This, is MY story Part 6

Story by Xernicolas on SoFurry

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A story that my friend TreIII has been helping me write that relates to his TAMR story on Roommates.


Trey let out a big yawn as he made himself more comfortable. It was a warm, sunny day out and he was laying down on one of the higher up branches on the big tree next to the pond. He was clad in a pair of Shorts, a T-shirt and his usual red bandanna and gloves, listening to music on his iPod. He was a little sore from the multiple practice sessions he had with both his uncle and Hanbei these past few days, but enjoyed it all the same. He had gotten to like how his life was going now, but all the while, he still enjoyed his alone time just as much. Climbing up into the tree and listening to his music, leaving him alone with his thoughts, was becoming a normal occurrence for him.

"A little nap couldn't hurt..." He thought to himself as he settled on a song.

Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw a car pull into the driveway, but he was too sleepy to care. It couldn't have been more than two minutes later, just as he was beginning to doze off when...

"YAAAAAGH!" He yelled out as his music's volume sudden went up.

The sudden shock caused him to flinch, making him lose his balance on the branch and fall out of the tree. He landed on his back knocking the wind out of him and leaving him in a slight daze.

"What the hell-," He started, getting his second wind. "Really Hanbei?!"

He got up to see the grinning Wartortle hopping down from the tree.

"How else was I to get you attention?" He said, sill grinning.

"I don't know," Trey started, picking his headphones up from the ground. "But did you really have to give me a heart attack in order to do so? I coulda hurt myself falling out of that tree."

"Oh, fine, you big baby. Times like this, you remind me of one of my friends who likes to whine a lot, too. And I'm fairly certain that you are unhurt." Hanbei chuckled.

"Yeah, well, tell that to my tail base." Trey smirked.

It was then that he noticed the Persian standing next to Hanbei.

"And who's this?" Trey asked.

"Oh, come now. I know you didn't hit your head on the way down. This is Jojo." Hanbei stated.

"A pleasure to meet you." The feline greeted with an unmistakable British accent.

Trey gave him a quick "once over." Trey was 5'11" last he checked, so Jojo seemed to be about the same height as he was. He was dressed in, what Trey assumed was, a school uniform consisting of a pair of nice pants and shirt, with a tie and a sweater vest over that. On the other hand, the feline had a lighter build than Trey's, but he still had a nice tone to his body.

"This REALLY attractive." He thought.

Almost sure that he was being too obvious with his gawking, he quickly snapped out of his little trance and introduced himself.

"Same to you Jojo, name's Trey."

Jojo chuckled a little at Trey's expense before he started talking again.

"Hanbei has told me quite a bit about you, Trey. I hear you're finishing your senior year already."

"Um, yeah." Trey shrugged "I guess it's cool, means I'll be able to go to Japan with my uncle and Hanbei no problem, thanks to that. Never really thought about it much, to tell you the truth.

"And so very humble, too! Well, it's still quite the accomplishment!" Jojo said.

"Thanks, but I'm sure you didn't come all this way to make small talk. Can I get you anything...water, something to eat?"

"Thank you, kindly, but I'm fine at the moment. Truly, I'd rather just get myself settled in."

"Oh...well okay. I'll leave you two to get that sorted out. I'm gonna go and clean myself off...and you can lose the grin anytime, Hanbei." He waved as he made his way back to the house.

"...Phew, hard to keep it together with a voice as smooth and soothing like that. Gives him an unfair advantage." Trey chuckled to himself.

Never really interacting with many people besides Gai and Hanbei, this was the first time in a while that Trey's homosexual desires had made their presence known to him. Suffice it to say, he was more than a little confused about what to do with them.

Actually, now that he thought about it, there was one other time where he had felt this way. Last year when he was 14, a junior in high school, he had developed a large crush on a sophomore, a young Guilmon by the name of Ryan Jackson. He was everything Trey could have hoped for in a guy, smart, athletic, funny, and a great body to boot. It was even more amazing when he discovered that Ryan was in fact gay.

Never having any classes with him, be never had the opportunity to interact with Ryan. Although he doubted he would have, even given the chance to do so. He was too afraid to act on his feelings out of fear of rejection, and the inevitable bullying he knew would follow when the rest of the school found out. He simply admired him from afar for the remainder of the year. It was a little heartbreaking for Trey when Ryan moved away to New York that following summer.

"I should have spoken to him sooner, but my damn insecurities..." He thought to himself.

"Oh, are they here?" Gai asked cutting off Trey's train of thought.

"What...oh yeah, they're outside getting Jojo's things together." He stuttered.

"Well, what do you think of Jojo? Charming sort, right?" Gai asked, curious about his nephew's response.

"He seems...Nice. Still barely know the guy."

"Heh, you of all people don't have an opinion of him, yet? What happened to you 'being able to read into people almost instantly'?" Gai joked.

"Yeah yeah yeah," He waved off. "Why not stop with twenty questions and go meet the guy yourself?"

"Alright, I can take a hint." Gai said before making his way outside. "Um, any particular reason that you got a bit dirtier since I last saw you?"

"Ask Hanbei." Trey chuckled.

