Learning to bleat

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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This story is a continuation to https://www.sofurry.com/view/588196 although it can be read entirely on it's own as all the details of the first story are there. The ram goes back to confront the bear who fucked him, only to end up submitting once more.

I hope you guys enjoy, tis a little rougher than my normal writing, but then those of you who read the original will know that the poor ram already had it rough once. Those of you who regularly read my work know do get a little rough now and then.

Final part here https://www.sofurry.com/view/704862

"What am I doing here?" James muttered to himself staring at the door in front of him. One of dozens of identical doors lining the street. It had been six weeks since that day up the mountain. When the bear had taken him, it hadn't been rape, hell he'd been asked if he wanted it, he'd been asked if the bear should wear a rubber. He'd said yes and no respectively.

He'd loved it, every single moment, he had never felt so alive so full of pleasure, he'd pushed back willingly on to the bear's cock. Guilt filled him as he remembered how he'd said the bear had made him feel things his wife never had. Even more guilt as he realised, he was being honest in that moment. That day he'd returned home to his little Wendy, he'd lain her down in the bed they shared and he'd fucked her like he'd never fucked any woman. He bred her like a wild animal until she screamed in pleasure as he drove her to orgasm after orgasm.

However, to him it was so hollow and empty, it had felt good but nothing compared to how he'd felt on the cliff with that dirty stinking bear rutting into him. It had felt so good to submit, to be taken and to be bred. He'd tried, oh god how he had tried to find alternatives. His fingers at first and then some of Wendy's toys, locked in the bathroom while she was out, how he'd fucked his ass raw with them. Nothing had come close to the feeling of a thick, real, pulsing bear cock inside him.

He'd fought his urges and he'd even torn up the bear's card to avoid temptation. Then a week earlier he had been at a hearing for the wind farm. The bear had been there too, sitting in the back his eyes watching him with a lewd and lascivious smile. They hadn't spoken, not really the bear had brushed passed him on the way out and slipped a card into his pocket saying. "Here you go my little lamb."

James hadn't wanted to tear it up right there and then making a scene, so he'd waited until he got home. Then fate stepped in to tempt him further, a serious problem at some office in Bristol had sent Wendy away from him for a week. He'd resisted the urge for two nights, but finally he'd decided the only way to stop this was to come here in person. To throw the bear's card in his face and let him know it would never happen again.

Taking a deep breath he stepped forward and reached out knocked on the door. He couldn't help but notice how his paw trembled and his breathing was rapid. Trying to banish any doubt from his mind he ran through the speech he had prepared in his mind. He stood there for a while waiting, wondering, doubt eating at him.

Just as he was about to reach out and knock again a light came on behind the door and a few seconds later a large silhouette filled the window in the door. A second later the door opened and there he stood, Sam the bear. Rotund of stomach, his fat dark brown body looking all plush comfortable. He wasn't wearing a shirt which just meant his manly stink flowed out of the house all the more, the musk getting caught in the ram's throat.

Holding a lit cigar in one paw and a glass of brandy in the other. The two scents combined with the bear's overpowering musk to make James' heart beat faster and faster. His sheath was tingling as he couldn't help but remember that big bruin taking him, rutting into him and the grabbing his horns, calling him 'my little lamb' like he owned the ram. Oh shit why was he so turned on, why was this fat bear so sexy to him.

Everything he'd been taught said that sexy was thin females with large chests, not huge male bears with huge sweaty chests. The bear took a long draw on his cigar and then blew smoke into the ram's face. "Well, well look who's come to call, my little lamb. Come in, come in."

"Fuck you, I'm straight" Those were the words he so desperately wanted to say and yet they got stuck in his throat as he coughed on the smoke. Before he knew what was happening he was inside the bear's warm house. The place was nothing like he imagined, it was immaculately neat and quite spartan. Apart from book shelves the livingroom had a small sofa, a coffee table with an open book on it and a small TV, which was off.

However, one thing the place also had was the smell of the bear. Manly musk was infused in every object, every item in the room and as he stood there the ram knew it was infusing his fur and clothes too. He could feel his cock throbbing against the inside of his jeans. The pink traitor, he wouldn't let it rule his head today, no today was the day he stood up and was a ram. Today he made up for everything he'd done last time.

