Deals with a Demon

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: frysco involving his character and a random demon. First time doing this kind of TF.

Deals with a Demon By Draconicon For Frysco

The rainbow winged gryphon walked from one side of his living room to the other, his eyes glued to the floor. His furry clawed toes stuck on some of the carpet, forcing him to tug his feet up a little harder than he meant to, but he barely noticed now. His attention was focused entirely on the ritual objects laid out in the center of the room.

All of the furniture had been moved to the side to make room for the candles, red paint, and ceramic bowls that the books said the ritual needed. A six pointed star surrounded a five pointed one, a barrier of a holy symbol around an unholy one. Other runes, prescribed by the book he'd picked up from a bookshop a few days ago, would work as the language of the spell, telling it what to do and what to bring to the circle. He'd checked each and every symbol a dozen times over, measured and remeasured every inch of the symbols that he'd drawn out, and despite his actions, he still worried.

Frysco shook his head as he forced himself to stop pacing. He crossed his arms, taloned fingers raking along the scales that ran from his fingertips to his elbows.

"Everything is going to be fine. You checked out all the magics, you made sure that it matches the book. Just do it, and let the demon take care of the rest."

Still, he couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness that came when he walked to the edge of the circle. Demon summoning was something out of stories, and if he wasn't so desperate to keep himself in a good home, he wouldn't have considered something like this possible, let alone something he'd actually do. He was still half convinced that he would just end up embarrassing himself with this attempt, that he would have wasted what little money he had on a book and materials that wouldn't do a damn thing, but it was the last chance he had. If he didn't take it, then he was going to be evicted next month, and there was no way that he was going to let that happen.

Kneeling at the edge of the circle, he took one last look at the bowl in the center. A mixture of his blood and - he still couldn't believe the book demanded this - his semen had been stirred together and left as an offering in the center. Five lit candles burned softly around it, casting a shadowy light around the bowl due to the lack of electrical light. The gryphon had turned that off at the behest of the book. No light that wasn't given by flame or sun was allowed in this sort of thing. He didn't have the materials to try again, so this was his one shot.

He picked up the book, looking over the spell one more time. The offering was there, the paint had marked out the boundaries of the spell and the runes had named the function. All that was left was to speak the words, and then...well, then the demon would be here.

His beak clicked as he read through the seven line long spell, wincing every time that a word cut off a little too fast, but unable to go back and try again. He had to read through it all the way through without breaking or starting over, or the spell would be ruined. Pressing on, he forced himself through the unnatural words, the letters blending together like some unnatural linguistic child of German, Egyptian, and Latin. Some words were almost unpronouncable, so he did his best guess, unable to stop.

As he read through the spell, he could feel something happening. At first, he thought it was just the feeling of an open window, something he'd forgotten to close. Then he realized that the draft coming through was too warm to be a breeze, far too warm. It felt like a warm hand brushing over his feathers and his fur instead of cool air, and the gryphon shuddered at the thought.

The heat only got stronger the longer he chanted, and he felt drops of sweat pushing through his feathers as he continued through the incantation. The candles burned higher and stronger, the flames surging upwards with every word that slipped past his beak, and the wax burned away under the heat. Bubbling red liquid ran down the candle shafts, settling into the carpet. Rather than solidifying, it continued to run, flowing in unnatural patterns and joining with the already drawn circles and stars. Black lines ran from the flames into the wax, new inscriptions and runes running in a joined length, like a corrupted version of cursive writing.

It spread like a flood through the painted lines, but Frysco's attention was drawn instead to the flames. They rose higher and higher, going from barely an inch high to nearly touching the ceiling of his home. His beak kept opening and closing, bringing the words to bear for the spell, but it was harder and harder to keep his concentration on the task at hand.

Suddenly the tips of the flames pushed together, the five bonfires of heat joining together in a dome over the bowl. Frysco gasped, the scalding air rushing down his throat and drying him out as he forced out the words. The fire surrounded the bowl and the center of the room, forming a swirling, blasting sphere of heat. It darkened, the light fading as it was turned into a sweeping, swirling black fire, something that was as unnatural as the words that spilled from the gryphon's lips.

