Alcrose - Chapter Nine

Story by Zynnis on SoFurry

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#9 of Alcrose

Ok, so went and wrote a bit of the dirty, so please excuse the horrible writing. I don't usually do both sides of that creative process so it's not the best it could have been, I'm honestly used to doing only half of it, so it was odd to me. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I really appreciate your time and thanks for reading!

As always, please rate, comment, watch, and fav if you like it. All comments really keep me motivated and I really love to read them!

Trip sat in front of his desk with a scowl. Line after line of messages, memos, and data flying on the screen in front of him, the soft blue light of the screen illuminating his white fur. He sighed as he pushed a single key on his keyboard, shutting the screen off as he leaned back in his large chair.

His large arms reached behind his head as he scratched behind an ear, his thoughts going back to the times before all of the new responsibilities, he wasn't ashamed of what he did, wasn't upset about what his job entailed, but he knew and remembered the times where he could spend a week doing what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. He took a second to look at his watch, shut his eyes for a short moment, and turned his screen back on, the data flowing once again at a quick, and seemingly never ending pace.

He chuckled as a short complaint form came across his screen, it seemed that the new pilot that had been assigned to Zynnis' detail. The form was simply forwarded to Zynnis' in-box, forever to be unopened, and deleted from Trip's screen. He hit another key on his keyboard and a voice came from the small speaker built into his screen.

"Yes Director, what can I do for you?"

Trip smiled as his virtual secretary's voice blessed his ears, it was the only voice that he could count on, the only one that he knew would do it's job perfectly, without questions, and without error, "Please send a request to Captain Karric Vilo. I need him to meet me here in my office now."

"Sent Director, is there anything else I can do for you"

"No, thank you. Terminate."

The voice cut out, and Trip slowly rose from his chair, his bare fur standing up as he growled low, the thoughts of all the stupid things that Zynnis had been doing lately creeping from the back of his mind to the front of it. He moved to the counter in the living area, pushing a button on the counter, and a tall glass appearing in a slot on the fridge. He didn't drink as much as Zynnis did, not even close, but from time to time, it was a nice change to the every day grind.

He returned to his desk, set his drink down, and reached for the black shirt that was hanging on the back of his chair. He stopped short, decided that he really didn't care about his appearance at the moment, so he sat, and took a long drink from the glass, sighing happily as he heard the door ding, and slide open as he pushed the open button. The lights turned on, and the blue furred husky walked through the door, his dress uniform almost perfect, the unzipped jacket the only part out of place. The husky saluted quickly, waiting for a response from the Director, which never came. Trip took another sip from his drink, and motioned for the pilot to sit, which he did quickly, waiting for the larger wolf to speak.

"I see that you filed a grievance, explain yourself."

The husky blinked twice, and then raised an eyebrow, "Sir?"

"My question was clear, explain." The wolf wasn't going to take the defensive on account of Zynnis, of course, everything that the Commander did was not at all acceptable, but he was the one in charge, and what he said, unfortunately, went.

"Sir, the commanding officer was unprofessional, abusive, and to be quite frank, drunk."

Trip sighed and took a very long drink, the glass now only filled with ice, "You do know who the commanding officer is correct? I know you are new here, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't know."

The husky shook his head, "No sir."

"He is the commander of the corporation you currently work for. He is God to you. He's your mother, your father, your everything. Without him, you have nothing."

"Sir, I understand, but the fact of the matter is..."

Trip cut the husky off quickly, "I don't care what you think period. How many vessels have you commanded before this one, not including short range fighters."

"Two sir."

"And how many of those were you still under orders from a superior?"

"Both sir."

"So what is the problem?" Trip put both his paws down on the desk, tapping his fingers against it.

"Sir, this pilot has already stated his problem, sir."

"I see." Trip chuckled lightly, "Now, I've been working with the commander for some time. I will agree that his methods are somewhat unorthodox, but to also be frank, he gets shit done."

The husky nodded, "Yes Sir."

"How long do you have left in your contract captain?" Trip had gotten up and walked back to the fridge, and was talking over his shoulder as he had another drink made.

"Two years, one-hundred and seventy three days, sir." The husky was as calm and collected as he had been back on board the transport, "Pending leave and injury time sir."

"Do you want to be on injury time Captain?" Trip had sat back down facing the husky, scowling.

"No sir, I do not."

"Then I would suggest that you keep yourself on the commander's good side." Trip chuckled again, "Otherwise you will end up on that injury leave, and quite painfully I would suppose."

