The Light and Dark

Story by Ligiastorm on SoFurry

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A. Alan Swift

B. Jack Somers

C. Daniel Lin

D. Mirage Spelling

Due to the fact this will not be a on going story this will probably be my longest one so far.* ;)

The warrior class starship Normandia IV passed through the stargate, with no foreseen problems.

" I the ship's captain, Alan Swift, have kept this log as our experiment logged as 97, or formly known Mirage Spelling, experienced some minor problems during her transformation. I report in good standing that our mission was a complete success, as we are transporting the cargo to the planet of Salir this morning. " , Alan spoke softly, the computer stopping as he finished recording.

Message saved, the computer screen read. Taking his gaze back to his quarters, he sighs knowing fully well this may be the last time he sits on the position as captain.

The tall slender wolf gazes in the mirror brushing the fur out of his eyes, and walks to the door ordering the lights to cut off before heading to the cargo bay.

The room was in pandemonium, as the experiement fought her way, nearly knocking out a crewmember with her restraints, and was stunned by Alan's blaster.

" Take her, and place her in the containment container now, or I terminate this project now Mr. Lassiter. " , Alan commanded, the scientist placed his experiement into the container, and put it on the cargo ship, which immediately left the ship without further delay.

Alan shakes his head, and heads for the bridge, his steps followed by the other crewmembers.

The doors whizzed open, and he looks around for the last time, Alan takes a glimpse at the screen as he watches the cargo pod head towards the planet.

" Sir, we're ready for departure. Should we head back to the starbase to refuel?" , the pilot asked, his name was Jack Somers, trained as special tactics pilot in the late war.

" Yes, return back to Starbase 24, there we can go back to our lives. Its been a pleasure serving with all of you. ", Alan replied.

Sitting down in his chair, Alan rested there his mind on the trip back.

BAREEEEE!!!! the alarm sounded. Alan looked at his weapons officer, " Raise our shields, and arm the weapons!" , he exclaimed, who responded quickly, " Sir! Yes, sir! " , that was Daniel Lin, weapons specialist, replying.

The ship rocked as as beam hit its four shields, sparks flying in the bridge.

" We're getting a message from the planet. " , Jack says.

" On screen. " , Alan replies.

The screen flickers to a clear image of Mirage sitting in the cargo pod, " I have regained control of my former self commander, and I don't appreciate you turning me into an experiement. " , she said coldly, her face appearing normal.

" Mirage, you're too unstable to be in control of your powers yet. You must undergo treatment to your mind so you can fully control it. " , Alan replied.

" Don't lie to me. You were going to leave me, and start a new career as a privateer. You're so predictable. " , Mirage said, still knowing what he was thinking even after all the pain she went through to transform into her new form.

Alan, Jack and Daniel all stared at each for a moment.

" Where is Mr. Lassiter? If he is hurt we will have no choice but to destroy your cargo pod. " , Alan asks, his voice cold, and heartless, staring back at her through the screen.

" He's unconscious, the pressure was just to much for him, so he's sleeping peacefully behind me. " , Mirage replied, showing the sleeping bear's form.

The crew looked at their captain, and he shook his head, and stop communications with Mirage's ship. " Take aim, and blow it out of the sky. We do not need this to get back that the experiement had knocked out one of the Zinkowsky scientists. They can always collect data on this later. " , Alan said.

Leaving the bridge, Alan ripped his uniform off, and redressed into his clothes from his old life as a mercenary, and got into the elevator, going directly to the cargo bay, entering into his modified Litship fighter, designed for combat, cloaking, and high intense fighting. Getting into the pilot's seat, and powering up all the systems, he looks one last time at the ship before he leaves.

The ship beeps alerting of a message, " Where are you going? " , Jack asks.

" Back to my old life I was never meant to be a captain, have fun Jack, I know you'll be a great captain. Good bye old friend. " Alan replied.

After warping to a distant part of the sector of the Sigma Quadrant, his scanners tell him of a civilized world about a few millisectors away.

Piloting his craft carefully through the atmosphere, he lands on an open plateau, and climbs out, his blaster on his hip, Alan walks around.

