Slavery is Freedom: Chapter I: One and Zero

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#1 of Slavery is Freedom

I am pleased and proud to introduce to you 'Slavery is Freedom'.

Evil has come to the universe. The inevitable and ceaseless march of doom is nigh. Only one fur stands in its way... and a battleship... and an empire. But still the only thing that can stop this march of malevolence is the bravery and courage of the furs of the Great Furry Empire... and sex lots of sex!

Ok cheesy rubric aside. This is 'One and Zero', chapter 1 of 'Slavery is Freedom'.

Before you read this i would recommend you read the preface:

Slavery is Freedom

Chapter I: One and Zero

Zippo braced himself as the Hell-Hawk fired off another salvo. The laser charges struck his ship, The Optimus, just below the bridge and the shields strained to dissipate the energy. Optimus's support vessel, the Perseus, wheeled about and returned fire with her starboard Neutron Pulsers, causing the aggressing Warbird's generators great damage - powered up as they were.

"Kill the engines and route all power too the combat systems!" barked Zippo form the command desk.

The Warbird had jumped from out of nowhere, did not hail and immediately opened up with her weapons. Thus not allowing The Optimus's weaponry time to charge. It bore the markings of the Grand Vulpine Confederacy (GVC) and its intensions were clear - seek and destroy.

"Sir." Cried the weapons officer, a small white rabbit. "All laser systems at full charge. I recommend a full broadside of 10 megawatt turbo-cannon."

"Make it 30 megawatts, Finch. I don't want a living thing on that ship to survive. And order the Perseus to back off." Replied Zippo.

"Crew stand by for firing, in five, four, three, two, one."

Bright green flashes of light emanated from the 45 turbo-cannons on the port side of the _Optimus_and seconds later the GVC ship was bathed in the same green light as the high-energy rounds smashed into it shields. Momentarily the Warbird was concealed form view by the bright white light created by its shields attempting to neutralising the energy from the laser salvo. When the ship re-emerged she was seemingly undamaged and the tactical overlay on the main window of the _Optimus's_bridge told Zippo that her shields had only dropped by 40%.

The sensors officer, a large black bear, shouted "Sir! Her shields resonated perfectly with out salvo, they must have some sort of advanced sensors suite. Another likewise salvo will only reduce their shields by 10% and then 1% after that."

"What do you recommend, Angus" asked Zippo.

"We can't get a true reading on their physical shield, as the energy shield is out-shining it on our sensors, but I would hazard a guess that it is minimal while they're in combat because they expect us to use energy weaponry... as we did."

"What are you suggesting?"

"If we quickly hit them with physical weaponry, it would not give them time to charge their physical shields." The bear replied.

"What's our best choice Finch?" Zippo said to the weapons officer.

"The Matter Conjugators are out of commission and untested Sir. So I'd recommend five hull piercing cerium S-S missiles, they could destroy a moon."

"Fleet won't be happy with us using Lanthanum weaponry, but what the hell, load them into the tubes!" Zippo said.

Suddenly the helmsfur cried: "She's returning fire!"

A short, rhythmic series of red flashes exhaled form the Warbird's bow as she returned fire.

The defence officer, a grey wolf, let out a sudden cry: "The shields are down!"

There was a brief second of absolute silence and then the ship rocked as the charges hit its unshielded underbelly.

"Shit! The fusion reactors have taken a direct hit." Cried the deck officer, a yellow Lioness.

The engineering officer, a Golden Eagle, checked her computer terminal and appealed to Zippo: "Sir, we need to shut the generators down now or they'll overload."

Zippo pondered the situation and replied: "Get those S-S missiles away and then shut them down."

"They're already loaded Sir. Leaving the tubes... Now."

"Sensors - monitor the Hell-Hawk's reaction. Engineering - get ready to kill the generators. And Defence - get those dam shields up." Commanded Zippo

"Yes Sir."

"Yes Sir."

"Yes Sir."

The tactical overlay showed each of the ship to ship missiles moving towards the Warbird, witch started letting off small flashes of light.

"She's trying to shoot down the missiles with her anti-fighter lasers Sir." Said the sensors fur.

"They'll take that, no problem." Replied Finch, the weapons fur.

"Our shields are up!" said the defence officer

The first missile struck the ship in a great flash of light and before she became visible again, the second struck her and then the third, forth and fifth. After several seconds, there was a characteristic burst of red flame and the crew on the bridge of the Optimus let out a great cheered.

"Yes! Her fuel tanks have gone!" cried an exhilarated sensors officer.

"That's game over" said Zippo calmly.

The engineering officer looked at her computer screen and panicked. "Sir can we please shut down the generators now."

"Yes, sorry Emma, shut them down and go to sand-by power. When they are ready to restart call me on the coms, I'll be in my quarters."

The engineering officer did not reply but instead entered something on her computer and suddenly the lights dimmed to an almost pointless level. The tactical overlay, that was superimposed over the main window of the bridge, also faded away and left the stricken Warbird in plan view of all on the bridge. Small explosions were still emanating from the ship as the super structure tore apart and began orbit of a small, near by, planet. Warbirds were short range interceptor craft and carried little crew in comparison to the big Battle Fortress ships such as the Optimus but the command crew, and probably everyone ells onboard, knew that up to five thousand furs had just lost their lives at their own hands - even if they were just foxes.

This bothered few, as far as most were concerned they were the enemy and the more who died the better, but the more consciences among the crew mourned these types of events. Zippo had very little time for the moral among his crew, he saw it as weakness and an unfitting trait on a military vessel. Zippo himself would like to see nothing more than every fox in the galaxy ether dead or in chains at his feet and this is what his mind returned to as he entered his quarters and slumped in his chair.


Zippo was a male white tiger and an impressive one at that. He was 6'5'' and weighed almost 220 pounds, that was not say he was fat, he kept his body in excellent condition. His markings were fairly standard black stripes over white fur covering his back, legs and arms - they were not however present from his neck down though his chest, stomach, genitals and to his tailhole. His teeth, like his fur were gleaming white but his eyes were so brown they were almost black. His teeth and claws were very sharp but the latter were rarely unsheathed and the former were usually only for show. He had a mysteries black tattoo of a canine paw on his right shoulder blade that he had never revealed the story behind - this had become a lucrative source for urban legends aboard ship. When on ship he ether wore a casual uniform with no pips or rank markings or, more commonly, nothing at all, except for a black leather collar with a chrome buckle that he wore always. Like his tattoo the reason for this was unknown and no one had ever felt at liberty to question him about it. His casual lack of clothing however was common ship even among the Officers.

Approaching the age of 26, he had achieved a great deal in his short life. He was born on the home-world of Diligentia in a poor farming community to strong minded parents. He studied galactic politics on the planets capital of Chalybs and at 21 joined the Diligentian Space Navy as a tactical officer. Diligentia was a heavily industrialised world, with numerous natural resources and was therefore often a target of aggressing empires. Zippo, being posted aboard a small raider, was therefore constantly in battle and soon earned the attention of his commanders. Every time he was reposted it was to a bigger and bigger ship until by 24 he claimed the position of Tactical Commander on the planets flagship, The Bonus Spes.

There was in informal alliance between Diligentia and the surrounding worlds, that they would join together to defeat outside aggressors and keep profitable trade routs open among themselves. However after facing a particularly belligerent enemy in a short war the five worlds of Diligentia, Agri, Bellicus, Amplus and Doctrina had decided to form together and create The Great Furry Empire (GFE). The five founding worlds were declared home-worlds and it was dictated form the empires capital, the brand new city of Lux on Doctrina that the Empire should conquer the surrounding worlds and illuminate their populations into the great new empire. The empire's founding principles were Power, Equality, Military Strength, Plenitude and Economic Strength and each of the founding worlds catered to one of these principles.

Diligentia was a massive but scarcely populated world that focused on industry and trade. It was the only world capable of providing the economic bedrock that the empire needed and it was put to full use after 0 IGE (Initiation of the Great Empire - the calendar was reset upon the empire's creation and the first year was 0 IGE). It had several large natural moons and was home to the biggest manufacturers of space ships in the galaxy. The most prolific of these, the Red Dove Dock Yards, orbited the northern hemisphere of the planet and was put to work building the Battle Fortress capital ships for the empire's new navy.

Agri was another large world with a small population and had quickly become the bread-basket of the GFE. Its surface was beset with little more than endless rolling fields and the only cities existed purely to gather, store and export the food that the planet produced.

Bellicus was a small world with a brutal history. Its population were militaristic, prizing victory in battle above all else and raised form birth to achieve it. Most of the solders of GFE came form Bellicus and it produced many great leaders. It was also where military officers and special forces were sent for combat training at the famous Military Academy and where opponents of the empire were sent for 'correction' at the infamous Temple of Information.

Amplus was the unofficial capital of the GFE, it was a very densely populated world with 3 megacities covering 90% of its surface. It was once a mining world that had gone though a significant boom period and attracted different furs form all over the galaxy. Though it was now long past its prime its strength now lay in its ethnic diversity and cultural heritage.

Doctrina was the official capital of the GFE. A spiritual and philosophical world that's population sought to further their intellectual prowess. When it was made the capital of the empire a brand new grand city, Lux, was built. Lux, dubbed the city of light, housed the government of the GFE and acted as the hub of the empire.

The GFE's first task had been to secure and fortify the surrounding words in order establish a buffer zone for the home-worlds. This had been not problem as the surrounding planets were all independent and had not put up much resistance, some were even happy to join the empire.

However just as the last planet was secured and fortified rumours spread though the empire and news filtered though to Lux; The GVC had been formed.

The Grand Vulpine Confederacy (GVC) had been formed in the closing months of 0 IGE in a remote part of the galaxy that was relatively unknown to the inhabitancies of the home-worlds. A group of several planets that were mostly inhabited by foxes had formed together and subjugated all other races of furs, seizing all military and political power as they did so. More disturbingly, news had come though that the subjugated furs had not been exiled or enslaved, they had been massacred, every last one of them slaughtered indiscriminately - several planets worth. The GVC believed that Vulpines were the only pure race of furs and that they were inherently superior to all others. They therefore set out to destroy every possible source of opposition in the galaxy and then annihilate the population each planet in turn, repopulating them with foxes. After defeating some smaller empires, this put them face to face with the GFE and defeating them became the GVC's primary objective.

In realisation of this new threat the GFE stepped up its military production and set out to create a second defensive frontier. Luckily as they set out on this new mission the first generation of their brand new military technology came in to commission. This included the brand new Carnivora Canidae class ships and chief among them the Optimus.

The Optimus was the new flag ship of the GFE and Zippo her captain. He was selected form over 50 commanding officers and the title of Rah(Captain) was bestowed upon him. The Optimus was an amazing ship; the largest and most powerful ever known to have been constructed. She weighed over 800 billion tonnes and was over 50 miles in length. She had a crew of 135,000 furs and also carried a large number of diplomats, traders, ancillary personnel, marines and slaves. This was necessary due to her role as a transporter, base, salve facility, trading post, diplomatic platform, hospital and hanger as well as a formidable war machine. For the latter of these roles she had the most advanced combat systems ever conceived.

