Princess Marilen

Story by Iacobus Artifex on SoFurry

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#1 of Lystronia Chronicles

Here we are. Chapter one of a series that I can hopefully stop procrastinating enough to work on. Usual rules and stuff. I have the plot for the next few chapters already thought out, but after that, I'd like a few ideas. If you think you have something good, feel free to IM me, or PM me. Aannnyyyways, I hope you enjoy.

  • * * A tall, muscled wolf walked alongside a wooden carriage, surveying the forest, one hand remaining ever glued to the sword hilt attached to his left hip. His other hand held up a shield that covered, roughly, his thigh to his armpit. It was made of thin metal, more for deflecting blows away, instead of blocking them head on. He averted his eyes, for just a moment, to the carriage, where through the window, a pink outline of a feline princess stayed. He chewed the inside of his lip for a moment, wishing that he could join her in the carriage... And do whatever she wished him to. That wasn't leaving, of course. But he shook his head, and returned to the job at hand. He couldn't slack off, not for a moment. That one moment was all it took for an assassin, or even a jungle beast, to burst through their defenses, and attack the carriage. This wolf did not get into the Royal Guard only to fail. He growled softly at the thought of it, and the punishments that came with it. His left ear flickered, and he turned his head southern, where his eyes caught a dark shadow moving. He turned around for half a second, pulling his blade out of the sheath. About halfway through, the wolf was hit in the back, a loud, shrieking laugh filling the air. He cried out, as he was thrusted, head-first, into the ground, his muzzle hitting hard. He heard something crack, but ignored it, already trying to get up. But he was too dizzy, too disorientated. His body felt displaced for the moment, able only to twitch on the ground, as the screams of his comrades filled the air. He heard the cracking of wood, and suddenly howled, wrenching himself to his feet suddenly, yanking his sword fully out of the sheath. He started running forward, raising the blade in one hand. It was wobbly, unstable at first, but it picked up, and he was soon on the move. The carriage driver had tried running, it seemed. The carriage was a good ways down the path, and it was covered in waist-tall gremlins, all of them pounding the wood with their fists, or hacking at it with hatchets. As he ran, he roared, getting their attention immediately. Three of them detached from the carriage, running towards him, all the while screeching horribly. Once a goblin got close enough, it launched itself into the air, where the wolf quickly slashed down with his sword, cleaving the small being in half. He twisted, as the next neared, crouching down, and striking low at the running creature. It plummeted into the ground, rolling, and stopping a few feet away. It didn't move. The last one jumped onto his chest, grabbing at his helmet, trying to rip it off. He growled, and first headbutted the beast, before darting forward with his head again, this time biting deep down into the flesh between the jaw, and chest, ripping it away harshly. It was unable to even scream, as it fell to the ground. The wolf watched as five of the gremlins left the carriage, leaving only two attacking. These tried attacking him in groups, two running at him, with the other three behind. The first two broke apart before they got to him, starting to run around him, randomly slapping on his armor, obviously trying to distract him. It almost worked. He was trained for things like this, and instead focused on the three coming. He jumped forward angling himself towards the ground. He swung once while in the air, clipping one of the gremlins on the side. He hit the ground, and rolled, coming up just behind them. The wolf whirled, his sword flashing brightly, as his cut through the backs of the three. The two that were trying to distract him earlier screamed in anger. One of them lost the formation, and ran at him, launching itself in the air, only to be impaled by sharp steel. The wolf flung the carcass aside, and started swinging his sword at the other gremlin, which fled, making disgusting sounds in terror. He turned, ready to get back to the two attacking the carriage, when he was hit in the side, slamming into the ground again. This time, he was ready for it, and was up again in a moment, kicking the blur of a running, somewhat green form that appeared. It landed about a foot away from him, where it laid for only just a moment. The wolf took