The History Of Zato

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#11 of The History Of Zato

((Ok, sorry about the long wait, been through a lot of shit as off late. Living out of hotels and the like since I got kicked out of my house, but here. And sorry for the quality, was in a huge depression as I wrote this one and the others, I'll return to my old quality work sooner or later. *Insert legal crap here* Also, rushed through this one since others are waiting for me to post and I want to show I am not dead *Laughs*))

Zato, currently in his anthro form, sat cross-legged in front of Ragna. He had freed him a little bit ago after the blood brother line, and had told him the story ever since he was free of his binds. It was a rather interesting tale. For one, back when the old Royal Guard killed them all, Ragna had survived due to a lucky dodge of a blade, but acted as if he was dead to fool the dragons, who had the smell of death and smoke heavily clogging their noses, and vision blurred by said smoke. So, it was fairly easy to hide the fact he was alive. And upon finding that out, Zato asked about how Hollow and Derrik survived, only to find they had been ordered to flee with about half of the castle.

" and the handful of our old friends stayed behind and fought to allow the others the time to retreat, am I right?"

"Aye my friend, you know me."

"A bit too well."

They both laughed at that for a little bit before Ragna looked to Zato with a rather long face, causing his own laughter to die down.

"It was truly heart breaking though...."

"What was?"

"When all that were there died, they piled us into that pile. And all I heard from the others who were still slightly alive, were questions...questions on how you could have them do such a thing....all, save for me, died before they dragged you to that spot in the courtyard and tied you down. Though...for a while after....I blamed the back of my mind I still do....but even more so I blame my father. He stole you from your...."

Zato moved a claw up to his lips to silence him and smiled, chuckling a little.

"My friend, it is all in the past. You need to try and keep it there."

"True but..."

Zatos claw was quickly placed back to his lips before he rose up and stretched out, wearing nothing which caused Ragna to blush.

"You've always been so calm about being nude."

"Well, why shouldn't I be? You do realize a lot of dragons walk around nude. Everything is inside of us, unlike you humans."

"Yes, but most are feral."

"So? It's normal for a feral to be nude, but not an anthro? Hell, you should be happy. Looks like I have a cunny anyways. Or is my friend the different kind of male?"

He gave a chuckle as Ragna's blushed deepened, Zato was right, he was gay, but he always did what he could to hide it.

"No, I'm not! It's why I'm always blushing!"

"Oh...just enjoy the view then."

Zato laughed aloud now as he lowered down and gave a kiss to Ragnas head before forking out his tongue and moving out of the room and soon after the tower. Ever since Ragna had arrived, his fever had pretty much gone away, save for small little symptoms, but nothing he couldn't deal with. As he strolled into the light, he smiled and murred as the heat of the sun fell upon his scales. Finally able to just relax in the sun, but his relaxation was soon interrupted as loud "ees!" sounded through the air.

"Oh no...."

He said aloud as Ragna strolled out and tilted his head, before several forms collided into him and sent him onto the ground hard. It was Veon, Ruby, and Osia. Pink just casually walked up along side him as he groaned and looked to her.

"Why didn't you slam into me? Join in on the fun and the plentiful antics of the sisterhood?"

He said sarcastically but he soon regretted it as a hard slap came to his maw from her tail, before tears welled up in her eyes and the others quickly moved up and off of him before she slapped him again and again. Of course, the spectacle was drawing attention as everyone started to stop and look the sight of a raptoress pummeling the leader of the Royal Guard with her tail. Though, he was just taking most hits. They hurt, but she wasn't hitting as hard as she could. That tail of hers could smash his maw and head into bits if she truly wanted.

"Stop doing everything yourself! All the time you fight, spar, everything by yourself! What about us! Look at yesterday! You went to fight by yourself!"

As her tail came down once again towards his maw, he stood and grabbed it in a flash and stood behind her. Before she could do anything, even process that he was behind her, he grabbed her arms and held them. After he was sure she couldn't get free, he lifted her off the ground as she began to kick and squirm.

"Pink, listen to me. I do everything by myself so you all don't get hurt. My life would be over if you three were to die, you know that. I let you spar, train, and practice because IF something terrible was to happen, I know you'd be able to defend yourselves. You, Veon, Ruby, you all hold my heart. I would be nothing but a shell without you three."

