Just A Few More Candles

Story by GothCatDemon on SoFurry

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This was written for my boyfriend, who is personafied here. Ellachion is copyrighted to him,Rosa is copyrighted to me and the story itself is also copyrighted to me. (No touchy) This is also my first story of this kind, so keep that in mind while reading it. Constructive critism is welcome.

Warning: This story contains content not suitable for children under the age of 18. Read at your own risk. I am not liable if you find the content offensive.

"Just a few more candles...There!" The grey cat stepped back to survey her handiwork. At least 100 candles, ranging in size from tea lights to pillars, were arranged around the room. They made the soft off-white walls glow with a warmth that reached the soul; or at least that's what Rosa thought.

Rosa was a five foot three inch anthromorphic feline with grey fur, bright emerald colored eyes, and a long tail. Her figure was trim, not overly skinny, but there was a healthy mix of muscle. Now, her athletic body was covered only by a black lace thong and a red sheer baby doll covering her breasts and parts of her stomach. There was a full-length mirror by the dresser, and Rosa was now seeing how well she looked.

"Not too bad...But it needs something...More..." She looked in her jewelry box, not that it held much, she found what she was looking for; a black and red leather collar with a silver hook made for a leash. The collar had a belt like buckle in the back, and she fastened it. Again, in the mirror, her image twirled and swayed in the soft candle glow.

"Perfect. He'll just love it." The he she referred to was her long-term boyfriend, and he had gone away to a college conference for a week. He had gotten back yesterday, and was to be coming over to Rosa's place for some rest and relaxation. She kissed his framed picture on the dresser and left the room to make some more preparations.

She made a trail of small tea lights from the front door to her bedroom, and then sprinkled rose petals on the trail. Crushing some in her paw, the aroma of roses filled her nostrils. Then she sprinkled some on the black satin sheets, as an after thought. Checking the time, she lit the trail if tea lights, and turned off all the house lights. Then in her bedroom, she spread a number of various "toys" on her bedside table, where they were in easy access. Making sure everything was in place she made a list of what was on the table, a vibrator, some chains, flavored lubricant, and a bottle of chocolate syrup.

"Yep, everything's here." Just then, she heard the sound of his truck pull in the drive. Rosa hopped over to her CD player and put a relaxing, but sensual jazz CD. She positioned herself on the bed, with her knees bent slightly to one side, one arm resting on her abdomen, and her head lolling on the satin pillows.

"Now...To wait."

Rosa didn't need to wait long, her boyfriend, a 6 foot 5 inch tall tiger saw the candle trail and eagerly followed. Already he felt a slight warm sensation come over his crotch; his shoes crushed the rose petals, filling his extra sensitive nostrils with the sweet perfume. As he walked up the steps, he could hear faint music, and knew Rosa had planned something. His cock was slipping out of his sheath, making him uncomfortable in his pants. He tugged his shoes off, undid his belt buckle and let his pants fall to the ground.

His 7 inch cock, was now almost out of his sheath by now and he was at Rosa's door. He opened it, and his eyes were greeted to the sight of his girlfriend in such sexy apparel.

"Hey there, Ellachion." Rosa's voice was soft and seductive, and she noted how his huge cock was now stiffening. "Here, let me help you unbutton that shirt of yours." She got up off the bed and swayed her way over to him. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly; acutely aware of his now hard cock pressing into her crotch.

Ellachion stared as she swayed his way, his felt his dick go hard when she pressed her body against his. He wanted her, needed her, and longed for her. As her arms went around his neck his arms went around her waist, but he just didn't stop there. One paw had a claw trace her spine up and down, while the other massaged her ass.

"You're beautiful." Rosa smiled, and shivered as she felt his finger tracing her backbone. Not saying a word, she undid the buttons to his shirt. She let it fall to the bedroom floor, and she broke from his grasp and stepped back. Ellachion stood naked in front of her, his raging erection hard as a rock now. He then noticed the collar around her neck, and knew exactly what game she wanted to play.

