White Night

Story by Kyell on SoFurry

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Jason yawned and stretched his lithe frame. He'd been in the library for five hours and didn't think he could open another book. He pulled his jacket on over his bare, white-furred chest, slung his backpack over one shoulder, and walked toward the front door, white tail bouncing behind him.

The evening air was cool and crisp, but that wasn't why he wore the jacket. Arctic fox fur was plenty warm even for the coolest nights in Hilltown. The jacket looked cool--black leather--and had lots of handy pockets for putting things in. Jason favored tight jeans, and when he tried to cram things in his pants pockets, they produced all kinds of unsightly bulges. There was only one bulge Jason wanted showing in his pants.

That bulge was warm as he reached the street, making him hesitate at the crosswalk. His dorm was to the east, in the quiet residential area, but there was a little bar, only half a mile in the other direction. He'd been meaning to check it out ever since he'd heard about it a couple weeks ago, but hadn't worked up the courage. Now was the time, his hormones were telling him. His brain finally conceded, not that it had much chance; the test wasn't 'til ten o'clock tomorrow, and would provide a convenient excuse for him to leave early if he needed one.

The bar was moderately busy, but there were several tables free. He picked one back in the corner, ordered a beer, and scanned the other patrons, who were mostly just turning around from looking at him. An interesting mix met his eyes: some hares, a few other foxes, a couple polar bears. A few of them were attractive, and a couple of them were trying to make eye contact with him. He glanced at them and then looked away, nervous, while he finished his search.

There was one table he couldn't quite see, in the opposite corner. He could see enough shadows to pick out the silhouette of the single occupant: large and well-muscled, from the look of him. Looking closer while trying not to stare, he noticed a long, bushy tail under the table.

As he sipped his first beer, his eyes kept searching the shadows in that table. Most everyone else in the bar was ignoring him now, except for a desperate-looking hare who actually wandered up to his table. "You've got a great chest," he said without preamble. Jason turned to him to say "Thanks," but as he did, the corner of his eye caught motion: the bushy tail under the shadowed table had started twitching.

"You can see mine if you want," the hare went on. He was wearing a t-shirt that didn't promise anything spectacular underneath.

"I just came here for a beer," Jason lied. "Sorry."

"Oh." The hare wandered off, ears drooping, and as he did Jason saw the tail stop twitching. He finished his beer and signaled the waiter for another one, keeping an eye on the table. A green gleam flashed at him from the shadow, making him sure he was being watched in return. He scrounged in his pockets and found two singles--enough for his second beer--and a five. He held the five thoughtfully.

The waiter, a skinny hare wearing nothing but tight shorts, plunked his beer down on the table. Jason decided, what the hell, and handed him the five, heart pounding. "I'd like to buy the leopard at that table a glass of Blue Ice. Make sure he knows it's from me, and you can keep the change." The hare nodded and took the five, unimpressed. Jason watched him go to the bar, pour a glass, and take it over to the table. He perked his ears, but the noise level was too high for him to hear what was said. He smiled, sat back, and sipped his beer, deliberately not looking at the leopard, but aware of the feline eyes on him.

He was surprised. He'd given up on the leopard and almost finished his beer when a shadow fell across his table and an empty glass slid next to his beer. The smell of Blue Ice wafted up to his nose, followed by the subtler but more alluring smell of the snow leopard. Jason's amber eyes followed the table over to the jeans, sporting their own promising bulge, and then up a taut, white-furred stomach and muscular chest. The leopard was wearing a black vest, showing off his well-developed arms, and a silver chain around his neck. Looking up from the chain, Jason met a pair of blue-green eyes, mostly curious, but with an unmistakable underlying power that made his tail bristle for a moment.

It took him only a moment to regain his composure. He gestured to the seat beside him, and the leopard slid into it with fluid ease. They watched each other for a couple moments, and then the leopard gestured at the empty glass.

"What's in that?"

