You Didn't Expect that...Did you?

Story by Roxan on SoFurry

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Can you guess the ending?

He's not what you expected to find when you entered the Dive bar/saloon on Leather night. At first glance you cant believe the bouncer let him walk past the "Predators Only" sign posted at the door. Sure he's a leopard and they technically are predators, but this guy's no alpha. He's half a foot shorter than every beast in the place, standing maybe 5'10" in a bar dominated by lions, bears and dire wolves, all of whom stand at least 6'6". His body is toned, his arms defined but not muscular and the black punk band T-shirt he's wearing hangs loose on his frame showing from this angle that he's missing the beer belly that is typical of most the guys in the bar. You cant tell much about the rest of his body because the brown cargo pants he's wearing are too baggy to really tell you much. What catches your eye is that he isn't wearing any shoes and his bare white feet are drumming against the foot rest below the bar.

He's drinking some fruity looking orange drink and finally you understand how he got in. What's the point in being a predator if there's no prey to be had? You nod to yourself and cant hold back a predatory grin as you start walking towards the bar, your eyes never leaving your prey.

He must sense you coming because he turns his head and looks your way with bored, disinterested eyes. His foot pauses its mindless tapping and a spark of interest enters his eyes when he finally notices you. he looks you over, nodding his head slightly to take in all of your impressive form and for the first time you notice the leather collar around his neck and the slick metal chain hanging from it. Knew it, you say to yourself, pausing in front of him to let him take in the beauty and power that is you.

You return the favor. taking in his striking blue eyes, made brighter by his snow white fur and black spots. his fur shines in the dark bar, lying flat against his body, it almost looks like it has an oil shine to it. He doesn't say a word, just looks over his shoulder. you follow his gaze to the back corner of the bar where a door marked "bathroom" has just opened up to let two males walk out, the larger standing tall while the smaller limps awkwardly back to his table. You smile at the implication and look back to find the leopard is grinning mischievously at you. As soon as he catches your gaze he turns his head to the bar, drawing your attention to the handle of the leash he is wearing lying casually on the stool next to him.

Again he looks back at you, still not saying a word; he simply grins playfully and lifts a single eyebrow. It's such a casual gesture for what it implies, and he does it in a way that says he's done it a thousand times and is the most natural thing in the world. You can't help but chuckle deeply, this is just too easy.

Not one to disappoint, you pick up the leash's metal handle and give it a little tug. The chain pulls him forward and he lifts his head, submissively exposing his neck to you.

"Let's go", you command, walking away without waiting for a reply. He follow's you across the bar, head bowed in submission and a smile plastered across his face. His white hair falls forward to cover his eyes as he walks, the metal leash never rattles, and his steps make no sound on the old hardwood floor. You look back only once, just to make sure he's still there, despite holding his leash, the lack of sound is unnerving. When your eyes catch him he lifts his head, flicking his hair out of his eyes with practiced ease. he grins knowingly at you and mouths a single word without saying anything, "Boo".

You enter the multi-stall bathroom and decide its good enough. "Strip" you command, knowing you will be obeyed.

He pulls his shirt over his head in one motion, never hesitating. The metal leash jingles as the shirt catches on it, the sudden sound surprising you a little. With no place to go the shirt is left to dangle on the chain of the leash as the leopard watches you, seeing what you'll do. With one hand you grab the leash where it connects to his collar, dropping the handle in the same motion, and pull him closer to bring him face to face with you. You have to lean down a bit, but it's worth it to see his confident eyes lose their conviction and dart quickly back and forth.

There's a tense moment when you consider kissing him, his breath is on your lips and you know he'll let you do it. But it's not what you want. "Drop your pants, and Kneel" you say instead. he lets out a shaky breath and you hear him fumble with his black belt before he lets his pants fall to the floor with a thump. He steps out of them without ever breaking eye contact and kneels in front of you, legs spread.

His snow white profile is spotted with the black marks of his kind and is now only broken by the collar at his neck, the form fitting black boxer briefs covering his bulge, and a black leather harness strapped to his shoulders. The harness looks like a set of backpack shoulder straps, connected in front by a strap and buckle, with six more straps on the back, all connecting to a large brass ring in the center of his back. The harness brings a flood of ideas to your mind but none of them will work in the dingy bar bathroom.

"Another time perhaps" you sigh to yourself; he seems to understand your thought process and waits patiently for you to make your next move. You don't keep him waiting long, sliding open your zipper, you reveal the stiffy you have been carrying since you first walked in. He looks at it, then up at you, silently asking permission. The thought brings another chuckle out of you and you nod consent.

He takes your sheath reverently into his hands and gently strokes you out of hiding. Once you emerge he takes your tip into his mouth and sucks on it gently, careful not to prick you with his teeth. He adds more suction and strokes you shaft, his rough tongue swiping over your cock over and over. Soon you find your hips are moving of their own accord, thrusting into his mouth and letting his tongue explore more of your shaft. It feels so good. You're at full mast and your beast is rising.

His controlled licks and patient sucking aren't doing it for you, you need more. You twist your hand around the leash, shortening the lead. He can't pull away from you, and you thrust harder into his mouth. His tongue slides back to block you from going into his throat and your tip pounds against the stubborn muscle. His hand comes to your thigh, pushing against you to keep himself at a comfortable distance, but it's too late for that, your way past caring about his comfort.

Growling with a mixture of lust and threat you swat his hand away with your free paw before grabbing a handful of his hair and tugging sharply on it, "Open up you fucking slut" you snarl down at him, tugging his hair again to let him know you're serious.

