dragged his massive nuts across the floor. It was quite the herculean effort, with each ball nearly as tall as Psi's bed and as wide as the marsupial's body. With that immense girth Ken knew that he couldn't move all that much, but that didn't mean jostling and massaging his own gonads was off-limits.

While Ken took his time above, Psi and Miles reveled in the creamy accommodations. Twisting made way for churning, massaging lead to thrusting, surging their bodies from side-to-side. Each mustelid's backs careened into the sides of Ken's testicles, with every rocking motion just adding to the expansion of their jism-filled home. The pungent scent of marsupial cum was more than enough to drive eunuchs into an orgiastic fit, and the two lovers were not faring any better as they eagerly added their own contributions to Ken's tankard of milk.

Time flowed at an immeasurable clip for the two amidst the darkness. All they knew was their scents, the richness of Ken's cum, and the way they were cycling through the kama sutra as they rolled along. It could have been minutes, or it could have been hours, but eventually all of their love-making within was more than enough to cause Ken's reserves to reach their boiling point, leaving very little room for anything but batter left within the marsupial.

It wasn't much longer until they both felt a tug upwards, followed by many others around their entwined bodies. Each massive jerk upwards was quickly followed by a geyser starting to churn below, the pressure building until they finally burst forward, the tiny slice of light ahead growing all the more fantastic until it enveloped them both once again, embracing as tightly as they were each other as they flew out at the same time. Ken's bountiful load followed quickly thereafter, showering them as they both landed onto Psi's bed with a crinkly collision.

In their absence it seemed that Ken had been thinking about more than just masturbating. In the two and a half actual hours he was enjoying his continued growth and fullness, he made is way around Psi's room, tucking a useful blue plastic tarp all around the room in order to get the best coverage possible. It would have been quite rude to erupt like a volcano within a friend's house without a little bit of coverage, after all.

As Ken's thick whitewash splattered all over the walls, both the ferret and the otter slid off of the bed. Psi took the lead, guiding Miles along as they slid on their backs along the floor, coaxing him along out of their friend's sight until they were both perched underneath his swaying tail. Ken's whole body was hunched forward, his torso pressed up against the top-most portion of his balls as they retained their massive shape without any size of diminishing, rubbing along the middle of his taut six-pack.

Despite all of his releasing, thoroughly covering his compatriot's bed, Ken was still struggling to move. All of his focus was on cumming, everything else being drowned out by the sounds of him drenching the room from the window to the front door, his cock swerving all around while the rest of his body was wholly stationary, save for the various blissful spasms each loving surge burst through his hefty cock.

Out of Ken's sight, however, Psi had his own particular plans. While still laying on his back on the increasingly-messy floor, he hitched his right leg up just a bit and beckoned Miles forward. With a short nod Miles was upon him, maneuvering just right as they rustled around for a bit, their sacks rubbing up along one another until they got into just the right position. With their cocks aligned and easily erect, both of them held both of their pricks ready despite all of the heated pulses, dripping their shared nectar all over their shafts.

When assured of their position, they both leaned up with the precision of synchronized swimmers, hooking their hands around the very base of Ken's tail. A mighty tug downwards was all that was needed to send the kangaroo hurtling towards the floor, assured to greet it with his tight ass first.

Ken's desperate yelp a few seconds later spoke volumes about the outcome, with his cheeks spreading out wide and his ring making direct contact with two overly-full heads at the same time. To keep himself and Miles frotting throughout, the ferret had snaked a bit of his tailtip forward to curl around the two foot-long mustelid shafts, their combined girths easily putting two arms to shame.

Their first mutual thrust lodged both of their throbbing heads a few inches up his ass, parting the ring with ease and easily making a kabob out of their loved friend. They laughed as Ken had absolutely nowhere to go, with his immense balls still holding him down in place, sending inch after inch if their erections into him. It took little effort, with the immense wealth of their precum and Ken's own milk quickly lubing up every fold within. It only took a few seconds until they hilted within, both of their crowns well beyond his prostate as gravity hoisted Ken's rump straight down onto their two pelvises.

With massive thrusts upwards , the duo let the force jolt Ken upwards into the air, only for his own excess girth force him right back down for a jackhammering he hadn't felt in a long while. The room grew awash in magnificent sloshing noises as the kangaroo quickly recovered from the explosion from earlier. His balls were no better, starting to gain more of a crimson hue beneath his ruddy brown fur as they creaked along the side of Psi's bed.

Each burst of juice from below jolted Ken's shaft across the tarp covering the bed, with the wrinkles in the material just snaking right underneath the rim of his cockhead. As his roomeat grew at the unexpected stimulation from all along, he soon found his cockslit kissing the wall as a faint chill slipped along the top of his head. If Ken mewled at that point, he could barely hear it; all of his focus was on holding on for just one more second, another moment more to relish all of the attention.

Exhaustion overtook Ken as he succumbed to his carnal urges. His vision quickly clouded as his entire face was overcome by the splash back from his own eruption. Even with his cum factories pinned along the floor and up to the side of the bed without any room to maneuver and his dick firmly pressed right into the wall, the force was enough to burst his now-three foot shaft back upwards into his muzzle.

