Wayt's Story, Part 01 - The Bar

Story by Robert Addams on SoFurry

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#1 of Wayt's Story

I posted this on Fur Affinity a few years ago, thought I'd put it up here since I might be getting back in the game.

Addams has probably told you about me. My name is Nick Wayt, but you probably only know me as Wayt. Lizard, green water dragon actually; slammin body, muscles hard as rocks, scales smooth as skin; dishwater-blonde hair, nice and buzzed, pubes trimmed pretty short, pits au naturale. Sound like somethin Addams told you? Anyway, we haven't talked for a while so I know there's stuff you don't know.

So after I graduated I moved to the city. Well, it ain't no big deal because it ain't that big a city. But it's big enough to figure out what I'm gonna do with myself, and that's what matters to me. After that whole deal in high school with Hammond and Addams... I wasn't so sure. I thought I knew before, loved me a good pussy, no smell was better, I thought. Nothin better to get into on a rainy day.

But then Hammond decided he was gonna let me stick myself all up in him, well to be honest he didn't really give me a choice, did he? Anyway, it was something my girlfriends had never let me do and it felt real good, and I thought his balls hitting up against mine was really hot. Part of me didn't really care at all that it was a dude, that it was one of my friends that I was fucking.

Then I saw Addams watching, I noticed him only for a second but I knew who it was and I kinda knew why. Didn't know how I knew, but I knew. So I went to his house later, and since I was still all confused about myself I decided I'd have my way with him while I could, and it would scare him off from telling anyone else, too. So I had him, and I guess doing that to my cousin wasn't very fair but I thought he'd like it, and I think part of that was right, he liked what happened but not the reason I did it.

So then I begged Hammond to let me do something with all three of them, and dude, let me tell you something. Nobody knows how to make a man feel good except another man. Men know what we like but women can't know, they can try but they can't ever know because they don't got what we've got down there to know. That threesome was the best sex I ever had, and it didn't feel wrong at all. It felt right. It felt more right than with any girl I'd been with, and I was kinda scared.

So I moved to the city. I moved to a city big enough that I could sleep my way around, get to know what I was getting myself into. Pound a few tight holes, maybe get my own pounded, I knew what I wanted when I went there. I knew what I wanted, and I knew that everyone I would find there would know what I wanted. Best part was, I didn't have to come out of the damn closet to nobody. Because I didn't feel like a queer. I just felt like a man. A man who knew what he wanted, and I wanted the soft fur of another dude rubbing all over my scales, but I wanted hard muscles under that soft fur, rubbing against the ridges of my own scaly muscles, my pubic fur getting caught in theirs. I wanted cock. But I wasn't no queer. I didn't have to be. Nobody would tell what I was up to, and that was great. Nobody cared as long as they got laid. Nobody kissed and telled.

So there I was, in the city. I was sitting in this bar, because I looked old enough to drink and I guess in this city they don't ID you if you look old enough. I was sitting about three or four stools down from this guy who I could just pin right off the bat as a baseball player. He was in his 30's, I'd say, a nice build. He was a hell of a sexy lizard, looked a lot like me but older and with brown hair, and I could tell he lifted weights. Dude was hot, I wanted to get in his pants. I wanted us to walk out of that bar wearing each other's jocks and sharing a secret. And some part of me knew, just like part of me knew about Addams. I just knew he'd go for it. He just needed a push. I was gonna be the one to give that push whether he liked it or not. But he would like it.

I started off simple. Bought the dude a drink. This wan't no gay bar, so I just pretended I was a nice guy who needed a friend to talk to. Nothing suspicious about that. Not when you looked and acted as straight as I do. I'm a friggin stereotype straight guy. Funny when you think about it. Anyway, we got chatting, and basically I did whatever I could to get the guy worked up down there. My thin basketball shorts were low enough that you could see the strap of my jock, and a little of my crack under it, since my sleeveless shirt didn't cover up that spot when I leaned forward onto the bar. Made sure the legs of my shorts were up as far as they could go past the knee without it being obvious I was showing myself on purpose. Made sure as I grippd my drink that my biceps were flexed. Basically made myself a steamy mess, and I could tell the dude had it hard for me, especially when I took charge of our talk, made it about who I'd banged recently. All the chicks I'd banged, at least I told him they were chicks. I saw him lick his lips. Knew he wasn't too uncomfortable if he licked his lips.

He got up, said he had to take a piss, and I knew he meant take a crank. Thought I was straight as shit, I could tell he was trying to pretend the same thing. Followed him in and got into the stall next to him. You don't use a stall if all you got to do is piss, I thought. Knew right then he was jacking in there. Could hear it when I snuck in, could hear it stop when he heard me walking. I got into the stall next to him and stood on the toilet seat, leaned casually over the top of the divider.

"So," I said, looking at him gripping his shaft and waiting for me to leave, "I knew this was what'cha were up to in here, bro."

He looked scared and embarassed as fuck, not pissed like a normal straight dude would if some other guy caught him dick-in-hand by looking over a stall divider. Normally, that's not cool. But I read his reaction pretty good, I think. Got down and crawled my way under the stall divider, cause I knew he wasn't gonna open the stall door himself. He looked a little less nervous this time. Musta thought if I was gonna beat his ass I wouldn't crawl on my hands and knees toward him when his dick's whipped out. Showed him I was alright too, gave him a nice blow, he didn't even have to ask. He was pretty loud though. He was still sitting on the toilet moaning when I straddled him and rode him, and he took a few licks at my dick when I was bouncing on him. Curious about it I guess. But I got up and bent him over against the stall door and had his ass for my own, so he got a pretty good idea of sex with guys and how good it is. Took his jock, too. Just like I planned. Left mine there for him as a souvenir, since I was wearing his out of the bar.

I've been doing this kinda stuff for weeks now. It's no big deal, sometimes I go to a truck stop or a porn store and hit someone up there, sometimes I'll go to a gay bar or bathhouse. The gym's always a good place. Saved up enough money through high school for a few months' rent, so basically I just spend the whole day cruising for sex. Really helping me figure out where I'm at as a dude. At least I think so.

And there is this one dude I kinda want to stick around. His name's Jake and he's pretty good in the sack. Actually had him over to my place if if means anything. We'll see where it goes.