Crashing Into Fate

Story by unfortunate Husky on SoFurry

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I couldn't help but write this as I saw the snow and as I listened to Christmas music.

On a fresh cold crisp morning on a college campus, the sound of the camp bell going off. Now in one of the dorms a Welsh corgi awoke at the sound of said bells. The corgi was about 5'8, had a blueish green eyes and had the typical fur pattern of any other corgi. The cogi looked over at his clock as the clock said 8:00. Which the cogi got up in a panic "Crap!! Sam I asked you to wake me up!" A voice came from the living room area of their little apartment. "I told you that I wasn't going to wake you up Josh and while your getting ready there is snow out there so make sure your dressed for the cold."

Josh grumbled as he walked out with his books and looked over at the lazy cat sitting on the recliner. Sam is a cheetah and he has Josh's best friend ever since grade school. The cheetah wasxabout a head taller then the short dog."Josh remember to meet me at the usual place at lunch ok?" The corgi just nodded and rushed out the door. Sam looked out the window and chucked to himself. That little dog gets into a lot of trouble thought the cheetah.

Crap crap crap crap thought Josh as he ran through the snow. There wasn't that much snow but it did make it harder to run because of the slippery ice. "My god why does my first class of the day have to be so far away!" Panted the dog has he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He was oblivious that there was someone ahead of him and *BAM*.

Josh groaned when he recovered from the crash, he looked around and he soon realized that he was on top of a German Sheppard. The big dog groaned and chucked "Heh owww that hurt little man" Josh's ear twitched at the sound of his deep voice. "Ah I'm really sorry about!" Josh looked away for a second only to hear the sound of the Sheppard's chuckle again. "Its no problem I don't mind at all but your still on me" He said with a smile. Josh looked down at him "I'm sorry I'll'-" started the Corgi but the Sheppard shook his head from right to left. "Its ok."

Josh got off the big dog and started to collect his books, as he reached for his education book, his paw touched the Sheppard's. "Oh I'm sorry.." he said with a blush creeping into his face. "I'm really sorry. My name is Josh." The Sheppard gave responded with a heartwarming smile and gathered the rest of Josh's books. "Nice to run into ya Josh literally." Josh looked away in embarrassment. "Name's Richard. " Richard held out Josh's books to him. Which Josh took back greatfully and nodded his head vigorously. Josh examined Richard with a careful eye.

Richard looked like he was around the age of 20, 6'1 feet tall and his eyes were a deep chocolate brown. He had a comforting look in his eyes, in fact Josh started to stare but he looked away quickly. Then he checked his phone for the time and started to panic again. Josh was already late and he turned to Richard "I'm so very sorry but I got to go!" Josh didn't wait for a reply and started to rush again.

As Richard watched Josh run to his apparently late class, he looked at the ground and saw that the smaller dog had forgotten his wallet. Richard picked it up and looked inside without thinking. It showed his class ID, it said Joshua Hempen and in one of the pockets of the wallet there was a copy of his schedule. Richard took a look it and is said that Joshua's first class was Music theory in the Fine arts building class 200. With that the Sheppard started for the fine arts building with a smile on his face and waging his tail.

Josh sighed when class ended with his head down on the desk because of what happened when we walked into the class. Everyones eyes were on him and as punishment the teacher who old bat literally used him as examples throughout the remaining class time. Josh got up and started to walk with his head down to his next class but he bumped into someone. He looked up with a sad face but that changed when he saw who he bumped into.

Richard smiled when he saw the small dog's face change from a expression of sadness to surprised to embarrassment quickly. "A-Ah Richard! " Richard couldn't help but widen his smile when he noticed a small blush on Josh's face. "Nice to run into you again." Josh looked away out of embarrassment. "I'm really sorry for earlier..." Josh said while looking down at the ground so that Richard wouldn't see his beet red face. The Sheppard just laughed "I told you its ok Josh. Here you dropped your wallet when you ran into me." Said the big dog has he fished out the wallet from his pocket and held it out to Josh. The small dogs eyes widened and started to check his pockets, to only realize that he did drop his wallet. Josh took it back with a small smile on his face. "Thank you.." he said in a equally small voice.

