The Lead Crown: Ch 2b, Outside Influence (Pt 2)

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 2-2, Outside Influence

Friar Arlowe chose to sit near the fire for the night. Although it was easily arguable that he wasn't QUITE aged enough to say he had 'old bones', the cool weather certainly seemed to settle into them in the most inopportune ways during the night, leaving him with creaks and aches for most of the morning; his hope was that staying close to the fire might help ease the discomfort... at least, the physical kind.

His mind had begun working when he had regained consciousness and had failed to stop. Whether it was his considerations for the church's next move, the right way to approach Cruffington, or something as simple as wondering where they would finally find themselves when Aodhan's path came to an end. That night, however, he gained an entirely new subject to occupy his brain... and it was a BIG subject... almost three hundred pounds, in fact.

"Friends... Brothers... Friar..." Aodhan called in quiet greeting as he emerged from the undergrowth, "We return with a guest." he announced, and turned aside, followed by Sister Aurelie... and someone else.

"Greetings." That 'someone else' turned out to be an enormous gorilla woman dressed in tightly-wrapped taffeta. While such skin-tight clothing would normally be spectacularly inappropriate, the large primate's decency was partially redeemed with a billowing wrapped tunic that draped down to her knees and was secured around her ample waist by a thick, starched belt. In all, her clothing looked like masculine traveling garb... an incredible affront to any standard sensibility... though the Friar couldn't argue that it was likely far easier to travel in than a dress.

"This is Sister Antoinette, of the Order of the Sisters Divine of the Holy Hearth." Sister Aurelie announced, motioning to the black-furred mountain of a woman that stood beside her, "She has come to see me."

The gorilla crossed her arms, a rather intimidating pose despite her being of the 'fairer sex', "I am not pleased at what I have found." her gaze went immediately to the demure cat, who was instantly cowed.

"Sister, I can explain--" Sister Aurelie began, but was interrupted when the gorilla simply raised a hand, stopping her with a gesture.

"I have already seen enough." the gorilla announced.

"Are you here to turn us in?" questioned Vic; Friar Arlowe did not miss the way the coon-fox gripped his sundry knife just a little tighter.

"I came at the behest of the monk." Sister Antoinette answered. All eyes immediately went to the old raccoon dog, who paused.

"I apologize, madam, but I do not remember having called you." Friar Arlowe admitted.

"Not you." she answered flatly.

Brother Rhys pulled thoughtfully at one of his whiskers, "What other monk would have even been anywhere near Newport?" he questioned, "The only monastery in Lehsunia is LEAGUES from here, and Friar Arlowe is the only one assigned to--"

"Friar Juun is a visitor in Newport." Cruffington spoke up.

Sister Antoinette raised an eyebrow at the name, "You know of the esteemed Friar Juun?"

"He came to Newport not long ago." Friar Arlowe acknowledged, "He and I spoke briefly before--" the raccoon dog trailed off, not quite willing to discuss the problems he had caused and the confrontation he had endured.

"He also gave a presentation at the University." Cruff announced, causing all heads, Friar Arlowe's included to rotate in his direction. "What?" the young raccoon dog demanded, "He did!" he stated with conviction.

"It's true." Vic acknowledged with a nod, "I mean... a monk speaking to a bunch of scholars? That's not something you'd forget easily... and it's so crazy that you can't just make something like that up." he smirked.

The Sisterhood has always been on good terms with colleges." the gorilla challenged.

"Your Sisterhood in Trevossier is not the same as most of our holy Orders, Sister Antoinette." Friar Arlowe spoke up, quickly taking control of the conversation before it swung in an unpleasant direction, "The Mehnzilian Servants Divine have a vastly different viewpoint than the Trevossese Sisters Divine when it comes to the place the University of Progressive Understanding has in this world."

"Strange how we all follow the same God but can't agree on what He wants, huh?" Vic offered with a smirk.

"The Sisterhood is a religous organization." Brother Rhys quickly added, "They are not the Church and, though they do great deeds on behalf of our Lord, they... aren't... truly..." his words slowly trailed off into a quiet mumble under the withering gaze of the enormous, imposing, and very disagreeable Sister Antoinette.

"I am honestly not surprised by your words, Brother." the ape finally spoke, her expression returning to normal, "The Church of Mehnzil has had a long tradition of putting itself ahead of any of its peers." she glanced to Sister Aurelie, "Which is the very reason the Sisterhood had decided to have one of our own study among you."

"It has been a very enlightening experi--" the cat quickly spoke up, but was silenced by the gorilla's intent gaze.

"I assume..." Friar Arlowe interjected again, attempting to keep the discussion moving in a productive manner, "...that you came to intercede on Sister Aurelie's behalf."

"Among other things, yes." Sister Antoinette nodded, "Although the Church did not take kindly to our embassy."