His voice was a low bass rumble. Jason's ears flicked. "Blue Ice. Traditional northern drink. Made from iceberry roots." He tilted his muzzle ever so slightly to one side. "You like?"

The tip of the leopard's tongue curled out ever so slightly, tracing a line around his lips. He glanced deliberately over Jason and then smiled. "So far."

Jason let his tail beat lazily against the chair, trying to hide his nervousness, and smiled back. He shifted his legs to accommodate the sudden swelling in his sheath. "It's an interesting taste."

The leopard purred softly. "You look like you would be full of interesting tastes."

Jason felt his smile widen. "I like to think so."

"My name's Trey," the leopard said abruptly, extending a paw. The other remained on the table near his empty glass.

"I'm Jason." Jason extended his own paw and leaned over to exchange scents. Trey's paw was firm and cool, with pink leathery pads like Jason's black ones, and similar long white fur surrounding them. He held Jason's paw while the fox drank in his scent. He could smell it clearly now, without the alcohol in the way, and it was rich and musky, holding hints of arousal as he was sure his own did. It told him that Trey was only a little older than he was, and there was no tension that would have signaled nasty intentions on the leopard's part--only the tension of anticipation, which made Jason's ears and tail twitch sympathetically.

Trey smiled as he leaned back, and tapped his empty glass with a claw. "So, Jason. Do you have a place near here?"

"Just the dorm." He inclined his head. "Down that way. Usually a hassle to bring visitors in."

"Mmm. Then I guess it's my place. If that's okay?"

Jason nodded. "Oh yes." He grinned; it was no use trying to seem nonchalant. His tail was nearly wagging. Trey's tail was lashing, too, betraying his excitement.

They walked out together under the eyes of the other patrons, who redoubled their efforts to find someone, both encouraged and made more desperate by the view of a successful match.

Trey lived about five blocks away. They exchanged some small talk on the way there, where Jason told Trey he was a new English graduate student at the college, and Trey told Jason he was a firefighter.

"You're putting me on! Good heavens, why haven't I seen you around before?"

"I just got transferred to this station last week. I don't have any family, so I moved to be closer to work." Trey flashed a toothy smile. "Took me a few days to figure out where the best places were."

Jason grinned back. "Oh, you haven't seen the best places yet. But you will." He was amazed at his own daring, but he felt like someone else entirely. He'd actually picked up this gorgeous creature at a bar.

Trey chuckled, stopping at a grimy door. The smells were thick and not all pleasant, but Jason tried not to wrinkle his nose.

"Sorry about the smell. I guess I got used to it." The leopard looked at the fox's longer muzzle. "Probably bothers you more, too. I promise it smells better inside."

Jason smiled and made a show of brushing his nose against the leopard's fur, inhaling. "I'm sure it does."

Trey wrapped an arm around him and laughed, and half-pushed him up the stairs inside.

The apartment was a small studio, decorated mostly with cardboard boxes. A sofa-bed in one corner was open, sheets rumpled across it. Trey looked uncertain for the first time that night. "I haven't really had a lot of time to set up."

Jason grinned, his tail brushing the floor. "You've got a bed, right? Then no problem." He glanced around the apartment and was just going to comment on the antique-style radiator under the window when the leopard's powerful blue-grey arms circled him from behind, pulling him back against the muscular chest and stomach. He shivered, then pressed back into the embrace, sliding his bushy white tail between the other's legs. Trey's arms held him tightly, and just above his tailbase, he could feel the snow leopard's warm arousal through his jeans. He grinned and rubbed his rump up and down against it, and was rewarded with a low purr that reverberated through his shoulders.

"You are an adorable fox," Trey said softly into his ear. One soft paw slid down his stomach, ruffling the soft white fur, and then continued over his jeans to cup his sheath through them. Jason closed his eyes and swished his tail back and forth at the light pressure of the pads through his jeans. He felt his sheath expand still further, becoming almost physically uncomfortable in the tight pants. Trey's warm paw curled around it, and then before Jason knew it, both snow leopard paws were tugging at the catch of his jeans, opening it. He gasped and slid his arms back to hold the snow leopard's thighs.

