GBL High: Chapter Three

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#13 of GBL High (Fave)

Chapter 3


"Mmm." Timmy softly moaned as his numb lips softly slipped over the salty, musky head of his panting boyfriends thick black member. His head fur still held tightly by the large thick paw that the large member belonged too.

"Fuck cub." The tiger moaned, letting his mates head fur go who (after doing Ryan's pants back up) began to softly kiss up the thick muscular body he cared for so much. "How are you so good at that?"

"I can't even deep throat it." Timmy said with a title giggle as he softly put his lips against he tigers purring lips.

"So?" He asked between a soft smooch, "still feels awesome." Ryan chuckled, nuzzling up under the smaller tigers neck, still panting softly.

"I really wish you didn't have to go." Timmy sighed, wrapping his arms around Ryan's neck and holding him.

"I know kitty," Ryan said softly, "but mum and dad only let me stay as long as I used today to study.

"For what?" Timmy asked, raising his eye brow,

"This weird thing." Ryan said shrugging,

"What weird thing?" Timmy asked,

"Oh no, you probably never even heard of it." Ryan said shaking a head a little,

"Oh my god, what are you studying for." Timmy said laughing,

"This thing called school, it's thiOW!" Ryan said, yelping as a paw had grabbed onto his ear and pinched the tip. "You little bitch." Ryan laughed, grabbing Timmy to flip over onto the bed.

"Your the smart ass!" Timmy laughed as he fought away Ryan's tickling paws.

The two rolled around as they laughed, the smiles on their faces going ear to ear as they rolled around on Timmy's bed.

The room was back to normal, thanks to the help of everybody. The room wasn't a huge mess to clean up, just a few spilt chips, a wet floor and a little bit of somebody's 'spunk' all over the shower wall.

The room was cleaned quickly and easily, then the rest of the group was off, leaving Timmy and Ryan on Timmy's bed, and we all know where that went.

"God you are the best." Timmy giggled, nuzzling into Ryan who laughed quite happily along with the small tiger.

"Are you sure you are going to be ok tonight sweetheart?" Ryan asked, sitting back into Timmy's bed, holding the feline to his body with a happy, and yet worried smile.

"I'm a little worried, but mum, dad, and Sean will be here. Plus this room is going to be off limits. I'll be ok." Timmy said with a smile that Ryan could only describe as brave. He was more than a little worried. Timmy was petrified, but he didn't have to worry his mate.

He wasn't aloud to stay, so Timmy wasn't going to have him worry about it.

"If they give you any shit, you call me and I'll come over and beat them to the ground." Ryan said with a smirk making Timmy giggle softly.

"S-So how long until you go?" Timmy asked,

"I have go now sorry sweetheart." Ryan said with a sigh, rolling to sit himself on the side of the bed.

"Aww, no." Timmy said, moving to kneel behind the large feline and slide his arms around the large neck to then softly peck the neck that was vibrating from purring.

"Hehe, hey." Ryan laughed, reaching behind him and pulling his feline over his shoulder. Timmy laughed and kept his grip around Ryan's neck as he was flipped over.

He found himself in his tiger lap, laughing as Ryan chewed very softly on his neck.

"Stop!" Timmy laughed, "I'm not a chew toy!"

Ryan just chuckled and gave where he had been chewing a soft peck.

"I'll see you on Monday sweetheart." Ryan said, moving his head back to give his mate one final kiss and embrace.

"Bye." Timmy sighed as his large feline padded from his room.

The tiger was left alone, to lay in his bed while he began to ponder how tonight was going to go. He hoped he would just be left to his own, he would work on his assignment, listen to some music and maybe tease his mate with some adult pictures.

Maybe he would Skype with Sammy and his friends, maybe he would play some X-Box, he just needed to find something to do while the team was in he house.

As Timmy pondered on his a gender for the evening, a quick knock on his door brought him back into reality. He gave a sigh and sat himself up and rubbed his still tired eyes, as he called out.