Her primary armament consisted of 7 weapons.

Firstly and primarily were her laser banks. The Turbo-Lasers of witch there were 90, 45 spaced along each side, were the main defence against vessels of frigate size or larger. They worked simply by transferring energy form the ships generators to the target by means of a high velocity laser packet. Their potency was measured by the amount of energy that each gun could transfer to a target, in megawatts. The Turbo's were capable of firing charges of between 10 and 100 megawatts, although the upper ranges required extreme amounts of power to be drawn form the generators. With this restriction barrages of 10 -50 megawatts were the most common. The total power output of the ship at any time was measured by multiplying the number of guns by each's power rating. For example, a port side (45 guns) 30 megawatt barrage would transfer 1350 megawatts to a target.

The second of her laser weapons were her laser cannons. These worked on the same principle as their bigger Turbo equivalents but were designed to deal with smaller targets, anything from corvette size up to small frigates. There were a total of 200 of these spread along the ship, 80 on each side and 20 both fore and aft. They were capable of firing packets of between 1 and 10 megawatts.

Her last standard laser weapon was her laser carbines. These were small, fast firing, computer aimed weapons that were used against fighter class ships or anything of comparable size. There were 1000 of these spread all over the ship and they were capable of putting up a defensive barrage of fire that only the most heavily defended fighters could penetrate. They fired charges of 0.1 to 1 megawatts.

The last later weapon she carried was quite different from the others. The Monolith Mega Laser mounted deep within the armoured hulk of the bow was a mighty weapon. It worked on exactly the same principle as the other lasers but was capable of much higher power outputs. It could fire charges form 100 megawatts up to whatever the generators could supply it with, typically with no other weapons firing and not other charge on the reactors (such as engines, lighting, computers ect) it was possible to fire a single 150,000 megawatt charge. Where as a full broadside (45 guns) of 30 megawatt Turbo lasers could destroy a moon and a broadside of 100 megawatt Turbo's could crack the crust of the planet, 150,000 megawatts could not only annihilate an entire planet but could do far more than that. If fired at a sun that much energy would cause the sun to super-nova, destroying all the planets in orbit, then the sun would collapse in on its self forming a black hole and destroying all near by systems. This laser was the closest thing in the galaxy to a dooms-day weapon. It did however have limitations. Because it was fixed in the hull the entire ship had to be moved to aim it. It also put severe strain on the power generators and drew power away from the shields and other important systems. It was very slow to charge and chronically slow to reload, so if the one shot it fired off missed, the ship would be left with no power, on reduced shields and with no other guns charged. Because of these severe drawback the mega-gun was very rarely used and had only ever been test fired to date.

The lasers may have been the primary ordinance of the Optimus but she also carried a number of other offensive weapons, some very new developments. The first of these was her Neutron Pulcers. These were fairly common weapons that worked by firing streams of neutrons at a ship. About 1 in 10 of these neutrons would pass though the enemy ships energy shield and strike the physical shield underneath. Then the energy from the neutrons would run though the physical shield back to the ships power generators and cause them great damage. The more heavily charged the generators the more damage this weapon would do. These were only present on the sides of the Optimus and she carries a total of 50. Neutron Pulcers were primarily used to cripple ships so they could be boarded.

A more advanced weapon was the shield inhibitors. These worked by firing positive lead ions at the shields of an enemy ship. The positive lead ions would strike the positive shields of the ship and supply them with power, reducing the shields reliance on the power generators. To prevent the shields form overloading the power generators would cut their power supply. Then when the inhibitors stopped firing the shields would be without power and would shut down, requiring time to restart. This would give the Optimus's lasers a chance to hit the enemy ship, un-deterred by the shields. She carried 100 of these weapons on each side.

A more recent weapon she carried were her Matter Conjugators. These highly complex weapons consisted of the positive ion projectors of the shield inhibitors and their negative counter parts. On their own negative lead ions would have no effect on a target but when combined with the positive ion projectors they made a deadly physical weapon. Matter Conjugators were developed as a successor to Mass Drivers, witch fired solid metal slugs at a target. However, Mass Drivers were highly inefficient weapons, taking great amount of power to fire solid metal and not causing proportionally high damage. Due to this major flaw Mass Drivers had fallen out of favour with most ship designers and as a result physical shielding had reduced in quality. Taking advantage of this the designers of the Matter Conjugators had created a weapon capable of firing high density metal at extremely high speeds with minimal expenditure of energy. This was achieved by angling each pair of ion projectors (positive and negative) so that their paths of projection crossed just in front of the target. When fired, the positive and negative ions would meet just in front of the target and combine to form solid lead. This lead would smash into the enemy ship, passing straight though the energy shields, and hit the weaker physical shield underneath. As ions could be projected at near light speed with minimal use of energy and the lead that resulted from their conjugation had little time to slow down before hitting the target these were very efficient weapons and caused a great deal of damage. The Optimus carried 100 of these on each side (the same number as her shield inhibitors) but they were very new and much was unknown about them, thus they had never been used in anger.

Along with these seven replenishable weapons the Optimus carried a number of tactical missiles and torpedoes. Firstly were her defence salvoes. These were small salvoes, of 6 missiles each, that were designed to shoot down other incoming missiles. Once fired, the salvoes would break apart and each missile would use its own tracking system to identify and destroy hostile missiles. They could also be used to attack small ships, but this was more efficiently achieved by use of laser carbines or other small fighters.

Secondly were her Lanthanum missiles. These came in various forms (ship to ship high explosive, ship to ship armour piercing, ship to ship depletive, ship to surface and ship to base) but they all cantered around the same principle, a big bang. These weapons were not in anyway clever, they simply hit an enemy with so much power their shields could not cope and their ship would be ripped apart. In search of ever increasingly powerful explosives to fill these missiles with, researchers began using increasingly imaginative ingredients and the newest generation were called Lanthanum based missiles. Again the exact consistency and ingredients of the warhead could be varied to differ their effects. For example caesium missiles were very good at destroying shields and potassium ones were very good at ripping apart heavy armour. However, these missiles were expensive and non-renewable, thus they were only permitted for use in emergency situations.

Another weapon she carried that could be used ether defensively or offensively was her ship compliment. He hangers were massive and she had 4 of them; The main dock witch housed civilian and trade vessels, the military dock witch held military ships, the quarantine dock that enemy ships were pulled into with tractor beams and then raided and the Perspicaxi's dock. The military dock housed all military ships from thousands of fighters, to hundreds of corvettes, to frigates all the way up to small cursers and these could be deployed at anytime to defend the ship or go on offensive operations. All the military ships on the Optimus amounted to a small battle fleet and this was lead by the Perspicax. The Perspicax was a battle dreadnought that was housed vertically in its own hanger further along the ship than all the other hangers. It was the leader of any battle group and held a full crew at all times so it could be deployed very quickly.

The Perseus a Carnivora Felidae class ship (2 classes below the Optimus) also usually accompanied the Optimus and acted as a support ship, though she was sometimes sent off on other missions. She was a very capable ship in her own right.

For the more defensive side of the ship, the Optimus carried a very powerful multi-level shield. The shield system was made up (in order form outer to inner) of a diffuser layer, two energy layers and a physical layer. The physical layer lay just millimetres from the outer hull of the ship and protected it form physical weapons and accidents. It would prevent collisions, mass drivers and missiles form getting though to the actual hull of the ship, it was generally weaker then the energy shielding. The energy shields lay above the physical shield and protected the ship form energetic damage such as lasers and explosions. They did this by absorbing the energy that hit them and projecting counter-energy to neutralise it. The Optimus carried two of these, with the stronger on top and the weaker underneath to catch any residual energy.

The topmost layer of shielding was the most modern, only being carried by a few top-class ships. This was the diffusion level and it consisted of a layer of directionally charged ions with the neutral end in the shield layer and the positive end pointing inwards towards the ship. As lasers were negatively charged they would pass though this neutral layer unfazed, however as they approached the first energy shield they would be attracted towards the positive ions. This had several effects, firstly it reduced the overall speed of the incoming laser rounds and secondly it forced the focused laser beam to spread out thus decreasing its focus affect. When these shields were combined and backed up by good power generators they were a heavy obstruction for any aggressor to get though and impenetrable to all but the biggest ships.

Along with the shields, armour also helped defend the ship. The ships armour consisted of jet black impact armour that was designed to hold a ship together. It was over 3 meters thick at most points and was made of an extremely dense, extremely strong neutronium carbide. This armour was capable of surviving sever collisions and large explosions wile protecting the equipment and furs within however it had a sever problem - it was ineffective against laser fire. The Optimus had been rushed into service so quickly that some concessions had had to be made and these included the removal of her defector armour. A laser could not easily destroy the Optimus's armour but if a very high energy bolt were to strike it unshielded, some of the charge would pass though the armour and into whatever lay on the other side, be it computer, equipment or fur. The deflector shielding that was not fitted to the ship would prevent this by completely absorbing any laser energy, while suffering damage - it would also clad the ship in gleaming white marble coloured armour. The Optimus had discovered this to her peril during the Warbird's attack.

The propulsion of the ship consisted of 3 engines. The simplest of these were the maneuvering rockets, they were simple rockets that were placed strategically around the ship and allowed it to move quickly for short periods of time and turn very tightly.

The main propulsion systems of the ship was a two stage plasma-ion drive, the first ever used in a war ship. The first stage of this engine was a normal ion engine, where ions are propelled from the back of the engine at high speed creating thrust. This type of engine was the standard for most ships around but for bigger ships it was uneconomical and sluggish - it gave a harsh blue light to the back of the ship.

The Optimus got over this problem by introducing a second 'cruse' state. In this mode, gas (typically helium) was suspended behind the engine and supper heated until it 'plasmafied' (became plasma) and the electrons of all the plasma atoms formed a delocalised cloud in-amongst the plasma. Then when the positive ion (typically nitrogen) from the engine passed though the plasma cloud, it would draw some of the electrons in the cloud out behind the ship. When millions of ions were projected though the plasma a streak of lightning was visible as billions of electrons left the cloud, this created a massive amount of thrust for the same energy requirements as a normal ion engine. However this engine did require a constant supply of both nitrogen and helium, luckily these were both abundant resources in galaxy. In the second sate the engine glowed with a warm orange/red colour and the blue lightning streak was also visible.

The final engine she carried was the most demanding and most complex, her wormhole generator. Wormholes were the fastest and only way to travel across the galaxy in relatively short periods of time. Wormholes were space time phenomenon that were basically a shortcut though space time. They consist of a tear in space time and so a ship transverseing though them would only have to travel a fraction of the distance and a fraction on the time. They were extremely demanding on power to create and keep open but they required no thrust at all to move though as everything in a wormhole travelled at the universal constant of C (the speed of light). This immense speed allowed the _Optimus_to travel anywhere in the galaxy in a matter of months and the power of her generator meant she could move to anywhere in the galaxy in one jump.