Just as it had started, it died, leaving the room dim and dark in comparison to what it once was, ending on the final word of the spell. Frysco almost collapsed but caught himself at the last minute, only just avoiding falling past the lines of the spell form. Catching his breath, the gryphon slowly lifted his eyes to see what he had summoned.

His demon wasn't what he expected. Rather than an impish creature, something that looked obviously hellish, the figure was like a large satyr. Noticeably bigger than any satyr of mythology, it stood a good foot taller than the gryphon, and his upper body was red skinned and heavily muscled. The arms bulged with thick biceps, and the bare chest was as hairy as a wolf's, thick and brown against the red flesh beneath. A slim goatee spilled from the demon's chin, and it curled as the demonic creature stroked it.

"Hmmm, a new summoner for a change. What has happened to my old friend Alex?"

"I know no one by that name. I bought the book to summon you from a lizard named Nataraj."

"Ah, so that is what happened to him. A pity, such a fun little plaything to have lost."

"Play- I'm not going to ask."

"Oh, but you should. He was such a perverted little lizard, and so very fun to -"

"I really, really don't want to know."

The gryphon shuddered a bit as the demon chuckled at him. Things were starting to go in a direction he really wasn't sure he was comfortable with, and he wanted to get things back on track. He had summoned this demon for a reason, after all.

"It said in the book that you make deals, that you'll help in exchange for favors. Is that right?"

"Is that what they call it now? 'Helping'?"

"Do you do grant small wishes or not?"

"Heh, I do, I do. But if you're getting disturbed by the acts the lizard and I went through, you might not be able to pay for my help."

"I can, I can pay those. If I must."

"Then let's get down to business. What do you want?"

The demon's smug look didn't do any wonders for the gryphon's confidence, but he forced his concerns to the side. The last thing that he could do now was to turn the demon down, and since the spell seemed to be working, he couldn't just stop here.

"Right now, I'm on the verge of being thrown out of my home. I need...I need money. Cash. Something that I can use to pay off the landlady when she comes around again for the rent payment, and there's no way that I can get that without your help. I need you to do this in a way that keeps me able to keep this home for at least a few years, so that I can get back on my feet and be able to pay for things again. Can you fulfill this kind of wish?"

There. It was out in the open, and - he hoped - stated in a way that wouldn't invoke much of a price from the demon. From what the book said, he didn't think that this creature would be able to claim his soul through any transaction, nor did he think that it would get all that...kinky...for something that was this low. If he'd asked for a treasure that would pay for his place for the next few decades, that might have been something else, but for now, he thought he'd be able to get away with a few years and get off lightly.

Twirling his goatee, the demon appeared to think through it, but the smile he had spoiled the effect. There was no contemplation in that grin, no actual thought. That smile was pure smugness and perversion, and Frysco had the terrifying thought that there was something in this book that he had missed, some knowledge that he hadn't been given.

Finally the demon spoke again, his words falling like syrup, sticky and sweet.

"Gryphon, such a favor is well within my power. You will easily be able to keep yourself here for a few more years with what I'll do for you, and you'll never need to pay for it at all."


"You heard me. With my powers, you'll be able to stay here for as long as you need, and not one dollar will need to be paid for your space."

"But I just asked -"

"For a way to stay here for a few years. Cash was an option, not a necessity. And now, I think it's time for me to claim my price for my help."

The demon stepped across not just the unholy symbol, but the six pointed star as well. Frysco backpedaled from the drawn symbols, his eyes wide with fear as he stared at the demon.

"How did you do that?! That should have held you."

"For the summoning, not for the payment. As soon as the deal is struck, I am free." The demon grabbed him by the shoulder, forcing him down to his knees. "And now, little gryphon, I will claim my payment."