"Little Pussycat, come here." Rosa came obediently and stood in front of him; she smiled and licked her lips seductively. "Kneel down, Pussycat." She did and knew exactly what he wanted, as she was now eye level with his thick, long, rock hard cock. "Suck me...Ooo..." No sooner had the order been given, did Rosa start licking the underside of his dick, with her rough sandpaper tongue.

Ellachion had to bend his knees and hold his paws on Rosa's head to keep his balance. Her lips wrapped around him, and her tongue licked and stroked him. It felt so good. A low moan rumbled its way out of his muzzle. "Ooo..Please..." He begged as Rosa's paw came up to massage his balls. "Suck hard, Pussycat..." He ordered his love slave, and was rewarded with quick, obedient response. Rosa loved being ordered around by her tiger, and now she was sucking down his precum, he would jizz soon. She opened up her throat and let his cock go down the shaft. Her automatic swallowing sucked on his cock for her, and she felt his balls shudder.

"Uhh....Here I cum Pussycat..." This was followed by a soft roar as spurt after spurt of hot seed hit the back of her throat. After he was done, he pulled his cock from her throat and mouth and patted her on the head.

"Good Kitty. You deserve a reward for such a good job." He gently pulled her up from the floor and brought her over to the bed. Ellachion sat on the edge of it, and had her stand in front of him.

"Strip." Rosa grinned and began to pull down her thong. She turned around so Ellachion would have a full view of her ass, and her wiggling out of her underwear. As that fell to the carpet, she turned back around to face her tiger. Finding the clasp in the back of her baby doll, she unclipped it and let the sheer material fall away, revealing full, perky breasts. She grinned as she noticed her tiger's hard on.

"Now, Pussycat, play with your breasts for me." He starred at her hands as they wove their way through her fur to her perky nipples. Squeezing them, she ran her finger over the tip a few times; a jolt went through her body, stopping in her pussy. Her paws then massaged her breasts, and pulled, kneaded, and squeezed. She could tell that this was driving her tiger wild with anticipation.

"Lay down." He wanted her breasts now, he'd have her push them together and he'd fuck them as if they were her pussy. He watched Rosa lay down, and he straddled her sitting on her chest.

"Push your breasts together, Kitty." He watched as she complied with his demands, but now he wanted to have a little fun before he fucked them. Bending his head down, he took one of her nipples in his mouth and began to suck and tease it with his tongue. Rosa wasn't expecting this and gasped out of surprise, then moaned in pleasure as Ellachion sucked on it. He switched to the other one, while massaging the other in his paw.

Rosa loved it when he did that, it always felt so incredibly good. Little pinpricks from his claws made her moan again. She felt his rock hard cock pressing against her stomach and her fur underneath it matting from his precum. He squeezed her breast and pulled at them. He licked them and bit at them. Rosa squirmed underneath him, but that only caused him to tighten his grip on her.

"Push them together again, Kitty." Rosa obediently fulfilled his command and watched as he moved to his knees and began to fuck her breast. Ellachion gave a small pleasure soaked moan as he humped her chest. The fur between her two breasts quickly became soaked with precum, and she moan as he quickened his pace.

Ellachion was pretty close to releasing when he started, having watched Rosa play with herself, and playing with her himself got him riled up. He felt his cum rising and gripped Rosa's shoulders with his claws. She growled but it dissolved into a moan as a splat of cum landed on her face.

"Yum." She licked off what she could reach off her face, and then leaned forward to clean off her tiger's cock. After that, she caressed his cheek.

"What else do you want your Pussycat to do?" Ellachion grinned then gently licked her nose with his sandpapery tongue.

"What ever you want, Kitty." Rosa gave a pouty look; he always pulled that trick on her. No matter what she did to avoid it, her tiger just had to have her choose something. She looked over at the table and saw the chains.