He's so cute thought Richard when Josh thanked him. "Its good thing that you had a copy of your schedule in their. If you didn't have it in there then I'm not sure how I would have found you." Josh was checking the contents of his wallet it to find that everything was there. "Don't worry. I didn't take anything from inside." If this keeps up my face will be painted a deep crimson red for the next few hours but then again it was nice of him to bring it back to me thought Josh. "I don't know how to thank you enough for returning my wallet to me. So thank you very much!" Josh said with a with a little bow. Cute, kind, smart and respectful thought Richard with a grin. Then a idea formed in the Sheppard's head and he decided to go with it.

"Well you could come with me to a starbucks has payment. Besides on your schedule it says your next class doesn't start for an hour." Said Richard with a calm and happy tone. Josh looked at the Sheppard in a shy manner. With him! Hmmmmm but if I refuse that could be considered rude. Well ok then plus I could repay him by paying for his drink. Thought Josh and so he nodded his head "Ok I'll go." Richard gave Josh smile and wagged his tail. "Alrighty then lets go!" Josh also smiled because of the hunk's enthusiasm and so the canine duo left for the coffee.

Richard led the way to the coffee shop and along the way Josh looked discreetly at the german sheppard. Now that Josh had time to get a closer look at the big dog, he noticed that Richard looked like he worked out. He's muscle was lean fit type not the over worked out type of muscle and his clothes looked like it kind of squeezed his body. Richard looked back at Josh which in turn caused the corgi to look away quickly with a slightly noticeable blush on his cheeks. "What's wrong Josh?" Said Richard as he noticed Josh blushing but in truth he knew why. Richard could tell that the smaller dog was checking him out but still acted like he didn't notice. "I-its nothing! Please don't mind me." Richard shrugged and turned away but really he was smiling but too Josh he thought that he messed up. Ha I hope that he didn't catch me looking at him thought the small dog.

The two walked in silence the whole way until they walked into the Starbucks coffee shop. When the two walked in a female farret greeted them "Hello welcome to starbucks, what can I get for you?" She said in a cheery way that is really hard to come by especially in the morning. Josh was going to wait for Richard to order first but Richard put a paw on the small of his back and gave a slight push. When Josh looked at the big dog just nodded "Go on. You go first." Josh just nodded and turned back to the clerk. "Ummm could I get a medium sized mocha frape?" The farrer nodded "Ok will that be all?" Josh was going to say that was all but Richard intervened "Ah yes I'l have a capacheno please and could you please make it a medium. Oh and both of our orders are together." The farret nodded again and punched a few buttons on the cash register "Ok then the total is 7.58." Josh was going to bring out his wallet but Richard was a step ahead of him. "Ok here you go" said the german sheppard as he handed the cashier a 20 dollar bill. "Ok please wait a moment and here is your change and please come by again."

As the two walked over to a table and sat down Josh spoke. "You didn't have to do that Richard. I was going to pay for both of us.." Josh looked at his paws which were folded into his lap "How am I supposed repay you now?" Said Josh as he looked at the german sheppard with both ears folded back. Richard smiled smiled and winked at Josh, who had a puppy eyes and a innocent look on his face. "Hey don't worry about paying me back. The reason I asked you to come with me to get coffee was because your company is enough for me." Richard added another wink at the small dog who by then was blushing furiously. Josh looked down at his lap with his whole head down to hide his blush. H-h-hes just being nice that's it thought Josh. "And besides I wanted to know why you were rushing." Said the sheppard. Josh shifted his body to the side and looked at Richard through the corner of his eye while his head was still down. "I'm sorry I was late for a class." Josh was still blushing and felt like his heart was fluttering but he didn't know why. He saw the sheppard glance at a clock and sighed. Oh no! Did I say something wrong! Thought the panicing corgi. Richard brought out a notebook and started to write and then he tore the paper out of the notebook and placed it in front of Josh. "Heh sorry I got to go but here's my number if you want to meet up again some time. Call me later sometime ok cutie?" He flashed a smile and a quick wink and left the confused corgi to himself.