"Tsk, no underwear?" Trey chuckled softly as his paws pulled the top of Jason's jeans open. They slid down his hips, claws out now and just brushing the fox's skin through the fur on either side of his swollen sheath. "Naughty and adorable."

Jason whimpered softly. He could feel the chill of the air on his foxhood's tip as it hardened, sliding out of his sheath. "Too restraining," he murmured, trying not to squirm at the exquisite touch of those velvety paws.

"I can see why you wouldn't want to restrain this." Claws teased the base of his sac, making him gasp again, and then they moved up the length of his sheath, slowly and sensually. The touch on his sheath was delightful enough, but when the claws moved to his bare skin, it was almost more than Jason could bear. He pressed back against the snow leopard's groin, feeling the warmth of his sheath even through the jeans.

Trey responded with a stronger purr, slipping his paw slowly around Jason's exposed foxhood and grasping it. With his other paw, he worked around the fox's jeans and moved them slowly down his legs, caressing the soft white fur as he did so. Jason's tail swished back and forth against the leopard's chest, brushing his muzzle when he knelt to push the jeans past Jason's knees. He kept his warm paw on the fox's stiffness, taking his time with the process, until Jason's feet were almost stamping impatiently to get the jeans off.

Finally, his second foot wriggled through the fabric. Trey tossed the jeans to one side and abandoned the erect foxhood to draw his paws slowly up both legs as he stood. The fox gasped in pleasure as the gentle claws left tracks in his white fur, ending at his groin, where one returned to his length while the other cupped and rolled his sac. He pressed back again, feeling the snow leopard's sheath larger than before, and they stayed like that for what seemed to Jason like hours. He rubbed his paws up and down Trey's legs and closed his eyes, savoring each touch of the snow leopard's warm paws on his soft white fur, until he was gently propelled toward the bed.

He smiled as his legs touched the bed frame. Trey nuzzled his ear and said, "Now, can I have a look at what my paws have been doing?" Jason turned, slowly, curling his tail across his groin and then slowly dropping it to expose his full, stiff erection. He watched Trey's smile broaden, and his purr deepen.

His own eyes wandered downward, and his paws followed. "My turn," he said. "That looks painful." The snap on Trey's jeans popped open easily with only a little help from Jason's paws, and Jason slid the snow leopard's underwear carefully down over his erection, murring softly as the thick cathood came into view. He dropped to his knees and took his time working the pants down the snow leopard's muscular legs, staying at eye level with the pink erection. He traced it with his eyes down to where it disappeared into a snowy white sheath, and following the sheath down to the soft white sac which hung temptingly below it. As he pulled the pants off of each white-furred foot, he let his nose just brush the sheath, drinking in the snow leopard's rich musk.

Jason smiled up at the naked snow leopard and put one paw on each side of his hips. He meant to stand up, but couldn't look away from the long, pink length bobbing in front of him. He sighed, then slowly drew his tongue up the warm sheath and kept going until he reached the musky tip of the warm shaft. Trey's hips shivered in his paws as he closed his lips over it, letting the taste and scent fill his nostrils and muzzle. His tongue curled around the tip, and then he slowly lifted his muzzle free and smiled up at the feline.

Trey smiled back and rested a paw between his ears, ruffling the fur gently. Jason's tail swished slowly back and forth as he brushed the snow leopard's shaft with his nose and then drew his tongue slowly up it again, exploring every delicious inch of the pink hardness as it pressed back against his soft tongue. On the third lick, he tasted more pre, and lapped at the tip greedily.

