Eyes of Pure Bliss

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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This story contains some underage sexual themes, being that it would be advised for younger viewers to steer away from this if you are under 18. Also, if you do not enjoy reading stuff about love and two gay guys, then you'd better stay away as well. You've been thoroughly warned, so enjoy if you want. Note: This is my first attempt at this, so please be easy on the criticism ;)

  • * * The air was so cold today. I had walked outside only a few minutes ago and immediately I felt the chill, even though my fur helped protect me from most of it. It was the winter, now, and I was waiting for my friend to come pick me up. I took my keychain out of my pocket and locked the door. A little metal piece said my name connected to my keychain. It read 'Teiren'. That was the name my parents had given me, and that was what no one really called me. Everyone calls me Teir. I waited for a moment, shivering a little underneath my white shirt, jacket and jeans. Even for an arctic wolf, I am not always used to the cold. My natural grey and white fur little to help. I had grown up in California, in the sun and near the beach. I swam a lot, and it showed, or at least that's what everyone had told me in gym class. Now I lived over in Alaska, back to where my parents had grown up, and back to the cold and ice. Finally, though, a car pulled up. I stared out at the car. It was black, small, more like a corvette in make but it had a different name that I could not pronounce. My friend, Jareth was a fox fur who I had met when I first moved here. His fur was mainly red in color, except for the usual white patch. He is shorter than I am, but only because he is a fox. He was slightly older than me, only by about nine months, but that was enough to put him a grade higher than me in school. He was a senior, and I'm a junior. He walked up to me, even though he didn't have to. I could easily had just walked over ot the car and got in, but he insisted on bringing something to drop off at my house. He dragged his backpack over to the door, and I took out my keychains again. I unlocked it, let him put the backpack inside, and then locked it. I usually locked the door by habit anyhow. We walked back to the car after our usual "hello"'s. I got in the passenger side quickly while Jareth went to the driver's side. I wasn't able to drive yet, or he wouldn't have to pick me up, really, but neither of us minded. I enjoyed being around him, mainly because he was my closest friend since about three years ago, when I moved. He seemed not just not mind, was all. He was weird, really. He never really did show his expressions, and he never had much of an opinion on things. Really, he was passive, but that wasn't all so bad. It wasn't as though he did not have emotions, though, more like he didn't show them to others. Or at least, I've never seen him show them to others. Tonight, regardless, we were heading to the movies. There was a movie he had wanted to watch, and he invited me to go. I had been to the movies with him before, but usually I was the one that wanted to go first. He usually just took me there and watched the movie with me. This time he wanted to watch the movie, and I was the one tagging along. When we got to the theater, the lines were empty. I waited off to the side while Jareth bought the tickets. When we went inside, he asked if I wanted anything at the concession area. I merely shook my head, trying not to let him pay too much, since he insisted on paying my way in. I tried to be polite. He just shrugged and bought a large soda that looked too big for him to finish. We sat in the theater, all the way in the top and the back. Our seats were adjacent, but it didn't really matter where we sat. The theater seemed to be empty, with the exception of a few furs near the middle of the theater. He took a sip of his soda and stared at the blank screen, listening to the music and advertisements that broadcasted over the theater's speakers before a movie. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and sighed softly. He looked over at me noticibly and said, "Tired?" I suppose he mistook it for a yawn. I shook my head and said, "No. Not at all." He just shrugged. I looked at him as he turned to look at the screen. His eyes were transfixed by it, unblinking, unwavering, as if he didn't need to blink. I looked at the screen just as the curtains were beginning to move and the projector turned on above us. We heard the click, or at least I heard the click, but didn't pay any attention to it. The movie went on fairly slowly. I thought it was a bit boring, but Jareth was still staring at the screen when I took a glance at him. He sipped his drink every now and then quietly, and I didn't blame him for doing so. Better to conserve it, really, since the theater had put the heater on in this cold temperature. I felt a bit warm, and slowly, I began to pant softly. I tried not to, but I didn't have a choice. I felt a little embarassed and hoped that Jareth didn't notice. I tried to ignore the heat and to continue watching the movie, but after a few minutes, I began to feel dizzy. I had already taken my jacket off at the beginning of the movie, but the heater still got to me. I had guessed that I was sitting fairly near it. I swayed a little without knowing it. I felt a paw on my shoulder and looked over to see what it was. Jareth was looking at me with his same expression, his left paw on my shoulder and his right paw offering me