As the day continued Josh couldn't help but think of the german sheppard from that earlie morning. Josh shook his head and pulled the scrap of paper that had Richard's phone number. What should I do?... thought the confused little dog and with a sigh, Josh looked up at the cloudy sky. "I need another person's opinion about this." With that Josh set off to one of the on campus apartments. The apartment building was not that far from his dorms so it made travel all the more simpler with a little walk. Josh looked at the door in front of him and knocked.

After knocking Josh stud in front of the door for what felt like five minutes before he heard anything from within the apartment. "H-hold on for a moment!" Called a voice from with in and soon after there was a rattling sound coming from the door. A female golden retriever opened the door, who practically squealed when she saw Josh and gave the small corgi a tight hug. "Awwwww Josh its good too see you!" Josh was embarrassed because of his friend, who stood about 5'10 and wore what people could call in a polite way "skimpy". "Its nice to see too Leah but could you please stop suffocating me with your big rack?!" Leah look offend but stepped back. Her rack is enough to put models to shame. "My boobs aren't that big. I say they are just about average! Oh well come on in."

"Anyway whats up Josh?" Said the golden retriever as she went to sit on a couch which was in her living room area. Josh sat down right next Leah and looked at his lap. "Ummm Leah can I get your opinion on something?" The golden retriever tilted her head to the side "Josh you have been my best friend since middle school, of course." Josh didn't look at her as he brought out the piece of paper that had Richard's number. When Leah took the paper and read what was on this and again looked at Josh. "Um what is this?" She soon realized why Josh was blushing and instantly went into girlie mode. "Oh my god! Whooo you go boy. So tell me is he hot? What's his species?" Leah flopped down on the couch and rested her head on her paws. Josh crossed his legs and began to explain about what happened earlier this morning.....

"So what do you think I should do Leah?" Josh asked Leah because he didn't know what to do because he didn't have that much dating experience. Leah pushed the paper back into his paws and clapped him on the shoulders "Are you kidding me!? I say go for it! Besides when was the last time you when out on a date?" Josh looked away with a sad look on his face. "You know the reason why I haven't tried to get together with anyone Leah." Anybody could tell from the sound of Josh's voice that he was hurt badly from his past experiences and that just tugged at Leah's heart. Leah pulled the corgi into a tight and comforting hug. "Oh Josh come on now. I don't want you to be all sad and depressed. I mean look what time of year it is, its almost Christmas and you know that I'm going back to my family. Just give the guy a chance besides you might even learn that you might like the guy." Josh looked at his friend with unsure look but nodded his head. "Ok, I guess I can give him a shot but I don't know what to do. I mean-." Leah placed her paw over his muzzle. "Ah ah ah I won't be having none of that ok? Here is what you need to do."......

Soon after Josh left Leah's apartment, Leah picked up her phone and called a friend. "Hello? Oh good hey Rich....."

Josh went back to his dormroom and headed straight for his room. Josh set his books on his desk and took out his phone. Maybe Leah is right but I don't know if I'll screw up...thought the canine but he shook his head "No I'm going to give him a shot besides what's the worst could happen? Right?" He tried to convince himself. Josh called Richard's number, Josh was siting on his bed has he waited for the german sheppard to answer. Josh heard the receiver pick up "Hello?" Richard's baritone voice answered. Josh suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach "Ummm Hello? Is this Josh? If this is then its me. Josh from this morning?" From the sound of Richard's voice Josh could tell that he was happy that Josh called. "Oh Josh! Hey man what's up man?" Josh didn't know how to put it into words but he tried his best.....

