The Fox and the Wanderer

Story by Okamik on SoFurry

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#1 of Shizo and Wanderer

A Story that crosses the paths of a Wanderer and a Fox. Written as a curiosity, with potentially more added in the future.

Below is a work of fantasy fiction. Any similarities between people, places, creatures or events portrayed is purely coincidence. The following story is a work of fan fiction that may contain strong language, violence, sexual themes between Humans and Anthropomorphic beings, Human and Human or Anthropomorphic beings and Anthropomorphic beings with homosexual, or heterosexual inclinations. If any of the previously mentioned material is offensive to you, you are advised to discontinue reading.

Thank you Okamik

A light breeze blew gently in the tree's of the forest, the dark green leaves leaving speckled shadows on the deep forest floor. The rustle of the tree's and branches mixed with the sweet sound of running water in the distance. A young man wandered across a barely trodden pathway, his dark hair flowed gently in the spring breeze as he took step after relaxed stepped. A blade was slung across his shoulder loosely along with a small bag of personal belongings. The bag wasn't large, merely a rolled up piece of cloth more than an actual bag. He was was tall for his age, with young features and green eyes that shone like smooth emeralds.

Shizo took this all in, as she watched from a distance. Her golden fox eyes followed this human who had entered this part of the forest. Since the winter snows had come and gone, she has not seen anyone pass through these mountains, the last man, a traveling merchant, provided no excitement for her. Deciding this man could be more fulfilling to her needs, she bound off into he forest, and started shadowing him.

Kiyoshi continued along his path unawares of the watcher in the shadows of this magnificent day. He felt that the winter had gone on too long, and felt restless back in the town he stayed in. When the snows finally started to vanish, he practically jumped for joy and started down his road. He thought about that for a moment, about why he was traveling and decided it was too bothersome to think about when the weather was treating him so well. He made good money over the winter though, the purse laced inside his once new coat weighing against his chest ina comforting fashion, and his new sandals actually fit him comfortably as well. He walked with a smile on his face, a slight scar on his lip contorting ever so slightly as he re-adjusted his grip. He walked many miles that day. Letting the sun set behind him through the tree's, he started looking for a safe place he can sleep for the night, finding a clearing not far from the trail and close to a slow running stream. He went about his usual practice's as he set up his camp, a small fire to warm him, his feet cleaned in the surprisingly warm water of the stream

"must be a spring nearby" he said to himself, his voice gentle with a slight growl to it. It wasn't long until he was eating some dried foods he brought with him, and resting on his bag, looking up at the unclouded night sky. Not too far away, Shizo watched the man. He didn't seem to have much to him she thought disappointingly, the pair of gold tail's behind her waving in a agitated manner. She waited for his breathing to become heavy, and it wasn't long until he started snoring away in slumber before she started padding stealthily towards him. As she got closer, her keen smell picked up a variety of smells from the man that painted a portrait in front of her of far away places and exotic sights. She inhaled the surprising scent again, taking apart the different aspects of it. She saw mountains far away, mist ridden villages and miles of glass like ocean. So, he's not from the main land Shizo declared to herself. She then looked towards his sword, a straight blade which she dismissed as being of poor quality, though she did admire the carvings on the deep red wood of the handle, and curiously, small charm hung from the Tsuba. She looked closer, and a scent hit her she didn't expect. It was perfume, sweet like cherry blossom. Looking at the charm, it was shaped like a foxes head, another fact that surprised her.

Kiyoshi dreamt of home whilst the fox was busy rifling through his things, of the small village he grew up in, of the stories he had heard and of the pains he had when he left for the mainland. He remembered the first woman he loved as well. A young lady, part of a minor noble house of a town he couldn't remember. He enjoyed those memories of sneaking into her home to see her, and her smile as they spoke. Sadly, he also remembered how angry her father was, and how he had punished him and the woman. Shizo sensed the change in the man's mood as he slept, calmly leaping back into the shadows of the undergrowth as he tossed and turned. Maybe there is something to him? She thought to herself, now more determined to follow him, and claim him for her own if he proves worthy of her.

Kiyoshi awoke sneezing soon after sunrise, unceremoniously cursing the ground he slept on as he got up and dusted himself off. His night wasn't the best, and his sleep was disturbed, a combination that would have made him slightly grumpy were not for the chattering of the local wildlife and the warming effects of the sun. Looking towards the small heated stream, heated mists coming from it shallow flows in the cool morning air, Kiyoshi decided he wanted to find the source of the water, and if he was lucky, maybe take a dip and get himself refreshed.

