A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 38 (The Land of Waves - Part 6)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#39 of A Fox, a Dog and a Raven

Here's the last part of 'The Land of Waves' arc, I couldn't find the time to post it yesterday so here it is now, I'll post todays later when I get back from work. Inari gets in trouble with some bandits and it's up to Kiba to save him, Sasuke continues to follow Karabe.Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, this is a non-profit fan-fiction written for fun.

In any case, you came here for the story, so I hope you enjoy it.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

They quickly put on their travel cloaks, the long, white hooded cloaks would allow them to traverse the town with less risk of being spotted if any of the bandits from the bridge turned up, or worse, Kisame or Karabe. They stepped out onto the main street and began to walk along, occasionally browsing stalls so that they didn't stand out.

"We'll meet back here in three hours, try and find any Intel you can, especially about where the bandits are holed up." Sasuke said under his breath so only Kiba would hear.

"Right." Kiba confirmed the order and walked away from Sasuke.

Sasuke walked the streets the next hour listening for any hint of talk about the bandits. He had heard that the bandits were selling drugs, mugging travellers and charging business owners for protection; the oldest tricks in the book. There was also word of a brothel, where the bandits would kidnap men, women and children and violate them. Dozens of people had gone missing since the bandits took power here, but only a few had returned.

That's when Sasuke saw him, Karabe. The silver haired shinobi was talking to a group of bandits on the outskirts of town. After giving them their orders Karabe walked through town alone. Sasuke followed him, careful to remain unseen, he noticed that Karabe walked with a limp, he couldn't be sure if it was a result of the fight he had with Kiba last night or if it was from a previous injury. But that wasn't the only thing that Sasuke noticed, the way he moved was wrong, not just the limp. He couldn't put his finger on what was wrong with the way he walked but it bothered Sasuke. He continued to follow Karabe, careful to make sure he wasn't being lead into a trap.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

The Land of Waves - Part 6

Kiba was searching the docks, asking anyone that would talk to him anything about the bandits. Some were too scared to talk while the rest knew very little about their activities. Getting frustrated about his lack of progress Kiba decided it was time to take a different approach. Leaping up onto the roof of one of the many warehouses that lined the docks, Kiba looked for anything that might be a clue to bandits activities or where abouts. His move paid off, only a few minutes later he saw a group of six armed men carrying several large wooden crates. Following them via the rooftops he discovered the warehouse they were delivering to. Leaping onto the roof top of the warehouse he looked in through one of the sky lights, the warehouse was filled with workers making and bagging white powder, drugs Kiba quickly surmised. He watched the group he followed drop off the crates and head for the exit.

"We should follow them some more and see where else they lead us, this warehouse isn't going anywhere." Kiba whispered to Akamaru who let out a small yip of approval. Kiba followed the group, they were heading towards town, he kept to the roof tops and hoped that they would lead them straight to their base of operations.

Unexpectedly Inari walked out of an alleyway between two of the warehouses with an elderly fisherman, who handed him something, they didn't see the bandits until they had them surrounded. Kiba sighed in annoyance, he was going to have to save the kid and give up his chance to follow them.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" One of the bandits asked stepping forward and around Inari and the elderly fisherman, leaning in close as he inspected them. "Grandfather and grandson? You teaching the boy to fish?" The elderly fisherman looked petrified, he remained silent under the gaze of his interrogator. "Is that what he was doing kid?" He asked, Inari screwing up his nose at the mans foul breath, but remain silent.

"I've seen this kid around before!" One of the other bandits announced. "He comes round this way most morning when the boats come in with their catch."

"Oh yeah, I've heard of him." Another added. "I hear he gives his services to the fishermen, if you know what I mean!" They all laughed. Inari suddenly felt like this wasn't going to end well for him.

