Alcrose - Chapter Seven

Story by Zynnis on SoFurry

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#7 of Alcrose

Ok, Chapter 7, These are all kind of being posted all together because I'm motivated to do it right now. So I decided to do it. There were some other things I was going to say, but I forgot what it was. We'll see if I can remember when chapter eight is posted.

As always, please rate, fave, and watch if you enjoy it. Leave a comment if you can, constructive criticism is always appreciated and it helps motivate me.

Zynnis groaned as he opened his eyes slowly, pushing himself back against the warm, scaled dragon behind him with a yawn. He blinked twice, his ear twitching slightly, then reached back behind him and felt the scales against his paw. Immediately he flung the strong arms holding him away and bolted out of the bunk, his body shaking in rage and finger pointed towards the the still groggy dragon.

"What. The. Fuck." Zynnis was growling and somewhat in shock, he was mostly furious with the dragon, but still partially at himself, "What the fuck man!"

"Huh?" The dragon had opened one eye calmly and was looking at the hybrid quietly.

"You know! You fucking know!" Zynnis was fighting to control his temper, and he knew that he was about to throw reason out the airlock entirely, "How much did I have to drink last night?" Zynnis sighed and tried to replay his evening in his head, to no avail.

"Not sure," The dragon stretched out in the bed with a yawn, "But you ended up here and wanting it bad."

Zynnis swallowed dryly, "And?"

"Well, look where you woke up," The dragon winked at him slyly, "and you loved every second of it."

The hybrid put his face into his paws and groaned, shaking his head slowly, "And this is what I get for fucking drinking."

* * * * *

Styrr was surprised to find a half naked Zynnis passed out cold in the middle of his floor when he walked into his room that morning. The dragon had finally gone and found himself an outlet for a much needed release, and at that very moment, regretted not coming back to his room earlier that evening.

"Hey, wake up," Styrr nudged the snoring hybrid with his boot, fortunately, Zynnis' duty belt was on the floor next to the bathroom, "You're in the wrong place, wake up."

The second nudge was enough to wake the sprawled out commander and he sat up instantly, reaching for a weapon that was no longer at his side. Styrr watched him carefully, remember the last outburst that had caused his body quite a lot of pain. Zynnis was looking around blankly, obviously confused.

"How the fuck did I end up here?" Zynnis' voice was actually quiet, and not angry like it usually was. The hybrid rubbed at his eyes with his paws, "I don't remember coming here, how much did I drink last night? I was having some fucked up dreams."

Styrr could only shrug, he didn't have an answer, "Not sure, I assume you walked. I just got back."

"Good, I'd have hated to do something that I'd later regret." Zynnis sighed as his recent dream came back and clouded his head, "Where were you?"

Styrr smiled, "I was enjoying some of the finer luxuries that your very wonderful ship has to offer. I had paid for room service the night I got here, but as you may recall, you scared him away with the random firing of your weapon."

Zynnis rolled his eyes, of course the irritating dragon would bring that evening back up. It was still as fresh in the hybrids mind as him just waking up. He didn't want to be consistently reminded of his anger issues, it was bad enough Trip enjoyed to use it against him over and over again. Even though he really did not feel bad about it, the fact that the entire incident would not make itself go away was starting to irritate him.

"I hope you enjoyed it, and actually paid for it. I've noticed you're a cheap bastard." Zynnis stood and walked over to his belt and slung it over his shoulder, not wanting to let Styrr see him painfully try, and undoubtedly fail, to clasp it around his waist.

"I didn't pay actually, I'm sure that falls within my spending allowance. I assumed that the card I was given would pay for anything, and it did indeed pay for his services, including the tip," The large, silver dragon smiled a toothy grin, "I can now say that everything on board this vessel has the highest quality, including your escorts."

Zynnis rolled his eyes, running a paw through his mane, trying to get the mess to lay back down straight, "I hope you realize that I hate you, a lot."

The dragon chuckled, "Now now, if you hated me, then your drunken self would not have found it to my room last night night."

