Running Code

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#46 of Commissions by Gruffy

Jake thought he had easy, working the night shift at IT support...little does he know what the job has in mind for him!

Hehhey, folks! avatar?user=174069&character=0&clevel=2 Hammerfistcommissioned me to write a story about a lion, so...what was I going to do but oblige? Here's how it turned out, and he did like it...and now I'm going to share it with you guys...I do hope to hear your feedback and comments on this one, and as always, do remember that those votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a fun read!



Jake had been dozing off alright after turning in at eleven, but looking at his phone now, which he'd just picked up from the floor, he noticed that it was just a quarter past one in the morning, which meant that he'd barely slept much...and now someone needed him.


The lion yawned and tossed his blanket aside just flipped the phone and put it up to his ear.

"Info systems support, Jake Thornton speaking," the lion tried to sound professional, which was difficult...he needed coffee.

"Hello? Is this IT?"

"Yeah, this is IT support," Jake repeated what he just said, "how can I help?"

"I'm Shirley Hewlett from cardiovascular, we've got a problem with the computer in the OR here and we're in the middle of an emergency triple A repair here and we're going to be needing that computer in working order!"

"Uh..." Jake rubbed his muzzle, "what seems to be the problem?"

"They keep losing access to lab and blood bank files, it's time critical!"

"Uh...alright..." Jake knew that sleeping for tonight was going to be over, as he reached for his glasses on the small table by the bed. "Where are you exactly?"

"Fourth floor, the cardiovascular surgery department, OR two!"

"Gotcha...gonna be there in a moment, alright?"


"Will take only a couple of minutes," Jake said before he closed the line. "Shit!"

He hurriedly put on his sneakers and his shirt, the only articles of clothing he had taken off before curling to sleep on the couch in a break room. Armed with his glasses and his phone, he hurried out into a quiet corridor and took the elevator up to the fourth floor. He was still trying to find his way around the hospital despite having been stationed for three weeks there after the hospital had switched over to the AWeSoMED EDI system. Just how Jake had ended up being in the night shift...he wasn't sure, except that maybe his supervisor at work, Mr. Phillips, was being a prick and putting the young lion to such a position. All alone in a hospital with a thousand beds and almost as many computers, it seemed...

The scent of the air slowly changed as he approached the surgical floor, and passing through doors with his keycard, he soon entered much-vaunted "STAFF ONLY" areas, eventually ending up in a deserted hallway, dimly lit for the night. Glancing left and right, he sought any signs of life...and of signs that'd point him put to OR four...


Jake turned around and saw a vixen's head poking out of a swinging door, head covered in a blue scrub cap.

"Yeah, that's me!"

A gloved paw appeared and waved at him.

"Come on right here!"

Jake shuffled along the corridor and entered through the swinging door into a small room, one wall of which opened right into the OR outside, he noticed, with half a dozen blue-clad furs standing around the operating table. The vixen was dressed in a similar blue robe, and appeared anxious.

"The might patient might go critical at any point ,we need that data," the vixen went on speaking even as Jake tried not to stare at the sight of someone pushing one's hands inside someone's body. He'd never thought that being an IT support guy would ever taken him into such situations.

"So where's the computer?" Jake asked, looking around for a screen or a keyboard.

"It's in the OR!" the vixen yelped. "Come on, we have to get you scrubbed!"

"Scrubbed?" Jake mumbled as he felt himself being pushed towards another set of swinging doors.

"Well you can't just walk in!" the vixen groaned. "I'll get you scrubs and then we'll get you washed and you can go in."


The vixen opened a nearby storage cabinet and pulled out a plastic-covered package.

"Bathroom through that door, it's faster than going to the locker room."

Jake looked at the plastic-wrapped clothes and swallowed.

"So I get...naked?"

"You can you leave your shoes on, we can put plastic covers on them," the vixen said. "Go now!"

"And my clothes?"

"Stuff then in that bag," the vixen snapped while she wandered over to a phone on the wall, "I'm going to tell them that the computer guy is here!"


Jake shook his head briefly before entering the small bathroom, and tried not to shiver when the cold air rustled his furs. He didn't feel tired anymore, the shock of the situation had kinda taken it he just felt a bit anxious. It was one thing doing his work under normal pressure, an operating room? He'd never been in one, not even as a patient, let alone in a professional quality, and it sounded like someone's life might be depending on it. He tried to brush the thoughts aside and concentrated on the very odd task of taking off his clothes besides underwear and dressing himself in the strange blue shirt and pants provided by the nurse. He shoved his own clothes into the now empty bag and then returned to the room beyond to find the vixen waiting for him.

"They're going to start clamping it, they're gonna need the blood bank online soon!" the vixen greeted him. "Come on, to the scrub room!"

