This, is MY story Part 9

Story by Xernicolas on SoFurry

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A story that my friend TreIII has been helping me write that relates to his TAMR story on Roommates.

The Future

The trio got onto the elevator and took it up to the penthouse level. When they reached the top floor, they made their way down the hall, to the large double doors at the end. Upon entering the suite, Trey was immediately taken aback by how luxurious it was.

The penthouse's main room was incredibly large and spacious, with several end tables scattered throughout it. Each table having a large fruit basket resting on top. One end of the room contained a full bar and kitchen with stove, refrigerator, oven, and a shelf with many types of alcohol bottles (all in Japanese).

The other end of the room contained a huge entertainment system consisting of a large, 100 inch plasma screen TV, with two large speakers going up along both sides of it, a fancy looking dvd player, and a stereo surround system. There was also a large beige couch, two armchairs, and a large glass coffee table there too.

"Quite impressive! I do think the fruit baskets are a bit much, however," Hanbei spoke up at long last.

"You should know better than most about how he gets." Gai replied as he made his way inside.

"True, but even so..." It was then that Hanbei noticed that Trey as still standing over by the door. "Is everything alright?"

"Whoa..." was all the Gaomon could mutter.

Both adults snickered a slightly at the youth's astonishment.

"Now, Trey," Gai started as he searched through one of his suitcases. "As I'm sure you already know...tomorrow, Hanbei and I will be gone for a majority of the day while we visit the Kagami family across town. Under no circumstances do I want you leaving this hotel. Feel free to order room service, go down to the pool, et cetera. But do NOT leave the hotel. This is for your own safety."

"But what if..." He started but immediately stopped when he saw the look on his uncle's face.

"Treidon Imawano," Gai said a bit more sternly. "This was not a matter open for debate."

"I know I know, sorry. I won't leave the hotel." Trey groaned over hearing his full name. "Just please, don't call me that again..."

"Good." Gai replied as he finally found what he was searching for. "Now, this is for you."

He handed his nephew a small, pocket-sized booklet titled "English to Japanese phrases."

"You can use this to start practicing while we're gone tomorrow. I'm not going to force to you to you do so, but I would like to remind you that we are going to be hovering around here for the better portion of three years. It will be difficult if you do not have at least some understanding of the language."

"Thanks, Gai-I mean, 'Arigatou'!" He quickly corrected.

Gai patted his nephew on the head, before returning to make sure that all of his belongings had made it up to the room. The trio then split up and brought their separate belongings to different bedrooms. Gai and Hanbei, both having stayed awake during the flight, went to bed in order to rest for their long day tomorrow.

Hoping to do the same in order to get accustomed to the time difference, the young Gaomon laid in his plush new bed in order to try and get a few hours of restful sleep. After about forty-five minutes of tossing and turning, he gave up and pulled out his iPod to listen to some music.


"...Who's messaging me at 1am?" He spoke to himself. He grabbed his cell phone and flipped it open displaying the single text message.

Konichiwa Gaowaow~! :3

Trey smiled a little as he thumbed out his reply.

Jojo, its so good to hear from u!

BUZZ, Jojo's reply came almost instantaneously, obviously as eager to talk to his friend as Trey was.

And you, I hope I didn't wake you up. Hanbei told me you'd be landing around this time.

Not at all, we landed bout an hour ago. The hotel were stayin at is INSANE! Gai and Hanbei are asleep, theyve got a big day tomorrow. But what bout u? Hows your new family?

BUZZ: That's good to hear, and they are great thank you for asking! One moment.

A couple of moments passed before Trey's phone went off again, he looked at the screen to see a picture of Jojo along with a Nidoking and Nidoqueen standing behind him smiling.

BUZZ: Mr. and Mrs. Robinson have made me feel quite at home.

They look like nice people, I'm glad youre happy with them. :)

BUZZ: They are, and speaking of which, they just called me down for supper. I will talk with you again soon!

Alright, cya later!

It was nice to hear from him, no matter how short of a conversation it'd been. Even though they had been apart a mere few days, it already felt like an eternity for Trey. All the while however, he was happy to hear that Jojo's new life was going well.

Trey set his phone back onto his nightstand and let out a large yawn as Morpheus began to take a hold of him. As he started to drift off, he pulled of his head phones and placed them on his nightstand, next to his phone.

As the Japanese sun started to peek in through his window, Trey woke up, feeling very refreshed. He reached for his phone, while rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. It was 7:34am; still early, but there was no point in going back to sleep now. He pulled himself out of bed and did a few of Jojo's yoga stances in order to loosen and wake himself up, prior to making his way out to the penthouse's main room.

"Ohayou!" Hanbei greeted.

"Too...early." He yawned while giving his neck a crack.

"Oh, come now, you have gotten more than enough sleep. And it is never too early to start practicing." The Wartortle snickered.

"Yeah yeah," He waved off. "Where's Gai at?"

