Chapter 6

Story by tfamonk on SoFurry

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#6 of Return to Decadence

Whoo, chapter 6! No sexing in this one unfortunately, more plot here.

Special thanks to readasaur who co-wrote with me this time! As well as circeus for beta reading this bad boy.

The fountain in question was rather opulent, Nate noted, thankfully not overtly phallic like the gate was (perhaps they thought it was too obvious?), and for the second time since he had arrived in this world, he was grateful that the locals had working plumbing; although he had noted glumly back at the inn that they had yet to develop toilet paper. What he wasn't grateful for was; well, just about everything else, especially the two nude imps that he was currently trying to avoid looking at, despite Zericho continuing to talk to him as if nothing had happened.

"I'm telling you kid, a dip would do you good. I mean aren't all those clothes you wear stifling?"

How could he talk so nonchalantly? He was naked, in the middle of a public park, having just jerked off with some guy he said he hated!

Nate was trying his best to not have a nervous breakdown, "I'm... good. Thanks."

"Aw, come on. You're telling me that after hiking all day today and yesterday in that stuff, you don't smell?"

Nate tried his best to ignore Zericho's comments, but the imp was right, he hadn't bathed for three days now; after the long hike he wasn't smelling good. "Whatever."

"If you would like, we could close our eyes." Zinoe offered, floating on his back in the shallow water. "I could even keep Zericho distracted to ensure he doesn't look." He winked one of his bright eyes at Nate, while Zericho turned and scowled.

Nate, still doing his best to not look at the two, hadn't seen the wink, but he had heard the offer, and he had to admit, it was tempting. He hated to think what he would smell like in a few more days; and even without soap, a simple soak would do him some good. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if he could trust this new imp to keep his word. After mulling it over for a few seconds, he made his decision, "Alright, but if anything funny happens I kick both your asses."

"Hey! I am a prince, thank you! Like I need to get my jollies by ogling your a-" Whatever else Zericho was going to indignantly utter was lost when Zinoe swam closer and pressed his lips against the angry imp's own to silence him with a kiss. True to his word, Zinoe's eyes were closed, though they still glowed dimly through his eyelids, and while Zericho struggled for a moment, a glance over at Nate made him reluctantly surrender to the kiss and close his eyes as well. Of course now instead of watching him strip, the two naked imps were passionately kissing in the water, so the awkwardness of the situation hadn't decreased by much.

When silence overtook the fountain, Nate was curious enough to quickly glance over and see what had happened, and was surprised to see the two imps embracing; although he quickly averted his gaze before he could see any more. "Okay then... I guess I'll just go to the other side of the fountain and let you two have your... fun" He grimaced as he made his way round to the opposite side of the circular basin, the spouting fixture of the fountain partially blocking him from view of the imps. He quickly shed his sweatshirt, shoes, socks, and pants, and placed them on the edge of the fountain. He would have to wash them eventually, but for now he would focus on his body; and he slowly removed his undershirt, making sure to leave his boxers on in case Zericho broke his word, or a passerby happened to come in this direction.

Zericho really wanted to peek. There was nothing like telling an imp "No" to make them want something all the more desperately, and people so rarely said "No" to Zericho. Was Nate hiding something? Possibly, or maybe he really was just this shy. It boggled the hedonistic imp's mind that anyone would deny themselves pleasure when it was freely offered, but Nate had been very firm in refusing him every single time Zericho had made the privilege available. Right now he would have been satisfied with just seeing Nate's body in more detail, as it would confirm or deny the mental image that Zericho had built. One little peek couldn't hurt anything, could it? And he hadn't really promised anything... Nate had only insisted they not look so that he wouldn't feel embarrassed, it wouldn't hurt him if he never knew that Zericho had looked at him. Resolute, Zericho cracked one eye open... and saw Zinoe glaring at him in disapproval. Zericho closed his eyes, and made certain to grab the glowing imp's ass especially hard in retaliation.

