Auditions; The Fox

Story by GreyKobold on SoFurry

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A fox goes for a job interview!

...really, it's porn. It needs plot?

The couch, black leather, creaked under the slender weight of an arctic furred fox. His fur was well groomed and his ears tall, standing erect with a hint of nervousness spoken of by the way of the flicking tips. He was handsome, if one cared for a slender muzzle and angular features, and his eyes struck most as a rather nice shade of green. He wore a white button-up shirt, with a black tie with small silver stripes running down it, and pants that did very well to accentuate the nice shape of his hips. On that leather couch, his tail flopped once and tried to lay still, but didn't, as tails are wont to do.

"You found the place alright?" Across from him sat a handsome snow leopard, his fur spotted and white, and his smile genuine, giving him an air of being easy going. "What inspired you to reply to our advertisement?"

The fox's mouth went dry, and a nervous shiver played down his back, as much a habit as anything else. He gazed up onto the feline and dared a brighter smile - then shrugged a touch. His eyes were distant as he thought a reason. The fox was young, maybe twenty years at the oldest by most accounts.

"Well, I need money for one." He gave a nervous chuckle, and looked back up at the leopard who nodded, still smiling. "And, uh, it seems like a field always hiring. I mean, right now I'm going to college and really could use the extra cash, so, why not give it a shot, right?"

"Why not indeed?" The leopard replied, before he lifted up a questionnaire from the table beside him. His legs crossed, the silk of his own pants making a soft rustling against the soft fiber weave covering his own seat. "The work is by contract; you, if hired, will be paid between two hundred to four hundred a day, depending on the job. It includes health checkups, which are mandatory and cannot be waived. So tell me about your schooling?"

"I'm studying math, hoping to get into design and engineering. Not very hands on, but I really enjoy it." The black tips of his ears gave another little wiggle, he seeming to relax a little into the couch. The couch smelled faintly musky. He looked out at the window, a high-rise building had been sight for the interview, and provided an excellent view of the city and distant rolling mountains. "But, the scholarship doesn't pay everything. I could use the extra."

"Ah. I have a brother who does that." The leopard reached over for his cup of coffee, and swallowed. Straight, black, good coffee. "Alright. You filled out the questionnaire before hand, and I've had a chance to review it. You've marked a lot as 'maybe' but only a few as no. You seem open-minded. Are you experienced?"

"No. Not really." The todd fidgeted. "I mean, I know how, but, I've not really done a whole lot of it. That isn't a problem, is it?"

"Not at all. It means you've got no bad habits, and it means you are open to learning how to do the job right and well." The coffee was set down, and the leopard lifted a hand, gesturing to the Todd to stand up. "Come on. Stand, let me get a look at you. Nice suit, by the way. You are more over-dressed than most, but, it's professional. I like professional."

"Thank you, sir." The fox replied, while raising up and standing as though at attention. His hands folded behind him at the crook of his back and tail root - giving a formal lean to everything. The leopard gave a nod, and gestured the fox to turn to his side, then face away. He nodded once more. The fox was lean, but far from scrawny. The tail lifted and wagged twice over well muscled flanks.

"Were you military?" The leopard asked after a moment, while leaning forward, watching the fox move. He had a nice grace - not a dancer, but maybe some football in college, a running receiver or tight-end.

"Yes. I did four years over and discharged. Mostly in engineering. Hense, I'm studying to do that full time. I was army, sir. Engineering corps, uh, the Desert Foxes." The todd smiled a little. "Unit 186. Were you?"

"Navy. I was a cook." The leopard nodded again. "Alright. Now comes the fun part. If you want to stop at any time, you can. But, I want you to strip down for me. Naked, completely."

There was a moment of hesitation in the left hand of the fox, and then it rose up, undoing the tie around his neck, and slowly pulling it from the collar. He unbuttoned at his shirt, and slowly peeled it open, a nervous tremble running once more through his fingers before easing down just a little further. The leopard smiled. Nervous. It was a good sign. Even better sign, he was obedient.

"Leave the tie on. It's cute on you."

The shirt was pulled off and lain onto the arm of the leather couch. His fur was well trimmed, and his scent had a hint of muskiness best associated with a todd. The vulpine reached down for his belt, and untucked that as well, before pushing it down and taking his pants with it. He stood only in his boxers, his shoes pushed off with a careful nudge of his toes. Nervous, standing, his hands folded in front of his boxers for a moment of modesty.

"Hm. Those too." The leopard said with a soft chuckle coloring his mood. The fox gazed down at his garments, then up, before he pushed them down, and covered himself with both hands. He was nervous, as was to be expected for ones first time displaying in so open a manner. The fur of the fox was lush, and darkened at his belly and groin. "Hands up."