The door opened and in came the happy husky.

"Hey sexy kitty!" Laura giggled as she padded in and sat herself next to the tired tiger.

"Hey Laura!" Timmy greeted softly, hugging the husky back as she wrapped her arms around him.

"How are you, ya big lug." She giggled,

"I'm good, it's fun being eighteen." Timmy giggled softly,

"Oh that's right!" She said excitedly, "How was the party?"

"Yeah it was great! Dancing, drinking, making out, all the fun stuff." Timmy said with a giggle,

"Ooo, how much tail did Timmy get?" Laura asked, poking Timmy playfully in the ribs.

"Timmy got none, because he was very very drunk." Timmy said with a smile, before opening his maw wide and letting out a soft yawn.

"You should get a nap." Laura said as the small feline laid back onto his comfortable bed.

"I think I will do just that." Timmy said with a soft giggle, rubbing his eye softly.

He didn't understand why he was so tired. He woke up three hours ago, he sighed looking over at his clock, groaning as he read ten o'clock in thick red numbers. "Shit," he sighed only realizing now that Laura was gone.

Timmy have a huff of laughter as he laid himself back down against his bed, purring very softly as his mates scent made it's way into his nose. Timmy gave a soft moan as the musky, sweet scent sent a warm wave through his body, making his eyes droop very softly.

"I will love you soon." He whispered to himself, his eyes closing for what felt for only a few minutes before he opened them again to his door being thumped on.

Timmy groaned as he rolled over and called out like he usually did before the door swung opened and in walked Dale with a plate full of finger food.

Timmy smiled as he sat up against the back of his bed, looking up at his father with tired purple eyes.

"Have you been asleep all day?" Dale asked with a questioning smile,

"I had a massive night last night dad." Timmy said with a giggle as he scratched the side of his head.

"Didn't hook up to much I hope." Dale laughed, making Timmy force a laugh and shake his dead.

"What ever dad." Timmy said taking the plate of finger food from his dad, "thanks."

"Pleasure my boy." Dale said, taking a seat next to his boy with a smile, "so where their any girls there last night?"

"Sadly no," Timmy said, forcing an annoyed tone, "was just a big sausage fest."

"You still had fun though?" Dale asked,

"Oh yeah! Loud music, dancing, drinking, beer pong, stupid drunk people." Timmy said with a smile, keeping his two hour long kiss to himself.

"Well that's good." Dale said with a smile and a hard pat to his sons shoulder, "well you eat up my boy, enjoy your finger dinner."

"Ok dad."

"And hey." Dale said, making sure Timmy's as looking right into his brown eyes. "If any of those ass hats comes in here, you have my full permission to claw their faces up. I don't want them here, I really don't after how they have treated you, but it was the only place to have it. I'm not entirely comfortable with it."

Timmy just smiled and moved over to give his dad a tight hug,

"Don't worry dad, I'll mess 'em up." Timmy giggled,

"That's my boy." Dale laughed, giving Timmy a squeeze before letting him go, and making his way over to the door. "Your mum and I are in our room if you need us ok?"

"Sure dad." Timmy said smiling as he pulled his plate onto his knees,

"Night buddy." Dale said with a smile,

"Night dad, oh and say goodnight to mum as well."

"Ok buddy, sweet dreams." Dale said, before simply closing the door and padding himself back to his bedroom, leaving Timmy to begin eating his finger dinner.

It was an interesting mix of things. Dimsums, Spring rolls and these little pastry dumpling things that Timmy had never seen before.

He lurked his lips as he picked one up and took a little sniff of the outside.

It smelt savory, and with a high level of chilli.

"Better go get something to drink." Timmy said with a giggle. He placed the plate next to him on his bed, got up and made his way to his bedroom door. Timmy gingerly made his way up to the kitchen, opening the door and taking a quick peak around to see if anybody was around.