Jake abandoned his clothes in the sack on the room and followed the vixen into a space with lines of sinks. She stepped forward onto one and waved her paw to Jake.

"Come here and do everything exactly like I say!"

"Okay," Jake mused as he took up a position.

"First, take a sponge from that dispenser above you..."

Jake had never considered paw washing to be such a difficult activity, but after several minutes of scrubbing with various foul-smelling substances and sponges, he was starting to feel confused...and pruned up.

"That has to make do," the vixen said, "we have to go in now! Keep your paws in front of you like this and don't touch anything. Then you walk with me backwards into the OR, okay?"


Jake was sure he was going to stumble, but thankfully managed to follow the vixen through a short corridor and two sets of doors into the inner sanctum, so to speak, the very odd-smelling tiled room, with the beeping of medical equipment soon reaching his ears.

"Doctor Lucas, here's the computer guy!" the vixen called out. "Rachel, come on and get us set up!"

"Good job, Shirley!" one of the robed figured replied without turning to look at the newly arrived furs.

Another nurse appeared from the periphery of Jake's field of vision, soon brandishing gowns, gloves and a surgical mask which were put on him as if the two women were dressing up a doll. He soon found himself enclosed in plastic as well as blue cloth from head to toe, with his mane stuffed into a really embarrassing-looking soft disposable cover that made him look like one of those odd exotic lizards.

"Okay, Enrique, here's the guy!"

Jake was turned around, so that the plastic cover on his tailtip rustled embarrassingly against the floor, and he was pushed forward towards the computer set on in one side of the room, with a scrubbed-in fur sitting in front of it.

"And do NOT step past that red line, it's the edge of the sterile zone and if you go in you might contaminate the surgical area!" the vixen yelled into his ear.

"Alright," Jake mumbled.

"You the IT guy?" the seated wolf questioned.

"Yeah," Jake mumbled through his mask, "what's going on?"

The wolf shrugged and waved an angry paw.

"The blood bank interface isn't responding," the wolf explained in a huffy voice, "I had to order up twelve units of type specific and the computer just isn't doing it, I tried like 20 times and then I just called in to have them send it down here."


"They hadn't gotten a single order there, so it must be computer!" the wolf groaned. "I was working in OR five earlier today and everything worked just fine but nothing is going through here, labs, blood, nothing."

"Uhm..." Jake tried to look at the computer screen and not to what was going on only three yards away, with the hisses of a respirator and the soft murmurings of doctors in blue gowns and wearing lamps on their foreheads working with the quiet efficiency of the night shift.

"...can you visualize the inferior vena cava?"

"...think we're going to need a bit more retraction..."


"Uh...right..."Jake snapped his eyes back to the computer, "did you try going back to the main patient information interface and then clicking back to the blood bank?"

"I went back and forth a few times, but it just keeps giving me this error 651...I don't even know what that is!"

"Uh...can I take over?" Jake pointed at the computer.

"Sure, it beats me," the wolf shrugged, "you have a go, okay?"

"That's what I'm here for."

"...well that's a big was it again?"

" was approximated at nine centimeters on the CT."

"Damn! It sure looks ready to pop!"

The wolf gave up his seat for Jake to work on, and he was now facing a typical IT tech adversary...a computer that by all means was supposed to work, but for whatever yet unknown reason it simply refused to.

"I'll just...try to check a couple of things..."

"...I think it's oozing a bit...can you see that?"

"Suction! Let's get ready to clamp this baby..."

"If it's going to blow..."

"Can you load the O neg to the rapid infuser in case we have to push in?"

"Yes, doctor!"

"I don't know what it is, it was working alright before it just stopped," the wolf spoke behind the now seated lion, "I was trying to check the latest blood results and then I tried the blood and it just didn't work."

"It's got a few kinks in it yet, yeah," Jake mused quietly while he began to browse through the different sub-folders, "though it should work if you just...well there's the patient code..."

"How are we looking up on the computer, Shirley?" one of the voices from the operating table spoke up, suddenly, making Jake's ears flick inside his puffy head cover.

"Ask the computer guy! the vixen replied.

Jake glanced over at the operating site and saw that a fully-clad doctor was looking back to him...complete with a very bloody paw in view, clutching some kind of an instrument. Jake felt a little bit nauseous looking at it, and swallowed quickly.

"Hello," he mumbled, "I'm just looking through the procedure calls now...may have to reboot..."

"...looks like it extends all the way to the mesenteric."

The doctor tilted his head so that the lamp on his head almost blinded Jake, briefly, before his head turned down, staring at the operative field once more, seemingly a more immediate concern than a lowly IT lion.

" we have the graft ready?"

"It's all set up."

