Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 2

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#2 of Unicorn's Destiny

Lance decides that he'll try to survive on his own, without the help of the unicorns, but soon finds out that there is a reason newly Changed are taken away from human society to learn to control their new bodies.

Gold eyes stared back at Lance, strange and alien with horizontally slit pupils and set in a slender silver face with a tapered delicate muzzle with dark slit nostrils. The horn tip nearly touched the pane of glass, tapping lightly as he tried to get a better look at himself, ignoring the crowding of the other pair that were mocking sparring next to him. He pulled his ears back, an automatic gesture that made him flinch as he tried to see any part of himself left in the dainty features. All the dark colors of his body were gone, washed out until he looked like something carved of sugar and snow. Another crash hit against his haunches as one of the other Changed young men was pushed backwards, he swung around and went to yell at them, automatically opening his jaws so an angry squeal burst out. He snapped his thick lips shut and flushed hotly, hating the animalistic sound that came out of him instead of his normal voice.

<Sorry!> One of them answered, trotting away awkwardly. He thought it might be Terry, but it was hard to tell given they both looked as alike as twins right down to the blue eyes. <You have to move around, we need to get used to our new bodies you know.>

<Yeah, well, I'm not feeling that perky.> Lance clumsily formed the words, feeling awkward as he flung them out using telepathy. Even his voice was gone.

Terry and Mark went back to playing their foolish game as he walked away with a lash of his long leonine tail. He had been taken to Francis' home right after the Ceremony, they hadn't been given a chance to say goodbye to anyone, he hadn't even been allowed to go and find Emily to bring back. A gathering of the older unicorns were here to put them through what he privately called Unicorn Bootcamp. The first day he had been forced to learn how to speak, that was lesson one, lesson two was the fact that his body was different now. As if he didn't realize that! He had learned how to speak, that was almost easy, and once he could project his thoughts he had stiffly told them that he wished to go home. He had no desire to stay in this place, two days were more than enough being crammed into a home with a bunch of unicorns.

Francis was nominally in charge, and the stallion seemed to take rather perverse pleasure in flaunting the fact that he boasted a harem of seven women. The house was a sprawling single story affair that was designed with unicorns in mind. The ground was textured for their hooves, their beds were just pillows on the ground, even the lavatory took his shape into mind. The only humans around were the women that belonged to one of the stallions, so he was left with the company of two boys that had wanted this life. They were filled with high spirits and boldness, prancing and posing for women they couldn't possibly possess. Tomorrow they would be taken to a small estate in Wisconsin that would give them more room and they would meet up with every colt that had turned within a three hundred mile range apparently. He needed to go home, he wasn't going to go there and away from Emily and all that he had known. He had been told his parents knew now, they had been contacted. At least there he would be able to come to terms with this on his own without dealing with the change in his life.

And Emily, I have to talk to Emily. The thought made his stomach turn uncomfortably as he stepped out of the main room and glanced around the hall. I'll call her when I get home, explain--

He felt a, now familiar, shock when he remembered that he couldn't call her. It wasn't just that phones weren't designed for hooves, he didn't have a human voice any longer. Telepathy only worked in person, not over the phone. The computer was out too. They did make computers with unicorns in mind that allowed for a horn or hooves to use a modified pad that formed a keyboard, but he didn't own one. He'd have to see if his parents could invite her over and then he could try and talk. But what on earth would he say? She had watched him being stripped naked in the middle of the park as his body changed, she had seen him nude in the worst position he could possibly imagine himself in. His stomach roiled with fear at how she would react when she finally faced him.

<Lance, your family has arrived.> The vibrant deep voice made Lance lift his head and look at the stallion that was waiting on him expectantly. <Are you sure you wish to leave, already? You'll have Father Perchand as a mentor, but you truly should have a larger support network of your own kind.>

No, I want to stay with over hormonal pair that have been giggling for the past 24 hours straight. He pulled his ears back against his head and nodded his head.

<I'm not fitting in here and I'll be fine.> He fumbled for the words awkwardly, flinging them out in a way that made Francis wince. He'd been told that he 'shouted' his words and that it would be refined with time, but for now it was uncomfortable to receive.

<Well, let us go. They're out back and I have a package for you to take with you.> The stallion turned neatly on a hoof and trotted out, leaving Lance to follow behind at a slower pace.

