Under the Savanna Sun

Story by Teapples on SoFurry

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Oh my word, I've written a story NOT ABOUT DRAGONS.

Go ahead, call the cops. I don't give a cluck.

This is short, and done for the benefit of Mr. Chris Cheetahs! It also marks the end of my month-long writer's block.


So there's like lions and incest and stuff. Yeah.

Toun awoke to the merciless dominion of heat, barely sated by the vastly insufficient veins of an umbrella thorn. Yet his disrupted nap came not from the Sun Lord upon his back; such a thing was an old friend to him now. A most alluring scent was responsible, the same scent that had been plaguing him since the moon turned black. A sleepy, annoyed yowl left his throat as a toothy yawn flooded his tongue with the taste of morning's prey, soothing his displeasure slightly and pulling from him a reflexive purr of prayer to Lord Hunt.

His limbs flew tautly away from him in a stretch, and that's when he felt the much softer warmth pressing into his back, a yielding layer of fur scratching into his own.

Owner of the confusing smell.

"Sister. What do you want?"

He felt her turn over, and an alabaster paw made its weight known on his shoulder. Here nose tickled his ear, and it came down reactively. Something new in her voice was unsettling, yet undeniably.. interesting? Toun was unsure just what had changed about his sister, but it was driving him mad.

"Toun!" Her voice turned such a simple thing as his name into song. "Why do you neglect me? Don't you want to play anymore?"

"I am tired from the hunt. Now, let me sleep!" It was a pathetic excuse, but all he could muster, still groggy from a nap interrupted. He closed his eyes tight, trying to ignore just how strange his sister had become.

"Lazy brother! You barely even have to hunt." Her paw's weight receded, and for a brief moment he thought he had won. Any sense of victory was lost when her weight slammed into him.

The urge to wrestle came upon him like a wave, and with little hesitation his claws found purchase on the dirt and he pushed angrily against his sister's weight. Only her weight disappeared as quickly as it made itself known, and he sent himself side long into the dirt again.

She was on him before he could even get up off his side, pinning him into the ground with the weight unfairly earned by a year of maturity. Afi's claws dug lightly into him, assuring their place on his golden hide.

"Slow, weak brother.." She began to lick him, as though he were an overgrown cub, but definitely not with the kind of pace he was accustomed to. He paid little mind to this at first, the fully stoked fire of a young male beating in his veins causing him to wriggle senselessly, futilely, under the clever grip of his white furred opponent.

He was not slow! Not weak! Afi's calm, amused growls accompanied his near frenzied tones of defiance, but her lithe frame seemed to press down upon him in all the right spots, keeping his revenge limited to that of sound. It was a relatively quick battle; midday heat quickly subdued any prolonged exertion, and Toun found himself a panting, dominated mess.

"Afi..!" The growl he planned came out a half-formed mewl in between hot breaths. She relaxed, as if nothing had happened, and Toun could feel her undisturbed breathing tickling his ear as she resumed her curious licking.

"As exuberant as ever.." Her tongue sounded as curiously in the air as on his fur. "You've been purposely avoiding me, Toun.. but you don't know why, do you?"

"How..?" A well timed lick to the snout cut him off. Pressure between his hind legs prevented further inquiry. The pattern rubbing purposefully between his legs revealed itself as a paw, and the rubbing itself began to reveal a most unfamiliar sensation. Some part of him rose from his fur, quickly assailed by the soft, warm pads of Afi's paw. He knew this organ, though until now it had been quite elusive in its appearance. Surprisingly, every touch sent pleasure scarcely imaginable coursing through his entire body, forcing him to tense up quite effectively into his sister's body.

"A..fi.. Rrrghh.." His head swam, and his voice coursed deep with an exasperated delight his ears had never known. Some instinct rose with the pleasure in his loins, a pressure in his member.. pressure that _needed_releasing. A pathetic groan escaped him as instinct overwhelmed, and for some indescribable moment all he could feel was sublime release, a stream of hot fluid erupting onto his belly in time with weakly bucking legs.

Toun went limp, shivering in the savanna sunlight, quite exasperated. Afi released him and began licking the mess off his fur, as if she knew he had lost all motivation to fight or escape. When finished, she licked her lips in purposely obvious satisfaction, and ran a paw down his cleaned belly fur.

"So, how do you feel now, brother?" Her voice was calm, bemused, but the agitation of her tail seemed out of place. Toun paid it little mind. "Not so disturbed by my presence?"

He scented the air. Her scent was still present, but somehow it seemed as though it had lost much of the quality that had made it absolutely maddening.

"Yes.. What did you.. do to me?" He floundered onto his side and extended a hind leg, sniffing at the traces of the curious mixture of scents she had coaxed from him.

"I showed you how to be a male brother. How to mate."

"That was mating? " Her mewling laughter delayed her response.

"A kind of mating. Not the real thing!" A moment passed, a tail thrash. "Would you like to try it?"

Toun slowly clambered to his feet, finding them unexpectedly shaky. His sister clearly had some reason for this.. but it had felt so good..

"Yes. What do I do?"

Afi turned tail toward him, yellow eyes piercing the white veil of fur to look back at him. "You've seen it before. Climb onto me."

He had seen this, he realized, among the adults, though until now it had concerned him little. The warmth of his sister greeted his underside as his smaller frame surmounted hers, growing slightly in intensity and vastly in comfort as he settled onto her back.

An expectant second passed. "What now, sister?"

A growl of annoyance tickled both their bodies. "Put your cock in me." His puzzled look flattened her ears. "This!" Her tail scraped his underside.

"Oh!" Without thinking he pressed his hips into her backside, its welcoming warmth stirring the elusive organ inside him once more out into the open. Toun started clumsily probing her fur with the unwieldy length of flesh, at first finding little of interest to him.

"How am I supposed t-" Unbelievable warmth suddenly enveloped the tip of his cock, and in a heartbeat everything made sense. His legs pulsed with all his strength, and the paralyzing heat of his sister completely enveloped him. Immediately his claws dug into the supple fur of her flanks, easily parting it and finding purchase in her flesh. Brother and sister yelped together in the intensity of their first coupling.

"To-ahh! Nnrr.. Not.. so h-hard.." The same fuzziness threatened to drown his thoughts, but this time he retained control, though the sheer sensation of his sister's vent presented no easy challenge. She felt her shiver and moan, more so than even he had. She wanted this as much as he did!

Bucking that felt strange on his back now served magnificent purpose as every one of his shallow, slow thrusts forced twice his reaction out of Afi's suddenly helpless body. Her claws dug into the sparse grass, head upturned and mouth opened in ecstasy as if intending to bite her lover. Toun found comfort in lightly gripping the nape of her neck with his own mouth, muffling his own truncated roars of pleasure in the process.

Another, more vital use of his grip soon made itself known when one of his more aggressive thrusts finally pushed her over the edge, sending her body into wild conniptions. Forced deep into her in order to hold onto her writhing frame, the sudden pressure of her sex around his proved too incredible to bear. The pressure inside him was immense this time, and he poured his seed into her with abandon, whimpering under the sheer sensation of each massive stream coaxed from him.

Climax refused to leave either sibling for some time, until they quivered and clutched at each other in a seamless mixture of golden and cloudy fur.

"Maybe you'll want to play with me now, brother.."