The Optimus was a mighty ship and she was sent on a variety of tasks after her launch. Often she was sent to convince systems to join the great empire or invade them if they refused. She was also tasked with destroying any trace of the GVC she met and disrupting the trade of any of the empires enemies. Her speed also meant she was often sent on special missions that could involve anything. She was however fairly new into commission and had seen relatively little action.


Zippo suddenly sat up in his chair and raised a paw to his mouth, pushing a button on his watch as he did so.

"Zippo here."

"Sir", came Emma's voice, "The generators are ready to restart, but they will be unstable and we will not be able to use the wormhole drive or any heavy weaponry. Should we proceed?"

"Yes, restart them. I'll be on the bridge in 10 seconds."

Zippo got out of his chair and left his quarters. Moments later he entered the bridge and everyone saluted. Somewhat irritantly he told them to be at ease and addressed Emma.

"What's happening?"

"The generators have restarted but if we strain them they'll overload and crash."

"Can we use the plasma-ions?"

"Yes, but no heavy weaponry."

Zippo turned to face the other officers at the command island: "Mike. Where's Mike?"

The deck officer, a mix-bread dog replied: "I though you had him... preoccupied."

"Ah yes, I completely forgot about that, he should have been on duty hours ago. I'll deal with him later. Get someone up here to cover for him and tell them to set a course for delta-four. Fleet Officer, get on the comms and tell them our situation and that we want a generator and armour refit when we reach delta-four, don't take no for an answer. I'm of to deal with Mike and I don't want interrupted."

"Yes, Sir" everyone resounded as Zippo left the bridge.


The bound form of a jaguar was just visible in the darkened room - only the outline of his black fur definable in the gloom. The big cat stirred slightly as he vaguely sensed motion and shifted in his bonds - evidently, he had given up fighting them long ago. He was bound in a simple but stringent hogtie, with the addition that his elbows bound together too. The rope that bound him was as black as his fur and neat but very tight.

Suddenly the lights came up as Zippo walked into the jaguar's field of view. He lifted his head to look Zippo in the face and revealed that he was wearing a large single-strap ring gag that held his jaw open very wide. Saliva had dried into the fur around his mouth and fresher drool also covered his muzzle and the surrounding area.

"Well well Mike, we have been a bad boy. Haven't we."

"Uhhhgh" Mike groaned, long haven given up coherent speech.

"Well it appears you didn't show up for duty this evening, so..."

"Ahhug" Mike interrupted with a shorter, sharper noise expressing his dissatisfaction with this injustice - he had been tied up here during his last shift.

"...None of your excuses! In fact I think I'll fill that mouth of yours with something! But first we must deal with your... inadequacies, yesterday."

As Zippo moved over to a storage compartment Mike rolled onto his side to keep the big tiger in view. After fetching a rope, Zippo turned around, cocked his head to the side, and stared into Mike's pleading yet seductive eyes.

"Don't give me that look!"

Zippo's eyes moved down Mike's body stopping at his raging erection, the pink of his cock standing out against his black fur.

Smiling, Zippo said: "We'll have to do something about that too, wont we. Now roll over on to your front."

Mike blushed and rolled over submissively as Zippo walked over to him. Throwing a rope over a beam on the roof, Zippo tied one end to the rope binding Mike's arms to his legs and took hold of the other. Pulling the rope backwards, he lifted the 200-pound cat from the floor to about waist height and then tied the rope of securely to a convenient anchor point on the wall. Being suspended like this caused Mike to arch his back, making his hogtie even more severe.

Struggling to find a comfortable position Mike quickly lost his erection, to his peril. Going back over to the storage compartment, Zippo rummaged around and then returned to the black jag - though because he approached form the back, Mike could not see what he had fetched. Suddenly Mike felt something cold against his balls, then something metallic went over his flaccid penis (which was still not in its sheath despite being flaccid).

Zippo strapped the chastity device around Mike's genitals and then locked it in place with tiny matching padlocks. It consisted of a short metal tube that ended in a closed dome; this was placed over the penis (or entrance to sheath depending on the state of arousal) and prevented any contact with the penis as well as partially preventing erections. At the base of the tube an adjustable cock ring helped keep the tube on, it too was locked with a small padlock. Attached at the top of the cock ring was another adjustable ring that locked to the very base of the genitals behind the balls, keeping the whole device on securely. Finally a rubber strip connected the bottom of both rings together and acted as a ball spreader. This chastity device was irremovable without the keys and prevented any stimulation of the penis, it also did not require any waist or leg straps.

In the course of the device being 'attached' Mike's erection had re-engorged and he was now trying to cope with the uncomfortable and very tight feelings around his furhood.

Mike then felt something against his tailhole and before he had had a chance to think,

Zippo had thrust the head of his cock into him. He groaned at the sudden, unexpected and unlubricated intrusion and Zippo seemed to delight in this. Without waiting the tiger began pump into the jaguars ass despite his continued objections.

"Ahhh" groaned Mike in discomfort more than real pain.

"Oh no no Mike, you deserve ever second of this, every inch even, and if you complain again you'll see a side of me you won't much like!"

Speeding up his rhythm, Zippo forced more and more of his cock into Mike, though he did not have his knot engorged. After not very long at all, he approached climax. Now going as fast as he could Zippo started to moan and finally, at the moment of climax, hilted his cock in Mike completely. Emptying his balls, his cock sprayed its seed into Mike's ass with tremendous force causing Mike to start groaning again. After cuming Zippo tried to regain his breathing, while still hilted in Mike, who for his part had fallen silent.

Withdrawing his cum-drenched cock form Mike's ass he walked around to face the jaguar, who's tailhole was now stained white with the tiger's cum.

Putting his cock close to Mike's head Zippo said: "Rub it."

Mike hesitated but a quick slap from Zippo's cock, leaving sticky cum on his cheek-fur, convinced him to otherwise.

He started rubbing his cheek against the side of Zippo's cock and then moved his head around playing with the tiger as best he could. After several minuets Zippo became bored and stopped Mike by putting his hands on the back of the jaguar's head. Without even looking at the fur he was raping, Zippo put just the tip of his sizable, still cummy cock though the ring in Mike's mouth. Without even being told, Mike began to lick and caress the tiger's meat with his tongue. He was obviously well practised as within two minuets Zippo was again in a state of high arousal. Sensing this Mike began to move his head up and down slowly fellating Zippo's cock, though he did not quite let it touch the back of his throat.

After another few minuets Zippo become bored again and began to rock his hips. With his hands still on the back of Mike's head, the trusting of his hips cause his cock to hit the back of Mike's throat. Mike for his part did not choke, he had evidently overcome his gag reflex long ago. Each time Zippo thrust, it was a bit harder and a bit deeper and after only a short time he began to deep-throat the jaguar. As Zippo's cock began to block Mikes supply of air, the jaguar began to breathe in time with the tiger's thrusts. Zippo continued to trust deeper and deeper until such extent that on each trust his balls hit Mike's chin. Knowing that Mike had to match his rhythm to breathe, Zippo constantly varied it; speeding up, slowing down and syncopating the beat variably. Form time-to-time Mike would choke as he missed the beat but despite this, he always managed to suppress his gag reflex and always re-found the beat. This frustrated Zippo as his tactic was not having the effect he desired and Mike was almost managing to defy him in a way.

Abandoning his rhythmic tactic, Zippo sped up, again approaching climax. His proud cock rammed in and out of the jaguars mouth, slippy form the combined cum, pre and saliva. With the tigers speed, Mike began to struggle for air, only able to take short sharp breaths. Finally, just as Mike was beginning to really struggle for breath, Zippo was getting ready to cum.

Zippo's second climax was always a longer and more drawn out affair than his first and as it began his own breathing quickened. Knowing that Mike would expect him to continue pumping, Zippo hilted his cock, cutting of Mike's supply of air. Mike began to panic as the air in his lungs became depleted and he struggled, fighting for breath.

Suddenly Zippo withdrew his cock almost completely and as Mike gasped for air the tiger ruthlessly re-entered his throat, expelling the remainder of his seed - though not quite the 1/6 litre he was capable of expelling in his first climax. Mike gagged as he inhaled the tigers cum into his lungs and continued to struggle as the tiger meat once again blocked his airways. After several seconds (just before Mike passed out from asphyxiation) Zippo withdrew his cock. Stumbling backwards, he fell to the ground due to the intensity of his orgasm.

Mike coughed and spluttered, still fighting for breath as he tried to expel Zippo's cum from his throat. Zippo just lay on the floor, on his back, enjoying the after glow of his endeavours and made no attempt to aid the still struggling jaguar.

After several minutes Mike had regained control over his breathing and swallowed or expelled most of the cum. Zippo's breathing had also returned to normal, and he sat up and looked over at his victim who had his head bowed and was not looking back.

Getting up Zippo moved over to the anchor point on the wall and, untying the rope, he gently and thoughtfully lowered the jaguar to the ground. Moving over to him he undid the knot keeping the jaguar's paws bound to his foot-paws and then removed the rope biding his feet together. Sitting up, Mike held his hands away from his back so Zippo could untie them. Once he had done this the jaguar turned to face the tiger as, finally, his gag was removed.

As soon as the gag was out, Mike flung his arms around Zippo and kissed him passionately on the mouth. Zippo tensed at the unexpected move but, realising Mike's intensions, he held the jaguar close and enjoyed the kiss. Mike's mouth tasted heavily of tiger cum and much of it still remained in his mouth - a great deal of it, however, was transferred back to the owner during the kiss witch was only broken after both cats were back laying on the floor, holding their bodies close.

Finally parting, they both sat up with Mike ending up sitting on Zippo's lap. Zippo continued to hold the jaguar possessively as Mike rubbed his head against the fur on Zippo's chest.

"How was that?" said Zippo softly.

"Wonderful love." replied Mike, "A bit surprising at points and even slightly scary but still amazing, I think the fear even helped make it better."

"What about the asphyxiation?"

"Scarier than that mask we tried a few weeks ago, with that you're in control. With this, after you pulled out, I was in control and that was scary."

Zippo chuckled.

"But you liked it!"

"Oh yes. It was so exiting, so arousing."

"Good, good. Did you know you had been bound their for 16 hours?"

"No. I lost track of time, didn't get much sleep ether."

"Oh sorry, did your limbs get sore?"

"Nah I'm used to it by now, you should know that!"

Zippo smiled at his mate and lowered his chin to Mile's head.

"Oh by the way, what the hell happened while I was here." Mike asked.

"Oh yeah I completely forgot about that, that's the effect you have on me. We were attacked by a Warbird again, this one didn't even hail, it just let rip with its turbos. The fucking shields went down again at just the wrong time and the generators took a full salvo. We got the bastard but the generators are really unstable."

Mike took his head from Zippo's chest and sifted to he was facing the tiger. He looked alarmed.