The bear smiled at him. "Brandy first?" He asked, although he didn't wait for an answer just filled a glass with a very generous measure of brandy. Then thrust it into the ram's paw. James knew what the bear would want second, but he wouldn't get it. He sniffed the brandy, it was good quality stuff and for a moment his nose was clear of the musk. He decided to take a sip, after all it might help keep the musk out.

The brandy really was excellent quality, it didn't burn his mouth like most strong alcohol. Instead it left a nice warming sensation inside it. However, it's musk clearing powers only lasted a second or two and then the musk returned, combined with the smoke and brandy, his cock was throbbing and begging him to let the bear play.

"I came here to..." James started, however, as he spoke the bear suddenly interrupted.

"Please have a seat." he said waving at his sofa.

Well there was no need to be rude, and if he sat the bear down and explained that he wasn't gay. That what had happened on the cliff was just a mistake, then the big chap might take it better. After all he was in the bear's home and being treated as a guest.

He took another generous sip of the brandy, the wonderful warmth dancing on his tongue, sliding beautifully down his throat to sit happily in his stomach.

"I came here to... " The ram started to say again but Sam interrupted again.

"Would you like something to nibble on, I have some fine mature cheddar and some biscuits, they were set up as a late night snack, but I'm happy to share." The bear said smiling and waving in the direction the ram assumed the kitchen was.

"No, thank you I'm not hungry." The sheep replied and then took another sip a slightly larger one this time the warm feeling stayed with him and he was happy about that. This wasn't going how he planned, but then the bear wasn't being at all like he remembered or expected. He remembered a brutish manly bear taking what he wanted and this fellow was polite, kind and sexy. James paused and, as he realised what he'd just thought about the bear, he took another much larger sip.

"I just wanted to..." This time the bear interrupted by sitting down next to him on the sofa. The musk grew infinitely stronger and the ram could feel the bear's body heat just radiating off him. It was a nice feeling actually, kind of welcoming and the bear's huge belly looked so plush and inviting. The ram found himself wondering what it would be like to nuzzle into the warm mountain of fur.

"I came here to..." He started once more and the bear stopped him again.

"Oh dear your glass is almost empty, can't have that!" The bear exclaimed and grabbed the bottle of brandy topping up his large brandy glass to half full. James smiled and thanked him before taking another bigger sip. It was really good brandy and he was feeling really warm and comfortable.

His mind was buzzing a little and he found himself breathing deeply on the bear's musk. It was nice after all, very manly, it made him feel safe in a strange way. "I just came here to say..." This time the bear silenced him with his lips, he jumped forward pressing his warm thick lips to the ram's. His eager tongue worming it's way inside the ram's maw. The taste of cigar, brandy and bear filled James' mouth. A heady musk he found himself gulping down, suckling on the thick invading tongue. His cock sang to him from it's denim prison.

The bear's huge paws were on him, and he felt thick fingers groping his crotch, squeezing his thick trapped meat. The bear broke the kiss and grinned lewdly at him. "I knew you'd come back for more my little lamb."

"N... no that's n...not..."

"Bullshit lamb, don't tell me you came here to say no, or fuck you." Sam cut him off sharply his paws groping and squeezing his cock firmly, every move reminding him the bear knew he was aroused and rock hard. "You don't come all the way to another guys' house to tell him to fuck off. You come to his house to bend over and let him fuck you. Just like I did last time, when I made you cum so hard. I bet you haven't cum like that since have you? Eh, look me in the eye and tell me that your wife made you cum that hard."

"I... I... I'm married." The ram stammered, the paw groping him sending waves of pleasure and arousal through him. His mind wasn't working, his body wouldn't let it, it knew what it wanted and it was the bear. Whining softly he tried to think of something to say but all the could think of was the wonderful feelings the bear was stroking into his drooling meat.

The bear chuckled and nuzzled up his neck inhaling his scent, just like he had done last time. Then he whispered in his ear. "You still smell like a willing desperate bitch to me. Tell me you don't want my cock, tell me you don't think of that day. Tell me you haven't pawed off to the idea of riding my thick tool again. Tell me that and you can leave, I won't stop you, look me in the eye and tell me you don't want this."