He went to pick up his belongings, when he heard, or rather didn't hear the chattering of the birds in the air any more. A part of him tensed, wondering what was going on. He continued picking up his bag, and then his sword. Being careful to keep the hilt in reach of his hands. Shizo cursed her luck at that time, the harsh winter has driven a small group of worthless men down from the mountains she thought, watching the three wretches skulk through the undergrowth towards her prey. She thought about abandoning the scene, not wanting to witness her prey being killed and robbed by these men. She didn't consider the stranger to be much of a fighter, even if he did carry a blade with him, but a waft of something in the air caught her attention coming from towards him. The smell ignited something in her she had not felt in a long time....

Now Kiyoshi knew there was someone out there. No, more than one. Three maybe? He thought. He listened intently to his surroundings, taking in any small sound he could find, and any slight feeling in the air. There, he felt the three men steadily coming towards him, there murderous intent clear as the morning sun to him now. There was something else in the air, desire? It was very faint and Kiyoshi dismissed it as a trick of his mind, focusing on the matter at hand. He let his bag drop, making it look like the strap had untied itself as he heard the first of them come to the edge of the clearing. A man leapt out at Kiyoshi, yelling and brandishing a small scythe at him thinking he had the element of surprise. What the vagrant was certainly surprised about however was the elbow that connected with his jaw, and the snap that was heard by those in the clearing. The first attacker stumbled back, his jaw in excruciating pain from the blow as the other two attacked shouting angrily at Kiyoshi who simply spun his body in place, avoiding the crude clubs before giving one a kick to the backside and the other a blow that took his off balance. Seeing no one else was jumping out at him, and all his opponents in front of him rather than surrounding him he drew his sword. Shizo took note on how the strange man dealt with his attackers, seeing that he did not move like the other fighters she's encountered before. They were rigid and set in there ways, some were great fighters yes, but predictable. This one. This one sent shivers down her at the thought of his energy. The two Kiyoshi pushed away turned around and saw him in a peculiar stance with the blade, Kiyoshi stood legs apart, blade draped across a shoulder with a burning look in his emerald eyes. The two men hesitated for a moment before the third pointed and attempted a yell from his broken jaw, springing them into action again. They charged him, thinking Kiyoshi inexperienced from what they have seen with other fighters they have come across. They split into two directions, and attacked together, Kiyoshi had to give them credit, they weren't entirely stupid. He lent his weight on one foot and spun his body, letting the two attackers miss and nearly collide with one another before bringing the blade down, neatly across the neck of one of the attackers. As the other was regaining there balance, Kiyoshi thrust the straight blade into his chest. Seeing his men taken down so easily by Kiyoshi, the last one started to run away before stumbling and falling, the pain from his jaw becoming too much for him he passed out. Shizo watched, she was set afire inside by this display and was curious what he would do with the now unconscious bandit. She was surprised when he picked him up, thinking he would simply execute the wretched thing, instead he brought him to a decent sized tree and using a rope from the small bad, started tying the brute to the tree.

Kiyoshi said his fair wells to the bandit, whilst wiping his blade and moving the two dead men away and under the cover of leaves before setting back off on his travels. Remarkably, not a drop of blood was to be found on his clothing. Breathing deeply to relieve the pent up energy he had from the brief fight. He thought about how troublesome it was that they found him. He didn't like killing, just happened to be very good at it. Though it did trouble him at the back of his mind about that fourth intent he felt. Pushing it to the back of his mind again, he continued along the path for a while longer. Though his morning was nearly ruined, he was still intent on finding that spring, even more so now to make up for it.

Shizo continued to follow him. She noticed that unlike before, there seemed to be a motive behind his movements now. Was it because of the fight maybe? It soon occurred to her then, from her memory of the place there was a spring that someone could bath in close by, off the trail. You could walk past it, and never realise it was there. A plan started to formulate in her mind then and she bound out ahead of the wanderer, staying hidden. She decided she was going to have this one, and worked her magic to conceal the actual path, opening up the one that would lead to the hot springs. Now for the tricky part she thought. She came across the springs themselves, the air was heavy and damp with a fragrant smell in the air around the pool of gently heated water. Moss lined the natural stone walls of the pool, creating a soft carpet across the floor. The spot was ideal, Shizo would come here often to bath herself. She used her magic again, changing herself from the two tailed golden fox she was. She now stood, naked near the pool. Her curved hips flexed as she got used to the form again. Bringing her hands up to her flesh, she stroked her body from ankles, up her thighs and across her hips before continuing up to her perky breasts. She felt them for a moment, liking how in this form, they still remained not too big as she has seen with others, but large enough for a handful. Now came the waiting game as she ran her hands through her golden hair and sank into the water, placing herself out of view behind a rock in the centre of the pool.