He had always assumed that walking on all fours would be easy, after all, all the unicorns he saw were able to walk quite neatly and without even the slightest problem. He found that it was quite different than what he had believed it would be. A walk wasn't bad, it was the easiest gait, but any faster and he had to concentrate on where he was placing his hooves, and often tripped up on them. He would get used to it in time, just like he would get used to the rest of his bodies little quirks, but for now it frustrated him as he broke into an awkward trot to keep up with his host. The other unicorn turned his head slightly to use his horn to drag a package close enough he could grab it in his mouth from where it had been placed on a low table, another thing that Lance couldn't do yet. Telekinesis was supposed to go hand and hand with his telepathy, but it required practice and training to perfect.

They stepped out the back door, the slight ramp making it easy for both of them to get down onto the packed dirt driveway that led up to the house. He felt a moment of unease as he felt the warm air brushing over his body, his very nude body. He tried to shift his tail down to cover himself instinctively as he heard his mother's voice, and then his fathers. What would they think of all of this? They tolerated Roger's ambitions to be a unicorn, but it was so rare they likely believed it would never happen.

"Lance" His mother's voice came out shocked, making him flinch a bit and curl his tail around his own waist. His parents stood in front of the van, his father's eyes a bit wide, but his mother smiling encouragingly at him as he resisted the urge to drop his head down to his knees. "We hardly believed the phone call."

<Here, these are for him. It is to help him get started out.> Francis offered the package towards his parents. <There is also a packet in there to help you modify his home to suit his needs. It can be very awkward for the newly Changed to live in an all human home...>

<I'll be fine.> Lance interjected before the unicorn could try and bring up the idea of staying with the priest again. He wasn't staying with his minister! <Hi Mom, Dad...> It was awkward as his father forced a smile, but his mother let out a happy noise.

"You are lovely, dear. I always assumed it would be Roger, he is so unicorn-crazed you know." Her hands moved to wrap around his neck and along his shoulders, hugging him as he had to cant his head to stare up at her. Another change, he was now shorter than nearly everyone, his body size more akin to a pony than a horse.

"Does Emily know?" His father blurted out while Lance tolerated the feel of his mother petting through his thick white mane. "She should be told, if so, this will be... be quite a shock."

She knows... She knows and she hasn't come to see me yet. Lance thought to himself, shivering his skin as he extracted himself from the maternal arms.

<She was there when I changed, I haven't heard from her or seen her since.> Eric couldn't help the depressed tinge to his mental words. <Invite her over tomorrow? I need to talk to her. In private.>

If she'll even come. He sighed and stared at the van dauntingly, the side pushed open to reveal the back bench seat. Now how the hell am I supposed to manage this?!

~ ~ * ~ ~

In the end, Lance was forced to sit in the back seat, crouched uncomfortably on his belly and the seat belts awkwardly fastened over his body so he couldn't even get comfortable. His ears pinned back flat to his head as he tolerated each and every bump, his chin rested right on his forelegs as he heaved out a sigh and tried to keep his mind from thinking about the indignity of what was happening. At least he was going to go home, where he could be in relative peace and work things out on his own. That was the thought that brought his head up as they made the turn up the long drive, his ears flicked up high as he craned his head up and over the edge of the back seat to look at the house. As they pulled about he saw that his car was neatly parked out front, the back seat still bulging with everything that he had taken to move into his new house.

He forced his mind away from the loss and tried to reach out with his horn towards the door, awkwardly jabbing at it in an attempt to catch it so it would slide open. Eventually he would be able to use telekinesis to do such things, but he would have to grow adept with his horn to manage it. From what he'd had briefly explained to him telekinesis worked almost like a strange magnet, he could use his horn to reach out and 'grasp' things, but for the first decade or so he would only have about an inch of reach with his powers. It would take years to become adept enough to reach any further or have any real finesse and even then it would cost him dearly to over extend his bounds too far. Most of the older stallions had the ability to extend about six to twelve inches from their horn, younger ones could use the tip of their horn to guide and hold things, enabling movement to make up for their lack of hands. He had months, if not years, of straining for the smallest thing he had been able to do as a human.

"Roger, let your brother out. I'm going to go and help your father set up the den." His mother almost sounded chipper as the van door suddenly rolled back to reveal his younger brother. "Do you need help you?"

<No!> Lance tried not to shout, but he'd had all the help he could stand. What he wanted was to get somewhere alone and just sort out his own thoughts on the matter.