Trey's tail twitched, and the snow leopard giggled and moaned at the fox's tongue. Determined not to let any more get away, Jason slid his muzzle over the engorged shaft. It fit nicely, warm and full, and he took it all down to the sheath, holding it for a moment. Trey's purrs grew louder, and his paw more insistent between Jason's ears. Jason brought one paw up to cradle the sac that hung just below his muzzle, feeling the weight and roundness of it, then gripped the base of the thick shaft and slid his muzzle back, slowly, teasing with his tongue as he went.

"Very naughty," Trey murmured. "But quite good, at the same time." His tail lashed happily.

Jason took the long shaft into his muzzle again, letting his tongue play over it, taking in the shape and taste of it. He pulled back and then let it fill his muzzle, holding it steady with a white paw. His ears swiveled, taking in Trey's purrs as he worked the stiff cathood. While his body lost itself in the sensations, his mind wandered, comparing the beautiful snow leopard to others he'd known. There weren't many with his muscle tone and soft fur, and Jason found the blue-grey spots particularly beautiful. He had a nice, gentle manner, and a good sense of humor, it seemed. And then, of course, he couldn't forget the nice, stiff part that his foxy muzzle was currently sliding happily up and down on. That was very nicely sized--not the biggest he'd ever seen, but it fit very well into his paw and muzzle and it tasted quite good. He found himself thinking that it would also fit very well under his tail.

He'd lost track of time when Trey took his head gently and stopped him. He realized the snow leopard was panting and smiling. "Let me...sit down." He chuckled and moved carefully with the snow leopard, who helped turn him around on the ground, keeping his muzzle in place the whole time.

Trey sat down on the bed and pulled the fox between his knees. Jason grinned, leaning comfortably on one muscular thigh as he resumed his suckling, this time moving his paw up and down as well. The thick shaft trembled in his paw, and Trey's purrs seemed much louder than before. They were getting rougher, too, and interspersed with soft moans. The snow leopard's large padded paw had moved to the back of his head, helping him move up and down, claws flexing in and out as he did.

Jason could smell the musk and taste it in his muzzle, noticeably stronger now than when he'd started. Patiently, enjoying every bit of the experience, he stroked the long cathood with his paw and caressed it with his muzzle, tongue curling around and pressing against it with every warm stroke. Trey shivered, panting harder above him, and Jason wondered as he felt the warm breath on his ear if the snow leopard would finish in his muzzle or wait for some other location. Or, maybe, both. Certainly the paw on his head made no move to stop him, so he bent eagerly to the warm stiffness in his muzzle, stroking it with his paw and tongue in a quick, firm, up and down rhythm. The snow leopard's sheath and Jason's paw grew wetter with saliva as he worked, listening to Trey's purrs become halting and urgent. He could taste the other's arousal and need, and his own length trembled stiffly in sympathy.

A shudder ran through the snow leopard. His paw tensed, claws pricking at Jason's skin, and Jason was ready when the feline length spasmed against his tongue, and his muzzle filled with warm, musky fluid. He held the cathood as Trey leaned over him, the snow leopard's other paw holding his shoulder, and swallowed as fast as he could.

"Ohhhhh!!" Trey moaned, body tense against Jason. The fox felt the rush of warmth into his muzzle slow, and finally halt. Slowly, the tension drained out of the arms and legs he was pressed against. Keeping his muzzle warm around Trey's erection, he glanced upward to see the snow leopard looking down and smiling.

"Well...that was wonderful, fox," he said, still panting slightly. He leaned down further and kissed Jason gently between the ears. His panting slowed. "I'll have to see what I can do to return the favor."

Jason smiled. He circled the base of the snow leopard's still-hard cock with his paw and slowly slid his muzzle off it, flicking his tongue at the tip and grinning as Trey shivered. He kept his paw there and stood up, bringing his erection up to the same level. He touched his nose to Trey's. "You don't have to offer twice."

"Mmm." Trey's soft paws had slid down his sides, and now returned to his sac and foxhood, which was as hard as if they'd never left it. Jason closed his eyes and sighed happily as the soft-furred paw moved up to his tip. It rubbed around there for a moment and Jason could feel the coolness as Trey spread his pre around. "Looks like you need to be cleaned."