Pink had long since given up struggling, once he got a good hold on someone, you normally couldn't get out, save for the few times she kicked me against his slit with all her strength, purely by accident.

"You're right love....but you know we are the same way....."

He let out a long sigh and lowered her back to the ground, before running a claw over the back of his neck and thinking for a minute. After a minute of doing that a large, almost evil, grin came to his maw.

"Fine, but first you have to earn it. Each of you, including Osia."

Osia and the others perked their heads up upon hearing that, before Zato let out a hearty laugh.

"To the arena!"

With that, he was gone into the air and off to the arena, all the people around them quickly making their way there as well, with Veon and the others dumbfounded. After a minute or two, they each began to make their way to the arena, with Ragna and Veon walking close to each other.

"Nice to see you again, Ragna."

"You as well Veon, I see you haven't tried to kill me."

" my books you're already dead."

Ragna gave her a confused look as she moved up a bit and walked along side Ruby, Osia, and Pink. Each muttering to each other about what Zato could be planning, hell even Ragna was wondering.


In the arena, Zato stood in the center of the ring with an assortment of weapons already hanging along the walls, three of every kind. Sais to staves, not a single weapon missing. Truly, the line up of weaponry had his full attention, as the arena quickly filled with people to watch, the Royal Guard watching from the sky and the king even in the air watching. Still, his attention was on the weapons until Pink placed a claw to his shoulder, causing him to smile and turn his head before speaking out in the loudest voice he could muster.

"This is going to be straight duels! Time limit, until the attacker is exhausted! Weapons, whatever one you take down during the fight! Armor, none! Rules, No killing! Combatants, Me, Ruby, Pink, Veon, Osia, and a special guest! Ragna Freehaven!"

He didn't bother saying his last name or most of the others, most knew them anyway. Though, as he said Ragnas name, a lot of the crowd roared out from it. Seems the Freehaven name was well known already.

"Line-up of the fights! My choosing!"

With that, he smiled and and looked to Veon.

"First fighter! Veon Versus Me! Veon, choose your weapon."

She, as well as the others, opened their mouths to object, but he just held up a claw.

"Reason of the duels! My mates and sister want to fight alongside me in battle! They must earn that right by proving just how skilled they are! To win, they must draw blood from me! My only weapon will be this!"

Upon saying that, he summoned his Zanbatou in the air and caught it. And the minute it touched his scales, it shifted into armor that ran along his arm with a large shield upon his forearm, roughly four feet in diameter. (Looks sort of like the Hunters shield arm in Halo, just....bigger shield.)

"I will purely be on the defensive! Not a single attack from me!"

He smiled and looked to Veon, who was now holding a bow and arrow with a short sword held in her tail.

"Side comment, I've never said how lovely you look with legs Veon. Though I do miss your snakey self"

She blushed to that and let out a low growl as he grinned.

"Let the fight..............BEGIN!"

He roared out the last bit as Veon quickly fired an arrow at him, nearly missing the block. He had truly forgotten just how fast she could fire those things, she put elves to shame. He barely had time to recover as another zoomed in the air, clashing on the shield as he sprinted towards her. He couldn't fight, but he never said he wouldn't move.

As he charged to her, she quickly abandoned the bow and drew her sword, charging at him with the sword held point out, intending to thrust into him. However, he knew exactly what she was going to do and quickly set the shield sideways before the clashed. She slammed the sword point into the shield and it sparked along the shield and jolted in her hand, causing her to let go.

He chuckled to himself as he lowered his arm and looked to her as she held her hand and she glared to him, growling as she made her way to wall, but as she did, she quickly spun around and threw three shurikens at him. The sudden move from her was completely unexpected by him, but he turned to his side at the last second and all three stabbed into his arm, roaring out a bit as they bit into him.

"Veon, Victor!"

He looked to see the king smiling down at him, hovering over him. He chuckled to himself as the king was now the announcer, before he looked back to Veon.

"Good job Veon. Nice move."

She giggled a bit before moving over to him and pulling out each of the shurikens before healing away the wound, which were fairly small, shocking since each of the blades were razor sharp.

"Even if you didn't move they would have cut past your shoulders. I didn't even throw them that hard. I aimed to make you bleed love, not die."