The husky sighed quietly, Trip could tell he was looking for a way out, "So I assume that a transfer is out of the question sir? I was under the impression that this was a one time gig."

Trip laughed, "You should think twice before even asking for a transfer. I see you have requested some pretty heavy assignments," The wolf tapped a few keys on the keyboard, pulling up the husky's file, "Seems to me you want to be out on the lines, where, as you have said: "My skills will be most utilized."

"Yes sir, that statement is correct. I wish to improve them, and the only way I know to do that is to use them."

"Well then I suggest you get comfy, you're on the best assignment you're ever going to get. Not only will everything you know will be tested daily, as long as you can survive the onslaught of evil that the Commander will be throwing your way," The wolf could only smile, "I've been dealing with it for over fifteen years, you'll survive."

"Yes sir."

"Now, about your fur. The commander has made it quite clear that he wanted it changed, but simply because it is not that big of a deal, and providing that you can cover it adequately when needed, I don't see the need for such drastic measures." Trip knew that it would irritate Zynnis to no end to see the bright blue fur every time he got on his personal transport, "Now, is there anything else we need to address while you're sitting in front of me?"

"No sir. I think we're good to go sir." The husky nodded and stood, saluting one more time before turning to leave. He knew a dismissal when he heard one.

"Oh, and one more thing Captain," The husky turned and looked at the wolf, "Zip up your jacket before you go. Give that uniform the respect it deserves."

The husky took a moment to zip his jacket, saluted once more, and left the room, the lights dimming back to where they were as soon as the door shut. Trip sighed, took a long drink from his glass again, and continued to scan through the endless information running across his screen. He looked over to the clock on his desk and sighed heavily, not prepared for how late it had actually been. He rolled his eyes as he saw the door slide open, and a very drunken Zynnis walk in to the office.

"Hey there sexy."

The wolf couldn't help but laugh as Zynnis walked up to the desk, and leaned over it, touching noses with his very close friend, "You know, you're not at all attractive when you stumble in here drunk as hell."

Zynnis gave the wolf a toothy grin, and pulled a flask from his waist, uncapping it and drinking from it quickly, "You know, you're attractive no matter how much I've had to drink." He looked to the glass on the desk, "And I've see you're partaking as well."

"Not like you, what have you been up to? You smell." The wolf wrinkled his nose and took another drink from his glass, almost emptying it, "I hope you kept things business related, I don't need you ruining this for us, not before we have a signature. You boss, are the most unreliable person we have aboard this ship. I'm just saying."

Zynnis ignored the cute look the wolf had given him and sat himself on the desk to the side of the wolf, leaning back on his paws, "Well, while you're sitting there acting high and mighty, let us hear about how productive you've been today. I've got a good looking business contract in the works, and even had a few drinks with what we could easily say new partner."

"A few huh? That seems to be an understatement. I wonder how well Kinster did with keeping up with you, and for your information, I've done a hell of a whole lot." Trip placed a paw on Zynnis' knee, leaning back in the chair and motioning for Zynnis to hand him his flask, which he did after taking yet another long swig from it.

"You know, I think I did well. I think I deserve just as much credit for what is happening as you do. If I hadn't shot at the fool, we wouldn't have this opportunity. You've been up here all day, doing nothing. I've at least made a new friend."

Trip coughed up what little bit of the swig of Zynnis' concoction that he had left in his maw as he laughed, "You're an egotistical ass you know that?" He handed Zynnis his flask back, "But I'll let you know, that I've arranged several meetings, ones that you were supposed to set up, and handled a bit of issues with staffing. Things I wouldn't have to do if you could control your temper and have a better attitude."

Zynnis smiled and leaned over to whisper in the wolf's ear, "That's why you're here. Dad always said I needed someone to control my temper for me, and when I couldn't, fix the shit I muck up."

"Well, he was right. I see more of him coming out day by day, and less of you. Minus the drinking. He didn't do that, but he was more tactful. He could also keep himself under control." Trip pushed Zynnis back, not enjoying the stench of booze, "And just so you know, I finalized quarter four's budget as well. I also had the chance to have a little bit of a chat with you're new pilot. He's been assigned to your unit until his contract ends, or he dies. Whichever comes first."

Zynnis growled, "And why the hell would you do that. What happened to Kanto, he wasn't up to all the bullshit Vilo is."

"You don't get to decide everything. Vilo is taking his leave for the next three years."

"Three fucking years!" Zynnis growled again, but was quieted as Trip patted his knee, "Fine."

Trip grabbed the flask from Zynnis' paws, "I've also got the contract taken care of as well. We are ready for tomorrow morning as soon as your drunk ass wakes up. How drunk was Kinster when you left him?"