He whimpers, the first sound you've heard him make all night, and his tongue slides along the bottom of your shaft, opening the way to his throat like a good little cock sleeve. You don't waste time, thrusting forward you pull him till his nose presses into your pubic fur, holding him there. His back arches and his ears flatten, his tail whips back and forth frantically as he gags around your shaft.

You pull back but not out, thrusting into him once, twice, three times, before you let him up for air. He gasps and keels over, coughing and hacking until you think he's going to hurl. You consider doing it to him again, holding him till he begs for air and fights to pull away from you, but even that doesn't sound satisfying enough.

You tug on his leash and he looks up at you, still panting for breath and rubbing his throat. His playful smile is gone, replaced by a look of submissive expectation.

"Get up", you command, "Against the wall". He nods and gets to his feet, turning to the nearest wall and pressing his chest against it. He arches his back and lifts his tail for you, inviting you to take him like a good little bitch.

You press the soap dispenser on the wall next to him and are rewarded with green moisturizing gel soap, perfect for dual purposes. You grab him by the base of his tail and yank it upwards to show him you're in charge. He yelps weakly and goes onto his toes to relieve the pressure. He reaches back with both hands to pull down his black boxer briefs, revealing his tight pink tail hole.

It looks so tight and perfect that you wonder if he has ever actually done this before, remembering how he choked on your dick and the nervous way his foot had tapped uncontrollably at the bar...

The door to your left opens with a bang and a roar of laughter from the bar, and in stumbles a piss drunk rhino. Practically blind, he stumbles past you and your cock sleeve, muttering a slurred "helllooo" before leaning over the nearest stall and relieving himself unceremoniously.

You notice how the leopards gaze is drawn to the bulky Rhino's hanging cock and a spike of jealousy runs through your body. Abandoning your earlier notion of lubing up the little kitty's hole you decide it will be more fun do things the natural way. You smear the soap over your shaft, feeling a familiar tingle when the soap reaches your slit, and line yourself up. His gaze is glued to the other male, but not for long. With one hand on his tale and the other on yourself, you press forward, quick and deliberately splitting him open for what turn out to be his first time.

"aaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" he screams at the pain of his first penetration. his tail drops, and his hole clenches around you. His knees buckle and his claws extend, scraping against the tile wall. His every spasm brings a wave of pleasure to your cock, and even though you want to hold still for him, you find yourself sliding slowly in and out of his hole.

You press your body against his back, forcing him against the wall to keep him from falling. He whimpers and struggles to get away, but you hold him easily, forcing his arms wide, you hold him against the wall while your hips thrust against his supple white ass. His pain is your pleasure, you've never taken a man's virginity before, so you feel it is a special night for both of you, even if he's too uncomfortable to see it right now. His hole is sooooo tight, its heaven.

You nuzzle his head affectionately and smell his hair, you can't name the scent but it smells of youth and possibility. He's quieting down now, his body coming to terms with the new addition to its rectum. You don't give him time to be grateful, your lust is rising and you need release, and where better than in a cherry new boy toy.

You pull back for real, till only your tip remains inside; pulling a shudder from him as you do, then you push back in, a long smooth stroke that makes him moan out loud. Hips meet cheek and it's time to repeat. You take long slow breaths while you slow fuck him, in and out, in and out, watching him squirm and moan against the wall. A chance glance to your right shows that the rhino has fallen asleep against the urinal, something only an alcoholic could do. You decide to try and wake him up, just for fun.

You pick up your pace, and the leopard boy's moans get louder. You can feel his farthest wall with every thrust, and as you fuck him harder, you tip starts to press against it. You need a better grip, and the fur on his hips is too smooth, too slick. The brass ring catches you eye, your hand fits perfectly around it, the leather straps fitting between your fingers and giving you surprising control over the young leopard. You pull back on the harness as you pick up the pace; the bathroom is filled with the Slap Slap Slap of your impacts. his back arches upwards, you place a hand on the small of his back and force it down to better present his ass. He moans louder than ever.

"I....I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" he says to the wall more than you. You notice his hands are still on the wall where you left them, and fuck harder, determined to push the little pussy over the edge. His moaning reaches a fever pitch and erupts into a scream of ecstasy. his body contorts and his hips thrust involuntarily at the wall as he spills his load onto the dirty tile floor.

You're at your limit when he starts to scream, and when his tail hole clenches in ecstasy it pushes you over. You throw your head back and roar in triumph, giving a last set of quick thrust before hilting yourself in his anus. Your cock explodes, releasing the pressure you had been building for so long. Pulse after pulse of pleasure radiates up your shaft your seed marking the leopard from the inside out. As your orgasm fades you resume your thrusts, milking it for all its worth, but as the last of the pleasure ends, so does the moment.

You open your eyes to notice your surroundings for the first time; the grimy tile wall your latest conquest is pressed against, the puddle of yellow liquid not four feet to your right, and the rhino, who seemed to be waking from his power nap. You pull back in sudden disgust, feeling safe that you wouldn't catch anything from the virgin who was now slinking to the floor, but wishing you had worn a condom anyway. You have to get out of there.

You tuck yourself back into your pants and head for the door. Before you can open it a soft, tired voice calls out to you, "I'm Roxan by the way"

"I don't care", is all you reply, before pulling open the door and leaving the dive bar behind.

The last thing you hear from the disgusting bathroom you'll never return to is a deep, slurring voice say, "Weeeeeeellllll, what have we here?..." You shudder inwardly and with a shake of your head, you're gone.