"You!" The first bandit growled at the elderly man. "Fuck off!" After giving Inari an apologetic look he turned and ran, Inari attempted to run after him but was stopped when a large hand grabbed him by the shoulder. "Where do you think you're going runt?" With a display of strength the bandit hurled Inari into the dark alleyway between the warehouses. Inari crashed into one of the many wooden crates stacked against the wall, the ground was muddy and wet, littered with years of debris. Inari cried out and clutched at his left arm, he looked up at his assailants, the stood above him, leering down at him with their perverted smiles, he felt his tears welling up, but he wasn't going to cry, he wasn't a cry baby any more!"

"Now here's what's going to happen kid, I'm going to give you something and you're going to suck on it, then my friends here are going to do the same and you're going to suck until we're all satisfied!"

"If I do that... will you let me go?" Inari whimpered. They all laughed like he'd said something hilarious. "No kid, we'll take you to the whore house, I'm sure the lads would love to have something like you to stick their dicks into!"

"Then I'm not sucking anything ass-hole!" Inari yelled, bolstering every once of courage he could.

"Oh yes you are!" He growled with a sick smile, lashing out with a backhand slap. He grabbed Inari by the throat and pressed his face against Inari's, Inari's nostrils once again flooded with his rancid breath. "Cause if you don't, or if I feel a single tooth, I'm going to pull out each. And. Every. One. Of. Your teeth!" He pushed Inari into the filth ridden ground. "Now... I'm going to give you something... I'm sure you know what to do with it!" He licked his lips as he reached into his pants.

"I don't think so ass hole!" The groups spun round to see Kiba standing at the entrance of the alley way.

"Who the fuck are you!?"

"I'm the one asking the questions round here limp dick!" Kiba snarled, the bandit flinched but stood firm, glaring at Kiba while pulling a knife from his belt, the rest of his companions drawing their own weapons.

"Where are you're bosses?!"

"Fuck you!" The bandit standing over Inari yelled, reaching down and grabbing him, resting his knife against his throat. Inari whimpered while Kiba scowled.

"Big mistake!"

"I'll fucking slice his throat open!"

"No... you won't." Kiba growled before letting out an ear piercing whistle. Akamaru leapt from above and landed next to the bandit, he bit into the bandits wrist, forcing him to drop the knife and release his hold on Inari who didn't hesitate in running to Kiba's side. "Inari, stand back, I'll deal with these cunts!"

Akamaru finally released his hold of the bandits wrist, they had the group surrounded. The bandits looked from Kiba to Akamaru, the wolf-hounds fur bristling as he growled and snarled at them fiercely.


Sasuke watched Karabe enter a building, the buildings windows were boarded up, it had obviously been abandoned for a very long time; so why was Karabe here? Cautiously he approached the door, looking up and down the street, but no one was there; completely deserted. Pushing open the door, Sasuke winced as the hinges groaned loudly. He stepped in closing the door behind him, pausing a few moments to allow his eyes to adjust to the dim light. The boarded up windows allowing only small streams of light which showed the heavy amount of dust floating in the air. Looking down Sasuke could clearly see Karabe's foot prints in the dust covered floor. He followed them up the stairs, moving cautiously in case of booby traps or an ambush. He followed the foot prints all the way up to the top floor. The top floor was just one large open room, filled to the brim with dozens of crates and old furniture covered in yellowing blankets. This place had been abandoned a long time, other than the foot prints he was following it didn't look like anyone had been here in years.

Winding his way through the maze crates and furniture the foot prints stopped in front of a large chest before off, deeper into the building. Sasuke decided to investigate the chest before continuing to follow Karabe. He knelt down and after a quick check for any traps opened the trunk. The trunk was filled with books, old forgotten books that nobody had touched as long as this building, except sitting atop the books was a photograph of three kids his age, looking closer Sasuke recognised Karabe and Kisame, the two silver haired men stood wearing their forehead protectors with thee symbol of their village emblazoned upon them. Sasuke didn't recognise the symbol. The third boy was considerably taller and muscled, he had black hair which was tied back and all three of them were smiling. Sasuke reached down and picked up the photograph.

