A Heart Renewed

Story by Darmalus on SoFurry

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#2 of Warcraft

After a long time apart, a tauren and an elf renew their relationship in Eversong Woods.

All Warcraft stuff belongs to Blizzard. Characters belong to their owners.

A Heart Renewed

Cast Kerah Silverblossom, Female Blood Elf Death Knight Koru Hardhoof, Male Tauren Priest


The sunlight streamed through the red and gold leaves of the forest, creating warm patches in the lush green carpet of tall grass that covered the forest floor. Koru was seated against the thick trunk of a tree with spiraling branches, his soft white robes blending in with the white bark of the tree. This tree was special to him, as a taurhe priest he'd had few reasons to visit Silvermoon or the surrounding Eversong Woods, but when he had he had almost always visited this specific tree. Although he could picture them exactly, he still traced the symbols with his finger, reassuring himself.

Koru let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding when he spotted the slim, dark figure in the distance. His heart briefly jumped into his throat as his mind conjured up their last meeting at the tree. Her dress had been a silken thing of red and gold that matched the leaves of the forest. The day had been as beautiful, and she more so, the future had felt so bright and lovely. He forced himself back to the present, trying swallow his heart back into his chest. She wouldn't have asked him to meet her out here just to torture him with the broken dreams they had once shared, this must be important.

Her skin was as soft and flawless as the first time they had met, a pale contrast to her raven-black hair that hung past her shoulders. She wore no dress, this time clad in strong metal armor colored a green so dark it was nearly black. Her eyes had once been a lovely, vivid green but now glowed an otherworldly pale blue. There was one thing that gave Koru hope, she was missing the scowl she had worn for so many years. Her face was graced with that sly smile he hadn't seen since the Lich King had taken her.

Kerah inhaled deeply, letting the familiar scents of her home fill her nostrils. She inhaled again, the sensations weren't just familiar, they burned with a vividness she had rarely felt when she was alive! The bloodweed hit her nose like a blast of pepper in the face, every dust mote dancing in the sunlit air shined like a star. She felt alive, she felt too alive! Old, mummified emotions were jumping to life and rattling her heart against her ribcage with every memory.

Last week, she'd woken up crying into her pillow after a dream about Snookems. Death Knights didn't cry, they didn't care about their pet pygmy dragonhawk decades dead. She'd then gotten up, dried her eyes and went down to eat, because she was hungry. She hadn't been hungry since the Lich King had raised her in his service. Sure, she had eaten every now and then, but only because her body repaired itself much more swiftly with raw material to work with.

It was then that Kerah had been struck by an epiphany, she felt alive! Abandoning her dishes, she had rushed out of the inn to look at the vale she had spent the last few months defending. Shining like strips of shimmering blue on a golden field were the waters she had thoughtlessly been slashing around in as she fought both mogu and wildlife.

Kerah looked down at her hands. She felt alive, she HAD to be alive! She couldn't stand it if she wasn't alive! What a cruel joke for the fates to play on her if it was all an illusion. Her mind spun as she leaned against the door frame. She had to do something. She had to tell someone! Her knees felt suddenly week as her heart tried to break its way out of her chest. She had to tell Koru.


Koru looked up at the statuesque blood elf, a longing time had not banished filled his heart. When he had learned she had been dragged below the fetid waters of a lake and drowned in the Plaguelands, his heart had been broken. Then he had learned she had been raised as a minion of the Lich King, and it was like her memory had been desecrated. After she and her fellow death knights had broken free from the grasp of the Lich King, a foolish hope had risen anew, only to be dashed when they met. She was not her old self; cold and ruthless, it was if every kindness within her had been drained away.

Yet, here he was, watching her approach with his hopeful heart ready to be broken anew. She stopped just before his outstretched hooves, looking down at his seated form. To Koru, she was magnificent, the light gleaming off the smooth curves of her armor and the razor edges of her twin axes. All serving to enhance, rather than distract, from her slim elven features. He missed those green eyes.

"I got your message." He began, the message had been simply "Meet me at our tree." with today's date. Why she wanted to see him was still a mystery to him.

"I'm glad. I was worried you wouldn't come." With a faint clink her weapon belt came loose, and she set it next Koru's own staff beside the tree. She couldn't hold still, running her hand along the tree as she circled it. "You... I hurt you pretty badly last time we spoke." Kerah felt cold sweat under her armor, and ruthlessly banished the momentary longing for the cool detachment of undeath that rose up.

