Songs of Silent Dreams - Chapter One

Story by drpolarbeer on SoFurry

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A young fox falls in love with one of the prettiest girls he has ever seen. What he doesn't realize, is that she's hiding a dark secret that will eventually affect him and those around him as well.

I was seventeen when I first met Snö. I was a young man attending a prestigious private boarding school at the time. I was in my senior year. Before that fateful day that I met her, she's never really associated with me. Snö was always complete eye candy to me. I would always look at her from afar, and never really had the gut to go and ask her to go steady. At that time, I was a very attractive young man (I still am). I had black, medium sized hair, dark hazel eyes, a great body, white/blue fur, and a nice personality. Though, I was always shy. I never had the courage to ask someone to go steady. It was a large setback to go with my looks. But, it didn't matter much. While Snö, the lovely Snö, was the prettiest girl that I've seen in my entire life. I'm not messing around when I say this. This isn't one of those things were a man sees a woman and thinks she is the prettiest girl to him, like that whole love at first sight kind of thing. No, Snö was so damn pretty. She was cute. So cute, that I can't explain it. She was a very unique girl, a husky. Her hair, fur, and eyes were the most distinguishing of all. Her hair was unlike anything I have ever seen before. It was this really light blonde. So light, that if you saw her in the sun, her hair would turn this really white blond colour. She would always wear these cute ribbons to go along with her hair also. Her fur was this white beige color, that really stood out. And her eyes, they were this mystifying green colour. It was a really light green, like a jewel. She looked like an angel, only much better. My god was she beautiful.

I happened to become acquaintances with her by chance. A very strange one. I was walking to my dorm, which are located outside of the school, since I happened to have plans to go out with a few friends. It was then that I passed by dorm number 304. My dorm was room number 309, so I had to walk a bit more. Before I passed dorm 304, I noticed some odd sounds coming from it. I stopped and went up to the front door. There were very muffled, yet loud moans coming from inside. I was confused, to say the least. That's when I noticed the door was unlocked. I was curious, very curious for some reason. I grabbed the door knob, and turned it slowly. That's when I saw her. Snöwas lying on the ground. A grey wolf was mounting her. The other, a white tiger with black stripes, was getting sucked off by her. I was shocked at what I saw.

Never had I suspected Snö to be the kind of person to do these things. I mean, I occasionally heard of the occasional whores who would fuck for money, but those were usually skanky and horny girls who wore cheap makeup and stained clothing. They basically looked like prostitutes. But this, this was Snö, the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She was charming and popular and good at sports and one of the smartest girls of the student body. And here she was, having a threesome with two men, who I personally have never seen before. I don't even think they went to this school. I had no idea how long I stood there, watching as she was constantly fucked by the two. I was greatly impressed by her body. Her breasts had to be one of the softest looking I have ever seen. They were probably C cups, and had the pinkest, cutest nipples. I couldn't see her vagina since well, there was a guy fucking it.

In most cases, if you saw your crush getting fucked, seeing her tits bounce as she got mounted by someone, you'd generally get aroused. This did not happen to me. I was not aroused at all. I felt absolutely nothing. I had no emotion to the events that were happening. The soft, high pitched moans, the slick slaps of flesh on flesh, the aroma of pure sex and sweat, none of this caused me to feel anything. I was not thinking anything either. Nothing was going on in my mind to the events that were happening before me. As I stand there, peeking at her, something happens. She notices me. She looks at me, and smiles the cutest smile I have ever seen. It was the cutest smile, it really was. But for some reason, I felt my stomach churn when she did it. I felt like something wasn't right. I suddenly felt very sick, snapped out of my trance, and decided to leave.

I could not sleep well the rest of the night.

The next day, I awoke with a large headache. I put my uniform on, got my bag ready, and headed to the campus. The events of the day before were still puzzling me as I walked to the campus. It was like a puzzle with all the wrong pieces. I was confused, so confused. It wasn't necessarily the scene that confused me, just the person. I mean, Snö didn't seem like the girl to do that. It made me very pissed off for some reason. That day, was a day that changed me. I was in my last period of the day. I happened to have the same class as Snö did. That's when something strange happened. She came up to my desk, and talked to me.

"Hello" she said.

I was too confused to say anything. I looked at her and blushed. It was not a blush of shyness, but a blush of shame. I was afraid she would say something about me watching her yesterday.

"Uh, h-hi" I said.

She went to her desk, grabbed a piece of paper and put it on my desk.

"I want you to write your phone number on here, okay?" she said, smiling.

I don't know what went over me; it was like I was in a trance. I grabbed my pen and wrote down my cell phone number. She thanked me. The bell rang, and she walked out, while I was still sitting, confused at what happened in front of me. As I walked to the school parking lot, the confusion was still affecting me. I didn't know what happened. Why was she asking for my number? Why did that happen to me? Was she going to ask me out? The questions were rolling in my head. I got in my car and left to go get some groceries. As I walked out of the store, I suddenly heard my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it. It was a message from an unknown number. Curious, I opened it

Subject: Meet

Sender: 356-852-7413

Come to dorm 304 in thirty minutes. If I don't see you by then, don't even bother trying to hook up. And bring a lighter.


I stared at the screen for a few seconds, taking in the fact that Snö had talked to me. I went into that trance like state again, got in my car, and drove to the campus, unknowing that what was about to happen that night would change me forever.