"I need a little bit more retraction here, I need to see that ureter to make sure I'm not accidentally clamping it. How much urine is he making, anyway?"

"Looks like about 120 milliliters since we started."

"Sounds alright. Diathermy, please, it's oozing a bit there from the peritoneum!"

"It did this when we switched our pulse oxes to Welch-Allyn, it was a total mess with the computers," the wolf nurse told Jake.

"I don't think this is an equipment interface problem," Jake replied, "sounds more like the retrieval calls aren't getting into the central SQL database...could be a mainframe issue..."

"I checked the cables," the wolf said.

"Probably a software problem, more like," Jake spoke, trying not to breathe through his nose with the smell of burning flesh strong in there nonetheless, "I'll just try to clean up this server and see if...if that does the trick..."

"Well we're going to need to run a coag panel soon, I'm gonna have to phone the lab if we're not getting the computer back!" the wolf said.

"Hold on," Jake said, typing rapidly, "I may have to check the virtual drive..."

"He's bradying down! Pulse is down to 45."

"Is he bleeding anywhere?"

"Doesn't look like it burst..."

"He's throwing some multifocal PVC's. I'm going with atropine."

"He's gonna need epi if the heart doesn't recover?"

"What does the twelve-lead look like, is he having an MI?

"ST segments look alright, doesn't look like it."

"There is a history of chronic angina."

"What a time to have a heart attack if this is it..."

"Atropine going in now."

"We really need that computer," the vixen was practically breathing down Jake's neck now.

"We need blood gasses!"

"Computer's still down, have to phone in the lab and warn them we're coming in!" the wolf replied.

"Draw bloods and let's get to it before he gets even more unstable. DeBakeys, please, let's get to it! Hurry up!"

"Going with distal, and watch that renal artery."

"Let's go to it, now."

"Any luck with the computer?" the wolf groaned.

"You might want to call the lab," Jake mumbled. "I'm not getting through the server, looks like there might be a bug in the procedure tree."

"There's a bit of oozing there, need diathermy..."

"I'll get that."

"Just what we need!" the wolf huffed, "I'll call the lab."

"Sorry guys, I just can't seem to pinpoint the problem...may have to go through some of the code..."

"Well he's going to code soon if you don't do it!" the vixen heckled.

"Satinsky, please!"

"Oh, God!"


Jake felt something splatter against his side and instinctively turned to face the direction of the sensation, only to see...felt something splash against his muzzle, face...everywhere.



Jake wasn't sure what was happening, except that blood was flying through the air, and he was one of the targets...and he knew that the edges of his vision were already growing more and more black by the hour.



Jake blinked, squeezed his eyes shut tight and opened them again...trying to focus...he was definitely not wearing his glasses.


"Someone's up!" a strange voice spoke.

Jake tried sitting up but it causes black spots to appear in his field of vision, and he let his head fall to the pillow again. Suddenly someone leaned over him, someone spotted and smiling...wearing purple scrubs, too, he noticed.



"You went out for a bit, didn't you?" the cheetah spoke with another smile, "how're you feeling?"

"Uhhhh..." Jake groaned, remembering the blood flying towards him, "I dunno..."

"Well, your pulse ox is normal, so you're alright, I think, you just fainted for a second."

Jake looked to his left and saw a blinking monitor there, and realized that he was hooked up...there was a cuff around his arm and one of those clip things on his forefinger.

"Am I alright?" he asked quietly.

"You seem to be," the nurse patted his arm with a paw, smiling still, "they say you fainted in the OR."

"Uh...yeah..." Jake was starting to remember, "uhh...damn...I was gonna fix the computer..."

"Yeah, you tried, before the blood took the best of you," the cheetah chuckled.

"Where am I?"

"At the surgical floor," the cheetah said, "we put you to sleep here because this was an empty bed."

"Shit..." Jake grunted.

"Enrique fixed the computer after we took you out," the cheetah said, "he just rebooted it, and it started working after he turned the power back on."

"Yeah.." Jake grumbled.

"And Mister Lasker pulled through, too," the cheetah murmured, "even if we pumped about a liter of blood meant for him to the floor instead."

"And on me," Jake huffed.

"And on you," the cheetah squeezed his arm again," but we cleaned you up a bit, you're all nice and golden now."

Jake rubbed a paw quickly over his muzzle and didn't find anything nasty there, much to his relief.


"Was the blood a bit too much for you?" the cheetah smiled.

"I guess..." Jake said, "I was starting to get a bit lightheaded the moment I got in..."

"Been there often before?"

Jake gave the cheetah a "you kidding?" look and yawned.

"First time."

"Lots of furs faint on their first time," the cheetah said, "I almost did during my OB-GYN rotation, heheh. I could handle the OR just right but seeing that head pop out...uhh, no thanks! Definitely not going there again!"

