The Marten and The Hare
#1 of the marten and the hare an arctic hare is dominated by his marten girlfriend # the marten and the hare ## s.m. wolf * * * _aurora, henry and this story are copyrighted 2012 by s.m. wolf.
Pining for Marten
"gonna cum," she grunted through her white teeth, and she squeezed down on the lanky marten's neck so tightly that, for a split-second, the marten thought she was going to strangle him.
Lapine Equations
"m-marten, i-i'm gonna....." he meeps and his inner walls clench down tight upon marten's two fingers and he shot thick, creamy ropes of cum within marten's maw. it wasn't as much as marten's but it did last for about a good 30 seconds.
Hurricane Martes: summer breeze
martes, a pine marten whose emotions change the weather around him, is often in turmoil, yet, he can have a nice summer vacation day, can't he. ### hurricane martes: summer breeze ##### by 3-000 "boo!"
First time at the glory hole
The big dragon kept hold on marten's snout, keeping him steady as he pushed his dick deeper. marten relaxed, letting it slide to the back of his throat. what a great time to lack a gag reflex.
No promises," said the marten, wryly.
Adjustments that washed over her, changing her more than just visibly; she was a marten girl, nall was a marten boy, and the pair of them were still very similar.
Eddy's Rough Night
The wolverine admired the view he had as the marten's backside was positioned in front of him. he got on his knees behind the marten and slid eddy's boxers down his thighs, leaving them at his calves.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Six
That is what he loved so much about the marten. staring at the content pine marten, yukiomaru couldn't help but to smile. even his worry about having euno visit was seen as nothing but the pure intentions of jun. "that marten..." whispered yukiomaru.
Backup Plan
Slowly, the marten's eyes opened again, his breath returning to normal from ragged pants. gen's emerald eyes were dancing when the marten noticed them, drawing marin's attention in to see the grin turning up the corners of the jaguar's mouth.
Luckiest Strike
The marten hastened his pace.
Somthing to Defend
The tiger looked back at the pine marten and moved slowly towards him. he kneeled down and brushed a paw along the pine martens cheek. the pine marten recoiled and slapped the paw away from him. the tiger grinned. "now what was that for?