Before he could respond, the snow leopard's muzzle was replacing the paw, a soft tongue washing warmly up his cock and eliciting a happy moan from him. Trey slid his muzzle down over the foxhood and washed it thoroughly with his tongue, so that Jason couldn't help but squirm.

The muzzle slid off, leaving his damp foxhood chilly in the cool air, and when Jason opened his eyes, Trey was looking up at him. "Seems that no matter how hard I clean, it just gets messier," he said softly, grinning. Jason grinned weakly back. "I think I have an idea. Hang on."

He gave Jason's cock a quick squeeze and then flipped over, lying flat on the bed and rummaging in a box on the floor on the other side. His tail was lifted, and Jason couldn't help but stare at the firm white rump underneath it. He reached out, half-wanting to stroke the tail, but stopped himself in time. They weren't that close that he could do it without permission. He let his paw trail down between the snow leopard's thighs, which brought a chuckle from the other side of the bed.

"Be patient now--ah, here it is." Trey rolled back over and sat up holding a small bottle of Slick. He smiled at the fox's surprised expression, deliberately misconstruing it. "I know you don't need it," he said softly, "but I do."

"You sure?" Jason watched as the snow leopard drew his knees up, exposing his rear.

Trey shook some Slick out onto one paw and held it between his legs, then met the fox's gaze. "Sure. Are you?"

"Oh, yes! I mean, it's just that I can't...if I've just come, I can't take someone inside. It just doesn't work. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Cats have good stamina. So have foxes. I've heard." He winked and slowly lowered his paw to his tailhole, rubbing in a slow circle, slickening it. Jason watched, licking his lips, his cock trembling and already dripping again. "So is it true?"

He tore his gaze from the waiting rump and looking back at the feline muzzle. "Huh?"

"About foxes. And their stamina."

Jason laughed a shuddering laugh. "I'm so turned on right now that I don't think I'll be breaking any time records this time."

"That's okay. We have all night." Trey reached forward with the slick paw and grabbed Jason by the foxhood, rubbing Slick all over it and pulling the fox forward. "C'mere, fox."

Jason found his tip pressing against the tailhole, almost sliding inside already, and he whimpered. He could already feel the swelling of his knot. Mentally, he tried to steel himself to keep control, but as he pressed forward and felt the tight warmth press in on his cock, he gasped and his control fled. He slid in up to his knot, glanced down at Trey to make sure he was okay, saw the half-closed eyes and heard the purr, and slid back out and in again. "Ohh.. oooooh."

Trey's ears flicked at his moans, and his smile widened. He curled his feet behind Jason's back, holding the fox to him, and reached up as Jason leaned over. His clean paw brushed the fox's muzzle, and his purrs grew louder with each thrust. "You feel very good, fox," he said softly. "Let me feel all of it."

"All?" Jason's hips kept thrusting--he could hardly have stopped them now--as he nuzzled Trey's paw and looked down at the snow leopard's smiling muzzle. Most non-canids didn't like to be tied, especially by one-night stands.

"Mm-hmm. All of it. Get that foxy knot in there." Trey's feet pushed Jason insistently.

"Ohhhhh... kay..." Jason moaned again, too close anyway to care about anything else through the haze of pleasure. He thrust in up to his knot, then gently pressed harder. Trey's slick paw was helping, and the snow leopard was pushing and then all of a sudden Jason felt a lightning pulse of pleasure radiate outward from his groin, and he was locked inside Trey and his body was shuddering as he emptied himself into the snow leopard. His legs weakened and buckled, but he locked them in place to stay upright, moaning and yipping at the flood of sensation from his climax.

He dimly heard Trey's giggles, and then as his body slowly relaxed, heard them more clearly. He looked down; Trey laughed up at him and pulled him close.