a drink. He said softly so that I can hear, "I got a large because I knew you'd be thirsty. After seeing you go through so many drinks at movies, don't think this time will be different." I blushed deeply and said, "I'm sorry." I took his drink, though, and took a few large gulps from it. The icy liquid washed into my stomach, passing through my throat, cooling me in the process. I handed the drink back to him. I said a quick "thanks" and he went back to watching the movie. I was a bit surprised, though, that he had noticed me swaying. There were no more mishaps during the movie. When it was over, I stood up and stretched. I walked away from the seats and to the aisle. I led the way back outside, and as soon as we were outside, I shivered slightly. Going from a warm place to a cold place usually effected me that way. Jareth unlocked the car and waited for me. I quickly jumped inside and said, "Thanks, Jareth." He just nodded and turned on the car. We backed up, and didn't say a word the whole trip back to my house. I felt a bit too embarassed to really speak, though I knew Jareth didn't really care. The car pulled up to the side of the house and we both got out. I took out my keys and unlocked the door. I closed the door behind us when we got inside. Jareth grabbed his backpack and followed me to my room upstairs. It was basically the same procedure. I sat on my bed after closing the door behind us. I usually did that whenever I entered my room, mainly to muffle the sounds and to get everyone to knock first. It usually never happens. Jareth sat on my chair and faced me, staring at the floor. I looked at his eyes, and somehow, they seemed just so... so sad. I was about to ask him what was wrong, but I decided not to. This was the way he always looked. I frowned slightly. I always had wanted to see him look happy, but he never seemed to do so. Jareth's eyes kept moving from left to right, as if he was thinking about something. It looked like he wanted to say something, since he opened his muzzle for a second or two, but closed it for a few times. I leaned forward and asked, "What's on your mind? You seem um... distracted. Or at least more than usual." Jareth looked at me, with the same, sad eyes. He said softly, "I want to ask you something." I nodded and said, "All right." I was curious to what was bothering him so much. I really did want him to be happy. "You can ask if you want." I smiled then and added, "I won't laugh." Jareth nodded. "See, I want to tell this fur that... that I love them, but I can't bring myself to say it to them. I've known them for some time, but I'm unsure of what they'll think if I say anything. What should I do, Teir?" Really, when I heard that he loved someone, my heart sank, but I tried not to show it. I, personally, had feelings for him, for so long now, but it appeared he was straight. I just put on a smile and said, "Ah, you should tell them then. If it's really how you feel, you should say something. At least let the fur know how you feel." I stared at Jareth, and really most of what he did was nod. He didn't say anything for what seemed the longest time, until he asked, "So when do you think I should say it?" It was a weird question to ask, but I answered the best I could. "Just let the fur know as soon as you can. Let them know sooner or later, but better to be sooner. That way if they don't feel the same way, then at least you'll have time to find someone else, right?" Jareth nodded at me. I didn't really like the advice I gave him, but he was my closest friend, and I wanted him to be happy. This was for the best. Jareth looked at me again, though, with the same sad eyes. He looked like he was about to cry. His expression, though, showed that he was frustrated, as if arguing with himself over something. Jareth finally let out a breath that he had seemed to have been holding for a while. I tilted my head to the side and asked, "So decided you're going to tell them or something?" Jareth nodded. He said, "Yeah. I'm going to tell the fur." I merely nodded my head at this, and secretly wanted the worse to happen, so that I could at least have my chance with Jareth. I thought that was the end of the discussion, but Jareth continued on. "Teiren, there's something that I've wanted to say, but couldn't bring myself to say it.... I love you, and I have for a while now, ever since I met you. I... I just couldn't bring myself to say it, because... because I'm scared that... you won't feel the same, and that we wouldn't be friends anymore." After hearing that, and after the immediate shock, I smiled. I smiled as much as I could, and after smiling, I actually had begun to laugh. I laughed loudly, although that did make Jareth seem a little down. But I could not help myself! It was all so perfect, so very perfect.... Jareth had begun to cry, though, and I put my paw on his shoulder. I said, "Sorry, I promised not to laugh, but Jareth.... It's so funny how these things turn out, don't they? I mean it's hilarious! I can't believe it!" Jareth looked at me, confused when I said this, and I continued, "I mean... I love you too, Jareth. Since I met you. I hadn't told you for the same reason, but it looks like you were more courageous than I was. I love you, Jareth! I really do mean it, so much so." I beckoned him to come over to where I was sitting, but he didn't move. Jareth looked at me with an odd expression I'd never seen before from him. He looked half happy, half sad. He said to me, "Are you serious, or just making fun of me?" I shook my head. "I'm serious. Come here!" I smirked. "I'll