Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Six

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#90 of Legacy of the Veiled Stars

Yukiomaru and Jun spend some quality time together, and the fox can start to recover with the help of an unexpected guest. However, Yukiomaru's immature mind is fragile.

White fur danced slowly with the soft currents of warm water. Embodying this movement was the fox's tail that swayed slowly back and forth.

Staring up at the surface, Yukiomaru could see the light being broken by the water. Sunlight danced with the current that lightly pulled on the fox's fur.

Slowly sinking in the warm water, the fox's center weight pulled him down back toward the bottom of the spring. His light body caused for his limbs and tail to lightly resist while he sank which created the appearance of him being cradled by the spring itself. The warm water massaged the arctic fox by lightly pulling on his fur, causing for his doubts and worries to fade away.

Canidera's warm waters are completely different from the cold and suffocating water of those cursed nightmares, the arctic fox thought. He closed his eyes and focused on the soothing feel of the warm water flowing through his thick fur. Canidera is my home. Jun reminds me of that every day. It embraces me as one of its own, rather than trying to drown me.

Yukiomaru's body lightly touched the bottom of the shallow spring while he mediated on his thoughts. He could feel his tail moving with the current, slowly swaying back and forth almost as if he was wagging his tail in a slow motion.

Nightmares cannot compare to my home, meditated the fox. We care for this planet, and it in turn cares for us. Jun cares for me, and I for him. Nothing can make me question where my true home is.

The water flooding his ears dulled the fox's hearing but it created a white pressure noise that made it sound as if the spring itself was breathing. It was alive and connected with Yukiomaru at that moment. Everything on this planet breathed and lived; they were all connected.

With every muscle relaxed and every stress being massaged out of his mind, Yukiomaru remained content. He had forgotten about the fact that he was holding his breath, and no discomforts disturbed him from his deep thoughts.

Jun had always been friendly with Yukiomaru even when the fox had been a serious trained officer of the warship Drach'n Fury. That pine marten had always brought up conversations he was interested in; and when it was time to be serious the marten had an optimistic but realistic approach to everything.

Before long, Yukiomaru had realized that he wanted to talk with Jun more about interesting and curious topics of discussion. The marten had indirectly allowed for Yukiomaru to realize that he can act more like a kit of his age instead of always being a military hardened soldier. Rather than being a disciplined soldier that follows orders, Jun had given Yukiomaru a reason to fight against the Creepers, and eventually a life to work towards.

Memories of his friendship with the pine marten allowed for Yukiomaru to peacefully meditate on the things that made him happy.

Soaking in the water, the fox didn't even realize how long he had been under the water. He knew that Jun wouldn't worry since Yukiomaru had stayed underwater for long periods of time before. The marten was soaking in the spring, resting against the shore but the sound of a splash had caught the fox's attention.

Opening his eyes again, he could see that the light was still dancing with the water but he noticed that tail of the marten had disappeared from the shore. An unsettling sense started to invade his way into his mind and the fox knew that he should swim back to the surface and find Jun.

Gracefully the arctic fox broke the surface and gave his head a hard shake, sending water spraying and splashing around him. The cold mountain air instantly chilled the water that still clung to the fox's fur.

Opening his golden eyes, the fox blinked a couple times as water dripped from his white fur and threatened to fall into his eyes. He looked around but saw that Jun was no longer resting on the shore. There was a wet trail that showed that Jun was soaking wet when he wandered off into the high-altitude evergreens.

Yukiomaru would have thought nothing on Jun leaving for a few minutes, but the fact that he felt a familiar sensation in the back of his mind compelled him to find Jun.

Wading onto the shore, Yukiomaru shook his dense fur before continuing to follow Jun's trail. He could pick up the scent of the wet marten, but there was the scent of another creature that he recognized with it.

"Jun," Yukiomaru called out. Picking up his pace, he tried to deny the fact that the origin of the alien scent was really there but it only grew stronger. "Jun!"

Yukiomaru's denial gave way to his realization that the one he feared was really here with the one he loved. He sprinted after the wet trail that Jun's soaked fur left behind until he came across the marten standing amongst the trees with a tall, furless alien.

The fox halted the moment he saw his former enemy. Jun had only appeared to be talking with the alien, but Yukiomaru was still disturbed that this amphibian was here.

