{Golden Typewriter Award Entry Submission Copy} Darkness and Starlight 27 - I'll Wait For You
(Specially rewritten and uploaded for the Golden Typewriter Awards, previous readers of the FG stories need not read over this again)
Super Mario Bros. copyrighted to Nintendo, FinalGamer to me
How many years has it been, thought James to himself. Has it been like...eight, ten years maybe, since I left home? Why is it all coming back to me here, why is it coming back to me now right when I find a new life for myself? ...no...this life wasn't going to last the way things have been lately.
For the one known as James Campbell, the last ten years had been a great struggle of both joy and sorrow to the not-so-young anthro velociraptor in his early 30s. Since his encounter with the mysterious utahraptor, one who claimed came from his own home world with a mission of vengeance for a crime he was certain he did not commit, his mind cast back to the day he first left. Far and away from his old hometown of Chicago.
From the day he had been captured by the Advanced Research Military Enterprises, as part of an experiment to become infused with nanomachines in order to become some form of super-soldier, everything had turned into a constant pace of dread and fury from each new world he had passed through. He rubbed at his head softly, as if trying to break through into the data somehow poured through into his head. He did not know where it came from, the strange pieces and memories of digitised pixellated characters.
All he knew was that they were a mistake. Not military data like they wanted for him initially, but something else from a technology further back in time, beyond the era that he lived in of his world, an everyday world of old technology upon the ruins of a past Earth, with new processors amidst humans and anthros. Just another story in a million surely. And James had seen plenty of them for himself.
The teleportation powers he assumed were part of the experiment, another new power to toy with for the art of war, which he now used to desperately try to reach back home but to no avail. Every other world he had been to, every alternate universe, star-studded galaxy or fog-ridden town, was never the one he had come from. Ten years of hopping across worlds, losing both sanity and patience with each new horror and oddity.
Some of them were rather nice, pleasant even like the planet Pop Star or the once-tender home he made in Crossville. Others such as his first landing on Planet Zebes were not. But where he was now, the shining light of the Mushroom Kingdom...this was the place he knew he would be safe. Happy. Peaceful at last with a whole new life.
James had stayed longer here than he had anywhere else, four years to be exact. After a rather harrowing few weeks of demons and monsters, spirits that wreaked havoc upon his soul, the Mushroom Kingdom was nothing but a place of happiness for him. In the time it took for him to find a job at a bar as well as befriend a young koopa, who in turn had become his male lover, he almost forgot about the deep curse that had been placed upon him and his weapon.
The scissors. The strange horrid four-feet long blades that at first looked nothing short of absurd. But had he known of the demon that inhabited them long long ago in a far-other world, he would never have taken them for himself in a moment of weakness. But he knew now that it was his curse to bear alone, even when the demon had tried to disrupt, and even ruin his way of life by tearing through his soul, forcing him to commit terrible things. It was only thanks to his dear boyfriend Koopin, whose light and kind spirit of innocence, that he was able to fight back against him at all.
But the months had grown long and colder, the two feeling rather torn between love and fear every night they slept in each other's arms. Every once a month the demon would come back, every month it would come tearing out of James' soul to feast hungrily upon the weak. And every month Koopin managed to repel it back with his own young heart of love. James did not question the clichéd if it worked for him in the end.
Yet even with that his past had caught up with him. Somehow, somewhere, a raptor from his own world had come charging through the void of interdimensional blight, to come settle a vendetta with him. One James knew, or rather believed, had been somehow fabricated by the very same people that gave him his new powers. And in turn had blessed this other raptor with the same powers too, with the express intention of either retrieving, or killing, the one known as James Campbell.