Josh was waiting at the starbucks where he and Richard went too. Nervously the corgi checked the time on his phone and it said 6:15. It had been a week since Josh called Richard and in just a few days students will be leaving to go home to spend time with their families but Josh couldn't because his family lived too far away and he didn't have the money. So Josh was stuck there for now. He still remembered the time he called Richard "Umm I was wondering if you wanted to meet up again sometime?" To Josh, his voice sounded shaky and maybe even nervous but he hoped that Richard didn't notice. "Hmm Sorry I'm going to be busy this week sorry.." Josh felt his heart sink a bit when Richard said that but he wasn't done. "But how about this? A friend of mine is going to be throwing a Christmas bash party next week. Do you want to come with me?" Richard's voice sounded a bit hopeful but to Josh it sounded like he would be a nuisance to his friends. "But won't get in the way or something? I mean this is your friends party, so wouldn't he feel kind of weird around people he doesn't know?" All Josh got was tsk tsk tsk sound from the sheppard. "Dude live a little. That's what a party is all about you know? Come on it'll be fun besides I'll be with you the whole time ok?" Josh heart was beginning to thump in his chest when Richard that he would be with him the whole time and the words came out of his mouth before thinking. "Yeah! Ok I'll go!" There was a thump in the back ground of the phone. "Awesome! Meet me at the starbucks where we got coffee around 6:15. Next week ok?" He sounded really excited. "Ok yeah. See you next week."

One week later....

So now that a week has passed Josh was standing at the coffee shop and it was precisely 6:20. Maybe he forgot about me thought Josh as he sighed. The winds began to pick up and it started to snow lightly, Josh looked up at the falling flakes. "What was I thinking? I mean what stranger was going to actually want to keep in contact with me? I guess I was just a little desperate..." Josh told himself as he was about to head home but he was stopped when he felt strong and big arms wrap around him. "Sorry about being late Josh." Josh turned head to find his muzzle brush up against Richards."Ah Richard!" Josh realized his lips were close to his but he didn't move. Richard just smiled amd laughed. "Your really cute you know that?" The smaller dog turned his head away to hide the fact that he was blushing. "Well lets get going shall we?" Said the german sheppard has he let go of Josh and began walking to a 2009 ford taurus.

As the two drove over to the house that was holding the party, Richard started to ask questions about Josh and surprising Josh learned a few things from Richard as well. Richard learned that Josh's family lived in Canada and that he didn't get along with his father. Josh learned that Richard was a psychology major and that his family lives close to the college. "So Josh what kind of major are?" The german sheppard's tail was wagging because he was enjoy the fact that both of them are starting to learn about each other. Even Josh was starting to relax amd enjoy himself. "Well I'm secondary education major and music minor." Said Josh with a hint of pride in his voice. "Education huh? So you want to be a teacher then?" Josh nodded his head. Soon the two parked along a street that lead to a two story house that was thumping with music. There was loud music coming from the house but it had a lot of Christmas cheer to it. "Ummm Richardvare you sure your friends won't mind?" Josh was nervous because he hasn't gone to that many partys. Richard gave Josh a comforting smile. "Don't worry its going to be ok. Ok?" Richard grabbed Josh's paw. "Come on let's go and have a good time ok?" And so the two ventured into the house.

Josh was pretty sure that he was blushing while he was being pulled along by Richard. The two came to a stop as Richard approached a wolf and a vixen. "Who's your cute friend Richard?" Asked the vixen as she was sizing me up with her eyes. Richard let go of my paw and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Heh sorry Stacy but he's mine." Josh looked at the sheppard with surprised look and Richard winked at the corgi which caused him to blush. "Josh this is Stacy and Eric. They are both good friends of mine. Oh and by the way Stacy is the one who's throwing this party." Josh looked over at the two. Stacy wore a Santa dress and Eric wore a Christmas theme sweater and blue jeans. "Pity oh well habe fun and enjoy yourself ok? She seemed friendly so I nodded. "Thank you I will." The vixen crossed her arms and huffed. "Geez Richard. Hes cute, polite and he looks smart." Eric laughed "Oh come on Stacy you'll find a good young teen." With that Stacy slightly pushed the wolf. "Hey enough of the Stacy's mom jokes!" The guys started to laugh and in the end Stacy started to laugh.

