Trick and Treat Part 10

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#10 of Trick and Treat

So I'm going to stick and ending on this. I don't mean that in the way that the ending isn't decent. Yeah, it's pretty short but it does hint at future stuff. As I said before I'm going to do some side-stuff involving what went down between chapters Seven and Ten (ie. during Harrington's party). I might even go on from this and go into Pepper and Wade's relationship; but that won't be for some time because I'm gonna be spending Christmas away from my laptop (visiting family who also have dogs and I don't want any laptop breakages so I'm leaving it behind).

That and what I really want to do is get back into Seekers (or at least that universe). I want to do something gritty and violent or something to fill in any plot holes I've made along the way.

Anyway, whatever. If I don't submit anything new between now and Christmas/New Year, I wish you all a Merry Christmas ('happy Christmas' is the worst thing ever. Say 'Merry') and a Happy New Year. Or something similar if you hail from different cultures.

Date: 01/11/13 - 1:25am

"So after that we took a nap. Half an hour later Ellie barged in and woke us up." I'd just finished telling Maria what happened between me and the Dane that caught me at the beginning of the party. I promised I'd let her in on what went down; and sitting in a taxi on our way home at twenty-five past one in the morning was as good a time as any. "We got ourselves dressed and cleaned up and then Ellie dragged me away to meet back up with you."

"Yeah. She made my ears ring from all the yelling she gave me." Maria sighed and sounded like she was tipping her head back in her seat. She was sat on the right, I was sat on the left and we both had a large snoring heap of bear between us. Fortunately the driver had put up the screen between the front and back of the vehicle, giving Maria and I a bit of privacy. "So Pepper...what, you're into older, hairier guys, then?"

"Oh, piss off." I sighed, resting my face against the window on my side to keep myself cool. We'd already cracked both windows open, but Ellie gave off a lot of body heat and would've cooked us in our seats if we didn't do something about it. "He was nice and attractive and muscular...and hung like a goddamned horse."

"Well, that doesn't sound half bad." I heard a groan come from the other side of the taxi. Clearly Maria had drunk a little much and was either feeling ill or already nursing a hangover; I hoped for the latter. "...did you at least get his number...I dunno, written down on your arm or something?"

"I think it's on my left thigh." I replied. My memory was a bit hazy, but I distinctly remembered someone bringing attention to something on my inner thighs. Although marker ink and fur doesn't exactly mix; even if it's a thin, short coat of fur like my own. "I'll see what it's about when we get back to your place...if I am going back to your place that is..."

"I don't want you going home on your own in the dark. Especially looking like that." Maria spoke in a motherly tone, bringing attention to my costume...well, my former costume. By the end of the party my shirt and mask were matted with streaks of cum and stains from the many cocktails I'd downed over six hours. My shoes were clean enough and my trousers and weren't too bad; a few creases here and a few spots of femcum there, nothing a good wash wouldn't fix. " things weren't as bad as you thought they'd turn out, then?"

", I guess not." Maria took me off guard with that last little comment. Of course I was dreading the party the day before but eventually I got there and had a pretty nice time. I was surprised, even a bit unnerved by the amount of perverts who attended and enjoyed fooling around with me. It felt good to feel accepted for once. " when am I calling Wade? Y'know, the Dane who banged me?"

"No. We're not doing this now." Maria groaned a reply and shuffled in her seat, probably getting comfortable. "We've all been drinking - especially this heap of fur between us. We'll talk about it in the morning; that is if we're not nursing hangovers. Besides, I doubt your dog's going anywhere any time soon; especially after a party like that...can't wait for"

Maria seemed to drift off mid-sentence; seconds later I could even make out some heavy snoring from her, leaving me with the responsibility of waking her and Ellie up when we got back to their place. Fortunately my mind was still buzzing from the recent 'activities' I took part in. I felt embarrassed, satisfied and even a bit sluttish from the things I did; and my thoughts constantly seemed to come back around to the Dane, the dog in shining armour who caught me and gave me a passionate screwing I'd remember for days. I wasn't sure why I kept thinking about him. Maybe because he was the first real fuck I'd ever had or maybe it was the passion - the ferocity - he put into his lovemaking. I waited patiently for the taxi driver to get us home and occasionally stroked my inner left thigh and looked down, needlessly making sure whatever Wade wrote down was still there. I couldn't make it out from the lack of light, but I didn't care; I was certain it would lead me back to him, whatever it was.

All I had to do was dial a number.