In the week that passed since the battle with the strange other raptor, James' mind turned clouded with worry. He began to focus less on things, his ways more absent-minded and it took Koopin more effort to make him remember where he was. This came to a head during one evening while they were having dinner, the usual jellied steak for FG. Charlie sat happily indoors, the young pet chain chomp expecting some scraps while playing up his puppy dog eyes and whimpering. "Charliiiiie," said Koopin, "don't beg at your daddy James like that, that won't work." "Heh...yeah," said James softly, "no begging tonight." "...you okay James?" "Mmm yeah, yeah uh...damn this steak is good." "...are you worried about that...guy you fought?" "...hhhhh yes." "Why?" "I...I don't know." "You've been a little off for the whole week...come on, you can tell me." "...you know how that guy I fought, he's from my world right?" "Right." "...I asked him about Sarah...after I beat him. She's alive. She's hurt, but...alive last he saw her." "Oh...um...that's good, right?" "Yeah...it is." "So why are you worried? I thought you'd be MORE pleased...I think?" "I dunno...I...I got a lot going on in my head right now, I need to relax. There's a lotta things I have to think about and...well, when I got them all sorted I'll let you know." "I agree, you're just rattled a little by finding out something new, take your time." "Okay...hey, Charlie." He offered the last piece of jellied steak to Charlie, who woofed and ate it up eagerly, much to Koopin's eye-rolling. "Jaaaaaames don't encourage him, he won't stop doing this now!" "Aw come on, he loves his daddy, don't you chompy?" "WOOF!" "Hhhhhahahaha...ahhhh...I'm going to bed, getting tired." "Alright then, night James." "Night." Kissing Koopin on the lips, he walked off to bed while Charlie moved his attention to beg at the koopa instead. As the raptor nodded off to sleep, his mind began to turn thick with turmoil. Knowing now that not only Sarah was still alive, but also that his old enemies at home were causing even worse troubles for them. The fact that Sarah had not, as he always feared, died in the initial assault of her bar on the day he first left his world. But he also had this mysterious stranger accusing him of a crime he didn't commit. What could the A.R.M.E now be doing that they could just simply rewrite the memories of innocents to make them come after him, fitted with the same technology as him? Did this Roy MacGregor even have the capability to go home, unlike James? All these questions burned inside his mind, as he began to pity the other raptor's existence. After the life he himself had, he could only wonder what Roy had been through in turn, especially after being in Silent Hill where he had briefly crossed paths. Two vagabonds of spatial rifts torn through their own minds in a restless dreaming town. His mind began to sleep. Within he began to dream, his turmoil of hesitation and unspoken decisions further embroiled within his heart as they began to take shape. A play that was cast full of memories, a fantasy becoming its backdrop
The castle stood resolute against the sea breeze, standing tall upon the cliffs facing towards the north. The stone halls and carved open windows offered a cool summer breeze with the salt sea air soothing the king upon his throne. No crown was upon his head, wearing only but a large furred cloak. Unto his throne he sat, sturdy with ancient oak, a red carpet unveiled before him towards a large wooden set of two doors. He only raised his head not when the doors opened, but when he heard a voice of rugged familiarity. "My lord, a message fer thee." The king looked up, his eyes fiercely green within a brown-scaled face, purple marks shining upon his snout. The messenger was a crocodile, with a hook for one hand whilst in a pair of brown slacks. The raptor smiled as he stood from his throne, his large cloak kept wrapped around him against the cool day as he spoke with a strange older tone, as if age had worn him down greater than he expected to be. "My friend. How does the morning fair for you?" "Well enough. You slept in yer throne again?" "It is a bed for me and the worries of this kingdom to share." "Does your love not worry for you?" "He will understand. You said you had a message for me?" "Aye, my lord. ...the prophet. She wishes to speak to you." "...walk with me." The king walked past his messenger friend, who walked alongside him in turn. The castle was strangely empty, even for this time of day, yet the king did not notice as he passed through old stone hallways, rooms and tapestries of purple and blue all around him. Strange imagery upon them he could barely recognise from the corner of his mind's eye, little creatures upon grand tales he had weaved from his own memories. "How are the reports from our scouts?" said the raptor. "The demons continue their assault from the north," said the crocodile, "our armies are struggling, but they'll hold so long as our light shall shine further." "One day our light cannot be everywhere for us." "I know, my lord." "How goes the evacuation of the camps to the west?" "...not well." The raptor sighed, slowing down to a stop as he looked down upon the cold stone floor. Not even the comforting fabric of his purple carpet could soothe him. "How many?" asked the king. "...it is rising to the first thousand my lord." "Gods...did the prophet not see this coming too?! Did the fates mistify her vision for the sake of teaching us a lesson about hindsight, at the cost of a thousand?!" "You cannot blame yourself." "My reign is STEEPED in blood, Kruz! I cannot stand by and allow my errors to cause the deaths of innocents!" "I know, but you have a duty to your throne!" "WHO CARES ABOUT THE THRONE?!" "Those around you sire!" "...I am not a king, I'm a warrior." He placed his head in his hands torn between decisions, knowing his true desire. Yet he looked to his friend who said nothing, merely placing an arm around his shoulders to comfort him. "What do I do, Kruz?" "...go to the seer. She will guide you better than I will."