"Oh, pretty tipsy, it'll his him in a few hours when he's done fucking whatever he finds on his way back to his room." Zynnis smiled, "I made sure he got the good stuff. In all honesty, I need sleep. I've had a lack of it since I've been back." The hybrid pushed at the wolf with his feet, smiling.

"No, no we are not."

Zynnis looked at the wolf, his head cocked, "What do you mean? I've not even said anything yet."

"You aren't lacking in sleep, we both know that. You've slept in every morning since you've been back, except for that first one." Trip pushed Zynnis' feet away from him, finishing his drink and standing up, moving behind the chair to the room behind, the door opening silently as the lights slowly hummed on as he walked in.

Zynnis smiled and hopped from the desk, following Trip in quickly, palming the door shut behind him, "Oh don't be like that sweetheart."

Trip glared at Zynnis as he sat on the bed, untying his boots and unfastening his belt, "Be like what? You have been anything but pleasant the last few days. I could even go to say miserable."

"I have not been miserable, I've been behaving myself the best I can. It isn't my fault you're wound up too tight.," The hybrid smiled as he rubbed behind one of the small horns on his head, "I've been thinking of the thousands of ways I could fix that, but lately, you've been too bitchy to even approach."

"Well, you do my job for a day, or rather, your job." The wolf was pulling his pants off slowly, catching Zynnis' eye, "It's stressful, and irritating, not to mention sixty hours a week. When you're not on assignment all you're doing is lazing about drinking and fucking anything that moves."

"I don't fuck just anything, you know that," Zynnis bent down and and unstrapped his boots, pulling them off one by one before unbuttoning his pants and walking over to the wolf, tugging at Trip's pants, sliding them off and uncovering the full, swelling sheath, "You know I only like the best of the best, and don't talk to me about being a whore, you've been through the same bullshit I have."

Trip rolled his eyes and glared up at Zynnis, "I want you to know that I don't approve of your attitude since you've been back, I'm just saying."

Zynnis smiled and got down on his knees, his hot breath covering Trip's thighs in warmth, "And I want you to know that your attitude as of late has been tolerable at best, but I plan to change that."

Trip glowered down at the hybrid as his pants were pulled off of him, "Change that how?"

Zynnis quickly answered the question with actions rather than words, his nose pushing up against the wolf's large balls, inhaling the wolf's scent happily, his tongue lapping at them slowly as he pushed the wolf back into the large bed and tugged the pants fully off. Zynnis licked up the large orbs and sheath, his maw slowly pushing over the now exposed tip of Trip's slick meat. Trip rewarded him with a loud moan and moved his paws around the hybrids horns.

Zynnis slowly sucked his wolf's length into his maw and let his paws wander over the hard, white furred chest, pinching a nipple softly, which was returned with yet another moan as the wolf bucked into his maw slowly. Trip let out a loud sigh as he start to pump in and out of the hybrids willing maw, moaning as his full length slipped from its sheath and was slipping in and out of Zynnis' throat.

Zynnis moved a hand down and slowly started to slide his pants from his body, his already erect cock dripping with precum. He pushed trip back onto the bed and slowly rubbed at the wolf's balls with a paw. He stopped and slowly climbed up on top of the larger wolf, kissing him gently and looking deeply in his eyes.

"You still wanting to say no pup?"

Trip kissed Zynnis back softly, "Would it matter if I did?"

"Not really," Zynnis slowly licked down the wolf's chest and kissed his belly before licking at the dripping meat between Trip's legs gently and then sucking back down his throat happily, receiving a loud moan and a hard thrust in return. The wolf was shooting spurt after spurt of pre down his throat in copious amounts.

Trip slowly pulled Zynnis off of his shaft and smiled at him slyly, "Now that you got this started, how about I take over," The larger wolf pulled the hybrid up gently, flipping over and licking at the large, leaking shaft in front of him. He let out a happy moan as he shoved his maw slowly over the dripping shaft.

Zynnis wasn't going to complain, instead, he grabbed the back of the wolf's head, and slowly started thrusting deep into the wolf's maw, growling lowly, "That's a good pup." He smiled and let the wolf do what he was exceedingly good at.

Trip ran his long tongue up and down Zynnis' rock hard shaft, moaning into it as he grabbed the hybrids rump rightly, the ridges and soft spines on the hard cock rubbing against the roof of the warm maw. The wolf growled over the cock, vibrating it and causing the Hybrid to moan loudly as he gripped the sheets tightly in his paws.