Kiyoshi continued on his route, looking for clues, maybe even a sign that pointed in the right direction. Oddly, the once narrow and straight path curved to the right slightly. Something he hadn't of expected, but proved promising to him. He followed the new path, and got rewarded by the heavenly smell of heated water, now it was a case of following his nose. The site that greeted him already started to make his body relax. He did a quick check to make sure that noone was about, and thinking the water already empty he placed his belongings in a bush close by, and his sword rested against the side of the pool. Shizo could sense him, and masked her presence as best she could as she peaked gently from behind the rock, and what she saw did please her. Kiyoshi started stripping, first his jacket and underobe. Revealing a body that had seen years of travel, training and a few fights. Scars lined and crossed across certain parts of him, and Shizo got a good look at his behind when he removed his leggings. Anticipation started building inside of her, but she reminded herself for this to work, she needed to remain calm. Just a little longer. She couldn't suppress a smile, and gently hid herself, muttering a small spell as he looked towards the pool.

Kiyoshi climbed into the pool of water. Relieved at the near perfect temperature it had, he sank into its depths, his head bobbing at the surface. He sat there a short while, feeling the heat of the water, and something else. He became very aware of his groin at that time, and looking down he could see that he was nearly fully engorged. The urge to deal with it at that time started to build in him slowly. The now magical water were having a very similar effect on Shizo as well....

at first she debated if it was really a good idea casting that kind of spell in the water whilst she was sat in it, but decided she didn't care as she felt ablaze. Now came the interesting part.

She submerged herself in the water, her golden hair flowing around her as she gently swam towards her prey. Through the murky water, she could see him and his engorged member in the water. Seeing it, she licked her lips noting that he was gently stroking himself in the water, by now the spell would have made his mind fuzzy with desire. Likely, all Shizo would have to do was bend over and he would likely take her in this state. Humans were so easy to play with she smiled as she floated within inches of Kiyoshi. She could see the head of his cock bobbing in front of him, and testing she lightly licked the end, and was pleased to find he reacted very nicely. Thrusting up to her was all the invitation she needed, as she took him in her mouth, slowly sucking at him and devouring him inch by inch. His had had already moved away, and she thanked the gods that she didn't need to breath as she started to withdraw from him.

Kiyoshi could feel the sensations happening in the water, he knew something was happening below the water, but the magic infused water had already done its work. All he wanted was to enjoy the moment, praying it lasted a while. He bucked again instinctively as he could feel smooth lips enveloping him again, before withdrawing, he could feel the gentle scrape of teeth as well, and the gentle teasing of a tongue across the very tip of him. Whoever it was, was very skilled with what they do. He put a hand under the water instinctively, caressing the angles feminine cheeks of whoever was making him feel so good as they engulfed him again.

Shizo almost flinched at the touch of his hand, but the gentle caress comforted her. She was feeling increasingly hot herself at the moment, her actions of sucking him off, combined with e spell and the gentle bubbling water along her sex has driven her to relieve some for the tension, slowly teasing and stroking herself. Stroking that small nub of sensitive flesh, she moans down his shaft. The magic really having its effect on her it seems as she delved an inquisitive finger into herself slowly. Oh, how she misses hands she thought. But she couldn't do this for too long, she didn't want him to cum just yet, and she has her own needs to fulfill, keeping a hand on his shaft and stroking it in smooth motions, tightening and loosening the grip almost like she was milking him, she started to rise to the surface of the water.

Kiyoshi now could see the wonder that was making him feel this way, as Shizo came from the water, there eyes met. His emerald eyes looked deep into her golden ones, and he could feel a tug at his heart as she came level with him, her lips parted to show brilliant white teeth. If he had been more aware, he may have noticed that her canines were elongated, but he didn't care as she embraced him and nibbled along his neck. His arms wrapped around her body, feeling her supple wet flesh, pushing gently against her skin, he caressed every part of her he could find. His member was solid, and waiting as he felt her hips brush against his, her boiling hot folds grinding against him under the water. They kissed, tongues tangling together, the sensations he was feeling were unlike any other he had felt in a long time.