With that, he walked on towards a dark corridor, darker than anywhere else he knew. Windows did not exist in this one room, down a flight of stairs that began to fade with the light, reaching towards the bottom of the castle. As the first few dozen steps began to turn grey and blacken out beyond the light's reach, he saw a twinkling myriad of stars unveil before him. All around him, across the floor, they sweeped towards a familiar-looking set of cards, sat upon a red cloak, watched over by a mysterious figure in a black cloak. "...you ask for me again I see." The seer did not speak, merely hunched over the deck of cards inlaid with a mystical series of symbols, face down. The raptor sat himself down tiredly before her, sighing as he waited for an answer. It did not come to him. "Why do you summon me, if you will not even speak to me? I have enough problems concerning my world without having to amuse you and your whimsy!" Still she did not speak, not even moving as the stars remained still beneath them. He knew how this all went, that eventually he would have to speak to her about his concerns. He did not resist well. "...I am torn. There are others of my homeland suffering, perhaps even slaughtered by those who I once fought. And now I am here, within walls of love and comfort yet I feel I do not deserve it! The winds turn cold with each day, as if an evil has risen throughout the very air that seeps into my bones. I do not wish to leave my love behind...but I can feel those suffering around me, far far beyond this realm. ...please. Why did you summon me?" What do you desire? The voice spoke to him clearly into his mind, the seer unmoving yet never meeting his gaze. The raptor shook his head within his hands, as his voice started to shift from aged wisdom, to a youthful urge. "I wish to leave! I wish to find those who need my help in the lands beyond! I must redeem myself and this darkness inside of me!" What is holding you back? "I...I cannot leave my love. He has done so much for me and...after all we've been through I...it feels wrong...it's not fair to him. Why would I abandon him just because of what I believe might be right?" If he has shaped his life upon a dream, what stops you from shaping your own? "Y-you don't understand, that was his whole LIFE from being saved by something he KNEW was true! I don't know if this whole thing is true, I don't know if I can do this, abandoning the best life I ever had just because I feel I have to make amends for the chaos I've left behind!" If he revolves his life around dreams and wishes, why would he not understand your wish? "...show me your cards."
The seer did as she was told, gently laying out a set of three cards before him. He never saw her hands, clawed dark whispy things that he was never quite sure where they were placed. She never touched the cards, flipping them only by whatever dark arts she had possessed. The first card was of a woman in white, royal and saintly with a scroll upon her lap. The High Priestess. If your secrets are now revealed, what else is there for you to fear? "I fear that if I leave now, my love will never recover or wait for me." She flipped over the second card, showing a jubilant boy in brightly-coloured clothes wielding a large stick. The Fool. If you never gave away all that you have carried, what is there to stop you from picking them up again? "Because I wanted to put them down at last...to find a new home." The final card she flipped, to reveal a grim creature, the skeletal wielder of a cold merciless scythe. Death. Why do you believe that your fate shall end the moment you leave your sacred place? "Because...I don't know. I don't know. Please...help me." Three more cards she pulled out, separate from the other three as she flipped them all at once, revealing the Star, the Tower and the Devil. The Star was simply that, a shining star glowing radiant within the heavens. Then he saw the card change its picture, the starry night sky revealing itself to be the back of a green shell. If he will die for you, will he not wait for you? She waited not for his answer before pointing to the Tower, which soon expanded into two burning towers. Beneath their wretched flames, was a small blackened figure, screaming towards the skies. If he hunts for you, will he not cease until you end his chaos? Finally she pointed out towards the Devil, a cruel glowering demon of horns and tail, his face slowly twisting into that of James' own reflection, eyes black as infinity. If he lies in wait, will he not bide his time? All these began to churn deep within James' heart. He could soon see that to stay would only prolong the inevitable. Between his rising darkness, being hunted wrongfully and the fears of his own home world, the need to stay turned weaker and weaker. But he only had one question left. It was at that point that he felt the dream's stability turn weaker as well, as if relying on his reluctance. As the world began to turn blurry, with white filters at the edge of his vision, he asked hurriedly. "Where do I go? I can't return home on my own!" Go to the island of mist. You shall begin your journey again once there. You shall find a new path, one that shall lead to absolution of the land from whence you came...as well as the means to cleanse your soul one day. "Island of...mist?" Remember those words. They shall guide you, like every other word that has led you to every other world.Remember...when you wake up. Wake up, James.