"Show yourself off. Tail high, legs apart." Slowly, the fox rose his hands, and drew them back behind himself. His sheath was plump, his testicles slung low in a soft scrotum. The leopard observed, then signaled the fox to turn. The arctic complied, and his tail lifted up. At that, the leopard whistled appreciatively, and nodded. He lifted a hand and stroked the fur of the vulpine's hip, then pushed him to turn around. The fox complied and he reached back, gripping the soft fur of his flanks, and bent forward, exposing the tight, dusky ring snug under his tail. "Excellent."

"Understand, you will be doing this regularly. Tail up, showing off, letting others look and touch. You will be filmed regularly, and you will take partners of every species. Sometimes you will take partners for the sake of taking partners, other times, because it is good for business. The fee will remain the same, and your pay will always stay high. The more you work, the more valuable you are. Do you consent to go further?"

"Yes." The fox said, slowly raising up to stand. He looked back at the leopard, who simply smiled.

"Good." The leopard rose up and approached the fox, while raising both hands up to stroke along soft furred shoulders. His hands slid down, cupping belly and hip, then back up, before urging the fox to bend forward again. The fox complied, his breathing quicker and body in an electric tremble with each touch. His ears rose up higher, as he heard a zipper part, and pants fall to the ground. The rising scent of leopard caught him, making him harden. "I am going to mount you."

There was a pause as foil was unwrapped and a condom was pulled out, rolled down a feline length. The cat said nothing as he prepared lubrication along his sheathed member, and stroked at himself a few times. He was looking forward to breaking in this fox, and smiled when the vulpine braced himself against a window. His chest fur was pushed forward, his cheek against the glass, the foxes dick twitched heavily. The vulpine moaned as the shaft pushed under his tail.

"Relax." The leopard whispered, the cloth of his shirt pressing against the bare vulpine back. Hands slid down to brace against those soft curved hips, and the feline shaft prodded against the cleft again, rubbing slowly and insistently, making sticky the opening. The fox tried to relax, but pushed and slid against so suddenly, it was difficult to do. Still, hands held him, the feline's lips soft as they kissed his neck. And with a push, the fox opened, and gave a strangled grunt.

The hips of the feline pushed, until belly to back, hip to flank, the feline was nudged full and deep into a tight rump. The feline moaned softly, his testicles pushed against the back of the foxes thighs. He braced, and pulled back, only to thrust in again. The fox shook under the forceful hunches, his insides hot and tight and strangely welcoming of this hard, harsh mounting. There came yet another moan, as the fox found himself pushed into, bred.

The fox felt his belly tighten and backside clench, his spine tingling as he was taken like a female and used like a whore.

The feline continued his solid pushing, thrusting deep and heavily into the upturned flanks of his interviewee. Hard and solid, the hips never lost their push and thrust - content to make the fox moan and squirm and cry out in bliss and pleasure as he was fucked rather solidly. The fox pressed against glass, sure he was seen The feline bit his neck and held him while rutting away mercilessly.

And then the cat stiffened, grunted, and shoved in once more. Heat flowed, contained in a membrane of latex. Perhaps another time, the feline wouldn't take such a precaution. Next time, he would take the fox from the other end, he decided.

There would be a next time, he was most certain.

No words were needed, and the fox moaned, as he was claimed. It would be many minutes later before he could think clearly, and the leopard slid off of his back, and stepped back to the couch. The glass was sticky from the foxes own release, spent without being touched.

"Well done. You took me without protest or complaint. Sometimes in this career, you'll find that lifting your tail will accomplish more than arguing and protesting." The leopard murmured. "And I have an assignment tonight for you."

The fox turned, his legs wobbly as he walked towards the seat, and bent down to collect his clothing. He was stopped, as the leopard put a foot on the vulpines knee. The fox looked up, curiously, while trying still to steady himself. The feline upended the condom and squeezed out the release onto a small dish set beneath his coffee cup, and raised it up to offer to the fox.

"There is a wolf pack who have hired my services. I am to bring a fox to them, to use as they see fit." The leopard said, while the fox looked down at the ejaculate on the plate, then up to the leopard. "Lick up the mess. You'll be doing a lot of that."

The fox looked down at the plate again, his ears burning for a moment, before he bowed his head and ran his pink tongue along the dish center, scooping up the sticky, warm feline ejaculate. It was bitter, and tasted strong, but most predators were that way.

"It will be six wolves." The leopard said, and smiled to the fox when the vulpines ears went flat. "They are regular. They will be hard, and use you throughout the night. But, don't fret. They are regulars, and pay well."

The dish was taken back after the fox licked it clean, looking a little squeeze for a moment, before swallowing. The leopard's eyes slit with pleasure at the vulpines ready obedience.

