Shooting Through Space

Story by forest55330 on SoFurry

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Alrighty everyone. I think you know the drill... This story contains sexual situations and violence (not in the sex). You should read only if you are 18 or older (or the legal equivalent in your country). If you are younger than 18... Don't get caught. 'Cause I think your parents would rather see you jacking off to human on human porn. No, seriously. Lock the door, make sure your parents aren't home or are sleeping, and for Pete's sake, be quick on the red X... That last one'll save you many a time.

I'm alright with this story being on other sites as long as the author's name (forest55330) is included, and if none of this document is changed in any way without my permission... Although I'd enjoy if the poster/uploader emailed me ([email protected]) before putting it in other places... But I'm not fussy ^_~.

All the caracters are (c) me.

Changes: I noticed a couple parts where it... just didn't seem to get finished. I fixed them... oh, and I have to give the news that there will not be a sequel... I tried, and failed. I procrastinated until I found out I prefer male-male pairings... I'm writing a story series though, one that I think is a bit different from all the stories here. I have the first chapter done, but I want to wait until the second and maybe third is finished before I post it, because they are very closely tied together.

Name: Adirus

Password: *********

Logging on...

Welcome back Adirus Lurin!

You have 4 new message(s)

Go to your inbox? (Y/N)



1 Free credits!

2 Thanks.

3 These vixens need a good f...

4 I require your services.

Check which message? (#)



Thanks for completing the contract. The credits we negotiated are now in your bank account. I'll be sure to recommend you to anyone who needs any work done.



Continue checking messages? (Y/N)


Which message? (#/Dir)



I recently was recommended to you as a great gun-for-hire. When I heard this I did some research on your... resume, if you will. I found that you were perfect for the job.

I lost something very precious to me when I was raided by the Bloody Fangs and you seem just like the person to get it back. I'm sure it is on their ship, because the item is... hard to sell. Price negotiable. Please reply soon.

Reply? (Y/N)

I sat back in my control seat on the ArchDemon, my ship, currently in orbit around Terra. Sure, I had enough money from Tommy to go take a few days relaxing on Terra. But... this guy seemed to almost plead for a job. Not the way a beggar does, mind you, but like a person pleading another for an ancient family heirloom, something that cannot be replicated with any amount of money, skill, or manpower...

I took a couple moments to ponder about this, and every avenue I took leaded to one end. I sighed as I hit the Y button and began typing my reply.

I am Adirus Lurin, Bounty Hunter, Gun-for-Hire, and everything synonymous with those. I am also one of the only nigh pure arctic fox anthros, but that does not bother me a bit, I just don't want my genes to end with me. Humankind is one of the many minorities now, most being anthros (AKA human and part animal). I'm not like those other bounty hunters, who blow a job's pay on whores on Terra or Luna. I am probably the last bounty hunter with ethics...

We agreed to meet at a small bar on Luna only two days after I replied. I landed the ArchDemon at the starport and made the small walk to the bar. Before entering I made an almost automatic check for my hidden sidearm. Inside there were only a couple patrons and I quickly found my soon-to-be employer. He was a grisly otter and judging by his attire, a merchant. I ordered a glass of the local grog and sat down across from him.


I nodded, "so what do you need?" I asked, the bartender setting the mug of grog on the metal table.

"Ahh... That... Item that was stolen, I need it back."

I drank deeply from my mug, "yeah, I got that. What I need to know is what it is and how you want me to get it."

"I want you to get it any way you want, she is very precio--"


He looked startled, "shit... did I say that?"

I nodded, "she's a slave then?"

He blushed noticeably through his fur. "Yes..."

I sighed, "Don't worry, I wont turn you in... unless you have a large price on your head."

He relaxed almost instantly, "good... so about the price..."

"Wait... what did you see that qualified me? I mean I know I have a good track record, but I am far from the best bounty hunters out there..."

"Lets just say that you had a qualification that no one else had."

"Fine." One of the unwritten rules of bounty hunting was not to pry. "Four thousand and one up front."


"Four thousand credits to get her back and one thousand right now... plus expenses for ammunition and any wounds received"


I blinked.

Nobody took the first price. It was usually five times as much the hunter really wanted... not that I was complaining though. "Okay. Do you know where the ship is?"

"I think its right outside Sol federation space... don't know exactly where though."

I sighed. That was a lot of space to search, since Sol federation space spanned from Sol to Mars... "Fine." I stood and paid my bill.