And so he woke. Her words rang true in his mind, far more true than any he had heard in dreams past. What made them even more true to him, was that somehow, somewhere, he had heard that voice before. Koopin lay next to him, still asleep. He allowed him to sleep for as long as he wished. For tomorrow, he knew, that he would bring about a great sorrow unto his love. James sat up at the breakfast table, waiting for Koopin to wake up. He had gotten up before him in order to make breakfast, to allow Koopin a chance to rest and eat before telling him what he learnt. He had spent the past three hours of the morning light in making his decision, as well as trying to make toast. He didn't dare try to cook eggs again. Seeing the koopa wake up with a yawn, he smiled softly, greeting him with: "Mornin'." "Morniiiing...mmmmph...wow you're up early, even made breakfast too!" "I was up already so I thought, why not?" "Hehe...thank you." They sat down and began to eat together a small breakfast of toast with cheese and ham, just right to start the day on. When Koopin was finished eating, the two enjoying the peace and solitude of the morning chorus, the raptor began what he had been dreading the past week. "I have to tell you something." "...okay." "...I've been thinking a lot...over the past week. And there's something I have to explain to you." "...wh-wha-what is it James?" "The guy that I fought, Roy, he came from my world. He had been experimented on by the same people who experimented on me, the same people who gave me all my powers that allow me to go between worlds, even if they never meant to. All they meant to do was make me create stuff or shoot fire and such. You know he's...accused me of killing his parents, which is impossible." "I remember...and I believe you." "Thank you, see, this happened seven years ago apparently right? Well, that means I had just left Crossville seven years ago, after Daisy and all, so I'd never-" "James. You don't have to prove anything to me. I can see in your eyes that you're telling the truth." "Right. Good. Okay...what he told me, there's a lot of bad stuff that could be going on back home. Stuff that I'm responsible for BECAUSE I left, and now the people who want me are now tearing up the city and ruining other people's lives just to get me back. Which is why...I've decided to leave this world." The silence of the morning suddenly crushed the entire house, flattening all sound until Koopin could only hear James' words flickering through his head. His mouth hung agape, his eyes blinking with a fearful imagining as he tried desperately to hope he misheard that. He asked softly:
"...wha...wh-wh-what?" "I've decided to leave. I need to leave this world, and find my way back home." "Wha-what, but...but...WHY?!" "Because of everything that's happening to me! All the things that have been going on, with Scissoraptor and now this Roy who comes out to tell me what's been happening! I can't stay here Koopin, I'm a danger to everyone here." "N-NO! You can't just leave! You can't just leave me, leave everything here behind just because someone told you some bad things about your home! I thought you hated home, after what I heard back at the psychiatrist with Sarah and your life back there, I thought you hated it!" "I DO! I do...but...everything that's happening back there, everything that MIGHT be happening, it's all my fault. They went and fucked up that kid's life Koopin, his parents are DEAD because those bastards that did this to me got another experiment, they might even have killed his parents themselves all because they want ME!" "B-but that's not your fault!" "I know it's not, but that doesn't mean I'm not responsible somehow! And what life do we have to look forward to?! Every month you blast me with your holy light, and every month that passes it gets harder! It hurts me more, it hurts Scissoraptor less, you can't keep fighting it forever!" "I don't care," begged Koopin, "I've come too far with you to stop now!" "Until what?!" replied FG. "Until he gets you when you're weak, when you're not able to wish or whatever hard enough?! What'll happen then?! ...somewhere out there, there's someone who can help me." "How do you know that?! How can you possibly know, when the stars themselves can't even help you get rid of this demon inside you?!" "Because...because I had a