Interviewing a Nightfury Part 7

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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Here is part seven of my Story, where a interviewer from the readers point of view are interviewing my Nightfury.

Please read it over and leave a comment, telling how you like it along with a vote from the choices below, of what the next part should be about.

These are your choices:

  1. Ask him about himself.

  2. Ask him to see his lair.

  3. Ask him to get a closer look at the City and Encampment.

Note: The votes are taken from two sides, and therefor even if there are one vote on one thing here but two on another, that's what the next part will be about.

"Think I could perhaps get to see your territory? It sounds almost like a whole other world." I smile, getting a small nod from him as he rolls over onto his stomach, giving a small nod to his back for me to hop up. Before I did that though I first took my clothing back on and put my blanket back into the rucksack, not wanting to leave anything behind. Getting up and gripping tightly onto his scales where I could, he with a great leap and bask of his wings went right up into the sky, and once a high enough distance up he then leveled out and began to fly towards his territory.

Considering the speed we went at I wasn't surprised it didn't take more than a couple of minute, even less since I could see his mountain in the distance from where we were. Looking down I at first were a bit unsure about doing it, but it didn't take long before I weren't that afraid anymore. It was beautiful and it did look like a whole other place. The lakes we flew by where changing colors constantly as he flew around to show me they were like his markings, I could see a few crystals sprouting up from the ground here and there, and around them the place had become crystallized. It did look a bit weird when he took me to the places where everything were like crystals, but still moved like it normally should when normal, almost like something you would see in a dream or a painting, or a sculpture who would sculpt it. He took me down so I could feel it, and even though it were crystal, it still felt natural, the leafs soft and fragile, stones rough and hard, branches breakable and bendable like normal wood.

He took me to a town also, it was magnificent, it had different signs of culture in all the buildings, but it melted together nicely to make it look like something of it's own. Crystals were used to light up the streets, water running through small canals for people to use if they need it, and what weren't used for buildings or streets, were either filled with flowers, grass, trees and bushes, playgrounds for children to have fun, parks for people to just relax and do whatever, of course there were as he had said, places to fenced off for those wanting to have sex, and so it seemed a couple of the smaller parks were used for, there was certainly not a single inch of the city not being used in one way or another. The large plaza in the middle of the town, had a large statue with him in it, nothing really surprising since most cities everywhere would have a statue of the leader, not of the city which were mostly in front of the palace, castle or citadel housing them, but the leader of the lands. Outside of the city there were huge fields with all kinds of crops and vegetables, a couple of plantations a bit further out had fields with fruit of all sorts, and spread a bit all over where barns housing animals. So far he hadn't lied, it all were nice and the city were more or less self sufficient with what it needed of food and water.

Next he took me out to see a few places with ruins, some of which were guarded by monsters, others occupied by people who were either excavating or restoring them. Some of the more intact ones where just being maintained for people to come and look at them. On the floating islands there weren't much in the way of ruins anymore, mostly parts which looks like they could be part of some who are long gone or then hidden underground. Some of the larger flowing islands, had small villages on top of them, or small places where creatures lived, not really hostile ones, but they were looking at us though and ready to defend if we tried anything. From what I could see they were mostly used as breeding grounds and to take care of their young until they were ready to venture out into the world on their own.

He also took me to see one of the smaller military encampments, which while only being a small one, still were the size of some cities, making me wonder just how large the larger ones would be. It were heavily fortified, guards on the walls, artillery on small platforms sticking a bit out from the wall to make space for soldiers and some ammo for them. Open places in between the barracks for exercise and training, he explained a few houses held equipment to train their muscles and keep themselves in shape, and that they also had mages quarters who were mages trained specifically for combat, while those who were in the infirmary's were healing only. There were quite a bit of soldiers from what I could see as he flew around it, and from the encampment itself, that would be a place to be reckoned with on it's own, I wondered how many traps if any there might even be around it, as that wasn't uncommon to give a upper hand or keep intruders at bay for longer to reach the walls... If they would even be able to from the archers or the artillery that is.