It really didn't take long to find their ship. It was foolish to try to search all that space by myself. Instead I paid off a friend in the federal police. A real pencil pusher, but they're the best for this kind of information. Of course the feds knew where the Bloody Fangs were, but they couldn't do a damn thing when they're outside federation space. Using the coordinates, I quickly found the ship, painted blood red, so it was easy to find. The ship was heavily armed, and there were probably quite a few well-armed people inside. I started the boosters well outside of their radar range, and turned them off right outside of it.

This prevented my ship from having a significant heat signature, so to the radar it would look like my ship as just some flotsam. I quickly and efficiently got all my gear ready: semi-automatic rifle, sidearm, combat knife, emergency medkit, extra rounds for my guns, tranquilizer ammo for my sidearm, lock picks and security cracks, and rations just in case. I felt the thump of my ship hitting the other's hull at a relatively slow speed just as I put everything but my tranquilizer loaded sidearm into the compartments of my space suit. I would have to get in by one of the small entrances. After squeezing into my suit, I activated the magnets on the bottom of my ship, so it latched right to the ship. Everything being in order, I stepped into the depressurization chamber and the door closed behind me.

Hissing signaled that all the air was being taken out of the chamber, and the exit soon opened. I hit the switch that activated the electromagnets on my hands and feet and began the short trek to the nearest entrance. Luckily the entrance wasn't remote controlled. All I had to do was hit a button and the door opened. I stepped inside and hit another switch, closing the door and pressurizing the room.

Unfortunately the second door had to have someone open it from the inside, so intruders like me couldn't get in... I stood there for a good five minutes in front of a camera, hoping a daft guard would see me and open the door... then I saw the camera wasn't hooked up. I sighed as I took out a security crack; if you don't know what it is, it basically is a small computer that can do a few things, including a low level EMP. I placed it on the wall and hit a few buttons. My fur stood on end as the EMP went off. The door's computer turned off then reset itself, opening the door and closing it. I dived through the door during the second that it was open.

There wasn't any guard posted here, either the people who ran the ship didn't expect anyone to slip in during space travel, or someone was slacking off. The latter seemed more probable. I silently crept down the hall, until deep breathing caught my attention. Ever so slowly I peeked around where I was hiding, and saw a rather large wolf asleep at his post. I grinned to myself as I aimed the muzzle of my gun at his thigh and pulled the trigger, the only report from my gun was a soft hiss of air.

Now that the guard would probably be out for a couple hours, I quickly snuck past him and into the door that was labeled 'holding cells'. My experienced eyes quickly scanned the room. Before the two guards even sensed the door opening I already saw everything. There was about 5 cells, all lining one side of the room. I couldn't see too far into them, but quickly saw the two guards. One a rather beefy looking bear and the other a wiry feline. They both were sitting on a bench built on the wall opposite of 3 of the cells, the only cover was a barrel full of god knows what. I quickly dived behind it and fired two rounds on the way. One dart missed and the other hit the feline in the forearm.

They drew their weapons and fired at me. Luckily I was behind the rank smelling barrel and their rounds harmlessly hit the side. When their shooting slacked, I peeked over and fired three more rounds, two scoring. One hit the feline on the stomach and the other hit the bear in the thigh. Their firing renewed in strength and I swore; their adrenaline would cancel out most of the tranquilizers. I dropped my handgun and drew my rifle. I leaned out from the side and raked the room. I winced as one of their rounds scored, causing pain to shoot up my arm and my aim to get thrown off. I recovered, emptying my clip at the two. As soon as my clip was empty, a full 25 shots, I leaned back, breathing heavily. A silence fell over the room. I counted to five, hearing nothing, before leaning out and surveying the damage.

Both were on the ground, a pool of blood spreading under both of them. I grunted in response to the pain lancing through my arm. I pulled out my medkit as I stood. I grimaced as I pushed my knife into my wound, search for the bullet. The bullet hit the ground just as I finished looking into the first cell, which was empty. I looked into the second and third as I bandaged my arm, both being empty. I looked into the fourth, and would have passed on if a slight whimpering didn't catch my ear. I peered under the bed and saw her. As soon as I saw her I knew why I was the one hired.