The water was a bit too shallow for it to be considered a proper bath, and it was also a bit chilly, so it was more like taking a dip in a kiddy pool. Still, Nate supposed it was better than nothing as he poured water over his thin body, making sure to get every portion of his body wet. As he did so he wondered why Zericho had been so insistent over the trip to try and sleep with him; after all, he wasn't exactly attractive; perhaps that was just his way, sleeping with every male he came across in some hedonistic journey. He didn't seem interested in women at the very least, although from what he had gathered from Zericho, that was true of many imps; which he thought somewhat strange, after all, how could such a race reproduce if so much of their population was gay? He shrugged the thought off as he continued soaking his body, sure to scrub the dirt that had gathered over several days the best he could.

To an observer, the two imps who kissed at the other side of the fountain might have looked amorous and romantic. While there was a substantial amount of groping, both of them remained soft and they seemed more intent on stroking one another's body than getting off. Their eyes remained closed, and light sparks of magic occasionally flickered off of them when the other touched a particularly sensitive spot. In truth, however, it was more a struggle for dominance than any kind of expression of passion. Zericho was more determined than ever to look now that his pointed ears picked up the sound of splashing. The vision of Nate, naked and wet, illuminated by the moonlight and unaware that he was being observed... it was far too tempting for the spoiled prince to resist. But Zinoe seemed determined to preserve Nate's privacy, and so fought against the prince to prevent him from looking, keeping his body between the bathing human and the horny prince at all times during their elongated kiss.

Nate was still confused by the two imps, especially Zinoe, who he had just met; unlike Zericho, he seemed far less upstrung, although he was apparently just as shameless as the prince. Still, he was somewhat glad that Zinoe seemed to be keeping his promise, as he had yet to see the two aside from some faint movement behind the spurting head of the fountain. As he laid back in the water, he began to think about home, and hoped that his parents weren't too badly worried, or that there wasn't some insane search going on that would turn up nothing.

Zinoe clearly wasn't going to back down, and rather than suffer a true defeat, Zericho elected to give up and pout, no longer actively trying to force Zinoe to release him or allow him to look at Nate, he went limp in the glowing imp's arms and grudgingly accepted the more tender direction their kiss took as Zinoe teasingly praised him for his 'restraint'. He still wanted to know what Nate looked like, entirely exposed, but he also recalled that the human had a very fierce temper... Perhaps it was for the best that Zinoe prevented him from looking. In the end, it didn't matter anyway. He was Prince Zericho, and there was not a man in the entire world that he could not entice into his bed. He was certain that it was only a matter of time.

It was at this moment that Chiboom trudged into the plaza where the fountain was. She had heard the sound of splashing, and came to investigate. As she approached, she noted that with her luck so far, she would arrive to find Zinoe and the prince having wild sex, or worse, trying to molest Nate. She hoped such wasn't the case, and liked to think the boy was brave enough to stop such a thing, especially after the previous night. With such thoughts on her mind, she was surprised when the first thing she saw was Nate, floating in the fountain nearly nude.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat, and Nate quickly sat up, shocked.

A large blush of embarrassment spread across the boy's face, "Oh... hey, Chiboom. I was just... trying to get clean."

Chiboom rolled her eyes, although Nate was clearly embarrassed, she had seen far more, and far worse. "Where's the prince? And Zinoe for that matter. I assume you found him if you're bathing."

Zericho was sorely tempted to complain about her late arrival. He could have been drowned in the fountain long before she had gotten there! This hostility was mainly due to his lack of success in spying on Nate, however, and he knew the decision to split up had been a mutual one, so he broke the kiss and flapped hard to remove the excess water on his wings until he could rise into the air, flying just above the center of the fountain. He heard Nate make a noise of objection, and took a perverse pride in very obviously not looking in his direction, instead crossing his arms and looking down at Chiboom.

"Yeah, we found him. And he's agreed to help us, so that's one more notch for the Impire." He indicated neither acknowledgment nor shame that he was completely naked. Zinoe didn't bother flying up to join Zericho, and elected to instead lazily float around to the other side of the fountain, waving at Chiboom as he drifted past Nate, never once opening his eyes.

Nate quickly leapt out of the fountain and quickly threw his t-shirt on, followed by his pants, although now both of them were soaking wet, along with his boxers. "Oh man." He groaned, he knew that they would have to be washed, but this was not how he had planned that. At this rate he would have to get some new clothes, soon.

