That's What Brothers Are For - The Accident

Story by Atheos on SoFurry

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#1 of That's What Brothers Are For: Part One

It's been over three years and people have been constantly asking for more That's What Brothers Are For stories! I have always said that I might do more, but I always felt like it was done, not finished, but never to be continued. And that has not changed.

I am a little unhappy with the open ending to the story and I want to see my artistic progress. I have decided to reboot the series entirely with redesigned characters.

Hope you enjoy.

Corey closed the door behind him and dropped his keys in the empty bowl sitting on a pedestal next to the wall. The tall, black wolf sighed as he progressed further into the house; he raised his paw to examine his watch with the deep azure eyes of his. Registering the late afternoon hour, he slumped forward in exhaustion.

Corey had just turned twenty-one that month and was studying music business at the university not far from his childhood home. He reached up and pulled on the elastic that bound his long head fur into a soft, shiny ponytail. He shook his head as his hair took its usual shape. He drank in the silence in the house. It was another of those rare times where both of his parents were gone. They had taken themselves out for a week-long cruise along the coastal islands to celebrate his father's promotion.

As the hungry wolf scoured the fridge for whatever he could find, which was nothing, apparently, his thoughts dwelled only on the thought of spending an erotic evening exploring every torrid fraction of his abundant sexuality. As a lewd smile crept across his face the reality of his situation hit him like a train. Before his parents had left, his father had been promoted, and that promotion brought him closer to his family in that he was to work from home.

Because of this, his father needed an office. And with the average-sized suburban home stretched thoroughly across his parents, himself and his two brothers, there were no rooms available for him. Unfortunately for Corey's youngest brother, Nishi, this meant he lost his room. And unfortunately for Corey, he gained a roommate in his large basement bedroom. As their father left, he asked that Nishi be fully moved in to Corey's room before they returned.

Like a mental Rube Goldberg machine, that thought awakened another; Nishi should be home by now. He turned towards the hallway, extending from which were all the bedrooms of the house, excluding his own, which was closer to the façade door. "Nishi, are you home, man?" He called out, but from the bedrooms he heard nothing. He waited a moment and repeated his call and this time he heard a response, but it was not from the hallway.

"Corey? I need help." The response was dire but weak. It didn't take Corey more than a moment to find where the sound had come from; the door leading down into his bedroom was wide open and curled up in a ball at the base of the stairs was his little brother.

"Nishi," Corey said; with a tone of panic embellishing his voice. He sprinted down the wooden stairs, skipping every other step.

"Are you okay?" The older wolf said as he kneeled beside his brother. It was obvious by the rip in his pants, the clothes strewn about his curled up body and the tears in his eyes that he'd taken a fall. "Come on, buddy. You're okay." The younger wolf couldn't have looked more different from his brother. Instead of the midnight black that Corey was covered with, Nishi was a pristine white from head to toe.

"Come here, bud." Corey slid his arm up his brother's back and placed the other gently beneath the bend of his knees, bracing to lift him. "That's it." The muscular black wolf stood slowly as his younger brother clung to him and wept quietly. However hard the fall may have been, Corey knew that Nishi would have taken it harder than most, being a sensitive sort.

The body the lithe sixteen-year-old was remarkably light as Corey carried him over to his own bed. The bed was as messy as he'd left it, but the queen-sized bed was undeniably comfortable. He lowered him down and sat on the edge of the bed. His brother looked up, wiped the tears away and smiled weakly. "Thanks, Corey."

"These clothes are filthy, Nishi. I'll need to get them off so I can wash them and check you out." He said with an air of caution, he knew how shy Nish was about his body. The boy had nothing to be ashamed of with a sexy, lithe figure, but he was always very weird about being seen in anything less than full clothing.

"Is that okay, man?" Nishi paused for a long moment, staring at Corey with his pale cyan eyes. Eventually, he conceded with a nod. The jeans were all but destroyed. They had two major tears in them; one on the front, right down his left thigh that merely shredded the fabric and one on the side of his right thigh that bit right into his flesh.

He quickly pulled the jeans down his brother's legs and threw them dropped them at his side. At first glance, he ignored the cut in his brother's leg, thoroughly examining the other with both paws; feeling it for any oddities. Corey had undertaken a couple of first aid courses in his higher education, feeling that it was necessary.

He found nothing more than bruising on his brother's left leg but the right didn't fare so well. There were two cuts along the length of his leg, one above his ankle that was so insignificant that he barely needed to look at it, but the other was more serious. He checked the wound and found it to be nothing compared to what he thought it was going to be.