Koru swallowed. "You had changed, you were not the woman I had loved." His eyes followed every movement. "You are not that woman either. You have changed again." He dared not hope the Kerah who had worn red and gold had returned to him. He did not think his heart could take being broken again.

Kerah's gauntleted hand stopped over the small carving directly over Koru's head. She'd carved this into the bark the last time they had met before she died. She forcefully yanked her gauntlet off, sending the armor spinning away to land amidst the tall grass, blending into the shadowed green carpet. She ran her naked hand over the carving, two stick figures representing a blood elf and a tauren holding hands centered inside a large heart.

Kerah suddenly fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around Koru's broad chest, her face pressed against the soft cloth of his robes. "I feel alive again! I can feel again!" She turned her head up, her glowing blue eyes looking into his.

Koru gazed at her hopeful face, his arms hovering in the air a moment before her returned the embrace. This was everything he had ever wanted, he feared only that this was a dream and soon the high priest would be kicking him awake for morning rituals. They stayed there, resting in each others embrace, basking in a renewed companionship.

Koru felt Kerah shifting under him, sensing she wanted to stand he reluctantly released his grasp. Standing tall, her face beaming as she straightened her disheveled hair. "I can feel again, and this armor is feeling distinctly uncomfortable right now. Help me take it off?"

"Of course." He stated as he got to his feet. She turned her back to him and soon his nimble hands were on the clasps and buckles of her armor. A few clicks of metal-on-metal and the sound leather sliding over tempered armor and soon heavy plates of armor were being set down in the grass. As one of the undead, Kerah had not felt any need or desire for physical comforts. She had lived in her armor, removing it only for maintenance and repair. But now, she keenly felt the need to get out of her metal shell. She wanted to feel the sun and wind on her skin again! With every armored plate Koru removed, she felt a lightness that was more than physical. She had lived, died, and after years waiting, she was being reborn into the world.

With a thud her breastplate hit the ground, the only thing preserving her modesty was her supple leather under-armor. She felt Koru's great bulk lean in, his arms wrapped around her as he unclasped her belt, his hot breath on her skin. She shivered, deep urges rising to the surface as life returned to her body

"I'll need you to sit down to get the rest off." Kerah turned and looked at Koru, holding his muzzle in her hands briefly before sitting down and lifting one leg, presenting it to him. One by one her feet and legs were freed of their metal casings, her socks soon followed. Kerah gave low utterances of pleasure as she rubbed her bare feet into the soft lawn of her homeland.

"If it wasn't for your eyes, I'd never know you were a death knight."

Kerah stopped wiggling in the grass and put her hands over her eyes. "I feel alive, but I am still a death knight." She let out a deep sigh. "I suppose I'll just have to live with that." Wordlessly, Koru plucked one of her hands from her face, and held it in his own. His thick, muscular fingers help her slim elven hand gently, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"You don't have to live with it alone. I know you don't want to, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me out here." She felt a smile spread across her face, so broad it almost hurt. She sat up to face him, gripping a horn with her other hand, pulling herself face-to-face. Without even thinking about it, she kissed him full on the lips. He hesitated only a moment before returning the kiss.

It was just as the two of them remembered, the electric connection as they luxuriated in the sweet taste of one another. Their lips parted and their tongues came out, touching and dancing against one another, hers thin and nimble and his broad and strong. They stayed there, lips pressing hungrily against one another as their tongues slip and pressed into each others mouths.

Eventually the kiss ended, both opening eyes they hadn't noticed closing as they gazed into each other. Kerah squeaked happily as she felt a pair a broad tauren hands grip her leather-clad bottom, lifting her up into the air as he carried her back to their tree. Sitting down in his accustomed location, he placed Kerah before him. She immediately cuddled up, pressing her head into the crook of his neck. Koru could feel the soft, twin masses of her breasts pressed against his broad chest, and his own loins stirring as she pressed against him, squirming as she tried to get closer.

Looking up from his chest, Kerah asked him "Do you remember when we first met?"

"Oh yes," her replied, the deep rumbling of his chest reverberating through Kerah's body, sending tingles down to her toes, "My first visit to the mysterious golden city of elves. I remembered you jumped at the chance to give me a tour."

"Mmm-hmm." she uttered as she twisted her fingers in his thick black mane "I think it was your horns that captivated me. Gleaming white sticking out of your fuzzy red and white face." Her hands reached up and traced them from tip to base, then her fingers reached out and began to stroke his ears. She felt his whole body shiver under her as he gave a loud snort of pleasure.