"You're a bastard!" The ram managed to squeal at him in indignation. All the while his traitorous body was grinding his crotch against the bear's wonderful groping fingers.

"Maybe I am." The bear replied nipping on his ears, making him tremble and then nibbling on his horn tips as he continued. "However, I'm not the guy who is married. I'm not the guy who let some other guy fuck him, without protection. I'm not the guy who cried out that his wife was nothing compared to me. I'm not the guy who came to another male's house and who sat down with him, with my cock so erect it is almost busting out of my jeans."

James sat there mutely unable to reply, he found himself nuzzling a little into the bear's neck sniffing and the tasting the pungent male, as he continued. "The truth is my little lamb, you came here because you want my cock, you want me to breed you. You want to lay in my bed while a real male is on top of you. Pounding his way deep inside you, touching parts of you your wife never will, making you feel things she can't"

Closing his eyes, James tried to pretend it wasn't true, however, as his cock drooled so much pre his jeans had a wet spot showing he knew he would be lying. Getting to his feet the bear offered his paw to the ram. "You're going to come with me now, to my bed where you will spend the night on my cock. I am going to fuck you every which way I can think of, and I can think of a good few. I will breed you all night long and then tomorrow you can go back to your life and wife and pretend you didn't love every last second. However, we will both know sooner or later you will end up back here, or you will call me to go there and we will fuck again and again. You're mine little lamb and you know it."

Guilt, shame and disgust filled the ram and yet he got to his feet and took the bear's paw, drained his glass of brandy and followed the bear obediently up to his bedroom. There Sam pulled off his pants and stood, his fat black bear cock dripping pre onto the floor as it bounced with his every move. He looked expectantly at the ram, who began to strip slowly. The bear licked his lips and drained his brandy, taking the last few pulls on his cigar.

James stood there naked and uncertain. The bear ogled his body, his frame was quite lithe as he hiked regularly, his thighs and ass were highly toned. His entire body was covered in snowy white woolly fur. Giving a stark contrast his cock was dark pink and, while almost as long as the bear's, was only half as thick.

Sam stubbed out his cigar and walked over to the ram, kissing him passionately, possessing his mouth. His tongue plundered the sweet grassy taste from his lips, his huge paws groping the ram's rear firmly. James felt so weak, so dirty, so guilty and yet he knew he couldn't stop. He needed this, his body needed the bear, something inside him cried out to be bred and bred hard.

The bear pushed him and he fell backwards with the bear following, landing on top of him, crushing the ram deep into the soft mattress. Sam grabbed the sheep's legs and lifted them up, placing them either side of his head, the bear began to grind his cocktip to the sheep's pucker.

Gobs of warm pre flowed into the sheep's pucker as the bear rolled his hips gently. With each thrust he pushed a little deeper and then pulled out. James gasped and moaned as he felt the thick meat slowly spreading his ring open just like it had before. The pleasurable sensations filling him and making him thrust back wantonly against the bear. He cried out in pleasure as the bear finally thrust his entire fat cockhead into the ram and then stopped.

After a few seconds the ram looked up quizzically at the stationary bear. The bear looked down and smiled. "Tell me you want it, say you want my big, fat, bear cock rammed fully inside you again and again. Say you want my bear jism shot into your needy desperate body."

"What? No!" The ram exclaimed, wasn't it enough that he had come here, got naked and offered himself to the bear, now he had to say he wanted it.

"Well now my little lamb, you have two choices." The bear said with a confident smile as he wriggled his ass, making his cock grind around delightfully in the ram's pucker. "You can tell me what I want to hear and get the best nights sex of your life, or you can be loyal to your wife, take yourself off my cock, get dressed and go home."

The huge bear leaned over, the ram's legs bending double and he gave a little squeal as the bear rocked his hips a little forcing an extra half inch inside him. "So which is it?" He asked his muzzle an inch away from the ram's, his breath stinking of cigar and brandy.