"No, I'm sure it wasn't that. Remember, this room is mine, and even though you are staying here, it's still mine. I probably blacked out and went to where my body is still used to going when it's tired." Zynnis rolled his eyes at the dragon's assumption, then sighed as he realized it may have even been true, "You do know you have the best room on the ship, like anything I own, it is the epitome of quality and efficiency. Also, I was probably coming for something of mine. Couldn't even guess what it was, but that's a possibility as well."

The dragon looked around, not impressed, "It doesn't look like much to me, I would have thought that the commander of the great Alcrose Royal Marine Corps would have the best quarters for himself. Also, I doubt you would be coming here to pick something up, there isn't anything of yours left here. Unless you count those glasses I have, but last I remember, you gave them to me."

Zynnis grinned, walked over to the desk, and punched a code into the screen. There was a short beep, and then the far wall descended into the floor, an entire command center appearing behind it.

Styrr could only stare, apparently he hadn't had full access to his room like he though he had, "Can't believe you gave up luxury just to have a miniature bunker. You know, you could have given this place an adjacent door to a different room and achieved both."

Zynnis rolled his eyes, that was turning in to a habit that he had never had, or wanted to have, "I don't believe in a higher standard of living than the men who follow my orders. What is good for them, ought to be good enough for me, plus, you never know when having another operating base is going to come in handy. There ave been many times that having another place to fall back to would have come in handy."

The dragon still stood where he was, staring down the shirtless hybrid, "I still say luxury and efficiency both matter. What is the point of being in charge if you don't reap the benefits?"

Zynnis had to stop himself from rolling his eyes yet again, "You're delusional, perhaps when I'm old and my reflexes are slow I'll worry about my comforts, but as of now, I'm more worried about the safety of my people." Zynnis walked himself over to the new area of the room and headed to what looked like a small lounge. He opened the fridge, one that seemed much too large for a room of that size, and grabbed himself a beer, which he opened and took a large gulp from, "I've got all the perks of being in charge that I need right here."

It was the dragon's turn to roll his eyes this time, which he did before finding a place to sit within sight of the still standing Zynnis, "You know one of these days, you're drinking is going to get you into a world of hurt."

Zynnis smiled and sat across from the dragon, "Everyone has their vices, yours seems to be the want for an overabundance of luxuries, mine is my booze. This is the last I want you to voice your opinion about my life choices. When I want your opinion, I will ask for it." As if to help emphasize his comment, and to help it sink in more, Zynnis took an even large swig from the bottle. He then proceeded to reach into a pocket in his pants, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and lit up.

Styrr barely held back his growl, but managed, "Fair enough, kill your body until you can't function any more, and then you'll understand what I mean."

Zynnis smirked, and with beer and cigarette in hand, he stood and headed for the door, "I think we are due for lunch here shortly, apparently Trip wants to continue to discuss a business venture that I'm not so sure would work, and quite frankly, am not interested in." Zynnis checked his watch and nodded, "Aye, it's about that time. We'll be at the same place I showed you the other day, back in the private room. You've about twenty minutes, don't be late, and don't tell Trip that I was passed out here. That would most definitely cause an argument I don't want to deal with today. Understood?"

The dragon grinned, as much as he loved to see the two fight, he decided that today it was probably in his best interest not to piss the commander off any more than he already had, "Not a problem, I'm sure he already knows. He knows you too well," the dragon chuckled softly, "But if he doesn't, he wont find out from me."

Zynnis rolled his eyes and exited the room quickly, not wanting to see, hear, or even breathe the same air as the arrogant dragon Trip was laying them in bed with. These were the times that he wished he could just let go of the self control that was forced upon him by his status, but he knew that doing so would compromise many things for him, and his people.

He walked the corridors of Haven slowly and calmly, there was no reason for him to rush at this point, by his count he had plenty of time to make the three minute walk to his favorite restaurant. He then sighed as he readjusted his duty belt hanging from his shoulder, the amount of pain that he had been caused physically, and emotionally, the last few weeks was starting to wear at him, and he knew it. Maybe Trip was right, he should probably start to take it easy for a while.