Almost four years ago, during a mission, I was shot down over a small planet that was only known for plants and small animals. No sentient beings were known to live there... I soon learned that they hid every time a ship landed, leaving no trace. My ship crashed on the surface in a humid jungle and sustained no irreparable damage, but it took months to make it space-worthy. I lived for a few days thinking I was totally alone...

How wrong I was.

On the third night a pack of 10 animals that closely resembled velociraptors of long ago attacked me while I was foraging. By then I was quite low on ammunition from hunting, and too far from camp to get more rounds. I at least disabled 6 of them with my 8 rounds and was forced to draw my knife when spears came from nowhere and killed the other three. 17 natives soon stepped hesitantly out from the foliage.

These natives were something else... they were bipedal like I and had heads like canines, with ears that seemed a bit larger than the average canine. The similarities to them ended there. They were wiry, seemingly weakly thin but with a lot of strength, and stood about 5'6" and had rudder-like tails. The spears were obviously for long range only, for their retractable claws were the sharpest I had ever seen. They had four fingers and a thumb like you and me, but I later learned that they were webbed to the first knuckle and their toes were completely webbed. The most defining trait was their green color.

Their eyes were never blue, brown, nor hazel. They were always green. Every hair on their body was verdant, although as they grew older, it turned into a more silver tint. If they were to hold still in the dense canopy or to stand in front of the moss-covered trunk or even if they laid down in the grass, it would be nigh impossible to see them. They had fur a shade lighter going from the bottom jaw down to their inner thigh, where it formed sort of a triangle. The lighter fur also ran along the bottom of their tail to the tail tip. They tried talking to me, but after a few tries, they melted back into the trees.

There was a major barrier between them and me: language. There were no language rudiments we could resort to, since we evolved on different worlds. We kept our distances for a few days; me staying in the clearing my ship crashed in, and them staying in the forest. From watching the quick ways they got around, I made my name for them: Forest-runners. Short, sweet, and to the point. After a few days of respective watching I guess they sent a sort of ambassador. He was younger than me and thus had a greater ability to learn. Luckily I could sense his intentions... I really don't remember much of us trying to communicate, only it was one of the most frustrating things I had ever done... but, within a few weeks, I grasped the basics of their language.

I wasn't too surprised to learn they thought I was some sort of god. I soon succeeded to tell him I was a voyager with a ''spear thrower'' and rode in a ''sky boat''. This did nothing to decrease his respect for me. The morning after I told him this, their leaders came. Apparently the tribe was ruled by a council of elders, male and female alike. I was able to explain to them that I needed strong backs to help me fix my ship. Sadly, I didn't get to see their whole tribe, just those who helped. From watching them, especially at night from those who camped in the clearing, I learned a thing or two about their society. They didn't discriminate genders, unless in physical relations. I also learned, to my surprise the first night, they were very open about those physical relations. Soon we fixed my ship and I rather sadly left the planet.

I never told anyone about the Forest-Runners, although on my bounty hunter profile I said I knew languages that many didn't...

"Its okay... I wont hurt you." I instinctively said, and then soon remembered that the emerald furred female probably couldn't understand. I cleared my throat and mentally dusted off the language I haven't used for quite a while. "[Its okay. I will not hurt you.]" I said. Of course, this is no direct translation, for their sentence structure is quite different from ours. Any translation is indirect, a translation of meaning, not words. She stiffened and slowly peeked out from under the bed.

She gasped when she saw my white fur. "[ADIRUS!]"

I nearly chuckled when I heard my name in the language I had near forgotten, "[yes... I'm here to save you.]

She squeezed out from under the bed, she being dressed in tattered clothes, "[praise to the gods.]" She said as she stood. I walked over and took the keycard on the guard's bodies. She sighed audibly when the cell opened, but still remained rather tensed. I guessed it was because she wasn't used to this world... or maybe because I still held my weapon. As soon at the door allowed her to slip through, she lanced out like a green lightning bolt and embraced me, her eyes wet with tears. I allowed her to cry on my shoulder, for I could only guess what she had been through. In the holes of her tattered clothing I saw peeks of symbols dyed in her fur. I knew that those symbols represented power in their hierarchy, her probably being a relative of one of the leading elders, but she probably wasn't a daughter of a leading elder... maybe a granddaughter. These observations brought me to notice little lines of scars on her body, the fur being a little discolored and elevated. Some were fresh, and others weren't. I could tell right away what did these. A whip.