"It's okay, Nishi. It's not deep, but, uh, I'm going to need to dress it. I'll be back in a second." Before Corey stood, he couldn't help but notice the place his brother's hand had rested since the pants were removed; firmly over his crotch. Puberty, Corey guessed. He was shy at that age too.

Corey didn't have to go far; there was a bathroom attached to the basement and in it was the first aid kit. It was the part after he had retrieved the kit that he dreaded. As he emptied the contents onto the bed he saw Nishi's sweet, soft eyes widen at the sight of the antiseptic. Before he could move Corey grabbed Nishi by the thigh, an inch above the wound and less than an inch from his crotch.

In the panic that followed Nishi's sighting, the younger male had uncovered himself. Good, Corey thought. He figured that Nishi's paws lingering there would only get in the way when he applied the bandage. "I know that it doesn't feel good, Nishi, but it's necessary." The trepidation was clear on the now silent wolf's face. "It won't hurt anything like getting this sucker would have. Still, I don't want to bind you, but if it comes to that..." He didn't finish his well-veiled empty threat, but his brother understood.

Dressing the wound took no time at all; Nishi only grunted when he swabbed the antiseptic on the cut and made no noise when he went to wrap it. He did, however, go to cover his crotch again. "Uh, bud; I'll need you to uncover that. I mean you'll need to... Uh, just..." he stopped himself and swallowed the tension. "Can you please put your arms down your side or something? I just don't want them obstructing me here."

Nishi nodded silently again. It distressed Corey to see him so quiet, but he had a penchant for drama and this was the worst injury he'd received in a long while. Corey stole a glance at his brother's underwear while Nishi idly stared at the ceiling; clearly bored. As he caught himself staring, he looked away and tried to dismiss the thoughts that now flooded him.

From what he could see, it wasn't the biggest, but he expected that. As thoughts began to wander onto his brother's naked body he quickly shook his head to expel them and stood up. "That's about all I can do for now. That's a nasty cut, but it'll be gone in a few days. You'll be fine in a while. There are a couple of painkillers in the bag that I'll leave here. Remember, though, only take two. They're a little higher strength than the ones mom keeps in her handbag."

Corey left to prepare himself some food to satisfy the hunger he had put out of mind. Before he could finish his 'meal' of grilled cheese, his nineteen-year-old brother arrived home, and in his paws were plastic bags filled with food. "Oh, you're here Corey." Like Corey, Tyler's fur was dark and he was tall. Although, his fur wasn't as dark as his older brother's and he had a leaner figure. Resting atop the bridge of his nose was a pair of eyeglasses, through which his azure eyes were amplified.

"Yeah," he smiled a closed-mouth smile to keep all his food from showing before he swallowed it all. "Nishi took a tumble a while ago. Cut up his leg." Tyler's eyes widened momentarily as he laid out the food on the countertop.

"I trust that he's okay," he said with concern.

"He's fine. He's probably asleep in my bed at the moment. I'm going to have a shower, see you in a while."

And with that, Corey departed the kitchen and took to the bathroom, but he was careful not to go to the one adjacent to his bedroom. Instead, he went to the one that the majority of his family occupied. He stripped off and ran a warm shower; the water was slightly on the hotter side of warm. The wolf was lightly muscular, but nothing that shaped his figure. As he showered his thoughts repeatedly flashed to the sight of his brother's small bulge.

At first, he was able to banish the thoughts to the back of his mind and get back to cleaning himself, but as the cleansing paws fell lower he lingered on the thought for longer and longer. Before he knew it, he was reaching down to clean his uncut penis and when he grasped it, he realized that it was standing proud and tall; aiming at the shower wall.

He released it and squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to push the thought out. Shame consumed him as he thought more of his brother's nudity. Of the shapely rear that he only noticed in retrospective. In the ardor of arousal, he forgot his shame and took his meat in his paw. He took a deep breath and kept his eyes shut as he pumped his thick member with his right hand.

His thoughts were of him and his brother, back in his bed. Except, Nishi wasn't injured, nor was he wearing any underwear. Corey leaned over his naked brother and kissed him deeply as he undid his own jeans. Nishi's own uncut cock was hard as a rock as well, but it was much smaller. It couldn't have been more than five and a half inches, but Corey loved it all the same.

But, it wasn't his penis the older wolf was aiming for. He lifted up his brother's legs and pressed his hard cock against the tight, wet tailhole that sat eagerly beneath Nishi's balls; hungry for every inch of cock Corey could give.