James hated the bear in that moment, but his body was screaming at him. Begging him, say whatever the bear wanted, don't let him pull out, don't let him stop. Get him inside, get him to pound , to rut and to fuck until they both orgasm.

"I... want it." he muttered blushing in embarrassment then he looked up at the bear and sighed, he knew it wasn't enough. He knew the bear was going to make him say it all. He wanted to tell the bear to pull out, to tell him to go fuck himself. However, he knew it was futile that as much as he hated the bear he lusted after him even more. "I want your big, fat, bear cock, I want to feel you inside me, I want you to breed me and make me bleat like a newborn lamb until you fill me with your hot jism."

The ram shocked himself with his speech, he had sounded so earnest, like he was finally admitting the truth, not just saying whatever to get the bear to fuck him. The bear grinned widely and he leaned down. The ram's legs still stuck on his shoulders the ram being bent double, pinned down by the large musky ursine. "Make you bleat like a newborn lamb? I like that, it's what I made you do last time isn't it and you liked that didn't you? Admit it or we stop right now."

Cursing how turned on he felt, held down bent double by the bear, so helpless, he felt more aroused than ever. He also felt safe as the large, powerful, male leaned over him, taking full control, making his bitch say what he wanted to hear. "Yes I liked it, I fucking loved it ok."

"Oh yeah, that's good open up and admit the truth, it will feel so good." The bear muttered starting to thrust again, gently working his cock deeper and deeper, with each little thrust his cock sent jets of pre deeper into the ram lubricating for the next thrust. The ram wondered how long it had taken the bear to figure out the perfect length to thrust each time to match the pre he was shooting.

The bear leaned over him, nibbling on James' neck tenderly. His teeth using just enough pressure to trigger the submissive urges in the ram and yet not enough make him panic. "You've pawed off thinking about last time haven't you and thinking about what it would be like to be with me again?"

The bites to his neck made him shudder and combined with the thrusting and the feel of the cock filling him the sheep couldn't lie, he had to tell the truth. "Yes... I tried not to, but I couldn't stop. Every time Wendy and I fucked I thought of that day, of your cock." Blinking the ram whimpered, wondering where that had come from, the bear hadn't asked about what he did with his wife.

"Mmmm she doesn't do it for you anymore does she, you used to drool when she opened her legs and now you just sigh because all that's there is her cunt and you want my cock." The bear replied with a slight snigger and then thrust a little extra powerfully sliding his cock the last few inches inside the ram. "There hilt deep and I fucked a few truths out of my little lamb at the same time, don't you feel better?"

James had to admit he did feel better, he had felt so empty for so long and now for the first time in six weeks he felt complete. He could feel every tiny motion, every throb of the thick bear cock filling him. If he wished he could take the bear's pulse. However, while he loved the feeling, was addicted to the feeling, wanted it more than anything he had ever wanted before. He hated himself, for submitting, for being so weak and for betraying poor Wendy, his sweet little ewe.

The bear stroked his cheeks smiling as he gazed at the ram's confused face. "Mmmm you've been such a good little lamb today that I won't ask any more questions. I'm just going to give you what you want, what you came here for. I'm going to pound your ass and make you cum so hard you won't remember your wife's name."

The ram wasn't sure if he should be grateful, that the questions were over or that they had been asked, but he couldn't deny his grateful feelings toward the bear. Feeling thoroughly patronised, the ram sighed softly closing his eyes and waiting for the breeding to begin properly.

The bear pulled back a couple of inches and then thrust forward again, his cock stroking passed the ram's prostate. The ram moaned softly as he felt a wave of pleasure washing through his body, he closed his eyes and tried to pretend that this wasn't happening, that he was home making love to his wife. However, as the bear thrust into him a second time harder and faster, the image of his wife shattered and instead he was thinking of the bear, in the sheep's house, breeding him in his own bed.

What was worse the idea aroused him even more, his cock drooled a thick string of pre. The bear began to mate him rhythmically thrusting in and out quickly, the bear's huge nutsack smacking off his tight buttocks with an audible smacking sound.

Before he knew what he was doing he lifted his muzzle to the bear's kissing him. The bear moaned in delight and surprise, happily accepting the kiss, using his thick tongue to tease the ram's mouth and tongue.