prove it to you, foxy." He moved over to my bed and sat next to me. I put my paw on his chest and began to rub it softly, feeling the quickened heartbeat beneath my paw. He had murred softly, enough so that I could hear it. I grinned at the opportunity, and then pushed him down onto the bed. Jareth gasped and bounced a couple times on his back. He tried to get up, but I held him there with my paw. I climbed over him and put my muzzle near his, enjoying the moment before moving my muzzle forward and giving him a kiss. Soon enough, we were both holding each other in our arms, with our tongues in each other's muzzles. I had gotten hard from the moment that my paw had touched his chest, and this made it throb painfully against my pants. I reached down, though, and rubbed his crotch softly. Apparently it had the same effect on him. I grabbed the bulge in my paw and squeezed it lightly. He moaned softly into my ear and I got up, leaving him on the bed. He was about to get up by the looks of his movements, but I motioned for him to stay put. I moved onto my knees and nuzzled his crotch softly, sniffing deeply and inhaling the scent of aroused fox. I heard him moan loudly. His pants were easy to undo when I did managed to find the latch to his belt. I unzipped them and pulled them down, exposing his tented and slightly precum moistened boxers to me. I sniffed it and smiled softly, pulling his boxers down, waiting to see the object I've wanted to see for so long. When his boxers were down, I saw his beautiful, seven inch fox-cock, pulsing and slightly glistening at the tip. I licked from the base all the way up until I could go up no further, and then brought the whole member into my muzzle. I heard him gasp slightly, probably from the warmth. I began to suck softly on his cock, slightly in disbelief that this was happening. I felt the slick flesh against my tongue sliding in and out of my muzzle, and every once and a while, I tried to ignore the gag reflex and put his cock down my throat. His precum had already spurted inside of my mouth. I moved my paws in different directions, one to play with Jareth's tail, and the other to undo my own pants, since my cock was beginning to hurt, being trapped in such a confined space. When my paw was done with my own pants and boxers, I moved it up to play with the two orbs beneath Jareth's soft, white sheath. He growled a little when I did so, but he didn't stop me. I began to suck his cock a little faster, moving my head back and forth in a quicker motion, making him moan loudly. He began to hump my face a little, and I let him do so, until both of his paws were behind my head and he was humping with full force into my muzzle. Not too long after that, he let loose a small howl. I felt his hot seed rush into my mouth, only because he pulled his cock back a little so that it didn't go down into my throat right away. I was grateful for that. I let his sweet cum fill my mouth before swallowing it. I sucked his cock slowly, milking out whatever else I could get out of it, and swallowing what I did get. Jareth got onto his paws and knees, though, immediately after I was done with his cock. He said to me, begging tone of voice, "Yiff me, Teir...." I smiled and went onto my bed, moving my own eight inches of flesh against his tailhole. I felt it twitch against my cockhead, and from sucking his cock, I had already leaked a fair amount of pre, so it was slightly lubricated. I pushed in slowly into the tailhole, moaning immediately, since this had been the first time. It felt so warm, though, and I immediately shot pre into Jareth. I moved my hips back and forth slowly, enjoying the moment, before instincts got the better of me and I began to hump into him faster and faster. Jareth didn't make any notion that he was in pain, but rather when I went to stroke his cock, it was completely hard again. I continued yiffing him as hard as I could, letting my now forming knot pop in and out of him. It felt so good, feeling the warmth and the tightness gripping my cock, I just couldn't help myself from yiffing him as fast as I could. I had begun to grip him harder around the waste and my knot had completely formed by this time. I shoved it into him and yiffed him as hard as I could before letting out an ear-splitting howl and cumming deep into him. I humped him through my orgasm, and suddenly felt drained, but satisfied. I smiled for the longest while, not being able to pull my cock out of Jareth, and Jareth just leaned up when I did. I began to paw him off quickly, as it was already a bit lubricated, and I murred each time he gripped my cock. In almost no time he had cummed again, this time silently, but the force he put onto my cock made me moan loudly. I held him closely to me, my arms around his stomach and chest. I rubbed his body softly in my paws and whispered into his ear, "Believe me now?" Jareth laughed. "Yeah, Teir, I believe you." He moved forward, away from me, and with a grunt and a little pop, my cock came out of him. He then turned around and we both fell onto my bed, smiling at each other. We kissed each other for what seemed like an eternity, and I could have only wished that it was. I felt his body against my own, and his fur felt so softly. I looked at him one last time, becoming suddenly really drained from the experience, and there was something new in his eyes. I could see that he didn't look sad anymore, but rather, he looked happy now. I smiled, and kissed him one last time before completely falling asleep. But his eyes, I'll always remember. They were eyes of pure bliss.