"What?" He was panting, grinning himself, feeling like he was being laughed at but too warm and happy to be upset.

"I'm sorry. You just--your tongue was hanging out and those little high-pitched yips are so cute..."

Jason tried to feel offended, but found he still couldn't, so he settled for nipping the snow leopard's chest. "No fair! I wasn't looking at you when you came!"

"Yipe! I know, I know. I don't mean it meanly. It felt nice, and you still feel nice in there, and I'm just giggly after sex."

"Mmm. Well. I can't complain. That was delicious." Jason tentatively slid his arms around the snow leopard and rested his head against the soft chest fur.

"C'mon, that can't be too comfortable for you." Trey tried to pull him up onto the bed.

"Nah, 'sfine," Jason murmured.

"Silly. Come on, get up on the bed."

They managed it gingerly, and soon had Jason leaning back against the wall and Trey straddling him, nuzzling his ears, still tied together. Trey traced Jason's sheath gently with a claw. "How long does this last?"

"You've never had a canid before?"

"Never been outside my species before."

"You're kidding. I didn't know there were that many gay snow leopards in the city."

"Only two that I know of."

"Wow. So you don't do this a lot."

Trey shook his head. "You're my first bar pickup. I've heard stories from my friends, though." He grinned, showing teeth. "You're not going to run off now that you've had your way with me, are you?"

"I don't think I could." He shifted his hips and tugged gently, but his knot wasn't ready to come out just yet.

The snow leopard winced dramatically. "Oooh! Not without me, that's for sure." He smiled back at Jason's chuckle and tilted his muzzle, softening his voice. "Do you do this a lot? Pick up guys, I mean."

Jason slid his ears down. "Not as much as I'd like. Probably more than I should" He brushed Trey's chest with a paw.

The snow leopard nuzzled his ears. "I don't mind, you know."

Jason chuckled. "I don't know why I'm embarrassed. Only ten since I turned eighteen. None since I've been at school here."

"None? I'm the first?"

"Well, I always used to go with my friends. It's different on your own."

"I guess it would be. You don't have a steady, then?"

Jason shook his head. "You?"

"No." Trey sighed. "I sort of moved up here to get away from my last ex."

"Oh. What--"

Trey's muzzle brushed his ear. "Sh. Some other time."

"Okay." Jason smiled, letting his paws play with the warm sheath in front of him. The cathood had disappeared back into it, but it began to swell again and Trey purred softly. "So anyway, it's usually only about fifteen minutes."

Trey shifted his hips. "Feels a little looser." He grinned as the fox squirmed. "Still sensitive?"

"A bit." Jason smiled and drew his claws along the soft sac resting on his abdomen. He could feel his knot loosening, but it wasn't completely ready to slide out yet. He wasn't ready to slide it out, either. The warm snow leopard around him was nice and tight and felt too good. His fingers slid around the curve of the warm sac and up the sheath, playing with the pink tip he could now see. "Hm, looks like someone's ready for more action."

Trey glanced down, purring more. "Must be the inspiration of a certain cute fox."

Jason's white fingers circled the pink tip, pulling the sheath down and holding the cathood warmly. "Seems like a lot of inspiration for just a fox." He could feel the snow leopard's muscles tighten around his cock as he squeezed the cathood.

Trey kissed him between the ears. "He's a very inspirational fox."

Jason nuzzled up and smiled. As he arched his back, he felt his knot loosen and his foxhood slid out of Trey. "Mm, look at that," he said.

A warm paw reached down to hold his foxhood. "Trust me, I am."

Jason's tail beat lazily against the sheets, and he sighed happily, returning the gentle caress with his own paw. Trey moved slowly over to lie on his side next to the fox, keeping both paws firmly in place as he did. Jason turned to lean against him, and closed his eyes as they both played and teased and explored with their paws. Jason found himself playing his version of the mirror game, where he would note what Trey's paws were doing and mimic the action with his own. As the snow leopard's fingers slid delicately along Jason's sac and up his once-again hard length, the fox's paws almost of their own volition wandered down to the soft roundness between the cat's legs and then blazed a similar trail upwards.