"Euno," grunted Yukiomaru. His heart started to beat faster at the stress caused by the sight of the alien but he slowly walked up next to Jun. The marten turned and met the fox with a friendly expression even though he knew that Yukiomaru was stressed by the alien. "What are you doing here?"

"Don't worry Yuki," Jun said with a gentle tone. "Euno wanted to see how you are doing."

"We are doing well off here without you," replied the arctic fox. His golden eyes glared at the emotionless alien. "We don't need you check on us, Creeper."

"My apologies, Yukiomaru, friend of Jun," said Euno. The only emotion he expressed was through a small apologetic gesture of his webbed paws. "I understand that you two do not need my supervision. My intent is that I may be of assistance to what you are experiencing and trying to deny."

"Your assistance is not wanted," the fox said firmly.

Euno remained silent while he stared emotionless at the arctic fox.

"Yuki," Jun said softly turning to him. "Euno wants to learn more about us and we can't deny him that. Ever since I first met him he had been curious about us. He wasn't always a Perfected Infection."

Yukiomaru looked at the marten, confused on why he was supporting the alien. The fox didn't want Euno to be in the Huli star system, let alone on Canidera next to him.

"You always saw the best in others," muttered Yukiomaru, resigning his resistance. "If you want to talk with Euno then he may stay with us."

"Thank you Yuki," Jun said with a smile widening across his muzzle.

"I will return but I wish to inform Tang Fa of my return to your beautiful planet," Euno said as emotionless as ever. "I appreciate your cooperation, Yukiomaru."

Euno turned and walked away from the marten and fox before disappearing behind the dense cluster of the cold-resistant trees.

"Let us return home, Jun," Yukiomaru suggested after Euno disappeared. He started to lead the way back toward a safe trail that ascended the mountainside.

"I was getting a little cold out here anyway," said Jun cheerfully. The marten followed the arctic fox back toward their home. "Euno will probably be back before sundown so we can do whatever you want until then."

"Let's eat when we're home," said the arctic fox. He disliked the idea of having Euno return at all but Yukiomaru accepted it. Jun was able to see the best in every one that he came across, even Euno who had threatened the marten's life. Yukiomaru had more difficulties forgiving him but if Jun could forgive the alien for what he did, then he could at least try to cooperate with that alien.

Ascending up the mountain, the marten and fox soon found the trees surrounding them to become less dense. At the altitude they were at, these trees could not grow as easily as they had near the hot spring.

Coming across the discrete entrance to their home, the two young creatures entered in the relative warmth of the earthen residence.

"I'm freezing," said Jun but with his usual light-hearted tone of voice. Yukiomaru turned back to look at Jun; he may be tolerant to the frigid temperatures that few can withstand but Jun certainly had more trouble resisting the cold. However, the marten only smiled back at his worried expression. "I'm going to go take a hot shower."

The arctic fox could not help but to smile as the sound of a hot shower was appealing. Their fur has been damp since they stepped out of the hot spring, and their hike up the mountain in frigid air had only caused for them to feel colder.

"That's a good idea," Yukiomaru agreed with a friendly smile.

Jun walked pass Yukiomaru, who followed, and headed into their bathroom. The marten stepped behind the overlapping shower walls and into the open shower. With the activation of a control panel, the ceiling of the shower started to rain heavily with hot and clean water; more like a thick rain storm than the weak spray of a shower nozzle.

Jun ran his paws through his fur to thoroughly rinse it out but the arctic fox sat on a small bench in the corner of the shower. With the hot water still raining on them, Yukiomaru only stared at Jun before he closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. His mind also relaxed now that they were in the safety of their home but that also allowed for the arctic fox to remember that his former enemy was returning to visit their home later that day.

Euno, the alien that first met Yukiomaru in the bio dome of the fortress Sanctuary and first caused Yukiomaru to stress about how fragile the war was. The fox was furious that a Creeper such as him had infiltrated so far behind the front lines of the war but he dared not attack the Creeper in that bio dome.

Yukiomaru had thought that Euno was trying to toy with his mind when they had fought across the stars. It angered him all the more when Euno proved to be a more difficult foe than even Kazamde was. That aquatic alien had defeated Yukiomaru three times no matter how the fox adapted his fighting style.