the moment as an opportunity to lift his sword up, and stab it down, hitting the earth through warm meat. Another hit was scored on his wrist, twisting it lewdly to the side. He roared again, in pain, and dropped his sword. He grabbed the small, evil beast with his other paw, and slammed it into the ground, keeping it pinned, until he bit down on the creature's neck, hard enough to break the spine, and tore the head off from the thing. He stood again, panting, taking a look to the carriage. No doors were broken, nor were there any breaks in the wood... That he could see. He walked over, limping slightly. He was thankful that he was completely hyped up on adrenaline - he knew that he would feel like shit otherwise. He walked over to the carriage, and lifted a necklace from beneath his not-so-shining breastplate. Instead of a pendant, the necklace held a medium sized brass key, which he used to unlock the door to the carriage. He sighed in relief, as he heard mewls of terror from a certain pink-dressed feline. "M'Lady!" He called, as he pushed the door open, revealing himself. "Oh, thank the Gods!" came the reply, followed shortly by him being tackled by a small, white cat. She hung to him, pushing her muzzle into his shoulder, sobbing softly. He wrapped his good arm around her, leaning his muzzle in to whisper calming words in her ear. "We've got to return to the castle. Its two days walk from here. We'll probably take a bit longer, though. I'm not in the best condition." He said, gripping the princess tighter, as he started walking. He ignored the pain that was starting to get more and more clear in his limbs, as he did so. He was still breathing heavily, one ear flicked back. Vaguely, he noted that the princess smelled nice. But of course, he still couldn't focus on that. Instead, he had to find them shelter. He searched through the dark woods, never straying far from the path, until he found an old fox den. "Hope you don' mind getting dirty." He muttered, before setting the princess inside, joining her in a moment. Once he was in a generally laying position, he fell immediately asleep. It was almost as if he were dead the moment he touched the warm ground. -- The wolf woke to the feeling of a figured half curled up on his breastplate. He opened his eyes, and craned his head forward in surprise. It, of course, was the princess, who was sleeping heavily. He let out a soft sigh, before marveling at her for a moment. Her white fur was ruffled; her ears both slicked back in distress. Her tail flicked back and forth over his armored legs, adding another trait of nervousness. The pink dress had a tear in it, one over his shoulder, and another at the back, just over her rump. He resisted staring, instead sitting himself up, wincing at the pain. He moved his right arm behind the princess, to hold her up, as she blinked, and yawned. Once his hand touched her, he let out a rough bark of pain, making the girl jump back in surprise and fear. The wolf hung his head in shame, trying to calm his instinctive growling. "Sorry, M'Lady." He said, moving her so that he could grab her with his other arm. "My wrist is broken." He muttered shamefully, while wriggling them both out of the den. He kept the princess gripped tightly in his grasp. She mewled softly, still waking. They walked the day mostly in silence. There were a few times, when he had to stop to rest, or to get the princess water, or food. Near the end of the day, when the sun was heading towards the ground, the princess looked up to the wolf carrying her. "What is your name, Knight?" She asked, getting first a glance of golden eyes instead of an answer. It took him a moment, but he muttered "I'm Xavyr, M'Lady." She flinched looking away. "...Call me... Marilen. The Knight who saves my life deserves that." She told him, saying it softly, for some reason. The wolf wondered if she was offended, somehow, by being called M'Lady. "Yes. M'- Marilen." He said, scanning again for someplace to rest. Suddenly, a branch from a tree above broke, crashing to the ground only a few feet away from them. Xavyr jumped to the side immediately, into the middle of the path, where there were little, or no tree branches above. A second later, the green bundle of filthy flesh, and rotted clothes that caused the branch to fall crashed to the ground, impaled by it's branch. Xavyr set the princess down, reaching for his sword - and grabbing air. He looked to the empty sheath, and growled in surprise. How could he have forgotten his blade?! The King would have his head! The wolf got into one of the hand-to-hand poses, as he crept along, the princess following him silently. They