"I know my love."

With that, he gave her a kiss to her lips as she walked off to the side of the arena, as Zato looked back to the king. Soon, the king nodded, and looked to the audience.

"Next fighter! Ruby!"

Unlike Veon, she wasted no time at all. She quickly bolted off and grabbed two sais, before bolting at Zato with almost unnatural speed. Out of everyone in the ring, she was by the far the fastest, but also the weakest. She relied purely on one stab, one kill. Zato knew this full well, training her and Pink since hatchlings had allowed him to follow their progress. Though, once again, his mate did something unexpected.

He raised his shield as quickly as he could to get ready and block her blow, however at the last second, she let a sai fly at him before slammed into the top of the shield and bounced off and stuck into what was left of his horn, everyone laughing at the sight.

"Oh come on Ruby...that's not right."

As he lifted his arm up to pull out the weapon, she bolted forward once again and stabbed into his arm with the entire sai. All three parts going through his arm. Normally, he would have roared out in pain, it hurt like hell. However, the pure shock he had done something as stupid as let his guard down was heavier in his mind then the pain.

"Ruby wins!"

With that, she pulled out the blade and gave him a kiss before healing the wound and walking off with a bounce and a giggle.

"Next fighter, Pink!"

Unlike the first time, she slowly walked into the ring and gave Zato a deathly glare.

"You feel safe fighting us...that we wont harm you....that we'd hold you can see, we've been training far more then you are a fool Zato Sagarana!"

He felt his heart break a bit at that. She was right, he truly didn't think they would go through with it all. Why he was grinning, acting like it was nothing more then a game. That they'd give up before even drawing a weapon.

As he thought, she moved off to the side and grabbed a glaive before returning to her place in front of him, still glaring at him as she shifted into a battle stance and charged at him. Her normal speed slowed a bit by the rather large weapon, but she was still quicker then Zato, who was still lost in his thoughts.

However, as she drew closer, she shrieked out in a raptors cry, causing his attention to snap back into reality, and just in time to lift his shield and he instantly felt the weight of the weapon slam into it, before she quickly pulled it back and slammed it into the shield again and again. She was purposely not stabbing with it, only slashing. She intended to weaken him to were he could not lift the shield anymore, however he was not going to let that happen.

As she lifted the weapon once again, he made his armor vanish and dropped onto his back. The weapons blade narrowly missing the tip of his maw as he fell, though she quickly adjusted and slammed the back end of the weapon into his gut, forcing the air out of his lungs before he rolled, gasping as he did.

Unlike the first two fights, this one was really starting to get the crowd going. They were all shouting, cheering, roaring. Even the Royal Guard and king were moving along with the fight. Pink wasn't ending this one quickly, she needed to teach her mate a lesson. They weren't weak, Ruby, Veon, Osia, herself were all taught by the best. Him. They knew how to fight, when to hide emotions, though it seemed this failed him now. He had entered this fight with too much confidence, far, far too much.

"Fight back Zato! FIGHT!"

She roared out herself as she continued to slash at her mate, him dodging each blow as they came.


"You taught us all to hide our emotions! They would cloud our decisions! Our plans! Our skills! Look at you now! You are letting your emotions win! You started this fight thinking we wouldn't fight! You were wrong! We are showing you we have far more skilled then. you. THINK!"

She roared out once again as she finally stabbed the weapon forward, the blade crossing side-ways along Zato's chest. As the blade passed over him, he roared out and swung his tail out, slamming it into her feet, causing her to drop the weapon and fall onto her back, before Zato quickly moved on top of her and locked his jaw around her neck and dug his claws into her shoulders. A loud shriek emitted from her as his jaws tightened a bit more, piercing her neck and causing blood to flow our quite readily, though he quickly broke it and glared to her, soon whispering out to her.

"I let my emotions control me for the exact reason....incase one day you four are forced to kill must remember Pink, my demon is still there. I beat him now, but that might not always be the case."

With that, he gently healed her and moved off of her. She just laid there for a few minutes, processing what he had said, while he moved to the king and showed him he was ready for the next fight.

"Godaris...get to it...."


"Do it..."

Most in the audience were silent now as well as Godaris, who slowly looked around and then to Pink, who had now moved to the side with Veon and Ruby, still lost in her thoughts.