The air was fresh, and made him feel like a child again with the light gravity, he was used to artificial gravity most of his life.

After good days work of setting up his camp, Alan began to scan for the civilized part of the world. ' Geez... even on foot its going to take a few days to get there. ' , Alan thought. This world was highly regarded as a tropical planet for its jungle-like environment.

Alan was being watched by a young fox, who regarded him as an unusual sight, for most of the world there were feline, and lupines, but never any canines.

The figure moved towards him and Alan grabbed the fox, nearly getting his hand bitten off in the process.

" HEY! What's the big deal!? ", the fox exclaimed looking at Alan closely, noticing he was wearing unusual clothes.

" I don't like being watched. If you have something better to do, then go do it, just don't waste your time gawking at me. " , Alan replied.

The fox nodded, " So where are you from? I really don't have any friends on this miserable planet anyway. " , he asked.

" Well, I'm a mercenary from the planet of Xylandria. " , Alan replied.

" Oh...I'm Lemar, from the Huskin tribe. " , Lemar said, sticking out his hand.

Alan shook it, and said, " Alan Swift. " ,he replied.

Alan looks at Lemar and asks, " Why do you keep staring at me like that? " , noticing he's gawking at his clothes.

" Well, I've never seen a uniform, all we have is these loincloths, and believe me it doesn't help against the sabrebears that live around here. " , Lemar replied.


A dark mass behind Lemar hit the ground, Alan looked at Lemar, and pulled him aside, pointing his blaster at the mass of fur, and mud.

The creature snarled beneath its fur, its beady black eyes looking at the fox like prey. " Don't even think about it!" , Alan exclaims, hitting the sabrebear between the eyes.

The creature shrieks before distingrating into nothing.

Lemar hugs Alan tightly, dances around him strangely, and Alan can't help but laugh.

" Its the way we say thank you. " , Lemar replies.

Both beings thoroughly excited, that Alan has to turn around to hide his aching hard on, and Lemar looks at him, " Are you okay? ", he asks.

" I .....uhhhh....yeah, just kinda lost my train of thought for a moment. " , Alan replies, pretending to be working on his ship, when a small hand cups his cock, " You're not a very good liar. " , Lemar says.

The wolf turns around meeting lips with the fox, their bodies intertwining together as they kissed passionately, Alan looks into Lemar's blue eyes, and Lemar back into his grey eyes.

Alan pulls his clothes off, showing his raging hard on, and Lemar removed his loincloth, which had hid his cock too, which had gotten hard, both moaned as their cocks touched.

Lemar raises his head back as he felt Alan moves his kisses to his neck and lower, down onto his chest and hips, then gasped when he felt the hot wet lips wrap around his cock, sucking hard onto his foxhood.

Alan was in heaven, the cock in his mouth was sweet, and strong as he would have imagined a young warrior to be, fondling the fox's balls made Lemar groan above him, letting him know that it wouldn't be long till he tasted the fox's cum.

Lemar just rested back on his legs letting Alan suck on him, and coax the cum out of his cock and balls.

" I'm gonna ....I'm gonna!!! " , Lemar howls as he cums hard, filling Alan's mouth, who greedily swallowed and milked his cock. Lemar goes to his back, and opens his legs, and says," Fuck me Alan! Fuck me!" , he begs.

Alan looks down at him with a seductive smile, and nods, licking Lemar's tailhole, tracing the outter ring, before going inside to carress the fox's inner walls.

Lemar gasps harder feeling the tongue inside of him, and can't help but buck into Alan's face, and Alan pulls out, after carefully lubing him up, and inserts his wolfhood into the tight passage.

Even with all the natural lube, it was still hard for both, as Alan gritted his, and Lemar did his too, but both moaned as the cock broke inside, and moved in, out and in again.

Both were getting really close, when suddenly Alan pushes hard his knot going into the fox beneath him, tieing with him, his cum flowing like a river inside of Lemar's bowels, who in turn was cumming all over Alan's face, chest, and belly.

Both laid there quietly, smiling in their afterglow, Alan kisses Lemar's cheek, and rests there with him. Both quickly drifting off to sleep quickly.

The End?