"He's in the shower, we'll be leaving once he's done. Do you require anything before we leave?"

"No, I'm good. I'm just gonna make some breakfast and watch some TV."

The Wartortle let out a slight chuckle that left the young Gaomon with a puzzled look on his face.

"You are aware that most of these shows will be in Japanese correct?"

He hadn't thought about that. Looks like he will be getting some mileage out of that translator book sooner than he thought. "Uh, yeah...I knew that."

"Of course."

Trey walked into the kitchen area, ignoring the Wartortle's previous comment, and pulled a small bottle of Orange juice out of the refrigerator and grabbed a box of cereal from the cabinet. One thing that he liked about the hotel is that there was food here he knew he would eat.

He emptied the contents of the small box into a bowl and poured some milk in before taking his breakfast and walking to the living area. As he put his bowl and juice down on the coffee table he noticed two large box objects that hadn't been there the night before, sitting next to the TV.

"Hanbei," he called over. "What are these?"

"This, my young friend?" Hanbei started as he made his way over to the young Gaomon. "This is called a 'Supernova.' I had it sent over from the estate about a few weeks ago, so that it would be here when we arrived."

Now that he thought about it, Trey had seen these once when he went into Hanbei's room. However, what this thing actually did was still a mystery to him.

"This 'Supernova, to put it simply?" Hanbei continued. "It allows its owner to play legitimate arcade games, from the comfort of one's home. I had it sent over because I plan on purchasing new parts and PCBs during the duration of our stay, and it would be easier to have one on hand in order to test them."

"Oh, okay. So, what games can this play exactly?"

"Practically any arcade game currently in existence, as long as you have the equipment to support it. From something as classic to Pac-man, to the more recent games such as Guilty Gear. In fact, I happen to have several of such games with me, if you wish to play them."[/b]

"Thanks Hanbei." Trey smiled happy that there was something else for him to do now.

"Just one request, Trey. This hardware is not like a Playstation 2 that you can just swap games in and out freely. It is quite a bit more complex than that. If you want to play a new game, let me know, so I can set it up for you. Please do not try to do that for yourself. Not only so that the machine can stay in working order, but for your safety, as well."

"Alright, I'll wait until you have a chance to show me, before using it."

It was then that Gai walked out of his bedroom dressed in a nice suit and had his long silver hair pulled back in a samurai's ponytail.

"Good morning, Trey." He smiled down at his nephew. "Are you ready to go, Hanbei?"

"Yes, I have everything I need."

"Remember Trey, I want you to stay in the Hotel," Gai repeated. "Call room service whenever you get hungry! It's all covered, and there's at least 3 English-fluent speakers who can help you. We will be back around 9:30, will you be alright for that long?"

"Yes Gai, don't worry about me! I'll be fine!"

"Alright, we will see you later." Gai said as the two adults walked out of the suite.

"Alright, breakfast now, then a shower."

He finished his cereal and then hopped in the shower, also taking some time to sit in the small sauna that the main bathroom had too. After he was dry and got dressed, he made his way back into the main living area and hopped on the couch to watch some TV. Much like Hanbei had previously said, most of the shows were in Japanese, except for several News programs. Luckily for him, the TV had built in Netflix, so he spent a couple of hours watching different shows.

At about 12:30, he started to get bored of TV and started thinking about what else he could do.

"Think I'll go check out the pool."

He got up off the couch and went into his room to get his swim trunks. He went into the bathroom to change and came out wearing a pair of long black trunks with a white skull insignia on the left leg, along with a grey T-shirt and his bandanna. He grabbed his room key and a towel and headed for the elevator.

As the elevator began its descent to the ground floor, Trey was just mindlessly humming a song to himself, but quickly stopped when the elevator stopped at the 25th floor to let someone else one. A rather large koopa with a dull spiked shell and fancy business attire stepped onto the elevator, talking on his cell phone.

"...No, I'm sorry Wendy, I'm going to be gone a little longer than I thought. There's some problems with the project in Paris and I'm on my way to the airport now to go and see what the hell's wrong."

He stopped for a moment, and Trey could make out the muffled sounds of a females voice on the other line.

"...That's fine! Just be sure to keep the boys in line 'til I get back. Yes, don't worry about...okay...okay...yes, Wendy, I will call later, once I land. Love you too."

He hung up his cell just has the elevator door opened at the ground floor, and the two got off without saying a word.

Trey headed towards the door to head outside to the pool.

"Ah, Mr. Bowser Koopa, your limo is ready for you!" The desk clerk called out.

"Wait, Bowser Koopa?!" He thought, quickly spinning around just in time to see him walk out the door.

He stood there, looking at the front doorway for another moment. "That was Hanbei's friend's...Roy's father? He looked so formal and business-like. I wonder where Roy got his 'ways' from then." He shook off the thought, and continued to make his way outside.