Jake frowned at the cheetah's chiming tone, but it sounded reasonable enough. He couldn't even imagine what it'd be like to be called to fix a computer with an actual birth taking next to him. The surgery had been bad enough...even without nobody screaming and pushing.


"Well, good to see you're no longer a sleeping beauty," the nurse winked, "you can stay here for as long as you like if you don't' want to move, or you can leave if you like. Nothing's keeping you here."

Jake huffed.

"What's the time?"

"Around five," the cheetah greeted way too energetically for the occasion.

Jake grunted.

"I'm still on call," he said, "I...I guess I should have my phone..."

"Shirley brought your stuff, I think it's here...just a sec.."

The cheetah wandered away for a moment before he returned, holding our Jake's phone.

"Here, it was with your clothes and stuff, they're just over there on the chair."

"Okay, thanks," Jake said as he took the phone, "I'll just...I think I'll just try to catch some more sleep?"

"Sure," the cheetah purred, "just press the button if you need anything...we don't do pedicures here, though, so that's the limit."

"Heh, thanks," Jake muttered.

"No problem, fainty-head," the cheetah smirked.

Jake's blurry eyes watched the cheetah go for the door, before the dead tired lion closed them again and hoped that there would be no more misbehaving computers that night.


"Hi, fainty-head!"

Jake woke up with a startle, into a much more well-lit room, this time, and the cheetah was standing there, wearing some civilian clothing for once, with a bag slung over his shoulder.


"Uh...hi?" the lion muttered.

"Just came to check up on you, hehe!" the cheetah grinned, flashing white teeth at the reclining lion. "My shift just ended so I'm off..."

"What's the time?" Jake questioned, not bothering to check from his phone."

"A bit past eight, day shift is in!"

"Then that means I'm off, too..." Jake mused, "the other guy must be in by now..."

"Bet you're hungry after such a crappy night," the cheetah said, "how about we get some coffee and fried eggs to you?"

Jake spent a moment looking at the cheetah with squinted eyes...hmm...nice, sleek build...nice spots...a cheerful smile...styled head furs...hmm...yeah...some part of his brain was certainly saying something alright...

"You planning to treat me to some?" the lion questioned somewhat boldly.

"We'll see," the cheetah winked. "So how about you get your own clothes on and meet me outside the room?"


The cheetah was almost to the door before Jake yelped.


"Hmmm?" the cheetah's ears perked.

"I don't even know your name," Jake said, "I'm Jake."

"Kyle," the cheetah winked, "see you soon."

"Wow," Jake mumbled to himself.


Jake still had a bit of a problem believing exactly what was happening, but fifteen minutes later he had a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and a mug of coffee in front of him, with a smiling cheetah sitting opposite to him in the diner booth. His new acquaintance had a much- healthier looking plate of surprisingly good-looking salad, and tea.

"Are you some kind of a health nut?" Jake asked.

The cheetah chuckled, with a clear twang of a purr to it.

"I try my best," the cheetah smirked. "I do get temptations often..."

Jake stirred his coffee.

"Don't suppose any one of us wants to end up on one of your operating tables," Jake said.

"And most of us don't think about it until you're there," Kyle replied.

"I guess..."

"So what exactly do you do here?" the cheetah questioned the lion curiously.

"I work with AWSM," Jake replied, "we provide EDI systems, you know...the patient records and stuff?"

"What do you think I do when I'm not putting in Foleys?" the cheetah flicked his ears amusedly. "I'm poking those computers."

"That's us," Jake chuffed.

"Cool!" the cheetah smirked. "Is it a good job? Pays alright?"

"I guess it is," the lion replied, "there's a lot of stuff you gotta handle but...but I'm getting the hang of it, I think."

"Except the blood," the cheetah chuckled.

Jake's ears drooped.

"I got caught a bit unprepared for that," he said.

"The OR can be scary place for the uninitiated," the cheetah purred, "I was so scared before my first time...but now I love it! OR nursing is my favorite thing to do. I've done neuro and ICU, though, but I like OR the best."

"I recall you didn't like obstetrics..." Jake said.

"Heheh, yes," the cheetah said, "that was a bit much for me."

"Maybe you have an aversion to vaginas, then," Jake let the penny drop.

The cheetah almost dropped his fork. His eyes went so wide that Jake wondered if they could even get bigger than that.

Then he laughed.


It went on for so long that Jake was starting to get worried...but soon enough, the cheetah was dapping his face with a napkin.

"Ohhh that was good!" the cheetah chuckled still, "oh that was fantastic!"

"Others are watching," Jake was feeling self-conscious with the cheetah attraction attention towards the pair.

"Hah, it's fine," the cheetah smirked and winked, "nothing they haven't heard before, I bet!"