The rest of the evening went off rather well. After Jojo got settled in, Gai and Hanbei gave him a tour of the estate. Dinner following soon after, but Trey couldn't help but continuously cast rather poorly hidden glances to the Persian while they ate. Following dinner, Jojo had gone off to bed, the jet lag finally catching up to him. Everyone else in the household soon went off to do their own thing.

Trey was making his way back to his own room for the night when he saw Jojo emerge from his.

"Everything alright?" Trey asked.

"Yes, but could you point me out to the restroom?" Jojo replied.

"Oh sure...down the hall, 3rd door on your right." He pointed behind him.

"Much appreciated!" He thanked before walking away.

Trey took yet another opportunity to get a good look at Jojo from behind, as he walked by.

"A nice ass too...if only." He thought before making his way back to his own room, with a grin on his face.

Much to Trey's surprise, his thoughts about Jojo were enough to keep his usual nightmares away for a night, giving him some much needed rest for once. With a soothing voice and a nice ass on his mind, Trey could definitely say that the attractive feline was a source of "sweet dreams". And when he awoke the following morning, he felt so very refreshed.

"...Mmmmm...can't remember the last time I slept so great." He stretched, getting out of bed. "But better hurry up or I'll be late again."

He grabbed a change of clothes and grabbed a quick shower, taking the opportunity to do a little more with his thoughts about Jojo. Ten or so minutes later he got out and threw on a clean pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He was tying his bandana on his head as he walked out of the bathroom and nearly ran into Jojo in the process.

"Whoa, sorry bout that! Didn't see you there."

"It's quite all right! Oh, you wouldn't happen to know where Mr. Hanbei is would you?" Jojo asked.

"Oh sure, he and Gai are probably already outside, doing their martial arts training for the day. I was actually just on my out there to join them, wanna come?"

"Admittedly, I only know some basics in the way of self-defense compared to you chaps. But I certainly wouldn't mind seeing experts at work!" Jojo smiled.

"Alright, follow me." Trey said leading Jojo out to the front yard. "Morning, guys!"

"Good morning, you two! Sleep well?" Gai greeted, pausing the formal drill he and Hanbei were in the middle of.

"Quite well, thank you!" Jojo replied.

"Same here." Trey added.

"Jonathan, I hope your room was to your liking." Hanbei said.

"It was more than I could have dreamed of! Thank you again, Mr. Hanbei," Jojo thanked.

"How many times have I told you that you have no need of formalities with me?" Hanbei grinned.

"Alright, then! How about...Hanny?" Jojo smiled widely.

"...Hanny?" Trey snickered.

Hanbei let out a small chuckle. "I suppose that since you prefer to be called Jojo, giving me a little 'pet' name is only fair. Hanny, it is."

"Perfect~!" Jojo grinned.

"I think Hanny is a very fitting name for you!" Trey said with a shit-eating grin.

"Let us see how long you are still smiling after our spar..." Hanbei said with a grin of his own.

"Speaking of which," Gai started, "...would you care to join our little 'class', Jojo?"

"Thank you kindly, sir. But I'd much rather sit to the side and watch, this time!" Jojo said making his way over to the big tree to sit down.

"Alright then, let's get started."

With Jojo on his mind, Trey spent the entirety of the session trying to show off for the feline. He was doing fine through the warm-ups; keeping up with his seniors' pace quiet easily. However, once the sparring sessions started, he fell short of what he considered impressive. With such an appealing distraction in front of him, Trey couldn't hope to focus. As a result, he was taken down easily in all three attempts he made to take down Hanbei and his uncle.

"You are, as they say, 'a little off your game' today, "kiddo". Everything, alright?" Gai asked finally.

"Um mind is elsewhere I guess." He said looking at his feet trying to hide the slight blush on his face.

"Uh huh..." Gai said, casting a quick glance of to Jojo, "I see. Well, that'll do it for today. I'll go ahead and start making breakfast. Anything you guys want in particular?"

"I will just have some eggs and toast, please." Hanbei said.

"I'll take the same, if it's no trouble!" Jojo added.

"Not at all, 'Jojo'. And what would you like, Trey?"

"Um, nothing for me. I think I'm going to practice for a little while longer." Trey said to his uncle.

"Nothing? Are you sure?" Gai asked. "You positive you're feeling ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine Gai. I just wanna try and make up for my poor performance level today. I'll make myself something when I'm done. "Trey smiled.

"Alright, just don't overdo it. As for you two, follow me, and we'll get your food prepared!" Gai finished, bringing the other two with him.

After they were all inside, Trey's face turned a bright red from the embarrassment of what had just happened.

"I'm making it almost TOO obvious," he spoke to himself. "Gotta pull it together..."

This, is MY story Part 7

**What the heart wants** Over the next few days, Trey was able to better keep himself in check. He got to know Jojo a little better, and soon was spending the majority of his time with him and Hanbei. It was while spending time with the two of them...

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This, is MY story Part 5

**Forgive and Forget** Trey's heart was beating double time as he made his way to the manor's kitchen. He was still afraid to open back up to his uncle, but knew it had to be done. And he knew that his uncle deserved to know the whole truth. "Ok,...

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This, is MY story Part 4

**Silence Broken** True to his word, Hanbei gave his adoptive father's plan a try the next day. It was about twenty minutes since Gai and Hanbei had finished their training session and true to what Gai had said, Trey was now out in the yard throwing...

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