From this angle, Frysco had an excellent view of the demon's crotch. In the black fur that covered him from the waist down the demon had a sheath, and sticking out of that sheath was a slick red cock. Pointed at the end with an abrupt hook, it was slender and almost carrot-like in shape. Despite the slenderness, however, he could tell that it would grow long enough to make any male stare. Even as he stared at it, it continued to push outwards, the length growing with every passing second.

It didn't stop with astounding the eyes, either. As it emerged, Frysco could smell the demon's arousal as well. It was a subtle musk but a powerful one, a mix of smoke, salt, and a slight heat of cinnamon mixed amongst it, as well as the typical musk of a male that was all too ready to get to sex.

One of the demon's hands pressed against the back of his head, guiding his beak against the side of the shaft. Already slick with pre, the slightest touch of the demon's shaft somehow filled his mouth with the taste of him. Frysco stifled a gasp, but he couldn't stop from opening his beak as the flavor of demon cock assaulted his tongue. It was hot, spicy almost, with the potent flavor of musk and salt that came from any male.

The demon didn't allow him to protest, to say anything. Instead, he simply shoved his shaft into the gryphon's mouth. Whatever protest he could have made, whatever he could have done to stop the supernatural male was useless. Even when he tried to bite down on the cock in his mouth, his beak didn't even make a dent in it. It was like trying to bite through steel, and it only left him with a sore jaw. His ears rung when the demon laughed at him, and his face went red through his feathers.

"Don't even bother fighting me, featherhead. You are going to do this, and there's no real way that you can stop me. You might as well get used to the idea; hell, you might even enjoy it."

His face was used as little more than a fucktoy by the burly demon, and Frysco was forced to go along for the ride. Rough hands held him by the back of his head, shoving him down the demon's dick and then pulling him back up. His tongue held down by the powerful, throbbing tool, it was forced to taste every inch of it, to get a good lick of every bit of pre running down it.

It was worse when the demon suddenly shoved all the way in, leaving the tip of his beak pressing against the demon's sheath. Even more than the taste, the smell of musk and arousal was thick and heavy, and with his nose pressed against the source. He was forced to breathe it in with every gasp he took, the hot air scorching his lungs and...making him aroused? How the hell did that make any sense?!

Yet it was happening. He could feel his own shaft rising up and pressing against his belly as he was made to breathe the demon's musk. Even as he whimpered and groaned, gagged and panted, he could feel his cock getting harder and harder. It rubbed against his belly, against his fur, and it left pre behind. His own scent was barely there against the powerful odor of the demon, but present it was, and there was no denying how this was effecting him.

He was almost relieved when his demon started pulling him back again, away from the source of that musk. The cock pulled out of his throat for a moment before it was shoved back in. Out and in, out and in it went, each time forcing him to grunt and gag. A few little whimpers slid past the cock, but all they did was make the demon harder in his mouth, and made him leak more pre as a result. He tried not to think about it, tried to ignore the taste, and tried to think of it just as the payment that he was giving the demon rather than the blowjob that it was.

He wasn't quite sure how long the demon forced him up and down his cock, but the gryphon was surprised when he was pushed to the ground. Hacking and coughing as his throat was finally left alone, the gryphon tried to pull himself to his feet, but was denied as the demon's hoof pressed down on the small of his back.

"Don't bother getting up. It's time for the second part of your payment, featherhead. Spread your legs."

"What...what are you talking about?"

"Spread your legs. It's time for me to claim my payment."

"But what about -"

"That was your discount; most people don't even get lube."


"You made the deal, you know. If you want to break it, this is your last real chance for it."

He honestly contemplated it. The thought of having the demon shoving that thing under his tail was something that wasn't too appealing, no matter how much he had prepared himself beforehand for the possibility. He'd hoped that it would be something that he could pay off easily, but apparently this favor was going to be more costly than he had initially thought. If there had been any way for him to get the money he needed to stay here without the demon's help, he would have gone along with it, but there was no time left.