"Hmm...maybe," the lion replied, not really sure what else to say.

"Sorry," the cheetah pouted, "I get carried away sometimes."

"I can tell."

"But how could I not, with such a cute lion making me laugh?" the cheetah said.

Jake swallowed some coffee before replying.

"Well that's not exactly subtle," he said.

"Subtle is for wussies, not cute pussycats like you," the cheetah replied. "I can back down a bit if you mind it."

"I...don't mind," Jake replied after a small pause, to measure the weight of his words.

The cheetah smiled.

"I thought you wouldn't," Kyle grinned. "I had a hunch."

Jake flicked his ears at the cheetah.

"You did?"

"Well, after you checked out my butt when I left the room, there was no doubt for me," Kyle replied.

Jake chuckled briefly.

"It was the arm-patting for me," he confessed.

"Damn!" the cheetah snapped his fingers. "And I thought it was a subtle, caring gesture..."

"So do you often make moves at patients?"

The cheetah leaned over the table, facing him, obviously purring still.

"But you weren't a patient, we didn't start a chart on you, so you're free game as a staff member..."

"You've got a devious mind!" Jake exclaimed.

"Maybe seeing a cute sleeping lion meant that I just couldn't help myself," Kyle proposed.

"Right..." he snorted.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything improper when you were sleeping," Kyle winked again, "didn't even undress glad you only got blood on your gown, now on your scrubs...those looked pretty good on you, by the way."

"So you did peek!"

"Well, I helped to carry you out of the OR..."

"I'm never gonna live that down, am I?"

"Well...if you were part of the nursing staff...not in a hundred years...but I think you're probably safe," he chuckled, "unless you have to come back to troubleshooting OR computers again."

"Which could happen any time, I suppose," Jake groaned.

"Well I don't think it happens so many times do you get called out during a shift?"

"A couple of times, usually," Jake replied, "it's getting slower now that we're working out the teething problems in the system."

"It's pretty good so far, I suppose...except last night, of course."

"What a disaster," Jake groaned, "should've just rebooted it, but I was afraid I was going to lose some data."

"Well nothing was lost...though apparently we ended up ordering almost three hundred units of blood from the blood banks once all the orders came through."

"Did they send it?"

"They phoned us and told us to never call them again."

"How nice of them," Jake noted.

"Never mind it, the computer's working now."

"Not thanks to me."

"You did your best, and I'm sure you'd done even better if you weren't unconscious."

Jake huffed.

"Sorry", Kyle's paw suddenly appeared and touched his wrist, "a lot of furs would get squeamish after having to suddenly re-enact Carrie...especially with some bear dude's transfusion blood."

"It's ridiculous."

"And hilarious," Kyle chuckled.

"Harrumph," Jake grumbled.

"That's too cute," Kyle shook his head, "I'm sorry, it is! I love pouty guys..."

"I'm not pouting!"

"Oh yes you are, and it's adorable," the cheetah murmured.

"You're hopeless," Jake shook his head.

"Only when it gets me what I want," Kyle replied.

"Oh?" Jake squinted through his glasses.

"I want a date," Kyle said, "with you, because you're cute and funny."

"I've been unconscious for most of the time you've known me," Jake pointed out.

"Maybe I like a quiet man," the cheetah winked, "nothing wrong with your chatting skills either, though."

"Why do I get the feeling that you won't take a no for an answer, either?" Jake mused over the rim of his mug.

"You know me well."

"I don't know you at all!"

"But isn't that exiting, when meeting new furs? Getting to know them? And you want to get to know me?"

"You're a bit of a pawful," Jake replied, "I'm not sure if you're worth the effort."

The cheetah purred.

"I'll definitely make it worth it, but I think this is a bit too public a space for me to really go into the detail of it," Kyle smirked. "But if you want to..."

Jake made a great show of eating a big bite of his eggs before he gave the much-expected answer.

"So you were talking something about a date?"

A shining smile appeared over the cheetah's features.

"I've got some ideas," the cheetah licked his lips, "I do indeed..."

"You don't say..."


Jake's head was still reeling a bit half an hour later, when he was led into a so far dark which light appeared with the flick of a switch. It looked neat enough...not the apartment of a serial killer who lured guys into his place, Jake thought dully once they'd entered and his nose was starting to settle to the permeating scent of a cheetah.

"Welcome to my humble abode," the cheetah giggled.

"Does someone really say something like that?" Jake grumbled, looking at the cheetah who seemed busy putting away his keys and his jacket.

"Awww, I thought I was making a good first impression," the cheetah giggle, his tail swinging about behind him.

"Well this is much better than my first impression..." Jake snorted.

The cheetah's purring grew louder as he approached, and soon Jake had slim arms wrapped around his waist while his sleek body met with Jake's...his muzzle appearing next to the lion's, and smiling, sideways, to him.