"[Who hurt you?]" I asked, trying to keep my anger out of my voice, "[Did the people in this place? If they did--]"

"[no...]" She whispered, her face fur moist, "[The other...]"

"bastard..." I said in basic. She looked at me quizzically. I shook my head, and she tried to figure out the gesture. I nearly laughed as I did the equivalent on her world, holding up two fingers together. I knew whom she was talking about... "[we need to get out of here... just follow me and be quiet...]" I said as I readied my gun. She held up all four fingers in affirmative. Silently we crept out of the room, she making less noise than I.

We made it to the entrance without incident, and got her into a spare spacesuit, it being quite baggy on her. She tensed when I tried putting the helmet on, but wore it after my assurance that it wont hurt.

"[Just hang on to me...]" I said before I opened the outside latch. I felt her rather strong fingers close on my back while I hit the button. I pushed out of the door and hung on with my right hand, making me swing towards The ArchDemon. As soon as my right hand released, I aimed towards the ship with my boosters, then let myself drift towards it.

We hit the ship without any damage, although I wasn't really prepared for her added weight on me. I quickly pulled us towards the latch, knowing that every second someone could be checking on the guards, meaning a ship-wide search, inside and out. The door opened at my touch and let us through, the door closing and the room pressurizing as soon as we got through. I took a minute to help her out of her helmet before rushing to the command chair. She looked like she was about to loose whatever they fed her in the ship, but seemed to keep it all in.

I practically threw myself into the command chair and started up the computer. Within minutes we were speeding out of there at full speed.

"[Are you feeling okay?]" I asked her when I turned on the autopilot, heading towards Terra. She gave me an affirmative sign. "[That's good...]" I reached under the command chair and pulled out some rations, "[Are you hungry?] I asked.

"[very]" she said, giving the affirmative sign for emphasis.

"[Alright... just give me a minute to get it ready... I doubt you'd know how to heat it...]" I said and started heating it with the included heat pad and water. "[What is your name anyway?] I asked.

"[My name is Kiernna]"

"[My name... ah... you know it...]" I sighed. I had one question that I really didn't want to ask... but I had to, "_"

"[NO!]" She yelled, then blushed.

"[okay... how about back to your home?]"

She was speechless.

We landed on Terra, after informing my contact that I rescued her. I told her to stay in the ship and walked into the bar where we met earlier.

He was one of the only ones there and I quickly located him. "So... where is she?" He asked impatiently.

"In my ship... but you're not getting her back..." I answered.


"You heard me."

"You're breaching our deal! You aren't getting any money from me!"

"Do you think I care?!" I said leaning over the otter. "I stole her from the Bloody Fangs, and you didn't. She's mine now."

"I'll just get another bounty hunter... one better than you." He sneered, "And he'll kill you and take her back."

In an instant my gun was in my hand and pointed at his face, every ounce of my will spent on holding my finger still. "If you do... I promise that the last thing going through your head is one of my nine-millimeter friends... and if I catch wind of you anywhere near her home planet, that nine-millimeter friend with go through what makes you a man." He was speechless, his quivering jaw seemingly hanging on a hinge. "And don't fucking doubt my words." I said, and pulled the trigger. I aimed lower and to the left, so the round just brushed the fur on his cheek._

I walked to the shocked bartender and laid a credstick on the counter, "for whatever the bullet hit." I said as I left.

"[What happened?]" Kiernna asked as soon as I stepped in. she was just sitting right where she was when I left and I could tell that she hadn't moved at all.

"[Just made sure you wont be captured again]"

"[Where are we going now?]"

"[We are going to get some things, then take you home]" Again, she didn't say anything.

After stopping to get extra food, some ammunition, and some real clothes for Kiernna (imagine the face of the cashier when he saw me, a grown man, buying woman's clothes) we started the weeklong trip to the nearest jumpgate, around mars. Jumpgates are linked to each other, pushing anything that goes through into hyperspace, and reduced travel time by years. From the exit gate, it would take two weeks to get to her planet, if I remembered right. She slept on top of most of the blankets on the floor, and me in my usual sleeping place; the command chair. We agreed for her not to sleep on the padded chair, for we were both worried that she would hit something on accident.

During the trip I taught her basic, and was amazed at her ability to grasp new languages. By the end of the third week she spoke like she knew the language from the moment she came into being, and by then I noticed that she was anxious about something, but I just blew it off as wanting to see her clan.