Unable to stop himself the ram slid his tongue up the bear's and into the warm ursine maw. He could taste the heady mixture of cigar, brandy and bear again. Musky, earthy and mature, he found himself savouring the flavour and then swallowing it down hungrily. He moaned out loudly and lustfully as the bear began to thrust faster and harder. The sounds of the huge balls smacking on his ass grew louder.

Pleasure coursed through the ram's body as the thick bear cock pummelled his prostate mercilessly. The ram wrapped his arms around the bear's neck, holding on to him for dear life as the cock inside him pounded and reamed his ass wider and deeper than any of the toys he had tried. It felt, so right, so perfect and so wonderful he knew he had come back for it. How could he not, the bear's cock was bringing feelings and sensations to him that he had never felt anywhere or with anyone else.

As the kiss broke the ram found himself gasping, moaning and shouting out. He begged the bear to fuck him, he screamed how much he loved the bear's cock and he pleaded for more. The bear suddenly wrapped a meaty paw around the ram's cock and began to jerk it fast and hard.

Unable to contain himself the ram was driven quickly passed the point of no return, his mind was awash with endorphins. He couldn't think, feel or remember anything but the feeling of the thick bear cock reaming his tight spasming ass. His cock was throbbing as his warm seed was sprayed over his fluffy stomach. The bear was crying out too, thrusting into him uncontrollably fast and hard as it throbbed and his insides were coated in the bear's hot fluids.

Sam collapsed panting on top of him, the ram moaned softly enjoying the weight and the sense of security it brought to him. He lay there panting and gasping trying to get his breath back. His mind returning to him slowly and he realised with horror that he had betrayed his wife a second time. What was worse, he wanted to do it again as soon as the bear was able. Wendy couldn't make him feel like Sam did and he had to admit to himself, in some way he was addicted to the bear.

Moaning softly the bear kissed his cheek and then stood up slowly, his cock pulling out with a rude slurping sound. The bear still had the ram's legs spread around him, he reached down with both paws and pulled the ram's buttocks apart and enjoyed the view. "Aww yeah, look at that. Nothing like the sight of your cum leaking out of some willing tight bitch. It seems like such a waste though."

As two thick fingers thrust into his already abused tailhole the ram cried out. Was there nothing the bear could do that wouldn't turn him on, the ram wondered as the two rough fingers seemed to stimulate him in ways his own fingers didn't. The bear pulled his fingers out slick and slimy with the bear's cum. The ram gasped at the sudden emptiness and the bear too advantage of the open mouth. Thrusting two dirty, cum coated fingers into his mouth.

Knowing he should bite them, spit and run, the ram started to suck. The bear's cum so musky and dirty he licked the fingers eagerly desperate to taste it all. Sporting a growing erection the ram wondered, as he suckled on the meaty digits, why this was turning him on so much. Those fingers were covered in another mans cum, scooped out of his ass. He should be feeling sick, instead he was sucking happily, his taste buds alight with the musky flavour. It was finer than the brandy he had gulped down and felt just as warm in his stomach.

"Mmmm, looks like the bitch is a bit of a cum slut too, come on sit up let Sam feed you a proper mouthful little lamb." The bear chuckled his fingers pulling out of the ram's mouth, his paws grabbing the sheep's shoulders and pulling him up into a seated position.

There just inches from his muzzle hung the bear's, fat cock. Traces of cum still oozing and dripping off it. The ram knew that had just been in his ass, it had just bred him like he was a weak little ewe. The bear's crotch reeked of pure musk though, the stench so overpowering and yet so alluring. Like a deer caught in the headlights the ram froze.

Taking the initiative the bear grabbed the ram by the horns and guided his muzzle down until his lips were pressed up against his cocktip. "Come on my little lamb, stop pretending like you don't want this and start sucking on my cock." With the bear's cocktip pressed to his muzzle, his horns held firmly the ram couldn't back away and wasn't even trying. The fat meat oozed a dribble of precum onto his lips and somehow the potent flavour leaked inside.