He blocked away his dozed thoughts and returned his focus to his surroundings as he rounded the corner and walked into the commons area. The place was buzzing with energy, energy that he wished he had. Military and civilian personnel alike were talking amongst one another trying to Place their orders and start their work for the day. In truth, it made him smile, his people didn't really need to be led, which he liked. They could function without someone telling them what needed to be done on the day-to-day. Of course, Trip sent out quota and goal memo's out almost every day, but that didn't dictate what these people did all day.

The hybrid once again sighed as he reached his destination, he was not at all interested in what Trip had in line for him today. He was man of action, not of endless business discussions. He stepped through the door and smiled politely at the hostess. She didn't move from her spot, knowing Zynnis would make his own way back to the VIP section, but nodded cheerily to him as she watched him make his way back.

Zynnis pushed the curtain aside and stepped through the archway into the VIP section, seeing Trip busy at his PDA, obviously trying to plan out today's meeting.

"You're almost late, as usual. Cant you ever be anywhere early? Maybe I had things I needed to discuss with you?" The large wolf didn't even look up at Zynnis from his PDA as he spoke, his eyes and paws moving over it stunningly fast.

"Hello and good morning to you too," Zynnis went immediately to the fridge in the corner and helped himself to a drink opening it and slowly drinking from the bottle, "Maybe you don't seem to realize this, but I don't really care about these meetings. The only reason I come is simply to make you happy. I already understand that no matter what I have to say about it, I'll never actually get my way."

Trip still didn't look up from his PDA, "Yes, but as the commander of the Alcrose Royal Marine Corps, you have an image to uphold, therefore, you're required to be here, even it's just as a business formality. Quit complaining about it."

Zynnis chewed on his cheek irritably, he wanted to respond, but instead, kept his mouth shut. There was no point in him trying to argue, it would simply blow back in his face and cause him more pain and suffering at the hands of his director, "Fine, what are we talking about then?"

"I emailed you the details, check your in-box."

Zynnis took a long swig from his drink and walked over to Trip, pulling the PDA from his paws quickly, forcing his partner to look at him, "What's your fucking problem, I've not even talked to you or been awake long enough to have done a god damned thing to piss you off yet." Zynnis threw Trip's PDA on the table, "So either confront the issue, or stop being such a bitch this morning."

Trip glared at Zynnis, "You and your drinking habits are going to get you in a heap a trouble. I know where you drunkenly stumbled last night." Trip reached out and grabbed his PDA back from the table annoyed, "I'm telling you now, if you fuck this arrangement up for us, I'll make your life a living hell for the next ten years."

Zynnis laughed and quickly finished his beer. Before Trip could object, he had another in hand, already opened. He smiled at the wolf softly, "You already do that, so does this mean that if I let you finish this without fucking it up I get the next ten years in peace?" He supped from his bottle and winked at the wolf, his gaze turning as Styrr walked through the archway and into the smaller room, "Well speak of the devil. You were right, he already knew." Zynnis' comment was dry, and it caused Trip to respond to him with a dirty look.

"I see I have missed out on the amusement, I hope it wasn't too interesting." The dragon looked at the two with a grin, "o down to business shall we? I'm not much for pleasantries."

Zynnis sneered, "Liar."

Trip gave him another, more deadly looking, dirty look, "Ten years, I mean it."

Styrr chuckled again and found himself a seat, "So here is how I see it. We both stand to gain from one another. I have the Intel, client lists, and the kind of contacts you need to continue to survive out here, off the radar." The dragon smiled, he knew what they needed from him, and he was very willing to give that to them, but for a price, "Now, you can continue to pay for your information from unreliable sources, or, you can make my life a little easier."

Zynnis kept his mouth shut, silently drinking his drink so Trip could do the talking for him. Trip was much better with words, and knew the prices for services generally off the top of his head.