"Ohh, yes. Right there.. uh, where was I?" He spoke as his eyes drooped, her relentless massage of his ears making his eyelids feel heavy. "I, ahh, I think I spent as much time looking down your neckline as I did looking at the city." Deciding that two could play at this game, he put his own hands at work massaging the little elf. Starting from the shoulder, he began to press and kneed her tightly corded muscles. His thick fingers knew where to press, unwinding tension and removing lingering stress. Pressing, tapping and stroking as he worked down her back and along the spine. By the time he had reached her buttocks, Kerah had gone completely limp in his arms, giving low moans of relief as her body was made to finally relax.

Koru had no intention of stopping there, his strong fingers began massaging her cheeks and thighs, slowly pulling them apart. His fingers slid between her legs, tickling her loins through the soft leather under-armor. Her stifled moans encouraged him, his fingers stroking more forcefully with every pass. He was surprised she sat up suddenly, her flushed face level with his as she held onto each horn like a handlebar.

"Wait!" she panted, "Wait, I want to do something first." Koru nodded as she leaned in for a quick kiss, then stood up. He saw what she wanted when she began undoing the ties on his robe, and he returned the favor by undoing the laces holding her own garment on. It wasn't long before Koru was fully divested of his robe, clad only in loose trousers that were soon fluttering down to join his robe in the grass.

He stood a solid eight feet tall, thick muscles and sinew covered by short, soft fur. Red and white patches covered his body, an especially large one giving him a white-furred belly. A pair of ivory-white horns gleamed on his head, contrasting with the black mane that hung from his head and neck. Thoughtful amber eyes watched from under his heavy brow, a few longer tufts of hair hung from his chin in what could not be properly called a beard.

Between his legs hung Koru's manhood, red with speckles of white, it was longer and thicker than any elf-cock. Behind it hung two enormous balls, swollen with unspent seed. Each furry nut was larger than Kerah's fist, promising a long and enjoyable night together.

With her laces undone, Kerah swiftly removed her leather under-armor. Her lithe, muscular body stood nude but for her breast bindings and loin-cloth. She felt magnificent, the warm sun and air moving all over her body. Well, almost all over, she thought. Slipping both legs out of her loin cloth, she gave it a toss that landed it on Koru's nose. She giggled as he made a show of inhaling deeply before tossing them in the pile of discarded garments.

Her hands reached up to the last piece of clothing left, slowly unwinding the cloth band. When she had nearly revealed her achingly hard nipples, she slowed, teasingly revealing then hiding the hard pink tips several times before she finished. Her breast bindings in hand, she did a pirouette and tossed them away. Her perky breasts bounced and jiggled pleasantly when she came to a stop. Koru apparently agreed, his eyes riveted to her and his thick tauren cock standing erect.

Kerah stepped forward to embrace her tauren paramour, she ran her hands through Koru's furry chest even as his erection pressed heavily against her belly. She longed for him, to have him inside her. Her nether lips were wet with need, but she also wanted to savor every moment. He burned with as much desire as she did, but let her control the pace. Their faces met again for another kiss, their tongues dancing even as she felt his hot precum smear wetly on her belly.

When their kiss finally broke, her surprised her by giving each hard nipple a long, wet lick. Grabbing his horns for support, she thrust her chest into his face "Oh! Yes! More. Do that more." Koru was happy to comply, his broad tongue able to lovingly cover each breast, teasing and suckling each nipple until Kerah was left gasping and moaning under the assault on her breasts.

Eventually Kerah pulled her breasts away from that talented tongue. She didn't need to say anything, one hand held a horn and the other was on his throbbing member, smearing precum on hand and cockhead alike. He slid down to a comfortable position laying on the grass, each of his hands on the hips of his slim elven lover. Moving about, both of them tingling with excitement for what was to come, cock and pussy were aligned.

Kerah could feel the fat cockhead pressing against her entrance, tickling her clit. Slowly, she let more of her weight press down on the throbbing member, the swollen lips of her vulva parted, spreading wider and wider. Koru steadily penetrated his lover, her vagina stretching around his cock with agonizing slowness. The only sounds in the air were those of their gasps and low moans. His girth spreading her so wide her muscles shook and toes curled in the grass, her pussy so tight Koru's eyes had squeezed shut.

