Bond of Brothers

Story by Thunder Darkstone on SoFurry

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Holy crapola! Another short story! Probably the last one for a while... anyway, this was written as it seems to be in popular demand. Hope you enjoy! But before I let you go off on a merry reading adventure, I must first give a...

!!!!!DISCLAIMER!!!! The following story deals with pure, uncensored gay incest between two brothers. No step brothers this time. I'm talking blood relation. So, if for any reason you're put off by incest, gear and scent play, or gay yiff... then I suggest that you read no further as this story has heavy values in all of the above. Ye have been warned!

Typhoon walked into the locker room laughing with his teammates after a rather intense practice. He was an 18 year old black husky, and a running back for the team. He broke from the others and headed over to his locker on the far end of the room where his things were stored.

He opened his locker door and sat on the bench for a moment to recoup. He pulled off his helmet and set in on the bench next to him and stretched his legs.

He recently had discovered that he was gay when he found that he had an attraction to other males. He never told anyone about it as he really had to stay on the down low. If word got out about that, he had no doubt in his mind that he would be thrown off the team for sure. It was common knowledge that the coach was a die-hard homophobic asshole of a bull.

It was such a shame to Typhoon as he found several of his teammates quite attractive, but knew that he could never ask one of them out. It would be taken in the wrong way and the rumors would be spread like wild fire. Still, it never deterred him from examining the ones he found attractive every now and again.

His ears perked slightly and swiveled when he hear the underclassmen heading in and start separating to the showers, and their various lockers. He turned to see his younger, 15 year old little brother Tundra heading over towards him.

In a mean prank many years ago, his fur was dyed pink. In an effort to save his reputation, he tried dying it back to gray but wound up with a very pretty purple instead. Everyone thought that it was a fashionable look for him, and so he kept it.

Tundra's cleats clacked on the cold concrete floor as he rounded the long bench and opened his locker, which was located right next to Typhoon's.

He's wearing the matching football gear as his older brother, sporting the same colors. The red socks and jersey, royal blue pants, and blue with a red stripe on the gloves and helmet.

He sat down next to Typhoon and pulled his helmet off, panting slightly. "Hey bro." He stretched his back out, murring as his back cracked. "God damn... what a work out. Was coach a hard ass on you before you were varsity?"

Typhoon was staring in awe almost at his brother and over just how sexy he was. His brain snapped back into perspective. "Oh... yea. Don't think he's any easier on us. He's worse on varsity. Holds us to a higher standard or something. Feels that we should all be up to college material or something."

Tundra chuckled and looked over at his locker, not wanting to move at all, and trying to will the door open and his towel to his paw. He looked over at his brother who was rubbing his eyes, some sweat apparently having dripped in his eye.

He stifled a murr as he also found his brother attractive, but could never say anything about it lest he be beaten by him for being a demented faggot. He shook his head, knowing all too well that he was gay and also could never find someone he could consider a boyfriend, let alone mate with out serious complications.

It was hard for him as he knew that he had no one to talk to on the matter. He forgot about it and leaned over and opened his locker and pulled out his duffle bag, not really wanting to move in the least.

Tundra sighed, clearly exhausted, wiping back his sweaty fur on the top of his head with his gloved paw and turned tiredly to listen as he heart hooting and hollering from the showers.

The older furs were clearly tormenting the underclassmen as was usual and predictable after every practice. He also wasn't in the mood to have to protect his brother from the extreme torment from the others which always stemmed from his fur color; Regardless if he was one of the best quarterbacks that the school had ever seen or not.

Typhoon stood up and grabbed his bag along with his brother's and popped his helmet back on. "Come on Tundra. I'm exhausted. Let's just go home. We're already hot and sweaty. The five block walk won't kill us. I just want to shower and lie down."

The younger husky popped his helmet back on and they headed out of the locker room, across the field and on their way home. Once on the sidewalk, Tundra decided to make a game of it. "I bet I could beat you home!" he giggled and started running off down the street.

"God dammit." Typhoon growled. He really didn't feel like any more running, but started chasing after him. He could very easily pass and overtake his brother in a heart beat. However, he found himself instead, staying a few steps behind, matching his speed and staring at the young husky's tight bubble butt, covered by the tight sweaty blue spandex football pants.

Typhoon felt a discomfort in his cup. His sheath was swelling with excitement even through the running with all of his gear and the added weight of the two duffle bags. They were again, panting, hot and sweaty by the time they reached their house.

Tundra wearily opened the gate to the back yard and they passed through, letting it close shut behind them. He walked over to the patio and dropped into one of the outdoor chairs. Typhoon dropped the bags and he too sat in one of the chairs, panting, and laying back, not even willing to remove his helmet.

He looked over at his brother, which turned out to be a mistake as his gaze dropped between his legs and looked at the sweaty, shiny crotch, filled out by the cup on the other side. He felt his sheath swell some more and his member slide out and quickly fill his cup, causing some discomfort.