"Lay on your back, Kitty." She rolled off the bed to give him room to lie down. She took the chains and turned back to him. Ellachion had pulled his front paws to his chest and was giving a very pouty, kittenish look.

"Aww...What a cute little kitten." She rubbed his stomach and giggled as he twitched slightly because he was ticklish. She then made her way over to his back paw and looped the chain around his foot and clipped it. The chains had 2 clips of each end, so they could make 2 separate loops; which made them perfect for strapping someone into bed. Rosa then looped the other end to the bedpost; then repeated the process with his 3 other limbs, leaving only his tail free.

Rosa grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup and began to make designs on his fur. She then licked his fur until it held no more chocolate. Ellachion closed his eyes and felt the rough tongue lapping at him and bathing him. He started to fantasize about Rosa fucking him when he got a jolt. The rough sandpapery tongue had just licked the head of his cock. He bucked and stared at her naked body. Rosa grinned and unclipped him from the bed, signally to him that she was finished with what she wanted to do.

The next thing she knew, she was chained to the bed in the same position that Ellachion was just in and he was kneeling next to her. He laid his hand on her stomach and slowly let it drift to her crotch, when he took a finger and dragged it up and down her pussy. She moaned in pleasure.

"My, my. Aren't we wet?" He dragged his finger again and then brought it to his mouth. Licking it clean, he leaned down so his face was an inch away from hers.

"Want to cum, Pussycat?" Rosa nodded enthusiastically, and purred as Ellachion nuzzled her face with his. He then took the vibrator off the table and was readying it with the lubricant.

"Where are you gonna put tha...OOO..." No sooner had the words danced off her tongue; she felt the tip of the toy press into her ass. Ellachion grinned, pushed it slowly into Rosa, and then stopped. A loud yelp of pleasure met his ears as he turned it on. He then knelt between her spread legs and blew a breath of warm air on her pussy.

"Ooo.." She squirmed a little, but a lot of good it did her, as she was chained to the bed. The she felt something sandpapery on her clitty. She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the sensation. Ellachion loved eating Rosa, she was so sweet. He started licking around her pussy, lapping up the mess she was making. He then lightly licked her clitty, and her moans were music to his ears. He then slipped his tongue inside her and started licking her inner walls.

"Don't stop...!" Rosa's paws had a death grip on the satin sheets above her head. Her breathing started to pick up and her back was arcing. She could feel the spring her orgasm being wound tighter. She then felt Ellachion's hand sneaking around and moaned disappointedly as he turned off the vibrator in her ass.

Ellachion's muzzle was buried in Rosa's crotch and his nose filled her scent. He had to have her, and he had to have her now. With a swift movement, he brought himself over her, and penetrated her pussy.

"Ooo...Yes! Yes!" Rosa cried out as she bucked up against Ellachion's thrusts. Between her pussy juices and his precum, their intercourse was well lubricated. Rosa's breathing came in ragged breaths now, and her back arched against Ellachion's stomach. Rosa could feel herself coming closer and closer. Ellachion knew that his partner was close, everything she was doing, gave it away. He too, felt his climax rear its head. He quickened his pace until his balls were slapping Rosa's ass in rhythm with his thrusts.

A yowl of passion leaped its way from Rosa's throat as her orgasm through her into whirlpool filled with warm water. Her pussy contracted around his cock and then she felt his hot seed spray into her. The jizz came with a mighty roar. His cock sent spurt after spurt into her pussy, and it hitting her pussy walls sent her into another orgasm.

Ellachion unclipped and put the chains on the floor, then took the vibrator out of Rosa's ass. He pulled her close; her body limp from enjoying her orgasms. He wrapped his arms and tail around her, and watched as Rosa rolled over to put her head next to his. She lightly, but sweetly kissed him on the muzzle. Her eyes closed and her head rested on the pillow. Ellachion knew she'd be asleep in minutes so he pulled the sheets over them. He fell asleep think about how much fun cleaning up in the morning's shower would be.