After a little while, or perhaps a long while--it was a warm, wonderful, blissful haze--Trey's paw brushed for perhaps the third time against Jason's tailhole. It lingered there, pressing lightly and then rubbing, and Jason let out a soft sigh to let the snow leopard know the attention was appreciated. Trey nuzzled him gently and let his paw wander in that area a little more, drawing his claws through the soft white fur and along the rim of Jason's tailhole.

Jason let out a soft moan and didn't mirror the action this time, choosing to brush his paw along the tip of Trey's erection, now dripping slightly again. He reached down with his claws and brought them up the warm skin, feeling the snow leopard's body shiver slightly as he did. He smiled, then gasped at a clawless fingertip pressing into his tailhole. He opened his eyes and found Trey's blue-green eyes looking back playfully--and hungrily.

"You feel ready," the snow leopard purred.

Jason panted, for effect, a wide grin splitting his muzzle. He rolled onto his stomach and lifted his bushy white tail in a high arch, exposing his rear. He glanced sideways at Trey and wiggled his rump back and forth teasingly.

Trey watched him, his own long tail lashing against the bed, then smiled and reached over for the bottle of Slick. He grabbed it with one paw and then straddled Jason, his warm weight pressing the fox into the bed. Jason pressed his hips up against Trey's groin, and the snow leopard laughed. "Patience, you."

Jason chuckled, and then murred as he felt something cool applied to his tailhole, and then into it with a well-lubricated finger. His tail twitched, and he spread his legs a bit more.

The snow leopard took his time, making sure that first one, then two fingers could move in and out easily. He nuzzled Jason's tail as his fingers played and rubbed underneath it, and then took the bushy fur gently into his muzzle, biting just hard enough to hold it in place.

Panting harder now and rubbing his firm erection into the sheets, Jason whimpered in anticipation. He heard Trey's satisfied "Mmm" and then felt the fingers leave his tailhole. He tried to relax, but couldn't help swiveling his ears back to catch the sound of a paw applying some Slick to an eager cock.

"Give me your paw," Trey rumbled.

Jason obediently stretched one arm back, paw up. The Slick felt cool on his pads as Trey coated them with it. The snow leopard's paw guided his to his cock and closed his slick pads around it. "Just leave that there," he said, removing his paw, and Jason, who had started to stroke himself automatically, stopped with a small "Mm-hmm," though it was all he could do to keep his paw still.

Behind and above his ears, he heard Trey's slow inhalation. A finger brushed his tailhole again, and then...and then a different sort of pressure, larger, warmer, and more welcome. He felt the shifting of the snow leopard's weight on his hips as Trey leaned forward, lying on top of him and circling his chest with two strong arms. Jason had only a moment to reflect on the warmth and comfort those arms provided before Trey entered him, the long cathood sliding slowly and easily into his tailhole and driving all other thoughts momentarily from his mind.

"Ohh," he moaned, and right next to his ear he heard Trey echo his moan. The arms around him, the weight atop him, and especially the warm hardness filling him and his slick paw around his own hardness made his body shiver. The snow leopard squeezed him in response.

"You okay?"

Jason nodded. "Uh-huh. Oh, way more than okay."

Trey laughed and licked his ear. "Is that all? I think we can do better." He shifted his hips, pulling his length slowly out almost to the tip and then pressing it back in. Jason exhaled with a half-moan, half-whimper. The snow leopard moved again, in and out, and moved the fox's body slightly with his own, so that Jason's cock slid up and down in his paw with every thrust.