"Next battle, Osia!"

The king finally yelled out as the whelp moved out into the ring in front of her brother. The wound on his chest catching her attention for a minute before she looked up to him, giving a gentle little tilt of her head.

"Brother, doesn't that hurt?"

"Sister, I've taken so many hits though my life, pain is like breathing for me. I wait for the day my body just ignores it. Now enough talking, attack."

"But brother...."


"Not until you agree to fight back!"

Zato went a bit wide-eyed at that and shook his head.


He thought for a moment, looked over to Pink, before looking back to his sister.

"Fine. Fight will continue til you draw blood from me."

With that, he got back into a defensive stance as the feral dragoness charged him. Pink looking upon the two as their fight started, crying to herself.

"What did I do...."

As Osia drew closer to her brother, she lunged into the air and barred her claws and fangs, like a big cat upon it's prey. Though, Zato instantly countered. He spun around quickly and slammed his tail into her side, causing her to yelp out and tumble over the ground.

"You must remember Osia. You are not as big as most dragons of your age. Stop thinking you can use your weight, specially in the air. Everyone is vulnerable in the air, even I."

She listened to him, but didn't respond. She bounced back onto her feet and charged him as fast as she could before jumping into the air once again. Zato let out a long sigh once again before swaying his tail around a bit before spinning around and aiming it right at her, though this time she quickly moved and slashed along his tail. Not deeply, but the sensitivity of his tail struck him like lightning and he went down, shuddering heavily while trying to force himself up.

"Osia, winner!"

Everyone cheered now as Zato let out a long, deep growl and forced himself onto his feet. The second he did, his tail and wings instantly locked themselves in his armor as he glared to Ragna.

"Get in here, now."

He stated coldly to the shivering human, who clearly didn't want to move, but he forced himself to. He entered the middle of the ring and looked around, the audience now silent.

"I don't plan on fighting him, however misleading my earlier statement was. I plan to..."

Ragna listened to the next word, but he couldn't understand it at all. It actually hurt his mind and ears hearing it. Seeing his friend clutch his head and give it a shake, Zato let out a loud laugh, as well as the rest of the audience.

"Oh, whoops. I forgot you humans don't take too well to Draconic. What do you humans call it.....umm....."

Zato tapped a claw to his chin, thinking.

"Ah! Pact! There we go!"

Ragna gasped at the word, shaking his head almost instantly upon hearing it.

"No, no, no, no, no."

"Why not Ragna?"

"Well, one I don't want to rip out my own heart, and second, doing so binds me and you. Should one die, the other dies as well."

"And....point being?"

"I'd die before you!"

"Ha, fine, we wont."

With that, Zato just up and left while Ragna just collapsed onto the ground on his knees. Of course, the second he did every guard that was around swarmed into the arena and circled around him and pointed their weapons at his neck, as Zato came back in with his armor on.

"I knew you were deceiving me, real Ragna wouldn't have shut up about pacting with me."

"Oh...I know.....but Ragna didn't want you to die that easily!!!"

The man yelled as he fired a mini, hidden crossbow that pierced into his armor, but barely made it through his scales. Zato and the others just blinked to this, before looking to the man, who was grinning.

"Aww fuck, well, guess that since I AM IMMUNE to it, it wont bother me.

"But but..."

Before he could finish, Zato summoned his Zanbatou and slashed off the mans head before falling onto his knee, gasping for breath.

"Sir...I thought..."

"I lied idiot! I didn't want him to die with the knowledge I might soon be following...."

He ripped out the barely five inch bolt and tossed it aside while his armor faded away, revealing to the guards around him that the area around the puncture wound was flesh now...not scale.

"What...what is everyone looking at?"

Someone from behind snuck up and hit him hard on the back of his head, his world instantly going black.


Zato awoke with a long groan and sat up, rubbing at his head. And as soon as his claw made contact, he realized something was amiss. He had something on his, but...he opened his eyes now and looked to his hands, screaming out as he had flesh and nails instead of scales and claws.

"What the fuck!?"

He bolted out of the bed and nearly fainted upon the sight in the mirror. He was a roughly six foot eight human male now. His hair was silky smooth and a dark blonde color that ran down past his shoulders. His build was that of his dragon self, just more fitted to his knew size, and his eyes stayed the same as well. Though, he was actually wearing a loincloth, covering his manhood.

