New Brood Hen Chapter 1

Story by Fellick on SoFurry

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Silvia was cold and scared. She didn't know what had happened, nor where she was now. She had been out getting extra credit for her biology class, ornithology bingo, when something big landed behind her with a thump and everything went black. The back of her skull ached, which cleared up one small mystery. She was in a murky... cave? The walls around her were made of natural stone with various stalagmites poking up here and there. More importantly though, she was sitting in a puddle of freezing cold water. She stood quickly, her black leggings soaked through on her bottom, as well as her denim skirt, but apart from that she seemed whole. The rest of her clothes were dry, she had her backpack on still. The scrunchy holding up her long brown hair was intact, if a little askew from where she had gotten whacked.

She was just gathering up the courage to try and find her way out when she heard a bunch of ticking of a bunch of nails hitting stone coming towards her. Afraid that some wild animal with huge, rending claws might have made its lair here Silvia scurried towards the back of the chamber. There was no other exit, just the one that sounds were coming through. She darted behind one of the columns just as the sound reached the chamber. The ticking sounds stopped inconsistently, meaning that there had to be multiples of whatever was making the noise. Silvia, needing to see her doom before it pounced on her and tore her to shreds, peeked around the edge of her stone hiding place. Her mouth gaped and she stepped out from behind the stalagmite, forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding. The creatures at the entrance could only be described as monsters. They walked on clawed feet, like a chicken's legs, up to about their mid-thighs when it looked like it turned into human flesh. Silvia blushed, yes it had to be human flesh, because she recognized the parts of the body that were exposed. The arms of the monsters were a set of bird wings. The collection at the mouth of the cavern were for all appearances female since they all sported breasts of some size or another as well as a lack of male genitalia on their exposed hips. They looked around the room. Looking for her, Silvia realized! She ducked behind the column again, but it was too late. One of the creatures screeched something unintelligible at the others and they all hopped and glided towards her. It was then that it hit her, they monsters reminded her of the harpies that she had heard of in myths.

The harpies surrounded her, they formed a semi-circle outside of arms reach, Silvia had the stalagmite at her back. She looked at each of them, based on their human portions, Silvia had to guess that they ranged from young teen to pretty old, guessing by the sagging and wrinkles. One of the creatures had an enormous bruise on her forehead and was glowering at her. Silvia could guess now how they had knocked her out, fairly effective for a creature with no hands.

After a few moments of silent staring, punctuated by the occasional squawk at each other, the birds turned and left the chamber. Now that she could see them from behind, she saw that they had bird features ranging up the back from those gross chicken legs all the way up their backs to their wings. Where they had a female's front, they definitely had a birds behind. As the creatures were doing that fluttery glide hop that seemed to be their way of moving in the fairly low ceilinged chamber Silvia cried out to them, "Let me go, I'll give you everything I have. It's not much, I'm a poor college student, but I can get more if you'll just let me go!" None of the creatures stopped or gave any indication that they understood her. However, as the last one left the room, it turned to look at her. It was the one with the bruise. It made eye contact with her, then without shifting its glance, shit on the floor. It was bird poop all right, just a lot than she had ever seen in one place before. The bruised one turned from her and left the room after the others.

Skirting around the pile of excrement on the floor, Silvia tried to follow the procession, but as she reached the exit to the chamber a clawed foot rose on either side of the entrance. She couldn't see the harpies that they were attached too, but she could see that while the legs themselves looked ridiculous, the claws could be better described as talons. Silvia had heard once that birds were descended from raptors and the close-up on the large blade-like talon attached to the back toe just confirmed that belief. She backed into the room slowly and the legs dropped out of sight in unison. So while there was no door baring her, she was still a prisoner. Silvia couldn't remember what the harpies in legend would eat, but she was very concerned that it was people.

Hours passed and she could stand no longer, she picked a rock facing the door and sat down. Keeping an eye on the opening, she took stock on what she had. It wasn't much: her notebook, a book on ornithology, a couple crushed granola bars and half a water bottle. She didn't even think to bring a compass since she had only been going out to the state park and had been planning on staying on the trails. Unsure where her next meals would be coming from, she opened up and ate just a bit of a granola bar. Luckily the cave had a couple of pools that seemed clear enough that she'd dare drinking from them, so she wasn't too worried about water for the time being.

