Roommates 4: Virginity

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#4 of Roommates

Author's note: I really like putting this up before the story. Again, I'd like to thank everybody following the series for thier support. It's extremely gratifiying, especially when there are so many stories that are promptly lost in the pile by others. Thank you, one and all.

EDIT: I like well fixing errors and stuffs. s'nice.

Roommates Four: Virginity



I quickly covered Ani's muzzle. "Shh!" I hissed as quietly as possible. "I stopped because Sem's back."

"Sem?" asked Ani, still a little loud. "Shut-in roommate Sem? He actually left the dorm?"

"Yes!" I hissed again, glancing at the door. "I brought him to the party, and accidentally left him there. I don't exactly wanna advertise that I'm getting tail when I have no idea if he is!"

"Well, that's considerate," Ani whispered (finally) as if she understood. Good, so I can just--

Without warning, I felt a squeeze on my cock. This completely threw me off-guard, and I found myself losing control of the situation rapidly, as Ani bodily flipped us over, her on top. She spoke again, this time not even bothering to keep her voice down. "However, you should have thought of that before you brought me home, Croy. When I tell you to take me, I want you to TAKE ME!" The last two words were punctuated by her lifting herself and driving my member into her. With that, I lost whatever little control I had left. "Now FUCK ME, CROY!" she shouted, kicking into high gear. She stifled any remaining protests with a kiss, and then I could only hold on.

Before I completely gave up, I wished heartily that Sem came back with somefur.


My mind was completely blown to pieces. To recap, Kiyara just said that she liked the scent of my dorm, because it smelled like sex. Then, shortly after, we both found out why it smelled that way. "Well," I said. Something else to say largely failed to come to me.

"Is... Croy your roommate?" Kiyara asked suddenly.

"Huh? Uh, yeah, he is." And the fact that he was having a very loud yiff session was simultaneously exciting and repulsing me, but I didn't say that. I also didn't say that excitement was quickly beating out repulsion.

Kiyara was staring at me, I realized abruptly. Well, not AT me at me, but... what IS she staring at? I followed her line of vision down, and... Oh, crap. Heat rushed to my face, and once again I was thankful that I had dark fur. Tail twitching, I turned, making for the small refrigerator. "Hey," I said hurriedly, quickly burying myself in there, "is there anything you want to drink? We got some, uh, apple juice in here, some... I think this is cranberry juice, and I THINK that this..."

My words came to a grounding halt as I felt arms and paws gently curl around my stomach, then gently, but insistently, pull me away from the fridge. I didn't turn. Maybe she wanted to look herself, I thought wildly. I suddenly felt her body pressing against mine, her breasts in my back. Her paw, her left, gently glided upward across my chest and neck, gently directing my head to look behind, where her lips were waiting. She kissed me, and I became undone. Her lips opened mine, her tongue sneaking in like a thief in the night and licking mine. When she broke it, it seemed like an eternity had ended, and I found her paws wrapped loosely around my neck, mine own around her waist, and our bodies so very, very close. I trembled.

"Sem," she said softly, "sniff the air. Listen." I couldn't disobey, and my eyes closed. I sniffed the air, taking in the tangy, tantalizingly sweet smell of arousal and sex. I listened, hearing bodies slapping together, furs moaning in pleasure. Again, I trembled.

"Sem," she said, and I felt an electric thrill at her whispering my name, "Do you want to be alone tonight, scenting that, hearing that?" Her paws drifted down my chest.

I shook my head. She took my paw in her own, squeezing it gently as she lead me to the rightmost door. Glancing back to me in question, I only nodded. Oh, gods... She turned the knob and entered, but I stopped, hesitating. "What's wrong, Sem?" she asked, looking back at me. I could smell it, I could hear it, I just... froze up.

"Kiyara... I-I'm a virgin." Ironic that all the porn I had ever pawed off to deserted me when I was face-to-face with an actual vixen that actually wanted me.

She kissed me. "It's okay, Sem." She backed into my room, holding my glance with her eyes, gently pulling me into my room.


Ani was, by far, no substitute for my fantasy with Sem, but she was fantastic in her own right. Once she started to ride me, there was nothing I could (or wanted) to do but hold on, making sure she hilted me on every single stroke. Very suddenly, it seemed, she was brought to a screaming orgasm, still riding me for all I was worth. Just as suddenly, she took me into a long kiss, grinding her pelvis into mine, swirling my member inside her. My knot started to balloon out when she broke the kiss, her pussy still clenching me in her orgasmic throes. She smiled, even giggled slightly as she felt my grip tighten on her ass, my claws digging into her. "You wanna tie us, is that it?" she panted, grinning seductively.