Shizo lifted her hips up gently, straddling the human completely now as he sucked upon one of her breasts. She guided him to her waiting entrance, she could feel the tip pressing urgently against her. He didn't resist, how could he? She thought. She was beautiful, and skilled in her ways, with the magic, no mortal could resist her right now. She lowered slowly onto him, he parted her and with the tip barely inside, she started to rotate her hips. Kiyoshi gasped in delighted pleasure as she descended, impaling herself with those hypnotic rotating hips onto him. She could feel the fullness in er body at that moment, could feel the energy in him reaching boiling point.

"you're mine now...." she whispered as she started to lift herself off of him, before descending back down. Her pace was maddeningly slow to begin with, and Kiyoshi's hands never stopped caressing her flesh. The water started to splash as she increased her speed, rotating her hips coming down onto him, feeling every inch of him and savoring it. She could feel the build up in both of them, the hardness of his shaft and his labored breaths were proof enough of this and she could feel that pleasure building in her core, ready to explode.

Much of the water was now overflowing from the pool, her moans echoing through the air and his grunts and growls matching them. It wont be long, it wont be long she told herself. And then it happened, she could feel her muscles tighten onto him as she came down one last time, and Kiyoshi exploded in pleasure, he could see white lights as he painted her womb with his seed. Shizo could also feel something else as her body milked him of his fluids, she could feel the spiritual energy within Kiyoshi grow and enter her through her sex, sending her into another wave of orgasm. She bit into his neck to suppress her scream as she milked him of his life force. Soon, she had her fill, and slumped into his body. Her breathing was hard, and she felt fulfilled. She was sated and content. Until she realised, that the man she is layed upon, was not dead. His breathing was shallow, and his heart beat strongly.

"he should be dead... " she said to herself, not quite believing it. She looked upon him, seeing he was unconscious, and twitching inside of her still, sending shivers up her spine. Something else unexpected happened in Shizo, she felt... Relief? I'll need time to think about this she thought to herself as she unmounted him on unsteady legs and left him there. Still alive, and still with energy.

Kiyoshi woke up lazily in the pool of hot spring water. He looked at his surroundings in a sleepy haze. I fell asleep? He thought to himself, scarcely believing it. He remembered the dream he had... he could feel the smile creeping across his face as he climbed out of the water, already feeling his shaft hardening just from thinking about. Looking around once more to make sure no one was watching, he started to dress himself. The sun had already started to set in the sky, tinting it crimson. How long had he been asleep for? Sighing to himself for indulging in his bath he started back along the track, this time looking for a safe place to rest for the night.

Shizo, back in her fox form watched him as he left the water. She was still very curious in how he managed to survive there encounter... Her senses told her that he still had plenty of energy inside of him as well, though she drained as much as he body could at the time. She still felt warm inside from there session in the water. A sensation she most enjoyed, and wished to continue if she could help it. Maybe this man could make a perfect, and permanent, addition to her life if he truly could survive a fox daemons embrace without expiring. She followed him, smiling to herself and wondering when her next chance could be. Invigorated with power now, she felt more bold.

Kiyoshi continued on, climbing further up the mountain. The forest was still thick, though the darkening shadows urged him to settle on a spot to stay the night. He felt weary and tired, yawning he found a suitable spot just off the road. Another clearing, he looked up from it to see the bright stars and the shining moon edging there way into view as the sun finally set. The full moon provided him with plenty of light as he started a fire and set up his small camp site. His belly grumbled, and he noted he only had a small amount of the dried meats he had before. He sighed and his shoulders drooped at the thought that tomorrow he will likely have to spend it hunting to make sure he has enough to last till he gets to the next village. He started to chew his food as he drew his blade. Inspecting it, he saw a few spots of rust coming through. Getting a cloth and a small tub she started to clean the simple blade. A practice that a hidden Shizo watched intently from her hiding spot.

She spied him from atop the branches of a nearby tree. Considering the human from her vantage point, she learnt a few more things about him. Though his blade was simple, he knew how to take care of it. Looking at his camp, it was well sighted and hidden from the view of the road the human, no, she delved into some of the energy she consumed to learn his name. Kiyoshi knew how to travel, and stay out of sight. A combination she approved of. Being a creature that consumes the very life of her lovers, she never had the opportunity to stay in one place for too long before risking discovery. Her interest perked from her contemplation seeing him go through a short range of exercises. She watched carefully how his body moved. His motions were swift and fluid, she felt looking at him like he was born to fight. It was a miracle she also though, that he was able to move this much as well considering the earlier events. She watched him train for about an hour, the sky was pitch black and fully dotted with some of the most beautiful stars she had seen for a while.