He slammed his fist into the class, his armor sprouting up as he did, sighing a little to that. After, he just collapsed onto the ground and began to sob. He was a human now, fuck, how did this happen. Maybe he shouldn't have killed that Ragna impersonator? Fuck...past was past, no way he could change it.

"Ah, you're awake."

Said a voice from behind him as he spun around and looked upon Jeezii, her giggling as he bolted over to her.

"Tell me there is a way to get me out of this!"

"We shockingly did find out...thanks to a human messenger from Ragna..."

"Ok...other then the fact it is another impersonator, how..."

"A rather strange one....a true breed dragons virginity."

Zato blinked to that and sighed.

"You joking?"

"Nope, I sort of wish I was...and sort of not."


"Well, you'll find out later, come."

He sighed and followed after Jeezii, weird looks meeting him on the way up the tower to the top, coming out only to find pretty much everyone he knew waiting for him, and laughing the instant he came out.

"Thanks Jeezii! I really needed to be laughed at right now!"

"Actually Zato...they're laughing at well.."

She blushed as she motioned with her maw to his crotch, and he looked down to find he had gotten quite a bulge in the loincloth before clutching her tail and hiding it underneath the tip, more laughter erupting from this as Jeezii let out a low, quiet purr feeling his length against her tail.

"Now now everyone."

Riil said as he tried to quiet himself as well.

"It is pretty serious, they made a poison that makes dragons into humans."

Zato growled out as best he could, sounding strange coming from his human throat.

"Is the way to cure this really...that?"

"No, we just promised Jeezii that since well, she brought you up here and knocked you out earlier."

He gave a few blinks before letting out a pain filled scream and looked to his chest, three bolts firmly stuck in his rib cage.


He muttered out before looking up and seeing that his mates were the ones who shot the bolts before he collapsed onto his back.

"I think that was a bit extreme, Riil..."

"I didn't want to test out any other ways....we know it works like that...three may be much but I want him to be cured quickly. Armies of the North draw upon us....we need him...more then you all would believe. Just be happy those cross bows fire like a toy more then a true one."

He muttered out the last bit, heavy hearted, as he and the other elders moved to their mats and laid down. Jeezii moving off to carry him back down to the beds, while his mates looked to one another before bolting off to the armory.

"Elder Riil....what have we done to force action from the Orcs? I knew our treaty with them was strained at best but...."

"I believe the humans did something to make them believe we were seeking to attack them.....dark times have fallen upon us, my brothers and sisters. I believe it is time for rejuvenation, we may be needed in this fight. Even with Zatos own specially trained Royal Guards, very few of us have seen combat in a long, long time."

They all gave a bit of a nod, before one of them spoke out.

"What of Jeezii?"

"She is still young, barely approaching a thousand."


"If needed we will pull back and do it to her as, to the caverns."

They all feel silent before flying off to the mountains in the north, as the king joined them mid flight.

"That time already Riil?"

"Aye my brother, it is."

"Well...this shall be fun, remember the last time we did it?"

A soft laugh came to them all as they continued towards their destination.


"Pink! Wait!"

Yelled out Ruby as she strode through the streets with blazing speed, currently in a feral raptor form, with Veon just like her and their sister far ahead, likewise for her form.

"No! I must command the troops! Zato is still not here! Who knows when he will be back! I'm not going to let anything bad happen to this city or our mate! You two go find Osia, we will need to protect her!"

Veon and Ruby looked to each other for a moment before veering off and heading to the castle while Pink charged a ball of light in her paw before firing it up into the air, battle horns sounding through the entire kingdom when it reached it's full height.


"Commander Ragna! Look!"

A heavily armored soldier pointed to the far east, a ball of light meeting Ragna as he looked to it.

"They are preparing....warn those Orcs and Wyverns. We can expect Zato to be taking lead, everyone knows how to take him out. We wont run into any other problems then him. When he is out of the way, the kingdom of the dragons will fall like a castle of sand."

The soldier nodded before bolting off to give the message as Ragna turned his horse around and looked upon his army. A hundred thousand strong, siege weapons, towering archer towers, everything he could get his hands on was there.