Psi and Miles were only too happy to bury themselves deeply within their friend, spreading their love in massive bursts within. They pulled back just a little bit to relentlessly pelt the prostate before them with all of the jizz possible, thrashing it with an uncompromising stream. All of that time within Ken's testes still had their lust driven to another level, scissoring together even more until both of their sacks were smashed together, forcing every droplet out of their reserves. Despite all of their thickness though, opening Ken's ring wide enough to slip in a large soda bottle with the greatest of ease, the excess started to leak right down the back of his thighs and balls.

By the time all three of their orgasms subsided the ceiling was still raining down rich strands of marsupial ambrosia. Every drip took their time, landing on each of them with a hefty splash as it matted their fur further. They could barely move for a few minutes afterwards, which was to be expected. All of their energy was clearly spent, and the newly whitewashed room was clear evidence of that.

"At least I got the tarp down this time," Ken finally murmured as he laid across the mustelids beneath him. His genitals showed only a slight sign of shrinkage even after his room-coating escapade.

Psi sounded as if he was giggling and groaning all at once. "And now you know why I was fuming earlier." He could swear he heard Miles and Ken blushing from the reveal. "Do you know how long it takes to get your spunk out of everything I own?"

"Maybe it would have taken less time if you used something other than your tongue, honey." Miles was always quick to point out helpful tips, after all. The loving swat on the backside he got almost instantly afterwards was worth it, though.

"And no wonder you kept asking to come on in my room and lend your expertise, bluebutt!"

The pile of milky amigos rested for a few minutes more, just laughing and rubbing their arms and legs along one another. They may as well check the status of each other's recovery, and it wasn't every day that they happened to turn a room in the apartment into a makeshift swimming pool of cum.

"At least the cleanup will be a snap!" Ken mused, taking stock of the room as the dripping from the ceiling slowed down at long last. "Just bring it to the bathroom and drain down the tub. I'll hoist most of this up, no worries."

The ferret stirred a bit, finally slipping away and sliding quickly along Miles's body as it lay in repose. "If you and Miles help with the cleanup then I think I'll take you both out to lunch. My treat, of course, but with one tiny stipulation!"

"Sounds like a plan, stud!" Miles was more than happy enough to accept free food from his boyfriend. "What's the catch?" Psi took great care in standing up in the creamy muck, making sure he was well-balanced before picking up some of the casualties from the sexual cavalcade. "I don't know about you, but I can't let you go out in these drenched things. I'll give you both some t-shirts and jeans from my closet after you shower up."

Both Miles and Ken exchanged quick glances. The t-shirts should be comfortable, given that they were all relatively the same size, with maybe a little bit of Ken's washboard abs showing from underneath the hem of Psi's larger shirts. But those jeans, those pieces of denim, they were something else entirely.

Even though his jeans fit the ferret like a glove, the same could not be said of anyone else. He had them tailored specifically for him, with the caveat that the crotch was just a touch too tight for his friends and their particular girths. While Ken could easily recover his old genitalia size from his hyper self in just another minute, his normal, thick sheath would be tortured constantly like Miles's if they followed through.

"Oh, come on! Now why would you do that to us," Miles shouted with a bit of disbelief, with Ken eagerly nodding. "We just tried to cheer you up!"

Psi let out a bit more of a giggle as he swung the door of his private bathroom open, eagerly directing them to the showers. "It's simple! I was thinking of the Italian place down the street. You know, the one with all of the very attractive wait staff?"

The mere mention of that point was enough to get a kangaroo tail and a rudder wagging heavily in the air, slinging remnants of cream around the room.

"EXACTLY!" The ferret was thrilled that they understood the implications. "Purposefully tight jeans plus undoubtedly numerous erections...well, let's just say that the first one to cum hands-free while eating lunch also gets a free dessert!"

Despite the absolute mess, all three of them had the room cleared and scrubbed in barely half an hour. Even more exceptional was the fact that they all took a shared shower without touching each other sensually. But once everyone was fully clothed and moderately comfortable, they started to make their way out of the apartment for something to eat, with Psi beaming the entire way.

Little did Ken and Miles know that the ferret was extremely appreciative for both of their efforts. As such, Psi was more than ready to spring for two desserts for them both.

A Ringing Epiphany

Teresa lorded over Jeremy, the springs on her mediocre dorm bed giving her a bit of a bounce as she stood over her best friend. He was a little bit worse for the wear, decked from head to toe in a French maid's outfit that seemed more fitting for a...

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Confection Correction (or "Anticipation 2")

It was a few weeks later, after the previous incident, and Keira's master had to get her back for what had transpired before. The week and a half she spent filling him to no end, cum splurting and nearly flooding the entire room in which she called...

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A Day in the Life

Sunlight drizzled through a slight opening in the shades, brightening the soft blue fur that spread across the bed. The ambient heat from the rays stirred the otter from his slumber, his body quivering in equal parts pleasure and mild aggravation. His...

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