"You looked so silly in that mane protector," Kyle smirked.

Jake shivered at the feeling of strong arms about him, and knew he was going to bone up...he already felt the rush of blood into his nethers, and it didn't help that the cheetah's whiskers were tickling his own, along with his breath.

"Could anyone ever make them look not silly?" Jake mumbled.

"Not in my experience," the cheetah murmured, his arms becoming tighter around his waist, while he nuzzled the lion's fuzzy cheek, "but you looked cute..."

"You keep calling me that," Jake tilted his head to the side as he felt scratching fingers cross over his T-shirt-covered belly.

"Because you're really cute...that's why," the cheetah chuckled, "and smell pretty good...and I bet you taste really good, too..."

Jake gasped when he felt the tip of a warm, wet tongue touch the corner of his mouth and try to poke in. It remained outside for the moment, though, and simply tickled him there.

"Mhmhhmhmhmmmerrrrrr..." the cheetah purred, his paw slipping lower to cup the noticeable bulge in Jake's pants.

"Uhhhfuck..." Jake groaned.

The cheetah's tongue slid along the side of his muzzle and reached an ear...along with teeth that nipped on the edge of the said flicky appendage, with hot breath washing its interior.

"I get the feeling that's what you want me to do..." the cheetah purred even more hotly now, "do you? Want me to fuck you in the ass?"

Jake groaned and was about ready to ask the cheetah to take him right there...he was already pressing him rump against the cheetah's burgeoning hips.

"Want me to...ahh...beg?" the lion whispered between clenched teeth.

"Your body already does," the cheetah rumbled with surprising depth for his body size, "that's enough for me...hmmm..."

He moaned when the cheetah nibbled his ear again, going lower then as he attacked his neck...the teeth were gentle, not painful, but he did feel it...the cheetah pulled the skin tight there with his lips and teeth, making the lion groan with delight. His body was slowly lighting on fire, the paws, the arms, the slim but strong body pressing to it...he was making him feel so damn aroused...

"'re so hot..."

"Not...ahhh...cute anymore?" Jake moaned while his boner was massaged by nimble, courageous fingers.

"Mostly just hot now..." Kyle chuckled, "damn, could eat you right up..."

"Is that a promise?"

The cheetah smirked and licked his muzzle now.

"That's my boy."

"You're not exactly a daddy either..."

The cheetah let go of his dick and spun him around before pulling him back into a cat-hug, grinning madly.

"I know, I'm just awesome," Kyle spoke before pushing his muzzle to Jake's.

The kiss became hot and wet, quickly, tongues wrestling intensely back and forth through their muzzles in a cozy rhythm of sorts. Their paws flew everywhere, mostly gripping pleasantly firm body parts that could be felt through clothes, as well as trying to remove some peaces of them thereof...

"Let's take this to bed, sweetie," Kyle grinned as he nudged the lion towards the sleeping alcove, "I don't wanna wait..."


"And you're shy too...damn, where've you been hiding yourself, Jake?" the cheetah giggled while his paws groped the lion's butt.

"At the IT support room...umph!" Jake breathed out when he was pushed onto the bed.

The cheetah landed on top of him, legs hugging the lion's while he laid himself atop him and quickly muzzled up to him, starting a little rhythm of humping over his ass, fully clothed or not, the hot friction soon had Jake moaning. The simple sensation of having a dominating male on top of him and grinding to him, doing what he was definitely planning to do a lot more later just set the lion off, too, made him moan and push his ass backwards in a gesture he knew to be decisively slutty, but he was without caring, really. In Jake's mind, someone just had to be the bottom...and he might as well do a reeeeally good job at it, too. A win-win situation, really, if it made someone happy and got his ass royally stuffed.

"!" the cheetah panted on top of him while continuing his intense grinding.

Jake didn't get a chance to answer...the cheetah bit him quickly on his neck and made him loose all coherent thought for a few seconds. By the time his brain went back online and loaded SQL Jake, the cheetah had flipped him to his back.

"Paws up!" the cheetah smirked while sitting over Jake's groin.

The lion complied, and wriggled a bit to help the cheetah take off his shirt...his glasses were almost swept away with them, but the cheetah moved quickly to remove them as well, and put the down to the bedside table.

"'re cute with or without..." Kyle observed, his paws already landing over Jake's chest to pinch his nipples.


"Aww...sensitive?" Kyle flicked his thumb over Jake's left nipple and made him moan.

"Uh huh..."


Jake's eyes widened when Kyle leaned down...and then closed them tight when the cheetah licked over the said previously molested nipple, and bit on it, seemingly trying to fit as much of his pectoral into his muzzle as possible.