As he lifted it a paper bomb that was hidden underneath it began to smoulder. He dropped the picture and ran, his sharingan activating instinctively picking up dozens of other paper tags littering the walls of the room, all of them smouldering as well. He had walked right into a trap! Sasuke sprinted through the maze of crates towards the nearest window, he dive through it, the glass shattering and wooden board splintering around him. The second after he had dived out of the window the room he had been in exploded, the explosion propelled Sasuke across the street and crashing into the wall of the building opposite. Sasuke managed to grab a window ledge to stop his fall. His breathing was heavy and laboured, his collision with the stone wall had knocked the wind out of him. He looked across the street and saw that the roof, and the entire top floor, of the building he had followed Karabe into, had been completely destroyed in the explosion. Several small fires burned in the building and debris littered the street, if he had been a second slower he would be dead right now.

Sasuke's sharingan picked up movement out of the corner of his eye and he reacted, he let go of the widow ledge and began to fall to the ground again, a trio shuriken embedding themselves into the wall where he had been hanging. Sasuke kicked the wall and somersaulted gracefully to the ground where he immediately drew his sword and looked in the direction the attack had come from. He was immediately forced to leap backwards as another trio of shuriken struck the ground where he had been standing. Sasuke saw him now, Karabe stood on the roof of the building next to the one that had blown up. He stood there with a confident sneer, his trench coat billowing in the wind.

"Good reflexes kid!" Karabe shouted.

Sasuke didn't reply, he began sprinting towards the wall and leapt at it, focusing the chakra on his feet so he could run up wall and gracefully flipped onto the roof of the building across from Karabe, the wreckage of the building that had exploded was the only thing that separated them. They stared at each other, observing each other. In a blink of an eye Karabe suddenly had three shuriken appear in his right hand and threw them at Sasuke, Sasuke at the same moment sprinted forward to wards the gap that separated them. Sasuke leapt into the air as he reached the edge of the roof top and leapt over the shuriken that Karabe had thrown. Seeing Sasuke avoid his attack Karabe summoned three more shuriken into his right hand and threw them at Sasuke who threw his own, the shuriken collided with each other, cancelling each other out. Sasuke landed on the roof top and rolled forwards and bringing his sword upwards to strike Karabe. Karabe side stepped the attack and back flipped off the roof. Sasuke dug his sword into the rooftop so it would stand by itself and began to run through several hand signs.

"Fire Style! Phoenix Fire Jutsu!" A dozen small fireballs flew at Karabe, seeing the attack Karabe raised his left arm and out shot a blade attached to a wire, the blade struck a nearby building and used it to pull himself out of the path of Sasuke's attack, the fireballs striking the stone wall of the building across the street, leaving black scorch marks where they struck. Karabe meanwhile used the rope to swing up to the roof top across from Sasuke on the other side of the destroyed building. Sasuke scowled and grabbed his sword while Karabe smirked at him.

"That all you got kid?"

"Not even close!" Sasuke growled preparing to leap across the gap again.

"Well as much as I'd like to find out what you're made of, I've got an appointment to keep."

"You're not going anywhere!" Sasuke yelled and took of in a sprint, once again propelling himself into the air to leap across the gap that separated them just like before, only this time Karabe began to formed a hand-sign.

"Choking Smoke Jutsu!" A thick purple gas suddenly poured from Karabe's mouth instantly obscuring him from sight and quickly spread across the roof tops. Sasuke couldn't stop himself from landing within the thick smog, he quickly began to hold his breath but he was already too late, he immediately felt his eyes burn and began to cough violently. Knowing he was a sitting duck Sasuke leapt off the rooftop to the street below. Sasuke landed with a stumble, barely able to see and unable to stop coughing, he awaited Karabe's next attack... but it never came. After a few more moments his vision recovered enough to see that Karabe was no where to be seen, he had left without finishing him off. This fact annoyed Sasuke, it meant that Karabe felt he wasn't a serious threat. Sasuke vowed that on their next meeting he would show them all that he was not to be taken lightly!

The sounds of villagers approaching snapped Sasuke back to the here and now. Deciding it was better not to be seen he took too the roof tops to try and track down Karabe, there was still the chance he could track the leather clad ninja down