The kitchen was empty.

Timmy smiled as he padded in, shutting the door behind him and making his way to the kitchen cupboard.

Timmy didn't really know how to feel about every bully he had being under the same roof as him. He didn't even like being in the same school as them, but it wasn't the same level of dislike.

At school, Timmy was more afraid than annoyed. He was scared of the beatings he got, afraid of the embarrassment he felt when he was ridiculed, but now, he was more angered by it all.

He didn't want to have to put up with that kind of bull shit under his own house. He just hoped that they would stay away from him.

Timmy shook his head as he grabbed the cold water jug from the fridge and padded over to his glass. He held his glass as he tipped the jug forward and watched the water flow into his glass.

"Sup faggot."

Timmy's eyes moved from the glass, to gaze at the wall in front of him in annoyance. He sighed as he put the jug down and turned back towards the Doberman that was looking back with discontent.

"Sup cunt boy." Timmy said back, his bottom jaw up against his top tightly.

"Huh?" Dylan asked in confusion.

"I kicked you hard enough." Timmy said nodding towards Dylan's crotch, "I'm surprised it didn't all go inside of you."

Dylan just let out a chuckle,

"Please," he said, "you don't have the strength."

"Still made you yelp." Timmy said looking right into Dylan's eyes, that (just like the rest of his features) were tensing.

"Like I did to you for years." Dylan said with a smirk.

"Yeah congratulations," Timmy said shrugging, "Big muscular doberman, attacking a small tiger. Kinda cowardly really, what cant beat on somebody your own size?"

Dylan's entire body clenched. His body was as tensed as concrete as Timmy shook his head. "You are pathetic Dylan. Just go back to the party and leave me alone you stupid fucking mutt."

Timmy grabbed his glass and padded to his door, not caring he came shoulder to shoulder with the angered Doberman.

Timmy kept going for his door, and after a quick step reached for his door knob and began to turn it around, but a large paw slammed against the side of it, holding the door closed.

"I'm pathetic?" He asked with a chuckle, "I get laid by a different chick any time I please. I go to all the cool parties, I play football, I'm popular at school while you are weak and do nothing but cry." Timmy nodded his head sarcastically, "you're a fucking virgin cunt who will have to resort to prostitution for the rest of his life. And that kick, you got a luc.."

The rest of Dylan's sentence was a high pitched yelp as Timmy's hind leg once again made contact. The Dover man fell to his knees, holding his most prized possession while the tiger shook his head and huffed.

"Fuck off you tiny dicked loser." Timmy said, opening his door and walking through.

The door was closed and that left Dylan alone with his anger on the kitchen floor.

Dylan was shaking in anger. Timmy had just taken away his dominance over him, taken away his alpha title, all with the quick lift of his hind paw.

Timmy was no longer intimidated by him, he was no longer afraid, and that pissed Dylan off to no degree.

He needed that power over him, he needed to have that fear, that was what gave him his edge. So if one could get over it... That means others could, and that couldn't happen.

Dylan picked himself up and moved himself back to his crowd in Sean's room. They were laughing as Sean took out his team mates in a game on his X-Box. He was shooting them down easily, laughing as he sipped his beer.

Dylan went to the keg and with angry paws, began to pour himself a massive cup of the beer.

"Woah dude." Callum, the large horse of the group said with a chuckle, "that isn't light shit,"

"What's your fuckin' point?" Dylan asked with a low growl.

"Just sayin' you'll get pissed from just one cup of that shit." The horse said with a chuckle.

"Good." Dylan said as put the cup to his lips, swung his head back and from there, chugged every drop from the large red cup.

All the while downstairs, Timmy was on the phone laughing about the whole ordeal. He wiped his eyes as he laughed happily to his mate who was both laughing and clawing at the desk beside him.

"God you are amazing Timmy." Ryan said with a chuckle as he slowly retracted his claws from his desk.