"Oh? And what are you wanting in return? Now remember, your services are relatively safe, ours require more of a sacrifice. Lives cost more than information, so don't take us too lightly here." Trip was staring at the dragon hard, he was sitting straight in his chair and frowning very noticeably, granted, what Styrr was offering was quite a lot.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to make an unfair trade. Actually, the contract would be slightly tipped in your favor," Styrr knew his limits, and wasn't really tempted to push the line further than he was already allowed, "All I really want is a safe haven for myself, and certain VIPs I have when needed. Also, when I, or a client of mine, needs an escort, or helped out of a jam, you will be contracted in to take care of these situations. You'll also receive a fifteen percent completion bonus at the end of any said jobs." The dragon knew that the service he had just asked for in return were indeed somewhat pricey, but so was the intelligence information that the had available to him.

"You understand that we have firm requirements and very high standards for those that we allow our services, so as long as certain, shall we say, moral limits are held, we could allow that." Trip looked at Zynnis again, who looked to be slowly, falling asleep, and whistled at him sharply, "Input, boss?"

The emphasis on 'boss' told Zynnis that Trip was irritated with his focus and the Hybrid yawned widely and shrugged, "I don't see a problem, not as long as our help doesn't break any of the ARMC's moral codes, or any laws that we can't bend enough to find a loophole," The hybrid sipped again from his bottle, holding back another yaw, if only business deals had more yes and no answers, rather than endless negotiation, "Also, our services for said situations can be quite expensive, they would also have to meet a minimum profit to risk margin. I don't risk my men and their lives for no profit or gain, even with these arrangements. Now, I can promise that for Kyna Group representatives and agents, our service will be available for for just about anything, but not as a contractor for different clients."

Styrr raised an eyebrow, he was not prepared or a statement like that to be made by Zynnis. He had assumed that the commander would quietly allow Trip to do all of the talking, "Fair enough, you're the boss it seems."

Zynnis nodded lazily and started on his third drink, "Just not putting my neck, or my boys' necks on the line for an outside contractor without knowing why, and without gain."

Trip cleared his throat, getting the rooms attention again, "Anything else Mr. Kinster?"

The dragon nodded, "Yes, one last thing. I would like permanent quarters available to me at all times." The dragon looked towards Zynnis, whose only response was to down his new drink almost instantly.

"That can be arranged, you'll be moved out of the room you're currently in, one that is set for your type of living. Commander," Trip's gaze turned back towards Zynnis, "Do you have anything else?"

Zynnis was reaching for another beer as trip finished his question, "Uh, no." He started to open the bottle but the remembered what he wanted to say, "Oh wait, yes." It was time for Zynnis to get even with the two businessmen, "Neither of you, ever, are to say another thing about my choices on this matter. That includes my decision to turn down or accept certain jobs, within reason. My drinking, smoking, and sleeping choices are also mine to make, and have no place in this deal, regardless of who has an opinion. When it comes to this, I have the final say so," He grinned a toothy grin at the two, this was after all, his company, "Nothing happens, until it goes through me, verbally." He looked at Trip, "No emails, no memos, spoken word only."

Styrr laughed. Trip growled. Zynnis shot them both a wink. The dragon quickly stood and stretched a paw out towards Zynnis, he wanted the terms drawn up so the deal could be ended quickly and they could all get on with their lives, "So do we have a deal then commander?"

Without thinking it over any more, knowing that he had come up on top not only for himself, but for the ARMC as a whole, the hybrid shook the larger paw of the dragon firmly, "Absolutely we do. Trip, go and write up the contract if you want, I'm going to share a drink or two with our new business partner."

Trip looked at Zynnis surprised, "You what?"

Zynnis shrugged, "I can't not share a drink after a deal as huge as this one. One might say it was rude."

Trip shook his head, "No, you're simply looking for a reason to get drunk this early in the morning. I'm not tolerating that."

Zynnis just shrugged, "You can not tolerate what ever you want. I don't foresee much work being done today, so I'm going to enjoy my first real day off in a long time."

Trip sighed, "If you do anything stupid, I will make you regret it. Ten years, remember that number. Ten."

Zynnis smiled, nodded, and slowly finished his beer, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. It had been a while since his opinions had been respected and acted on quickly, and quite frankly, he was proud of himself for actually being a part of the negotiations, and not just a quiet bystander.

The hybrid nodded to the two, looked at his watch, and motioned to the dragon, who was standing up, "After you Styrr, let's go party Alcrosian style."