Roger didn't say anything to him, if anything, his younger brother looked almost angry as Lance carefully moved his forelegs down to the ground one after another and then got his hind legs off the seat. It was slow and awkward, but he managed to get off the seat and down to the ground without falling over his forelegs. His tail was last, taking a moment of effort and confusion as he pulled it out with muscles he had never possessed before. The moment the tip had come free Roger slid the door shut with a slam and stalked away, his back stiff and his shoulders drawn tight as if he were holding himself back with a sheer force of will. What did he have to be pissed about? He gave his head a shake, snorting as his forelock flopped over his eyes and dismissed it. He was home and that's all that mattered, home and he could relax up in his room and try and sort things out.

It was strange walking into the house he had always known, the moment he stepped past the door he was assaulted with new scents that made his ears flick back against his head. Normally he walked into his house and it was just all familiar, but now there were layers of scents that were filtering towards his nose and making him struggle to interpret them all. He had already experienced this at Francis' house, everything had smelled so much stronger, but it had been confusing. He had dismissed it as a unicorn's home, but now he was faced with it in his own house. Layers of scents, each one strange and familiar all at once. He could smell cooking despite the fact that the oven wasn't on, he could taste the scent of garlic and bread on the air as he twitched his nostrils open wide. Sweat and human scent, laundry and the sharp chemical scent of cleaners. They all came to him as he tried to process them all at once.

He had spent most of his life not caring about the smell of things except as a pleasant addition to the world. The scent of freshly mown glass for instance, or the pine of a Christmas tree or a lily at Easter, scents that meant nothing more than an addition to a memory. Now he was struggling to just see with his eyes and not snuffle around, it was impossible to ignore as he stepped through the house and found his hooves a bit more secure on the thick carpet. He looked around carefully, trying to breathe shallowly as he tasted scent of air fresheners. He'd always thought they smelled pleasant, but now they were filled with chemicals that made him crinkle his nose back in disgust. Just another change in his life, just another difference of his shape.

"Lance, don't go upstairs. You'll find going down them far harder." His mother spoke up as he made a beeline to the stairs up to his shared bedroom.

<Where am I going to sleep then?!> He pinned his ears down flat to his head in annoyance.

"Down here." His father jabbed a thumb towards the study. "I'll put down some pillows for you later on tonight. I'm going to go help Roger unpack the car and move things upstairs. It'll be good to keep him busy."

He splayed his ears to either side at that last part, but he didn't comment. He wasn't going to be moving anytime soon, his only real comfort was that he could likely still attend college. He just had to amend his plan, that was all, but that was farthest from his mind. He tried to keep his head up as he walked towards the den with his tail tip lashing back and forth along the length of his slender legs. He'd lay down for a while, sort out his own thoughts and make his plans for his next move. As he used his nose to push open the door to the den and did his best not to trip over his long legs. Behind him, he heard his mother picking up the phone, presumably to call Emily. Please let her be ready to meet with him, she would be a pool of peace and stillness in all that had changed in his life.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You know you don't have to do this alone." Lance's mother's voice was soft with worry as he stood on the porch, his ears twitched backwards as he watched the red car coming up their long driveway. "It might be easier if you could talk with someone else present."

<I'm not a child.> Lance tried not to allow his annoyance to flavor his mental words, but he was under too much strain to manage it. He felt as if he were going to burst as the car pulled up neatly behind his parents' van.

Lance had slept badly last night, the pillows that his parents had offered him weren't comfortable at all, nor was sleeping on his belly. It felt strange to lay down, his body was built to be on all fours and he didn't grow tired standing in the least little bit. He could lay down, but it was odd to have his long legs tucked under him and his head curved forward, it was even worse on his side stretched out. He had slept fitfully, only to rouse and realize that his parent's house wasn't made for a unicorn to relieve himself. He had been humiliated and out of sorts as he was forced to push open the back door to walk out to the edge of the woods that grew against the house. He had tried to find enough covering that he could relieve his bladder without chancing someone looking at him. At Francis' house the bathing rooms had been designed so that he just had to stand over a porcelain basin set into the ground, like a toilet with no seat.

It was still early morning, but he had woken up early in the day with his stomach full of butterflies. Emily had promised to visit today, his mother had said that she would come by before noon in the hopes that they could talk and start to work things out. He had spent the morning trying to perfect what he would say, what could he say? He had tried speech after speech, but each one had fallen flat to his ears. There was nothing he could say to try and make things out to be better than they really were. There was no denying that there was nothing human left to his body, how could he expect her to be alright with his change? He wasn't even alright with it, it was asking too much. Unicorns stayed young and lived longer than any human, any son she bore would become a unicorn at the age of eighteen, and as for conceiving children. He winced slightly, he had seen his changed member, how could he ask her to accept such a bestial lover?