dream." James looked rather disheartened in saying this, knowing already that Koopin would dismiss this as folly. "I had a dream...I was in this castle by the sea, a place I dreamt of a lot before...I was a king, like an old king with a big cloak around me...there was this seer down deep in the castle cellar, and she told me a lot of things. Things that all add up way too well." "What...sort of things?" asked Koopin. "...she told me where to go. She told me that I can find my way towards absolution, to begin my journey once again to get back home...and that...she also said that one day I can find a way to...cleanse my soul." "Cleanse...your soul?" "Koopin she HAS to be talking about THIS inside me, getting rid of this monster! And not just that, but I KNOW her Koopin, I know that voice!" "Wh-what?!" "You know how you had that thing with Blooshan, telling you in your dreams for years?! This is the same with me, someone in my dreams that I know, I just don't know where!" "W-woah woah woah, no...don't ever compare my dreams with Blooshan to yours with this mysterious woman. My dreams have been around for years, they shaped my life. And I KNOW that Blooshan existed, ever since I was a kid." "But I know this woman exists too Koopin," argued James, "I can FEEL it! I know what I have to do, and I hate to say it but...I have to go." "But...b-but...you can't just end it like this! You can't just leave, you can't just make the last four years all for nothing, not after all we've done for each other, not after all we've suffered through together, I-" "I'm not leaving forever." "An-...wh-what?"
"I'm not leaving forever," said James. "I want to come back. I WILL come back. I don't wanna go back home Koopin, I want to be with you, I want to live with you forever, or at least as long as we can together." "R-...r-really?" "Of course I do! I can't forget the past four years with you, of course I won't. Listen...here's my idea." He sat closer towards Koopin and placed his hands on the table, holding the koopa's hands in turn to comfort him. "I leave, go back home, sort out whatever's happening and clear my name, THEN...I will come back, and be with you again." "...you...you want to come back? You won't...leave me forever?" "Of course not. Honestly, I love this world Koopin. I've been through so many horrible places that this was a breath of fresh air to me. There's great food, the people are happy, it's still got its crappy parts but I LIKE the crappy parts because that makes this place not PERFECT. If this world was perfect, I'd feel uncomfortable and out of place! I was only gonna hang around here until I found someone able to send me back home, but then I met you...you're the reason I stayed here. And you're the reason...that I'll come back." "J-james...you...you mean it?" "I'll always love you Koopin. I mean that. I don't want to spend my life with anyone else. When I go back home, somehow, I'm gonna cut off all ties and live back here with you...if you'll still have me." "Of course I do!" cried Koopin. "You've made these past four years the most interesting and wonderful years of my life! But...h-how long will you be gone for? Do you even know?" "....I....I don't know." The raptor placed his hands away from Koopin and sighed deeply, already seeing the insurmountable task before him. "It took me eight years to even get to this world...I dunno if it will even take me another eight to find my way home." "EIGHT years?!? ...is that...no...I can't...I-i can't imagine you gone for eight years." "It might not be. Maybe it'll take four, maybe even two if I get lucky. I don't know how long I'll be...but it'll be a very long time. There's another reason I have to leave too." "What's that?" "...Scissoraptor." "Wh-what about him?!" "This isn't working Koopin. I know you love me, and I know you're doing everything you can to keep both you and me safe. But one day, he's gonna trick you, find some way to just make you slip up, and-" "I WON'T LET HIM!" "I know you won't...but you don't know how powerful he can be, even I don't know that. And if the stars can't help me destroy him...then maybe someone else will...in another world." "But...the star spirits are the most powerful force imaginable! Who else do you know is more powerful than them, out there?!" "Koopin...I have met demons even stronger than Scissoraptor-UNGH!" "James!"