"So what are we doing now?" Mike asked.

"Were going to delta-four for a refit of the gens and external laser armour. We should be their in a few days."

"Fleet are letting us have those! They've been saying no for months."

"Not exactly, I told Sara to tell them we were going to delta-four and that we wouldn't take no for an answer, then I came here so I don't know their response."

"There not going to be happy, you think we'll get away with it?"

Zippo adopted a comically pleading expression and said: "How could anyone say no."

The two cats laughed together until a beep went off signalling Zippo's comms bracelet required attention.

Looking at it Zippo said: "I'm needed on the bridge, and you better get your self some rest for tonight."

Getting up, Zippo walked to the door that led to the main part of his quarters and looked round as Mike called after him.

"Wait! Can I have the keys to this thing?" Mike asked opening his legs and holding his, still chastised, genitals.

Zippo smirked: "Tonight. I'll be at your quarters at 8 o'clock. Its 1 in the afternoon now, I think you can handle a messily 7 hours, can't you?"

Mike got off the floor and made for the door as Zippo left the room, but it closed before he reached it and he fell to his knees, whispering "bastard" under his breath. Mike could very well open the door and pursue Zippo to the bridge but the closing door was symbolic and he knew Zippo would not give him the keys until later tonight even if he did confront him. Still, he would have his revenge.

Unable to stimulate himself, his mouth tasting of seed and with tiger cum sill dripping from his tailhole, Mike got up, opened the door and made his way back to his quarters to sleep and dream of tonight.


Zippo entered the bridge and everyone stood up and saluted.

"Look", he said irritantly, "I've told you all before, I don't want you to salute me."

No one moved; everybody remained saluting.

Zippo sighed and said: "At ease!"

Everyone sat down.

Zippo hated etiquette and manners; as far as he was concerned they showed nothing. Fleet said that officers must salute the Rah to show their respect and submission but as far as Zippo could see it only showed mindless idiocy - there were better ways to show respect and submission! Reminding himself to deal with the bridge crew later, he put it out of his mind and focused on the job at hand.

"Sara, have you contacted fleet and informed them of our intensions?" said Zippo as he walked over to the fleet officer.

"Yes sir", said the white mare, "T_hey weren't happy though_."

"What was their answer?"

"They wouldn't give me one, SR Arjax wanted to speak directly to you."

"Fine, did you send them our combat log?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, bring Arjax up on screen."

The tactical display suddenly obscured the bridges view of the stars out of the main window as it went black. It flickered slightly and then a male grey wolf appeared on screen.

"Duma?", Zippo said confused, "Were the hell is Arjax, I will not talk to you in her place."

"Unfortunately Zippostev", said the wolf officiously, "Arjax is currently engaged in combat and did not see talking to you as a good use of her time."

"Fuck you Duma"

"Now, now Zip, that wont do at all will it. You may be in command of the Optimus but I have the ear of Arjax." He said condescendingly.

"You may have her ear but I have several more important parts!" replayed Zippo quickly. The bridge crew laughed in support of their captain.

Duma scowled at the tiger who had adopted a wry smile.

Duma was the VSR (Vice Supreme Rah) of the Imperial Space Navy and was basically a clerical assistant to the Supreme Rah, Arjax. Though he technically outranked Zippo, he had no authority over him, even though he liked to think he did. Zippo disliked Duma mainly because he was sycophantic and narcissistic. But also because Duma, a wolf of former nobility, resented Zippo for his common rural background and the power he had obtained - still believing in aristocracy and nobility and believing Zippo, a mere farm-boy, to be naturally inferior.

"Look, did you get out intensions or not."

"Oh yes we got them alright and I'm afraid they're going to be rejected." Said Duma with fake sympathy.

"They're not requests my dear dog, they were intensions and they are now manifest."

"Zippo. You must not go to delta-four."

"Delta-four is within my current kill-roam area. I am perfectly within my right to go there."

"It doesn't matter you wont get your refit when you get there, you'll be stopped."

"Did you even read out combat log?"

"I did." said the wolf unimpressed.

"Then are you so thick to not know that the most powerful ship in the galaxy and the pride of the GFE was almost crippled by a Solinian Warbird."

"I'd say inadequate command was responsible their."

"Fuck you", Zippo said as he turned away from the screen ready to cut the connection, "Oh and Duma, I'll be 'seeing' Arjax for an 'informal' discussion within the month, so if I were you I'd be a good boy and try not to upset her."

The wolf stared wide-eyed before Zippo cut the connection and smirked, knowing he had gotten back at the canine.

Zippo turned to Sky, the helmsfur filling in for Mike: "How long until we dock with Delta-four?"

"At current speed and course, 5 days 5 hours." Replied the small Blue Jay.

"Good, I'll be out of contact for a full day form 8 pm tonight, so any severe problems alert Mike and he'll contact me."

The bridge crew all smiled, they had a rough idea what Zippo and Mike got up to when not on duty (and sometimes while they were on duty!).


Zippo entered Mikes quarters, completely naked as usual (with the exception of his collar of course) and stopped as he caught sight of the black cat. He was dressed, head to tow, in thick black latex that made him look shiny but blended with the uncovered fur making it hard to distinguish. He was holding a riding crop and his still castigated genitals stood out against the surrounding rubber.

His quarters were much like Zippo's but slightly smaller and lacking some facilities. They did however have the personalised private slave playroom that all officers quarters had. In the relatively short time they had been aboard the Optimus Zippo had only once been in Mike's playroom (Zippo's was better equipped so they usually used that) and he had been in sensually deprivation at the time. What's more Mike had only used very common equipment on that occasion, so Zippo still had no idea what more exotic equipment this room might hold.

Zippo was a secret submissive. Out of sex he was completely dominant to an almost absolute level while in sex he was a switch/sub. He would dominate many a fur quite happily and was an excellent slave trainer leading almost everyone, including many those he had bedded, believed he was as dominant in bed as he was out of it. But some that know him more intimately knew that he liked to switch and was able to enjoy subbing as much as domming. He did not broadcast this, but there were subtle hints like his willingness to lift his tail for others in vanilla sex and those who knew what he did with Mike (most of the officers for instance) had a good idea. However, what no one, including Mike, knew was that Zippo actually proffered to be submissive; he was about 2/3 submissive and only 1/3 dominant - his dom side did get more 'exercise' though. Zippo didn't what this fact of his sexuality to get out to anyone as he though it would undermine his authority on board ship; he saw keeping up a dominant image both sexually and non-sexually as curtail to maintaining the image of a strong leader.

Mike put his riding crop to his pleasure-deprived furhood and said menacingly: "Unlock it. Now!"

Zippo got onto his knees, withdrew a small key he had secreted somewhere, and undid the 3 small locks that held the chastity device in place. Mike stepped back and took his balls from the set of rings. Then he slowly withdrew his, semi-engorged penis, from the metal tube revelling it to be reddened and battle-wounded - as if he had unsuccessfully tried to masturbate with it on. Mike purred as he rubbed his sore penis and tried to coax it back into its sheath.

Mike then began to circle Zippo, who was still kneeling on the floor facing forwards. At a time when Mike was out of Zippo's field of view, the tiger felt something cold touch his left ankle. He turned to see what Mike was doing witch only evoked angry shouts, telling him to keep his head forwards, form the jaguar. He did however feel the telltale texture of leather cuffs being wrapped around his ankles - they were locked in place with golden coloured locks. Then Mike came around in front of Zippo and demanded he hold his hands out, palm up. When the tiger did this similar black cuffs were locked about his wrists.

All four of Zippo's paws were white and the black stripes on his arms and legs terminated in with a final stripe that went completely around his wrist/ankle. Any well fitting cuffs would sit exactly on these stripes, leading them to be labelled 'cuff stripes'. Zippo could often wear black cuffs without raising attention because they blended with these stripes.

After checking the tightness of the cuffs, Mike locked Zippo's wrists together with a larger brass padlock and his ankles with a similar lock. Clipping a chain leash to the tiger's collar, the jaguar pulled him forward onto all fours and led him, slowly, deeper into his quarters.

Zippo knew the layout of Mike's quarters, having been in them many times before, and so he knew that it was not far to where Mike was leading him, the playroom.

Upon entering the playroom, Zippo sat back on his knees and rested his cuffed paws on his lap. The playroom was plain and there was little kit lying around, It would not relinquish its secretes just yet.

Mike made Zippo stand and threw the chain leash still attached to his collar over a roof beam and clipped the free end to his cuffed paws, forcing him to remain standing with his arms above his head. Going over to a central storage unit, Mike fetched something, turned and approached the restrained tiger.

Stopping in front of the big cat, Mike dropped the bundle of straps and metal to the padded floor and looked his captive in the eyes.

"Since you afforded me such a marvellous time, these last seven hours", he said with an obvious irony, "I just though I would return the favour. It wont even be for the seven hours you had me. Think you can take a messily one?"

Zippo snorted arrogantly, having been denied orgasm for days in the past.

"Ah ha, don't be so sure my stripy friend. You haven't had a chance to look at the new kit we picked up on Omicron-Five have you."

Zippo suddenly fell silent. He hadn't seen the new batch of toys yet but he had heard some were pretty elaborate and some pretty sadistic. He also knew that some were set apart for the ships 'library'; to be used by the crew and some had been set aside for the slave facility, particularly in the disciplinary section. This did not bode well, he had no idea which half the toys Mike had obtained this particular one from.

Mike collected a clinical looking bottle containing a liquid of some sort and began to rub a generous amount of it on to his hands. Putting his hands on each side of the tiger's sheath he began to rub the liquid into Zippo's genitals, generating much excitement from the tiger. Mike continued to work the thin oily liquid into his captive's sheath and ass and when the big cats erection emerged that was given a liberal coating too.

Finishing his surface coat, Mike stepped back and emptied the remainder of the bottle into a seizable, blunt tipped syringe.

Zippo was very familiar with these syringes and true to form the jaguar rammed the blunt end into the tigers anus. Pushing the nozzle past the sphincteral mussels and into Zippo's rectum, Mike empted it, covering Zippo's insides in the oily substance. He withdrew the syringe and tossed it away. Admiring his work his work he stood back; The tiger's once matt white nether regions now glinted and gleamed in the soft overhead lights and excess oil was already leaking from his ass, running down his thighs.

Mike stood back and addressed his parter: "That's not lube.", Zippo looked puzzled, "Its conductive electrolyte, witch I'm sure you'll find...convenient." He finished with a smirk.

Picking up the contraption he had left on the floor, the jaguar gave Zippo little time to think before strapping it on. First a thick leather belt went around the tigers waist. Then a sizable chrome metal butt plug was forced into his ass, a leather strap was attached to the back of this and locked to the back of the leather belt. The plug had several wires protruding from its base and the base its self was small, circular and nestled perfectly in Zippo's anus. A shorter leather strap was attached to the front of the plug and attached to the bottom of the very complex 'genital sheath', the plugs wires also ran along this strap and joined the genital sheath. Two straps from the top of the genital sheath followed the line of the thigh and locked to the front of the leather belt.