Just as the demon ordered, he spread his legs a little further, remaining on all fours. The demon's laughter kept his face red, but he didn't bother reacting. He was just glad when the hoof was removed from his back; it had been rather sharp feeling, and the hardness of it wasn't a comfortable thing to be pressing onto his back. Of course, what was about to be pressing against his hole was doubtless going to be worse.

Lowering his head and staring at the floor, Frysco winced as the demon came up behind him. Those hands were no gentler on his hips than they had been on his head, and it took every bit of his willpower to not break the deal at the thought of what was to come. What little spit of his that had covered that long cock would be scarcely enough to ease the tip in, he imagined, and he doubted that he was going to be able to keep from screaming.

The length rubbed up and down between his ass cheeks, the tip grinding over his hole more than a few times as the demon hot-dogged him. He could feel the pre dripping from the tip soaking into his fur, and the slime only seemed to make him harder. His cock throbbed under his belly, almost slapping against his stomach from the force of his own sudden arousal, and it was all the more embarrassing for him. He didn't want to enjoy something like this; he didn't want the demon to be making him hard. There had to be something going on that was twisting his body, twisting his mind to make him like this.

It suddenly lowered, the tip pressing against his hole with fuller force. His fingers clenched against the ground as the pressure increased, the demon's red fingers digging into his hips and pulling him back. Helpless, he tried to go limp, hoping that this would end as quickly as possible.

POP went the cock, sliding into his body, and just like he thought, he wasn't able to keep from screaming. His beak opened wide and a screech slid out, echoing around the room. His hole felt like it was being stretched to the limits and past it, and the sheer length of it sliding it almost felt like he was being spitted on it.

"Heh, don't worry, that's the worst part. It gets a lot better from here."

The demon's words weren't very comforting, but at least he wasn't thrusting in any further. Somehow, the big guy had managed to hilt himself on the first thrust, which left the gryphon panting and groaning, but at least that meant that he wouldn't have to be gradually opened up, and at least the demon was giving him a

Frysco's eyes flew open as he felt something strange, looking down and between his arms. They almost popped out of his skull at the sight of his fur falling out of his legs, joined by feathers falling out at other parts of his body. Rapidly going bald, the gryphon struggled to pull away. The demon's fingers gripped him tighter, but he kept squirming, squawking softly as he tried to get free.

"What are you doing? What's happening to me?!"

"Heh, I am collecting my payment."

"I thought you were just going to fuck me! What the hell is this?!"

"You didn't think a simple ass fuck would be enough payment for your favor, did you? No, I need something quite a bit more. Have you ever thought about what it would feel like, being a demon's cock? Well, you're about to find out."

He opened his mouth to protest, but no sound came out. No words, not even a squawk of indignation. It was like his voice had been taken from him. He whimpered, and the demon laughed at him.

His squirms stopped, not from his own free will, but because his body wouldn't move right. It wasn't just the demon's grip that held him close anymore, but something more insidious. It was like his ass was glued to the demon's crotch, unable to be separated. Even trying felt painful, as if he was trying to rip skin off of skin, and he soon stopped trying.

As he kept looking back at his legs, he could see the changes starting. The pale skin beneath his fur and feathers rapidly changed hue, crimson tendrils creeping across his skin before spreading out wider. It was a color that was almost exactly like the demon's skin color, and slightly darker than the cock that was in his ass right then. He shuddered, unable to keep his own fear at bay, and lowered his head to the ground.

Or, rather, he tried to. Instead of being able to lower himself, his head went up, his entire body going ramrod straight ahead. It was like his spine had been snapped into a slightly curved point, and his entire body followed. His legs went limp, unable to support him, but it wasn't necessary anymore. The demon held him up, hands moving from the gryphon's hips up to his sides. It wasn't comfortable, but it was enough for him to keep from falling to the floor.

The changes continued even as his skin changed color, but these ones he could only feel rather than see as his head was forced to stare forward instead of looking back. His hands no longer touched the floor, and instead were pulling up towards his body. For a brief moment he felt his hands clasped against his sides, but then, without warning, they weren't there anymore. At the very least, he couldn't feel them, couldn't move them. Doubtless, the demon was removing things that weren't necessary for a cock.