"They won't ask. They'll take. You will comply like a vixen, readily and eagerly." The leopard said, while standing, and used the tie around the foxes neck to lead him to a door. The fox's ears went flat, still feeling dizzy from the last half hour. "Dress up as such."

The fox opened his mouth to protest, but shut it, when the leopard touched his nose with a finger.

"Consider this your first assignment."

It was evening when the fox arrived to the hotel. A plain little affair, the owner asked no questions and didn't pry too deep into what went on in his rooms, and in turn, charged a high enough rate that he didn't need to assure others of their privacy. The room was the last one down the hall, and he approached with a nervous shiver running down his back. Beside him, as much for support as for business, the leopard walked, clad in a fine black suit with a purple undershirt, compared to the red dress the fox had been chosen to wear. Still, the red did bring out the soft eyes of the fox. A black leather collar was fitted around his throat, while a leather leash was held by the leopard, who simply smiled.

"Are you ready, Vanya?" The leopard raised his hand over the door, waiting. The fox gave a single nod, and the door was knocked on.

It was only a moment before it was opened, a large black wolf looking down on the two, and gruffing once. Behind him, five others sat, talking and drinking with smoke rising from a silver and red hookah. The two were allowed inside, and the door closed and locked behind by dead bolt - leaving all eyes to raise onto the fox, and all conversations to stop. It was quiet but for the soft crackle of embers in the hookahs fire pit. The fox felt his stomach drop as they stared at him like a piece of meat.

"Krin, you have brought us a vixen?" In grey fur and with a look of maturity mixed with personal strength, a wolf rose from his seat, and lifted his head. Though not the biggest, his eyes were fierce with a powerful intelligence, and a personal confidence that suggested he was the alpha of the get-together. The five others waited a moment before raising up themselves, and took a look at Vanya, who shied from a touch for half a moment. "He's a pretty one. It's what we expect?"

"Indeed, Ark. I haven't explained what will happen tonight - in fact, just hired him today."

"That's hard, giving the vixen to us first thing. Are you sure he can do it?"

"I can do i

t." The 'vixen' spoke, lifting his head up and looking the wolf in the eyes. "I can do anything you want me to."

"Hm." The alpha spoke, not lowering his gaze. It was not a stare of challenge, but the Alpha would take no chances. He stared back, and a small smile flowed onto his face, then fell away to the strong, dominant gaze he had held for anyone not in the pack. "Can you now? There are six of us, and you won't be let go until we are done with you. We are wolves. We will not finish until we are all finished, fox."

"I can do it."

"At least this one has a backbone." A second muttered, his fur brown and tan with hints of black at the undercoat. The Beta. But he nodded to the leopard, who only held his predatory smile. "Well, get ready for us, vixen. The night has just started. Do you plan on staying and joining in, Krin?"

"No. I already had him this morning. He's a tight one - try not to make him lose that quality." The leopard said, then reached out to give the fox a stroke on the shoulder. "Obey them, and you'll do alright."

The leopard was let out, and the door closed behind him with a damning click.

The first hands to touch the fox were soft, and the touch light as it trailed up the back of the red dress, onto those firm vulpine shoulders, and back down to hips that were, perhaps, a little on the effeminate side. The tail was stroked and pulled up, while lips softly stroked the back of that soft, vulpine neck. This was the gamma of the group, and his hands were warm, and explorative. He was the second youngest, and more than excited to be permitted into this activity with his pack.

"You've got a pretty dress, vixen." The gamma spoke, while kissing up the back of the neck of the white fox, who shivered. There was the soft scent of rose in his hair - a perfume to give the fox an extra effeminate touch. "Why not take it off so it doesn't get wrinkled?"

"Not yet." The Alpha said, while giving a stroke of his palm along Vanya's snout. "Not yet. I want to see him in it for half the night. Then I'll take it off when I'm ready, Kaiden."

"Yes, Alpha." Kaiden spoke, while nipping along the back of that soft, slender vulpine neck. His teeth tugged at the fur and his hands lowered down to grip the stomach of the fox, who pushed back against the hands holding him. Vanya felt warmer than he cared to admit. He liked it more than he wanted to. His tail lifted of its own accord.

"Good. Now. Come and kneel, fox. It's time we started." The unzipping of pants, and then the dropping to the carpet were all the fox had to hear, before looking down. The others followed suit, and stood beside their alpha, waiting. Six hard males waited him, and with a swallow, he dropped down onto his knees, and looked up expectantly. The alpha smiled, and lowered a hand down to cup the underside of the slender vulpine snout, and pulled it forward, to push against those soft lips. "Suck."

It was going to be a long night.

It was going to be a pleasant night.

And as his lips pursed around the tip of that alpha's dick, he looked up, seeing approval in the face of his client, he knew he was going to keep this job.