The genital sheath consisted of a fur-tight latex bag that stretched over the penis, sheath and testicles. This adhered tightly to even inch of Zippo's genitals and a reinforced elasticated ring at the bottom, which sat behind the balls at the very base of the genitals, secured it in place. On the inner surface of the latex bag were flexible metal pads that the tight rubber kept in contact with Zippo's fur and wires protruding from each pad exited the latex at various airtight points and converged at the top of the sheath. Protruding from the top was a long latex tube that could be used to insert or remove air, or other things, from the sheath one it was locked on and inaccessible. On top of this sheath, a metal guard was placed. It was made of stainless steel and was similar to the standard type that Mike had formerly experienced, but this one did not fully prevent erections, merely becoming a tight fit when they occurred. The main differences it had form the normal type were that it not only covered the penis but also the balls, narrowing and locking off behind the testicles where the latex bag did, it also had a small opining in the top for the latex tube and wires to come though. Comprised of two halves, that fitted together and locked preventing the removal of the latex bag, it was physically impossible to remove with out the keys and created a very imposing effect on the wearer's genitals pushing the pads on the inner-side of the latex bag firmly onto their delicate fur and flesh.

After tightening his contraption up, Mike got to work on the wrest of Zippo. Firstly, he attached a short spreader bar to Zippo's paw cuffs and then, letting his arms down, put a leather box-armbinder on the tiger, keeping his hands tightly behind him. Belatedly taking the lead off Zippo's collar, Mike forced him to sit down on the padded floor and linked a ring on the bottom of his genital sheath to a ring on the floor with a heavy padlock. This forced Zippo to remain sitting on the floor as standing up, or moving to any extent at all, would pull painfully at his genitals.

Finally, Mike took the gag he had selected for his lover. It was a tangle of thick black latex, beset with straps and locks that glinted in the light. It consisted of a totally airtight mask that fitted over Zippo's muzzle and covered his nose and mouth, straps went around it keeping his muzzle closed and other straps went around his head, keeping the mask on indefinitely. To allow him to breathe a tube protruded from the front, but despite that breathing was still laboured after the mask was secured on.

Mike attached the tube coming from Zippo's genital sheath to that coming from his muzzle together, but oddly Zippo found he could still breathe and doing so had no effect on the sheath around his, now semi-engorged, penis.

Mike stood up and his body language suggested he was finished. He picked up a small box and only now did Zippo realise that the cables coming from his genital harness ended about 5 feet away at this, strange looking, box.

By now Zippo had guesses what this contraption was going to do to him but what he could see of the control box did not confirm this and it seemed to do far more than he could guess.

"Ok let me explain a bit about this contraption", said Mike, "It's a multifunction punishment system designed to discipline particularly disobedient and... promiscuous slaves. Its designed to 'gently' help very horny slaves clam down a bit and learn to control themselves like a proper slave should... and you are a very horny little slave, who needs to learn some self control!"

Mike paused before going into the more technical details of the contraption.

"I will let you discover most of it for your self but what I will say it that the metal guard around your furhood has electro-magnetic sensors in it. So basically it can detects when there is a change in iron levels in, for example blood, witch occurs when, for example, you become 'aroused'. If you do get hard, the control box will know and all sorts of wonderful things will happen until you manage to regain control of yourself again. I'm going for a shower now to wash and 'heal' my self so I'll see you in about an hour." Mike finished and turned, heading for the bathroom adjoining the playroom.

Once he reached the door, the jaguar turned to look at the shocked tiger and said: "Oh and don't worry, there is a failsafe; if you faint, you should go soft again fairly quickly!"

Zippo was confused, he considered himself an expert on many forms of sexual deviance but this was the stuff of dreams, for an S&M tiger anyway! If what Mike said was true - if he got an erection, the device would punish him and though he was not sure on all its methods, he was fairly sure that electricity was involved at some point. He had used, and experienced these types of control boxes before at least, so he knew it would probability carry out a set or random program of 'punishments' if he became hard. The prospect of it being able to monitor him in some way however put a whole new spin on the experience and he was unsure what to expect. He did however, know not to under estimate Mike, he was an inexperienced by ruthless dom and Zippo would try to stay soft at all costs - which was hard when you enjoyed this sort of thing!

He shifted in position - his ass was already becoming tired and though there was a fair amount of slack in the links chaining him to the floor, the spreader bar prevented him from moving his feet under him to a kneeling position; all he could do was sit or lie down on his back. This, however, did not pose an immediate problem as the floor was cushioned with the normal padding that was used in playrooms and the slave facility.

Sitting there, trying not to let the tension get to him, Zippo focused on his breathing, which was still hard and laboured through the thin latex tubing. Getting used to breathing with the mask and tube, the tiger's mind began to wander, dangerously.

After exhausting topics relating to delta-four and his ship, Zippo's mind began to drift on to what Mike might do with him when he got back and what this device might do to him in the mean time.

Passively thinking about the chrome butt plug in his ass, Zippo suddenly noticed a stirring in his sheath. Panicking about the swelling in his furhood only made the problem worse and a feeling of horror went though the tiger as he felt the end of his cock touch the cold metal pads. Desperately he tried to clam down and reduce his erection, but as always he was a slave to his emotions and was powerless to prevent his arousal. His cock preceded to grow out of his sheath and stretch the latex skin around it, coming into contact with all the metal pads. As the latex toughened and distorted around his ever hardening cock, he fought to kill off his arousal and desperately though un-arousing thought. Unfortunately, for him though this fight to prevent punishment was exactly what exited him and once the struggle had begun he had no chance of winning.

Suddenly feeling he had reached full erection as if it were a terminal point, Zippo stopped panicking and listened to his heartbeat, waiting for something to happen in the silence. After several seconds, nothing had happened and Zippo began to wonder if Mike had been lying just to scare him.

His doubt however, was allayed by a sharp beep from the control box on the floor.

Suddenly Zippo was hit by a tidal wave. His mussels tensed as electricity surged into his body... though his penis and anus! The metal pads around his cock, balls and the butt plug in his ass had electrified at the behest of the control unit. He jumped and twitched, pulling painfully on his balls witch were still manacled to the floor of course. All of a sudden however, the power stopped and Zippo slumped. Now that the electricity had stopped, he noticed several other things the device was doing to him. Firstly the plug and genital sheath were vibrating fiercely, but far more importantly, he couldn't breath. The, once hard to breath through tube, was now blocked completely sealing Zippo's mouth and nose off.

Experimentally exhaling, Zippo felt a pressure change in the sheath around his penis and realised that a valve had switched, connecting his breathing tube to the one originating at the top of his penis sheath. Having, occasionally, used a penis tube before Zippo knew that in struggling for breath, which his body would inevitably do, he would inadvertently suck himself off - it was called breathing cock.

He decided at this point, rapidly running out of oxygen, that he would not give Mike the satisfaction of making him cum and he would sooner faint than climax. Evidently, this was not a good plan as the vibration stopped but the valve remained in the breathless position.

After several seconds, the control box continued in its random program. The butt plug electrified again, but the sheath did not, instead it vibrated softly. The power going to the plug fluctuated creating a pulsing effect. The plug was actually more malicious than Zippo first realised. It was wide and had a very sharp flare after the widest point, keeping it in complete contact with the inside of his anus. The outside was taken care of by the small, circular and domed base; this nestled perfectly in his anal-rose and supplied electricity to it shockingly effectively. Completing the design of the butt plug was the bulbous tip; this small sphere on the end of the plug protruded deeper into Zippo's rear and was bent forward so it made contact with his prostate. It was isolated form the rest of the plug by a rubber ring so it could be electrocuted separately - direct electrocution of the prostate was known to force an almost immediate and intense orgasm, for the duration of electrocution (the orgasm would last until the electrocution was stopped).

Zippo was just beginning to enjoy the sensations in his ass (at least as much he could, suffocating as he was) when they stopped and the plug began vibrating. Soon after, the sheath became electrocuted, while remaining softly vibrating. The sheath adopted a more random approach than the plug had and began sending random and powerful but short shocks though Zippo's tender furhood. The effect this had was to cause Zippo to jump at every shock, pulling at his testicles. Furthermore, the tension he experienced between shocks, never knowing when they would fall but knowing that they would always come, was unbearable and very exciting.

Zippo was a large and powerful fur and his lungs were capacious, but even so, he could only hold his breath for a few minuets - and he expected far less under the pressure he was currently.

Zippo was unaware of how long ago his last breath was, time seemed to stretch out indefinitely in situations like this, but he knew he was fast approaching the end. He knew that in under a minuet his body would spasm for need of oxygen and not long after that, he would faint. He was also acutely aware that if this device did not relinquish its grip on his life and let him breath in the thirty seconds after he fainted, he would die.

The device seemed to sense his situation and adjusted according, the random program ended in both the plug and sheath. Both of these were now set on slow vibrate and lower electrocution. As the ever-dwindling air in Zippo's lungs depleted the device sped up and increased its power, it was almost as if it knew both his state of breath and arousal and worked accordingly - a worrying thought.

Questions ran through Zippo's air depleted mind; "Did Mike know what he was doing?", "Did Mike know what this device was capable of?", "Was it all a trick and Mike was in control behind the scenes?", "Would he be but another of his crew to die in a sexual situation?" (Yes, it was an unfortunately common problem with a crew as promiscuous as the Optimus's were)

The device got faster and more powerful as Zippo came closer and closer to spasm and the constant electricity in his nether-regions created a burning sensation to rival that in his chest.

Suddenly from the sill of asphyxiation the spasms onset began. Zippo lurched and gagged helplessly as his body demanded oxygen. This created quite an effect in the penis sheath as he involuntary sucked himself off though the rubber tube. Despite his preoccupation with trying to breath, Zippo was still very aware of the very pleasurable sensations in his furhood and ass and, if anything, he had become hyper-sensitive.

As the red mist began to cloud Zippo's vision the machine seemed to top out, reaching its climax. He however was merely seconds from his own and as he felt his climax issue forth, the machine had one more trick.

The prostate probe on the end of the plug activated for the first time, and at full power, causing the most intense and prolonged orgasm Zippo had ever experience. He however, only experienced a few seconds of it, and the last thing he remembered before fainting was the cum spraying from his imprisoned furhood an intense taste of salt in his mouth.

The black veil descended.


The black foot-paws of a jaguar filled Zippo's hazy vision.

He looked up into the contemptible eyes of his tormentor.

As he had fainted, he must have fallen onto his back and gone soft, tripping the devices safety mechanism (if 'safety' was the right word). As he thought consciously about breathing again, he coughed and spluttered trying to clear his airways of the seed he had inhaled though the tube when he fainted. His semen had gotten everywhere; down his windpipe, in his nose and all around his mouth. Unfortunately for him, the rubber muzzle was still around his mouth and stopped him expelling any of the seed he coughed up (due to its one way valve), so he was forced to ether swallow it or let it lay in his mouth. He attempted to swallow but much of the cum remained in his mouth, it salty taste ever present.