He shuddered horribly and panted as he regained his breath, the demon's anger flaring up inside him as he recomposed himself. "I'm alright, I'm alright, he just...hates me saying that." "Heh, okay." "But like I said, I've faced spirits that have devoured entire armies of souls, I've been in a town of nightmares that twisted itself around me just to cripple and torture me just so I would be punished for what I did. Believe me...there's a lot worse things out there that can be more powerful than the star spirits themselves." "...I don't...I can't believe that." "You already met one. This demon inside me. And it's because of him that I have to leave too. One day he'll get too strong, or too desperate, even for you to handle. ...I don't want to give him that chance. I have to leave. Pick any reason that I give, to clear my name, fix my home world, follow the voice in my dream, whatever. But I have to leave." For what felt like the longest time, Koopin did not speak, his silence stretching into minutes of solitude. James did not move, seeing the turmoil he had planted within his lover's mind, waiting for an answer, keeping him company. He struggled between knowing that James had the right intentions, to set right what he had placed wrong even if it was not his intention, as well as his own desire to not be alone. He felt it unfair, he felt it was undeserving of him to suffer for it, selfish even for James. Eventually, after what became an eternity of silence for both of them, Koopin made his choice, debating within him all he could give between what he wanted, and what he knew was best for James. "...okay." "...what?" "I think...after what you've said...it wouldn't be a good idea to stay here. You're right. This...thing inside you, it can only get worse for both of us until you find a way to fix it. I know you want to come back, and I know that you won't stay back home because I know you hate it, but the fact you want to set things right makes me proud of you for being so responsible. And...I would say it's stupid to follow a voice in your dreams but...I'm the last person to say that to you." "Then...you agree with what I need to do?" "Yes," said Koopin. "I don't like it...I hate it. But I know you have to do what's right. But I want to ask you something." "Alright." "...can you...stay one more week? Tell everyone that you've gone away somewhere, that you need to deal with problems at home, make up whatever excuse you want. Stay with me for that whole week...just so I can remember you the way you are now." "...okay. I'll stay one more week." "Thank you."
For the last week James spent within the Mushroom Kingdom, he met every single one of his friends and acquaintances while travelling with Koopin. From place to place he went, cutting off his ties as tenderly as he could. He handed in his resignation to Roy's, he shook hands with Professor E. Gadd and Boona at the mansion as well as Kammy at Bowser's castle, he hugged and said farewell to both Shelldon and Klair. As far as they knew, he got a letter from home, saying that a great terrible calamity had happened, and that he had to return to set right what went wrong. Yonny was sad to see James go, but he didn't truly believe what James had said. He knew a little more than that, knowing something else was happening, something darker that he could not explain. The instincts of a bartender were never wrong, but he allowed James the comfort of his vagueness. Koopin's parents were deeply upset, that such a thing would cause James to leave even if he planned to return in a few years. Boona and Gadd knew the real truth, and in turn he explained in the presence of Koopin. Koopin had always suspected that the strange professor had a deeper connection to James than he had previously suspected, and both the boo and the scientist knew that it was the best choice he could make. Kammy also knew better than what James had explained to her, and agreed without even trying to convince James to stay. All she asked was that he promise to keep wielding his magic the way she taught him to. All of these farewells to his friends across the land, left James but a few precious days to spend with Koopin. Alone together, within his home. He gave him the last few perfect days he could ever give him. Simple days of humble breakfasts as well as long nights of large dinners. Lazy afternoons of placid TV, coupled with tender evenings of watching movies. Whatever Koopin wanted, James gave to him without question or argument. On the last night of his time in this world, they made love together, a sleepless night where fears and worries were washed away by tears of sweat and passion. Tongues danced unable to speak their regrets, hearts beat together while doubts melted away. Morning soon came. Neither of them had slept.