"Just be patient with her.... And your brother. This has thrown everyone for a loop." His mother gave him a look, a pitying look as he watched Emily stepping out of the car. Even now his heart gave a leap to see her. "If you need me, I'll be just inside."

And mother seems to think this means I'm a kid again. Has she forgotten I'm an adult? Has she forgotten I was just about to move out? He gave a short nod of his head to her, stifling a sigh as he took a step forward.

Getting down the stairs was awkward and he cursed the fact that he hadn't gone down them before she arrived. He had to put his front legs on the first step and give an awkward hop down with his hind legs before moving the front. He craned his head down, struggling to make sure that he wasn't about to go head over heels. That was all he needed. He was aware of the sound of Emily's feet on the gravel as he got down the five steps and shook himself out, walking forward to accept his fate. He would take whatever answer she gave, he couldn't just force her acceptance of his proposal to mean that she would be alright with what he was now.

"Lance?" Emily's voice made his heart skip a beat as he looked up to see her stopping just a few feet in front of him, her face reddened along the edge of her cheeks.

<Yes.> He sent the thought, watching her flinch as he struggled to keep his thought narrowed down. <Thank you for coming.> He continued awkwardly.

"I couldn't not answer." She licked her lips, her nervousness plain on her face as he drank in the lovely sight of her body. "I mean, not that you forced me, it's just... Oh damn..." She cursed, something that she rarely did, but it brought his ears up.

<Come on, why don't we go for a walk? We can talk a little.> He offered awkwardly, tossing his head forward as he approached her. <My Mom is probably looming at the door waiting to see what we say.>

"Yeah." Emily shifted, her hands moving to tug her shirt nervously, his eyes fell towards her fingers and felt a pang that his ring was not there. She wasn't wearing it.

As he walked past her to lead her towards the little hill that went down towards the road, and a private place they could talk, he flared his nostrils and felt a sudden jolt at the warm sweet scent of her. It was exotic and familiar all at once as she fell into step next to him and the brush of the wind sent the scent flooding his muzzle. It was beyond words, it was delicious and made his heart start to beast faster as he flared his nostrils wide and drew in a deeper breath of it. She hadn't always smelled like this, normally she smelled like a rather lovely mix of vanilla and lavender, not this mingling of warm sweetness that made him step a bit closer to her as they walked along the driveway and took off through the knee high grass. He wanted to push his nose towards her, to rub his muzzle along her upper leg and hip to drink in her scent, he wanted to roll his body against her, to have it stay with him. It took every fiber of his being to not give into that urge, his body practically trembled in place as they came to a stop near a thick blackberry bush and he tried to clear out his senses.

<I know you said yes...> He started awkwardly, tilting his head so he could look up at her. His head came about even with her chest, but she dropped down next to him, bringing her a bit more to his changed height. <It's not fair to hold you to that now.>

"We shouldn't have waited." Emily's words were soft as she crossed her legs and put her head below his own level, his muzzle hovered close to take advantage of the pose to enjoy her scent. It made it harder to think, that scent, it was distracting. "If we had just gone to bed together this would all be perfect."

<Don't say that!> He protested, focusing his mind on what she was saying, trying to dismiss the flush of heat that was making him inch closer. <I would wait forever for you, I wanted it to be perfect. I guess that's over now, but I don't regret any voices I made about you or with you. If you don't want me now...>

He trailed off and flicked his ears backwards. Many women wanted a unicorn for a partner, especially when they were virgins, it was a bit of a stereotype played out in romance novels, but the truth of the matter was that it was more akin to bestiality. The women they did want unicorns as a partner were often fetishists, not like his Emily. She enjoyed unicorns and their civilization, but how could she accept him as a lover? She was so small, and he wasn't human enough to fit her properly, and it doomed any son she bore into the same life that he was in at the moment. He tried to consider her side of things, how it would affect her, but the rich scent of her kept infringing on his thoughts. He wanted to see her swell with his young, the idea of any other stallion claiming her scent a shiver rippling down his hide as she started to speak beside him, but he wasn't exactly listening. His body was afire with that scent as he watched her wrap her arms around her knees and he lowered his head slightly.