Chiboom only momentarily glanced as Nate jumped out of the fountain, and instead set her sights on Zinoe. "So, Advisor Zinoe, pleasure to meet you. I'm Zericho's bodyguard, Chiboom. Zericho says you'll be joining us?" She gruffly said.

"Delighted to meet you. In spirit, I will be with you." Zinoe replied, standing up in the water and leaning on the low stone wall around the shallow pool. "Physically, however, I will be organizing this kingdom's forces to repel the unlawful invasion of Osmodai's forces. While I hate to stand in the way of someone's path in life, I feel that Osmodai and his demons are better suited elsewhere. The pits of hell, perhaps?" Zinoe climbed out of the fountain, and over to where he and Zericho had dropped their clothes. He indicated for the rest to follow him, and Zericho swooped ahead of them, not happy with following the lackadaisical imp anywhere.

"King Zadesh planned for emergencies such as this. In the event that he was not able to command us, I and his other Advisors were to take command of the five kingdoms that make up the Impire and unite our efforts. Though it was more intended in case of famine or plague than invasion..." His loincloth was unceremoniously dropped on his face as Zericho flew past him overhead, already having regained his garment. Zinoe was unphased. "Ideally, one of Zadesh's private bodyguards would have delivered this message to the others, but since they have sadly escaped their mortal bounds, only the Prince can fulfill that role and unite us against Osmodai." He turned and gave both Chiboom and Nate a sympathetic smile, and then slowly slipped into his own loincloth, wiggling his hips as he worked it up past his thighs.

Chiboom sighed, massaging her brow as she processed the new information the best she could, all the while averting her gaze as to not catch sight of the nude imp that stood in front of her. When she had signed onto this job, it was more as a favor for Mona, in return for all the choice work she had given her in the past, but now this was looking like it would be an actual quest. "Okay, so where would we go next?" She asked.

Nate looked up at her, he himself also doing his best to not look at the naked imp flying about, instead glancing occasionally at Zinoe, now dressed in his loincloth, and no longer covered in semen as he had been when he had last saw him. "We? I thought you would be heading back to Mona after we found Zinoe."

Chiboom smirked, "As fun as that sounds, my assigned job was to protect the prince throughout his journey, not to escort him to Pjakes."

"Hey, never let it be said that I was not a generous prince." Zericho declared, flying vertically in front of Chiboom with one hand on his bare hips and the other idly twirling his loincloth. "You get me through this alive, you get a Royal Favor and your weight in gold."

Nate then did his best to talk to the flying imp without looking at him, really not desiring any view of the prince's nude body. "What about me? I thought you said there was some mage college or something in this city, Zericho." Nate just wanted to get home as fast as he could, and the mage college Zericho had mentioned was his best shot; his mind still refused to seriously entertain the thought that he wouldn't get home, especially before... he glanced down at his pack that he had placed at the fountain base, and grimaced.

"Relax, I haven't forgotten." Seeing how uncomfortable Nate looked, Zericho grumbled and donned his loincloth at last. "Zinoe will take us tomorrow and we'll see about sending you back to your own weird world. We have to go shopping anyway; Chiboom needs some new gear if she's going to guard my delicious body."

Zinoe nodded, though his glowing eyes remained on Nate and his expression seemed to suggest faint puzzlement.

Nate looked around awkwardly, "So... where do we go next?" He asked.

Zinoe quickly explained how he was currently staying in a house deeper inside the park, apparently it was his vacation home, and it was also home to several other imps. As the four made their way towards the center of the park, the trees growing increasingly thick, and the darkness nearly impenetrable were it not for Zinoe's bioluminescence; Zericho idly wondered what the best way to proceed with Nate was, Chiboom mentally went over what armor she might purchase the next day if she was truly going to be given a royal spending limit, and Nate did his best to move about in his damp clothing.

When they finally approached the location about 20 minutes later, Nate was astonished. The house in question was in fact, a gigantic treehouse; one that hugged a tree at least 200 feet tall. It was less one whole building, instead it was multiple rooms of varying sizes, connected by pathways that seemed to trace along branches, while others hung in the open air.