It slid in easily and deeply. As he hilted in his brother, he leaned forward again and kissed him. He thrust hard and fast into his brother's tight anus as their lips joined. It didn't take any time at all for Nishi's little cock to begin erupting with thick, white goo from the deep pounding his virgin asshole was receiving. His thrusts sped up faster than humanly possible as he neared climax.

As his orgasm hit him like a wall of intensity and fervor, reality came crashing down upon him. He found himself with a tight grip on his pulsing eight-incher as his muscles forced rope after rope of thick, gooey seed onto the pristine tiles of the shower wall. It took longer than usual for his heavy balls to drain, but when they finally did, he almost collapsed from the sensation.

That vigorous session of fantastical masturbation had left him weak at the knees and feeling heavier than he was before. He sluggishly finished washing himself and then cleaned up the ejaculate that was running slowly down the wall. Even when the afterglow abated, Corey was impressed with the load he had unleashed upon the shower wall.

But with the slight pride in such a bountiful load, the shame of what he had done loomed over his head like a great shadow. He got dressed and exited the bathroom; trying desperately to keep the thoughts of who he had just masturbated over out of his head.


"Hey, Corey," Nishi said quietly to the figure who had just laid down on an impromptu bed that was in actuality nothing more than a mattress on the floor. "Are you okay?" Nishi felt odd asking the very question that he had been asked several times earlier, but he noticed that Corey didn't look at him while he set up the bed.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, bud, I'm fine. I'm just really tired."

"Okay." Nishi lay on his back, staring at the ceiling that he once considered the floor of his bedroom. "Thanks, Corey." He said with more energy than he had before. "For letting me stay in here and for my leg..."

"No... No problem, Nishi." He replied, his words separated by a yawn. "That's what brothers are for, right?"

Nishi grinned widely in the darkness. "Yeah... Thanks though. I..." Love you. "... Really appreciate it." The 'L' word wasn't really thrown around too much in this house anymore. The family still loved each other, more than ever, perhaps, but it just wasn't said anymore.

Nishi sat silent and idle for what felt like a day, or maybe a week. It could have been more than an hour. It wasn't the pain that kept Nishi awake, no, he'd gotten over that a short while after Corey had tended to him. It was something different; a... longing.

Nishi whispered out to the silhouetted lump that was his brother in attempt to determine if he was awake. After three times, he shook his head and lifted himself up. Turning himself to the side, he placed his feet on the floor, doing so for the first time unassisted since Corey tended him. As he stood, his leg shook; still a little weary from the trauma and inertia.

It didn't take long for him to find his feet. He moved silently towards the stairs and clutched the handrail tightly. He ascended carefully and deftly ran to his bedroom. From one of the only drawers remaining in the bedroom, he pulled out a shirt, which was wrapped up tightly in a cylindrical bundle.

With his package in hand, the lithe, near-naked wolf made his way back downstairs and carefully, one step at a time, descended the staircase. He slid nimbly beneath the sheets and giddily unraveled his package. Contained within the plain t-shirt was something that not very many teenage boys owned. He lifted the toy to his lips and kissed it passionately before it slid between his lips and into his mouth.

The feeling of an artificial penis sliding through his lips sent a quiver of lust through his body and ignited a flame of desire in his loins. He slid his thumb beneath the band of his underwear as he continued suckling upon the silicone cock.

He pulled the dildo out of his mouth, giving one last lick to the tip for good measure before he got up onto his knees and turned around to face his pillow. He propped the dildo up just before the pillow and leaned over. With his eyes shut, he took the dildo into his mouth and could almost feel the warmth of the cock that he actually wanted inside him as his fantasy converged with reality.

When his eyes were closed, he had Corey dick buried in his muzzle. He could almost feel it pulsing and throbbing with his heartbeat. He dreamt that he could hear Corey's breaths and his moans, or that he could hear his older brother moaning his name. "Koi... Oh, Koi..." Even the thought of the name made his lust burn brighter. Corey hadn't called Nishi by that nickname since they were children.

Nishi opened his eyes and pulled off the dildo. With a smile he brought it further onto the bed and closer to his waist. Nishi rose off the bed, bringing his hips closer to the dildo. He reached into his underwear and gripped his bulge. He pulled his paw up and out came a small, flaccid dildo set with a pair of soft testicles. He dropped what served as his bulge beside him and pulled his panties aside as he descended onto the dildo.

Nishi closed his eyes and felt his brother enter him.