Deeper and deeper, until both shivered and cried out, his cock having reached her cervix. Resting against that final intimate barrier for a long moment, Kerah rose up, feeling his broad cockhead press and slide along her sensitive inner walls and then slide down again until he once again filled her fully. Her hands on his hands, his hands on her hips, she rode her massive lover. Every slam sent a lightning bolt up her spine that exploded behind her eyes. Their fluids mixed, a slick mixture of precum and feminine nectar, squelching wetly as they pistoned together.

Koru began to meet her thrusts, gently at first but harder and faster as lust began to consume them both. Their carnal lusts built up, a pressure in both of them that stole their breath and seemed to drive their bodies harder and faster. Their shivering nerves built to a crescendo, Koru pulling Kerah down hard onto his member as deep as he could go with a cry of "I-I'm .. HRAARRGGG!" as his balls contracted hard and he exploded into his elven lover. Kerah's wordless scream of orgasm matched his own.

A flood of hot, fertile seed rushed from Koru's heavy balls and into Kerah's pussy! A torrent of white cum splashed like a fire hose against her cervix, jetting into her womb and filling every crevice until it could take no more, but more continued to pour from his massive cock! It spread out, washing past the tight seal his cockhead made, down the gripping vaginal walls and pouring down his shaft and her legs in thick, sticky rivulets.

They held each other is a spasm of ecstatic carnal bliss for what seemed an eternity. Eventually, their breaths slowed, their minds emerging from the ocean of pleasure where their souls had joined. The air was cool on flushed skin, drops of sweat and cum mixed together. Koru looked up to Kerah, still astride his hard cock. He could see the outline of his member where it filled her pleasure canal, and the bulge of her womb, over packed with his seed.

As the paroxysm of pleasure passed through them, Kerah slowly leaned down to rest on Koru's chest, his cock this hard within her. Koru gently licked the sweat-slicked brown of his elven lover, tasting her salty flavor as her stroked her naked back. The two rested for a while is the warm air for a while, until Koru's voice broke the silence.

"We should clean up."

This got a giggle from Kerah. "I'm not done with you yet, and I don't think you are done with me either." she said as her inner walls gave his still hard manhood a squeeze. Koru gave a grunt of both pleasure and agreement.

Pushing herself up from his chest, her breasts were framed between her arms. Koru was not one let an opportunity pass, and gave each pink nipple a long, loving lick. She sighed happily, but did not stop and pulled herself free from the girthy tauren manhood that had so pleasantly impaled her. It came free with a "POP!" and immediately there was a spill of mixed sexual fluids that had been held inside.

His cock suddenly surrounded by cooler air instead of those hot, fleshy confines sent a shiver through Koru's whole body, and he did not notice Kerah moving until she was kneeling between his legs, her hands on his sex-slicked member. Pulling the heavy length to her, she placed the throbbing cockhead between her breasts with a splat. She snuggled up to her massive lover, his balls nestle between her legs, her wet snatch dripping liquid arousal on his furry sack.

Elves were a people of graceful, flexible movement, and Kerah had it in her mind to demonstrate just that. Her hands running along his length, she began to move her belly, sliding along his cock-flesh in all directions, her smooth skin moving like a snake against him. Koru could only groan in pleasure, gripping the grass at his sides as he fought the urge to thrust wildly into the valley of her breasts.

Even as her hands stroked and her belly slide, Kerah dipped her head down, tongue extended to lick the precum that was leaking from the broad cockhead. His musk was powerful, salty and creamy on her tongue, filling her nose and making her feel drunk off the heady scent. Her tongue moved faster, lapping up his seed with increasing zeal. Her lips kissed his tip, attempting to suck it out faster into her hungry mouth. Cum carelessly smeared on her chin and nose as she sought to quench her desires.

Koru felt her hands move with greater urgency as her tongue whipped wildly across his burning flesh, her soft breasts moving against him in time with her bobbing head. He could feel his balls tightening, getting ready to explode. He held on with desperate strength, his abdomen taut as a board, his eyes rolled up into his head as he just barely held back. Then her tongue dived into his cock, twisting and licking him from within his urethra, and he could hold on no more!

Her lover came suddenly, pushed over the edge by her own skill and lust. The flood of seed erupted directly into her mouth, hammering the roof of her mouth and into her throat. Her eyes went wide and her hands gripped his girth hard as she tried to swallow it all. It flowed over her tongue and down her throat, hot and thick. Faster than she could take it, it filled her mouth, switch a snort thick streamers shot out her nose and she let go. The fountain of cum shot up her face and into her nostrils, raining down on her head in sticky droplets.