Several days passed uneventfully, no one came into the room, but occasionally a harpy would poke its head around the corner of the entrance, taking stock of her state, Silvia guessed. What for, she didn't know. At this point she was getting too weak to fight them off, she had run out of food the previous day. They didn't seem to be threatening her, except when she tried to leave those wicked feet would bar her way.

Several more days and she was laying on the ground listless, unable to summon the energy to get up when several harpies entered the room, each one awkwardly carrying a bundle in clasped wings. They dumped their burdens next to Silvia and left without a word. It was a pile of straw. After spending many days and nights in the chilly, damp cave, even a pile of straw looked amazing. Using the last of her strength she crawled over and collapsed on the warm heap. She blacked out for some time. When she came too there were several harpies standing over her. The eldest screeched something when she opened her eyes. Hearing another set of feet approaching, Silvia was too tired and weak to do anything, but stare upwards and breathe through her dry, open mouth. The new harpy stopped next to her and leaned over into her field of vision. It was the fattest harpy she'd seen by far. It must have had to waddled in, she was fairly certain it wouldn't be able to lift itself off the ground with its girth. It also had huge breasts, with enormous areolas. It was leaning closer and closer to her face. Something splashed into her mouth, it tasted odd. Like nothing Silvia had ever tasted before, but on her parched tongue the single droplet was divine. Another droplet hit her tongue, and then another. Silvia could see now that the liquid was leaking from the rapidly hardening nipples of the harpy. She was disgusted, how could she drink bodily fluids from these monsters. The globe of flesh reached her mouth and she didn't have a saw anymore, her body just took over. With the greatest of effort she managed to close her mouth and create enough suction to pull more of the milk from the harpy. It still tasted odd, and as she greedily suckled more of the fluid she felt like she could feel it reach every corner of her body. It left behind a burning sensation in her arms and legs, Silvia assumed that was from starvation being evaded for the time being. All too soon the breast was popped from her still weak mouth and moved out of her reach. She cried for more, unable to make coherent sounds. The harpies left as a group squawking at each other, it almost seemed like they were talking to each other.

Silvia lay on the hay exhausted by her first food in days. Her belly rumbled for more, but had to be content with what it had. Even though it repulsed her, Silvia hoped that the fat harpy would come back soon.

The fat harpy did come back, over the next few days the harpy would come and feed Silvia from her breasts. Some days other harpies came with her, others it was just the two of them. Eventually Silvia was allowed to drink from both nipples, actually filling her stomach. It was after one such meal, Silvia was still too weak to sit up, but she could move her head enough to watch who was coming and going. Silvia noted that the fat harpy was dripping a sticky fluid from her crotch as she waddled away. Shocked, Silvia realized that her meal ticket was getting off on feeding her.

Soon Silvia was able to sit up, she was gaining strength back quickly now, but she still only had to harpy's milk for food, so while she was able to walk slowly around her cavern and make it to a corner to go the bathroom in, that was it. Silvia also noticed that it seemed to be getting warmer the longer she stayed in the cave. When she had been at her weakest, the room had felt freezing, now it was getting too warm to keep her jacket, then her skirt, then her leggings. For a whole day she sat in just her shirt and panties, sweating. It had been spring when she had started this, and while it had been several weeks at this point, there was no reason for it to be this godforsaken hot in a cave. Throwing caution to the wind, Silvia stripped out of the rest of her clothes. She sat naked, feeling ashamed of her nudity, until the fat harpy, Silvia had nicknamed her Lady Kluck, from Disney's Robin Hood because they both waddled around on chicken legs and had enormous breasts, came in to feed her. Kluck didn't seem to even notice the change in her clothing and fed her like normal. With nothing else to do in her spare time, Silvia had been experimenting with Kluck, as Silvia drank her meal, she would teeth occasionally, biting down on the large, hard nipple. Except for once, when she bit too hard and got smacked upside the head by a wing and no more food, she seemed to get a fairly positive response. Kluck's dripping crotch definitely increased in the amount of sticky globs it was dropping to the floor with each step, Silvia had even once gotten what sounded like a coo out of the creature. This time however she didn't have a chance, just as she was about to start, the nipple was pulled away from her and Kluck swayed her way out of the room. Silvia was confused and itched at her skin. It had been very itchy recently, it must be a combination of her hair growing in as well as some weird cave mite biting her. Another harpy came in after Kluck left the doorway, she dropped what she had been carrying in her claws on the ground and flapped out of the room. It was a collection of various dead bugs and other creepy crawlies. On one hand Silvia was grossed out at the implications, now that she wasn't immediately hungry her mind was getting choosy. Her stomach on the other hand wasn't and her mouth watered at the sight of them. She scooped up a handful of the dead insects and popped them into her mouth. Crunch! They weren't so bad after all, crunchy with a pleasant taste to them. She even swallowed the worm whole.