Date: 01/11/13 - 1:35am

One fox, one hyperactive bear, two dogs and...and one reptile? I was trying to recall how many of what species went down on me that night. I was splayed out on my back on the floorboards just under the bar, hoping no partygoers were still around to try and take me by surprise. Or was it three_dogs? It certainly felt like three..._

My half of my rear was sore, the other half numb; most of my chest and back were covered in cum, sweat and even saliva from the dogs that were clumsily drooling over me as they pounded me into the floor. As happy as I was to have so many people interested in me sexually, I had to admit there was a limit to how much I would allow. That limit was passed around the time that first dog took me up the rear. Not even Master Harrington put me through that much activity in that much time. Fortunately it was over for the night and I'd be allowed the following day a way. No doubt Master Harrington would want me to hang around the manner and make sure he was well-fed, but I didn't mind doing that. The last time I stayed the day after one of my Master's parties it wasn't as formal as other days. We'd just sit around and do whatever we wanted. It was one of the little things that reminded me why I enjoyed working for him so much.

"As much as I love seeing a worn out mouse, I'd much rather see one under some covers." I heard a tired, purring voice come from behind me. My first thought was to tell the owner of that voice to move on but I soon opened my eyes and turned my head to face him.

"Yes, hello little Robin." My Master purred again as I looked straight at him. A few lights around the bar were still on; just enough to allow me to have a decent look at him. The party started with him wearing a full tuxedo, trousers, shoes; anybody else would've thought he was attending a fancy dinner party. The left half of his ensemble was white and his right half black, but by the time the party was over he had abandoned his jacket, his tie and his shoes and socks and was left with only his unbuttoned shirt and trousers covering his body up. The black part of his remaining outfit showed many different stains, no doubt acquired from many different 'guests'; but his white half showed very few marks.

"Let's get you somewhere fitter for sleeping on." I didn't bother putting up a struggle as Harrington flipped me over and picked me up, cradling me in his arms and carrying me over to the sofa on the other end of the bar. It took some awkward moving around on both our parts but eventually we managed to get into the right position, with my Master spread across the sofa hugging me from behind and making up for the lack of sheets with his body heat and soft fur. I was familiar with the feeling of his warm breath across the fur on my neck; it tickled at first, but soon the feeling subsided and all that was left was pleasant and constant warmth being spread across the back of my neck.

"Feels like you've been treated a little rough by my guests." Harrington whispered into my left ear and nipped it playfully, trying to get a physical response from me. Unfortunately I was too worn out to do anything but twitch my ear softly. "Would I be overstepping my bounds by asking for a bit of late night humping?"

"Mmm, don't spoil the moment." I managed a soft groan. The next few moments were spent in complete silence; we always had a thing for that. Neither of us ever felt the need to talk on and on when we were around each other. Awkward silences meant very little to us.

"...I'm pretty sure I've asked this..." My Master broke the silence again, but I could tell by his voice he was almost going to nod off. I shuffled a tiny bit to show him I was still awake. "But are you spending Christmas and Boxing Day with your family? The last thing I want to do is keep you from your family, but I could do with having you around on those days. Both or just one of the two; either would be doing me a big favour."

After a few seconds of light and hazy thoughts, I finally replied. "I'll see if I can come over on Boxing Day. I'm definitely set on spending Christmas with my family, but Boxing Day is yet to be determined."

"Well...I'll take what I can get." My Master resolved and we returned to the familiar silence. It took a few minutes for him to finally nod off to sleep, though I didn't feel like I was left on my own. I never did when Harrington slept next to me...with me. It was one of those odd things that made up our little 'work relationship'. We'd never take things any further, but we'd never get bored from doing the same things as long as we liked doing them.

Well, that's one more party out of the way. I thought to myself before finally falling asleep. With my Master holding me close.

Trick and Treat Part 9

Date: 31/10/13 - 7:45pm "Wow! You lasted much longer that time!" The Bear above me was still full of energy even after downing the two pints of beer I served her; she'd been nailing me for twenty five minutes straight, refusing to let me go even when...

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Trick and Treat: Part Eight

Date: 31/10/13 - 7:20pm "Uh...are we going to talk about what you just did?" I muttered just loud enough for Mario to hear me; still looking back at the white mouse behind the bar, even after Maria handed me my drink and resorted to dragging me away...

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Trick and Treat: Part 7

Date: 31/10/13 - 7:00pm "'re okay." I kept telling the mirror behind the manor's bar. "...and underdressed." That much I got right. Harrington was never a big fan of dressing me up for occasions, and so he settled on a black waistcoat;...

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