continued down, cringing at every small twig breaking, every rustle in the forest. They soon came up to a wide clearing, where they had spent the night once, while going the opposite way with the carriage. Xavyr led the way to the side, sitting down on the roots of a towering tree. Marilen joined him, sitting down, and pressing herself into the wolf's side. He wrapped his arm around her again, and leaned them both against the trunk of the tree. This time, the cat fell asleep first. Even though she had been carried the whole day, the cat wasn't used to that sort of stress, or activity. The wolf followed her shortly after, his head slumping against the tree bark. -- When he awoke, the first thing he noticed was the lack of the princess - she wasn't on him, and after a quick glance around, he confirmed that she wasn't anywhere within sight. He leaned forward, planting a hand on the ground to steady himself. He hissed with pain again, and quickly pulled his hand off, falling back. Just how many times would he have to go through this before he learned that his wrist was broken? Damn! He stood up, this time without a brace, and started walking around. "Princess Marilen!" He called, without luck. He walked around, searching all over for her. "Marilen!" He yelled now, louder than before. This time, he heard a soft cry in the distance. He started sprinting, ignoring the aches that came from sleeping in such a position. He moved harshly though the woods, often breaking fallen branches, or running over growing saplings. He heard the rushing trickle of a stream, and sighed in relief, as it seemed that the princess was simply getting a drink... Or relieving herself, he corrected, as he saw her hunched over the stream. He turned immediately, casting his head down in shame. "Call for me when you are ready, M'Lady." He called out. "We'll reach the castle today." "I told you to call me Marilen!" Came the blatant reply. He could tell that she was only feigning anger, and smirked. Could it be possible that she actually liked him? Maybe, once they got back, the princess would lead him up to her chamber, leading him in, and locking the door behind them. Then, she would undress, and... He heard leaves crunch behind him, and jumped up, shaking his head in shame again. Damn, he was glad that he had armor on; his hard cock was pressed against his groinplate, painfully. He turned to face the princes, who soon attached herself to his side. "I can walk today..." She said, and the wolf couldn't help but chuckle, despite his condition. The girl was trying to act tough. Tough! But he certainly wasn't going to complain. It was hard work, lugging the girl around. The wolf led the way back to the road, when the feline suddenly tugged on his arm, making him face her. Her face was hard, surveying his face. "You haven't eaten the whole time we've been out here!" She accused loudly. It was true; he hadn't. She scowled. "I know I'm important, but you have to eat too! I... I order it!" She cried. The wolf chuckled yet again. "I can eat when we get you safe. So the sooner we get the castle, the sooner you can force food into me." He said, starting to walk. She, annoyed, walked beside him. But she set the pace this time, and she chose to walk fast, pushing them forward at a pace that made him almost jog. The princess already was. About midday, the wolf had the pick up the panting princess, in his good arm, of course, and went on. She grumbled, but didn't actually say anything. He figured that she was fairly used to being jiggled around by now. He took a look down, randomly wondering why the princess was rather flat-cheated. Her mother had a bust big enough to eat off of, as did the queen before her. But he supposed that it didn't matter. It'd probably come in later, right? He turned his attention to the road, finding that he could see the castle towers, closer than he thought. He smirked, and picked up the pace. They soon found themselves at the gates, where Xavyr set the princess down. The gates were opened, and the crowd stared. One guard sent a messenger off, to tell the kind of the princess's arrival. Marilen grabbed her wolf's arm, and started dragging him off, heading towards the royal parts of the castle. -- Roughly an hour later, Xavyr sat in front of the king, between them, a large table filled the glorious foods. The wolf's broken wrist was bandaged, and his other was pushing food into his mouth at a rate just under what people would call rude, but of course, he had good reason to eat so quickly. The king stayed silent a moment, looking to his queen, and daughter. The queen, Varilice, was sitting to his right, looking