He wanted her, he wanted to possess her. He wanted to mark her so that no other stallion could have her, they would all want her. They would nearly fight for the right to be the first to penetrate her virginal body, but that right was his. Lance shivered along his haunches as the heavy sheath that contained his shaft stirred and the pink blunt tip spilled out over the edges while his upper lip twitched and curled slightly. He looked at her shoulder, the loose shirt and imagined the soft paleness of her skin hiding beneath it, he wanted to bite her. Not to hurt her, no he needed to mark her, to let her know that she was his and he was interested. He blinked his eyes, his mind swimming with her scent as he drew in a shuddering breath and felt a few more inches of his heavy girth hanging beneath him, swaying back and forth as the wrinkled flesh began to smooth out. The heavy tip of him dragging him down towards the ground. He couldn't lose her, he had to keep her, stallions would want her and he would not allow them to possess her! He took a step forward and lowered his head, opening his jaws to nip her shoulder to show her his interest.

OH GOD STOP! He froze, his legs trembling as she lifted her head to look at him, it was nearly painful to keep himself from completing the instinctual movement.

"Can you do that for me?" Emily spoke softly, but he had no idea what she had just been saying. Why hadn't he been listening. His cock hung heavy and low, curving in an arch as he felt a stab of pure panic.

<Emily...> He started while shifting his body to try and make sure that she was only looking at his head and long neck. What would she think if she saw him dropped? That animalistic spire swinging beneath him as she was trying to talk to him!

"I know.." Tears glittered in her eyes as he stood there in utter panic, but even in that panic he was dragging in the scent of her. It wasn't the scent of her as a person, it was the scent of her purity that attracted his new body. "Just give me until New Years, I need time to think and I know you need time to adjust too."

New years, she wants to wait to give me an answer. He felt faint with relief and slowly dropped his forelegs down towards the ground.

It was a slow process laying down, but he had to hide his arousal, an arousal that didn't go down as she watched him drop down with his haunches behind her. He could feel a wet ooze leaking from the tip of his cock as he tried to suck down her scent again, her scent was everywhere around him, taunting him and making it hard to think, but he managed it. He lowered his haunches and winced as he forced his cock to lay in a line along his belly and pinned against the soft grass. He didn't grind the way he wanted too, but he could feel the throbbing of his heart beat while he rested just behind his girlfriend. He pulled himself inch by inch away from the bestial part of his mind that desperately wanted to claim her, was this what Francis has talked about when he said that colts shouldn't be out in the world on their own?

<I will accept whatever you need to do.> He spoke after a moment, trying to sound calmer than he felt. <Will you want to see me at all? Could you come to see me? I don't want to lose you, Emily, I love you, but I know I'm no longer the man you love.>

"Oh Lance..Of course you'll see me again, as often as I can." She leaned backwards, her back rested against the curve of his silvery white side and one of her arms reached up to wrap over his withers. "I still love you, I'll always love you, I just want what is best for us. I don't know if I could just be another girl in a harem, I don't know if I can stand it."

Lance was trembling, he couldn't stop himself, her body was brushing against him with the warm curve of her back resting along his side. His shaft throbbed beneath him, he could feel the wetness oozing out of the tip and spreading along his fur while he curled his tail about and laid the tufted tip right over her lap. He struggled to keep himself contained, a force of will that was crumbling around the edges. If he had been on all fours instead of prone on his belly he would have been in real trouble. Why hadn't Francis told him about this in detail?! He pushed the worries aside, the need to the back of his mind as he turned his liquid gold eyes towards his beloved Emily and tried to show her the human that still resided in this animalistic body. He tried to show her with his gaze that he wasn't lost.

<I don't need a harem, Emily, all I ever need is you.> Through his humiliation and confusion, those words rang true. He leaned forward to touch his lips to her shoulder in a feather light touch, fighting back the want to give her a love nip.

I can't see her again until I have this under control. He felt a stab of fear even through the warmth of her arms wrapped over him and her body against his own.

He had to learn how to control himself, what would he do if he saw her and dropped where she could see? She was willing to touch him, but she had no idea that he felt a near painful need to claim her or the way that her scent was almost maddening to him. He had seen other unicorns flirting with women, they hadn't been hanging out of their sheaths, so it was obviously something he could control. He had to find out how, he had to prove to her that he could still be the man that she loved and not some hormonal beast. He closed his eyes as she stroked his cheek and spoke softly about how she had already spoken to her family. He tried to concentrate only on his love and adoration for her. He tried to concentrate on the hope for their future. But over all those thoughts was the near painful need that ran along his loins and tightened his belly. This was a mistake, he never should have left the unicorns, he had to learn about this strange body. He had to do it for Emily and their future.