When the verdant planet came into view, I thought she'd be ecstatic, but instead she was depressed. By then I had subconsciously guessed why, but really didn't know it until she confirmed it.

We landed on the planet without problems near where I crashed before. When the door opened, I breathed deeply. I always loved the smell of alien pollen in the air. Despite her sullen attitude, Kiernna dashed out of The ArchDemon, a grin on her face. I could smell the natives, and heard a lot of rustling where I couldn't see in the trees. Suddenly, an old male stepped out of the woods, the many symbols that represented power in the hierarchy dyed in his fur. He was probably the leading elder.

It was a good thing I remembered their way of paying respect. I put my fist over the middle of my chest and flattened my ears. This was their way of acknowledging that the other person is more powerful than you. My rapidly beating heart slowed as he put his fist on his chest also, but kept his ears pointed, saying that I was his equal. I was quick to raise my ears, so he knew that I understood.

Several others came out from the trees, both males and females, each wielding a spear that probably could be thrown with as much accuracy as my pistol shoots. One of the older male emerald furred Tree Runners gasped and dropped his spear. Kiernna gasped and ran over to him. They hugged tightly, each seemingly trying to keep tears out of their eyes.

I can't say I wasn't sad, but I couldn't also say that I wasn't happy. Part of me was glad that she was reunited with her tribe, but another part was depressed. I had grown accustomed to her presence, and I... loved her? Possibly.


I turned and started back for my ship, and almost got there before Kiernna's voice called out, "Please... stop..." She said in basic.

I turned towards her, wanting only to get on my ship and let this painful ordeal be done. "I reunited you with your mate, and now I leave"

She blushed, "This is my father..." She turned to her father and started talking to him in their language, much faster that I could even hope to understand. The conversation took less than two minutes, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what was going on.

She ran to me, tears running down her face. "I have my father's blessing... please... take me with you. Show me your world..." She cleared her throat, "I... love you..." My head started spinning, my heart racing once again.

"I love you too" I said, and took her into my arms, my own tears of happiness dampening my face fur.

The leading elder stepped forward, "_"

I didn't see their village until the night. It was customary for the guest of honor not to see any of the preparations of the celebration. Instead, Kiernna and I spent the day in the jungle, talking about many things. First, of course, was a complete confession of our feelings. When that was done, I had to know the difference in cultures. "What does a mate mean in your... world?"

She smiled, as if expecting this question for a long time. "It is a unity of hearts, and of equals. One is not better than the other overall. One member may be better than the other in one thing... like hunting. But the other is better at something else, like... finding... but in the end, they are equals. When two become mates, it is only natural that they... mate" She blushed, reflecting my own embarrassed feelings.

"What is this celebration?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable about that topic.

"It is exactly what Dyrann, the elder, said. While the sun is in the sky, it will be celebrated with food and drink until the second moon rises, when the young sleep..." She stopped.

"Then what?" I asked._

"Then, since it is also a celebration of our love, passions rise. Mates and loves mate." She blushed once again and averted her eyes.

I reached over and lightly lifted her chin so she was looking into my eyes, "If this is how you celebrate, I shall celebrate with you." I could see my own love radiating from the reflection in her eyes, and knew it was a paltry reflection of what I really felt for her.

Soon a couple of the younger tribesmen (more like tribesboys) came and told us the preparations were done. Before they came, and on the way back, we discussed our two cultures' different ways of showing love and affection. Some things, like hugs, were universal. Others, such as kissing, were different. Instead, in their culture, something of the level is just putting heads together or in the crook of a neck. Kissing is seen as near yiffing, and is only done before, during, or after the act thereof.

We got to the village, a collection of huts seemingly built for easy moving. A large fire now burned in the center, with a LOT of clay jugs and bowls around it. Kiernna led me to the largest of the bowls, where a handful of elderly people and their same aged mates were sitting. Of course, they were all old, but still attractive by even today's standards. We both sat between the lead elders and the next most important elders. After paying my respects to every elder, we all started eating. I made sure I ate like my newfound mate. Since utensils weren't used, messy paws and faces were prevalent, even in the elders. We ate slowly, so we didn't stop eating often. Every time we stopped, or even while we were eating, Kiernna leaned against me and laid her head in the crook of my neck, my head on top of hers.