The alien eventually led Yukiomaru to another planet where the Creeper leaders were staging the assaults. For days Yukiomaru vigorously trained and when he landed on that planet, he had to slowly find and destroy the leaders but they had been waiting for him. Yukiomaru was able to fight against the three that had ambushed him but he could not last very long; that was until Jun and his crew showed up on the surface and helped turn the tide of the battle.

Euno targeted Jun and managed to catch him, placing the fragile marten at the mercy of the powerful alien. He remembered feeling the helplessness as he begged for Euno to not hurt Jun, but Euno was cynical and denied his pleas. When Euno ripped off Jun's helmet, for that instant Yukiomaru feared the worst. He remembered vividly how he felt a painful spike of adrenaline flood his heart and he had nearly attacked Euno right then and there. He had not harmed Jun though, but only allowed for Yukiomaru to see the fear in Jun's eyes.

Fear but no anger. The soaked arctic fox looked back up at Jun who was now lathering a light shampoo in his fur for a quick rinse. The marten was facing the other way so Yukiomaru could only see his back and tail but he could sense that the marten was smiling despite the fact that the alien that threatened him was returning.

How could Jun hold no resentment against Euno when he was threatening to take his life? He never felt any anger towards anyone, and had even gone as far as to invite the one alien he should be angry at into their home.

Yukiomaru watched Jun rinse his fur once again before he sat down on his tail against the shower wall. He rested his head back against the wall and faced at the raining water but was forced to close his eyes. The marten did have a smile on his muzzle, and allowed himself to think on his thoughts peacefully.

Could Jun even feel discontent? Yukiomaru had never seen him in a bad mood. Even after his parents died, he was saddened but he never showed hatred toward the Creepers or anyone else.

Jun was completely pure of heart. He saw the best intentions in everyone, even those that he fought against. Any dire situation, he always saw the positive side of it rather than dwell on the negative side.

Jun's pure and forgiving nature is what made Yukiomaru's innocent side be revived when they had first met. That is what he loved so much about the marten.

Staring at the content pine marten, Yukiomaru couldn't help but to smile. Even his worry about having Euno visit was seen as nothing but the pure intentions of Jun.

"That marten..." whispered Yukiomaru. His smile only widened. The arctic fox stood from the bench and stepped lightly toward Jun before kneeling next to his side. With Jun half-way lying down and leaning against the shower wall, Yukiomaru folded his legs so that he kneeled-sat perpendicular to the marten.

Having heard his approach, Jun opened his eyes and turned to gaze at Yukiomaru with those ice blue eyes. His friendly smile never wavered. The arctic fox brought his paw up to brush lightly against the marten's cheek and he started to caress the soft fur.

Yukiomaru knew that Jun saw something in him. Whatever it was, he promised that he'd work harder to bring it out, no longer to be masked by his military training, his infected blood or by his nightmares.

Moving closer, the arctic fox gave Jun an affectionate lick on his muzzle. Jun's smile widened showing that he appreciated Yukiomaru's actions. Jun's tail flickered a bit as he was sitting on the base of it but his tail extended out to the side forcing Yukiomaru to kneel on either side of it.

Yukiomaru moved closer until his kneels were pressed against the side of Jun's hips. The arctic fox leaned toward the marten and gave him a soft and affectionate lick just above his lip, just before he buried his nose into Jun's neck fur and nuzzled him. Leaning over the marten, the fox wrapped his arms around Jun's torso and hugged him with a gentle squeeze.

This pure creature has given Yukiomaru a life that he never even knew possible. He had not even known that he had wanted such a peaceful and loving life but Jun had shown him what that was like. Yukiomaru loved Jun for that, and he wanted nothing more than to be with him and to show his love and appreciation for the marten.

Jun was leaning against the slippery shower wall but when the fox hugged him and placed his weight on the marten, he slid sideways to the ground. Yukiomaru did not dare release the soft marten so his body was stretched across the top of Jun. His hips were resting on Jun's soft lower belly while he remained nuzzled in his soft neck fur.

Appreciating the affection that Yukiomaru so rarely expressed, Jun wrapped his arms around the arctic fox. With one arm holding him gently across his back, the marten brought a paw up to gently run his claws through the fox's fur behind one of his ears.

