Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:11)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#11 of Stories

You try to be nice, but this comes out mean!

(preveously- You walk in. Prepared) *Now* You hear Bowser walking. You look at your torn cloths. "Good thing Im wearing black." you say. Bowser comes closer. You grasp your knife. Bowser lightes a torch. The room lights up. He sees you. You look at him. You put your knife away. Bowser walks closer. You turn, and stare at the ground. Bowser puts a hand on your back. You look up. Bowser smiles. You smile back. Bowser takes his hand off your back. You grasp his hand. He looks down. "Why are you wearing a torn belly shirt, and torn shorts?" Bowser asks. You stop smiling. You pull your hand away. " How could you!? You are evil! I see it now!" you yell. You turn and run outside. Bowser tries to follow, but cant keep up. You stop, lean up against a tree. Tired. Bowsers minions find you. Your arrows scratched up your legs, and your arms have been cut by branches. Youre bleeding pretty bad. The minions take you to the castle. You start feeling dizzy. When you get inside, you fall in the floor. You fainted. The comotion you hear is unbelievable! "What happened to mommy?!" all the koopalings scream. "We found her like this sir. She was complaining she was attacked." a hammer bro. says. "My queen!?" He says. He roles you onto your back. Everyone gasps in horror...(stay tunned for pt:12)