Slowly the sun set, and the first moon appeared. I noticed the youngest of the tribe were carried off to their respective huts. It was then a spicy smelling drink replaced the adults' water, and I could easily guess what it was. Indeed, after my first cup, I felt my loins stirring and the aphrodisiac slowly taking affect. One by one the young ones drooped off to slumber, and the food never slacked. The light of the second moon appeared in the horizon, and I saw many couples moving into the forest or into huts. I tried to stand, but Kiernna's hand held me down. "[You are a guest of honor, we stay here.]" She explained. I gave the affirmative sign.

After the last young ones were put to bed, the second moon appeared over the horizon. By now the drink had me aroused enough, but it didn't push any of my rational thought from my mind. Instead it was an overhanging feeling, not pressing, but still there. All of the couples still present moved close, even the elders. Kiernna leaned against me, her hand rubbing my chest.

My murr joined several others as I rubbed her backside. I leaned towards her as my hands ran down her sides. Our lips met, my hands going under her terra-made shirt. She tried in vain taking off mine. I chuckled as I leaned back and took off my shirt.

My chest had some scars on it. there was one failed attempt to stab me in the heart, making a thick scar. There was a thin line going from my stomach up to my chest, almost at a 45° angle to the ground, gained from a knife fight. I also had a couple small dots gotten from a failed assassination attempt. I guess scars were a sign of strength in her culture, for the fire in her eyes grew when she saw them.

I helped her take off her shirt and her breasts came into my view which were just a handful, for her species probably had no use for large ones. We kissed once again, my tongue rubbing hers and my hands rubbing her back and her head. Already some of the couples were on top of each other, and, seeing this, I unbuckled my pants. She wiggled out of hers.

I laid down next to her on my side and kissed her once again, one hand rubbing her breast, and the other moving down. She gasped as my fingers pushed her undergarments to the side and rubbed the tender flesh beneath.

I groaned as her hand brushed my still clothed cock. I helped her take my boxers off, drawing gasps from her and whoever was watching. Apparently eclectic gene sources had given me an advantage over every native male. I was easily over a couple inches longer than any of the others, and sometimes twice as thick.

I pulled down my boxers and leaned over and kissed her once again. When we broke, I started going downward, licking her all the way. She seemed rather confused at me 'cleaning', but didn't complain, for every lick brought a new moan from her. When I got down to her breasts one of my hands went down and started rubbing around her vaginal area. I licked lower and lower, past her bellybutton, and slowly pulled off her panties. "[What are you doing...?]" She asked between gasps.

I smiled and showed her. She moaned even louder as my tongue ran over her nether-lips. I could feel many eyes on me, for this sort of pleasing probably wasn't known here. I heard a couple moans from the partners of the brave males who wanted something new. Now keep in mind I am no virgin; I had eaten a woman out before... but Kiernna tasted... different somehow... it's hard to explain... it tasted sweeter, but not too sweet...

I felt Kiernna lay her hand on my head, urging me to go on. I eagerly complied.

It kind of hurt when she grabbed my hair and ground my muzzle into her, but I didn't stop. My tongue dug deep into her hot moist folds. almost every lick eliciting a new moan from her.

It didn't take long for her to reach climax, seeing as it was her first experience with oral stimulation. her vaginal muscles clenched tightly around my tongue and I tasted a sweeter tasting liquid as I licked her as quickly as I could.

after a couple moments I was able to pull my tongue out. I smiled as I watched her body convulse in orgasm. I crawled up to her and kissed her passionately, my tongue running across her teeth and rubbing her tongue. After a few minutes her long orgasm ended and her body practically melted, and she tiredly returned my kiss.

She spread her legs, her eyes opening and meeting mine while we kissed. Her eyes pleaded for me to take her. Like hell I wasn't going to.

I eagerly got on top of her, our lips never parting. I was no selfish lover though, and slowly pushed the head of my member into her, pausing to let her tight body adapt to my girth. slowly I pulled the head of my cock out and pushed it back in just as slow, going a little further in. The motion was repeated a few times, our kiss deepening and both our moans reaching the moons. What caused me to stop wasn't her directly stopping me, but a fleshy barrier.

I never thought of Kiernna as a virgin, I'm not sure why... I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, I could tell that she understood my unasked question. she set her jaw and nodded, a motion learned from me. I pulled back and thrusted into her as hard as I dared, her hymen breaking. Her eyes clenched in pain, a single tear welled and started descending down the side of her face. My finger wiped the tear off her beautiful face and I held her close, not wanting to continue until she was ready. after a few minute's embrace, she whispered that she was ready into my ear. I'm not sure what language she said it in, but I suppose that's unimportant.

