Captivate Pt. 1

Story by Howly on SoFurry

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#1 of Captivate

A young otter finds himself in quite the predicament, waking up in a place he has no memory of.

You're welcome to leave comments or feedback, it would be appreciated.

The first thing I feel is an incredible throbbing in my head, like a rubber hammer is smacking into the back of my eyes. With each heartbeat it feels as if my head is bouncing off my back and it takes me a moment to realize that I'm in a sitting position, my head lulling back. I try to bring it up but it just slumps forward this time, dizziness suddenly overwhelming me. My senses blur again...

I smirk down at the tiger crawling up from the foot of my bed, over my legs, as if stalking prey. He had a smirk of his own as he got closer and finally straddled my waist, rear squashing my sheath and half exposed cock. He drags his claws up through the fur on my belly, only just catching the skin and sending shivers up my spine. His smirk grows as he feels me tremble.

"Aww, that's cute," He murmurs as he does it again, trying to get the same reaction. The effect isn't quite the same this time, but I let out a gasp, nonetheless. As I'm gasping he leans in to dive his tongue into my gaping muzzle, smothering the gasp and locking lips with me in a deep kiss. I huff air through my nose and wrap my arms around his big, warm form. I arch my hips up into his crotch, him still being in his crouched position. I feel his own spiny length against mine and I'm rewarded with a soft growl that rumbles deep in his chest, vibrating us both. After a long moment, my tiger opens his eyes, their brilliant gold making my heart skip a beat. The corners crinkle with a smile and he pulls back, looking at me for a moment.

"So whaddaya say? It's only a few minutes walk to the university, and it'll help us both with rent."

I sigh as I close my eyes again, wishing we didn't have to talk about this now.

"Zeke...My parents-"

"When the hell are you gonna start being independent? C'mon Sean, you're 22, I think you can make your own decisions."

I look past his head up at the ceiling, rubbing one of his ears between my fingers.

"I've got one year left and they're paying for everything....I think we can wait a bit longer. Besides, you'd be moving me further away from the school, I'm on_campus."_

I move my eyes back to his face and can't help but giggle at his pout. His pout turns into a smirk again and before I know it I'm smothered again by his stripey face.

I lick my lips as I come back around, a metallic taste dominating my mouth. I begin to realize something isn't right, but my head is still muddled, I can't understand anything...What was I doing? My mind works to put things together, but I can't quite remember. Had I fallen asleep watching TV? No, I definitely wasn't sitting on my couch. It was much harder than that, and my big tail was able to poke out the back. My computer?

I reach up to scratch my right ear, which itched terribly, but...nothing happens. I try again and this time I feel my other paw tug up with my straining. I suddenly realize they're tied together by something, maybe rope? My brain starts putting together that something really is wrong, now. I try to open my eyes, but they're gummed shut pretty tight. I could feel the fur on my face was matted and crusted up as I grimaced, like I had been crying. With some effort, I do open my eyes; first the right one, then, with a little more effort, the left. Had I opened them? As far as I could tell it was still black. I feel some panic starting to ebb into my muddled senses. Fuck, was I blind?

What the hell was going on? I try to move tug my body away from the chair this time and stand up, but my arms seem to be secured to the back of the chair. My feet kick and they're brought up short, too, the sound of rattling metal reaching my ears. Chains? My heart thumps in my chest as my breathing picks up.

Was this a dream? It had to be a dream. It WAS a dream. Ever since I had taken up the graveyard shift at the local grocery store I'd been having bouts of sleep paralysis. The blackness and the sitting position was new, but what else could it be? I wait, hoping the inability to move would dissipate, like it always did. But the minutes dragged on and still nothing was moving. What's worse is that the feeling of the bonds around my wrists and ankles, and the sounds of clinking chains grew all the more real. The oppressive blackness and complete silence was beginning to make me feel claustrophobic. I was feeling like I had been buried alive. I finally tried to say something.