Vic cleared his throat off to the side before speaking to Cruff, "Do the Sisters use the royal 'our' or does--"

"My fellow sisters were imprisoned." the ape spoke over the question.

The announcement caused the fur on the back of Friar Arlowe's neck to stand on end, "The Church would have no reason!"

"I was unaware that the Mehnzilians ever required a reason to create edicts." the gorilla deadpanned the obviously barbed comment.

"SHE knows how to preach in a way I'd listen." Vic smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, but slowly slunk back when he received numerous glares.

"On what grounds was your delegation retained?" Friar Arlowe spoke loudly, attempting yet again to keep control of what had become a somewhat unsteady situation.

"They claimed that the Sisterhood was inciting sedition, vulgarity, and moral corruption." Sister Antoinette stated simply, taking a seat on a log by the camp fire, looming over Sister Aurelie, who had found a place on it. The gorilla rested a large hand on the cat's shoulder, "Friar Juun's warning to our delegation is the reason I was not imprisoned with the rest of my Sisters and subjected to... abasement."

Friar Arlowe watched the way the ape glanced to the cat beside her, and everything began to fall into place as he realized the extent to which the Inquisition must have responded to the diplomats. If Inquisitor Ignus had reason to believe that the Sisterhood had initiates that shared certain traits in common with Sister Aurelie... "I trust the nuns showed suitable appropriateness and courtesy." he offered gingerly.

Sister Aurelie's hand began to shake and she removed it from the cat's shoulder, "My Sisters were not ministered to by nuns."

"That cannot be." Brother Rhys spoke up, "The Church is always adamant that any guests of the order be seen to by their own--"

"Peace, Brother Barlow." the monk spoke up, raising a paw to indicate that his fellow should hold his words. He trusted that the rat would understand the implied request for silence based on the formal use of his last name.

"No... I cannot believe that the--" the priest continued regardless, unfortunately having missed the unspoken plea.

"I SAW THEIR LACK OF PROPRIETY!" the gorilla's raised voice was almost enough to shake the ground itself and yet, despite the volume, there was an eerie calmness to it, and her next words returned to a more muted volume, "The Priests themselves saw to the matters."

"Wait a minute..." Cruff spoke up, and Friar Arlowe realized that holding back the rising waters of an argument were, at that point, beyond him, "Why would the Church have a problem with the Sisterhood? I mean.. we had one with us for months!"

"I can think of a few reasons." Aodhan announced calmly.

"We came to speak with the Bishop of Lehsunia, and instead my sisters were made prisoners." Sister Antionette reiterated, "And I find that Sister Aurelie is fleeing the Church with the aid of Arnaud."

"He uses his tribal name now, Sister." Sister Aurelie offered in a demure voice, squeezing the wolf's paw, "He goes by Aodhan."

"I suppose he does." the gorilla acknowledged, glancing to the two of them; her gaze lingered. The cat quickly released Aodhan's fingers and Sister Antoinette looked back to Friar Arlowe, "I thank you and your disciples for maintaining the safety of Sister Aurelie."

"In truth, Sister Antoinette," the raccoon dog bowed his head slightly, "it was she who saw to mine." He glanced around the gathering at the campfire then returned his gaze to the gorilla, "As I hear more and more of your story I cannot help but feel that there are strange events in motion."

"I am pleased then to hear that I am not alone in that." the large ape crossed her arms over her chest, her tone not revealing any hint of happiness, though her gaze did lose something of the edge, "But now I wish to find answers."

"Answers why the Church is imprisoning Sisters and trying to kill off monks?" Vic inquired, "Yea... I think we can all agree on that." he was going to say more, but Cruff thankfully silenced him with a light slap on the back of his head, "What?' he demanded.

"There are Seekers in the field looking for us." Brother Rhys announced, "It is very dangerous to be opposed to the Church at this time."

"I am here to protect Sister Aurelie... and Arnaud--" she paused, "Aodhan."

"Thank you, Sister Antoinette." the wolf spoke up, "But I have been out of the Sisterhood's realm of influence for long enough that I don't think--"

"I did not say my protection was optional, young man." her tone left no room for argument, "I saw you through your first cold and helped the healers rid you of palsy before you could even feed yourself." she even went so far as to wag a finger at him, "You may have left the Sisterhood's walls but you will ALWAYS be within my auspices." It was then that Friar Arlowe finally understood the gorilla's dour demeanor: she was one angry 'mother' who had obviously had enough with her 'children' being mistreated.

"We are going into the Tribe Lands north of Lehsunia, Sister." Aodhan objected, "It will not be safe there."

"Then you are only serving to make my case for me." the gorilla crossed her arms over her chest again, giving off the impression that any further argument would be a wasted effort. She also did an excellent job of proving it over the course of the next few hours as she faced down every last objection the wolf (and occasionally the cat) could come up with. By the time he went to bed Friar Arlowe somehow found himself with a little smile on his muzzle.