Sliding back so that he could rest more on his side, Jun lied down against the shower wall. Pulling Yukiomaru with him, they both had readjusted so that the fox was halfway lying on top of the marten and halfway on the floor, with his legs intertwining with Jun's.

Yukiomaru rested against Jun's body and never released him from his hug. The fox did pull back his head a bit so that he could look into the marten's eyes. Still hugging tightly, their chests and hips were still pressing tight against each other. Even their legs were intertwined comfortingly for the both of them.

The ice blue eyes of the marten reflected the pure innocence of him, the very nature of Jun and what Yukiomaru loved so much about him. The fox loved staring at those large eyes and he saw the soul of Jun that was powerful and rich like a bright flame. It was something that Yukiomaru had been void of during his nightmares, and it was the true sign that he knew this was where he belonged.

No words were exchanged. The arctic fox lightly licked Jun across the nose before tightening his hug and resting his jaw on the marten's neck again. Half lying on his side, and half lying on the marten, Yukiomaru had no intention from moving from that position.

Jun's grip held firm but one paw continued to wander around, petting and scratching the fox's fur gently in comforting spots. The marten had learned where Yukiomaru loved being pet most and he often visited those spots with those long and thin claws, especially behind the fox's ears.

Each movement and adjustment the other made could be felt clearly by the other. The slight changes of them releasing and gripping each other, or the flicker of a tail would be felt through their bodies.

Occasionally they would exchange gentle licks but they had lost track of time. Eventually the rain of the shower started to lighten signaling that they were almost out of their water reserve. It'd take a couple hours for that water to be recycled, not fast enough to keep the shower continuously flowing.

They both took notice in the shower ending so Yukiomaru pushed himself to his paws and knees over Jun; their fur separating except for the fox's tail that fell lightly down on Jun's lower body. Looking down at the marten he could see the content expression he wore when returning his gaze at Yukiomaru. The fox leaned down to hug the marten one more time before he pushed himself up to his hindpaws and stepped back.

Jun pushed himself to sit up and supported himself up by resting back on his paws. The marten looked up at the soaked Yukiomaru, who was staring back down at the marten with a gentle smile.

The fox took a small step close next to Jun before leaning down and licking him just above the right eye and petting back one of his ears. With one final expression of affection, Yukiomaru turned away from Jun and walked out of the shower.

Adjacent to the shower was a small cylinder stall that the fox stepped into, and with the activation of a single switch, warm air started rushing around him. The air current was strong enough that it pushed through his fur and carried his tail, quickly turning all remaining water into vapor before being sucked out through a vent at the bottom.

Before thirty seconds passed, the fox's thick fur was dry. Yukiomaru stepped out of the full-body drier just as Jun had stepped out of the shower.

"I'm all dry," Yukiomaru said smiling happily at the marten. "Now it's your turn."

"I'll be out soon," replied Jun, still with a happy expression. "You should get dressed. We'll eat in a few minutes if you're hungry."

Jun always appeared happy and optimistic but when Yukiomaru had hugged him, the fox noticed the difference in the marten's mood. Not only had the fox felt the change in Jun's composure but he could also sense Jun's already enlightened mood grow more content. The slight sliver of worry that Jun had when he looked at Yukiomaru wasn't there now when the marten was smiling at the fox before stepping into the full-body drier.

Sounds of strong winds echoed from the drier as Jun stood and allowed the air to dry his fur. Yukiomaru stepped out into their bedroom where he retrieved some of apparel items. Dressing light, the fox only wore a single linen article across his waist and a long jacket over his shoulders.

After Jun had finished drying off his fur, he dressed in a similar fashion. The fox and marten prepared some food from their garden and shared a small meal.

They knew Euno would be returning before the day would end, but he never did give them a specific time. Not that either Yukiomaru or Jun minded since they enjoyed spending time together in the warmth and coziness of their home.

Jun was leaning back against the arm of the sofa while he lied across the length of it with his hindpaws near the other arm of the chair. In his paws he held his PawPad and was watching a report about how their race was recovering from the war.

Next to the window, Yukiomaru wasn't listening to the report though. He stared out the large window and over the valley below and the mountains in the distance. Their living quarters being directly adjacent to their room, Yukiomaru had almost the same view as he did when he stared out his bedroom window.