He started wondering what his brother looked like underneath, and quickly shook these thoughts out of his head before his arousal became apparent. He tried to think of something else until Tundra pulled his helmet off and removed his jersey and shoulder pads and he got a first rate view of husky muscle bared before him under a coating of sweaty, matted white fur.

He shifted as the discomfort grew, his member becoming fully erect and starting to push his cup outward, bulging the crotch in his pants.

Tundra stretched again, the sun catching the sweaty fur and making a gleam over his sexy lines. Typhoon stifled a grunt as his cock throbbed, completely obvious if his brother was looking, and his heart was beating hard in his chest.

Tundra cracked his neck. "Man, maybe that run wasn't such a good idea. My legs are burning." He said rubbing his muscles around the pads in his pants.

The older husky nodded, wincing a bit from nervousness as he could smell his scent seeping out of the lacing in his pants. He was in full arousal state and he was desperately trying to think of something... anything else before Tundra noticed his bulging pants or his scent was caught on a rouge breeze.

He crossed his legs and looked else where, but again his gaze was brought back to his brother when he stood up and stretched, his defined 6 pack flexing. Typhoon leaked a small murr, but quickly clamped his paw over his maw, blushing as he realized what noise he just made.

Tundra looked over curiously. He approached and his older brother pressed his legs together more firmly. Tundra shook his shoulder pad. "Is everything okay? You're acting really odd."

Typhoon looked around the yard, thinking of anything else: grass, trees, the wooden privacy fence, clouds... all to no avail. His brother was close. He only hoped that Tundra would mistake his scent for sweat.

"Nothings wrong..." he said in almost a whisper, holding back another murr as his cock throbbed again.

Tundra looked at him confused for a moment, and then he smelled his brother's musk. He took a step back, his paw leaving his shoulder pad and looking Typhoon over with a bit of concern now.

Typhoon's leg slipped off back to the ground when he became almost drugged by the smell of his brother's sweat and his cup throbbed against the pants. Tundra took another step back, a look of worry across his face when he saw that.

"Uh... Ty..." he said nervously, unsure of why he was getting yiffy himself.

The older husky tried to think of an excuse, but could no longer resist. His brother was slowly backing up. He jumped out of the chair and tackled Tundra to the ground, both of them sliding a couple of feet through the grass. He pinned him to the ground and pressed his crotch into his brothers and gently rubbed them together, murring and letting it out.

"I'm sorry Tundra. I can't resist you any more. I've found you more and more attractive over the last year. You're the yiffiest male in the whole school and I want you."

Tundra's eyes went as wide as dinner plates, his own cock filling his cup, and his scent already pumping out. Typhoon smelled it, and murred at it as it was very close to that of his own. He pushed his helmet off of his head and threw it off into the yard somewhere and leaned his head down and kissed his brother.

Tundra tried to push him off, but found himself enjoying the kiss, opening his maw for his brother to push his tongue in and explore.

Tundra murred himself finding he was loving this dominance of being forced to the ground by his brother. They broke from the kiss and he said, "Typhoon... I've always found you attractive too. I just never knew how to tell you. I was afraid that you would kill me..."

This confession floored Typhoon, quite a shock to him. But, his throbbing cock was hurting so much with want for release he could barely stand it. He growled aggressively and pushed his brother into the ground hard and began kissing him again.

In-between kisses, he said " tell... mom or dad... about this... Then... I will kill you." He reached in his pants, raising himself up and pulled out the hard and very uncomfortable cup. It reeked of his sweat, but mostly his scent. He set it on his brother's nose and Typhoon murred contentedly, his member at last being able to be free to fill his jock strap.

Tundra panted from excitement and Typhoon reached down his pants and removed his cup. His brother moaned in pleasure from the release. Typhoon sniffed it, his tail wagging at the scent and he tossed it aside and started dry humping his brother.

"I... I won't tell." Tundra said sniffing in the scent in the cup deeply, feeling his knot form from excitement.

He paused for a moment in his humping to look at his watch to make sure that their parents wouldn't be arriving home any time soon and satisfied, he continued grinding their gear together, murring as wearing the football gear was such a turn on.

As soon as he was fully worked up, he stopped and bit Tundra's nipples and started kissing and licking all over his muscular body, making love to every inch of his brother, working his way slowly down to the laced up bulging crotch.

He slid back between Tundra's legs and pulled the sweat soaked laces apart and rubbed his knotty cock in the jock strap. The purple husky murred loudly, as Typhoon rubbed his paw over his knot, causing some pre to leak out of the tip of his cock and make a semi transparent spot in his Under Armour jock strap.

The sheer forbidden nature of what they were doing only drove them both more yiffily wild. Tundra gasped, panting from aroused excitement, still breathing in the scent of the cup.

Typhoon pressed his nose into his brother's crotch and took a deep breath of his scent from the source, murring as he exhaled, the smell driving him wild. His tongue lolled out of his maw and he ran it firmly over the white spandex jock, soaking Tundra's thick sac and exposed cock.