His legs followed shortly after, pulling up from the floor. Rather than simply disappearing into his body, however, it felt like they were getting wet. He couldn't look, but the sensation was like water running down his legs, or oil. Something wet, at the very least.

They pulled up against his stomach, almost like a bird getting ready to grab things in its talons. Instead of curling his feet forward, however, they pressed back, melting into his legs. They grew more rounded, swollen, and HEAVY. He groaned at the feeling of them weighing down his back end, but it was nothing he could stop. It just kept going, the changes continuing despite his little whimpers.

As his legs melted into what he could only guess was the demon's sac, Frysco felt the changes creeping into his crotch. His own cock, abnormally hard, suddenly seemed to twitch. He gasped through a still beak as it bounced up and down, twitching as though he was going through his own orgasm, but it was impossible. He couldn't be enjoying this, it was something unnatural, impossible, wro-

He came, hard, his cock spurting a powerful load against the floor as he twitched, silently moaning from the strange pleasure that ran through him. The gryphon was wracked with it, panting as he was filled with pleasure, and instead of fading away, it just kept growing. His cock pulled up, slapping against his belly one last time before it faded into his body, and his balls melted into the bigger ones behind him. Even with that, the pleasure didn't fade, instead growing stronger than ever.

Crimson spread up his body, sliding over his head and down his face. He could see it spreading past his beak, running along the hook at the tip where he'd tried to bite the demon. Everywhere it touched the pleasure spread, leaving him gasping for breath that wouldn't come - and he somehow didn't need - and carrying nothing more than the scent and taste of cum to his beak.

Suddenly, he realized that he really was tasting cum, or at least pre. Droplets of it drooled out of his mouth, running out of his face like a spit from a drooling idiot. He could taste every bit of it, the flavor stronger than anything he'd ever felt, and he shuddered as he felt another - forced - surge of arousal.

He couldn't do anything but stare at the pre drooling out of his beak. It puddled down, the droplets big enough for him to hear them crashing against the carpet below. Every part of him wanted to say that it was wrong, that he shouldn't be agreeing to this deal, but....

But it was too good. His entire body was on fire with pleasure, and what little resistance still remained in his head was fading quickly. The demon stroked him, and the simple touch was better than any touch he'd ever given himself, and it spread across his entire body. He twitched, his mouth almost spitting pre by this point as he continued to transform, every little stroke, every burst of pleasure stealing that much more of his objections away from him until there was nothing left.

As the demon stroked his body, he felt himself shrinking. Everything had smoothed out, leaving nothing but the red flesh that was only slightly darker than the demon's body proper. At first, the demon had only been able to stroke about half of him, but as he continued twitching and throbbing, the hands reached further and further up his 'body'. First it was just to his chest, and then he felt them around his shoulders, or at least where they had been before. Further and further they stroked, until he saw the fingers rubbing along the sides of his face.

The final transformation began at that point, his beak pushing into his face. Frysco shuddered at the feeling of pressure, at the way that his face flattened out at the demon's touch. It was a weird mix of pain and pleasure, but it was still so much better than he imagined, filling him with a simple bliss. His mouth closed down to a single hole, a rounded bit that was a fraction of the size his beak had been. Salty, musky goo poured forth from it continually, and he tasted each and every drop that came up his throat and went down his face. He could feel it all running down his body, slicking him up and making his entire 'body' that much more sensitive.

A red hand squeezed his entire body, and he moaned. It wasn't a sound like he had made before, but rather a spasm of his body that sent an extra large burst of goo up through his throat. The demon laughed a bit at him, and he could just make out a moan as well. It stroked him, and as he slowly got used to the pleasure, Frysco started to take stock of the situation.