What comes out is a scratchy and raspy squeak, my throat was dry and actually really hurt, like I had been yelling for an extended period of time. The sound scares me and I jump. The silence was so absolute the sudden break startled me. I go quite for a while, then swallow, trying again.

"H-hello? H-hi, hi. Hello?" I tested out my voice for a bit, becoming more confident.

"Hello? Hello!?" Again, the sound was somewhat startling in the silence and was hurting my own ears. Honestly, though, by this time I was starting to panic. My mind was slowly piecing together what happened last...I had just left Zeke's apartment and was walking to my dorm when....when what? I couldn't remember what had happened after that.

"HELLO!?" My voice cracks as I almost scream this time.

A loud thump directly above me makes me jump, chains rattling again. I stare up above me, although I can't see anything. A moment later, footsteps begin making their way to the left, diagonally away from me. My muzzle points towards the sound as I follow it with my head. Then I hear the telltale creaking of stairs and suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, a line of light flashes to life. My head jerks towards it and, with a surge of relief, I realize it's light coming from under a door. So I wasn't blind. The relief only lasts a moment though and suddenly I realize that maybe I shouldn't have drawn attention to myself. The fact that I was tied up like this indicated that whoever had me here probably didn't have my best interests at heart. The door swung open and I'm blinded by the sudden flash of light filling the room. My eyes screw shut and I bare my teeth as I grimace in pain, everything now red behind my eyelids.

"My little otter's awake!" A gravelly voice I don't recognize, at least I don't think I do. I try to squint, let my eyes adjust. Slowly, I'm able to open them halfway, and I get a glimpse of my jeans. I realize then that I'm shirtless.

I hear soft padding towards me and I look up, still squinting a little. I make out a massive outline, the light shinning behind it making it hard to see much detail. Judging my the tail sticking out to the side, and the long looking muzzle, he was a wolf, but I wasn't sure. My eyes continue to adjust as he stands over me, paws on his hips, staring down at me while I blink up at him.

His muzzle curls into a smile, "hehe, you're a cute one."

I can see that he's got some sort of fitted ski mask over his head, his long seemingly white muzzle poking through the muzzle hole. Otherwise he's got on a faded sweatshirt with some cartoon character on it, and jeans with holes in the knees. Though I couldn't put a finger on it, there was an air of familiarity about him. To his left, I notice a tripod with a small video camera mounted on it.

This had to be a prank, my idiot friends had gotten me drunk, or something. Kidnapped me from my dorm and were fucking with me, recording me right now for my reaction. That had to be it. I glare up at the big canine,"alright guys, what the hell-"

The wolf leans over and pops me square in the muzzle with a fist. It looked effortless on his part, like he hadn't put anything into it, but my head rocks back with incredible force. I squeak as everything goes blurry again. My head comes back up and I focus my eyes, faintly hearing the wolf chuckling. I look back up at him, eyes watering a bit, the shock of the blow still having not passed. My muzzle hangs open, probably showing off some red teeth, considering the blood I was tasting. I had never been punched in the face before.

"Awww, got'cha right in the muzzle, didn't I?" He lashes out again and backhands me across the face this time, striking my left cheek. My head rocks to the side and this one forces out a sob. My dumb, slow brain is beginning to realize that I'm in deep shit. I have no idea what's going on, but I know it's not good. He hits me again, this time a fist to the temple that was facing him after the slap. I sob again, tears starting to flow down my cheeks as I duck my head.

"Stop..." I gasp out the word as another sob wracks my body. I was so confused, I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

"Hmm?" He leans down, eye-level with me, and I cringe back, whimpering. He reaches out and grabs one of my stubby ears, twisting it so viciously I swear to god he's turned it around twice. I squeal and writhe in my bonds, yelling the word 'stop' over and over again. He finally does after a few seconds, and backs away, looking over my trembling and sobbing form.

"I guess that's enough for tonight, wasn't planning on starting until tomorrow anyways." With reddened eyes, I watch him turn around and walk away, swinging the door shut behind him, effectively cutting off the light source. Still sobbing, I hear him make his way back up the stairs, the line of light under the door winking out.