An'Theros - Awakening (1)

Story by Ghost Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Choose your Adventure

Not as polished as I would have liked... But I didn't want to sit on this any longer. I promise, next chapters will be longer, and more detailed.

As for Voting, please list your choices vertically, i.e.



Oh, and just some more details...

There WILL be "bad Ends" which result in the incarcertaion, or incapacitation of the Hero, in which case a new one must be created... This doesn't mean that the old hero won't be mentioned again, and might even meet up depending on voter's choices.

Don't be afraid to submit choices in the comments! If enough people like the idea, and I think it suits the world/story well, it very well might come to pass.

And with that, have fun! Don't be afraid to go nuts with the choices! Some might say the stranger the better!

A new World Order

An'Theros. A blue, white and green marble gliding through the aether. A land of mighty warriors, swift rogues and wise mages. A place where Gods and Demons bartered for the souls of mortals, offering poweful blessings and seductive gifts. A world where anything could, and usually does happen.

Of course, no one could have anticipated the Wave. The wall of arcane energy, shimmering between the major colours of magic, washing over land and sea and sky, and nothing was ever the same again. That was the day that every female, both Feral and Beast, vanished from the world. The old Gods fell silent. The laws of magic shifted and warped.

Is is now 400 years since the Wave changed the world, some say for better, others worse.

Without women, the population of the world fell dramatically. Men who no longer cared about the world razed the lands, fighting and pillaging with inpunity. Men grew older and produced no heirs, spending their twilight years in the bottom of their cups, trying to forget the hell that their lives had become. Currently, the world contains only a quarter of the souls that once resided upon the earth.

However, despite the lack of women, men found that the way for their races to survive was already bestowed upon them by the Wave. Each and every male, capable of siring, and birthing, male young. Those with a stronger "Essense" overpowering the weaker, ensuring his blood would be passed on. In fact, many make their living out of using their weaker essense, even whole races taking part in a desperate rush to repopulate the world. Some saw this as an abomination of the natural order. Their views did not last long in a world where the only way to have chidren was to find someone willing, or not so willing, to carry yours to term. Their race either died out, or were forced to adapt. It was a far more streamlined and efficient process than the method used by females too, another "Gift" of the wave. A man could be impregnated one day, and be holding the new child in 2-3 weeks.

It was unexpected however, that without the influence of women, men found themselves relaxing in their views and actions. It is not unusual to see Beasts wandering the streets, naked as the day they were born. Carousing occurs in the open too, however, openly mating was strictly regulated to certain areas where young children were forbidden to go. In this relaxed world, a man seeking company need only strike up a conversation, and may very well end up with a bed partner, or two... or three.

New gods and demons rose up to replace those who left the world. An understanding was reached between the two forces of Light and Dark, and joint temples to each are found in every major city, the two forces maintaining a strict balance. It is well known that their emissaries roam the land, enticing and coaxing men to join their causes. Some say that if one were to impress their diety enough, he may appear to them to grant a boon... Of course, surely that's just talk...

Wild, uncontrolled magic filled the world, taking root in caves and forests where Beasts fear to tred. Ferals grow to incredible sizes, plantlife moves with purpose and in the deepest, most magically saturated areas, the very elements themselves cling to life. Tamed magic of the mages bloomed within those with the gift, resulting in visible signs upon their bodies, bestowing a deep knowledge of the new natural order, including, it has to be said, techniques of a more... intimiate nature.

The blood of warriors burned with a near unsatiable lust, both for combat and for their bodies of their fallen foes, many of whom suffer the indignity of bringing their enemy's young into the world. Of course, for all the hatred that may burn between two such foes, the offspring of such unions are always treated with respect and even affection. Even now, it is hard to say if this was an effect of the Wave or not. You do not harm children. One of the most basic laws written into the soul of every man. The resulting child would always be returned to the Sire, the defeated foe unconciously seeking him out once the boy was brought to the world. the Wave once again altering the Beasts of the world and allowing them to track down the father or breeder responcible for creating the new life.

Those who talents lie in the shadows see all, hear all, and wait for the perfect moment of oppertunity. Many men have woken up in alleys and bars, unknowingly carrying a new child until the signs show. The proud Rangers of the woods seek to gather all the knowledge about this new world as possible, while the sly theives delve into the forboding ruins of the world left behind.

It is a strange new world. There is always more to learn, more to discover, whether that be friendly or dangerous is often hard to tell... Until it is too late. It is this world you have been born into. And it is today that you will become a man, taking up your weapon of choice and journeying out into the world to make a name for yourself. And perhaps, change it once more, for good, or ill.

Who is the Hero of this tale?

Choose a Race A - Lapine - A race of rabbit men, they have rather weak essence, allowing them to bear the young of almost any race. Quick and clever, they nevertheless had to make a deal with those larger and stronger for protection. B - Lycon - The wild wolves of the North, and protectors of the lapine clan. Strong and possessing great fortitude, they are still aware that their small charges are far smarter than they are, though exceptions do exist. C - Felis - The lion people of the south, Brave and possessing a deep connection to their lands... A fierce people, but loyal to those who abide by the laws their contracts state. D - Equinn - The stallions of the plains are rough, but capable of enduring almost anything that life can throw at them. While they strive to learn much about the natural world, magic is an unnatural thing to them, and so is distrusted greatly. E - Cervi - The dwellers of the forests and woods, these shy Beasts very rarely step foot outside of their hidden treetop dwellings. While their bodies may be weak, they make up for it with a deep connection to the earth and the wild magics within. F - Volpe - Making their homes anywhere they please, these drifters make their livings through party tricks, illusions and the occassional bout of purse cutting. That said, they are a proud race. To have one owing you a debt places the entire clan in the palm of your paw.

Choose a Class 1 - Warrior (Pure Fighting) 2 - Mage (Pure Magic) 3 - Rogue (Pure Stealth) 4 - Paladin (Fight/Magic) 5 - Ranger (Stealth/Magic) 6 - Monk (FIght/Stealth)