Kiyoshi had had enough of training for now. Time for sleep he thought as he nestled himself close to the fire, making sure it was piled high in the middle to scare away the chill in the air. He wondered as he started to drift off into the embrace of slumber if he would get another sweet dream like the one he had in the spring waters. He breathed deeply, and fell into the realms of sleep. Shizo waited patiently. With him having so much energy at the moment, she couldn't resist going in for second. The thought excited her as she changed to her human form. She stepped silently towards the sleeping Kiyoshi. She could see the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and feel the air coming from him as she placed a hand gently above his head, her other forming shapes as she cast her next spell. She could feel the energy building inside her core as if filtered down to him. The spell would make him believe he was still asleep, and at the same time she mixed in the spell she cast in the water. Now came the delicious part, she thought to herself. She ran a finger up her wet slit, gathering a generous amount of herself. She shivered in delight, bringing the finger and resting it on his lips, moaning in his sleep, Kiyoshi parted his lips, allowing the finger to enter his mouth. He tasted her, and craved more as he lapped her up. Opening his dream filled eyes, he saw her. The same woman he dreamt about earlier that day. She sat back against the mossy grass floor, spreading her legs in an inviting manner. Her fingers tracing gently around her outer lips. She moaned at him, beckoning him closer.

Kiyoshi crawled to the woman than was enjoying herself in his presence. He got to her legs, and started kissing the ankles and calf's. He working his way along the leg, nipping as he goes along past the knee's. She moans in pleasure and anticipation. It would seem the spelled worked she thought, moaning louder as his hands brushed against her thighs, gripping them as he brought himself up to kiss and nip her inner leg, he was getting close now. Her pussy quivered as his hands lightly brushed either side of her. Kiyoshi was intoxicated by the smell, and couldn't wait much longer. Shizo was taken by surprise as he pressed his tongue along the bottom of her slit, dragging it painfully slowly up to her clit. She bucked at the sensation, feeling his tongue work its magic, teasing her opening with each lick of her. He was far gone now to the world, all he wanted was to taste this woman, to please her. He pressed his tongue into her, his hands holding her bucking hips down as he drived himself in. Shizo wasn't expecting this kind of treatment, she enjoyed each moment of it however as he worked her into a frenzy. His passionate kissing of her soon proved enough as she came. Her fluids coated his lips and tongue and he licked his lips. She tasted sweet, very sweet to him. He crawled up her body, kissing as he goes long and re igniting the fire in her. He kisses her passionately, she could smell and taste herself. Intoxicated by her orgasm, and now the taste of the very essence of sex itself upon her lips, she has had enough and starts to undo his trousers to get at him. He shifts his weight to allow her better access, plunging a pair of fingers into her tight passage, he hooked them and started thrusting in and out. Reading her body to find that one spot as she wrapped her hands around his shaft, pumping it gently at first she was surprised by how hard he was in her hand.

They pleasured each other for a time, exchanging passionate kisses, nips and even the odd growl before Shizo turned around, presenting her naked sex to him. Worked up himself, he grabbed her hips and lined himself up with his spare hand, pressing the tip into her. She moaned, and pushes her hips back to him. Slowly, he pushed inch by agonising inch into her hot depths, loving the feel of her wrapped snugly around him. Shizo's body was beaded in sweat from the excitement, her body burning up feeling his cock push so far into her like it did earlier that day. When Kiyoshi couldn't get any further, he started to rotate his hips into her, before pulling his way out of her almost completely, and then driving himself back in. Shizo met him with every thrust, tightening herself expertly as he drew out before it came smoothly and with power behind it now back into her. Kiyoshi pounded into her, slow at first but firm and increased his pace, bit by bit as he started losing control of himself. She pushed back, wanting him to hit the right spots again and again. Soon, the clearing was filled with the sounds of sex, the slapping of flesh as they passionately and roughly pleased one another. Soon, a steady and heavy rhythm was formed. She could feel it, and so could he. That pressure build up, that wave of pleasure before the spike. Shizo called out his name, feeling him explode within her. She could feel every pulse of seed thrust into her by him, along with wave upon wave of his energy. She orgasmed again, tightening her hold, making sure he can't escape the sensation she was feeling of being filled. They both collapsed into the grass, he fell out of her allowing some of his cum to leak as she breathed heavily, looking over to the man she just drained of his seed. He was still breathing. Truly remarkable she thought in her daze, drifting off to sleep once more, snuggled up to him unconscious form.