His own cock was leaking and throbbing as the bear held his horns. He didn't know why he loved to be controlled, he just knew something deep inside him was screaming with delight. Wishing he could stop himself, hating what he was about to do the ram opened his mouth a little. That was all the bear needed he thrust forward forcing his cum stained cock half into the ram's mouth. Holding his horns tightly to make sure the ram stayed on his cock.

Gasping around the meat James found his mouth totally enraptured by the taste of the bearcock. It was so much more potent than it smelled, the musk filled his maw, coated his tongue, his nostrils. His entire world became the dirty, musky cock in his mouth. He started to suck on it hungrily his mind not conscious of what he was doing. His tongue lapped at the thick meat and he swallowed the musky fluids greedily.

"Mmm that's it little lamb, you like a nice bear cock treat don't you. Ohhh that's nice, very good for a first timer." The bear moaned letting go of one of the ram's horns and caressing his cheek. "Good boy, now watch those teeth, big bear's gonna fuck that slutty little mouth of yours."

Still unable to believe he was doing this, let alone loving it so much the ram grabbed his own cock and started to jerk his hard member. Sam began to thrust his hips, holding the ram by both horns he slid his cock in until he heard the muffled protests of a sheep choking and then he slowly slid it out. "Shit, can't get it all in you better work the rest of my shaft with your paw lamb. Oh and stop jerking yourself and play with my nuts. I'm going to make you cum again later, you just work on learning how to suck cock."

The urge to paw was strong and yet his need to obey was stronger, he wrapped a paw around the exposed shaft, stroking it as the bear mated his muzzle with a growing speed. The other cradled two furry orbs the size of oranges, the fur on them was soaked in sweat and a trace of cum. The ram wondered if he'd ever be able to wash the bear's filthy musk out of his fur.

However, nothing could stop him suckling needfully on the meat in his mouth, it was clean of cum now and he was getting to taste the bear meat properly. The musk wasn't as bad as it had been, it felt almost pleasant on his tongue and left a warm glow in his muzzle. It was strange how good a thick cock felt between his lips, how right it felt sitting on his tongue and how he missed it when the bear pulled back.

Fountains of pre were streaming out of the ram's cock, his balls were dripping with the fluids and his meat was screaming at him with need. Yet he could not bring himself to stop servicing the bear cock. Sam, however, smiled as he looked down observing the ram's reaction. "Bet you never pre'd like that when you were eating out your wife, huh? She ever made you soak your balls like that?"

Grateful that his mouth was full and so he didn't have to answer the ram still thought back to the times he had eaten out his Wendy. They had been few and far between, he hadn't liked the taste it had seemed dirty to him. Yet here he was sucking on some strangers cock, a cock that had just been inside his own ass, sucking and loving the feel and taste of it in his muzzle. Oh shit, just how fucked up was he that he would let the bear do this to him and that he would love it.

The bear fucked his mouth faster and faster, the ram could feel the bear's balls twitching and knew it wouldn't be long before he would drink the musky bear cream right from the tap. The bear was gasping, grunting and moaning as he drove his cock into the mouth of his bitch. Then just as James thought the bear was going to cum he pulled his cock out completely and stepped back panting.

"Why'd you stop?" James called out in outrage and then wished he hadn't as the bear leered at him.

"Oh poor little lamb, I know you wanted your big bear to give you another tasty treat, but this load is going in your arse. Now be a good little lamb and roll over." Sam grinned at the beaten ovine, knowing that he would comply.

James wasn't sure what disappointed him more the bear pulling out or how quickly he rolled over when he was told to. Still it didn't matter as the bear was on him a second later, his thick cock easily sliding into the ram's stretched tailhole. Gasping as he felt a large paw clasping around his cock under him and start to jerk him fast.

The bear was ontop of him, the sweaty mass pressing into his back forcing him down. He pushed back wantonly into the rough thrusting cock, moaning and gasping in pleasure. The cock inside him brought a fire to his passions and set his body alight with pure ecstasy. His cock throbbed and jerked in the bear's paw as it was brought so close to his orgasm so quickly.