In only a few minutes, Zinoe showed them to a set of empty guest rooms. A large one for the prince, no doubt set aside in case someone from the royal court showed up, and two of average size, although Nate was glad to see it was larger than back at the inn. It even had a twin sized bed, although Zericho quickly bragged to him that his was naturally king sized, and that he was accepting guests if asked. Nate brushed him off and stepped inside his own room, quickly getting ready for bed, but not before swallowing a small handful of pills.

As he downed the handful, and looked back at the bottle, he found himself desperately hoping that he would be able to get home in time. If he ran out, an... episode would be sure to shortly follow. He had to avoid that by any means; if the mages weren't able to send him home, he prayed they might be able to do something about his condition. That seemed unlikely though; after all, the medical knowledge was so low that Zericho didn't know or understand even the basic principles of sterilization.

He decided it was unwise to sleep in soaking wet clothing, and did his best to fold his clothes and set them in the room's dresser, although he refused to remove his underwear and sleep in the nude considering his current companions.

The next morning, Nate awoke to find new clothing had been set out for him: A pair of simple looking brown pants that were a little tight around the waist, and a red and white robe that didn't close fully and so exposed the center of his chest and stomach. His own clothes were nowhere in sight, though thankfully someone had put his possessions aside and none of his other items were missing. One frantic search later, he had found one of the sleeping imps and after waking him (And ignoring the fairly obvious morning wood the yawning imp sported) he questioned him about his clothes whereabouts. The imp directed him vaguely upwards before falling back to sleep, and could not be roused again. Ascending the staircase got him lost twice, but he eventually wandered down a pathway to find bubbles floating past him; following them to their source he found an orange Imp cheerfully singing to himself as birds fluttered around him and chirped in time with the song, which seemed to be a nonsensical stream of words. Around him were piles of clothing, and behind him neat stacks of folded clothes had been carefully laid out, including Nate's own garments.

As Nate idly wondered when the fuck exactly he had stepped into some kind of demented Disney film, the orange imp turned around.

"Oh, hello! Do the clothes fit?" Unlike most of the other imps that Nate had encountered, this one seemed to be wearing as many clothes as he could possibly fit on his body. None of them matched, and between the scarves covering his neck and his long hair covering his eyes, the only parts of the imp he could make out were his wings, tail and smile.

Nate was more than a little confused, but did his best to be polite. After all, this was the first imp that wasn't either sporting an erection or trying to have sex that he had encountered, "Oh... yeah, I mean, they're a little tight but um... who are you?"

"I'm Zillic. Nice to meet you." One of the large mittens moved towards Nate, and it seemed that the imp wanted to shake hands, but who knew what was under there?

Nate timidly reached out his own hand, wondering why this imp was dressed in so much, as opposed to all the other imps who seemed to be clothing phobic. "I'm Nate"

"Nice to meet you, Nate! It must be exciting traveling with the prince like this!" Zillic was apparently blissfully unaware of what Zericho's demanding company was like, and cheerfully carried on. "I hope you don't mind, but your clothes kind of... really needed to be washed. And since I have the spell for that..." He drew out the word to suggest that he only did what anyone would have under the circumstances. "Don't worry about the ones you're wearing, some human that stayed the night left them behind ages ago, they're yours now."

Nate mostly agreed, although he was slightly weirded out by the invasion of his privacy this implied, "Oh, thank you. I mean, yeah... they were really dirty after my trip. That was really nice of you." He picked up one of his pieces of clothing, his socks, and took a whiff. "Whoa, you did a really good job, they're totally clean! They even smell nice!"

The long mitten and the scarf that might have been wrapped around an arm came together and the head of hair ducked down. What little could be seen of Zillic's face was blushing with pride. "Oh, thank you! I do this for a lot of people in town, and it feels nice to help, you know?" What he didn't say was that he had a personal fetish for the scent of other people's clothing, and wore so many layers so that he could sleep and pleasure himself each night in a bed that mingled his scent with strangers. To Nate he only smiled and nodded. "I added a little extra power so they'll stay clean after you wear them for a few days, but you can make that last by switching between the outfits." He indicated the clothes that Nate was already wearing.