It usually took Jason much longer to come his second time in a night. This time, the slick tightness of his paw (which he couldn't help moving just a bit, to help out) and the smooth motion of the snow leopard's large cathood pressing in and out, gaining speed and urgency, were quickly overwhelming him. He tried to distance himself, to let the pleasure build in his body without letting his mind get caught up in it, but was only partially successful. Shivering again, he let out a soft moan to let Trey know how he was doing.

"I know," the snow leopard purred throatily into his ear. "Me too. You feel so good under me, Jason." His arms tightened, holding the fox to his chest, and his purring began to break up into a series of moans as his erection pressed even more quickly in and out.

Jason panted harder, his paw tight around his trembling foxhood. He liked to be tied, liked the warm full feeling that someone's knot gave him, but there was something sexy about the way non-canids could keep thrusting in and out all the way up to their climax. He moaned louder as the back and forth built up more quickly on both sides of his hips, and then felt that warm tingling build and grow, expanding from his cock up through his chest and bursting from his muzzle in a loud collage of moans and yelps a moment before his seed spurted out into his waiting paw, his whole body shuddering in delight. Dimly, he heard the snow leopard's deep moans of pleasure as his cock thrust hard into Jason, over and over, and his body tightened above the fox's.

As Jason finally relaxed, letting the warm afterglow take him again, he felt Trey slump atop him as well. "Oooh," the fox managed to say. He brought his free paw down to hold one of the snow leopard's on his chest.

"Yeah," Trey purred sleepily. "Mm. That was very good."

"For me too."

Trey nuzzled his ear gently. "And I can pull out whenever you want." He chuckled.

"You can stay a bit longer." Jason grinned. "I'm used to having big knots under my tail."

"Sorry I can't provide that."

"I'm not missing anything right now." In fact, he thought hazily, he felt he would like to curl up and sleep here with Trey, something he didn't often do with pickups. Usually, even if the sex was okay, or better than okay, they would've already done something to make him dread waking up next to them. With the snow leopard, he felt very at ease. He sighed, relieved that he wouldn't have to use the excuse to leave. What was it again?

"Oh. Crap."

Trey nuzzled him. "What?"

"I have a Shakespeare test tomorrow at ten."

There was no immediate response, but he felt some tension return to the snow leopard's body. A moment later, the cathood slid out from under his tail and Trey released his chest, sitting up astride him. "Okay." He patted Jason's back just above the tail and then got up and off the bed.

Jason rolled over onto his side. "Trey..."

Trey tossed Jason's jeans and jacket onto the bed. "It's okay, I understand." His ears were back, though.

"Trey." He said it more insistently, and the snow leopard stopped to look at him. Jason thought he saw a trace of hurt in the blue-green eyes.

"I was just going to ask if...maybe you could set your alarm for nine?"

He watched the eyes lighten, watched the muzzle break into a smile, and then threw his arms open as the snow leopard gathered himself gracefully and pounced onto the bed, grabbing Jason and rolling onto his back with the fox gathered to his chest.

Jason laughed. "Wow. Two times and you still have the energy for that? I can barely keep my eyes open." He did, anyway, happy to see the laughter in the snow leopard's lovely eyes.

"I'm a firefighter. We have to have reserves of energy for when necessary."

Jason wriggled against the still slightly-firm cathood. "You sure know how to handle that high-pressure hose of yours."

Trey grinned. "You get to use that one exactly once. From now on, Mr. English Student Fox, you have to find better metaphors."

"Now on?"

The snow leopard got the guarded look on his muzzle again, but only for a moment. He relaxed and scritched his claws down Jason's back. "Yeah. Now on. I think I'd like to see you again."

"Mm. Good. Me too. You can meet me for lunch after my test tomorrow if you like."

"I do. Unless there's a fire."

Sleep was fast overtaking Jason. He smiled and rested his muzzle on the broad chest. "Then we'll just have to come back here and put it out." He yawned.

"I'd rather put it in." Trey giggled.

"That too."

"Okay, okay. Get your rest." He held Jason in his arms, and the fox held him back, and within moments, both were sound asleep.