The bear rutted into him wildly, his huge nuts smacking off the ram's ass. The slurping, squelching sound of his cock as it thrust in and out of the sheep's ass only served to drive them both on to rut faster. James was in pure heavenly bliss; pinned down by the bear's sweating bulk, surrounded by the stink of another male, filled with his cock, feeling his hips being pummelled by two larger more powerful hips and a strong paw owning his cock, stroking it perfectly in time with the thrusting.

It was James who peaked first, screaming into the bedsheets as his cock throbbed and twitched as the bear paw milked it. Thrusting into the tight spasming ass became too much for the bear and with a loud roar he came too, his thrusting getting slower but far more powerful he forced his cum as deep into the ram as he was physically able.

Then the bear collapsed panting on top of him. The two lay there gasping for breath fully spent for the second time. The bear's paws gently stroked the sheep's sides and he leaned over to place a peck against his muzzle and then nuzzled tenderly down the ram's neck.

The night was filled with many more moments of bliss for them both. Sam was true to his word and he fucked the ram again and again, making him cum multiple times until neither one of them could move and they just lay there falling asleep in each others arms.

James awoke with a happy sigh, the bear's strong arms holding him, he nuzzled into the expansive, burly, bruin chest happily, inhaling the musky scent deeply. The bear woke a few minute's later and yawned. "Ok, you stay here and rest I will go get us some breakfast." The bear said jumping out of bed.

The ram lay there breathing slowly and happily warm and snug in the bed. He had never felt this comfortable even in his own bed. His ass was sore and still leaked bear cum every time he moved or stretched. The bear returned with a tray laden with a full fried breakfast and a pot of high quality coffee. "I wasn't sure if you liked white or wholemeal toast so I did a few rounds of both." Sam said as he placed the tray down and climbed into bed.

As the ram tucked into the breakfast repast he found himself confused again and couldn't stop himself asking the bear. "How come, you are so nice to me sometimes and then other times you are... a bit of a dick?"

The bear gave him a lewd grin. "That's easy, you like me being a dick, it turns you on. Turns me on too, you want a nice big bear to dominate you and I want a nice subby bitch to dominate. Doesn't mean I can't be civil afterwards."

"Just like that? Dick to nice guy all depending on when you want to fuck me?" The ram asked in astonishment, wondering if it could be true was he really turned on by the bear being dominant.

"Look, I told you I know how to sniff out willing bitches and you, my friend, stink of bitch. You're gay, you've probably just been repressing it for some reason. Family, religion, some crap like that, hell maybe just no guy ever hit on you." The bear replied as he munched of toast, being careful to use a napkin to block any crumbs from being spit. "My advice would be to tell your wife, get a divorce and find yourself a nice big dominant guy who wants a relationship. However, if you want you can stay with her and just keep coming here to get fucked on the side. I don't really care so long as I'm getting to fuck that oh so tight and sweet arse of yours."

The ram paused mid chewing half a mouthful of bacon, he had never thought he could be gay. Yet something about the bear's words rang true, he'd always had a nagging feeling that he was settling with Wendy, he had dismissed them as the normal doubts any horny red blooded male had about monogamy. He had never been really able to get off to lesbian porn, or female pin ups. There always had to be a male presence in the porn to get him off. He'd never tried gay porn, cause he wasn't gay, he had a girlfriend and then a wife.

He'd met Wendy in high school and well she was comfortable. A close enough fit he'd never questioned it, he'd always thought his wandering eyes in the male shower rooms at the gym were just idle curiosity. He swallowed the bacon slowly, he was gay, how could he have missed that, how could he have not known. Just as him mind was spinning he heard a familiar buzz coming from his pants.

Taking another bite of bacon he jumped out of bed and picked up his pants, fishing out his phone, three missed calls from Wendy and one text message. "Hi sleepy head, guess work must have worn you out. You know how I'm late this month. You're going to be a daddy." The ram inhaled sharply and then started to choke on the bacon as it lodged in his windpipe.

Sam was out of bed in a second and with a powerful slap to the black the bacon was dislodged. "You ok James?"

"I'm going to be a daddy!" The ram squeaked in disbelief.

"Congratulations, now how about a nice celebratory fuck, daddy?" The bear whispered lewdly into his ear. The ram wondered what was so wrong with him that made him say yes to that offer.