"Ouuhuhuhuuuu..." Jake groaned, the tickling sensation was almost too much...and soon the fingers were back, and the muzzle had moved over to the other side...

"You're so sensitive..." the cheetah's paws trailed over Jake's arms before he gripped his wrists and pushed the lion's limbs up over his head ,"...I like that..."

"Hmmmp...I like you..." Jake mumbled..."ohh..."

The cheetah dipped his muzzle into his armpit and licked for quite some time, a sensation that was as ticklish as it was hot, making Jake shake and tremble at the sudden hot, wet, teasing, wonderful sensation.

"You need a shower...I like that too..."

"Weren't cats supposed to be clean creatures?" Jake mock complained once the cheetah had shared a musky kiss with him...not unpleasant at all.

"Well I'm not antiseptic, even if I'm a nurse..." the cheetah crouched over him declared.

Jake struggled playfully against the paws holding his wrist, and got a nip on his lower lip as a result...and wriggled some more.

"You're such a bad boy...should I spank you?" Kyle suggested.

Jake moaned.

"Maybe later," the cheetah pecked him and rolled off him, to his back on the bed and then to his feet, with unsurprising grace, "get naked now...I can't wait to get into your pants."

"And elsewhere, too," Jake mused as he too tried to get into a seating position, to remove his pants.

"Don't hide it!" the cheetah suddenly yelped when Jake had pushed his boxers down belong his knees. "Lemme see!"

Jake snuffled, but obliged, getting up just as he stepped out of his pants so that the cheetah could get a good look at his backside...swinging tail and all.

"Happy now?" he looked over his shoulder to see the impressions...judging by that lusty look, and the boner that appeared when the cheetah pulled his pants was good.

"Yeahehhehe," Kyle grinned as he got rid of the rest of his clothes in the full view of the lion," you're cute."

"Cute again now?" Jake smirked as he swung his tail up and then grabbed it so that he could lift it clean off his butt, along his back, revealing the curves of his rump in full view for the cheetah.

The cheetah sauntered over to the lion, his pink cock bouncing attractively in front of him as he approached the lion and hugged him from behind, grinding his package to the small of Jake's back.

"Oh yes," Kyle spoke, "such a hot piece of tail...mreooooow..."

Jake couldn't help but laugh at the exaggerated noise...and then the hotness of the kiss that followed...or the paws groping over his own hard, dripping tool...or the feeling of that warm, throbbing member over the soft furs of his back, oozing musk there...marking him.

"You want to get fucked huh?" the cheetah slurred, "you want it under your tail?"

"Yyyeeeeeeeeeeeeah" Jake grumbled without care for how wanton it sounded.

The cheetah's paw grabbed his shaft and began to stroke it, his own cock slipping between Jake's butt cheeks before that hot dick began to rub up and down there, mirroring the motion of Kyle's fingers...barbs stroking through Jake's vulnerable crevice.

"Oh I'm gonna...can't decide if I should try your maw's a hard decision..."

"Just...shove it in," Jake groaned, "been too long..."

"Hummmhhh...." Kyle nuzzled his shoulder again, "I bet your ass is really tight then..."

"M-maybe..." Jake rumbled.

The cheetah stopped mid-stroke.

"Or not?"

"I...might have a few toys..." Jake blushed.

"Ohhh boy..." the cheetah grinned, "you must be pretty desperate for the real thing then huh?"

"Uh huh," Jake moaned without care.

"To the hell with it then," Kyle gave the lion's dick a final squeeze, "gotta give you what you need...and I need some too...damn do I need...damn..."


Jake found it remarkably erotic to be thrown to the bed...he landed flat on his belly, somewhat heavily...soon the cheetah's paws were fondling his ass, a thumb stroking between his cheeks...from his balls to the base of his tail. He could hear that Kyle was purring again.

"Do you need a lot of fussing around or...?" the cheetah spoke in a low voice.

"Just stick it in," Jake felt a measure of bottom pride at being able to say just that, "lube it up and get on with it...I can take it...I like it a bit tender..."

"Damn..." the cheetah poked his asshole with his thumb to feel it all up before he retreated from the bed.

Jake lifted his muzzle from the bed just enough so that he could spy on the cheetah and his swinging tail, and was pleased to find out that his detour wasn't a long one...simply to retrieve a bottle of lube...soon he returned to the bed and made it squeak with his landing on it again...followed by a satisfying click and a pop, and cold but very wet fingers travelling onto and into the lion's butt.


"Opens up like a Christmas present...niiiiice," the cheetah approved as he felt his fingers get sucked up into the pliable ring beneath the lion's lifted tail.

"That's so dirty..."

"But you ain't...just nice and...hmm..." Kyle slapped the lion's butt, "...squeezing..."