Mike looked down at Zippo and said: "You enjoy that, eh? You liked breathing cock?"

Zippo just lay there and groaned slightly.

"We'll I'm nice and clean now so we can move on to the activities proper, but I think, since you enjoyed this lovely little device so much while I was in the shower we should integrate it into our next little game!"

Zippo whimpered inferring both dissatisfaction and submission.

Mike detached the genital sheath from the anchor point in the ground and, with some effort, heaved the limp tiger over to a heavy wooden beam in the centre of the room. Zippo was lain down on the floor, face down, and Mike knelt on his back, pinning him to the padded floor with his knee. Mike preceded to un-strap the leather armbinder that held Zippo's arms behind his back. Mike had pinned the bigger tiger so that if he panicked and decided to fight back he could restrain him but that looked unlikely in Zippo's current state.

The armbinder came off and Zippo's hands were brought above his head and locked into a double fit mitt. The rubber mitt kept his hands palm to palm and prevented any manipulation of anything with them.

Zippo was lifted up with his back against the wooden beam and the first mitt was locked into an adjustable chain on a pulley system handing form the top of the beam - currently he was low enough so that his legs were still well in contact with the floor (has ass was about 2 feet from the ground). Hanging from the chain with his head bowed, limp in exhaustion, the genital device was now open for mike to manipulate. The jaguar removed the butt plug and its supporting straps (the penis part of the device did not require this strap) and tossed it aside.

Mike took Zippo by his rubber-clad chin and tilted his head up, so they were looking at each other.

"I think you'll like this one", Mike chuckled, "Its far more... your area. Look down!" he commanded.

Zippo looked down and for the first time noticed the dildo beneath him. It was made of hard plastic coated with latex, to make it softer but still maintaining its rigidity, and was permanently attached to the floor just in front of the wooden beam. It protruded over a foot from the ground and while only half an inch at its tip, flared smoothly to over six inches at its base. It was shaped like a cone and looked like an enormous butt plug that ended at its widest point (e.g. it didn't thin to a base).

Mike lifted Zippo's feet by his spreader bar and lifted them over the massive dildo so the spreader bar was between the dildo and the wooden beam. He then let out the chain Zippo's hands were attached to, slowly lowering the tiger towards the floor.

When Zippo's ass was almost at the top of the dildo, Mike forced him backwards towards the beam and directly over the massive plug. Mike lowered him even more slowly and Zippo felt the tip of the plug touch his ass. After another inch of penetration, the jaguar secured the chain off.

Zippo was now kneeling, with just the tip of the dildo in his ass and with his hands chained above his head supporting his weight - chained like this he was unable to lower himself any further.

Mike kneeled down in front of the tiger and inspected the device still in place around his genitals. The jaguar pushed a thin chord in to the metal body of the device and looped it around the tigers balls, tying it into a noose he threaded the free end though a metal box the floor. The box was attached to the floor by a very short chain and was only an inch or so across but had a black cable trailing from it. The cable lead to another control unit like (but less complicated than) the one attached to Zippo's chastity torture device. Mike pulled the thin chord though the box until it was tight and gently began to squeeze Zippo's balls. When the jaguar let go, the chord would not come back though the box and Zippo realised it was a ratchet device of some time. In any case he was now trapped, unable to move down because of his hands and unable to move up because of fear of castration. He was still however confused over the purpose of the control box for such a seemingly simple device.

Mike went over to the chain holding Zippo's hands up and slackened it about 1 foot before re-securing it. Zippo was now forced to support his entire body weight by the muscles in his legs or be impaled on the monster plug beneath him, fortunately for him he could maintain this position without much bother due to his powerful thighs.

Mike took up both of the control units and said: "Well, lets get tings started shall we."

Suddenly the vibration in Zippo's genital sheath started up again and the tigers cock began to re-engorge under the stimulation. Mike observed his captive passively and noted his level of arousal. Just as he though the tiger was beginning to enjoy himself he pushed the single button on the ratchet box's control panel several times.

Zippo stopped writhing about; something had changed, the chord around his balls was now much tighter and the noose had now become remorselessly tight. He looked up at Mike who just beamed back. He understood now; the box the chord was threaded though could be made to tighten the chord, pulling on his balls and forcing him onto the dildo inch by slow inch.

Mike pushed the button again several times and Zippo yelped and naturally moved down, impaling himself, to compensate for the tightness around his tender testicles. So far the plug was no bigger than a standard feline or canine cock and it was lubricated but 2 inches down left another 10 to go!

Zippo looked at his lover angrily and, though his mouth was covered, his dark eyes conveyed all meaning.

Mike surveyed him smugly: "Is that the way you feel? Well I guess you need thought another lesson."

Zippo tried to growl deeply but as he did Mike flicked a switch on his control box and cut off the tigers air. Zippo's growl was redirected to his genital sheath and, taken aback by the unexpected stimulus, he gagged trying to inhale more air. This only caused further problems as his spluttering exited his penis even more.

"If you want to breathe again, you have to take another 4 inches. Nod your head boy!" Mike taunted.

Zippo quickly and irritanty nodded his head, still panicking form the sudden asphyxiation. Mike pushed the button on his control 8 times and Zippo whimpered as the chord pulled him down another 4 inches. The plug was now 3 inches wide, the size of the average knot and though Zippo could take this, it was still uncomfortable. Now however the real game started; for every 2 inches you went down the dildo it got wider by 1 and mike seemed set on 3 progressions of 2 inches down each.

Mike let Zippo breath again and he did so exorbitantly.

He glared up at Mike, who replied: "I've told you not to look at me like that you stupid tiger. Look at you, your nothing, just a toy to play with, just a body to torture, just a mind to fuck. I am however going to give you a chance of purpose, you are nothing but if you obey me you can be something, not much but something. However you must totally obey, without question or though, remember the difference between one and zero is infinite."

Zippo sighed internally - this was getting heavy.

"Are you ready to obey boy. I will not take your word however; you must prove your loyalty with actions... Sit on the plug, take the next 2 inches."

"Or else" he added holding up one of the control boxes.

Zippo swallowed, he had been beyond 3 inches but that was with preliminary stretching and training and after much hard work on the night - the prospect of taking 4 inches wide and 8 deep spontaneously was very daunting.

Gritting his teeth he tried to lower himself to the 8 inches Mike required but just after he had started he felt his natural trained limit approach - this was were he did not usually go beyond and it formed a kind of natural barrier. His anus tightened around the massive intruder at his limit and he knew he could not force himself any further, his mind would simply not do it.

Mike quickly became impatient with his partners lack of process and pushed a button on the more complex of his control boxes... after turning a knob up to near full.

Zippo suddenly jumped and removed himself several inches from the plug as electricity momentarily surged though his genitals. Unfortunately he was stopped from going any further by the noose tightening around his sore balls and pulling on them painfully.

Even more unfortunately for him, Mike was not pleased with his apparent treachery and compensated for it by pushing his button to take Zippo to the depth he was required.

Zippo whined as his balls were, once again, tugged downward and the dildo stretched his ass beyond its normal limits. His anus was now burring and his balls ached badly.

"Well", Mike said, "It appears you are not a loyal servant, you are a recalcitrant, useless little slave with no worth to anyone... and you will be treated as such."

Mike strolled over to Zippo and landed a powerful punch on the tigers unprotected solar plexus, winding him. As the tiger tried to draw breathe Mike once again switched the air tube over to cock mode and Zippo once again gagged and fought for breath.

"Can you feel the life drain from you? It feels numb and worthless doesn't it, like no one would even care if I snuffed you right now."

Zippo hardly heard his tormentor as his hearing dimmed and his sight blurred.

"You're pathetic" Mike said as he pushed the button allowing Zippo to breath again.

"You know, I think you really need to learn your place and I can think of a particularly fitting way! There's a small feature of the device around you genitals you probably missed."

The jaguar flicked a small switch and Zippo felt a strange cold object put pressure on his perineum - the region between his anus and balls.

"It's a probe similar to the prostate one on the butt plug and it has a similar effect!"

The metal probe pushing into Zippo's perineum was very uncomfortable and he dare not think what it could do to him being in such a sensitive aria. Zippo was still breathing heavily and Mike observed his breathing rhythm. Just as the tiger was exhaling, Mike once again cut off his breathing with the flick of a switch.

This time Zippo did not even gag, he just felt the, now familiar, felling of his life draining away before his eyes. Mike stood by and did nothing but let the tiger slowly and motionlessly asphyxiate.

Zippo's lungs started to burn but he had given up caring and didn't even try to breath. His ever present erection was still going strong but he had no desire to suck himself by trying to breath and this seemed to annoy Mike.

"Come-on you useless lazy prick, don't you want your self, you can make your self come, I can't stop you." Mike said somewhat fakely.

Mike walked over to the bound tiger and gave him a ruthless kick in the stomach. Zippo inhaled (or attempted to) due to the assault and instead of this hurting him he felt a sudden surge of excitement in his cock. Sucking again, a wave of excitement ran though the tigers furhood and Zippo seemed to forget his need for breath.

Sucking and blowing again and again the burning in Zippo's lungs subsided as he approached his orgasms. In his self-centred state he did not once look at Mike and nor did he see the sly, self-satisfied smile that the jaguar bore.

Zippo was nearing his climax and as his balls got ready to deliver their seed but as they did Mike pushed the, as yet, unused bright golden button on his control unit.

Zippo began to cum, but just as he did he felt a very acute, very sharp pain in his perineum and instead of coming, something else happened. He felt himself orgasm but instead of cuming, he emptied his bladder. The sensation of piss surging though his hard, raging erection was very odd but also quite a pleasurable experience. What was not pleasurable was that with the breathing tube still attached to his penis, the contents of his bladder ended up in his mouth. At first he tried to expel the urine, but not able to spit it anywhere he was forced to drink it - its salty taste replacing that of cum.

What was even less pleasurable was the, now to familiar, sensation of a pulling around his balls. This time his ass was so tight around the plug that the chord around his balls actually physically pulled him down another 2 inches, causing him much pain indeed.

When his bladder was completely empty and he had 'settled' on the now 5 inch wide dildo, he re-assed his situation; he found he could still not breath and he also found that the cum that had been blocked by urine was still in his penile system.

He was now really struggling for breath and did not think he could last much longer before fainting. He focused vaguely on the black jaguar in front of him, he knew it was Mike but he was no longer sure who Mike was anymore.

The black figure spoke: "Do you want to breath? Do you want to cum? Then you have to do something for me. Sit on the plug, totally. I want to see your ass cheeks touch the floor. If you do it yourself, you can cum; if I have to use the ratchet, I will use the perineum probe again and you don't want to see what it dose if your bladder is empty. Go!"