Nate sensed that there seemed to be something off about the friendly imp, although he decided to ignore it. "Oh, thanks, um... I guess I could wear these for now." He glanced down at his exposed chest, not enjoying the feeling of being exposed to the open air, "Although I think I'm gonna wear my undershirt with this as well. Thanks again, by the way!" Nate picked them up in a neat pile, and left with his clothes in hand, muttering about deodorant and soap.

By the time that Nate found his way back to the others, breakfast was about over, though there was plenty left for him to sate his own hunger. Zericho teasingly whistled at him as though his new clothing were any less modest than the ones he'd been wearing when he crossed over. Zinoe nodded a greeting at him, his serene smile never wavering.

"Glad you have returned from the land of dreams, young healer. Our physical bodies are heading towards the marketplace today, and I will do my best to have the miracle makers set you back on your proper karmic pathway." As they waited for Nate to eat, Zericho turned to Chiboom.

"Okay, our funds aren't unlimited yet, so don't go crazy at the market. Only one set of armor, and... what weapons do you use?" He tried to recall what weapon he'd seen her use, but he more clearly recalled the tree branch they passed that had resembled a male reproductive organ.

Chiboom shrugged, "I have an axe, but anything along that line goes, so maces, clubs... if you swing it, I can use it."

"Magic armor and magic club or something. Alright, we can do that. Eat faster, Nate! Pretend it's-" He was interrupted by Zinoe calmly inserting a slice of fruit into his mouth and smiling at Nate.

"Never fear, little brother, your path will be made right again."

Nate was intrigued by Zinoe, "So what exactly do you do Zinoe? I mean, the way you talk, are you like a priest or something along those lines?" He was honestly curious, Zinoe seemed far calmer than Zericho, and was far more approachable as far as Nate was concerned.

The prince finished chewing and swallowing the piece of fruit in his mouth and groaned dramatically as Zinoe's glow got brighter. "Now you've done it."

The smile on the glowing imp's face changed from serene to elated and he spread his arms wide. "Little brother, I am too happy to enlighten you! For long ago there was an Imp, a wise and loving imp who discovered within him a soul! The very same soul endowed to all who live and thrive upon this world! And yet he did not forsake his body for his soul, oh no! He set out to find the path that would let him satisfy both his body and his soul. And so we who wear the mark..." Zinoe paused and turned, lifting his loincloth, but not to moon Nate as he might have feared, but to show him the suggestive looking sign on his hip. "...Seek also to sate both our body and soul through good works and good lays. We await the day our founder will find the perfect path, though it take him long and far..."

Zericho snorted. "Long and far? He wanders around the Impire! He was at the castle a month ago, and rode dad until he agreed to build that new orphanage."

"...and he will find us, his eager pupils, and show us the way. Amen." Zinoe concluded, closing his eyes and bowing his head, as though Zericho hadn't spoken.

Nate smiled the best he could, doing his best not to leave the table immediately and create a scene, "That's... lovely, I'm glad you've got a purpose in your life, not everyone is so... lucky."

Chiboom snorted, "Hot tip kid, don't ask a Fulcrum about their philosophy unless you want an earful, they're constantly proselytizing. I can sadly say I speak from experience on that matter."

Nate did his best to stay polite, "Philosophy? That's... very interesting, I was assuming it was a religion. So it's kind of like Confuscianism back in my world then, it's just a way to live your life. You'll have to tell me about it... some other time." He silently cursed himself for being overly polite, and not just saying he wasn't interested.

"We all walk our own path, little brother. You will find your road sooner or later. Right now, though, our physical path is taking us to the marketplace." He flew to a suggestive looking cookie jar that had been crafted to resemble an imp crouched and touching himself, but when it was turned around, it was only the visage of an imp guiltily eating a cookie. He opened the top and pulled out a small bag that jingled in his grasp. He opened it up, counted out almost a dozen gleaming coins and placed them in his palm. He replaced the bag in the jar and set the top back on, which reset the magical lock protecting the stash of coins. "I do believe that should be enough for our trip. We are ready when you are, young healer."