Jake give the cheetah's digits and extra yank with his internal muscles before he allowed them to drawn back...and then they went in, wriggling and poking for his prostate, which he found and nudged...with medical precision.


"There's the little like?" Kyle teased, still applying pressure.


"Do you get off from this alone?" the cheetah just wouldn't relent.

"Uhhh...some...sometimes..." Jake felt the insides of his ears blush with all this talk about his asshole.

"Let's see how I perform, then," the fingers disappeared, suddenly, replaced by the hot weight of cheetah thighs on lion butt and something decisively hot slipping between up and between them.


"Time to take your...uhmm...rectal temp..."

Jake actually managed to lift his head from the mattress to look at the madly grinning cheetah upon hearing that.

"Can't believe you said that!"

Kyle just smirked and kept thrusting into the lion's crack, soon driving him back to his previous position, trying to relax as he knew what was going to happen soon...and he wasn't disappointed when he felt the pointed, spiny tip push against his dimple...his muscles relented easily and allowed it to pass, with some mutual groaning, when the feline dick thickened into a girth that began to spread him open with a delicious sensation.


Kyle bit onto the lion's shoulder, poised fully over him, when his balls pressed to Jake's taint and he began to rock his hips back and forth, really just churning himself inside the lion's tunnel. His barbs stroked along its rippling walls and made both of them moan happily...Jake perhaps even more so, because the cheetah was doing a really good job providing him with his all-time favorite sensation. Combined with the bounce of an athletically humping body on him, and the raunchy feel of the cheetah's drool on his neck...the lion was soon moaning madly and rocking his body back to meet the cheetah's enthusiastic efforts. It felt so good after a long dry spell, pumping deep into his passage with each powerful thrust. His own cock might've been untouched but it kept oozing onto the nurse's sheets...surely leaving a big, wet, nasty spot there...Jake felt almost proud...he liked it when they were dirty.

He was flat on his belly and the cheetah had full control of his body...going to town on his ass like no tomorrow, stroking, snarling and gripping his body with his teeth and paws and cock...even their tails got wound together at some point, somehow, and Jake wasn't even sure how...he was too breathless to comment even when he got lifted up and had his paws maneuvered against the wall so that he was crouching on the bed and the cheetah hammered into him, hunched over his rump and driving deep down into the squishy pucker. Jake groaned and moaned and was getting more and more convinced that he was going to fulfill his promise to the cheetah...not that he could pay much attention to it, but he was oozing a lot...and his hard flesh was straining...his prostate felt like jam by now...all those barbs...

Suddenly the cock was gone, and the paws were on him again...this time pulling him sideways over the bed...his head hung down, his paws landing on the floor...and then he felt his legs pulled back so that his footpaws touched the floor too...and the cheetah just went back to it, landing to the lion's eyes just like that...balls deep with a thump...

"Owwwww..." Jake yowled as he took it again and again from an increasingly rough cheetah he'd only met hours previously, "owooooooow..."


The seesawing motion picked up speed again...the bed rocked and made a new kind of a sound, being pounded from such a different angle, this time...Jake's insides complained...his blue balls complained...his neck was a wet mesh of drool and bitemarks...the cheetah's paws grabbing him under his arms again...


Kyle's hips slammed onto his rump, and he let out a prolonged yowl...not a big roar like a lion would do, but a more shrill a sound...enough to set Jake's ears down, though, especially with the bite on his shoulder...and the sensation of the cheetah finally unloading into his steamy passage, in thick, hot spurts he thought he could really was enough to set him off with his own huge pent-up load all over the sheets. It ended all too soon...there was a limit to just how much spooge even two randy cats could generate for one pop...but it left Jake feeling pleasantly squishy, back and front, and with a nicely panting cheetah on top of him...

"Hot damn..." Kyle teased the nearest lion ear he could find..."hmm...good place..."

" approve..."

"Veeeery much so..." the cheetah grinned toothily, "let's see..."

Jake moaned when the barbs caught him the other way around, stroking through his back passage when the cheetah slowly pulled out...then paws landed on his butt to spread his cheeks apart...he was sure that Kyle was observing the mess he'd made...


Jake couldn't believe how hot the cheetah looked like, that expression on his muzzle before he sunk it between the lion's cheeks and began to lap up the spotted cat's own oozing cream from the lion's winking, clenching pucker and his messy taint.

"Ffffuuuuck..." the lion couldn't help but groan.


Thank you for reading! I hope you had a fun time, and I look forward to reading your comments! Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Carry Me On

**\*** Hello, people, how're you guys doing? Welcome to the Hockey Hunk once again - the penultimate chapter of the first part of the season, for next Monday, we'll be having our last chapter before the Christmas break. After that, we'll on a...

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Work It Wolf!

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