The pool was huge, and had two levels to it. The upper half was in ground up on big decorative rocks about 10 feet off the ground that had a slide that flowed down into the lower section. Up on the rocks were also several tables and chairs along with a decent sized hot tub.

Much to his pleasure, there were only a couple of people out in the pool, so he wouldn't have to deal with a lot of noise. He made his way to the upper level, and threw his towel, shirt and bandanna onto one of the lounge chairs. Then Trey got into the hot tub to relax. He closed his eyes and soon began to doze off again.

"Mind if I join you?" Said a voice that made Trey jump a little.

Trey looked behind him to see a young Cheetah girl, around the same age as him, in a blue two-piece smiling down at him. He gave a slight nod and them turned back to sit down. She got in and sat at the opposite end of him.

"I'm Lizzy, what's your name?" She said with a smile.

"Oh great, it's one of THOSE people," he sighed. "Trey..."

"Nice to meet you, Trey. What brings you here?"

It was obvious that he wasn't going to get the 'peace and quiet' that he was hoping for. "I'm here with my uncle and his adopted son. We're on a three year stay in Japan. This is day one."

"Woooow~!" she said with a little too much enthusiasm. "I'm here with my parents! My dad's company is having a week-long conference in Tokyo and my mom and I got to come and stay for free. We've got a really nice room on the fifth floor, what's your room like?"

"Does this girl ever stop talking?" He was getting a little annoyed. "We're stayin' in the penthouse. My uncle's adopted son is friends with Bowser Koopa, the owner."

"WHOOOAA!" She said again with more enthusiasm than was necessary. "That's so cool!"


There was a brief moment of silence; Trey had closed his eyes again trying to indirectly tell the girl that he didn't want to talk anymore.

"How did you get that scar?" she asked.

His eyes flung open and he felt a lump form in his throat. "Who does she think she is asking me a question like that?!"

"I'm sorry if that's personal, it's looks like the one I have." She said lifting her arm out of the water, exposing a scar going up the back of it.

"I was attacked two years ago at school by a bully." She continued. "I was really shy and didn't have any friends. Then he brought the knife in to scare me, and well, he got carried away."

Trey just stared at the cheetah girl; she was open about this, why?

"After it happened, I fell into a deep depression. I almost took my own life once because of it. I thought that everybody would be better off if I wasn't around...but my parents helped me. After it happened, I swore to myself that I would never let myself fall back that far ever again."

She looked up to see Trey staring at her with a look of utter shock on his face.

"...OMIGOSH, I'm sorry! This REALLY isn't proper conversation for a first impression!" She yelped, blushing all the while.

"There's more to her than meets the eye. She's gone through so much, and yet can still find a reason to smile." His look of shock disappeared and was replaced with a sympathetic smile. "It's alright Lizzy, thank you for sharing that with me."

She looked back up at him and gave a big smile.

"I'm starting to get a bit warm, wanna hop into the pool and keep talkin'?" He asked.


The duo got out of the hot tub and got into the upper level of the pool.

"So," Trey started looking over to Lizzy. "You were fairly quick to tell me about such a traumatic event in your life. Any reason?"

"Well, like I said, I'm trying to be more of an open person. I've never been a good conversationalist; I guess I just sort of blurted it out, without thinking."

"Hey it's cool, no worries."

"So, care to tell me more about yourself? It doesn't have to be as deep as what I've said."

The two went on to talk for over an hour, soon discovering that they had more in common than they first thought. Much like himself, Lizzy was very intelligent and was actually going to be attending a private school in Italy later this year.

It was while spending all of this time talking to her that made Trey seriously think about his life. The two had had similar experiences and yet she was so certain of what she wanted to do with herself. It really made him start to consider his future, a topic he never let himself think about.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I am getting hungry." She spoke up, interrupting his train of thought. "I think I'm going to head back up to my room. Maybe I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, maybe." Trey smiled back, feeling a little tired himself.

The two got out of the pool and Trey walked over to his chair and started drying off his fur. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Lizzy was checking out his abs through his wet fur, making him giggle a bit.

After they dried off, they made their way back inside and got on the elevator. They both said their good-byes once it stopped on the 5th floor and then it continued its ascent to the penthouse level.

"That was actually fun, I hope I see her again sometime." He smiled as he stepped off the elevator.

This, is MY story Part 10

**Killin' Time** Trey got off the elevator and walked back into the suite with a yawn. Despite not doing anything too strenuous all day, he was feeling kind of drowsy. He probably had the jetlag to thank for that. He wanted nothing more than to...

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This, is MY story Part 8

**Bon Voyage** For a few moments more, the two young men sat in complete silence, allowing themselves process everything that had just transpired. After all, regardless of whatever outcome Trey may have desired originally, this did change the...

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This, is MY story Part 7

**What the heart wants** Over the next few days, Trey was able to better keep himself in check. He got to know Jojo a little better, and soon was spending the majority of his time with him and Hanbei. It was while spending time with the two of them...

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