Zippo sighed he knew what he had to do, and he was now willing to do it in order to breathe... and cum. Suddenly, it seemed even to him, he let his arms and legs go limp, forcing all his weight onto the plug. Slowly, with 220 pounds pushing down, he slid down the plug, pushing his ass out another 2 inches.

After what felt like 2 feet, not inches, Zippo finally felt his ass touch the cold floor. Mike said nothing contrary to Zippo's expectations but after several moments, the tiger felt the vibration go on in his sheath again. He purred at the pleasurable sensations and Mike responded by turning the electricity on, on the low setting.

Zippo enjoyed the mix of sensations in his furhood and, having been denied full orgasm last time, rapidly approached another climax. As his excitement rose, Mike increased the electricity with it, showing his total knowledge of his partner's emotions.

It had not taken long and after only a few moments more Zippo felt his climax onset. Just before he came, Mike once again switched his breathing tube over. As he came Zippo sucked hard and the combined vibrations, electricity, anal sensations and fellatio lead to a massive climax - the largest he could remember since his days at university (surpassing even that of earlier in the night). Due to his training and genetic manipulation, Zippo was capable of 1/6 of a litre of cum on his first climax in 24 hours but he was sure - even if this wasn't his first - that he must have toped 1/3. After he came, he continued to suck and after only a few seconds he was enjoying the salty taste of his own cum again - he even surprised him self at delighting in swallowing every last drop of it and liking around his mouth to taste it saltiness.

When he had finished, the vibrations and electricity stopped dead and he found himself able to breathe again. He looked up at Mike who was beaming at him - only with a slightly sadistic edge.

"Enjoying your self, were you. Do you want to come again?"

Zippo nodded cautiously.

"Don't worry you will, you didn't have a choice really but its nice to see you agree. But first lets got you off that plug."

Zippo breathed a sigh of relief as his anal-ordeal finally drew to a close. Mike released the ratchet device and then pulled back on the chain attached to Zippos hands, lifting him slowly of the plug. Once the tiger was completely of the plug, Mike let go of the chain and Zippo collapsed, face first, on to the padded floor - his distended ass burning anew. Mike then detached the spreader bar and monoglove from Zippo's cuffs and locked his hands behind his back by his cuffs - though the exhausted tiger was in no state to struggle. He then, finally, removed the muzzle cover and chastity device revealing Zippo's tortured, cum soaked cock.

Then Zippo was blindfolded and his arms locked around the wooden beam in the middle of the room (still behind his back - so his back was to the post). He felt Mike leave his presence and heard the storeroom door opening but he was too tired to contemplate what Mike was going to do next or even to think about the last few hours.


Mike rummaged around in the large storage-room until he finally found what he was looking for. Struggling to shift the large object (hidden under a sheet at the back of the room), even on its wheels, he tired to keep the cover over it. Eventually, he managed to wheel the, still covered, object out of the cupboard and into the main area of the playroom where Zippo was still chained.

Moving back over to the tiger, Mike removed his blindfold and let his eyes focus on the, as yet unknown, device in front of him. Mike moved over to the device and quickly and elegantly removed the cover.

The sight that met Zippo's eyes shocked him.

Mike looked into Zippo's eyes: "Yes!", he confirmed, "It's a milking machine! In fact its very machine you sent me to research."

Zippo had started an initiative in the slave facility based around the collection and retail of furs seed. Zippo and the slave facility top-brass believed that facility would bring in far more money if domestic and sex slaves were milked as part of their training. Zippo had set his immediate subordinate in the facility, Mike (the administrator), the task of researching and obtaining a suitable machine for the purpose and Mike had been away many times on this mission. Mike had told Zippo that he had not found a suitable machine to date but it seemed that was not quite the case - he would remember this.

"Yes I know I didn't tell you I had found it but I though it would be a nice surprise for you. I also thought that since it was your idea to start using milking machines, you should be the one to test it! Now I know that it wouldn't be a fair test if you were willing so I've dedicated some of my precious time with you tonight to testing it. You should tank me, its for the ships benefit and yours. Oh and if it's no good, I can always find another one!"

Zippo still couldn't quite see the machine properly from his angle but what he could deduce was that it was about 6 feet long and came up to just above whist height, it was also very elaborate and looked like it cost a fortune.

Mike unlocked Zippo's hands and 'lifted' (dragged) him over to the machine, it appeared that he would straddle the machine in a similar way that one would a motorcycle. With some encouragement from Mike and without thinking, he swung a leg over the machine and hoisted himself up onto it. Its shape was moulded to fit a fur of his size but he still lay very deep in the cut-outs to such an extent that, even tough he was on top of the machine it seemed to surround him.

Mike placed Zippo's hand-paws on short grab bars on the side of the machine and enclosed his forearms in metal casing, locking his hands in place securely and indefinitely. His foot-paws sat on alcoves on the backside of the machine and similar metal casing went over his foot-paws and the bottom part of each leg. Thick leather straps went around his knees (below and above), thighs, upper legs, groin, lower back, shoulders and upper arms. All the straps locked into the machine holding the big cat firmly in place and allowing very little movement - his collar was also locked into the machine holding his head down.

A control box sat at the front of the machine. From his position, Zippo could only see the back of the control box; witch was large and had many wires trailing from it. As of yet the machine appeared to have few other details and all Zippo could make out on the body were groves where the highly polished panels met.

Mike moved around the front of the machine and inserted a small key into the control box. Turning the key Mike stood back as the machine started up. Firstly the computer in the control box loaded its operating system and ran though diagnostics. After the beeping and whirring had stopped, the computer prompted Mike to input his program. The jaguar did so surreptitiously and after he had input all he wanted, he told the machine to enter 'set' mode.

Suddenly, it appeared to Zippo, some of the panels on the machine started to glow blue - particularly around their edge.

Mike moved around to the side of the machine and once again addressed his newly denominated 'guinea pig'.

"I've set it on a simple program for this 'session', I don't want to overload it on the first time - or you" he added.

Moving around, Mike touched the blue glowing panel just in front of Zippo's head and the tiger was surprised when rose out of the machine, bringing with it a shiny, complex looking device. Zippo watched, at very close distance, as a device rose and noticed, with increasing panic, the ominous looking hole in the front of the shiny and spherical device.

When the device had risen fully from the machine, Mike walked around to it. He lifted Zippo's head to the extent his bonds allowed and put the tip of the Tiger's muzzle into the appropriately sized hole in the front of the device. He then slid the device forwards on its system of rails until it completely covered Zippo's muzzle and Zippo felt the soft rubber lining around its brim hit the areas of his face surrounding his muzzle.

Mike then took the leather strap attached to the device and buckled it tightly around the tiger's head. Zippo's muzzle was not completely surrounded by the device and could not withdraw it due to the strap - luckily he could still breathe fairly easily.

Moving around again, Mike was now out of Zippo's field of view, limited as it was by the muzzle device and his other bonds. Mike touched another glowing panel, this one just behind his partner and Zippo felt it raise form the machine - though he could not see the details of this one.

When the device had fully risen, Mike took something form the ground and dangled it in front of Zippo's head for him to see. The foreboding sight of a phallus filled Zippo's sight, its silicon form rippling under Mike's grasp. It was about 10 inches long and the shaft was about 2 inches wide, 8 inches down the shaft there was a 3.5-inch knot. The head, Zippo recognised, to resemble that of an otter and the base didn't flare out but instead ended in a mechanism Zippo could only assume was to do with the milking machine.

Mike retracted the phallus again and pushed it into the top of device extruding from the back of the machine. The phallus slid horizontally into the device and dropped down locking into place with a click. It was now deep within the device but aiming at Zippo's tailhole form within. Mike touched the last panel, this one directly beneath Zippo and as it slid away underneath an adjacent one (not rising up like the others), Mike came back around to face Zippo.

The jaguar held up another phallus, made of the same material as the last, this one resembling the familiar shape of a jaguar's penis (smoother than that otters and lacking the knot). Mike put the jaguar phallus into a grove on top of the device strapped around Zippo's muzzle and, smiling, he pushed the rubber cock into the machine as he had with the last. This time Zippo heard the cock drop down into the machine and, presumably, lock with another click - he guessed from the sound it made that it was, worryingly, opposite his mouth.

Mike walked back around to Zippo's rear and examined the device that the sliding-panel had revealed. This one was far more featureless than the others and consisted of a single hole in the polished steel surface - it was lined with black rubber and had a copper band around the outside diameter. The rubber made up the diameter of the hole and, though small now, could be stretched open if a larger object were to be placed in it.

Mike undid the leather straps around Zippo's groin and lower back, allowing his pelvis some degree of flexibility. The jaguar put his hand under Zippo and pushed the tiger's hips up, allowing Mike access to his penis, which was now back in its sheath.

Mike began to stimulate Zippo's sheath and balls, trying to coax out his cock. Under Mike's experienced paws, it was not long before Zippo's furhood was out of its sheath and rapidly engorging. When Mike though the time was right, he slipped a metal cock-ring around Zippo's shaft. The metal-ring was pulled behind Zippo's, still un-engorged knot and sat snugly at the base of the tiger's member.

Mike took one of Zippo's balls in his paw, extended a single claw and put the tip of it to Zippo's testicle.

"Engorge your knot, or else!" he threatened.

Zippo sighed at the futility of his situation and reluctantly engorged his knot - in doing so he knew the cock-ring was now stuck on and his knot (even though consciously controllable) would not de-engorge without the help of drugs, which were available but under Mike's control. He was now stuck with a raging erection and throbbing knot for an indefinite period of time. Even if he came or fainted, he would still remain hard and he was basically stuck like this until Mike decided to release him.

Zippo knew what was coming next, and true enough Mike took hold of Zippo's cock and put the tip into the rubber-clad orifice of the machine. Pushing down on the tiger's rump, Mike forced Zippo's cock into the stretchy rubber hole until the cock-ring, and thus the base of Zippo's penis, touched the brass rim of the hole. Though the cock-ring touched the brass metal ring, the rubber sat just below and its tightness caused it have the effect of a second cock-ring, further restricting the flow of blood. Zippo's cock now felt like it was dangling in nothingness with nothing surrounding it in the body of the machine - he was wrong.

Mike reattached the straps he had undone earlier, which now held Zippo's cock in place beyond compromise, and moved back around to the control box. As he pushed a button, a beep sounded and the blue glow of the panels turned red. The readout on the computer in the control box changed form 'set' to 'readying' and suddenly things started to happen all at once.

The device strapped around Zippo's muzzle, forced some sort of rubber coated metal plates behind his teeth which opened his jaw wide and kept his teeth out of the way, but still allowed access to his mouth and beyond. It then, more uncomfortably, forced a rubber tube down his throat and into his windpipe, evidently to supply him with air during the events ahead. The jaguar phallus in the device also 'proned', coming forward so its tip was just millimetres form Zippo's restrained and gaping muzzle - Zippo could still not see it but he sensed its foreboding presence.

The device at Zippo's rear also readied, with the otter phallus coming out of the machine and forwards to almost touch Zippo's tailhole.