rather stern. His daughter, to the left, looking meek, and embarrassed. Finally, he spoke up. "Sir Xavyr... Over the short time of your return, both you and my daughter have told me of what had happened. The whole kingdom is in great debt to you... And we would like to repay that debt." Xavyr set down his fork, and assumed a more formal position, while blinking in surprise. Varilice's face got a little more stern, angryish, while Marilen's got just a bit more pink. The king wasted no time in picking up from where he left off. "We want you to marry Marilen, and later, become the king." He said, praise and power both filling his voice at the same time. Xavyr's jaw dropped. Varilice scowled, and Marilen looked over to the side, hoping to conceal her emotions. "You-Your highness! Why, I could do no such thing! I'm not worthy of her!" Xavyr cried out, thought not loud. It was true that he wanted the princess for himself, but he still believed that a lowly knight as himself shouldn't get her. He always figured that a prince from another kingdom would come, and take her hand in marriage. But the king shook his head. "Nay;" He said, "We have discussed this, her and I. She wishes you to be her king." And to that, Xavyr couldn't argue in the slightest. -- Xavyr was pacing outside his soon-to-be-queen's room, constantly debating on whether or not to go in. She had, of course, told him that he was to meet her there, and to come in once he arrived. But Gods, he was so nervous! Steeling himself, he suddenly stopped in front of her door, and rapped a few times on the door. "Xavyr?..." the princess inside asked, hesitantly. "Yes, M'Lady." He said, through the door. He thought that he heard a soft giggle, from the other side. A moment later, and she called again. "Come in!" He could practically hear the horniness on her voice, and for some reason, it half worried him. He didn't really want kids just yet, either... He eased open the door, and walked in, turning to shut it behind him. When he turned again, his jaw fell in shock, and he gasped, loudly. It was the princess. Or... Was it? Surely, that slim, feminine, white-furred male feline couldn't be her... But he knew it was so. The dress, worn earlier that day, was draped on a nearby chair. He stood motionless, even as the cat mewled for him. It seemed too much to think about. Here she - he was, the cat he'd thought he'd been in love with, ever since he first laid eyes on her... Him. Aha! Xavyr smirked. It had to be an illusion, or some sort of spell, cast as a trick on him. The local wizard must've wanted a good, hard laugh. And he was sure to get one. Xavyr turned, and shut the door behind himself, walking to the princess after. "Mmm.... Knight, I'm glad you decided to come, " Marilen cooed, immediately wrapping the much-larger male in a hug. "It was by your request, M'lady.." Xavyr told her, and she nodded. "I wish to give you your reward for saving me... " She said, purring seductively. Her lithe, quick hands attacked the bonds holding his armor together, causing them to fall to the ground moments later, each with a clang. Ignoring the male appendage sticking from his mate, Xavyr let her move him so that he was lying on his back. She hopped up his legs, scooting forwards. He closed his eyes, tilting his head backwards, until he felt something poking his leg... While two small hands cupped his balls. His eyes flew open as he jerked his head forward, startling the 'princess'. So it wasn't an illusion! Xavyr pushed her off of him, and scrambled away, falling off the opposite end of the couch, and landing with a loud thunk. He was up a moment later, staring at her - him, and backing against the wall. "You-you're a male!" He cried. The prince was righting himself shakily, confusedly rubbing his head. He looked over to the knight, and nodded, eyes full of tears already. While staying to the edges of the room, Xavyr ran to the door, yanking it open, and running outside, only to slam into a metal chestplate, knocked back into the room. The door was slammed shut, and locked from the outside. -- Sometime later (Xavyr wasn't really sure when), the large wolf was seated at a large dining table clad in somewhat formal clothes, sitting across from a very, very serious looking king. There was a plate of the best food in the kingdom in front of him, but he didn't care in the slightest. With a slow, rumbling tone, the king spoke. "Sir Xavyr... It wasn't my choice for you to find out about our little prince here. But you know anyways. And so, to protect the kingdom's integrity, I am forced to tell you that, if you ever speak of this to anyone... You won't stay alive long."