Slowly my member left her body, only to be pushed back in. Our lips met again in passion both of our minds focused on each other. Again I pulled back, and again I pushed back. slowly I increased pace, and after a while we had to break our kiss to take in more air. I gave up trying to kiss, our panting just wouldn't allow it.

Slowly our passions hit new heights, every loud pant had a soft moan and our eyes locked in love. She began rocking her hips in tandem with my thrusting, my orgasm nearing and her muscles tightening in anticipation. I began grunting, trying to hold back my orgasm. For a virgin, she had pretty high stamina.

She uttered a long loud moan as her vaginal muscles tightened suddenly. This pushed me over the brink; I leaned forward and kissed her deeply, my rod shooting stream after stream of cum into her. not even halfway through, I had to break our kiss for breath. She took a deep breath and howled, and I guess my lungs took over, for one of the few times in my life, I howled also. My orgasm was probably the hardest one I had ever had. I kept shooting after I was sure I was cumming dust. For the first time in my life, my canine heritage took over and a knot formed inside her at the base of my rod. I could guess she had an orgasm of at least the same power, for she shook with orgasm longer than I. All I could feel was she and I. not even the couples around us. nothing else.

After a while my streams of semen slacked, then stopped, but Kiernna kept cumming. I held her close as she took another breath and howled, her body still shuddering in orgasm.

She stopped about six minutes later, her arms wrapped around me and slowly the darkness of slumber took us...

I slowly woke late the next morning. first thing I noticed was I was on my side. next I noticed Kiernna's warm body pressed up against me and around my...

I opened my eyes to Kiernna's green eyes staring into mine, a loving smile on her lips. "[good morning.]" she said softly. I smiled in response. I sat up, my semi-erect penis slipping out of her, and our blanket falling to my waist... our blanket? ... someone must have covered us up while we slepted...

I looked around, around us a few couples slumbered on, all covered by blankets. The fire had either burnt out or had been put out, and the children of the village were playing... fighting more like it. honing their skills for hunting and killing like any carnivorous animal cubs would. Kiernna stood up and cracked her back, her perfectly sized breasts holding most of my attention. slowly my eyes gazed downward. down her stomach to her... I blushed. apparently I came as much as I thought I did, for the area where her legs met was still soaked. my eyes went down her legs and back to her face...

...which was staring at me, a wide grin on her face. again I blushed. In the background I could still hear the children playing, not paying attention to us in the least, like this was a common occurrence... which maybe it was.

she smiled at me for a good minute before telling me to follow her and walking into the forest.

she slowed down to let me catch up, then wrapped a hand around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

she led me to a spring, us walking in near silence. she let me go and walked to the water. she cast me another smiling glance before diving into the water. I watched in amazement as she gracefully swam through the water, the surface clear enough for me to watch her speed underwater.

I shook my head and chuckled as I waded into the water, letting the water come to my stomach before diving in. I felt her body swim quickly around me before I surfaced in the cool water. I shook the water from my eyes before opening them to Kiernna's beautiful face smiling at me. Her eyes were behind a transparent eyelid, but it did nothing to dim her vibrant eyes.

While, yes, I have had more water training than the average person, I felt as though I were swimming in gel compared to her water acrobatics. she quickly dived underwater and swam around and under me a couple times. she surfaced behind me, her arms wrapping around me back and the side of her head pressed up against mine.

Normally I would have hurt anyone who did that, years of reflex training and all, but she... was different... all did was rub her forearm and press my head back against hers. She dived under and came up a few feet in front of me. She cast me a glance, you know... one of those glances that no male could resist, before diving underwater. she swam deeper and deeper underwater at a crawl compared to her earlier speeds and I was quick to follow. she darted into a hole in the side of the wall, and I went through a second after she did. I felt my ears pop as we went deeper underwater until she finally angled upwards. again, I followed through, but was surprised when my head broke the water surface, tens of feet underground.

I blinked the water from my eyes. the cavern was... illuminated? The walls, ceiling and even the floor had at least patches of bioluminescent fungi. the cavern was full of soft blue light, oddly enough it complemented Kiernna's green fur. she pulled herself out of the water and stood smiling coyly at me. I clambered out of the water and she slowly walked deeper into the cave. I followed behind her, my eyes on her backside. she must have felt my eyes on her, for she swung her hips and tail as she walked, knowing full well that my eyes would follow the motion.