All the worries that Yukiomaru had been washed away in the hot spring waters. Even the stress that Euno's appearance had caused had quickly faded. Staring out over the landscape, the fox no longer felt concerned for his home. The hope that he was truly starting to regain control over his mind started to lift his spirits. Any lingering stress about Euno's visit paled in comparison to the fact that the marten he loves is no more than two meters away from him at that moment.

Yukiomaru turned to look at the marten that was still watching the report on his PawPad. The marten still expressed his seemingly permanent smile, even if he was just watching a generic report.

"What're you watching?" asked the arctic fox still staring the marten.

When Jun took his eyes off his PawPad and looked up at Yukiomaru, his smile deepened. "Random reports of what's happening across the galaxy."

"All good news, I hope," remarked the fox. He walked over and sat on the opposite end of the couch. With the marten lying across it, it had left little room for him to sit anyway.

"Yes, it is all good news," answered the marten, his attention now focused on the fox. "The galaxy is recovering exceptionally. What we've learned, and those that we lost, have gave us the knowledge to secure peace for ourselves."

"I hope it'll last this time," Yukiomaru said. The Banished Wars had plagued their past, and the war with the Creepers was the most devastating war that they had ever fought. Hopefully with peace established with their old enemies, the Velmarians, and their new enemies, the Creepers, no war would plague their future.

Without much to do while they waited for their guest to arrive, Jun and Yukiomaru started to crave a warm drink. After quick preparation, they both sat at their table and lightly lapped at the warm and sweet drink.

"We should go visit your sister sometime," Yukiomaru muttered suddenly while his gaze stared out the window.

"You want to visit her?" asked Jun, somewhat surprised. He looked over at Yukiomaru with shock momentarily disrupting his usual smile.

Ever since they had returned home, Yukiomaru has been trying to isolate himself from everything that had reminded him of the war. Never had he expressed any desire to return to visit anyone else before, until now.

"Yes," answered Yukiomaru cheerfully. He took another couple laps of his drink and gazed out the window while he tried to pretend not to notice Jun's stare. He knew that the marten was feeling happy for him, in which Yukiomaru was finally letting go of everything that haunted him.

Before Jun could say something else, Yukiomaru a similar sensation of adrenaline running through his veins. His ears perked up, and he turned his gaze down through the floor where it met the large window. It was a sensation he had rarely felt, and only when another Perfected Infection was nearby.

"Euno's here," he muttered, his tone dropping to be serious.

"Are you sure you won't mind Euno being here?" Jun asked with a worried tone.

Yukiomaru turned his gaze and looked at the marten's ice blue eyes. With Jun there, he did not feel any anxiety about the visit. With a smile, he responded, "No. I do not mind. You're here with me."

Jun replied with a smile. "I'll go let him in then."

The marten stood from the table and off toward the entrance of their home, which was one level below them. Yukiomaru took another lap of his drink before returning his gaze to stare out the window.

He tried to ignore the sounds of Euno entering his home, his sanctuary but it was more difficult to ignore the scent that he had noticed to be unique to the alien. No more than a minute had passed before Jun had returned, with the tall alien in tow.

"Euno," Yukiomaru said, turning his attention on the alien. He did his best not to appear hostile to his former enemy but he could not bring himself to show any courteous behavior toward the alien.

"Yukiomaru," Euno replied, with a more optimistic tone. Even though the alien didn't really show much emotion to begin with. The alien stopped a meter away from the table that the fox sat at. "Thank you for having me over to your home."

"Strange concept for you?" asked Yukiomaru staring at the alien.

Jun didn't get involved and instead sat down next to the fox.

"Yes, actually," Euno replied. Those dark eyes stared at the fox but Yukiomaru was forced to admit he didn't see any hostility in them. "It is one of many concepts that I am growing used to while I'm growing the worlds that were ravaged."

Yukiomaru normally would have defended his decisions that led to the burning of those worlds, but he knew that had little value now. He was never pleased with the destruction of them, but it was necessary during the war. Euno's work was actually helping the galaxy recover from the war and Yukiomaru admired that.

"How are those planets recovering?" he asked instead. "There's no infectious Creepers on them, correct?"