Tundra moaned out from the attention, gasping and panting, his meat throbbing and leaking pre uncontrollably. This was also driven by the fact that he was gently licking at the inside of the cup, not only smelling, but now tasting his older brother's musk.

The black husky licked over the wet spot of his brother's pre cum and murred with delight at the taste... and instantly wanted more. He pulled the jock pouch to the side and looked with delight over Tundra's solid seven inches of husky cock, his knot throbbing. Something he never thought he would ever see, let alone experience from Tundra.

He looked only for another moment before dropping and taking it all into his maw. He slurped away at the smooth, sweaty sac, murring the whole time, thoroughly enjoying having the thick cock in his muzzle.

Tundra squirmed on the ground, moaning with pleasure, his gloved paws digging into the grass. He leaked more pre, the cup sliding off the end of his snout as he moaned, and bucked a little with pleasure. He looked down to see his brother working his meat hard and fast. It turned him on more than he ever thought would be possible.

It wasn't taking him long at all to reach his climax, and he could only moan in pleasure. However, he was able to get out between moans, "Ty... I'm... I'm gonna... cum!"

Typhoon sucked harder, wrapping his tongue around his brother's shaft and his paw stroked his knot, working it to the same rhythm. It was all it took to push Tundra over the edge, and his gloved fingers dug into the dirt as he bucked in his brother's maw, his sac contracting and his seed spraying out and into the black husky's maw.

He was surprised by the spray of the hot husky juice hitting the back of his throat, but still he kept up his motions and worked to pump out every last drop of his brother's seed. Having the salty gift from his brother only turned him on even more, his aggressiveness returning in full.

He snapped Tundra's jock back into place and he grabbed him roughly and rolled him onto his chest. He quickly pulled off his jersey and shoulder pads, tossing these to the yard and unlaced his pants just enough, pulled his jock aside and pushed his hard 8 inch husky cock through the laces and rubbed over the blue spandex covered butt of his brother, feeling over his tail with the gloves. He pulled down the pants just enough to expose his white butt, held in its tight bubble form by the jock.

He murred, pushing Tundra into the dirt and rubbing his paws over the purple back, soaking his gloves in sweat. He then started pawing to lube his cock with the sweat and after a few strokes, Typhoon pressed his head against the tight virgin hole of his brother.

He pushed himself in slowly, moaning with pleasure. It was the most wonderful feeling ever. Tundra gasped from a slight pain, trying to relax as he knew that had to have been what was causing the pain.

He was right, and the more he loosened up, the better and more wonderful it felt. Soon Typhoon was fully inside his brother, his knot just outside of him. He panted, gasping at the wonderful feeling of tightness around his cock.

He started yiffing him slowly at first, moaning the whole time as he did it, each pump bringing him a great deal closer to orgasm. He knew he wouldn't last long at all. He leaned over, and bit into his brother's neck, wrapping his arms around him and pumping him hard and fast.

Tundra was in a world of ecstasy. The harder Typhoon yiffed him, the more he liked it. He moaned into the grass and dirt he was pushed into, loving the feeling of helplessness. He actually started pushing himself back so the black husky could get deeper into him.

This didn't go unnoticed. Typhoon started slamming into Tundra harder and faster, and actually began to knot-yiff him. This drove the purple husky wild, his paws digging into the ground.

Typhoon couldn't hold back any more. The tightness of his brother was too much, he bit hard into Tundra's neck and slammed his whole cock and knot in one last time, and kept them mated as his 8 inches swelled inside and his cum sprayed out, filling and coating his brother's inside in his hot, sticky cum.

He howled as his ropes kept coming, at least a week if not more of back pressure showing itself. He collapsed onto Tundra, panting from the exertion. Tundra was also panting, almost in disbelief at what had just happened.

As Typhoon's knot faded and he pulled out, sitting back on his arms, panting, Tundra rolled back over, covered in dirt and grass stains glowing. "Typhoon... that was amazing. I've always wanted that... but never knew just how much."

His brother nodded. "Same here... I love you little bro."

"I love you too." Tundra said, regaining his composure. "So, now what do we do? What do we tell everyone?"

"I don't know. But alls I know is that I want to be with you. Whatever it takes. It'll be hard as we really can't tell anyone. But, one step at a time."

Tundra nodded brushing some loose dirt off of his chest, and looked almost as if he was going to cry. "I really have always been in love with you more than just a brother."

Typhoon stood up and picked Tundra off the ground and held him in a hug. "Well, I'd be lying if I didn't feel the same way. But, we'll worry about all of that later. We just need to be careful lil bro." he pet Tundra's head. "But I want to be with you no matter what. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way."

Tundra couldn't help it any longer and began to tear up. "Same here Ty. Same here."

Typhoon kissed the top of his purple head and held up his snout so they were looking into each other's eyes. "So, how about that shower?"