"Hehe well thank you kitten," Timmy said with a smile, "I certainly feel it."

"God if he said that while I was there, his maw would have been internal by the time I was done with him."

"Aww, big ol' tiger not like it when his mate is insulted?" Timmy asked with a pouted speech.

"Of course I don't. I love you too much to let people talk to you like that."

The line was silent for a moment, Timmy looked down at his paws and then sighed,

"Could we talk for a moment?" Timmy asked,

"I'm going to fast aren't I?" Ryan asked,

"Y-yeah." Timmy said with another sigh.

"Shit." Ryan said, rubbing his forehead, "Timmy I'm sorry, I don't mean to be moving fast, but I just feel so strongly about you. Honestly I do. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No no no honey," Timmy said quickly, "you don't make me feel uncomfortable. It's just that I'm not ready to be saying that just yet. I'm not saying I don't ever want to honey, don't think that I don't want to love you, believe me I do. I'm just not ready for that yet."

There was a silence, it wasn't awkward, it wasn't angered, it was just an understanding silence.

"That's fine Hun." Ryan said with a soft chuckle, "I am moving to fast you're right, and honey I can wait for that. I can wait for you, you are worth the wait."

"You mean a lot to me Ryan." Timmy said, "you really do."

"I know kitten, just like you mean so much to me." Ryan said back.

"I will see you tomorrow for school and work." Timmy said as he put the final spicy dumbing into his maw.

"Ok honey," Ryan said, "see you then."

"Bye kitten." Timmy said before Timmy moved his phone from his ear and hung up.

Timmy sighed and he laid himself back on the bed.

He sighed as he began to ponder over what had happened, and if this was going to affect him and Ryan.

"Dude that's your fucking fourth glass of that shit!" Sean growled as he snatched the red cup from Dylan's drunk paw. "Your going to be to pissed to drive home."

"So? I'll bunk here." Dylan said with a huff,

"Get fucked." Sean said, "you aren't staying here after how you have been treating my brother."

"Who gives a shit about your brother." Dylan growled.

"I do you fucking piece of shit." Sean growled,

"What ever man." Dylan growled as he got up onto his hind paws and stumble do himself to the door.

"Where are you going?" Sean asked with a growl,

"Outside to make a call." The Doberman growled as he padded drunkenly out the door and through to the kitchen.

The Doberman growled as he stepped into the kitchen and padded over to the sink. He twisted the tap on forcefully and when the stream of water began, Dylan cupped his paws and sol send the cold water over his face.

The Doberman twisted the water off and then stood there, growling at his still churning stomach. The stomach Timmy had given him.

The Doberman turned around and stared at the door with a livid face. His mind turning with drunk, angry thoughts as his imagine ran wild.

The things he could do to that little bitch, the things he could make him do, the pain he could put him through.

Why shouldn't he? Why should he get his revenge? He was the alpha over him, he was the one in control and the one that was stronger. It was his job to put the bitch back in his place, to make him apologies for everything he had done.

And that's exactly what he was going to do.

Dylan padded slowly and quietly over to the door, his maw twitching as he took step after step towards his revenge. He opened the door quietly, and then ever so slowly made his way in.

The door into to he kitchen closed, and after, the Doberman locked the door.

Dylan smirked an vengeful smirk as he very slowly began to stagger quietly down the set of stairs, closer and closer to taking out his revenge on the little slut that took his dominance away,

Dylan stood in front of the second door, in front of the door that was keeping him away from the revenge he needed.

He put his paw on the door knob and slowly turned it around. The door was unlocked. Dylan pushed the door forward to the dark room. The only light illuminated a red glow over the tiger who laid eyes closed with his bed sheets down off his body.

Timmy wore only his boxers, a thin layer of purple and blue fabric. Dylan growled softly as he stepped into the dark room. His fists balled and his eyes red. He turned to the door, and softly closed the door to his revenge.

To be continued...