"Always do," I managed through gritted teeth.

"Then slam that big fucking knot into me," she said, promptly rising herself up, riding me again, hard and fast, as always. "Send me around again, I'm losing this one..."

I took control then, ramming her into me, her paws pressing into my sides. As soon as my knot jammed into her, she came again, calling out my name. An extra waft of her orgasm reached me then, and I was lost in the orgasm, arching my back as wolfcum rocketing up into her as she squeezed me expertly, draining my cock of seed. I dropped back, her on me, both of us panting heavily. Slowly, my knot loosed, releasing her as she licked my neck. "You got enough in you for one more?" she asked, pawing my chest.

"I got enough in me for at least three," I replied, scratching her lower back.

"Good," she cooed, climbing off me and crawling to the top of the bed. She spread her legs wide, her cunt glistening back at me as I caught a huge wave of her scent. She wiggled her cute little doe tail at me. "I want at least five more outta you!"

I chuckled, crawling up behind her and poking my newly revitalized shaft at the point directly between her pussy and tailhole. "Which one?" I asked, dropping my voice.

"Pussy first, tailhole later," she said, looking back at me, "Now hurry up and put it in me."


She flicked on the lights as she entered, pulling me down onto the bed. Again, she kissed me, and again, I melted. Her tongue writhed in my mouth, not unlike an acrobat, her paws caressing and lightly scratching my back. I was purring before I realized it, so taken was I with her gentle movements. Slowly, I felt her pull me down, still kissing, to lie on her. Instinctively, my paws fell to her sides, our legs and tails entwined. Gods, I had never been this hard before.

My heart seemed to thump louder as Kiyara's paws left my back, unbuttoning my shirt. A sudden aversion to clothing gripped me as threw the shirt to the side, baring my chest. We rolled, our mouths parting, as she pulled her shirt over her head. She wore nothing underneath. Before I had a chance to react, her lips were over mine again, my paws moving automatically to caress and scratch her bared back as she did me. Murring in approval and pleasure, she leaned forward, on her knees as she unbuckled my belt, pulling down my pants and boxers in one motion. I felt a sudden air around my nether regions as my cock, freed, slapped her jeans. Kiyara broke the kiss suddenly, looking between us. "," she said reverently. "Damn, Sem, how big are you?"

I looked away, embarrassed. "I... I never measured..." I had been about to say more before her lips once again silenced me. I felt an incredible thrill and gasped into the kiss, feeling her press her nether lips against my tip.

She drew back, looking into my eyes. "Ready?"

I got a sudden perverse though that she should be answering that question. I nodded.

Whatever I felt at being at her entrance doubled and tripled and quadrupled as she pushed herself down my member, stopping a few inches before drawing back, more of my cock disappearing into her with each successive push. My heart pounded like a trip hammer as my tail swished back and forth in pleasurable agitation. My eyes closed, I unconsciously dig my claws into the bed, even as I purred louder than ever before. The smell was incredibly, a burst of male and female arousal that invaded my nose and lodged there, intent on staying for good.

"Oh, gods, Sem," cooed Kiyara, having finally hilted me, her paws holding up her trembling body on my chest. After a moment, she drew back a few inches, plopping back into place. Again she lifted herself, and again she dropped herself on me, over and over again, gradually lengthening the strokes. Truly, this was heaven, her pussy giving my pleasures my paws couldn't hope to duplicate. Soon, sooner than I thought, she was leaning forward, pressing her paws into my chest as she drew herself along my entire length, stopping at the base of my tip and coming down. I was lost, alternately purring and moaning, having never experienced this much pleasure. Belatedly, I noticed she had quickened her pace, pausing ever so slightly on the down stroke to grind into me, making little sounds of pleasure all the while.

"Oh, yes!" she hissed suddenly, "yes, yes, yessss!" At first, I didn't know what was going on. Then, her cooze gave my member a terrific squeeze, so much so that I yowled aloud, my paws finding their places at her rump, lifting and holding her down as she literally rode out her throes. A little after her, my body convulsed, sperm shooting within her as I myself came, drawing her down into an abrupt, impassioned kiss.

She broke it, panting lightly, caressing my face. Without words (as if she needed any), she nuzzled my neck, resting. I was tired as well, I realized. At the same time, it felt good, no longer being a virgin. The feeling of pussy lips wrapped around my cock was something I very much wanted to get used to. Slowly, we cuddled as we drifted off to sleep, lying together as lovers do.