She had hips that were broad, but not too much so. Being a species that speed is essential, she was fairly thin, but again, not too thin. her body was one that turned heads... and she was mine.

She led me to a cleared relatively bright area, a few blankets lying in the middle of the cavern. she stepped over to the blankets and turned. she smiled as her eyes graced my body, her eyes lingering at my crotch. I followed her gaze to see my crimson rod standing. I looked back at her and smiled as I stretched, making my endowment look more impressive to her. she looked at me, her grin even wider and her eyes pleading.

I smiled and answered her beckon. She made a feral sound when I put my arms around her and brought my head close. It wasn't a growl, it wasn't met to drive me away. it was a sound of passion. our lips met once again, her surrendering her body to me, I could tell that I could practically do anything at that point...

One of my hands left her back, came back around, and gripped a breast, her nipples hard to my touch. I pushed my tongue past her lips and into her muzzle. she welcomed the intruding tongue, her own rubbing mine.

after a few minutes' tongue-play, she broke the kiss and tenderly pushed me down onto the pile of blankets. I laid down on the soft blankets, my eyes taking in her body and my crimson penis jutting like a pole.

She pushed me onto my back as she straddled my hips. We kissed tenderly, our wet fur rubbing, as she wrapped her hand around my rod and rubbed the head on her moist lips, both our moans echoing off the cave walls. slowly she pushed some of my maleness into herself, my hands on her hips and all of my will being used to not just thrust all of myself into her hot folds.

Kiernna broke the kiss to moan loudly towards the ceiling as she pushed even more in and pulling out a little ways before pushing in deeper than before. I panted involuntarily as she took more and more of my meat until I was hilted inside of her. she collapsed on top of me as she again got used to my size. we kissed as her body adjusted.

after an amount of time she began pulling my rod out a short ways and pushing herself back, apparently enjoying the feel of being full... not that I complained, mind you. she broke the kiss again to pant softly, her eyes locked with mine and our noses rubbing with her body motions. slowly she increased pace, more and more of my maleness being removed and replaced. my body forced me to start panting with her, my hands on her hips and my tail twitching.

every so often one of us would make a passionate feral noise between our panting and moaning. her insides were actually warmer than last night, and her folds were no less pleasurable.

I could feel myself tensing, by now all my length was entering and leaving. hopefully the beautiful Kiernna was feeling the same, for I didn't want to be quick to the draw, so to speak. I got my answer when I felt her sex progressively tighten, pushing me further and further. she pushed herself up, her eyes locked with mine, forcing me to do more work, and my hands on her hips aiding her motions.

She let out a low howl sounding moan as her walls contracted around my cock, causing me to hit orgasm. I shot rope after rope of my seed into her milking sex, me making a sound between a murr and a sigh. Our orgasms weren't as powerful as last night's, my knot not swelling in the least, but it was no less magical. I don't know how long we were locked in passion, and we laid in afterglow for lord knows how long in the azure glow of the cave.

after a long while, Kiernna stood up and helped me stand. together, hand in hand, we waded into the water and she led me out of the cave...

When we broke surface on the other side, everything was bright with midday sunshine. we slowly walked back to the village, her head in the crook of my neck. everyone in the village was busily working, except for Xytt (ksite), Kiernna's father. he sat in front of the ashes of the bonfire, obviously deep in thought. we sat silently on either side of him, and he soon opened his eyes. first he looked at his daughter... my mate. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was wearing a loving, caring expression. He turned to me, and for a minute I feared he would be scowling, but my fears were calmed. he had the same expression, and in that moment I loved him like a father. he took one of mine and one of Kiernna's hands and put them together. "[love.]" he stated simply.

Tears came unbidden to my eyes, and I knew from that moment on that he loved me as a son.

"[Bear many.]" He added, stood up, and left.

I really couldn't see, but I knew she was blushing, for I sure as hell was....

Not even a day later, we boarded my-- our ship. many tears were shed, many farewells were shared. the whole tribe watched as our ship took off, leaving only when we zoomed off into space, every star a door open. every star a dream to be realized...

Seeing as to how this is my first public story, input is MUCH appreciated. Please, if you did, did not, or just have a suggestion for a sequel, email me at [email protected]