Soon as time passed on Richard and Josh got to know each other a bit more. Richard was looking for Josh when Josh suddenly left his side and found him on the balcony of the second floor. Richard walked up to him while his back was turned and hugged him. "Hey there Josh. What are you doing out here?" Josh looked up at the stars with a thoughtful expression. "Richard I'm having a great time but does this count has a date?" Richard placed his head on Josh's head. "Do you want this to be a date? Because if you want it can be." Josh placed his paws over Richards. "I-I don't know.. my last relationship didn't end so well.." Richard took a step back and turned Josh so he was facing him. "I don't know that much about you but all I'm asking is that you'll give me a chance. I promise you that I won't do anything to hurt you." Josh didn't know what to say because this wasn't the first time he heard such a over used line but he wanted to trust the sheppard. So he nodded "Ok I'll hold you to that ok? I mean it!" Josh started to blush and looked down at Richards chest. Richard felt like his heart was warming up his whole body during that cold night.

Richard smiled and pulled out a mistletoe from his pocket. He grabbed one that was hanging around the house and held it over the corgi. "Hey Josh look up." Josh looked up and blushed when he saw the mistletoe. "Really? Thats really cliche Richard but its cute." Josh was smiling regardless. Both of their hearts were pounding, Josh was really nervous because here he was trying to give this man a chance at his heart while Richard was glad that Josh was actually opening up to him. Richard started to bring his muzzle closer to Josh's muzzle. Both of their breaths have gotten quieter and slower. Josh closed his eyes and waited for the kiss.

Richard's lips meet with Josh's for a slow yet passionate kiss. The first kiss was like a small flame that soon grew into an enormous fire. As soon as the two stopped the kiss, one of the two just pushed the other back together with renewed passion. Richard's tongue was soon brushing against Josh's lips which caused the corgi to whine and grant him entry without resistance and that whine was more like begging for his tongue. The sound of Josh's whining just turned the sheppard even more on. Josh wanted even more of the sheppard, so he waited for the sheppards tongue to plunge into his mouth and when he did Josh wrested his tongue with Richards and sucked. This caused Richard to groan and reached over to grab Josh's ass and squeezed. Josh began to whimper and moan more because of the vasts amount of pleasure he was receiving the deep kiss. Richard couldn't get enough of this corgi, sure he had a few partners before Josh but hes never wanted so much. But as sweet as the passion between them was, they had to stop to catch a breath.

Josh was practically gasping for air. "W-wow Richard." He couldn't believe what a good kisser Richard was. Even Richard was amazed about how long they lasted with out coming up for air. The german sheppard hugged Josh tightly and even he was panting for air. "I promise you Josh. I won't ever hurt you and oh yeah we both got pretty excited huh?" He said with one of his causal smiles. Josh blushed again but didn't pull away for look away. "Yeah we did huh?" Even Josh was smiling now. Richard held Josh close to his chest and whispered "I promise I won't hurt you. I'll what I can." Josh leaned into the sheppards chest amd whispered back. "I hold you too it." Both the canines looked up at the sky during this cold cloudless night.


Well everybody I hoped that you guys enjoyed this little piece. I don't know if I'll do anything more with these characters but I hope you enjoyed it. I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new years.

Please tell me your guys opinion in the comments below on how well I did this time and please tell what else I need to work on thank you. :D

I wish....

"See ya guys later!" Cried out a husky,who was wearing jeans and a rainbow colored shirt, as he turned to walk home from school. "Later Michael!" Cried out a Cheetah. Michael walked home with a lot of things on his mind especially a certain wolf but...

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Not Alone chapter 4

[Alex] I was standing behind the door when I heard how Darius expressed his opinion about gays. I honestly thought that Darius would be different from the others, but I should have known better then that. As I look at the wolf that stands before me,...

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Not Alone chapter 3

[Darius] I don't know what compelled me to kiss Alex but it felt so good yet so strange. I pull Alex to me so I can hold him closer, his lips were so soft and warm. I felt like I should of stopped but I couldn't stop myself. A moan of pleasure...

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