"I give them one hour before they surrender."


Ragna looked down to a bright haired, bright eyed boy, shivering as he held a sword.

"Dragons....are huge....wont they just....smash through our ranks....?"

"True, but the dragons have had a life of ease for far too long. They wont know how to fight, and this time those spirits of the elder dragon warriors wont be here to help."

"And of t-their....magic sir?"

"What magic?"

Ragna laughed out as well as the majority of the people around him, save for one female warrior and the small boy.


"Zato....Zato....wake up....come on....wake up."

Jeezii continued to push against Zatos sleeping form, once again his dragon self, while growling out.

"Wake up!"

She bite down around his neck, instantly waking up with a start, but not reacting to the attack. Only glaring to the dragoness who had a bite around his neck, growling deeply as he did.

"You have three to let go."

She instantly let go as he rose up onto his legs and tumbled over, shaking his head as he tried again with better results.

"Jeezii....I will do what the elders promised you after the battle, alright?"

She gave a gentle nod and pushed against his flank.

"Get going, Pink is already commanding."

He gave a nod and bolted out of the room as Jeezii sat down, swaying her tail around as she did.

"I feel as though he wont return....himself....."

She muttered out while laying down onto her belly, a tear leaving her eye as she shut them, visions she had been having lately repeating themselves on her lids.

"Please....Drakier...let them be false....please...."


"Does everyone understand the plan?"

Multiple roars sounded out as Pink commanded the Royal Guards, the normal army already being prepared by Ruby and Veon. However, the roars quickly died as a shadow washed over them from high before, and the instant the all looked up their roars came back with even more vigor behind them.


Pink cried out as he landed next to her and snapped his armor on, thankfully back in his feral now, and looked to her own and smiled at the sight. Looked just like his just red with pink trimmings.

"Aye my heart. I am back and myself."

He smiled to her from under his helmet before looking over the forces, all together they had to have roughly thirty thousand, maybe less, maybe more. As he examined them a dragon messenger crash landed about fifty yards out from where Zato was standing, landing on a few of his soldiers who instantly moved from under him and looked at him and gasped. Everyone backed away from the sight as Zato rushed up to him, pulling his head back a bit at the sight before him.

The dragon before him was utterly covered in his own blood, his tail and rear legs cut clean off, multiple tears in his wings and easily broken ribs and front legs. There was no possible way to save this one, everyone around him knew it.

"Don't....look at that.......Commander......a hundred thousand.....heavy war equipment....battle hardened Orcs, Humans, and Wyverns.....silver swords......silver shields........already...prepared....for us....."

Zato looked to this dragon and gently closed his eyes, shaking his head as he let out an almost demonic roar, everyone around him following the roar, doing it as loud as they could. And as it rang out, the entire kingdom joined in, everyone knew it was a roar of death and war. It was only cried out during the beginning of a war and the end and during the roar you had to make it as loud as you possibly could. And the humans had just started it.


"Sire! The Roar of War has sounded! And Dragons are storming out of the kingdom, all heavily armored and armed to the...forgive the term, teeth."

" problem. Move the orcs up, let them engage first."

"Sire....there are only roughly twenty thousand you truly think they can withstand even the weakened dragons?"

"No, why I want them first. I want to test the dragons."

"Alright sir."

Ragna looked out from his vantage point on a nearby cliff, the skies darkened with the form of thousands of dragons flying and the earth shaking from the ones on the ground. His grip tightened around his sword as he seen a dragon clad in the heaviest looking armor he had ever seen, what gave who it was away was the single eye slit on his helmet.

"'re mine."


"Commander! Orcs moving up! All infantry! No archers and no siege engines with them! Is it a trap!?"

Yelled out Rayjita as he, Zato, and Pink over looked the two forces about to collide, their own and the foes.

"No....Ragna is testing us. Tell the forces to use normal means to kill them. Flames ok, but no sword or weapons. Only what we were born with. Save our secrets til the humans decide to join in."

"And the wyverns, love?"


Zato said while motioning his head to dragons armed with large bows walking up behind the rest.

"Remember, Wyverns a tad more feral then us in battle. They only have wings as well, and lithe. They can fly for a long time but they can't keep evading forever. about we go get our claws dirty love, Ray?"