Koru's cum filled her senses, it was all she could taste, all she could smell! Droplets landing on her ears rolled down and muffled Koru's long cry of orgasm. She closed her eyes as her face was splashed, his essence coating her skin, pouring from her face to her breasts. She was swimming in Koru's spunk, completely engulfed. It took her several moments to realize he was finally spent.

She opened her eyes after wiping off the layer of cum that had coated them. She looked down at her spent and messy lover, his eyes half lidded as he fought the urge to take a nap right then and there. His own seed had come down on him as well, speckling his russet fur with white dollops. Kerah herself was quite the mess after her cum bath. Her black hair had taken on a marbled appearance, white and black mixed together. Her entire upper body looked to be splashed in tauren cum.

"NOW we can get cleaned up."

Koru guffawed at her statement, but nodded his agreement. The two walked together on wobbly legs to a nearby stream. Jumping in with a mighty set of splashes, the relatively cold water dispelled their post-coitus drowsiness and soon had them splashing each other. Koru won this impromptu contest by virtue of being able to create small tidal waves with his massive hands.

"Okay, okay! You win!" Kerah sputtered, "And to the victor go the spoils. I'll start on your back. Next time we need to bring some proper soaps and brushes, but for now you'll have to make to with a vigorous finger scrubbing." She wiggled her fingers at him as he turned his back on her.

Sitting down in the stream he was just the right height for her. Running her fingers through the long black mane, she worked her fingers between the wet hairs, attempting to bring them to some semblance of order. She used her fingers like a comb, working her finger tips into his thick muscles. Her grooming slowly transitioned into a massage, Koru giving soft grunts and sighs as she unwound tense muscles. With each knot and tense cord relax, Koru sagged forward a bit, eyes closed as he slipped into a doze under Kerah's strong and skillful fingers.

"Wake up, sleepy head! Before you drown yourself." Kerah's teasing voice roused him, blinking his eyes open Koru realized the tip of his nose was touching the water. Forcing himself back to his hooves with a splash, Koru gave a great yawn and stretch. He felt better than he had in.. a very long time. Turn to the woman who had worked her magic on him, her noted that even after their splash fight, her features were still speckled with droplets of cum. Personally, her thought she looked rather fetching, wearing his seed like exotic jewelry. But if they were going to return to the city, he'd need to help clean that off.

Leaning down, he scooped up the elf, cradling her soft bottom in his strong hands as he lifted her. Kerah squealed and kicked her dainty feet, sending splashes of water everywhere. He delicately caressed the elf in his arms, wiping her features clean with tender touches from his fingers. No part of Kerah's body was ignored, his soft fingers roamed her body, lingering on her lips and nipples as they worked. Koru finished by scooping up handfuls of water, pouring them over her body as a final rinse.

Koru carried his lover to the bank of the river, his strides creating great splashes as he did so. Setting her down in the soft grass, their lips met, soft but brief. He moved lower, planting kisses on her breasts and stomach until he lay down in the grass himself. His head rested between her spread legs, her glistening nether lips directly in front of his nose.

His head lunged forward, thick tongue digging in with vigor, spreading her lips and sliding into her depths. Koru's hands slid forward, grasping Kerah's hips even as she gasped, arching her back at the sudden and delightful intrusion. His tongue wiggled and lapped at her inner walls, twisting about as it wallowed in her feminine musk. Kerah could feel the building tension in her abdomen, her heat building in her chest and Koru's skilled tongue moved inside her. She bit her lower lip, fingers digging into her ground as she sought to extend the sensation.

Koru's nose was filled with Kerah's arousal, it was the only thing her could smell as his tongue worked ceaselessly. Striving to get deeper, extending himself to his utmost, his muzzle began to press against Kerah's loins. Soon his lips pressed against her entrance with increasing force, grinding against her pleasure button. Kerah's could take no more, giving a high pitched cry of ecstasy as the orgasm washed through her. Her inner walls squeeze tightly down on Koru's tongue as her abdominal muscles spasmed with pleasure.

Even as Koru's nose and mouth were flooded with Kerah's musk, his tongue crushed in the powerful embrace of her inner walls, her cry gave him a deep feeling of satisfaction. The vocal screams of delight from the woman he loved filled his heart, soothing the old wounds of their separation. Eventually Koru was forced to relent, withdrawing his tongue and scooting beside her while they rested.

They lay next to each other, hand in hand as they dried from their excursion into the river. The sun was beginning to dip towards the horizon when they finally dressed, Koru in his priestly robes and Kerah in her dark green armor. Side by side, they discussed the future as they walked toward Silvermoon.