"No, there is not," Euno answered with his same stale attitude. "I would not risk their progress by posing risk to any of the civilizations that had burned them. They are being grown with plant samples I've gathered across the previous planets. Many are taking root on the planets, some require a few more specific seeding."

"It's a start," Jun interceded. "Please have a seat, Euno."

The alien stepped forward, causing a reaction in Yukiomaru. When the alien moved to sit down, the fox stood up and took a step back. "Why are you here Euno?"

"I have been curious in you, Yukiomaru, for a long time now," answered Euno. He slowly took a seat, and kept his gaze on the fox.

"Why?" asked Yukiomaru directly. He could feel that the Euno's presence was starting to affect him.

"Jun told me to stay away from the subject," Euno answered.

"Tell me," demanded Yukiomaru. He still stood rigid a step back from the table. Jun didn't respond, and only watched the two of them. He must have been observing and waiting to see where the conversation was going to go.

"Why didn't the blessing affect you as it had everyone else?" Euno questioned.

Yukiomaru stared at the alien. He knew why Jun had told him not to bring it up because it involved the nightmares that Yukiomaru frequently had.

"My essence stayed with me," commented the fox, staring at the alien. "Through fractured shards, I remembered what I valued most. My friendship with Jun." Yukiomaru pointed at the marten. "Those shards were my proof that your hallucination were not where I belonged. No matter how hard the dream pushed, I would not admit that the hell I was in was my truth."

They all remained silent for a moment, while Euno thought on Yukiomaru's answer. "Instinct maybe?"

"Sounds like something stronger," Jun answered, this being the first he's heard being open about the dreams that the fox dreaded so much.

"Did you agree with how they were destroying themselves, the planet and everything that lived on it?" questioned Euno.

"Of course not," Yukiomaru responded immediately. "I wanted to stop them. You Creepers choose to stop civilizations like that by force. I knew there was another way, and that was because we have been working towards that for centuries here on Canidra."

Euno remained staring at the fox for a moment before he stood from the table. He turned and walked over to the large window that viewed over the valley and other distant mountain ranges.

Yukiomaru tracked him with his eyes, growing more cautious of Euno's actions.

"It seems that you have no perfected that technology," remarked Euno. "Tang Fa and the majority of your civilization lives in the valley over those mountains. Even walking among the foliage that had grown there again, it's hardly possible to tell that there is a population of thousands there."

"Our cities before have had technology that was making its way toward that end goal," Yukiomaru said. "Our technology was progressing toward the state it is at now."

"I still don't understand," Euno said, turning to Yukiomaru. "Regardless of how you were able to resist the blessing and defend your own, our peace will last throughout the galaxy. All because of you, Yukiomaru."

Euno took a step toward the arctic fox but he responded by taking a step back and turning to stand sideways from the alien. With another step, Euno extended a paw over Yukiomaru's head intending to pat him in a friendly matter.

Seeing the webbed furless paw approaching him caused Yukiomaru's fur to immediately stand on end. Reflexively he smacked the paw away form himself and it took every ounce of control that he had not to counterattack the alien.

"Don't... you... touch me," growled Yukiomaru. Every fight that Euno and the fox had engaged in came rushing back to his memory. The anger and desperation that he felt when Euno threatened Jun returned, and it overwhelmed the fox. His paws started to shake and his fur still stood on end.

Euno stepped back sensing Yukiomaru's reaction, and he remained silent.

"Yuki," Jun said softly, slowly standing from his seat.

Yukiomaru turned to look at the marten, but he could not force himself to calm down. Briskly, the fox walked around the table, giving Euno a wide berth, and walked into Jun and his own bedroom. Pacing back and forth, Yukiomaru tried to keep his mind blank.

Euno and his race had destroyed their home planet though, Euno threatened everything Yukiomaru cared about and now that very alien was in his home. Even he insulted the fox by asking why did he fight for his own planet.

"Yuki," Jun's voice said again. The marten had entered the room, and looked more worried than Yukiomaru had seen him ever since the end of the war.

"I'm sorry Jun," Yukiomaru said, letting his fur fall back into place. "I tried."

"I know, Yuki," said Jun. He approached the fox and hugged him with little resistance from Yukiomaru.

"I just need time," Yukiomaru said, returning the hug lightly. "I need time."

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