He grinned out now as his mate shifted over to her dragon form.

"Ray, hit the front of their formation. Pink, the middle. I'll hit the back."

They all nodded before Ray took off from the cliff, Pink followed after, and then Zato. Each flying towards their target, Pink getting to hers first as she let out a long, wide flame from her maw. Burning everyone and everything in its range in an instant, as Zato and Ray did the same at their own locations.


Each of them heard a large orc commander yell out before a hail storm of arrows hit the sky. Zato, upon seeing the arrows, nearly fell out of the sky laughing. They were made of pure iron with cheap wood, he didn't know how they survived being fired. So, with a few gusts of his wings, he blew them away. But as he did, another volley fired into the air, this one far more deadly.

"Zato, SILVER ARROWS! They will pierced your armor and scales! Move!"

"I can see that! And I thought there weren't any fucking archers!?"

Of course, Zato was far ahead of Ray as he yelled that, while the arrows rained down among the orcs own forces. Causing the dragon forces to laugh before finally engaging them, plowing through the numbers and rarely having a fallen dragon to deal with. Wounds were dealt of course, but rarely fatal.

"Something is wrong, these orcs are far too......FORCES FALL BACK!"

Zato let out in a roar before huge boulders came flying through the air, slamming into the completely confused front lines of the dragons as the middle and rear ranks fell back. The boulders slammed into dragon after dragon, as well as groups of orcs.

"Fuck! I didn't think they would fire upon their own allies!"

He heard a Guardsman say behind him, of course the Guards would go into battle after the battle turned dire.

"Orcs aren't the humans allies...only tools....probes.....testing us....."

" do you know...."

Zato just lifted a claw and pointed towards a cliff, a few figures seen as the Guards looked, a few letting out a gasps as they seen the Wyverns behind the figures, all just watching.

"Love, you're up."

Zato turned around now and smiled to his mate, who was already chanting away with her eyes closed and her arms held out towards Zato. As she continued to chant, Zatos armor shifted to a godly gold color and a soft gold aura surrounded him. It was a spell they practiced now and then, and it worked wonders.

"Ready love."

Pink said, panting a little as Zato gave her lips a kiss before diving off the cliff. As he did, golden blades sprouted from his wings and filled the air with a low hum as they sliced through the air. Of course, the sound drew the attention of the orcs and the regular army, who made a hasty retreat, before Zato rolled over onto his back and flew through the orcs formation. Orcs roared out in pain as they were sliced cleanly in two, and the others retreating as they witnessed this.

"Brother really does"

Osia couldn't find a word to finish her sentence as she moved up next to Pink and Ray, so Pink finished it for her.

"Don't even worry about Osia, we could never put it to words on how he flies. So many others would crash flying on their backs."

Osia gave a little nod and laid down on her belly, licking her claws clean of blood, while Zato let out a mighty roar above them and smiled to his mate and sister, hovering over them.

"Well, that was fun! Let's do it again!"

He laughed out as he gave a few flaps of his wings, the golden aura and color leaving him as he did, before he landed next to Osia and Pink before laying down on his belly, letting out a long sigh as he did.

"Wonder how long before...."

Zato was cut off as he heard one of his friends yell out that Wyverns were coming.

"Everyone! Take to the air! Show them how true dragons fly!"

Zato watched as all their forces took to the air and swarmed around the wyverns and from the instant the two forces began battling, he noticed something. The wyverns had the advantage....somehow they were taking down dragon after dragon with a dragon rarely taking down a wyvern.

"What is going on!"

"Sir, you trained...."

Ray was cut off as Zato spun around and roared to his guards, all thousand taking off and covering the regular army as they withdrew.

"Pink, you're in command."

Before anyone could object, Zato was already plummeting off the cliff before rocketing towards the battle in the sky. As he flew, he seemed to gain all the wyverns attention, because they instantly turned to him and flew at him, ignoring the guards picking off their rear flanks.

"Zato! You're dead!"

He heard the lead Wyvern say before the two clashed. The wyvern locking his maw around Zatos neck, as Zato locked his own around the Wyverns.

"Remember wyvern! I have the advantage!"

He mumbled out around the Wyverns neck before slashing at his wings, instantly making the wyvern let go of his neck and plummet to the ground before charging the others, blood coming from the wound on his neck and some additional wounds he failed to even notice.