Once her meal was done Silvia itched herself again. Turning to what seemed to be an increasing problem, Silvia could see where the hair was growing in, but it wasn't like any body hair she had ever seen before. It was growing in big black clumps all over her arms and what she could see of her back, almost as if each clump was one giant hair. Also, now that she mentioned it, her legs had been hurting a lot too, she had chalked it up to the fact that she had been scratching them so much that the skin was peeling off in big clumps, like a sunburn. Underneath the skin was a dark scaly red color. The odd thing was where the skin hadn't peeled, the leg hair had come in normal, same with her pubic hair. None of this weird clumpy business.

Perhaps it was the extra protein that her body must have been craving, but her mind kicked into overdrive and connected a lot of very odd dots into a single big pictures: scaly legs, weird rigid hair, the fact that Silvia started to feel like she could almost understand what her captors were saying, even milky white poops that she had assumed were a byproduct of the milk diet added up to the same horrible image. She was changing. Now that her mind had grasped the concept, she could feel it. Beneath her skin her body felt different. Shocked and scared, Silvia retreated to her pile of hay to think about it. She never noticed the fact that instead of sitting cross-legged like she would have done before this trip, she settled down like a hen over its eggs.

There was nothing for her to do, she couldn't escape, she couldn't even really plead with her captors. The changes overtook her slowly. She longed for sleep, the changes occurred without her knowledge then, but when she was awake it was excruciating. She had been awake, screaming the entire time, when the rear facing talons had forced themselves, inch by inch out of the back of her ankles. Before too long, all of her body hair had turned to feathers, except for her armpits and public hair. Now several months since she had been captured, they were as full as they were going to be. It didn't bother her, every other harpy in the place that was old enough to have hair, was fully bushed. It had been quite some time since she had needed to feed from Kluck, but every once in a while the she would come waddling down and Silvia would suckle for a while. With significantly sharper hearing and now that Silvia could understand her, Silvia could appreciate the moans of pleasure that Kluck would emit during their sessions.

Eventually the changes stopped and Silvia was able to take stock of what had happened to her. She had the same chicken like legs as everyone else, as well as the wings. She still had her human vagina though, partially hidden by her unkempt pubic hair and partially from the feathers on her hips. So while she peed the same, she definitely had some sort of change internally because she had shit the same white blobs that she had seen for the first time so long ago, but it seemed to be an internal change only. Underneath all the feathers she was able to still squeeze very human feeling butt cheeks together. Her head remained visibly unchanged, she had better hearing and vision for starters, as well as the ability to speak to the other harpers as she would any normal human. At some point during the transition, the shrieks had turned into what seemed like English to her. She still had her long brown hair, at some point she had discarded the scrunchy since she knew she would be unable to pull it off on her own once she lost her hands. She also seemed to be much lighter all around, it could be the loss of so much flesh from her arms and legs, but from Silvia knew of birds, she guessed her bones weren't as thick as they used to be. It seemed like the only thing that got heavier were her breasts. She used to have quite perky B's and on the occasion, small C's. Now they hung off her, easily a D, still perky though. Her nipples had grown to match, the areolas almost rivaled Kluck's, even though Silvia's breasts were a couple cup sizes smaller, at the very least.

One day after a pleasant session with Kluck, Silvia started to feel sentimental. She tried to follow the closest thing she had to a friend, to thank her for everything she had done. She got to the door too slowly and flinched, expecting those taloned feet to bar her way, but there was no one there. Silvia took a peek around the door and saw that there was a tunnel leading in both directions from her chamber, but there was no other harpy in sight. Straitening up, Silvia preened a little, they had accepted her as one of their own now and it was time for her to make her grand entrance into her new family.

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