Everything was different. He couldn't move, at least, not much more than a twitch, and he couldn't taste anything but what came from his new hole in his face. Sight remained, at least kind of. It was like looking through red water, blurry and shimmery with the shapes distorted, but he could make things out vaguely. He wondered if it was just because he was part of a demon now that made everything look red, or if it was because he was looking through blood, or something else entirely. He was even able to hear the demon speak, though again, he wasn't sure if he was hearing a voice or something else.

"Heh, now that wasn't so hard, was it? Ah, don't try to speak. You won't be able to do that until I let you back into your body. Heheheh, you don't do too bad as a cock, you know that?"

Frysco couldn't respond to that, so he just throbbed.

"Well, according to your memories, the landlady lives just upstairs, so let's go fulfill my part of the deal."

The cock would have blinked if he had eyes, but all he could do was stare straight ahead. He could feel a tingle of power running through himself and the demon proper, and as the demon turned, Frysco saw the red skin and black fur shifting. In the blink of an eye, the demon turned itself into a copy of the gryphon down to the last feather.

"That's better. Better not to scare the mortals, I think."

What are you doing?! was what Frysco would have asked if he could talk. It didn't seem to matter, though, as the demon chuckled anyway.

"I told you that I was going to find a way to make you stay here. And...well, let's not spoil the surprise."

The demon grabbed hold of a robe, putting it on before heading out the door. They walked through a hallway before finding a set of stairs. It was difficult for Frysco to keep track of things, considering the robe kept him from seeing. It bothered him a bit, being so helpless, but there was nothing he could do about it. He went along for the ride, trying to take a little comfort in the fact that he was getting a little pleasure from the robe rubbing against his face, soaking it with his pre drool.

He only knew when they were off of the staircase when the robe stopped jostling around so much and the demon walked without raising his legs up quite so much. Frysco twitched his new body lightly, trying to keep upright so that he could keep seeing things ahead of them rather than the floor, but it was getting harder and harder to stay upright, and the floor was starting to fill more and more of his vision.

Suddenly the demon in the gryphon's body came to a halt, and he heard the sound of a knock on a door. It squeaked open, and he heard the voice of his landlady.

"Frysco? What are you doing here?"

"Mmm, I finally figured out what it is you want, Ms. Ingrid."

"What I -"

"You know what I'm talking about, sexy. All those times you came down for a nightcap last month, bringing all those 'notices'. Heh, you know what you want."

The gryphon pulled the robe open, and Frysco realized that the demon was flashing his eagle landlady. If he could have blushed, he would have; instead, more blood rushed to his flagging form and he rose up even bigger.

He had the perfect view of Ms. Ingrid. Her body was sleek for the most part, though her hips were wide and curvy like an experienced egg-layer. Her chest was lightly swollen, her breasts a bit on the smaller side, and her brown and white feathers were extremely well groomed where they stood out past her oversized shirt and sweat pants.

The demon in Frysco's body pushed inside at the woman's stunned silence, pulling her along towards the living room she lived in. She gasped as the demon pushed her back, but to Frysco-cock's surprise, she grinned.

"Mmmm, I was wondering how long it would take you to get the message, big guy."

"Heh, I was blind, what can I say?"

"Well, better make up for lost time."

She shoved her pants down - assisted by the gryphon demon - and spread her legs out wide. The feathers between her legs were already moist and were rapidly getting wetter. To Frysco-cock's surprise, he was getting harder too, as if he was responding to her juices.

Is...are you doing this? he asked the demon.

Not at all. This is all her.

She wanted this?

For months. Now let me enjoy this, and you better last for a LONG time, 'cock'.

The gryphon demon pounced on top of her, grinding Frysco-cock against her pussy a few times before plunging him in. Frysco was deafened to anything besides the throbbing pulse around his cock body, and he gasped in his own pleasure. His juices spurted inside of the eagle, but the demon never stopped thrusting. The sensitivity that came after an orgasm was ten times worse as the cock that was suffering it, and in his own silent way, he screamed.

The fucking went on and on, and Frysco wondered just what sort of personal hell he had invited on himself.

The End