"Oh god pup," Zynnis arched his back as he started to thrust harder into his wolf's mouth, growling and moving his paws back to the top of the wolf's head, gripping it tight, "You have know idea how much I've missed this."

The wolf slowly pulled off of the shaft, smiling and looking at Zynnis, "Oh I know," The wolf slowly climbed up and straddled the hybrid, rubbing his hole against the dripping shaft slowly, "And I know how much you've missed this."

Zynnis smiled and growled lowly, his paws gripping the waist of the the wolf tightly as he resisted the urge to thrust harshly into the wolf, "I have, I really have." He licked his lips and slowly raised up to the wolf and kissed him gently, slowly pulling the wolf down onto his shaft, moaning even more into the maw of his wolf, who allowed himself to slide down until his rump was resting against Zynnis' thighs, the ridges and spines dragging against his insides, causing him to moan into Zynnis' maw in pleasure.

"You're lucky I missed you, and I'm not as mad at you as I should be," The wolf gasped as Zynnis interrupted the wolf with a hard, long thrust into the wolf, who could only push back into it, and push his paws against the chest of the dragon, his claws scratching down the hybrid's hard chest, being careful not to inflict more damage into the wounds on the hybrid's chest.

"I'm going to fix that," Zynnis growled and rolled the wolf over onto his back, lifting the wolf's legs slowly over his shoulders as he started to work himself in and out of the delicious, tight hole he was pumping himself in and out of, "I'm going to fix that right."

Trip moaned and squeezed his eyes shut tight, squeezing himself tight over the hybrid's meat, "I'm not too sure about that." The wolf squealed as Zynnis started to roughly work his hole over, the hybrid's paws gripping the wolf's sides tightly. This was his way of showing Trip that he loved him dearly, and there was nothing that would change that.

Zynnis started to pant heavily, his shaft growing slightly larger as he came closer and closer to climax, moaning as he started to slowly pump himself harder and faster into the wolf, his pre shooting deep inside the wolf, keeping the wolfs insides slick, "Oh god pup, you feel wonderful," Zynnis smiled as he slowly pulled out of the wolf before he could reach his orgasm, and laid on top of the wolf slowly, grinding his shaft into the wolf's and kissing him passionately, their tongues rubbing against one another.

"Then why did you stop?" The wolf pulled back from the kiss and looked at the hybrid on top of him, a paw going up to his head and rubbing behind his horns slowly, "I didn't tell you to."

"I know pup," The hybrid slowly moved himself from on top of the wolf, growling lightly as he got on his paws and knees, wagging his rump and winking back at the wolf, "But I want to feel you in me."

The wolf smiled and crawled up behind Zynnis, his larger body engulfing the hybrid as he pushed him down to the bed and slowly pushed his tip at the tight hole of the hybrid in front of him, his paws gripping the horns on Zynnis' head tightly, pulling his head up as he slowly pushed himself in, causing the hybrid to moan loudly and push back against the wolf, "Shit your tight," The wolf slowly pushed his large shaft deep into the hybrid, moaning as he pushed his thighs up against Zynnis' rump.

"I know," The hybrid clenched his teeth and growled as he pushed himself back against the wolf, moaning as he gripped the sheet, "Now breed me."

The wolf happily obliged, moaning as he yanked harder on the hybrid's horns, ramming his hard shaft deep into the wolf, his knot swelling and pushing up against Zynnis' hole, begging to be allowed in. He slowly moved his muzzle down and licked the back of the hybrid's neck before nibbling on it gently, moaning into the sweat covered fur loudly.

Trip started to roughly push himself up against Zynnis, training to push his swelling knot into the tight hole and growling as he failed again and again. He pulled out almost all of the way before slamming his cock back into the hole roughly, his knot finally breaching the sphincter and burying itself deep into his lover, a loud gasp emitting from the hybrids muzzle as Zynnis buried his face into the bed.

Zynnis' still dripping shaft exploded as he finally reached his climax, covering the bed under him as well as his fur in his thick, hot cum, "Oh fucking Christ pup," Zynnis bit down on the sheets and pushed back into the wolf, closing his eyes and laying his head against the bed, the wolf collapsing on top of him as what seemed to be a never ending supply of the wolfs cum shot deep inside of him.

Trip licked Zynnis' neck again, and then nibbled on his ear, "I love you."

"I love you too pup." Zynnis pushed himself up onto his side, causing Trip to move with him, his knot still stuck deep inside the hybrids rump, "Wake me up when you're ready to work again."

The wolf smiled and wrapped his arms around Zynnis happily, "I will, get some rest."