Koopin was trying to drown his fear within the heat of his love, while James was trying to pass the time, not wanting to sleep when he knew he soon would. Hands clasped together as their tongues wrapped within each other's. They were too afraid to even say a word, too fearful of shattering this perfect fragile memory, the last they would ever share for however long it would take. Morning soon greeted them, and James began to pack his things. A small collection of keepsakes, medicine and long-lasting foods within his old satchel. His steel pauldron fitted upon his weaker shoulder. His simple leather scabbard with the malevolent scissors inside of them, which he retrieved from his wardrobe. He looked at the newspaper clippings he had gathered over the past months, all of which listed reports of missing persons and serious crimes in Rogueport. He sighed with a deep regret, and a sturdier mind in his resolution to leave. Taking up his jeans once again, refusing to wear a shirt like old times, he heard Koopin behind him from the bed. "You're...really leaving, aren't you?" He turned towards his boyfriend's form, gently peeking from beneath the bed sheets. "I can't keep running away forever, from what I have to do." "James, you've been away from your home for so long...will it even be worth it?" "If I don't go now I'll always regret it. I've made up my mind. I have to help Sarah, I have to set things right." "Will you...will you promise to come back?" James began to pause, as realism began to seep in. He wasn't even sure if he would be able to complete this journey. Koopin's fears crept in with it. "I...I want to come back." "Then promise me. Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll come back to me one day." "...what happens if-" "No. ...please..." Koopin got up from the bed, putting on his shell swiftly before grabbing James' hands. "Promise me." "I...I promise. But...what if I take too long? What if I take eight years or more?" "I'll wait for you. I'll always wait for you." "Wh-what if you find someone here you fall in love with, I don't want you to stop your whole life just becau-" "I will ALWAYS wait for you. That's my promise to you. Now you promise me. I promise I will always wait for you. Do you promise?" "...I...yes." He clasped Koopin's hands with a renewed spirit. The last thing he wanted to do now was to let down his boyfriend. "I promise Koopin. I WILL come back to you." "...that's it." A kiss upon the raptor's lips. "That's the James I know. Confident. Strong. ...arrogant." "Heh, hey." "So arrogant and bull-headed that no matter what anyone tells him, nothing'll ever stop him doing what he promised to do...right?" "...right. Nobody's gonna stop me from coming back to you."
He wrapped his arms around the raptor's neck, moaning softly, trying to hold back the growing tears of this painful departure. James did the same, much to his own pain. After an embrace that could have gone on for eternity, they parted arms. Koopin stood back, as James walked out the door and into the morning light, staring back at him. After walking some ways from his doorstep, he turned towards Koopin, and called out to him. "You ever wondered how I came here?!" "Well...sometimes!" "Well then here's your answer!" "...WAIT!" Koopin stopped him just before he made a stance, powering himself up but halting before going further. Koopin hurried into the house before coming back with something in his hand. "T-take this. So you never forget." He handed James a photograph of both him and Koopin, as well as Klair and Shelldon back during their time upon the cruise ship. Someone had taken pictures of all the couples aboard the S.S. Rosalina, and as a parting gift gave each photo back to them. James felt concerned, despite the cheerful smiles within of the two couples embracing in a night of dance. "But...what about you?" "Heh, I made a copy of it a few days ago...so we could have one each." "...thank you. This'll help me a lot. Alright, stand back, this is gonna be big." Koopin stepped back onto his doorstep and waited with fear at what he would see, as James pocketed the photograph into his satchel. The FinalGamer soon began to summon his power, the blue lights barely blinking through his open palms as he shuddered with that cold familiar light. All around a strange shimmer began to happen, crackling bolts barely blinking through the dawn light itself. He did not forget where he had to go, pushing out all thoughts of both Koopin and this world from him. He focused on what he had been told of. The island of mist. It lit up his hands, lights of blue burning from his claws as the tear within Koopin's world began to form before him. The koopa could only gasp with awe and horror at the very fabric of his reality being torn apart, by his own lover's hands. James' eyes began to droop, as he had just enough consciousness to say: "Goodbye Koopin." And with that, the tear shut tight behind James, pulling him violently through it within a shining sliver of blue nano-light. The sky looked clear, as if nothing had happened at all. James was gone, and now Koopin felt all alone, barely able to turn back and gaze upon the now half-empty house. Instead, all he could do was sit back against the open doorframe, slump down onto the doorstep, and weep. His tears however brought him someone to come near, sobbing deep into his knees as he huddled to himself. His own whimpers were responded to by another's whimpering beside him. Blinking back tears, he saw Charlie nuzzling his steel-black head against his side. A soft smile struggled to form on Koopin's beak, as he pulled him close. "It's okay boy...it's okay...daddy James is just...going away on a journey. A long...long...journey. He'll come back...I know he will." They both gazed up towards the last stars in the sky, somehow knowing what the other felt in that moment. With sorrow in his heart, all Koopin could do now was make a wish. He hoped that no matter where he was now, that his wish would reach him somehow. He hoped that it would keep him safe.