"Forget the others! Take out Zato!"

Zato just smiled to that before turning in air and flying off to the kingdom gates, at least a hundred Wyverns hot on his tail. He flew straight to the wall before turning straight up and flew right over the wall, the wyverns still following as he did, and smiled as he seen out of the corner of his eye that the archers had already drawn back their bows and waited for their targets.


"Tell the mages to get the five wyvern leaders ready, those archers will kill them if they don't. We want Zato dead, remember that."

Ragna stated as a messenger bolted off to give the news, but it was far too late as he witnessed the dragon archers fire and destroy the wyverns, not even one surviving the volley of heavily enchanted arrows.


Ragna spat out as he slammed his metal boot into the ground before storming off to a mage chanting over a spear.

"Is it ready yet?!"

"A few more minutes...."

"Hurry up!"


"Ahahaha! Nice aim!"

Zato stated as he watched the wyverns lifeless bodies fall down to the ground as a few of the archers gave bows.

"Your mates taught us how to, commander."

One of them said as she prepared some more arrows.

"Yes, but they didn't do the shooting now did they?"

A few of them laughed at that and smiled to him, as that fact dawned on him.

"Where are Ruby and Veon anyways?"

A few pointed out to where some orcs were still fighting and directly in the middle he seen Veon and Ruby fighting back to back, laughing as he watched. Sure, they were outnumbered, but he knew they'd be fine.

"Ah, feel sorry for those orcs."

He heard more laughs sound out as he took off and examined the field, surprising enough only spotting about one thousand downed dragons, not too bad seeing the numbers already.

"Hmm.....why are they holding back.....the fight should be a lot harder then way they only had three hundred wyverns....."


"Sire! Ninety percent of the orc forces are down! The rest are retreating! The Wyverns wish to join the battle already! They didn't like that their brethren were taken down so easily by one dragon!"

"Tell them it wasn't one dragon! It was a hundred!"

Ragna yelled to the messenger as he bolted off once again, before he looked to the mage again.

"Tell me that thing is ready!"

"It is...."

With that, Ragna bent over and grabbed it. As he did, it resonated and pulsed in his hand.

" way Zato can survive this...."

He examined the pole and smiled, it was completely forge from Zatos own scales that Ragna had collected back at the castle years ago.


Zato was now sitting on the cliffs edge while looking out to the horizon, the battle had calmed down enough that he could take such a break, and sighed as he witnessed the skies darken with heavy rain clouds. He knew that a storm was brewing and the thought of it hitting during the battle was not making him too happy.

"Love....just tell the forces not to fly....lightning is dangerous to both forces..."

"Pink, love, the wyverns will fly. And if we don't we will be sitting ducks."


She didn't want to finish her sentence so she just went silent and watched as her mate spread open his wings and lowered his head. She knew that he was taking the deaths hard, though he seemed to be ignoring them, and knew he didn't want to see anymore death of his brothers and sisters.


He looked to see his friends land near him, smiling to them as they.

"How many? Oli?"










"Oh you're cheap Raga, you always were ashamed that Oli beat you in everything."

A laugh erupted from them all as Zato looked to his side a bit. A smile spread across his maw as he seen Veon and Ruby walking up to him with their armor drenched in blood, as well as their weapons and shields.

"My my....don't my mates look happy."

They gave a nod before collapsing onto their rears, only to have the ever paranoid Pink rush to them and begin trying to heal them and see what was wrong.

"We are not hurt my sister, we are exhausted. How Zato does it, we don't know."

Zato just grinned to that and moved over to them before sitting in front of them.

"I've probably killed less then three hundred, you two took on an entire unit by yourselves."


"You two will get your energy back soon enough...."

A bolt of lightning flashed behind them all before rain began pouring down while Zato and the others just looked to the heavens.

"Rain....why is it that whenever it rains something bad happens?"

Zato muttered out before turning around and facing towards his forces. They were all looking up to the sky as well while the archers aimed out over the horizon, waiting for some enemies to pop out.

To Be Continued.....

((Side note, since I've been too lazy to just add it in and truly show the size of the dragons here. Think of Draco, probably put his name wrong been a long time since I seen the move, from Dragon Heart, that's how big they are.))