At the same time as all of this the 'cock device' also proned, but being berried within the body of the machine these changes were felt or heard rather than seen. Firstly, there was a click as the brass ring magnetised and the cock-ring clicked to it - holding Zippo's cock even more securely in the contraption. Then a hiss sounded as a valve released and suddenly a latex membrane enveloped Zippo's throbbing member - unseen or felt to Zippo a glass tube was also placed over this and locked into the underside of the bras ring. A tube from the top of the latex sheath went though an opening in the top of the glass tube, which in turn had a heavy rubber tube attached to the top of it, both tubes (one in side the other) disappeared deep into the bowels of the machine.

Mike, still at the control panel, now addressed Zippo: "It all seems ready for you, as I said it's on a fairly simple program for this test, I'll explain how everything works in a moment but I just realised there's something I forgot."

Mike turned to a spherical tank just to the right of the control panel that Zippo could not see. He placed a steel funnel in the opening at the top and proceeded to manually stimulate himself. Ignoring Zippo completely, he continued to paw until, before long, he neared his peak. Growling very slightly, the jaguar came into the funnel and his cum ran down into the tank labelled 'Lube'.

Turning back to Zippo, without even cleaning himself, Mike said: "Right that'll get us started. Ok let me explain everything. I'm sure you've worked out that this machine not only milks you, but it also fucks you. It will do that at both 'ends' with interchangeable phalli, I've chosen a mould of an otter, with the addition of a lovely knot, for your rear and one modelled form yours truly for your mouth. It fucks as well as sucks to keep the subject stimulated, ensure the quality and quantity of 'milk' and it also helps to break in recalcitrant slaves. The machine will milk you by means of a latex sleeve and changes in air pressure, like you did previously with the face mask and sheath when you breathed cock."

Mike paused for a second to regain his composure.

"The machine is set on a simple btu fairly random program so I'm sure you won't get bored! Another thing that will stop you from getting bored is the emotional-response computer. This piece of kit can do many things but on this program, it's only really used to measure your arousal. It will alter the program of the machine slightly depending on your arousal and, more importantly it will respond to your climaxes; every time you cum, it cums! Basically, when you cum the phalli will secrete cum-like lubricant and some will also be injected into the penis sheath. It dose this because it's a more realistic and dominating way to supply lubricant than just supplying it constantly, and it also encourages the subject to cum because if they don't, they run out of lube and the experience becomes more and more painful!"

Mike paused again - drawing breath.

"Usually the machine would collect the 'milk' in one tank, so it can be piped out and stored, and the lubricant would be stored in another thank ready for use. But for this test the 'milk' that would be obtained is of not value so I thought I would try out another feature of the machine. All the 'milk' that the machine collects will be moved into the lube tank and used as lube! It's set to empty the tank every time, so when you cum the machine will pump you full of the cum you came last time! I've put in the first lot but after that it will all be your own seed. You do however need something to keep you going before you cum the first time, however long that may be. So I'll give you a hand there!"

Zippo did not need more lube, his tailhole was still slick from the previous endeavours of the past few hours. But Zippo guessed that Mike was not really doing what he was about to do for his good but rather for his own pleasures.

Mike walked around behind Zippo and touched the red glowing panel again. As his paw made contact with the panel the glow suddenly turned blue again and the phallus retraced back to its 'set' sate. Mike touched the panel again and it smoothly retracted back into the machine, leaving little evidence it was ever there apart from the blue glow.

Mike mounted the machine form the back (so he was facing the same way as Zippo) and sat on the tiger's back. Suddenly Zippo's sight went black as Mike placed a hood over his head. The black leather hood, designed for use with the machine, fitted over all of Zippo's head and had for the neck and muzzle (it could not completely cover Zippo's muzzle because it was still locked in the metal device extending from the machine). It was laced up at the back and was very secure. It blocked out all sight and sound but had zippers over the eyes and ears so the senses could be returned for a short time - they were currently closed.

Once Mike had laced and strapped the hood firmly in place, he got of the Zippo's back and shifted backwards on the machine - his latex coat squeaking as he did. The jaguar was now standing on the metal casing keeping Zippo's legs in place and his form was now mimicking that of the tiger's. Mike could well have lain comfortably behind/on top of Zippo with his body forming the same shape on the machine as the tiger's, but unfortunately there was something in the way - Mike took his furiously erect penis and put the tip to his 'subjects' tailhole.

Slowly pushing, Mike forced the head of his furhood into his partner's, still partly dilated, rear. Zippo for his part unable to speak, see, hear or even make more than slight sound, just tensed and whimpered as he was violated.

Mike sifted on the machine, and continued to slowly penetrate the tiger until he was completely hilted within him. Withdrawing all but the head of his cock, the jaguar pounded back in, his balls slapping into those of his victim. Continuing to thrust with his powerful hips, Mike took his own pleasures, completely disregarding Zippo's. The jaguar began to purr as he sped up his pace, nearing climax once again. Digging his claws into the tiger's side, causing him to jump to the extent his straps allowed, Mike came, growling loudly. Mike was capable of producing similar volumes of seed as Zippo, and it was hot, stick jaguar seed that now filled Zippo's rear.

Mike withdrew, and whipped his cum-drenched cock on Zippo's furry ass cheeks. Hopping off the machine, he gave the blue glowing panel a quick double tap and it rose up, turned red and assumed the ready position again. Mike came back around to the control panel and unzipped the 4 zippers allowing Zippo to see and hear to a limited degree.

Smiling at his victim, Mike said: "Well that's you set and the machine is all ready. You've been here for...", Mike glanced at his watch, "... 6 hours can you believe it! How time flies when your having fun." he added sardonically.

"Well you know how long I've got you for, so... I'll see you in 18 hours. Night night, sleep tight!"

Mike re-zipped Zippo's hood, plunging the tiger's world into darkness again, and then pushed the large, red, 'initiate', button on the control panel. Turning, Mike made for the door and shouted 'off' as he exited, casting darkness into the room - not that Zippo could see it. The door closed with and ominous pneumatic thud - not that Zippo could hear it. And, several seconds the machine sprung into life.

The first thing Zippo felt (feeling now being his primary sense) was the latex penis sheath evacuate, creating a vacuum and a great sucking effect. Then a small amount of lubricant (Mike's cum) was sprayed in form the top and air was pumped back in, very quickly, the air was removed again and the machine kept up its suck on Zippo's penis.

Peripherally Zippo sensed the device behind him stir. Before he knew it, the device put the tip of the phallus hard against his anal rose.

Pushing ruthlessly, the 10 inch phallus was hilted in Zippo's, still slicked, tailhole up to the knot - causing the tiger to groan at its quick actions, though his complaints were mostly muffled by the machinery at his other end.

The device around Zippo's muzzle now activated, pushing just the head of the jaguar phallus into his moth, though due to the gag-plates it did not touch any part of his mouth.

The machine, now ready, began its random program.

The penis sheath continued its vacuum on Zippo's member and the glass tube around it also pressurised, forcing the penis sheath even tighter around Zippo's cock and putting it under even more sever pressure.

Suddenly, the masturbating device (penis sheath) began its routine proper. The pressure applied by the glass tube began to vary, beginning a pumping feeling. This gently stroked Zippo but was not enough to cause him to come. As Zippo began to focus on the pleasant sensations in his nether regions, the masturbator changed again. This time the inner sheath also began a pumping motion, in syncopation with the outer. The coordinated effect of this was explosive and Zippo began to moan and strain under his increasing arousal.

The machine must have sensed this (even though a blind and deaf fur could have at least have smelled it!) like Mike had said, because again, suddenly and unexpectantly, the muzzle device sprang into action. The jaguar phallus completely withdrew from Zippo's mouth and then re-entered in a smooth and controlled motion. When it re-entered it penetrated a little further, just tapping the back of Zippo's throat. It sped up slightly, but maintained a smooth and relaxed feel, each time it penetrated slightly deeper. After several seconds it was hitting the back of Zippo's throat fairly hard (despite being very soft and yielding), but luckily Zippo had lost his gag-reflex long ago.

The penis sheath had started with little lubrication but now, due to the generous amount of pre that Zippo's arousal had generated, it was now more than adequately lubed. This sensation only served to excite Zippo more and he felt his climax fast approaching.

The muzzle device, which was still pumping away, again sensed Zippo's rising arousal and seemed to increase its speed and force accordingly. As the speed and depth of the phallus increased, it began to slip down Zippo's throat on each thrust - requiring him to time his breathing so he didn't choke.

Without warning, the anal device suddenly sprang into life. It withdrew almost completely and then very quickly and forcefully rammed back into Zippo's ass, using the knot as a bulwark. Withdrawing again, it to began a set routine, fucking Zippo's tailhole remorselessly. Unlike the jaguar phalluses smooth motions, the otter dong would withdraw slowly and then pound forwards with fast powerful strokes - just like a master raping a slave.

Zippo neared the edge of climax and the phalli maxed out on their current program. The muzzle-fucker was now pushing the entire length of jaguar cock down Zippo's throat, with the rubber base holding the phallus hitting the rubber-clad metal covering the tiger's teeth. The butt-fucker had sped up and was now pounding into Zippo's ass faster than almost any living lover he had ever received. The masturbator was still on its relentless mission and it was nearing its goal.

Suddenly, it seemed even to him, Zippo came. Pumping his seed into the sheath, it quickly disappeared down the pipe into the bowels of the machine and before he had completely finished cuming the machine climaxed as well. The otter phallus, finally, hilted it's self completely in him, forcing the sizable knot into the tiger's tailhole. The jaguar phallus, on the other hand, withdraw so it was just touching the back of Zippo's throat. Simultaneously, salty jaguar semen was released from the tips of both the anal and oral phalli, spraying Mike's cum into the tiger's ass and mouth respectively. Because of the position of the jaguar dong, Zippo choked and struggled to swallow all of the cum that was sprayed into his mouth.

In the after glow, all seemed calm. The masturbator maintained a steady vacuum but was otherwise inactive. The jaguar phallus remained just touching the back of Zippo's throat but was otherwise still. And the otter phallus remained hilted in Zippo's butt with the knot still inside, but it too was still.

Zippo rested and tried to get his breath back but after only 30 seconds the otter phallus kicked into life again. Soon after the jaguar phallus and the penis sheath also started for the second time.

Zippo despaired, the actions of the vile machine and the sudden realisation of the futility of his situation had brought tears to his eyes. He settled down for the long night ahead (as best he could with the otter phallus renewing its attack on his tortured tailhole) and began to weep, in utter admission of defeat and submission to his Master - Mike.

In a state of semi-sleep he dreamed dreams of liberation and the morning to come - a morning which could not come soon enough. And he wondered what Mike would find when he returned, not the once majestic and noble fur he had left, but a rough animalistic beast - tormented and broken.


End of Chapter I


All content and characters © Zipeaukovich ([email protected])

All characters and events are fictitious

Written MMVIII/ Published April 08